Is it possible to determine pregnancy using a thermometer. Basal temperature measurement is more accurate. Basal temperature measurement

The female body is arranged in an amazing way - immediately after the fertilization of the egg, new processes begin. Global restructuring under the influence of a hormonal shift produces changes that cannot be overlooked. Lack of menstruation and a growing belly are external signs. How to determine early pregnancy with a thermometer? Changes in well-being should also suggest that it's time to prepare to become a mom.

What is important to know about basal temperature?

The term "basal temperature" can be heard in the gynecologist's office when it comes to methods for determining ovulation or how to determine pregnancy with a thermometer. A single temperature measurement will not give the necessary information - the basal temperature is measured over a period of time in order to write marks in the calendar or build a graph. Measurement of internal or basal body temperature (BBT) is usually measured with a rectal thermometer in the anus. In this case, the rectal thermometer is carefully inserted directly into the rectum.

This is not a very pleasant and aesthetic procedure, but it makes it possible to independently monitor changes in the body without visiting a antenatal clinic. The temperature method for determining pregnancy will not give a direct answer like "yes, pregnant" or "no, this time it did not take place." But if the temperature does not drop at the end of the ovulation period, there must be a reason for this phenomenon. Most likely, these are changes in hormonal levels due to conception.

However, one cannot focus only on temperature indicators, especially since these changes occur for other reasons. If there are other pregnancy symptoms and a temperature of 37 ° C, additional testing and ultrasound should be done. But a slight increase in temperature gives:

  • pathology of the reproductive system;
  • chronic inflammatory process;
  • ailments with overwork and lack of sleep;
  • acute intestinal infection;
  • food poisoning;
  • cold;
  • virus, etc.
Sometimes even doctors cannot determine the cause of a small increase in temperature that lasts for several months. But is it possible to determine pregnancy only by temperature? Of course not, this is one of the indicators of internal changes in the body. Measurements are influenced by several factors, so it is important to correctly take measurements, noting daily fluctuations. Everyone who has had colds knows that the temperature rises in the evening.
Note: If t ° is measured daily to plot fluctuations, it is important to do it at the same time. It is advisable to measure rectal temperature with a thermometer to determine pregnancy in the morning without leaving bed.

How to measure rectal temperature to determine pregnancy?

There are several methods for measuring temperature that even children are aware of. The most accurate indicators are given not by the "external" (measured in the armpits), but by the internal temperature. When the most accurate readings are needed, it is measured behind the cheek or in the anus.

It is important to know a few simple rules and know how to measure the temperature to determine pregnancy:

  1. The procedure is most conveniently done in a horizontal position, relaxed.
  2. It is recommended to use the thermometer in bed, immediately after sleep.
  3. Measurements must not be skipped, no matter whether it is weekdays or weekends.
  4. Perform all actions in the same way, at the same time, with a difference of no more than half an hour.
  5. After entering the anus, the thermometer should be kept for no more than 6-7 minutes.
  6. Immediately after taking the indicators, fix them in a personal notebook or in your intimate "diary" - make a schedule or keep a calendar table.
During the period when there is a suspicion of an "interesting situation" before the next menstruation, women are trying to determine pregnancy by temperature. Pharmacy testing is done after a few days or weeks of delay; it is advisable to record temperature indicators for several months in a row in order to notice deviations. On the forums, you can read that a temperature in the mouth of 37 ° C is considered a sign of pregnancy.

Fever as a Sign of Pregnancy

The basal temperature graph, if recorded every day for 2-3 months, has slight deviations. But could a rise in temperature be a sign of pregnancy? Let's clarify.

In the first days of the cycle, it is noticeable that the temperature does not deviate much, fluctuating only within the range of 36.7 ° C - 36.8 ° C. Before taking your temperature to determine if you are pregnant, it is important to understand what is going on in your body.

Changes in the schedule begin on the days of ovulation, which occurs in the middle of the cycle. As a rule, these deviations on the basal temperature graph are noted no earlier than 11 days, depending on the cyclic interval.

If there are symptoms of pregnancy in the second phase of the cycle and the temperature of 37 ° C does not drop until the delay, it's time to go to the pharmacy for tests.

Please note: For some girls, this period is repeated every 22 days, for others - 36, the norm is 28-30 days.

The production of progesterone begins to influence the temperature indicators - a slight increase to 37.0 ° C - 37.2 ° C for 2 days. This is the period of ovulation, marked in the body by a change in hormonal levels with a decrease in estrogen levels.

How to measure temperature before critical days to determine pregnancy? At the end of ovulation, if the fertilization of the egg has not occurred, the graph shows a return to normal. These fluctuations should be at the thermometer mark about 36.7 ° C - 36.8 ° C.

Attention: If, after the days of ovulation (in the middle of the cycle), with daily temperature measurement, the indicator is fixed at 37 ° C - 37.2 ° C, we can assert that conception has taken place!

Why change the temperature after specifying pregnancy?

If desired, the expectant mother can continue to mark changes in her calendar in order to notice colds and inflammation before other symptoms appear. This will help treat diseases at the earliest stage in order to exclude complications with other signs of pregnancy with a temperature of about 38 ° C.

Basal temperature, rising above normal, will show an unfavorable course of the embryo growth process - an ectopic pregnancy or a necrotic process when the fetus freezes. This rarely happens, but it is very dangerous if the first signs are not identified.

But there are also short-term surges, for example, a low body temperature during pregnancy can signal:

  • stress;
  • overwork;
  • chronic lack of sleep;
  • climatic adaptation after moving;
  • intellectual fatigue during a student session, etc.
Temperature in the mouth 37 as a sign of pregnancy should not be considered the only sure symptom. It is worth listening to your body, which signals the onset of conception with an increase in mammary glands, nipple sensitivity, delay and early toxicosis.

Before pregnancy, the temperature measurement method is used to determine ovulation - to exclude pregnancy. When there are problems with rectal temperature measurement in the treatment of diseases of the rectum or recovery after surgery, the thermometer is placed in the mouth or vagina, but this is a non-standard method.

Attention: If, due to circumstances, the multi-month schedule for measuring temperature indicators is violated, do not stop the process!

Having missed 2-3 in the morning, you can fix the marks further. If, due to a change in the work schedule, it was necessary to change the measurement time, these data will be inaccurate - they need to be noted somehow. With a cold, an elevated body temperature is not a sign of pregnancy. With a more suspicious increase, if the reason is not clear, be sure to contact the antenatal clinic. Even if there are no sharp abdominal pains and some obvious deviations, this may be a signal:
  • threats of miscarriage;
  • freezing of the fetus;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • genetic abnormalities;
  • hereditary pathologies.
Be sure to contact your gynecologist with your schedule to be examined, pass laboratory tests and exclude all negative factors.

A thermometer is an indispensable tool for monitoring the health of the body and the condition of a woman. With its help, you can not only measure body temperature, but also protect yourself, plan and determine pregnancy. True, for this it will be necessary to monitor the basal temperature for several months.

For what you have to prepare:

  • pen or pencil
  • a piece of paper or notebook
  • thermometer, mercury or electronic

Basal temperature is measured in the vagina or rectum. For a more accurate result, a thermometer, mercury or electronic, should be kept at the measurement site for about five minutes

Temperature measurement

The principle of determining pregnancy is based on physiological changes in the female body. Basal temperature shows whether ovulation has occurred or not. For example, usually in the first half of the cycle (depending on the duration of the cycle, it can be from 4-5 days to 10-12 or more), the basal temperature is kept below 37 degrees. During the period of maturation of the egg - a favorable time for conception - it rises to 37.2-3.4 degrees. And then it gradually decreases. Pregnancy is unlikely at this time.

Determine pregnancy without a test

  • More details

So, the main points of the action of temperature changes in the body have been clarified. Now, from theory to practice, that is, to direct measurement. To do this, prepare a thermometer and place it next to you. In the morning, waking up, without getting out of bed, put a thermometer and measure your body temperature for five minutes. Write down the data in a special notebook, indicating the temperature and date of measurement. Repeat the procedure the next day. And so on for several weeks.

If you closely monitor your body temperature and check it daily, you can find out as accurately as possible what is happening in your body.

What the thermometer will say

Now you have to remember the mathematics course and draw a graph where you need to put points with the date on the abscissa axis, and the temperature value on the ordinate axis. Mark the points corresponding to the date and temperature values \u200b\u200band connect them by drawing a graph. If the graph shows a jump in temperature for several days, after which it drops to 37 degrees, everything is normal. If the basal temperature above 37 degrees lasts more than 17 days, we can talk about a possible pregnancy. However, despite the availability and simplicity of this method, you cannot fully rely on it.

In general, there are many ways to determine the presence of pregnancy. A blood test or ultrasound is the most reliable. But it is not always possible to resort to such methods, but you want to get checked early. In this case, the method of measuring basal body temperature can be used, for the implementation of which you need: a thermometer; the calendar; notebook; a pen.

Instructions for measuring basal body temperature

1. You will need a mercury or electronic thermometer. If you choose an electronic one, then you need to check its readings with mercury, so that in the future you can take into account the corresponding error. The thermometer cannot be changed.

2. Before going to bed, place the thermometer close to your bed for easy retrieval.

3. Waking up in the morning and without changing position on the bed, measure the temperature in the vagina or rectum. Measurement in the mouth is also allowed, but then you will get a slightly higher basal temperature. You should only use 1 measurement method each time to avoid errors. Measurement duration - 5 minutes.

4. Record your results in a notebook or calendar. It would be nice if you build a graph with the date on the horizontal axis and the thermometer on the vertical.

5. These measurements must be continued throughout the cycle - so you can identify pregnancy. The cycle is divided into 2 phases: the phase before ovulation and the phase of the corpus luteum. In the first half of the cycle, the basal temperature will be around 37 ° C. During ovulation, the temperature rises to 37.2-37.2 ° C. And before the next menstruation, the temperature will drop again to 37 ° C. The duration of the corpus luteum phase is almost always 14 days, while the pre-ovulation period can be different.

If you notice that the basal temperature remains elevated for more than 17 days, then you can conclude that there is a possible pregnancy.


Get a thermometer to measure basal temperature. It can be mercury or electronic. If you are going to use an electronic thermometer, then compare its readings with mercury and take into account the available one for further manipulations. It is important to always use the same thermometer.

In the morning, without changing position, take a thermometer and measure the temperature in the vagina or rectum. You can also measure the temperature in the mouth, but then the basal temperature values \u200b\u200bwill not be higher. Use only one temperature measurement method to avoid inaccurate results. Take the temperature measurement within 5 minutes.

After that, write down the temperature readings in a specially designated notebook or calendar. You can also compose a basal temperature, in which you will mark the date on the abscissa and the basal temperature on the ordinate.

Repeat the above steps throughout the cycle, and then it will not be difficult to determine the offensive. The fact is that the cycle is divided into two phases - the phase preceding, and the phase of the corpus luteum. In the first part of the cycle, the basal temperature is kept at about 37 ° C. During ovulation, a jump in temperature occurs, and its value will be about 37.2-37.3 ° C. Before the next menstruation, the basal temperature is again up to 37 ° C. The corpus luteum phase is almost always around 14 days, while it can vary before ovulation. Thus, if you find that the basal temperature remains high for more than 17 days in a row, it is already possible about the probable pregnancy.


Despite the popularity of this method for determining pregnancy, it cannot be considered absolutely reliable. Its effectiveness can be influenced by hormonal disruptions in the body. In any case, you should consult your doctor for a definitive diagnosis of pregnancy.


  • how to measure temperature during pregnancy

Tip 2: How to find out about pregnancy by measuring basal temperature

To measure basal temperature, a method called "fertile phase by basal temperature change" is used. This method is explained by the fact that different phases of the menstrual cycle have different temperature fluctuations. This suggests that in these very different phases of the cycle, different levels of hormones are determined, which show the temperature.

You will need

  • Thermometer.


During the menstrual cycle, a woman's temperature is always elevated (37.0 and higher). During the first phase of the cycle (follicular) until ovulation, the temperature is low, approximately 37.0 - 37.5 degrees.

Before the period of ovulation, the temperature decreases, and after ovulation it immediately rises by 0.5 degrees (about 37.6 - 38.). Such an increased temperature lasts until the next menstruation. If a woman, then there will be no menstruation, and the fever will persist throughout.

The temperature should be measured every morning at the same period of time without getting out of bed and immediately recorded. It is also recommended that you continue to measure and record your readings during your menstrual period.

You should also measure your temperature after at least three hours of uninterrupted sleep.

It is imperative to note all the side factors (stress, moving, sex, etc.). This will later make it possible, when decoding, to understand why there were deviations in the temperature graph.

It is necessary to record the thermometer immediately, so as not to forget about them later.

It should be noted that for an accurate schedule, it is necessary at least to conduct observations.

If the first phase of menstruation is unstable and may fluctuate, then the phase of the corpus luteum is very stable and is approximately 12-14 days. It is very important to follow the second phase, not the entire cycle.

Usually, the graph is divided into two phases: first - the low temperature phase, and then, immediately after ovulation, it rises sharply, and the corpus luteum phase (high temperatures). If, after the second phase, an additional upward temperature jump (sometimes gradual) appears, the graph becomes three-phase and the likelihood of pregnancy is high.

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Avoid intercourse on fertile days or use additional contraception.

Helpful advice

In order to determine pregnancy by measuring basal temperatures, it is necessary to closely monitor the schedule of the menstrual cycle and regularly keep a graph of temperatures.


  • how to measure your pregnancy temperature

Modern women can easily determine if they are pregnant. The methods they use provide a very high percentage of reliable information even at the earliest possible date. And how was pregnancy determined earlier, when modern diagnostic methods were not yet used?

How pregnancy was previously determined

There are many popular ways to determine pregnancy. Some of them do not have any scientific justification, while others, on the contrary, are relevant in our time. Pregnancy is associated with biological changes in a woman's body, which were noticed by midwives in ancient times.

A pregnant woman changes hormones, behavior, addictions, and over time, the body.

The most striking sign of pregnancy is a delay in menstruation. However, some women are able to find out about their new condition even before the date of their occurrence. This is due to the fact that there are very sensitive ladies who begin to feel changes in the body already about a week after the possible process of conception.

The fact of the appearance of pain in the chest may indicate pregnancy. The nipples can become hypersensitive and painful to touch.

Pregnant women may begin to experience fatigue, drowsiness. Some even experience early toxicosis.

Women are especially sensitive to smells.

Some midwives used to use boiling urine to determine pregnancy. If a sediment appeared in her, it was believed that the woman was in position.

Historical facts

There are many historical facts regarding the definition of pregnancy in ancient times.

In Sumer, pregnancy was determined using a tampon made of linen, woolen thread or grass. A woman had to wear such a tampon for three days. If he transfused after extraction, this meant pregnancy.

In ancient Egypt, pregnancy was detected using an unusual drink, which was prepared on the basis of milk.