Do not give your baby a cold. Garlic and onion nose drops. Is it possible to breastfeed

Myth number 1. If you sit "under the window", you can get sick

It is not true. If you sit under a window or near an open window, you can chill your muscles, but not catch ARVI. Colds and other "winter" diseases are not the result of hypothermia or drafts, they are caused by viruses that are unlikely to fly into your window from the street.

On the other hand, some doctors believe that hypothermia in certain parts of the body can actually weaken the body and open a pathway for viruses. For example, a "cold nose" can threaten with colds and even the flu, so it is better to keep it warm and cover it with at least a scarf.

Also recently, American scientists conducted an investigative experiment and found that people with frozen feet are more susceptible to infectious diseases than others. But again: cold is not the cause of the disease, but a factor contributing to it.

Myth # 2. Germs cause poor health.

Not certainly in that way. Getting into our body, microbes one way or another collide with our immunity. If the infection is not very strong, we most likely will not even know that we caught it: it will be suppressed by the internal forces of the body. If the virus is strong enough, the immune system will fight it more actively - and this is where we will feel the impact of the disease on ourselves. White blood cells (leukocytes) will begin to produce special substances to suppress the infection. In sufficient quantities to fight infection, these substances will not only drive away the disease, but also cause fever, weakness, and sometimes nausea and dizziness. The same happens with our mucous membrane: cells irritated by the virus produce mucus several times more actively to flush out the infection and the products of fighting it - hence snot, coughing and sneezing.

Myth number 3. Change in the color of sputum is a sign of an exacerbation of the disease

The color of the sputum can really tell the doctor about your condition. But in most cases, he speaks not of an exacerbation, but on the contrary that the disease proceeds in a "normal mode".

A few days after infection, the body begins to push out the enzymes used to repel the infectious attack. Most of them are iron-containing and give mucus a yellow or even greenish color.

Myth number 4. The main source of infection is the person who has a cold

This is certainly true. But this does not mean that you can protect yourself from infection by simply stopping all contact with sneezing people. And that's why.

Best of all, microbes live and multiply in our mucous membrane: there is an ideal environment for them. When a person sneezes or coughs, he pushes a dose of germs out, and they settle on all objects around him at that moment. In theory, on a cold, dry surface, say, a doorknob, germs quickly die and therefore have no time to spread to anyone else. But this is not the case. When we sneeze, germs do not come out on their own, but inside the smallest droplets of mucus, which become their shelter and food. In this form, they settle on door handles and handrails in the subway, then fall into the hands of another, unsuspecting carrier, and then he covers his mouth to yawn, or simply rubs his eyes. So the microbes again enter the mucous membrane and begin to multiply again.

Myth # 5. Stress promotes disease.

It's true. Severe stress weakens the body as well as an infectious disease, so the more nervous you are, the more likely you are to get sick. American scientists believe that the reason is in corticosteroid hormones produced during stress and reducing the body's resistance to any infection.

Myth # 6. As people get older, they get colder less often.

Also true. School-age children can get sick up to 10 times a year, adults up to 35 years old - up to 5 times, after 35 - even less, and so on. And it's all about experience: with each new disease, our body learns to produce more and more antibodies and more and more effectively fights against microbes.

Myth # 7. The easiest way to get infected is on public transport.

This misconception has its own reasons: in a closed, poorly ventilated room, microbes really have a better chance of spreading to a new carrier, especially if these carriers stand closely and breathe in each other's backs. But in fact, most often infection occurs at home, especially - from young children to their mothers and fathers.

Another argument against this belief is that in the summer and spring, residents of large cities spend as much time on transport as the rest of the year, but the peaks of colds still occur in autumn and winter.

When a child appears in a family, parents are responsible not only for their health, but also for the well-being of the baby. Unfortunately, from time to time, especially during epidemics, colds do not bypass even adults. Then it is necessary to do everything possible to protect the little person from illness.

You will need

  1. - protective masks;
  2. - garlic, onion, horseradish;
  3. - drugs for the prevention of ARVI and influenza.


  1. Try to completely isolate the child from the sick family member until he or she recovers. If this is not possible, then keep the baby's communication with the patient to a minimum. The sick person must wear a protective mask and change it in a timely manner.
  2. Make sure your child only uses their own utensils. Wash thoroughly before eating, sterilize if necessary. The baby should have his own bed, clean bed linen, and a towel. Wash your hands and face often with soap and water, especially after outdoors.
  3. Continue breastfeeding your baby if he is still breastfeeding, even if the nursing mother is sick. Indeed, with breast milk, the baby receives immunoglobulins and antibodies that protect him from infections and help fight viruses, form his immunity. During a cold, do not wean your baby from the breast.
  4. Ventilate the nursery for at least 10 minutes every 3 hours. Wet clean twice a day, in special cases with a weak chlorine solution. At this time, the baby should be in another room, and it is better if you walk with him in the fresh air. Make sure that the temperature in the room is no higher than 22 ° C, and the humidity level is at least 40%.
  5. Place a plate of finely chopped garlic, onions and horseradish near the crib. The phytoncides secreted by these vegetables inhibit the growth of infectious agents and are even capable of destroying them. Before going to bed, put 5-6 drops of citrus or pine oil on the aroma lamp.
  6. Limit visits by strangers during the period of mass illness with viral infections. Do not take your child to the clinic without a particularly important reason, avoid crowded places.
  7. Consult your pediatrician about taking nonspecific immunity stimulants, drugs for the prevention of ARVI and influenza, as well as vitamin complexes appropriate for the child's age. Choose a form that is convenient for the baby with your doctor - it can be nasal drops, ointments, homeopathic remedies.

Young children are more likely to get sick than adults because their immune systems are weaker. Parents need to know how to avoid infecting their child with a cold if someone else is sick in the house. First, it is necessary to isolate the patient from communication with the child. A prerequisite is the wearing of a medical mask by the sick. The utensils that are used to prepare food for the baby, as well as from which he eats, must be sterilized. It is necessary to change and wash the child's linen more often, things and bed linen should be ironed with a hot iron on both sides. In the room where the child is, twice a day it is necessary to wash the floors with a weak chlorine solution, wipe the dust everywhere. It is very good for the baby's health to ventilate the room, while it is better to take the child to another room. If you have a so-called blue quartz lamp, then it is very good to turn it on once a day for 15-20 minutes, in the absence of a child. Sometimes a cold can turn into the flu, and mommy should think about how not to infect a child with the flu.

Prevention of colds in children

In this case, in addition to various hygienic procedures, it is worth starting to use medications, having previously consulted with a pediatrician. The doctor may advise, in order to prevent colds in children, to instill interferon into the child's nose, lubricate the nostrils with oxolinic ointment. Alternative methods of preventing colds and flu in children should not be ruled out. Chopped garlic and onions help very well - chop the onion, squeeze the garlic. Put everything in open containers and place it around the apartment. It is necessary to change the mixture every 5-6 hours. Naturally, raspberry jam, honey, lemon. For prevention, it is necessary to drink as much fruit drinks as possible, juices saturated with vitamin C. A very pleasant infusion is obtained from rose hips with lemon and honey.

All this is suitable for older children, but what if a newborn needs prevention?

Mom got sick, how can she not infect a baby? The best, in this case, is to continue breastfeeding. Mother's milk is the best medicine, the best protection for the baby. But mommy must wear a medical mask when next to the baby.

If the family has an older child, then it is possible that the older child infects the younger, since the older is more in contact with others. To exclude this, it is necessary for the older child to be assigned to bed rest, to exclude communication with the younger. The ideal option is for the sick person to be in a different room altogether. Exclude visiting friends. And of course, apply the preventive measures described above.

For any suspicion of a flu or a cold, parents should definitely consult a doctor who will recommend medications for the prevention and treatment of colds in children. This can be, as already mentioned, interferon, oxolinic ointment, echinacea tincture, and, of course, vitamins.

Be healthy and do not get sick!

How not to infect a child if mom is sick?

During an epidemic of influenza and other colds, you can very easily "pick up" any virus. As a rule, adults become infected in public places - a clinic, store or transport. If a small child grows up in the house, in the absence of the necessary precautions, the disease very quickly passes to him, because the child's body is extremely susceptible to various infections.

The baby is especially likely to get sick if his mother or another person who spends most of the time with him has a cold. In this article, we will tell you how not to infect your baby if your mother is sick, and whether you need to stop breastfeeding while the disease is being treated.

How not to infect a child if the mother is sick?

As a rule, a nursing mother, in order not to infect her child with a cold, refuses breastfeeding during the illness, because she is afraid to transmit viruses and microbes to him with milk. This tactic of action is fundamentally wrong. In fact, the baby should definitely continue to breastfeed if you have the opportunity, because together with mother's milk, he will receive antibodies to fight the disease.

Meanwhile, if a nursing mother has a cold, so as not to infect a child, it is useful to follow recommendations such as:

Newborn babies are fragile and defenseless. And parents want to protect them from all dangers. However, inadvertently, mom and dad can harm the child. If you catch a cold, try to take all measures to avoid infecting your baby.

You will need

  1. - bow;
  2. - garlic;
  3. - "Interferon".


  1. Forget about hospitality during epidemics. It is advisable not only gently but adamantly to send sneezing guests away, but even prefer to meet with friends and relatives outside the home.
  2. Ideally, if possible, isolate the child from the sick person. However, this is not always doable, especially if mom has a cold. Put your baby to sleep in another room or at least in a separate bed. A mother who has a cold should only be fed with a gauze bandage on her baby.
  3. Ventilate the room where the baby sleeps as often as possible. Of course, before this, the child must be taken out of the room. Do his wet cleaning more often. In this case, you can even use a weak chlorine solution.
  4. Walk outdoors with your child more often in squares and parks. Walking will strengthen the baby's immunity and allow him to stay away from a sick family member, which means it will reduce the risk of infection.
  5. Get in the habit of sterilizing the dishes your child eats from. This is especially true for the first three months of his life. It is unacceptable to pour milk mixture first into an adult cup and only then into a baby bottle. Moreover, if it is a cup of a sick person.
  6. Place a plate of garlic and onions cut into wedges in the children's room. They contain phytoncides that kill pathogens and inhibit their growth. Therefore, the fragrance of the explosive mixture will have to be tolerated.
  7. Overheating for a child is just as undesirable as hypothermia. The optimum temperature for a month-old baby should be 20-22 degrees. For a two to three month old baby, it may already be 18-20 degrees.
  8. For a child who does have a runny nose, you can put a few drops of breast milk into the nose. Small children, who are breastfed, are suitable for the drug "Interferon". It can also be used as a prophylactic agent for colds, and not only for babies, but also for all family members.

Infants are more difficult to tolerate any respiratory diseases, because their nasal passages are much narrower than in adults, and the mucous membrane is thinner and more tender. Because of this, the slightest inflammation can cause breathing problems. To further complicate the disease, immunity is weak from birth. Therefore, such young children must be protected from all possible sources of infection.


  1. Even its own mother can become a source of infection for an infant. Despite the fact that she transfers antibodies to the baby with breast milk that strengthen the immune system of the crumbs, it is still difficult to protect it from a number of viral infections, so you should be extremely careful, especially in the cool season.
  2. Unless absolutely necessary, avoid being in crowded places. Even without being infected, you can become a carrier of an infection, to which a small child is much more susceptible, and the body's resistance is lower. In winter, be sure to use a mask or cover your nose with a scarf.
  3. Despite the need for regular scheduled visits to the pediatrician, be wary of this event. If a visit is unavoidable, come to the clinic at the beginning of the appointment in order to quickly leave the room where healthy children are present on an equal basis with sick children. Before leaving the house, lubricate yourself and your baby's nasal passages with oxaline ointment. It will create additional protection against viruses.
  4. Monitor the climate in your child's room. Dry air can dry out the nasal mucosa of the baby, as a result, it will be more susceptible to the effects of pathogenic bacteria. Hang 1-2 wet diapers to humidify the room and moisten again as they dry. It is especially necessary to do this in dry, hot weather, as well as with strong heating in winter. In addition, regularly open the window (window). Fresh air is a good prevention of respiratory diseases in children.
  5. If someone in the family is sick, do not let them into the child's room until the moment of complete recovery. In case of your own illness, put on a mask every time before approaching the baby. In addition, spread the chopped onions in the children's room and throughout the apartment. The phytoncides contained in it perfectly destroy pathogenic bacteria.
  6. To prevent colds in babies, walk more often. Good ventilation of the lungs increases resistance to pathogens. In cool weather, make sure that the baby does not overcool. Dress him warmly and cover his nose with a scarf if necessary, but not tightly. Spend a lot more time outdoors in the summer and amidst green spaces.
  7. For your baby to grow up healthy, temper him from birth. Every morning, do gymnastics, massage, wipe him with water, arrange air and sun baths. These treatments develop physically and strengthen emotionally.

Unfortunately, none of us are immune to the flu. And if you suddenly get sick, and there is a child in the apartment, everything must be done to protect him from this disease. Compliance with some rules cannot give a 100% guarantee that the baby will not get infected. But if you follow these tips, you can significantly reduce this likelihood.


  1. If possible, isolate the child until you are fully recovered. For example, ask one of the grandmothers to take the baby to her during this period. If this is not possible, in the same room with the child you are only in a special mask. And in no case do not put him to sleep with you. Let him rest in his crib and preferably in a separate room.
  2. Be sure to sterilize your baby's dishes, especially up to 3 months of age. Don't let your child drink from your cup.
  3. Ventilate the room at least 2 times a day for 10-15 minutes.
  4. If possible, ask someone (husband, mother, etc.) to carry out wet cleaning with a weak chlorine solution, for example, with the Whiteness product, in the room you are in.
  5. To create an atmosphere "unfavorable" for viruses and other harmful microorganisms in the room, put a cup with chopped onions and garlic. They contain substances such as phytoncides, which can kill pathogens and inhibit their growth.
  6. If the baby still has a runny nose, put 1 drop of interferon solution or another agent in each nostril on the recommendation of a doctor. Give your baby antiviral drugs for the duration of your illness. Ointments such as Vitaon or oxalic ointment are excellent agents for the prevention of influenza.
  7. Do not forget that overheating for a baby is as undesirable and dangerous as hypothermia. Maintain the indoor air temperature no more than 20-22 degrees.
  8. To minimize your child's risk of getting the flu, get rid of the illness as soon as possible. Drink plenty of fluids, rinse your nose more often and gargle with a soda solution (1 teaspoon per glass of water), inhale, wipe yourself with fir oil, and also take antiviral drugs: Antigrippin-Maximum, Ingavirin, Tsitovir-3, Amantadin, Arbidol, Zanamivir, etc. Always consult your doctor before using any medication.
  9. Forget the guests during a massive flu epidemic. Do not go anywhere yourself and do not invite. Relatives and friends will not be offended by you and will understand if you gently ask a sneezing guest to leave.

And if you switch to the language of prose, there is slush, rain and wind on the street, you have aches and languor all over your body, pain in your eyes, a runny nose ... It's a matter of everyday life - we all catch cold and flu from time to time, but your case - special: you have a baby in your apartment, and you need to do everything to protect him from the disease. After all, even a simple runny nose, he suffers much harder than we, adults: for us this is an unpleasant, but quite tolerable condition, and a stuffy nose interferes with a baby's doing a vital matter - sucking.

Compliance with the rules offered to your attention, of course, does not give a 100% guarantee that your baby will not get infected from a sick family member and will not catch an infection "on the side" (on a walk, in a children's clinic, etc.), however, following these tips, you will greatly reduce this likelihood.

Rule one. It is best, of course, to completely isolate a sick family member from the baby until his full recovery, but we all know that this is far from always possible (especially if the mother is sick). In this case, the patient should be in the same room with the child only in a mask.

The second rule. If conditions allow the child to sleep in a separate room, this is ideal. If not, the baby should at least sleep in a separate crib and not with his parents.

Rule three. The dishes from which the child eats should be sterilized, especially in the first three months of his life. It is categorically unacceptable, for example, to pour liquid into a baby bottle from an "adult" cup.

Rule four.It is necessary as often as possible (at least twice a day) to ventilate the room where the child is (naturally, in his absence). The duration of each ventilation should be at least 10 minutes. In addition, you need to walk with your baby in the fresh air as much as possible.

The fifth rule. In the nursery or in the room where the child is constantly, it is necessary to carry out wet cleaning twice a day, it is even possible with a weak chlorine solution (for example, with the Whiteness detergent).

Rule six. To create an atmosphere "intolerant" for viruses and other harmful microorganisms in the room where the child is, place a saucer with finely chopped garlic and onions there. You will have to endure the "fragrance" of this explosive mixture for some time, but substances called phytoncides, which are abundant in both garlic and onions, will kill pathogens or at least suppress their growth.

The seventh rule. If a child still has a runny nose, drip a drop of breast milk into each nostril - it is not only a universal food, but also a beneficial medicine for the child, especially in the first months of his life. A bottle-fed baby can be given interferon (see Rule Eight). If the runny nose does not go away within a few days, the baby should be seen by the doctor.

Rule Eight. There are special drugs for the prevention of colds, called nonspecific immune stimulants. These include interferon in particular. In the case of a baby, the most convenient form is nasal drops. The rest of the family should also take interferon. In addition to interferon, a variety of ointments (for example, "Vitaon" or oxalic ointment) and homeopathic remedies are also available in pharmacies for the prevention of ARVI and influenza. You should consult your doctor regarding the advisability of taking such drugs.

Rule nine. Remember: overheating for a child is as undesirable and dangerous as hypothermia. The air temperature in a newborn's room should be 20-22 ° C, and from the second month of life it can be slightly lower - 18-20 ° C, regardless of whether someone at home suffers from a cold or flu. In addition, if the child is healthy, tempering procedures will be very useful for him from the second month of life, which will help to protect him from colds in the future. 1 .

Rule ten. In the days of massive colds and flu epidemics, a family with a baby will have to forget about hospitality for a while. Relatives, friends and acquaintances will no doubt understand you and will not be offended, even if you gently “show the door” to a sneezing and coughing guest. Well, if the laws of hospitality are still immutable for you, supply a potential carrier of infection that has come to your house with a gauze mask.

A common "family" cold or flu begins precisely with adults who have a large social circle: public transport, market, shops, work. Following the disease, the disease often passes to a small crumbs, which are very susceptible to any infection. We try to protect babies from diseases, unfortunately, this is not always possible, but there are several rules that can help you do not infect a child.

1. To do not infect a nursing baby, be sure to feed the baby with your milk for a long time, because only it contains substances that can protect the little toddler from diseases, including infectious ones. We are talking about especially valuable immunoglobulins, which in the first months the child receives from the mother with breast milk.

2. Less often call your friends and relatives to the bride's bridegroom, since all your guests are carriers of any viruses. Even if the visitor does not cough or sneeze, he still poses a threat to the health of the baby.

You should also limit yourself to visiting friends during an exacerbation of massive infections. At this time, you should not take your baby to the clinic and other crowded places without a reason. If such a need arises, lubricate the crumbs with oxaline ointment in the nose and put on a mask.

3. If someone in your family is sick, do not let him communicate with the baby and ask him to wear a mask.

4. Use a well-proven method to reduce your child's risk of infection. Divide the garlic into cloves. peel it and cut it into pieces, put it on a string, making a kind of beads. Hang these beads near the crib where the little one sleeps.

5. To prevent the disease, instill breast milk in the baby's nose. It will be nice if you rinse the baby's nose with Aquamaris or just salted water (for 1 liter of water, 1 teaspoon of salt).

6. If the mother or someone else from the family members is sick, then the child must be isolated in another room (or in his own crib from his mother, if he sleeps with her). The apartment needs to be ventilated more often, even if it is winter outside. Fresh frosty air is the main enemy for viruses and infections.
The room should have a temperature not higher than 22 degrees and a humidity of at least 40%.

7. If there is a person in the house who has a cold or flu, all household members need to drip drops into their nose to stimulate immunity (Interferon, Gipferon, Vitaon). The drugs can only be used after consulting a doctor.

8. On the recommendation of the pediatrician, give the child vitamins according to his age.

What should a mother do so as not to infect her child if she is sick?

For obvious reasons, most often the baby becomes infected from the closest person - the mother. That is why you should pay special attention to your health.
If you are a nursing mother, in case of your illness, in no case should you stop breastfeeding. Breast milk is the best elixir for the prevention of crumbs disease. There is no need to be afraid that germs and viruses will get into your milk, on the contrary, the toddler with milk receives antibodies to diseases.

During a period of illness, a nursing mother is advised to drink plenty of fluids to reduce the risk that the milk will burn out. Indeed, in case of illness and high temperature, the body loses a lot of fluid, and in order for milk to be produced in the right amount, the lost fluid must be replenished.

Before taking any medications, ALWAYS consult a doctor, as taking many medications can be very dangerous for a child (if you are a nursing mother).

If your disease began with a runny nose, prepare drops of garlic: grate the garlic and squeeze the juice, dilute it with 10 parts of water and drip into your nose 5-6 times a day.
Alternatively, use another folk remedy: place chunks of garlic on the pads of your thumbs for a few minutes.
In the fight against colds, onion drops have proven themselves well. Grate the onion or chop finely, pour in cooled boiled water, let it brew for an hour, strain, add 1/4 teaspoon of honey. Drip into your nose 4-5 times a day.
All of the above recommendations must also be followed.

In order for the child and the whole family to get sick less often, I recommend an excellent recipe for strengthening immunity "A delicious recipe for strengthening immunity for children and adults."

Newborns and infants are more difficult to tolerate diseases and recover longer after an illness, because the body's defenses are still being formed. Immunity is fully established only by the age of 10-12, and until that time, children are at an increased risk of ARVI, acute respiratory infections or influenza. Therefore, it is important to ensure maximum protection of the child during the cold season, during the period of flu epidemics and viral diseases.

Protection is necessary if those who live with the child in the same room become ill. Since during this period, the baby can easily get sick, especially if the mother is sick. Constant contact with the baby, breastfeeding, motion sickness and other procedures will lead to the child's illness. Let's find out how not to infect a nursing baby with a cold if mom or other relatives are sick.

  • It is advisable to completely isolate the child from the sick family members until the latter are fully recovered. However, this is difficult to do if the mother is infected, because in the first months of her life she must be constantly with the baby;
  • The child should sleep in a separate room or at least in a separate bed;
  • Sterilize the dishes from which the baby eats, including bottles and nipples. The child must have their own separate dishes! Also, sterilize toys, wash bedding and underwear regularly, and keep things clean;
  • Ventilate the child's room regularly for 10-20 minutes at a time, maintain a comfortable temperature and humidity;
  • Walk with your baby in the fresh air. Walks temper the body and strengthen the immune system, have a positive effect on physical and mental development, improve mood and sleep, increase appetite;
  • Do wet cleaning in the children's room twice a day, this will not allow dust, harmful bacteria and microbes to accumulate in the room, on objects and surfaces;
  • The nursery should be fresh and cool. Do not overheat the air. Comfortable temperature for babies is 18-22 degrees;
  • Do not wrap or dress your child too warmly! Otherwise, he will sweat, and in wet clothes it is easy to get cold and sick;

  • Do not invite guests into the house during epidemics of flu, SARS or other colds and if you are sick yourself;
  • If the mother, having become ill, continues to communicate with the child, it is imperative to wear a gauze bandage. If there are sick people next to the baby, they should also wear such a bandage so as not to infect the child. The bandage will prevent the spread of the infection;
  • In order to exclude favorable conditions for the reproduction of viral bacteria, quartzing is done in the room or an aroma lamp with coniferous essential oils is installed. If this is not possible, use a container with chopped garlic or onions;
  • Wash your hands often with soap and water, especially before handling your baby. Wash your face often, observe your own hygiene and the hygiene of the baby;
  • Use remedies to maintain and enhance immunity. These can be drinks with lemon, rose hips, honey and ginger, cranberry or lingonberry juice or jelly. Moreover, the drink should be warm, not hot or cool;
  • You can take various pharmaceutical preparations to increase immunity. But in this case, be sure to consult with your doctor and follow the dosage prescribed by the specialist or which is indicated in the instructions. Otherwise, the situation will only get worse. In addition, serious similar effects can occur. By the way, many drugs can be taken both by those who are already ill and as a prophylaxis;
  • Monitor the well-being and condition of the baby. One of the first signs of a cold is a runny nose. If you notice a sniffing nose in a baby, take urgent action. By the way, breast milk drops are a safe and effective remedy. How to treat a runny nose in infants, see.

How to increase immunity in babies

A small child still has low and undeveloped immunity to the end, so he easily becomes infected with rotavirus, flu or other colds from a sick mother and other relatives. In addition, the baby can catch the disease from children with whom he studies in the section or goes to kindergarten. An effective way to avoid colds is to increase and strengthen the immune system.

To improve immunity, it is important to establish a daily routine and diet. Food should be balanced, rational and as natural as possible. Consume more vegetables and fruits, dairy drinks and foods with a high content of important vitamins and elements. A rational diet should include healthy cereals, boiled meat, fresh fruits, vegetables and berries. Eliminate semi-finished products, fatty and fried foods, unhealthy store sauces, canned foods.

If your baby is still breastfeeding, be sure to breastfeed your baby. Feeding continues, even if mom has a cold. Breast milk gives the child the maximum amount of vitamins and elements, enhances the body's defenses and fights viruses, forms and strengthens the immune system. The exceptions are cases when a nursing mother takes antibiotics and drugs that are dangerous for the baby. You can also stop breastfeeding for a while if the woman is feeling uncomfortable or uncomfortable.

Prevention of influenza for children

  1. Apply a variety of hardening measures. Let the child walk barefoot on the grass in the summer and wash himself with cold water. Use a cool and contrast shower at home;
  2. During periods of epidemics and the cold season, make aromatic healing drinks with lemon, dried fruits, honey. In addition, you can from healthy beaks, raspberries, black currants, provided that the child does not have allergies, and each ingredient has already been introduced into the diet of the crumbs;
  3. Give your baby more warm drinks; feed older children with warm broths;
  4. Sports activities, active games and exercises in the fresh air, frequent walks. During walks, make sure that the baby does not overheat or sweat. Otherwise, hypothermia threatens him. To check if your child is cold, check the skin under the collar or under the hat. If it is not cold, then everything is in order;
  5. Follow a daily routine and eat a healthy diet;
  6. Another way that will prevent acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections and influenza is vaccination. It promotes the development of immunity against a specific disease. However, this method is not suitable and works for every child. In addition, the baby may have contraindications. Therefore, be sure to consult your doctor. When and what vaccines to give a child, see.

Preparations for maintaining immunity

If the baby is often sick and recovers for a long time, the child has vitamin deficiency, skin problems, this indicates a weak immunity. In this case, the doctor may prescribe special immunomodulators. It is necessary to take such funds only according to the testimony of a specialist in compliance with the prescribed dosage. Such drugs are divided into several groups.

Group Act Drugs
Interferons They inhibit the development of a viral infection Viferon,
Interferon production stimulants They fight viruses, produce a number of children's drugs that can be taken from one month old , Cycloferon, Arbidol, Amiksin, Kagocel
Bacterial drugs Contain elements of a bacterial cell and cause an immune response, create antibodies and act on the principle of vaccines Ribomunil, Imudon, Bronchomunal, Likopid, IRS 19
Herbal remedies The safest preparations with a herbal natural composition, however, can cause allergies Immunal, Bioaron C, Ginseng, Schisandra chinensis, Echinacea

In addition, multivitamin complexes are prescribed to maintain and enhance immunity. Today, manufacturers offer a variety of drugs that are designed specifically for children of different ages. It is important that the product is suitable for the age group to which the baby belongs!