Refreshing face mask at home - the best recipes, effectiveness and reviews. Express beauty secrets: a refreshing facial mask at home

Irregular working hours, night shifts, frequent sleep deprivation, a frantic rhythm of life, natural whims (rain, wind, or heat for a whole month), stressful situations, an aggressive external environment - these are vital factors that negatively affect the health of the skin of the face ... Toning creams, nourishing masks, refreshing facial spray and lotions will help the skin quickly return to a velvety radiance, natural shine and healthy glow.

But the task is complicated by the fact that there is usually a minimum of time to correct the situation, and the result should be overwhelming. The pantry of folk recipes offers many express methods that can provide emergency assistance at home.

Healthy skin rule

There is a rule of healthy skin: Maintain moisture, thoroughly cleanse and nourish the skin using natural ingredients.

Fresh and healthy skin performance

  • elasticity;
  • no haze;
  • velvety;
  • elasticity;
  • natural shine.

With age, all these positions lose their original state due to a violation of the correct working capacity of the sebaceous glands, and ... the first wrinkles appear.

You should not despair, because to maintain vitality, it is enough to carry out a certain 15-minute cosmetic procedure at home every day.

Freshness in 15 minutes - is it real?

Refreshing your facial skin at home is very simple, incredibly fast, not at all expensive and just as effective as in a beauty salon. The only difference is the absolute safety of funds. All components for making creams, masks, sprays and lotions at home are natural products, which means they are absolutely harmless to health.

To maximize the effect, it is advisable to approach the issue comprehensively and not be limited to just one mask. How can you refresh your face? To achieve the goal, all techniques are good - and washing, and restorative products, and massage. Express masks and express sprays will help to refresh the skin.

The use of an express mask and spray for transforming the skin is an effective result in a minimum of time. This solution is suitable for everyone.

Yes, most home-made refreshing masks and sprays have the same purpose as an express mask, but their action requires regular use due to the slow and gradual effect of active nutrients on the cells of the dermis. Alas, time, as always, is not enough ...

How is the effect achieved?

The basis of express methods of skin refreshing is the presence in the composition of components with an instant effect on the "problem areas" of the skin. They quickly penetrate inside and have a complex effect on her condition.

  • Normalize the work of the circulatory system. The process of blood flow improves, as a result of which the tone of the face improves. Yellowness, gray tint and pallor disappear. They are replaced by a life-giving blush and natural color.
  • Cleanses the skin. Dead cells will peel off and the top layer of the epidermis will be renewed.
  • Smooth out irregularities, roughness. The relief of the dermis acquires uniformity and integrity.
  • Get rid of oily sheen.
  • Discoloration of pigmented areas.
  • Moisturizes cells.

Pros of express methods:

  • instant effect;
  • security of the facility;
  • saving time.

15 minutes of express therapy - and the skin is toned, it is fresh and radiant. And these are not "bare phrases", but the result of the complex influence of the component composition of the product. In the mirror you can see:

  • natural blush;
  • natural shine;
  • natural freshness;
  • smooth skin.

Despite the stunning result, one should still remain a realist. If there were wrinkles on the face, they will not disappear at all, just their relief will not be so clearly marked.

Green tea makes a great refreshing spray

Skin refreshing recipes

Many recipes for masks, sprays, lotions for every taste and from any ingredients - an affordable way to independently carry out procedures at home to rejuvenate, nourish, tone and moisturize the dermis.

Having decided to use one of the proposed recipes, conduct a test control for the compatibility of the components used and the epidermis. Protect yourself from unwanted allergic reactions.

Facial spray "Water + green tea"

  • Pour a quarter cup boiling water over a green tea bag.
  • Cool the brewed tea.
  • Add half a cucumber and a spoonful of rose petals.
  • Grind the entire contents until smooth with a blender.
  • Spray the spray onto your skin.

Spray "Pink"

Achieve hydration, rejuvenation and give the skin a pleasant light scent that rose petals can do.

    • Arrange the rose petals at the bottom of the pot.
    • Fill them with water.
    • Place the pot over low heat.
    • "Simmer" the petals until they lose their color.
    • Cool, refresh the skin with the resulting spray.

Mask "Salt"

  • Dissolve 5 grams of purified table salt in a glass of still mineral water.
  • Add a tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice to the solution.
  • Stir the contents.
  • Dip a natural fiber cloth (such as a cotton handkerchief) into the solution.
  • Cover the skin with a damp cloth and leave for 10-15 minutes.

Contrast washings "Ice Cubes"

If you urgently need to look your best, you should use a primitive method that quickly restores tone.

  • Using ice cubes, rub your face in the direction of the massage lines.
  • Repeat the steps several times (2 minutes is enough for a session).

The face should dry naturally.

On a note

You can wash yourself not only with ice cubes made from mineral water. Decoctions of chamomile and calendula flowers, sage or nettle work wonderfully. They will help both refresh the face and soothe the skin in case of irritation.

Mask "Curd"

Suitable for dry and normal skin types. Refreshes the skin, improves its color.

    • Mix cottage cheese (1 tablespoon) and sour cream (2 tablespoons).
    • Mash the dairy products.
    • Pour 5 grams of table salt into the resulting composition.
    • Apply the mask to your face.
    • Wash off the rest of the product first with warm, and then with cold water.

Tea mask

    • Mix green tea leaves with 75 g of mayonnaise (if possible, mayonnaise should be homemade).
    • Lay the formed mass in an even layer.
    • Take the time.
    • Rinse off the rest of the mass with warm water.
    • Treat your skin with an alcohol-free toner.

Mask "Protein"

    • Beat the egg white.
    • Mix it with 3 tbsp. l. sour cream and 100 g of cottage cheese (homemade dairy products are ideal means for achieving beauty and freshness of the face).
    • Apply the composition to the skin.
    • When the procedure is complete, wash with warm water.

Mask "Linden Blossom"

    • Pour dry linden flowers (2 tablespoons) with boiling water.
    • Boil the contents until a thick mixture forms.
    • Lubricate the skin with the resulting gruel.
    • After 15 minutes of rejuvenation, rinse the lime blossom from your face with water.

Mask "Coffee"

  • A teaspoon of coffee - natural ground - mix with vegetable oil, milk, honey, oatmeal in an equal proportion (for example, 1 tablespoon).
  • Preheat honey to a temperature of 50 0.
  • Lubricate the skin with the resulting mask (for the best effect, the skin must be cleansed).
  • Remove residues of the product with a cotton swab soaked in warm water.

Restrictions on use!

It is forbidden to use this rejuvenation recipe if there are dilated vessels on the face.

All the proposed recipes provide that the time for the procedure is 15-20 minutes.

Refreshing Lotion

  • Mix 10 ml of sea water with the same amount of honey and half a glass of carrot juice.
  • Add 10 drops of liquid concentrated vitamin A.
  • Top up the contents with rosehip, corn and rosehip oils, taking 10 ml each.
  • Mix all components until a homogeneous lotion is formed.
  • Wipe your face with it in the morning, afternoon and evening.

To keep the refreshing lotion from losing its "strength", it is recommended to store it in the refrigerator.

  • Need to even out the color and eliminate traces of pallor? Nutritious masks made from fresh vegetables, berries and fruits are great help.
  • Do you want to get rid of oily sheen? An aqueous solution of white vinegar will get rid of impurities in the pores, remove greasy deposits.
  • Dreaming of ruddy cheeks and firm skin? Washing with ice cubes will bring you closer to your dream.
  • Looking to tone your dermis? Protein, curd masks and a composition of banana and a spoonful of freshly squeezed grapefruit juice are the best recipes to achieve the goal.
  • Is your skin irritated? Oily kefir can calm her down, it is enough to lubricate her face for 15 minutes.
  • Are you having bags under your eyes? A mask of grated fresh potatoes applied over the eyes will remove the puffiness of the eyelids.

Giving your skin freshness at home is a simple reality if, in addition to refreshing masks, you add long sleep, proper nutrition and positive emotions to your daily routine. Try it!

Read in the article:

Refreshing mask is a folk cosmetic product necessary to restore and improve the appearance of facial skin after winter cold and spring beriberi.

Why refreshing masks are good for your skin

In cold weather, the skin lacks nutrition and oxygen, which can make it look tired, flaky, and wrinkles become more pronounced. In order to get rid of all these problems, there are masks that refresh the skin of the face at home, and in addition to them, you can use scrubs and lotions.

What products refresh the skin

The following ingredients can be used in the basis of masks:

  • Honey removes inflammation, acne and acne;
  • Cucumber tones, cleanses the skin from greasy shine;
  • Lemon normalizes the sebaceous tract, cleanses and tightens pores;
  • Cranberry improves complexion;
  • Parsley and dill whiten pigmentation;
  • Cabbage also lightens age spots and freckles;
  • Currant makes the walls of blood vessels more durable, normalizes the level of moisture;
  • Gooseberry moisturizes, increases elasticity;
  • Strawberries nourish, fight acne;
  • Apples and pears remove traces of fatigue;
  • Grapes give the skin a beautiful glow.

The secret of refreshing masks is their ability to effectively rejuvenate the skin, and all ingredients are endowed with such functions.

You can use refreshing masks for any skin type, if you choose the right recipe, because no matter how moist or dry the skin is, summer is the best time for such procedures. This does not mean that you should forget about refreshing products in winter, it is just that it is much easier to find fresh food in warm weather.

Indications for use

Signs when you need to pay attention to face freshening masks:

  • Traces of fatigue and lack of sleep;
  • Pigmentation;
  • Greasy shine;
  • Drying out, lack of moisture and flaking;
  • Problematic rashes;
  • Wrinkles;
  • Bad skin color.

How to use refreshing masks correctly:

  • At the very beginning of the procedure, it is necessary to cleanse the skin of cosmetics;
  • In some cases, one application of the mask is enough (for example, before a celebration), but for a more pronounced result, 2-3 such sessions are needed every 7 days.

Refreshing face mask: the best recipes

Refreshing face mask with honey

To refresh the skin and prevent the appearance of acne on the skin of any type, this remedy is recommended:

  • Prepare 3 tbsp. l. cucumber gruel by grating this vegetable. Pour the resulting puree 4 tbsp. l. boiling water and leave to infuse under a closed lid for 20 minutes. When this time has passed, add 1 tsp. honey and mix everything;
  • Distribute the composition in a uniform layer and hold for a quarter of an hour;
  • Remove everything with a napkin, then rinse with cool water.

Refreshing cucumber face mask

This recipe is suitable for lightening pigmentation, eliminating traces of fatigue and increasing tone:

  • Prepare 2 tbsp. l. mashed cucumber, then combine it with 1 tsp. finely chopped parsley;
  • Apply the mixture to all parts of the face, including around the eyes;
  • After 15 minutes, remove the remnants of the mask with cool water.

Refreshing lemon face mask

To eliminate greasy shine on oily skin, this composition is recommended:

  • 2 tbsp. l. stir kefir (fat-free) with 1 tsp. fresh lemon juice;
  • Apply the product to the entire treated area, avoiding eye contact;
  • After 15-20 minutes, wash with plenty of cold water.

Refreshing Cranberry Face Mask

To nourish, rejuvenate and increase the moisture level in the overdried dermis, you need to do the following:

  • Mash 2 tbsp. l. cranberry berries, add 1 tsp to the puree. honey and dilute all 1 tbsp. l. olive oils;
  • Treat the entire face and leave the mass for 20 minutes;
  • After the specified time, use warm water in order to wash off the product.

Refreshing face mask for dry skin

To improve complexion, smooth out wrinkles and eliminate flaking, this composition is suitable:

  • Grate one carrot, stir the prepared gruel with 0.5 tsp. olive oil and 1 tsp. flour;
  • Place the well-mixed composition until smooth and leave for 15 minutes;
  • Remove with a paper towel, rinse with warm water.

Refreshing face mask for oily skin

To normalize the work of the sebaceous tract, you need to prepare the following remedy:

  • Finely chop a fresh cabbage leaf (you can do this with a blender), then mix this gruel with an equal volume of low-fat cottage cheese, 1 tsp. liquid honey and 1 tbsp. l. freshly squeezed lemon juice;
  • Place the mass and hold for no more than 15 minutes;
  • Use cold water to rinse off.

Refreshing carrot face mask

  • Mix 1 tbsp. l. chopped carrots with 1 tsp. fresh cucumber puree, add 3 drops of vitamin A;
  • Distribute the mixture and stand for 20-25 minutes;
  • Wash with room water.

Refreshing face mask before a festive occasion

To refresh any skin just before heading out to a party or other holiday, this simple remedy is best:

  • 1 tsp mix melted honey with an equal amount of sunflower oil, then add the same amount of cognac;
  • Treat the skin with the composition and hold it for 15 minutes;
  • Rinse with cool water, then wipe your face with a cotton swab dipped in lemon juice (if the skin is oily). Treat dry skin with a nourishing cream.

The results of refreshing face masks at home are remarkable:

  • Beautiful, radiant skin;
  • Lack of problematic rashes, pigmentation and wrinkles;
  • Improving tone and appearance.

The experience of our readers

Galina, 30 years old:

“An hour before I had to go to the party, I made a cognac mask. Immediately, a blush appeared, and the skin ceased to cast an oily sheen. I liked the product very much "

Taisiya, 27 years old:

“Never overexpose the carrot mask! I held it for almost 40 minutes (to be honest, I fell asleep), and after that my face turned orange! It's good that everything was washed away in 1 day, and I can use it again. I really like her, no matter what "

Renata, 43 years old:

“Of all the recipes, I used only the cabbage mask. I recommend it to those who want to quickly refresh their complexion and remove greasy shine. "

The face is always influenced by many environmental factors. Weather conditions, time of year, ecology can negatively affect its appearance. Add to this poor diet, bad habits, lack of sleep and you get a disappointing picture. Masks made from natural ingredients can significantly improve the condition of the dermis. With their help, you can solve the following problems:

  • dull or pale complexion;
  • fine wrinkles, age spots;
  • age-related changes;
  • flabbiness and lethargy of the face;
  • clogged pores;
  • irritation and peeling;
  • oily sheen and enlarged pores.

Refreshing masks are used to regenerate and nourish skin cells. They saturate it with useful elements, moisturize and promote regeneration. Such funds will help to quickly return a well-groomed look to the face before a holiday or an important event.

General rules of application

To get the maximum effect from the mask, you must use it correctly. The whole process can be divided into several stages.

Training.Before carrying out the procedure, it is imperative to remove makeup, cleanse the skin of impurities. Remains of cosmetics and dead skin cells will interfere with the saturation of the skin with useful substances. Do not neglect this rule, carefully prepare your face for the upcoming procedure.

Peeling.It will help cleanse pores, even out the relief, and improve the complexion. An enzyme peel is well suited for this stage. It thoroughly cleanses the skin, frees pores, and evens out the relief. The face looks fresh, ruddy and rested. This procedure can be carried out at home without any problems. Instead of peeling, you can also use a good scrub, gommage, or other means.

Mask... The prepared mixture must necessarily correspond to your type of dermis. For dry skin, dairy products, fruits and grains are used. Herbal decoctions, vegetables, herbs, lemon juice work well on fatty. For mature, products with the addition of yeast, eggs and various oils are well suited. I will tell you how to make useful mixtures further.

I do not recommend walking or doing anything around the house with a mask on your face. The weight of this texture will stretch the skin downward. You don't want to get wrinkles instead of lifting, do you?

An eye contour mask is essential in face care. Young girls can use lotions with strong green tea for these purposes. It is enough to soak cotton pads with it and put it on your eyes. Such a simple procedure will fill the skin with additional moisture, remove circles under the eyes, and relieve redness. For mature dermis, it is better to use stronger products.

Refreshing masks at home

It is not difficult to prepare a natural mixture from familiar products. The main thing is to choose and combine the ingredients correctly.

Thermal water express mask

This product will perfectly moisturize any skin, especially dry skin. The mask will give you a feeling of comfort and freshness. It can be used in extreme summer temperatures for added protection against drying out. It will also come in handy in winter, when the air humidity decreases due to heating. Thermal water is very easy to prepare. Leave an open bottle of mineral water open to allow all gases to escape. Pour it into the spray bottle with the smallest holes.

This spray is used as a refreshing and moisturizing agent prior to makeup. If you don't have time to cook it at home, you can buy ready-made. I love the thermal water from Vichy. Such water perfectly refreshes and restores the dermis.

Carrot and apple mixture for the face

This mask is best done after the holidays because carrots are a natural dye. But it perfectly nourishes the skin. Grate the carrots and apple on the finest grater or chop in a blender. Take 1 tsp each. puree and a few drops of vegetable oil. You can use olive oil, grape seed oil, jojoba oil, etc.

Apply the mixture to cleansed skin with a brush for 20 minutes, then rinse off. I do not advise using your fingers, even if you washed your hands, it is still dirty.

Mask for aging skin

This remedy will do an excellent job with fine wrinkles. The skin will become softer and more elastic. For this recipe, we need the following components:

  • fresh yeast - 1 tsp
  • warm milk - 2 tablespoons
  • one yolk;
  • natural fruit juice - 1 tablespoon

Combine yeast with warm milk, then add the rest of the ingredients. Distribute the resulting gruel over the face. We soak for about twenty minutes and rinse off with clean water.

Cottage cheese mask for dry skin

This recipe is perfect for facials in the fall and winter. During this period, the skin becomes rough, chapped, suffers from a lack of moisture and temperature extremes. Dry dermis is especially susceptible to negative influence. Use this mask to protect and moisturize it.

Take 20-30 g of medium fat cottage cheese, grind in a blender. Add a tablespoon of sour cream and 2 tbsp. honey. Keep this mixture on your face for about 20 minutes. We delete it as usual. For best results, the product should be used several times a week.

Tomato mask for oily skin

The product is suitable for those who want to get rid of oily sheen, tighten pores and refresh their complexion. Pour boiling water over fresh tomatoes to peel them. The pulp must be grated to a state of gruel. The tomato mask is applied to the face for no more than 10-15 minutes. She may "pinch" the skin a little, this is a normal reaction. We remove the product with warm water. After the procedure, it is very useful to wipe the skin with frozen herbal infusions.

Mask with honey

The healing properties of honey are widely used in cosmetology and home care. A product based on it will help smooth out wrinkles, refresh the face, and nourish with useful elements. Take the following ingredients:

  • natural liquid honey - 1 tablespoon
  • oatmeal - 2 tablespoons
  • warm milk - 2-3 tbsp.

We connect all the components. The flakes should absorb all the liquid and swell. We distribute this mixture over the face and neck. We only go around the area around the eyes. Leave to dry and wash off with warm water.

Refreshing mask for women after 50 years

Fading skin with signs of aging needs a lot of extra care. This remedy has a rejuvenating and tonic effect. Mix the following ingredients:

  • 1 tsp lemon zest
  • 1 tbsp. l. oat flour
  • 1-2 tbsp milk and one yolk.

Add a little honey to the mixture, bring to a homogeneous state. Apply the mask for 25-30 minutes. Remove with a damp towel and wash.

The selection of refreshing masks at home is quite large. Choose what works for you and the results will not be long in coming.

Choosing products by skin type

If you do not have time for refreshing masks at home, ready-made cosmetics will come to the rescue. These products contain all the necessary elements for your youth and beauty. It is important to choose the right cosmetics for your type. I suggest checking out a couple of products that will suit everyone.

If after work you were invited to an amazing party, and after a hard and long day you feel, literally, like a squeezed lemon, then a refreshing face mask will help you quickly put your face in order, and you will be able to shine in society with beauty and freshness.

To date, there are a lot of recipes for such masks from natural products, and you can easily prepare and make it at home from improvised means, regardless of the time of year outside the window. The main ingredients of refreshing masks are herbs and oils, as well as dairy products, a strategic stock of which - if you love to look after yourself - must be in your fridge and on your cosmetic shelf.

Refreshing face masks

Herbal cosmetic masks have a soothing, refreshing and rejuvenating effect. Here are some homemade recipes to help you quickly restore your skin to a healthy-looking and gentle glow.

After such a procedure, a noticeable effect is immediately noticeable: the skin becomes smooth, the complexion improves, and a slight blush appears. It feels like the skin breathes with every cell.

Important: At home, refreshing masks are recommended to be done no more than twice a week.

Refreshing parsley mask

Chop parsley finely, cover with water, bring to a boil, and then strain. Spread the gruel on gauze and attach it to your face. Hold the compress mask for half an hour, and then wipe the skin with a cotton swab. Do this mask two to three times a week, and you do not have to take emergency measures to look good - you will always feel freshness.

Nourishing refreshing mask

Combine the egg yolk, a tablespoon of lemon juice and a teaspoon of olive oil, and then thoroughly grind everything until smooth. Apply the mask to your face and hold it for fifteen to twenty minutes, and then soak a cotton pad in green tea and remove the mask with it. After that, wipe your face with ice. It is good if it is made from a decoction of chamomile or parsley.

Refreshing ginger masks

Ginger will give the skin a feeling of freshness. Mix two tablespoons of grated ginger with the same amount of oatmeal, and then add two tablespoons of boiling water there and rub thoroughly until smooth. Add a tablespoon of sour cream to this mixture and apply the mask to your face. Let it sit for ten minutes and rinse it off with warm water.

Grate a small root of ginger on a fine grater or chop in a blender. Add two teaspoons of pomegranate juice and the same amount of honey to it. Apply the resulting mixture to your face, neck and décolleté. After twenty minutes, gently wash off the mask with water at room temperature. Such a mask, made at home, will refresh the skin and quickly tone it up before any important event.

Milk oatmeal refreshing mask

Grind a tablespoon of oatmeal in a coffee grinder and mix the resulting flour with a teaspoon of cottage cheese. Dilute the resulting mixture with a small amount of whey or yogurt. If you wish, you can add some honey to the mask. Mix everything thoroughly until a homogeneous thick mass is obtained and apply the mask on the face, after cleansing the skin. After fifteen minutes, wash off the mask with cool water and wipe the skin with a cotton swab dipped in strong brewed green tea.

Refreshing green tea mask

As you know, green tea is a powerful antioxidant, and a mask based on it will help you quickly restore a healthy-looking skin and a beautiful complexion at home. To prepare such a mask, grind dry green tea leaves in a coffee grinder and add a small amount of boiling water there. Cover the mixture with a lid and leave to steam. When the tea is infused, mix it with a tablespoon of oatmeal and a little honey until smooth.

Apply the resulting mixture onto a folded gauze and place the mask on your face. If necessary, you can also grab the neck area. Leave the mask on for ten to fifteen minutes and wash your face with cool water.

Carrot Refreshing Mask for Dry Skin

Grate one medium-sized carrot on a fine grater and blend until smooth with 1/2 teaspoon freshly squeezed lemon juice and a teaspoon of wheat flour. Apply the mask to your face and hold it for fifteen to twenty minutes, and then wash off with warm water. Finish with a light massage of the skin with an ice cube.

Refreshing mask for oily skin

Grind a small tomato in a blender and apply this gruel to your face. If the mask is too runny, add a little oatmeal to it. The tomato mask should not be kept for a long time - a maximum of seven to ten minutes, since the active substances of this vegetable can cause a tingling sensation in the skin. After washing, for which it is recommended to use warm water, the face should be wiped with ice made from a weak infusion of linden.

Refreshing masks for aging skin

Dissolve a teaspoon of yeast in two tablespoons of warm milk, add egg yolk and a tablespoon of any fruit or vegetable juice there. Mix everything thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained and apply the mask on the face in several layers. Let it sit for fifteen to twenty minutes and wash with cool water.

For dry and normal skin with clear signs of wilting, express refreshing can be done at home using the following recipe: mix until smooth, one teaspoon of glycerin, lime honey, aloe juice, water and oat flour. Apply the mask to your face and hold it for fifteen to twenty minutes, then rinse off with cool water. This mask is recommended to be done once or twice a week.

Refreshing mint masks

In summer, a mint mask will help refresh tired and pale skin. To make it, grind two or three sprigs of peppermint in a blender and mix with the beaten egg white. Then add half a teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice to the mixture and quickly apply the mask to your face using a damp cotton swab. Let it sit for fifteen to twenty minutes and wash off with cool water.

Another recipe for a mint mask that will cool, refresh and soothe hot skin. Grind a few sprigs of fresh mint in a blender and mix with finely grated cucumber. Apply the mask to your face and hold for fifteen minutes, then rinse off with cool water. Such a mask can be made without a cucumber: just chop the mint, add a little water to it and spread the mixture on a cheesecloth folded in two layers. In this form, apply the mask to your face and hold for the allotted time.

A dandelion and mint mask will help to improve the complexion and refresh the skin. To do this, grind dandelion and mint leaves in a blender, add a tablespoon of fat sour cream and a teaspoon of honey there. Mix everything thoroughly and apply the mask on the face, neck and décolleté. Let it sit for twenty minutes and wash off with cool water.

Herbal refreshing masks

You can make wonderful refreshing masks from herbal preparations at home: make an herbal infusion from chamomile or lavender, let it cool to room temperature and soak a soft napkin or gauze folded in several layers in it. Apply the mask to your face and hold it for fifteen to twenty minutes. Then you can rub the skin with an ice cube.

Orange refreshing masks

Orange fresh is an excellent base for refreshing masks. The high content of vitamin C in these fruits has a beneficial effect on the skin, and after such a mask, it will simply glow. To enhance the effect, mix orange juice with oatmeal, honey, or yogurt. The only "but": such a mask is not recommended for sensitive skin and individual intolerance to oranges.

Dec 12, 2015 abrvalg

An unexpected invitation to visit after a hard day is not always on time, fatigue is displayed on the face and energy is much less. The problem is actually not so bad if you have a refreshing face mask in your arsenal that is easy to make at home. Express mask will return freshness to the face, make the skin velvety and radiant, in just an hour, without visiting a beautician.

Refreshing mask stages

The refreshing mask is broken down into several simple steps that you must complete.

Make a bath of herbs: pour two cups of collection (string, sage, chamomile) with boiling water, leave for a couple of minutes. The bath water should not be very hot. If for some reason it is impossible to take a bath with herbs, then it is replaced with a contrast shower.

After the water procedure, rub yourself with a brush. If you do not know how to massage with a brush, there is an article on our website that describes this effective procedure in detail. It is recommended to use a similar cosmetic method, not only before applying a refreshing mask, but also as a preventive measure to preserve youthfulness and elasticity of the skin.

After the massage, wrap yourself in a warm terry towel, drink a glass of tea with lemon, relax and think, dream about something pleasant.

Making a refreshing face mask

Normal skin: two tablespoons of crushed oatmeal is mixed with 4 tablespoons of warmed milk.

Dry skin: mix one tablespoon of cottage cheese, salt on the tip of a knife and a tablespoon of sour cream.

Oily skin: one tablespoon of milk, mixed with tea vegetable oil, add 10 drops of lemon juice, one yolk and stir until mushy.

In order not to get into an awkward situation before the holiday, it is advisable to test the mask in advance, especially if some of the ingredients are used for the first time.

  1. Soak cotton pads in a weak tea leaves, you can replace tea with a collection of herbs, which was used for the bathroom.
  2. Apply a refreshing mask to the face, excluding the areas under the eyes.
  3. Put the prepared cotton pads on the eyes.
  4. Play some nice music, lie down on the couch, relax, and do a little meditation.
  5. After 20 minutes, take a deep breath and feel how energy and vivacity fill the body, when you exhale, worries and anxieties go away.
  6. At the end of the meditation, do not get up abruptly, open your eyes, lie down for a couple of minutes.
  7. Get up, wash off the mask from the face with warm water, apply a nourishing cream for daily use.

Look in the mirror, your skin shines, your eyes shine, you look rested, refreshed. And all this in 30-40 minutes, without a beautician and at home. You still have a lot of time to start with makeup.

If, for some reason, the ingredients of the above refreshing mask are not suitable, then you can use other cosmetic compositions that have the same effect. But in order to achieve the effect of freshness and radiance of the skin, it is advisable to follow the sequence of mask stages suggested above. Sometimes relaxation and concentration are far more beneficial in removing traces of fatigue from the face than the masks themselves.

More recipes for fatigue masks on the face

Perfect skin on the face, neck, décolleté is a natural gift, but not everyone has such a gift, and some cannot keep it. It is necessary to nourish and refresh the epidermis. It is not necessary to buy expensive cosmetics, it is possible to use natural resources. Most of the ingredients are in everyone's refrigerator.

Refreshing mask stimulates the natural hydration of the epidermis, relieves signs of fatigue. For rebalancing fat and water, intensive skin hydration, specialists have developed various cosmetic products, many of which are based on natural ingredients.

Carrots for the skin

The composition refreshes, tightens and strengthens the epidermis.

2 tablespoons of finely grated carrots are mixed with a teaspoon of honey, a tablespoon of lard and one egg. Apply the mass to the face, after 20 minutes wash off with herbal infusion or warm water.

Applesauce for the face

Apples are used, if necessary, to urgently get rid of an unexpectedly popped pimple or during adolescence in adolescence.

The apple is cut into slices, poured with a small amount of water, boiled, mashed and applied to the face. Puree helps to reduce irritation on the skin, but is not as aggressive as commercial products.

Yeast mask

The mask gives energy to the skin, triggers self-healing mechanisms, is hypoallergenic.

3 tablespoons of yeast is diluted with a small amount of warm water, a teaspoon of honey and one egg white are added.

Apricot for oily skin

The composition eliminates oily sheen, makes the skin look healthy.

The apricot is chopped, a few drops of lemon juice are added, and one tablespoon of grated almonds, vegetable oil and goat's milk are mixed. Goat milk, known for its miraculous properties even in ancient Egypt, gives a special effect to the mask.

Refreshing curd mixture

The mask refreshes the face and gives the skin a rejuvenating effect.

2 tablespoons of cottage cheese are mixed with the same amount of honey, add one teaspoon of lemon juice, a tablespoon of oatmeal and an egg.

Vitamin cocktail

Mash a banana, add a tablespoon of yogurt, the same amount of cream and one egg yolk.

Refreshing mask for dry skin

Rice flour, sesame oil and milk are mixed in equal proportions.

Potatoes with vitamins

2 tablespoons of mashed potatoes, juice of half a lemon and an orange, a tablespoon of grated cucumber and the same amount of tomato.

Refreshing mask for men

The mask is intended mainly for men who earn physical labor in dirty conditions or work with fuels and lubricants. The composition helps to remove dirt and other impurities from the surface of the skin that have stuck into the epidermis.

Boil a cup of white beans, crush. Add 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil to the beans, 1 tbsp each. a spoonful of honey and lemon juice.

For dull skin in winter

The mask contains a lot of nutrients and vitamins. Permitted to use the composition for the care of baby skin. Apply the mask 20 minutes before going outside. The mask will protect the skin from wind and frosty winter air.

Mash half a banana into a gruel, add a tablespoon of yogurt and a teaspoon of honey.

Iris oil on your own

The root of the Iris flower is useful in the fight against wrinkles and dry skin. The plant is used in many cosmetic creams designed to moisturize the skin and fight wrinkles. The plant's uniqueness lies in its ability to help moisture penetrate deep into the epidermis and stay there, ensuring a healthy looking skin. For refreshing masks at home use iris root, it is harvested independently or buy raw materials in a pharmacy ("violet root", iris, iris).


Iris rhizome is thoroughly washed, cleaned and crushed.

For 20 grams of crushed root, take 200 ml of vegetable oil. The ingredients are mixed, the mixture is transferred to a glass container, insisted for 14 days in a dark place (shaken every day).

The prepared oil is used as needed, added to cosmetics. For a quick face refresh, it is recommended to drop a few drops of Iris oil into any oily cream, apply the prepared remedy to the skin in a thick layer, remove the remnants of the mask after 15-20 minutes.

Ritual and mask

Even ancient civilizations found out that the culture of the spirit and the body are equally important. The Greeks developed a philosophy of beauty and health. Hippocrates studied the science of the skin (dermatology) and found that an integrated approach is needed to improve beauty:

  • proper nutrition;
  • physical exercise;
  • massage and relaxing bath.

The Romans, in those early days, created many rituals for skin care, we all call this spa. The first books on various ways to eliminate facial fatigue, skin refreshing and recipes for removing wrinkles were created in ancient Rome. Later, these records became the starting point for the modern cosmetics industry. Now cosmetologists are advised to refresh the skin with fruits and vegetables from the garden, from the refrigerator. And cosmetic companies are betting on the production of creams and masks with natural ingredients. Industry is returning to natural gifts.

Allergic reaction

A large number of refreshing masks are offered by the Internet, books, beauty magazines, friends who have personally experienced the miraculous properties of some formulations, but not everything that is good for others is ideal for you. You cannot use masks with new ingredients before going out. Even if you have never had allergies, so as not to spoil your mood and skin, it is better to play it safe. Before applying the composition to the face, a test is done, a small amount of the mask is applied to the fold of the arm. If there are no signs of an allergic reaction within 15-20 minutes, then such a remedy can be used on the face.