Why does the baby refuse to eat. What interferes with healthy sleep. How to understand that the baby sleeps more than normal

Lack of breast milk or weak lactation leads to the fact that the baby simply does not eat up. Do not rush to take drastic measures. Such as supplementary feeding, the transition to mixed feeding and supplementation. These measures are not needed by the baby, since the child receives the necessary elements from breast milk.

Only mother's milk provides 100% of the substances that a newborn needs. In addition, such methods lead to an even greater deterioration in lactation, milk may soon disappear completely. And supplementing the baby leads to the appearance of colic and other digestive disorders.

How to tell if your baby is getting enough milk

  • The baby is crying a lot. There can be many reasons for crying, so this symptom alone cannot be considered as an indicator of a specific problem (malnutrition, colic, illness or lack of attention). It is possible to identify the cause of crying only in the aggregate of several signs;
  • Weakness and decreased activity of the baby. Remember that the child is calm and by virtue of character, and not because of a lack of milk;
  • The newborn sleeps poorly or does not sleep at all;
  • Not enough bowel movements. In the first month after birth, the chair is 8-12 times a day after almost every feeding. Then the frequency is gradually reduced and reaches 1-2 times a day. The absence of stool for two or more days is a sign that the baby has constipation. Read more about the norms of a newborn's stool at the link /;
  • The baby sucks his finger and the edges of the diaper, smacks his tongue or lips. These signs indicate that the baby is not full of breast milk and is looking for the breast further;
  • The baby is not gaining or losing weight. In the first month, a newborn should gain an average of 90-150 grams per week. In the period of the second-fourth month - 140-200 grams per week. After the fifth month, the increase gradually decreases. By six months, the weight of the child should increase by about two times compared to the figures at birth. You can learn more about the norms for weight gain in infants up to a year old;
  • The intake rate does not play a big role in determining whether the baby is getting enough milk. This norm is different and depends on the age of the baby, individual development and needs. As a rule, in the first four days, a newborn eats about 200 ml of breast milk per day, by the month the norm increases to about 600 ml.

Why is the baby not eating?

When a baby does not get enough breast milk, the main reason is the lack of breast milk and low lactation. In this case, you need to figure out why the milk disappears. Most often, low milk production is due to malnutrition of a nursing mother.

However, the baby may not be full even with normal milk production. This means that he is not getting enough milk. As a rule, this is due to improper organization of breastfeeding, uncomfortable posture during feeding and improper nipple grip.

The psychological state of the baby and mother is an important factor in breastfeeding. Depression, psychological unwillingness to breastfeed or take milk, sore breasts and cracked nipples lead to the fact that the milk disappears or the child rejects and does not take the breast.


If the baby is not full of breast milk, and lactation is at a good level, it is necessary to follow the passage of feeding. Incorrect posture when feeding and improper gripping of the nipple leads to the fact that the baby does not receive the right portion of milk.

When feeding, the baby should capture both the nipple and the area around with a radius of 2-2.5 cm (areola). Make sure that the nose rests, but does not sink into the chest. In this case, both lips should be turned outward, and the child can freely adjust the nipple in the mouth. The baby should take the breast himself, do not force or push the nipple. Force feeding leads to improper nipple latch. If the baby does not take the breast, let him suck his finger.

If the problem is lactation, it is necessary to increase the stimulation of milk production. There are many methods that will help to establish lactation without harming the baby. Among the most effective methods are:

  • Drink more fluids. Warm plentiful drink will ensure successful lactation, strengthen the immune system and help with viral diseases. The minimum volume of fluid per day is 2 liters, half of which should be drinking water. Otherwise, you can drink dried fruit compote and weak tea. Soups and broths are also sources of liquid;
  • Adjust your diet. Remember that the menu should include the necessary vitamins and elements. Be sure to eat vegetables and fruits, meat and fish. But it is better to refuse too fatty and spicy during breastfeeding. Reduce your intake of salty foods, sweets and starchy foods. By the way, there are foods and drinks that increase. You can find a list of these products at the link /;
  • Get enough rest and sleep, walk in the fresh air and do simple physical exercises. Yoga or a pool are activities that are not contraindicated for a nursing mother. At the same time, you will quickly return the prenatal figure, recharge your batteries and be in a good mood;

  • Breast massage. Clockwise circular movements stimulate lactation and, if necessary, help to eliminate lumps and strain the milk. In addition, massage is the prevention of lactostasis and mastitis. However, keep in mind that massage during breastfeeding should bring pleasure, and not cause pain;
  • Feed not on schedule, but on demand of the baby. Frequent application will help to increase lactation. During the day, you can feed every 1-2 hours, and at night - at least four times. ;
  • Be sure to take care of breast hygiene. Wash twice a day without using regular soaps and towels as they irritate the skin. For washing, take a neutral liquid soap, and for wiping - soft wipes. Watch your nipples, as cracks and abrasions on the nipples cause discomfort and dangerous diseases. Such as staphylococcus aureus, mastitis and other infections;
  • Drink decoctions of cumin, dill and fennel. However, use folk remedies with caution, as some components cause allergies in infants. Special teas for nursing mothers will also help.

Tips from the article “Problems with lactation” will help to establish milk production. When breastfeeding, it is important to maintain stress resistance and a comfortable emotional background. However, many mothers are prone to depression after childbirth. Lack of sleep, fatigue and other problems lead to strong feelings. In this case, do not rush to take sedative pills, as some drugs adversely affect the composition of milk and the condition of the newborn.

Relaxing baths and aromatherapy, good sleep and walks in the fresh air will help with depression and stress. Valerian, motherwort and glycine tablets are considered safe during lactation. But modern sedatives, such as "Persen" or "Novopassit", doctors do not recommend using nursing mothers. In addition, alcohol tinctures are contraindicated during breastfeeding.

When supplementation is needed

Sometimes, if the baby is not full of breast milk, doctors recommend supplementary feeding. However, keep in mind that this can only be done on the recommendation of a doctor! As a rule, supplementary feeding is prescribed for the mother's illness and long-term use of medications that are not compatible with lactation. In addition, supplementary feeding is necessary if the baby is not gaining or losing weight, and also if the baby was born prematurely.

Supplementary feeding with a mixture should be 30-50% of the daily volume of food. If the dose is exceeded, mixed feeding will turn into artificial! And without breast milk, the baby will not receive the necessary elements and vitamins for full growth and development. In addition, to keep breastfeeding, it is better not to use bottles and nipples. The child quickly gets used to the nipple and subsequently refuses the breast. How to properly feed the baby and which mixture to choose, will tell the rules of mixed feeding.

The birth of a child is a long-awaited event for every family. But the happiness of motherhood can be overshadowed by various problems that accompany the baby in the first year of his life. The basic needs of a newborn are food and sleep. Many parents face the problem of poor children's sleep. Some children, on the contrary, sleep often and for a long time. Parents at this time can relax and do all the housework. But if the baby sleeps a lot and eats little, this is an alarming sign indicating a violation of his health.

Norms of food intake for a newborn

Every mother wants to know if her baby is hungry, if he is full, if he has enough milk. To do this, you need to know the norms of food intake for newborns.

In the first days of his life, a breastfed baby can eat very often - about 10 times a day. In this case, one feeding in time can take 10-40 minutes.

A newborn has a very small stomach (approximately 7 ml), so 1 teaspoon is enough for him for the first feeding. Colostrum, which the child eats on the first day, is very fatty and nutritious, it is released in small quantities, sufficient for the baby. For the first day, the child eats about 100 ml.

A baby 3-4 days old eats 20-40 g in one feeding. A child born a week ago eats 50-70 g of milk at a time, and a two-week-old baby -60-80 g. A monthly baby should eat 90-110 g of milk, and two-month - 110-140 g. These figures are averaged. They should not be taken as a rule, but can be used as a guideline.

The amount of milk consumed depends on many factors: the weight of the baby, the state of his health, the time of day, individual nutritional needs and the degree of fat content of milk.

Pediatricians assure that with proper attachment to the breast, the child cannot eat too much or too little, since exactly as much milk is produced as he needs.

To calculate how much mixture an artificial baby should eat at a time, you can use one of two formulas. In accordance with the first formula, you need to multiply the baby’s age in days by 10. To find out the daily intake of food for crumbs, you need to multiply the number of days he has lived by 70 (if he weighs more than 3 kg 200 g) or by 80 (if he weighs less than 3.2 kg).

According to another formula, you can divide the weight of the baby by his height in cm. The resulting number will be the approximate amount of food eaten at a time.

One of the easiest ways to check how well a baby is eating is to count the diapers described per day. If there are 12 or more of them, then there is nothing to worry about.

Why does a newborn sleep a lot and eat little?

Cases when a newborn sleeps almost all the time and eats poorly are not uncommon. The baby needs sleep, as in the first days of his life he adapts to the world around him and rests after the difficult process of childbirth. His mother, most likely, rejoices for her “hearty” milk and a calm, quiet baby who rarely asks for food. In fact, the baby is quiet not by nature, but due to lack of strength.

A baby who is not even a month old from birth should eat every 1.5-2 hours. He has a very small stomach that cannot hold much food. Rare attachment to the breast leads to problems with lactation, the occurrence of mastopathy in the mother, the child’s lack of vital vitamins and trace elements, and dehydration of his body.

Most modern pediatricians recommend feeding children not by the clock, but on demand. At the same time, the “first demand” does not have to mean screaming or crying. A sleepy baby may somehow signal his desire to eat in a different way, and the mother may not understand this signal and think that the baby does not need anything, since he does not scream.

So do not wait for the hungry cry of the baby, it is better to offer him food when he sleeps. To do this, it is not necessary to wake him up. You can just take it in your arms and poke it with your nose in the chest. The baby will hear the smell of milk, open his mouth, find the breast and feed, and then continue to sleep.

Reasons why a baby may rarely feed

The most common reason for a baby not eating well is improper attachment to the breast. To date, not all maternity hospitals help to establish breastfeeding.

There can be several problems with milk:

  1. Lack of milk. When a baby is not properly breastfed, milk is produced in insufficient quantities for him. A lactation consultant can help solve this problem. To increase the amount of milk produced by the mammary glands, it is necessary to put the baby to the breast as often as possible, the mother must establish close contact with him. To restore lactation, it is worth decanting more often, drinking more fluids, and drinking special teas based on fennel. If the baby is gaining little weight, you will have to switch to mixed feeding. First, the mother offers the baby one breast, then the second, and then supplements with the mixture.
  2. Too much milk. When there is too much milk, it hits the baby's mouth with a strong stream, he begins to choke, get scared and refuse to breastfeed. To solve this problem, you need to express a little before feeding.
  3. Change in the taste of milk. It can change its taste if mom eats something spicy, salty or sour. The same can happen after taking medications, pregnancy.

If there is some kind of pathology, then the child may not be able to suck at all, but such problems are usually detected even in the hospital. A short frenulum of the tongue (a membrane that attaches the tongue to the lower part of the mouth) or a cleft palate can prevent milk from being sucked out. It may not be completely split, but only in the depths of the mouth, which at first may not even be noticed. Some babies are born with a weak sucking reflex that develops gradually.

A newborn may not take the breast well if any medications were used during childbirth, such as the painkiller Promedol. It enters the mother's bloodstream, then into the child's body and after childbirth is not removed from it for a long time, affecting the baby's ability to suck.

When the baby is sick, he sleeps a lot, as the body loses a lot of energy in the fight against the disease and replenishes it. If he has a cold, then the stuffy nose does not allow him to suck milk.

The baby will not be able to eat normally when he has colic, dysbacteriosis or otitis media. But in this case, his sleep will also be disturbed.

Feeding problems occur with thrush (stomatitis). It is painful for the baby to suckle, so he may refuse the breast and sleep for a long time due to loss of strength. To diagnose the disease, it is worth looking into the baby's mouth. There you can find white spots, increasing in size over time, and under them red mucous. A baby can become infected with stomatitis from the mother during childbirth. This disease occurs due to damage to the mucosa or microbes entering the mouth from dirty objects (a pacifier or a toy that has fallen to the floor). The disease requires treatment prescribed by a pediatrician.

At home, you can independently prepare a cure for stomatitis. To do this, add a teaspoon of baking soda to a glass of cool boiled water. The resulting solution is treated with the mother's breast and the child's oral cavity.

Do I need to wake my baby up for feeding?

Normally, a newborn knows for himself how much time he needs to sleep and when it is time to feed him. But deviations from the norm happen very often.

If the baby was born prematurely, his body is in a relaxed state, he constantly sleeps and does not ask for food, as he cannot wake up on his own. In this case, the mother must feed him without fail. The same applies to children who are affected by medications administered to the mother during childbirth. The mother must wake him up and feed him until he recovers and begins to demand food on his own.

Some children can be awakened very easily, with others it can be much more difficult. It all depends on the situation and the individual child. You can raise and lower the baby's arm. If he somehow reacts to this (eyelids twitch, arm muscles tense, etc.), it means that he is in the phase of fast, superficial sleep, you can safely wake him up. If the pen remains soft and relaxed, then now he is in a phase of slow sleep and it will not be easy to wake him up.

Co-sleeping is ideal for a mother whose baby sleeps a lot and eats poorly. The child can sleep with the mother and eat without even waking up. The baby sleeps peacefully, and the mother does not need to get out of bed several times a night and run to the baby for feeding or motion sickness. So both the child and the mother can sleep, rest during the night.

If the child does not want to wake up in any way, and it is time to feed him, it is worth removing the blanket from him, undressing, changing the diaper. The baby can be hugged, stroked on the back, picked up and transferred to an upright position. You need to start talking to him, you can show a bright object, a beautiful rattle or sing a song to him.

The state of the body of a newborn, his sleep and appetite can be influenced by the atmosphere prevailing in the apartment. If parents swear, quarrel, insult each other, shout, loudly sort out the relationship, the baby finds himself in a stressful situation. Try to avoid conflict situations, walk with the baby on the street more often, surround him with love and care, and everything will be fine.

It is very important to identify the causes of poor appetite or refusal to breastfeed. Even experienced mothers cannot always understand what is happening with the child. Lack of appetite can be both a consequence of the mother’s improper behavior, and a symptom of the disease.

If the baby does not eat, you need to immediately find out the reasons for refusing to breastfeed.

For example, if the firstborn was born, the mother may simply not know how to properly attach the baby to the breast or make other mistakes due to a misunderstanding of some feeding features.

Here are the main reasons why breastfeeding problems may occur:

  • mom has too much milk or, conversely, not enough;
  • milk has a specific taste;
  • the child is distracted or lazy;
  • the baby is in a bad mood or is very tired;
  • the first teeth are cut;
  • worried about colic.

Such problems are solved by the mother on her own. If there is a lot of milk, then the first portion will be too plentiful. The baby will literally choke, which means it will be frightened and refuse to breastfeed. This problem can be easily solved by expressing some milk before feeding.

If there is not enough milk, the mother needs to drink more liquid, be sure to express the breast to the end after feeding, in extreme cases, after consulting with the pediatrician, supplement the baby with a mixture. By the way, it is bottle feeding that can lead to breast rejection, because eating in this way is much easier.

Ignorance of the rules of breastfeeding, diet violations, strong emotions, intestinal colic can lead to refusal of the breast.

A spicy or spicy dish in the diet of a nursing woman can give milk an unpleasant taste or aroma. If the baby does not eat breast milk, the mother needs to adjust her diet. Strong emotions can also affect the feeding process. Babies need to be calmed down or distracted.

The gums of a baby who is teething will be loose, red, swollen. You can alleviate the condition with gels that the doctor will recommend. Colic can be relieved by massage, stroking the abdomen in a clockwise direction and giving the newborn dill water or pharmaceutical preparations as recommended by the local doctor.

When to see a doctor if the child is not eating

Refusal of breast milk can be caused by a disease or congenital pathology. In this case, the help of a doctor is necessary.

If the baby does not take the breast, this may be a sign of the following ailments:

  • congenital pathology of the tongue or internal organs;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • intestinal infection;
  • hypertension, or increased intracranial pressure;
  • stomatitis;
  • otitis;
  • runny nose and SARS.

In these cases, you need to pay attention to other symptoms: a scream when you touch the tragus of the ears or stomach, a change in the smell and color of the stool, regurgitation, fever, etc. You should immediately call a doctor and start treatment.

Breastfeeding provides the baby with strong immunity and harmonious development. If an infant is not eating well, every effort should be made to resolve the problem as quickly as possible.

Hello dear readers! Sometimes it seems to me that our son was sent to us precisely in order for me to understand what it means - a restless baby. It is easy to write articles about if your precious child sleeps without you during the day, plays by itself for at least half an hour, allows you to calmly cook food or take a calm shower. Many mothers believe that my children are just like that. Yes, the eldest daughter did not cause big problems. But now I will tell you how our youngest son turned out to be. And also about how I manage to survive in such conditions. And I will try to give practical advice to all mothers who are faced with the same situation.

Is the child sick?

First, let's talk about why babies are restless. Sometimes it really is a consequence of some disease. And sometimes... Sometimes there are no objective reasons for such behavior at all. Of course, neurologists can almost always find something to attribute all the cries of babies to. The same hypertonicity, for example (which, to one degree or another, occurs in very many babies). Or an imperfect ultrasound of the brain. A baby is rarely perfect. However, the reasons why a child behaves restlessly can be very different:

  • tummy hurts (usually up to 4 months, but sometimes longer);
  • teething (from 3-4 months);
  • consequences of birth trauma;
  • fear of losing a mother, caused by separation in the maternity hospital and remaining in the subconscious;
  • any problems during pregnancy;
  • increased attachment to the mother, as a feature of your child;
  • a variety of illnesses or a variety of stresses in the first months of life.

Not bad, right? The bottom line is that it is very, very difficult to establish the real cause of a child's anxiety. In most cases, you just have to be patient. Of course, if the baby suddenly suddenly became restless and began to yell heart-rendingly, it's time to call an ambulance. But if the little one has always been distinguished by loudness and affection for his mother, and the doctors do not find any serious problems, just tune in to be patient. It is likely that in a year, two or a few months everything will change for the better.

The opinion of Dr. Komarovsky on this issue:

What can you do to help your child? Sometimes the following can be helpful:

  1. Always carry your baby in your arms. Master . Apparently, your child needs this especially badly.
  2. Visit an osteopath. He can work through birth trauma. This helps quite often. But of course, not always.
  3. You can try to give the child something like baby espumizan (for stomach pains) or smear gums with a special gel (if teeth are climbing). It helps someone. It never helped us.
  4. Try to be calmer yourself. Your mood is transmitted to the baby.
  5. If the baby sleeps terribly at night, you are shown. Of course, this does not always eliminate the night festivities. But it can make your life a lot easier.
  6. If the baby is restless about feeding, turns over on the chest, squirms or cries, call a lactation consultant immediately. Do your best to keep lactation and solve these problems! The transition to artificial mixtures is often the result of parents' inattention and unwillingness to turn to professionals. Believe me, infant formulas (as well as medicines) are much more expensive than calling a consultant!
  7. Try different means. Maybe the baby feels better when peaceful music plays? Or after a long swim? Or walking in nature? It is not always possible to identify any regularities. But try!
  8. Learn how to massage.
  9. For some, going to the pool and diving helps. Although I believe that this method is not suitable for all children. For some kids, such procedures are a lot of stress.
  10. Try not to bring the child to severe fatigue and overexcitation. Get home on time. Finish emotional games in a timely manner. Respond to the first signs of baby fatigue.

It often happens that the situation in the family has a negative effect on the baby. Frequent quarrels, tense relationships, a lot of strangers... But again, the reason is not always in the family. Why is everything peaceful and calm in our house ...

Our son

To be honest, in the first months after the second birth, it seemed to me that our son was quite calm. Despite the fact that I endlessly wore it in my arms. We had severe colic. And he slept at night much better than the eldest daughter ... Moreover, we had a gorgeous period somewhere from 2 to 4 months. When I almost stopped using the sling and could safely leave it on the floor for 10-30 minutes. However, from the age of 4 months, teeth began to be cut ... And then it turned out that this was worse than colic. After all, colic pretty quickly pass. And the teeth ... They can climb up to two years.

Now our son is almost 10 months old. We have already run to the doctors, no one has found anything serious. Moreover, looking at the child's gums (and they really are constantly swollen), many doctors brush off with the words: “Oh, yes, your teeth are climbing. Be patient! Are you familiar with this remark?

me and my son

I must say that we really do have “clearances”. About once every 2-3 months. During this period, the baby forgets about his mother for almost a week, plays on his own and feels great. But then ... I think it will not be a big exaggeration if I say that our son spends 90% of all daytime in my arms. And it's good if it's just on hand. And then he whines, demanding that they run around the apartment with him!

Sleeps during the day only next to me. Every 10-15 minutes you need to poke his chest. Waking up with every sound. And without rustles. Wakes up 7-15 times at night.

And these are not bad days. So almost all the time! And then, at the moment, I think that “improvement” has gone. Because sometimes (!) I manage to eat while sitting, moreover, with free hands. I used to eat only standing up, putting the little one in a sling. And now you can do something for a few minutes. And then, quite often I eat with him in my arms. I regularly give him a breast at dinner so that he stops snatching a spoon from me or smashing a plate.

90% of the time I do housework in a sling. Although now, when the son is so big, it is very inconvenient. He refuses to sit behind his back. It’s not interesting at all and it’s very difficult to interfere with mom. In front - yes, please, but at the same time it strives to grab everything around. Therefore, I cook only the fastest dishes. I use frozen vegetables, I do not disdain cereals.

In a good mood, he is ready to play with toys. But only while mom is sitting next to me on the floor. Again, now there has been some improvement, the son flirts periodically, sometimes even crawls into the corridor, but if I suddenly leave the room (even for a couple of seconds) or just stand up, a cry rises, and the kid doesn’t want to play anymore. Never.

Do you still think that my posts are for those who have "perfect" children?

How can mom survive?

I didn't write all this to complain. And to show that you are not alone. And even if you have a restless child who does not leave you for a minute, you can still do everything you need. And most importantly, feel good. Of course, there are different cases. Sometimes children behave in ways that I never dreamed of. It happens that babies yell all day long, even wear them, even dance, even stand on your head. Some children sleep catastrophically badly at night, and their mothers simply cannot get enough sleep. Luckily, I don't get up at night now. I just stick my chest to the little one and sleep on. Although I got up earlier. And she jumped around the room with him in the dark, if only she didn’t scream and wake up the eldest ... I know my mother, whose endless screams at night were not a rare case, but the norm. And not the first two months, but two years. I really hope this isn't the case for you.

  • Everything that I wrote in my articles is relevant for you in triple size. Articles, "", "", "" and in general everything that I publish in the section for mothers are especially important. That is, you need to be triple attentive to yourself. Take care of yourself with triple strength. And be sure to learn how to have a good rest in a short period of time!
  • Sometimes you have to complain. The main thing is not to get stuck in this state. Do not be afraid to whine to a friend, tell about your hard life. This brings relief. And then go and do something positive. Order yourself a new dress online or just dance to your favorite music.
  • I repeat this for the hundredth time: try to master the sling or ergo-backpack. Yes, it's not easy. Sometimes it seems that the child categorically does not want to sit there. But turn to experienced mothers or professionals. It is in your best interest to accustom your child to a sling or backpack. Trust me, it makes life a lot easier! I think I'd go crazy without a sling. Although now it is not easy to use it, but still for 10-20 minutes the sling helps me out!
  • Just because your baby only sleeps on your chest doesn't mean you can't rest! There is nothing easier than reading books or listening to audio while feeding. What do you think, how do I write blog articles with two children? At the moment, my son is half asleep suckling his breast, and I am lying with the phone in my hand and typing.
  • My husband comes home from work very late. We are all already asleep. But that doesn't mean I can't brush my teeth and take a shower. I brush my teeth and wash off my makeup while the kids take a bath. Sometimes - if the son does not want to swim for a long time - in a sling. I take a one-minute shower while the child sits on the bathroom floor and examines the towels. At the very least, go with him. Yes, you can undress it and take it with you to the shower!
  • I won't repeat myself here. Read other articles on my blog and remember that all this is possible even with a restless baby. The main thing is to take and do. Not only to read, but to apply it in life. Look for affordable joys for yourself and actively introduce them into your life. Relax. Find a hobby for yourself (this was discussed in an article about). Don't demand too much from yourself. Learn to enjoy motherhood. And get rid of the guilt.

Motherhood is not easy. But it can give you lots and lots of happiness. You just need to open up to this happiness and just hug your children.

I wish you to feel like the happiest mom.

For children aged 1 to 3 years In-car play set Consisting of an interactive truss mount (attached to the back of the front seat, in front of the child) and a baby steering wheel with touch controls, the truss features light and sound effects…

What does this mean?

If this is your first child, then this question will especially excite you. The child grows and you become more experienced. You can already tell by the nature of crying what the child needs, and he himself has less and less reasons to cry.

When a baby cries, you think to yourself, “Is he hungry? Isn't it sick? Maybe it's wet? Maybe he has a tummy ache or is he just acting up? Parents forget about the main reason for crying - fatigue. As for the above questions, it is easy to find the answer to them.

However, the crying of a child can not always be explained by these reasons. After 2 weeks, newborns (especially firstborns) have daily periods of crying, which can be called anything, but is very difficult to explain. If a baby cries regularly at the same time in the afternoon or evening, we say that the baby has colic (if he has pain, gas and his stomach is swelling) or a period of irritable crying (if he is not swelling). If a child cries day and night, then we sigh and say that he is a restless child. If he is extremely irritable, we say that he is an overexcitable child. But we do not know the reasons for the different types of behavior in newborns. We only know that this behavior is typical for them and gradually corrected, usually by 3 months. Perhaps all these types of behavior are variations of the same state. One can only vaguely feel that the first 3 months of a child's life are a period of adaptation of his imperfect nervous and digestive systems to the outside world. For some children, this process is easy, for others it is difficult. Most importantly, remember that constant crying in the first weeks after birth is a temporary phenomenon and does not mean that the baby is sick.


Whether you're feeding your baby on a relatively strict schedule or on demand, you'll soon know what time he's most hungry and what time he just wakes up early. If during the previous feeding the child drank quite a bit of milk and woke up 2 hours earlier than the due time, then he may be crying from hunger. But not necessarily. Often the baby drinks much less milk than usual and sleeps all 4 hours until the next feeding.

If a child drank the usual amount of milk and woke up crying after 2 hours, it is very unlikely that the cause of his crying is hunger. (If he wakes up screaming an hour after his last feed, the most likely cause is gas.) If he wakes up after 2.5 to 3 hours, try feeding him before you do anything else.

When a child cries of hunger, the mother first of all thinks that she does not have enough breast milk or, if the child is bottle-fed, that his portion of cow's milk is not enough for him. But this does not happen suddenly, in one day. It usually begins with the fact that the child completely drinks all the milk for several days and looks for more with his mouth. He starts to wake up crying a little earlier than usual. In most cases, the baby begins to scream with hunger immediately after feeding only after he has been waking up a few days a little earlier for the next feeding. In line with the growing needs of the child in nutrition, the supply of breast milk also increases. More complete and frequent emptying of the breast stimulates greater milk production. Of course, it is likely that for a short time the amount of breast milk may decrease sharply due to fatigue or anxiety of the mother.

I would like to summarize the above as follows. If the baby has been crying frantically for 15 minutes or more, and if it has been more than 2 hours since the last feed, or even less than 2 hours, and the baby drank very little milk during the previous feed, feed him. If he falls asleep satisfied, then you guessed his desire. If he cried less than 2 hours after drinking his usual portion of milk at the last feeding, then he is unlikely to cry from hunger. Let him cry for 15-20 minutes if you can stand it. Try to calm him down with a pacifier. If he cries more and more, then try to feed him. It won't harm him. (Don't formula-feed your baby as soon as you feel like you're low on milk. If he's crying with hunger, breastfeed him anyway.)

Is he sick?

The most common diseases in infancy are colds and intestinal diseases. Their symptoms are known: runny nose, cough or loose stools. Other diseases are extremely rare. If your baby not only cries but looks unusual, take his temperature and see a doctor.

Does the child cry because he is wet or dirty?

Very few children are bothered by wet or dirty diapers. Most kids just don't notice it. However, it will not hurt the baby if you change the diaper once again when he cries.

Is the pin in his diaper loose?

It happens once every 100 years, but you should check to be sure.

Does his tummy hurt?

Try to help the child burp air, even if he did it before - pick him up and hold him upright, as a rule, the child burps air after 10-15 seconds.

Is he spoiled?

The question of spoilage arises only after 3 months of age. I think there can be no doubt that in the first month the child has not yet had time to become spoiled.


If the child is awake for too long, or if he is among strangers or in an unfamiliar place for a long time, or if the parents have played with him for too long, then this can cause his nervous tension and irritation. You expect him to be tired and soon to fall asleep, but instead he, on the contrary, cannot sleep at all. If parents or strangers try to calm the child by continuing to play and talk to him, this will only make matters worse.

Some children are so arranged that they can not fall asleep peacefully. They get so tired towards the end of each waking period that their nervous system tenses up, creating a kind of barrier that children must overcome before falling asleep. These children need to cry. Some children cry at first loudly and desperately, and then either suddenly or gradually the crying subsides and they fall asleep.

So, if your baby cries at the end of the wakeful period after feeding, then first assume that he is tired and put him to bed. Have him cry for 15-30 minutes if he needs to. Some babies sleep better when left alone in the crib; All children should be taught this. But other babies calm down more quickly when they are gently rocked in a stroller, or their crib is moved back and forth (if it has wheels), or carried around, preferably in a darkened room. It is possible to help the child to sleep in this way from time to time when he is especially tired, but not every day. The child can get used to this way of falling asleep and will not want to fall asleep without motion sickness, which sooner or later will begin to annoy you.

restless children

Most newborns, especially first-borns, have at least a few bouts of angry crying in the first weeks. Some babies especially cry a lot and angrily, either sometimes or most of the time. These periods of angry crying alternate with periods of unusually deep sleep, when it is simply impossible to wake the child. We do not know the reason for this behavior; perhaps the reason is the imperfection of the digestive or nervous system. This behavior does not mean illness and passes over time, but for parents this is a very difficult time. You can try several ways to calm such a child. Try giving him a pacifier if your doctor doesn't mind. Try to swaddle him tightly. Some mothers and experienced nannies find that restless babies feel much better in a small space - in a small basket or even in a cardboard box lined with a blanket on the inside. If you have a stroller or cradle, try rocking your baby before bed, maybe a slight movement will calm him down. Riding in a car miraculously puts restless children to sleep, but the trouble is that everything starts all over again at home. A heating pad can soothe a child. Try also to put him to sleep with music.

hyperexcitable child

This is an unusually nervous and restless child. His muscles are unable to fully relax. He starts violently at the slightest noise or when he changes position. For example, if the child is lying on his back and rolls over on his side, or if the person holding him suddenly moves him, he may jump in fright. Such a child usually does not like to swim in the first 2 months. An overexcitable child may also suffer from gas or cry angrily on a regular basis. For hyperexcitable children, it is necessary to create a calm environment: a quiet room, a minimum of visitors, low voices, slow movements when caring for them. Wash and swaddle such a baby on a large pillow (in a waterproof pillowcase so that he does not roll over. Keep him swaddled most of the time. Put him on his tummy in a small bed with walls: in a stroller, crib or in a box. Doctors often prescribe a sedative for newborns .

Colic in the first 3 months

and regular angry crying. These two conditions are usually related and their symptoms are similar. Colic is a sharp pain in the intestines caused by gases that puff up the baby's tummy. He tightens his legs or stretches them and strains, screams piercingly and sometimes releases gases through the anus. In the second case, the child cries desperately for several hours every day at the same time, although he eats well and is not sick with anything. Some children have gas pains, others just have a regular need to scream angrily every day, and still others have both. All these conditions begin 2-4 weeks after birth and usually resolve by 3 months, with in all cases the worst time being between 6 pm and 10 pm.

Here is a typical story: in the maternity hospital, the mother was told that she had a calm baby, and a few days after he was brought home, he was suddenly irritated by angry crying, which continued for 3-4 hours without a break. His mother changes his diaper, turns him over, gives him water, but all this helps only for a minute. After about two hours, it seems to her that the child is hungry, because he tries to put everything he needs into his mouth. His mother gives him milk, which he drinks greedily at first, but quickly gives up and starts screaming again. Sometimes this heartbreaking cry continues the entire break from one feeding to another, after which the child "miraculously" calms down.

Very many newborns have only a few of these seizures in the first months, but some babies have these screaming fits every night for the first 3 months.

Some newborns have gas and periods of angry crying very regularly, for example from 6 to 10 pm or 2 to 6 pm, and the rest of the time they sleep like angels. In some other newborns, these periods are longer, even up to half a day or, much worse, up to half a night. Sometimes the child begins to worry even during the day, and by night the crying intensifies, or vice versa. Pain from gas (colic) most often begins after feeding, either immediately or after half an hour. Remember that hunger makes the baby scream before feeding.

The mother suffers when she hears her child crying and thinks that he has a serious illness. She is amazed that the child is not at all tired of crying for a long time. Mother's nerves are extremely tense. The most amazing thing is that a child who cries a lot develops physically well. Despite many hours of screaming, he continues to put on weight, and at an accelerated pace. He eats with gusto, quickly devouring his portion and demanding more. When a child suffers from gas, the mother first of all thinks that the reason for this is nutrition (artificial or breastfeeding). If the child is bottle-fed, the mother asks the doctor if she should change the composition of the milk formula, like the child of the neighbors. Changes in diet occasionally do bring some relief, but in most cases they do nothing. It is clear that the quality of food is not the main cause of gases. Why does the child normally absorb all food, except for one feeding, and cry only in the evenings? Colic (pain from flatus) comes from both breast and cow's milk. And sometimes the cause of them is considered orange juice.

We do not know the underlying cause of colic or regular angry crying. Perhaps the fault is the periodic tension of the imperfect nervous system of the child. Some of these children are almost constantly overexcited (see section 250). The fact that the baby usually cries in the evening points to fatigue as one of the reasons. Many newborns under 3 months are extremely aroused before falling asleep. They cannot sleep without yelling at least a little piercingly.

Colic treatment

Most importantly, parents need to understand that gas is common in newborns, that it does not cause harm to the baby (on the contrary, children who gain weight well are more likely to suffer from gas) and that by 3 months or earlier it will pass without leaving a trace. . If parents find the strength to calmly relate to the cry of the child, then half of the problem has already been solved. Overexcitable children need a calm lifestyle, a quiet room, tenderness and slowness in care, quiet voices, and the absence of visitors. Do not play violently with such a child, do not tickle him, do not go for walks with him in noisy places. A child suffering from colic also needs affection, a smile, in the company of parents, like other children, but he must be handled with special care. Mothers should show such a child to the doctor more often. The doctor may prescribe a sedative. A properly prescribed medicine will not harm a child and will not instill in him the habit of sedatives, even if they are used for several months.

If there is no way to consult a doctor, try a home remedy - a pacifier. This usually proves to be a very effective sedative, but some parents and doctors will not approve of pacifiers.

A child suffering from gas feels better lying on his stomach. You will bring even more relief to him by placing his tummy on his knees or on a heating pad and stroking his back. The temperature of the heating pad should be checked with the inside of your wrist. The heating pad should not burn your skin. Wrap the heating pad in a diaper or towel before placing it on the baby.

If the gas pains are unbearable, then an enema of warm water will bring relief to the child. This remedy should not be used regularly, but only in especially severe cases and as prescribed by a doctor. Is it possible to pick up a child, rock him or carry him in his arms if he is crying from gases? Even if it calms him down, won't it lead to spoilage? Nowadays, they are no longer afraid to spoil the child, as before. If a child is not feeling well and you comfort him, he will not require comfort when he feels good. If motion sickness or carrying in your arms calms a small child, go to meet him. However, if he still cries in his arms, then it is better not to wear him so as not to accustom him to hands.

Especially nervous children should be under close medical supervision. Most of them recover quickly, but the first 2-3 months is a very difficult time for both them and their parents.

Parents have a hard time with a restless, hyperexcitable, gassy, ​​or irritable child

Often, when you take such a child in your arms to calm him down, he first falls silent for a few minutes, and then begins to cry with renewed vigor. At the same time, he beats with his hands and feet. He resists your consolations and even seems to be angry with you for it. Deep down in your heart, you are hurt and offended. You feel sorry for the child (at least in the beginning). You feel helpless. But every minute the child gets more and more angry, and you, too, cannot help but get angry with him in the depths of your soul. You feel ashamed that you are angry with such a baby. You try to suppress your anger, and this leads to more nervous tension in the child.

It is not surprising that you are angry in such a situation, and you need not be ashamed of it. If you admit that you are angry and try to take it with humor, then it will be easier for you to get through this period. Also, remember that the child is not at all angry with you, although he cries angrily. He does not yet know that you are a person and that he is also a person.

If you are unlucky and your baby cries a lot, despite the best efforts of the doctor and yours, you should think about yourself. Maybe you are a calm, balanced person by nature and do not worry, making sure that the child is not sick and that you have done everything possible for him. But many mothers literally go crazy and bring themselves to exhaustion, hearing the cry of a child, especially if he is the firstborn. You should definitely find an opportunity to leave the house and the child for a few hours at least 2 times a week (or even more often if possible).

Of course, you are uncomfortable asking someone to stay with the child. You think: “Why should I force my child on other people. Besides, I'll still be worried about him." You should not treat this little rest as a pleasure. And for you, and for the child, and for your husband, it is important that you do not reach exhaustion and depression. If you have no one to replace yourself, then let your husband sit with the child 2-3 times a week while you go to visit or to the movies. Your husband should also spend one or two evenings a week away from home. A child does not need two listeners at once in the face of worried parents. Let your friends come to visit you. Remember, anything that helps you keep your peace of mind, that distracts you from worrying about the child, ultimately helps both the child and the whole family.