Why hair you need to cut on a growing moon. Which lunar days are better to cut hair? Favorable days for haircuts

Hair is not just for beauty. They are peculiar natural antennas of our organism, which conduct an invisible lifeless power to the body. There is a legend that the sin of the head around the head of the man was Nimb (a spherical cluster of bioenergy, admire which we can now only on icons) and there was no hair.

There is such a belief that Prachelovka's head was covered with something similar to the gun, which we see on the head of a newborn baby. And when the man fell into sin, the rays of cosmic energy around his head alone and turned into hair.

They became a link between the man and the sky until then, until he rises again to his heavenly level of development.

Hair treats carefully. Crop your hair means to change your life, they knew well in the old days. No wonder the huge number of rituals associated with this procedure remained.

Magic to hair and all problems associated with them belongs very simply. Once the hair is the source of our cosmic force, which means that everything happens to them, changes the bed by the invisible river, which is washes us with its bioenergy waves. Therefore, any effect on the hair can change in one direction or another, not only our appearance, but also our whole life.

And therefore, so as not to lose ahead of time and not lose your heavenly half in the form of an angel-keeper, it is necessary to observe certain security measures when you have a haircut, to know when and why do you do it.

Rule first

it says: You can not trust your hair to someone. It should be remembered that the person who cuts you is changing your biofield. Therefore, coming to the hairdresser, choose an energetic and cheerful wizard, then your life after the haircut will change for the better. The older the hairdresser, the stronger his influence on your life. If you are a person independent, you used to solve your problems yourself and do not like when you interfere with them to implement them, choose the master or one with you age, or younger you. When you chronically not lucky for an incomprehensible reason, it makes sense to choose a very old and famous master, even if a hairstyle, they will cost you very expensive. But after visiting the hairdresser, your life will change dramatically. And if you even correctly calculate the moment of the visit, it will not just change, but improve.

Rule second:

himself better hair do not cut. Even if you know a hairdresser well, it's not worth neglected by this. The roots of this "superstition" lie in a very important issue: a person is very difficult to cure himself. It knows any, the strongest extrasens. Whatever strong and volitions are a person, it is very difficult for him to correct the deformations of his own biofield, since he reworches them to such a deformed energy.

Rule Third:

it is believed that it is better if a person is having a sex with you. The fact is that a very many recipes of love spells are associated with hair, but the problem is not only in pure witchcraft.

During the haircut, you change the essential, astral and mental biofield, and as a result of this, we can easily succumb to someone else's influence. Therefore, if you liked the wizard of a different floor with you, it can lead to trouble in personal life. Not in vain in the biblical legends of Samson destroyed a woman cut off his hair. The same sign is true for women, only speech is already talking about male hairdressers.

Rule fourth:

after the haircut, the hair in the water is not thrown. Carefully follow this in the hairdresser, then to the old age save your hair with lush and healthy.

Rule fifth:

if you want to grow faster after haircuts, the hairstyle should be done with a full moon. If you want the hair a little changed their properties - for example, you do not suit you that they are confused, naughty - it is worth going to the hairdresser on a decreasing moon. But remember that after such a haircut, the hair will grow very long. On the descending Moon also trim, if you want to strengthen the roots of the hair, delay their rapid loss.

The sixth rule:

hair can not be cut into the so-called Satanian lunar days (9, 15, 23 and 29 days on the lunar calendar), as well as in the days of the solar and lunar eclipse. After such procedures, it is possible to get sick or, as they spoke in the old days, "Memory and Mind of Competition".

Rule seventh:

how your life will change after the haircut, will show the day of the week when I visited the hairdresser.

Monday - A day favorable for a haircut. At this time, you can remove a large number of negative emotions and unsolved problems accumulated in life. Day is favorable for hair color.

Tuesday It is better to go to the hairdresser if you lack physical strength or will solve some important problem if you lack activity or tortured the monotony of life.

On Wednesday Try well to learn something new or interesting, meet new friends or attach older, increase the number of travel, movements and communication in life.

Thursday Promotes changes in relations with others, contributes to human popularity, an increase in its luck and well-being.

Friday - Beauty Day. When you visit the hairdresser on this day of the week, you change not just hairstyle, you change your appearance. Therefore, if you are satisfied, as you look like this day of the week, it is better not to cut. If you want to be pushed - visit the hairdresser on Friday, when the sun goes to Capricorn (December 24 - January 22) or Taurus (April 22 - May 21).

Saturday - Good day for a haircut. The hair on this day is healing, and at the same time you remove some of the karmic debts and sins of your kind.

On Sunday It is better not to cut the hair - you can cut your own destiny or good luck. This day is good only for chronic losers - maybe the fate is worst and after such a procedure will change for the better. But no one can give guarantees.

Eighth rule

it suggests that it is not enough to choose a good day for a haircut, it is also necessary that he harmonize with your own birthday, otherwise all favorable trends will turn into negative.

Monday Harmonious energy Thursday, Friday, Saturday. A day-antagonist for Monday is Sunday.

If you are born tuesdayYou are relative of Thursday's energy, Saturday, Sunday. And the power of Monday and Friday is unfavorable for you. Friday - antagonist for Tuesday.

Environment Harmonious Sunday power. The antagonist is Thursday.

Thong Related Monday energy, Tuesday, Friday, Sunday. The antagonist it is environment.

Friday Close of Monday's power, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday. Antagonist it is Tuesday.

Saturday Related Friday energy. Antagonist her - Sunday.

Sunday Harmonious forces of Tuesday and Thursday. Antagonist it is Monday.

In the days of antagonists, hair is cut when you pursue a karmic bad luck in all areas of life. Usually after such a haircut for a while, life seems to be freezing to make a steep turn, which will lead you to victory.

Rule ninth

it suggests that, like plants, the speed and quality of the growth of our hair obey the position of the Moon in the sky. Therefore, it is not enough to choose a good lunar day and the day of the week for hairstyles, you still have to take a favorable time to grow hair the position of the moon in the zodiac sign. The position of the Moon is always indicated in the lunar calendars for the year.

1st lunar day Hair haircut leads to a reduction in life.

2nd lunar day - Haircut hair will attract quarrels and litigation to you.

3rd lunar day - Hair haircut will cause harm to the body and can attract waste to you.

4th lunar day - Haircut will bring discomfort, attracting longing and the fear of the loss of loved ones. It will cause sickness of the throat and diseases of the oral cavity.

5th lunar day - Hair cut will lead to an increase in property, you will become a little richer.

6th lunar day - Hair hair is undesirable - you will attract a cold, the smell will worsen, you will look like a sick person and actually begin to hurt.

7th lunar day - Haircut hair will attract quarrels and charges to you, you can clarify with the boss. There is a threat to conflict with a loved one. The burning day on the Tibetan calendar, the day when hair haircut seriously worsen the state of your health.

8th lunar day - Haircut will attract longevity to you, good health and will make your life worthy in the eyes of others (although not immediately, but in the coming months).

9th lunar day - Hair haircut attracts disease.

10th lunar day - The burning day on Tibetan traditions, it is recommended to refrain from the haircut, as it will attract disease to you.

11th lunar day - Haircut will bring the severity of feelings, will increase your ability to foresee and insightness of the mind.

12th lunar day - hair can not be cut - misfortunes, injuries are attracted and the likelihood of a threat to life is increasing.

13th lunar day - It is advisable to cut, because the haircut will bring happiness and benefits, a beautiful appearance.

14th lunar day - Haircut will attract improvement in activities, financial position, increasing property and felt bosses. Res. For the sake of their own well-being at least spend on the hair

15th lunar day - It is safer to refrain from the haircut, since psyche disorders are possible as a result of a haircut, an increase in pressure, headaches and the appearance of a feeling of fear. Res. If you do not want to please the hospital bed, stay away from hairdressers.

16th lunar day - Better from the haircut to refrain - there will be a misfortune, errors. Negative habits and vices will be fully implemented, thrust to alcohol will increase, and the ability to control passion will decrease. Hair haircut can attract treason, as a result of which your health condition deteriorates significantly.

17th lunar day - As a result, the haircuts will appear in cases, diseases will arise. The possibility of getting injuries in the future. Psyche will suffer. On the eastern beliefs, the haircut on this day will attract malicious spirits to you.

18th lunar day - Hair haircut will lead to loss of property, theft, can get your pets (they feel threatening you danger and worry about you). Also on Tibetan traditions, this burning day and hair haircut will bring you a serious deterioration of health.

19th lunar day - You should contact the haircut - hair haircut extends life.

20th lunar day - Strike hair undesirable, "disgust" will arise to life.

21th lunar day - It is advisable to cut hair - attract beauty and well-being.

22nd lunar day - Haircut will attract the possibility of acquiring property to you, but you can recover, gain overweight.

23th lunar day - Haircut will bring a beautiful complexion, improve your well-being.

24th lunar day - Very bad day for hair cutting - Diseases may appear. Want to be healthy - refrain from the haircut.

25th lunar day - Hair cut will increase eye pressure and lead to impairment of vision. As a result, the eye diseases are exacerbated, inflammation is likely, the appearance of barley.

26th lunar day

27th lunar day - As a result of hair cut or creating hairstyles you will attract joy and happiness to yourself.

28th lunar day - As a result of hair cutting, the charm of appearance will increase, you will like people.

30th lunar day - Hair haircut can attract a threat to a meant with misfortune, the enemy and can even attract death. There is also a possibility of attracting autoavaria.

When you can cut hairTo make them healthier and attract good luck? Once people endowed the curls with magical strength, so the care of them was permeated with a whole ritual. These knowledge has been preserved, and perhaps some of them will soon receive a scientific explanation.

Correct care: how often you need to cut hair

to cut hair necessary but itcan do not so often likewhen Yes, they advised the masters.

To determine how often you need to cut hair, you should take into account the length of the hair, the presence of bangs and shaved zones, as well as the overall state of the curls.

Long hair if they are healthy, it is enough to line 2 times a year. The owners of multilayer haircuts should do it every 3-4 months.

Hair medium length can be cut once every 3 months or a little more often to maintain the shape of the haircut. The short hair length will have to be adjusted after 4-6 weeks.

Special attention is required by bangs, hatches Andercat and shaved whiskey. Direct bangs must be adjusted 1 time per month, and the long, flowing on the side - 1 time in 6-8 weeks. Creative haircuts must be corrected at least once a month.

These tips are suitable primarily to those who are not going to change the length. What should I do if you want to let go of the hair? Do you cut the ends of the curls and how often do you need to do?

How often do you need to cut the tips

Many women believe that, combing hair tips, they increase their growth rates. This opinion is mistaken. The growth rate is determined by genes, and even relatives it can be different.

On average, the curls grow by 8-13 mm per month, in the summer faster, in winter - slower. therefore wishing to repel braids should be focused primarily on their strengthening and nutrition.

The ends of healthy hair are enough to cut 2-3 times a year, and problematic - every 10-12 weeks. It is important to remember that their beauty is directly related to the general condition of the body.

They are mistaken and those who do not complete the ends of strands at all. The longer the hair, the weaker the tips become, the greater the likelihood that they will begin to sch. In addition, the hair is growing unevenly.

If you don't even end ends for a long time, the species will be inaccier. And together with cut-off strands, accumulated negative emotions are leaving, which adversely affect the state of the person.

What day of the week is better to cut hair

The secret of a successful haircut is not only in the skill of the hairdresser. To get a good result and have a positive energy, it is necessary to take into account many factors.

One of them is the day of the week selected for manipulations with hair:

  1. Monday - lucky day. According to the signs, anxiety and sadness will come along with sliced \u200b\u200bhair. Any experiments with the image will be appropriate, up to a cardinal change hairstyle.
  2. Tuesday - Suitable time to trim the ends of the curls or correct bangs. These actions will help improve health and give strength to solve accumulated problems. It will still be useful to take a hairder to those who are tired of the routine and wants to make life more diverse.
  3. IN wednesday You can cut everyone except born on Thursday. Visiting the hairdresser will improve the activity of the nervous system, memory and ability to learn.
  4. True B. thursday, You can clean the biofield, establish relationships with loved ones and attract good luck. Communication will encine new acquaintances, old connections will be restored.
  5. Haircut made infridayPositive will affect all spheres of life. This day passes under the patronage of Venus, so any manipulations with hair will be successfully. However, the work of the hairdresser can strongly change the appearance and disrupt the inner harmony.
  6. Cut saturday - Good sign. This will help improve emotional and physical condition, forget old problems and resentment. Hair length will quickly recover. Forces, patience and opportunity to see the hidden talent in themselves.
  7. IN sunday Visiting the hairdresser only hurts. Slicing hair, a man loses good luck. The only casewhen you can on this day to cut hair - If not at all luck. Then fate will change dramatically for the better.

When it is better to cut hair on the lunar calendar 2018

The satellite of the Earth mysteriously affects the tides and flows, the crop and state of a person is spiritual and physical.

When you can cut your hair through the lunar calendar in 2018. Oracle haircuts, days of the week

Our ancestors noticed that the quality of the hair varies depending on whether they cut them during which the moon phase.

Is it possible to cut hair if today "satanic day" on the lunar calendar

Find out when you can and can not cut hair just. It is enough to open the lunar calendar for the period of interest. In each lunar month there are 4 "satanic" days when the night luminaire is completely hidden from human eyes.

It is dangerous to carry out any manipulations with hair at this time: the energy field becomes defenseless, and the force of curses increases many times. It is important to know that this is 9, 15, 23 and 29 of each lunar month.

Which phase of the moon is better to cut hair - on which moon. Best Phase Moon for Hair Clipping

Growing Moon Hair Haircut

The growing moon is a symbol of prosperity and growth, the best time,when you can cut hair. Cropped into this phase curls will grow faster.

It is most favorable for any hair actions: lamination, staining, alignment of tips or creating a new haircut. It is best to do this at 5, 8 or 11 lunar day.

Is it possible to cut hair on a decreasing moon

It is better to devote to the care of the use of masks better, it will give a noticeable result. If you need to strengthen your hair, you can cut the ends slightly. But they will grow slowly.

Also, the haircut on a decreasing moon can weaken the vision. Favorable days - 21, 26 and 27.

Is it possible to cut hair into the full moon - if the full phase of the moon

Carefully change the hairstyle in the full moon is undesirable, but you can endure spars. And the new moon time can be used for experiments with appearance and change of image.

Is it possible to cut hair, if tomorrow is solar, lunar eclipse

Solar and lunar eclipses are the time of crises and losses. Astrologers advise not to visit the hairdresser during this period. The protective field of a person is weakening. Together with interpretated strands, health and life force are leaving, so the risk of getting sick.

When you can cut hair on oracle

Choosing when you can cut hairIt is useful to pay attention to the constellation in which the satellite is located.

The most favorable for women will be days under the sign of Taurus, Virgin, weights, Capricorn and Lion.

The constellation of Aquarius patronates experiments, and under the influence of the constellation of fish do something with her hair dangerous.

Is it possible to cut hair in the evening

The new haircut will change life for the better if not only the right day is chosen, but also the right time. Folk wisdom states that it is possible to trim only in the bright time of the day.

In the evening, after sunset, the result of darkness is easier to get power over man. Even hanging the thrust ends or bangs, it is easy to break the connection with the divine start.Any action with hair will cause health, physical and mental problems. It is also believed that a person will lose good luck and money.

Is it possible to cut hair during pregnancy

Is it possible to cut hair during pregnancy? The answer is in our article!

Once people believed that there was a life in her hair. Pregnant's cosos treated with a special trepidation: the future mother was forbidden to trim through the entire length of the baby's noding, and especially before childbirth.

Modern magicians also assure that it cuts off the hair, the woman loses the vitality necessary for her and the baby.

It is forbidden to even imagine the abstract ends of the curls. Violation of this rule threatens premature childbirth, short life or pregnancy interruption.

But doctors consider otherwise. Some specifically advise patients to attend the hairdresser, if it raises them mood. After all, the positive emotions of the mother will benefit on the development of the kid.

There is no unambiguous answer to this question. However, it is noted that during pregnancy, hair becomes better. This can take advantage of starting them to grow.

Is it possible to cut hair during menstruation

Monthly - not the best timewhen you can cut hair. When menstruation, a hormonal background is changing, which affects the condition of the skin, nails and hair. This time is considered unsuccessful for the haircut.

According to the signs, the curls weaken are easily twisted and grow slowly, and the woman can get sick or quickly.

Experience of hairdressers shows that the strands lose elasticity and shine, become fatigue from the roots. It does not allow you to make good laying.

The menstrual cycle of a woman is similar to the moon. Even if the women's cycle is longer, it consists of the same phases as the light cycle, only their duration is slightly larger.

The first phase of the lunar cycle lives in an individual cycle as the bleeding phase. It is unfavorable for any action with hair.

Is it possible to cut hair on your birthday

The better the birthday will be, the joy will be the year. The birthday name should take care of his appearance. We'll have to think about the hairstyle in advance, because it is cut on this day - to trim your luck. And you can make the laying: it will not affect fate.

The day of the week in which a person was born, also affects the choice of successful time for a haircut:

  • For those born on Tuesday, the best days - Thursday, Saturday, Sunday. Inappropriate - Friday.
  • If the birthday fell on Wednesday, the ideal day for the haircut will be Saturday, and on Thursday it is better to do other things.
  • Born on Thursday will get the best result on Monday and Friday. Do not visit wizards on Wednesday.
  • Best days for people born on Friday, - Monday, Thursday and Saturday. On Tuesday, it is undesirable on Tuesday.
  • For those who saw the light on Saturday, a favorable time - Wednesday and Friday, unfavorable - Sunday.
  • Born on Sunday is worth planning a haircut on Tuesday and Thursday and not to go to the hairdresser on Monday.

It is desirable to go to the hairdresser on Thursday, Friday or Saturday to go on Monday. Faithful day - Sunday.

Who better entrust haircut

Searches for a suitable wizard - not just a cute whim. A man sodes over a hairstyle, changes his client's biofield.

Trusting the hair is really a good master you can restore the strength, gain confidence in yourself and attract good luck. What features to recognize "their" hairdresser?

Consider these factors when choosing a hairdresser:

  • Positive setting. Friendly, who loving his work wizard will charge a person with positive energy and desire to create. It is worth paying attention to the general well-groomed stylist - an untidy appearance may be a sign of fatigue and depression.
  • Age. The older the master, the stronger it affects the human biofield. This can take advantage to interrupt the troubleshirt, restore faith in yourself and overcome the spiritual crisis. And harmonious agents, while not wishing to change, it is better to choose a hairdresser of your age or a little younger.
  • Floor. Trust curls to master the opposite sex is dangerous. Randomly emerged sympathy will create problems in the personal life of his client.

Can my husband cut hair wife

Not always that daywhen you can cut hairThe suitable master is free. In addition, I do not always want to go to the hairdresser only to endure bangs.

It seems easier to apply with this request to the native, for example, to her husband. But there is a sign that prohibits it. Husband, cutting his wife, shortens her life.

WHEN can not cut her husband for the same reason. And the fact that the married couple regularly corrects each other hairstyle can provoke treason.

When you can't cut hair

There are periods when a person especially needs to protect and the patronage of the Higher Forces. Locks - threads connecting us with space and natively, but with thoughtless attitude to them this connection is easy to break or turn to harm.

That this does not happen, it is better to apply knowledge that are transmitted from generation to generation. It is useful to remember what days and periods of life cut hair is categorically prohibited:

  1. In "Satanian days", during lunar and solar eclipses.
  2. On Sundays and Church Holidays.
  3. In the evenings.
  4. During pregnancy and monthly.
  5. Students - during the session.
  6. On the birthday and in the days of antagonists.
  7. Children up to the year. It will also be a mistake to shave the baby lying: it will not affect the quality of the hair and deprive the strength.

There is another, very important rule. It is worth telling about it separately.

Why you can not cut hair myself

Those who decided to cut themselves - no matter what reason you need to know how to smooth the consequences of this action.

Having cut the hair, a person deform his own biofield.

It violates the energy exchange with the Universe that in everyday life it will look like diseases, parting with loved ones, problems with money.

It is believed that after the first self-haircut, the troubles will be small, but each next will begin to increase. If you repeat this action regularly, a failure strip will begin in life.

Among the hairdressers are known sign: the one who cuts, lives longer than the one who has been cut. A man cutting his hair shocked his life.

So that this does not happen, you need to perform such a rite before the haircut: three times it turns out and drink three throat of water from the tap, which today has not yet been opened. Then sprinkle with water on your hair.

Mages argue that the problems with money will arise if you change the length sharply. For example, cut off the braid. You can hang a little hair, the main thing is not to do it on Friday.

Before the haircut you need to cross the scissors 3 times and sprinkled on the strands of holy water.

Avoid health problems will be able to adjust the hairstyle in the room where there is something green, at least a rug. And again, first look better in the lunar calendar.

Strike hair can be very otherwise than the way it didwhen Yes: Investing in all actions with them sacral meaning. Correcting the hair correctly, the location status will begin to improve, which will affect the improvement of well-being, will increase the mood and self-esteem.

In this useful video, you will learn when you can cut your hair:

This video will tell you when you can cut your hair on the day of the week:

Hair is not just for beauty. They are peculiar natural antennas of our organism, which conduct an invisible lifeless power to the body. There is a legend that the sin of the head around the head of the man was Nimb (a spherical cluster of bioenergy, admire which we can now only on icons) and there was no hair.
It is said that Prachelovka's head was covered with something similar to the gun, which we see on the head of a newborn baby. And when the man fell into sin, the rays of cosmic energy around his head alone and turned into hair.
They became a link between the man and the sky until then, until he rises again to his heavenly level of development.
Hair treats carefully. Crop your hair means to change your life, they knew well in the old days. No wonder the huge number of rituals associated with this procedure remained.
Magic to hair and all problems associated with them belongs very simply. Once the hair is the source of our cosmic force, which means that everything happens to them, changes the bed by the invisible river, which is washes us with its bioenergy waves. Therefore, any effect on the hair can change in one direction or another, not only our appearance, but also our whole life.
And therefore, so as not to lose ahead of time and not lose your heavenly half in the form of an angel-keeper, it is necessary to observe certain security measures when you have a haircut, to know when and why do you do it.

Rule first it says: You can not trust your hair to someone. It should be remembered that the person who cuts you is changing your biofield. Therefore, coming to the hairdresser, choose an energetic and cheerful wizard, then your life after the haircut will change for the better. The older the hairdresser, the stronger his influence on your life. If you are a person independent, you used to solve your problems yourself and do not like when you interfere with them to implement them, choose the master or one with you age, or younger you. When you chronically not lucky for an incomprehensible reason, it makes sense to choose a very old and famous master, even if a hairstyle, they will cost you very expensive. But after visiting the hairdresser, your life will change dramatically. And if you even correctly calculate the moment of the visit, it will not just change, but improve.

Rule second: himself better hair do not cut. Even if you know a hairdresser well, it's not worth neglected by this. The roots of this "superstition" lie in a very important issue: a person is very difficult to cure himself. It knows any, the strongest extrasens. Whatever strong and volitions are a person, it is very difficult for him to correct the deformations of his own biofield, since he reworches them to such a deformed energy.

Rule Third: it is believed that it is better if a person is having a sex with you. The fact is that a very many recipes of love spells are associated with hair, but the problem is not only in pure witchcraft. During the haircut, you change the essential, astral and mental biofield, and as a result of this, we can easily succumb to someone else's influence. Therefore, if you liked the wizard of a different floor with you, it can lead to trouble in personal life. Not in vain in the biblical legends of Samson destroyed a woman cut off his hair. The same sign is true for women, only speech is already talking about male hairdressers.

Rule fourth: after the haircut, the hair in the water is not thrown. Carefully follow this in the hairdresser, then to the old age save your hair with lush and healthy.

Rule fifth: if you want to grow faster after haircuts, the hairstyle should be done with a full moon. If you want the hair a little changed their properties - for example, you do not suit you that they are confused, naughty - it is worth going to the hairdresser on a decreasing moon. But remember that after such a haircut, the hair will grow very long. On the descending Moon also trim, if you want to strengthen the roots of the hair, delay their rapid loss.

The sixth rule: hair can not be cut into the so-called Satanian lunar days (9, 15, 23 and 29 days on the lunar calendar), as well as in the days of the solar and lunar eclipse. After such procedures, it is possible to get sick or, as they spoke in the old days, "Memory and Mind of Competition".

Rule seventh: how your life will change after the haircut, will show the day of the week when I visited the hairdresser.

Monday - A day favorable for a haircut. At this time, you can remove a large number of negative emotions and unsolved problems accumulated in life. Day is favorable for hair color.
In tuesday It is better to go to the hairdresser if you lack physical strength or will solve some important problem if you lack activity or tortured the monotony of life.
IN wednesday Try well to learn something new or interesting, meet new friends or attach older, increase the number of travel, movements and communication in life.
Thursday Promotes changes in relations with others, contributes to human popularity, an increase in its luck and well-being.
Friday - Beauty Day. When you visit the hairdresser on this day of the week, you change not just hairstyle, you change your appearance. Therefore, if you are satisfied, as you look like this day of the week, it is better not to cut. If you want to be pushed - visit the hairdresser on Friday, when the sun goes to Capricorn (December 24 - January 22) or Taurus (April 22 - May 21).
Saturday - Good day for a haircut. The hair on this day is healing, and at the same time you remove some of the karmic debts and sins of your kind.
IN sunday It is better not to cut the hair - you can cut your own destiny or good luck. This day is good only for chronic losers - maybe the fate is worst and after such a procedure will change for the better. But no one can give guarantees.

Eighth ruleit suggests that it is not enough to choose a good day for a haircut, it is also necessary that he harmonize with your own birthday, otherwise all favorable trends will turn into negative.

Monday Harmonious energy Thursday, Friday, Saturday. A day-antagonist for Monday is Sunday.
If you were born intuesday, You are related to the energy of Thursday, Saturday, Sunday. And the power of Monday and Friday is unfavorable for you. Friday - antagonist for Tuesday.
Environment Harmonious Sunday power. The antagonist is Thursday.
Thong Related Monday energy, Tuesday, Friday, Sunday. The antagonist it is environment.
Friday Close of Monday's power, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday. Antagonist it is Tuesday.
Saturday Related Friday energy. Antagonist her - Sunday.
Sunday Harmonious forces of Tuesday and Thursday. Antagonist it is Monday.

In the days of antagonists, hair is cut when you pursue a karmic bad luck in all areas of life. Usually after such a haircut for a while, life seems to be freezing to make a steep turn, which will lead you to victory.

Rule ninth it suggests that, like plants, the speed and quality of the growth of our hair obey the position of the Moon in the sky. Therefore, it is not enough to choose a good lunar day and the day of the week for hairstyles, you still have to take a favorable time to grow hair the position of the moon in the zodiac sign. The position of the Moon is always indicated in the lunar calendars for the year.

Moon in Ovne It is considered unfavorable for hair cuts at all, although in the state of hair and does not affect the hair. The fact is that after such a procedure weakens the immunity of the body, the risk of getting risen.
Position Moon in Taurus, Virgin, Capricorn It is considered the most favorable to visit the hairdresser. The hair is well growing, poured by force, less sequel after the haircut.
Moon in twins and scales It helps to do air hairstyles, contributes to the rapid growth of the hair, but they do not affect the quality and condition.
Moon in cancer and fish Slows out the growth rate of hair, but saturates their vital power.
Moon in Lev. It is considered unfavorable time for the haircut, if your affairs go well, and favorable when you need to change the image or rhythm of human life.
Moon in Scorpio Very cunning and can both improve, so worsen your personal life and relationship with the partners of the opposite sex.
Moon in Streltsy Favorites changes in the career, at work, in relations with colleagues and business partners, helps to achieve recognition and social success.
Moon in aquare It is considered an extremely unfavorable position for the haircut.

Rule tenth The hairstyle of a certain zodiac sign is an excellent radar capturing the necessary space broadcasts. Connecting to the energy of one one, then another type - changing the shape of the hairstyle, structure and color of the hair - we change our life in the other side that we want.

Aries - Short sports haircuts. This form hairstyles the dynamism and, if you can put it, acts rejuvenating. "Osnovskiy" hairstyles contribute to the powerful transformation of the body, filling it with energy. People with weakened health in the old days often knocked hair. This procedure accelerated the metabolism, and therefore contributed to recovery. Ancient knew what they did, because Aries is directly related to the brain, since his astrological projection on the human body is in the field of head. For the proper supply of brain with blood and nutrients corresponds to Aries.
Using the hairstyle of this sign, a person treats his brain, and also stabilizes his activities. Hairstyles of Aries give a person with the ability to punch their projects and plans to be released from any life conflicts without anyone's support. Protect the acceleration of the pace of life, help to find their purpose.

Calf. It is best to attract the energy of this sign of the zodiac hairstyle of the average hair length. They can be diverse in the form and method of execution. But the style of the Taurus is always free lying hair. However, the real Tentovskaya laying is achieved using perfect technology, where one curl is not twisted with another. It is clear that the combined strands and laying (varnish, gel, wax) are excluded, which violate the perception of the form as natural, natural. Using the Taurus style makes it easy to correct the work of the stomach and throat. The hairstyles of this sign stabilize the financial situation and well-being, make a lucky owner in real estate operations.

Twins. All hair manipulations carried out using chemistry achievements are under the influence of twins air energy. The invention of this sign is painted and chemically curled hair. Best of all the energy of this constellation is carried out ash (slightly in blue), wavy hair medium (to shoulders) length.
The hairstyles of the twins harmonize the nervous system and the state of the upper respiratory tract. The style of twins perfectly attracts the resources necessary in the field of communication, gives success in school and trips.

Cancer. This sign of the zodiac is like a direct ranger. This is a favorite style of medieval crusaders, which saturates the body with physical strength. The hairstyles of this sign contribute to the good absorption of food with its full use for the work of the body. The energy of this zodiacal constellation is associated with the genetic memory of mankind. Therefore, the hairstyle of cancer normalizes the relationship with the older generation, gives protection of the genus. By the way, it helps to make a family, and your choice will certainly be approved by parents.

A lion. Naturally, the best conductor of the energy of this sign of the zodiac is the classic hairstyle of a lion - "lion mane". This style is achieved through a special stepped haircut. But in order for the hair to really look like a lion mane and did not scattered under the slightest impact of the breeze, you can add a little air, curling your hair (if they do not go away from nature). Lion controls the work of the heart. The hairstyles of this sign disclose creative abilities, make a person more confident in themselves, kinder, romantic. Add to the nature of cheerfulness, fun, but also make a lot of "take close to heart."

Virgo. This is one of the few signs of the zodiac, whose favorite occupation is masking its natural beauty for the beauty of artificial. The use of artificial hair, wigs, shigns, lining creates good conditions for attracting energy broadcast energy, which will become excellent assistants when they need to cope with a large number of tedious and painstaking work. Hairstyles Virgin give success in training, crafts and commerce. In addition, they activate the operation of the gastrointestinal tract.

Libra. The style of scales is a classic, a symbol of elitism, lush, but strict hairstyles "for one day." Elegantly laid on the head of female hair, create a feeling of some unavailable owner of such a hairstyle. The male hairstyle of this sign of the zodiac emphasizes the masculinity and the rigor of it wearing it. The classic in clothing and hairstyle allows a person to communicate only with people belonging to its circle and without hesitation to make faithful solutions. Such a hairstyle helps to find a compromise solution and establish calm relationships with any people. In the field of health, the hairstyle of weights regulates the work of the kidneys.

Scorpio. The hairstyles of this sign of the zodiac is definitely the "Vamp" style, both men's and women. Hair promoting the energy set needed by this watermark is straight and smooth. They can be briefly tonsured, which adds fire to the water. A similar style will emphasize the special sexuality of this sign and provokes persons of the opposite sex to acquaintance. After all, the more dating, the better the scorpion feels. The hairstyles of this sign give support and protection of higher forces in extreme situations, increase the sexuality of both sexes. In terms of rehabilitation, control the work of the sexual sphere.

Sagittarius. For themselves, Sagittarius is quite conservative. They do not like the rigor, both in behavior and clothing and hairstyles, and at the same time avoid extravagance. Women's options for hairstyles of Streltsovsky type are a combination of a short haircut in front with a long horse tail. Hairstyle of Athena Pallas very accurately reflects the style of a felt woman. Men's hairstyles of this sign can often be observed in historical and pseudo-historical films. Also, these hairstyles can be seen on the images of Zeus-Rubejnz and other ancient gods of Asia and Europe. The owner of the hairstyle of this sign will be accompanied by success in public, political and religious activities. Sagittarius gives a person self-esteem and adjusts the work of the liver.

Capricorn. The key position for the formation of hairstyles of this sign will reduce the costs of hair care to a minimum. The characteristic style of the male hairstyle, clearly catching the energy vibrations of this constellation, is the head of the head. Female option - hidden under the headdress (hat, handkerchief, bandana) hair. This style is especially suitable for the owners of long hair, which do not want to cut the virgus for career aspirations. As with other signs of earthly elements, the Capricorn energy helps to be realized in the material sphere. Promotes professional career and finding your place in life. This style controls the health of the teeth and the bone system.

Aquarius. This is the only sign in all zodiac, which has no binding to form, length or hair color. The main characteristic here is extravagance, but the popularity is hairstyles. Aquarius is somewhat ahead of time and, recognizing the internal needs of people, forms extraordinary flows in fashion and hairstyles. In the fashion of the Panca - Aquarius, the hair will be painted and the hips will be built, hippie - and he hippuet, it comes a turn of Yumbging - he shorts up and the impression of a reliable and superdendor person. The choice of hairstyle of Aquarius will allow you to start new projects and establish relationships with people. This sign controls the health of blood vessels, harmonizes the work of the arteries and veins.

Fish. This zodiac sign symbolizes world harmony. True hairstyles of fish carry a huge cosmic meaning. This is any kind of braid, where the hair intertwined with each other symbolize the merge of the various forces of the universe into one. Hairstyles of fish help gain inner harmony and peace, give the patronage of the higher forces in any affairs and projects. Fish control the metabolism and nervous system. In health purposes, there is a powerful healing effect on the state of the whole organism.

What is the basis of the lunar hair calendar?

Every day of the week has individual capabilities that determine positive or negative hair cutters or the implementation of other hair manipulations.

Lunar Haircut Calendar is provided in a comfortable form that allows it is easily able to deal with the existing recommendations.

Hair haircut in the lunar days:

1st lunar day - Hair haircut leads to a reduction in life.
2nd lunar day - Haircut hair will attract quarrels and litigation to you.
3rd lunar day - Hair haircut will cause harm to the body and can attract waste to you.
4th lunar day - Haircut will bring discomfort, attracting longing and the fear of the loss of loved ones. It will cause sickness of the throat and diseases of the oral cavity.
5th lunar day - Hair cut will lead to an increase in property, you will become a little richer.
6th lunar day - Hair hair is undesirable - you will attract a cold, the smell will worsen, you will look like a sick person and actually begin to hurt.
7th lunar day - Haircut hair will attract quarrels and charges to you, you can clarify with the boss. There is a threat to conflict with a loved one. The burning day on the Tibetan calendar, the day when hair haircut seriously worsen the state of your health.
8th lunar day - Haircut will attract longevity to you, good health and will make your life worthy in the eyes of others (although not immediately, but in the coming months).
9th lunar day - Hair haircut attracts disease.
10th lunar day - The burning day on Tibetan traditions, it is recommended to refrain from the haircut, as it will attract disease to you.
11th lunar day - Haircut will bring the severity of feelings, will increase your ability to foresee and insightness of the mind.
12th lunar day - hair can not be cut - misfortunes, injuries are attracted and the likelihood of a threat to life is increasing.
13th lunar day - It is advisable to cut, because the haircut will bring happiness and benefits, a beautiful appearance.
14th lunar day - Haircut will attract improvement in activities, financial position, increasing property and felt bosses.
15th lunar day - It is safer to refrain from the haircut, since psyche disorders are possible as a result of a haircut, an increase in pressure, headaches and the appearance of a feeling of fear.Recommendation:If you do not want to please the hospital bed, stay away from hairdressers.
16th lunar day - Better from the haircut to refrain - there will be a misfortune, errors. Negative habits and vices will be fully implemented, thrust to alcohol will increase, and the ability to control passion will decrease. Hair haircut can attract treason, as a result of which your health condition deteriorates significantly.
17th lunar day - As a result, the haircuts will appear in cases, diseases will arise. The possibility of getting injuries in the future. Psyche will suffer. On the eastern beliefs, the haircut on this day will attract malicious spirits to you.
18th lunar day - Hair haircut will lead to loss of property, theft, can get your pets (they feel threatening you danger and worry about you). Also on Tibetan traditions, this burning day and hair haircut will bring you a serious deterioration of health.
19th lunar day - You should contact the haircut - hair haircut prolongs life.
20th lunar day - Stream hair undesirable, "disgust" will arise to life.
21th lunar day - It is advisable to cut hair - attract beauty and well-being.
22nd lunar day - Haircut will attract the possibility of acquiring property to you, but you can recover, gain overweight.
23th lunar day - Haircut will bring an ugly complexion, worsen your well-being.
24th lunar day - Very bad day for hair cutting - Diseases may appear. Want to be healthy - refrain from the haircut.
25th lunar day - Hair cut will increase eye pressure and lead to impairment of vision. As a result, the eye diseases are exacerbated, inflammation is likely, the appearance of barley.
26th lunar day
27th lunar day - As a result of hair cut or creating hairstyles you will attract joy and happiness to yourself.
28th lunar day - As a result of hair cutting, the charm of appearance will increase, you will like people.
29th lunar day - A very unfavorable day for the haircut, possible karmic diseases.
30th lunar day - Hair haircut can attract a threat to a meant with misfortune, the enemy and can even attract death. There is also a possibility of attracting autoavaria.


Before you decide to make a new hairstyle or paint your hair, it will be worthwhile to estimate that it will bring you. After all, your well-being and globility depends on this. Astrology will help you in the definition of your internal compatibility with one or another hairstyle or hair color. And from now on you can model your life, bringing good luck to it and even adjusting health.
We, the inhabitants of the Earth, the planet of the Solar System, are not rarely forgotten, which is not just the inhabitants of certain terrain, the country, the earth's territory, but also the parts of the infinite outer space. Cosmos energy has a very strong effect on all living on our planet.
We all give us light and strength to the sun, moon and other space objects and bodies. Exploding the space of land, meteors and meteorites cause electromagnetic storms and natural cataclysms of a variety of scales. Depending on the country of habitat, we get and absorb cosmic radiation of a different nature that are reflected in the peculiarities of our behavior and appearance. Stars have the strongest and clean energy. The most powerful star in the sky is the sun. For the year, the twelve major constellations are held, which were called the zodiac constellation.
In a metaphysical understanding, the hair is antennas, conducted by human energy in the head. The length and color of the hair, as well as the shape hairstyle played in the process of absorbing cosmic radiation an important role. Therefore, the selection of hairstyles attracting good luck is carried out only after you decide what is still asking for your soul. What is the most in life at the moment you need? In material well-being, happiness in personal life, maybe you need to speed up career growth? From what you will be configured, further rates depend on the desired winnings.
So, if you are unhappy with the absence of career growth, emphasize your attention when choosing hairstyles on the styles of earth or fiery signs of the zodiac.
If you lack a solid social situation, choose the image that catches the energy of earthly signs and weights.
The hairstyles of the air signs of the zodiac and the Virgin bring success in communicating with other people, gaining new knowledge and training.
And in personal life everything will be gradually done by itself, if your hairstyle is a good conductor of energies of water or fiery element.
True, there is one important "but"! A competent selection of hairstyles that attracts good luck is the matter very serious. After you have decided on what trajectory your soul will withdraw, that is, what kind of luck do you need, it is necessary to make the following calculation. You need to know, under what zodiac sign you appeared on the white light, in general, who are you on a horoscope. And verify your inner compatibility with one type or another hairstyle or hair color.
For example, the hairstyles of the zodiac signs are favorable for born under the fiery and air signs of the zodiac, but born under the signs of water elements are completely contraindicated, as they can destroy good luck.
The hairstyles that attract the energies of aircraft are contraindicated by the earth and are well suited to those whose sign of the zodiac refers to the elements of air and fire.
Water hairstyles bring happiness born under the signs of the zodiac of water and land, and harmful to whom the fire sign is flowing from birth.
Earths are adversely shown for earthly and water marks of the zodiac and dangerous for air.
Hair color determines the energy of which planet of the solar system takes a person. Hair shape gives information about what type of energy is mainly used by the human body.
For example, the energy of the aquatic signs of the zodiac - cancer, scorpion, fish - characterize the straight, long, having a strong glitter hair. Such hair produce the impression of flowing water.
Hair air signs of the zodiac - twins, weights, water-wavy and medium length.
Earth signs - Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn - belong elastic and naughty hair.
The signs of the zodiac with fiery energy - Aries, a lion, Sagittarius - correspond to the hair with a reddish sampling and shortened length, at least in front or on a dark part of the head.
The length of the hair sets the amount and speed of the perceived energy with the brain of this individual. For example, the longer the hair, the greater the amount of energy absorbs a person, but the longer its way to immediate awareness.
When choosing hair length, pay attention to the following recommendations:
Long hair gives great strength, but slow down your reaction and the course of events in your life.
Short hair supply a rough, but powerful energy that accelerates in the body processes, as well as your reaction to the course of events.
Conclusion: If you want to delay a happy strip in my life, it makes sense to let the hair of the hair is authentic. But if you need to achieve something in a short time, then the short haircut will help you.
It is noted that most of the women who are lucky in business and unsuccessful women prefer short haircuts. Perhaps this is due to the fact that short female haircut involuntarily destroys women's happiness, adding a woman active male energy.
Baranova Natalia

P.S.: The beauty of hair is primarily their health. Environmental factors extremely negatively affect hair condition. Therefore, hair health and scalp should be supported. What can you use for this? The decoction of chamomile and lemon juice in the intervals between staining hair often become dull and lifeless. Revive the hair color and strengthen their internal structure will help a simple recipe. You can pour hair after washing the chamomile decoction by pharmacy or lemon juice, diluted with water. However, the lemon juice is better not to use on dark hair, as they can get yellow. But the chamomile decoction is the best tool. To prepare a hair beam, you need to brew a glass of boiling water four tablespoons of grass, insist, strain and cool. After that, the hair is rinsed with this means. Meals for glittering hair If the hair became weak, then first of all it is necessary to pay attention to the diet of your power supply. Nutrients from the blood penetrate the hair, respectively, when they lack them in the daily menu, the hair also experience the deficit of the useful substances. For hair health it is useful to eat protein products. And finally, recently scientists found that sleep on silk pillowcases helps to peel hair, as a soft tissue does not injure hair during sleep. In addition, silk linen prevents and hair depletion.

The moon is a mysterious and magical planet, which is subject to fits and riding. In fact, all nature and her harmony subordinate to the moon. From a long time, the belief has come to us that the moon phase directly affects the haircut and hair growth after it. Perhaps this is a superstition, but very many girls confirm information about the different effect of cosmetic procedures in different phases of the moon. Scientists explain this by the influence of the Moon for the mood and human well-being.

After all, if you are full of strength and energy, as well as in a great mood, any procedure will benefit you. And if you are oppressed and tired, the effect of cosmetic procedures, of course, will not return to you 100% of energy. Is it possible to cut into full moon or not, you can argue for a long time. Naturally, every girl, a woman, lady and even men would like to have a moon in their allies and assistants than on the contrary.

Influence of the moon per person

Hair is a straight parallel bonding a man with space. Such a theory exists in Tibet. And she has very serious justifications. The moon has a very strong impact on the life and fate of a person. The lunar calendar is a very exciting thing, it is based on information about the movements of the moon across the sky.

If you use the lunar calendar with the mind, you can easily direct your life in the right direction, you can attract good luck and luck. Also on the lunar calendar can be treated with favorable days for cosmetic procedures. When and what manipulations are better to spend with hair, you can easily calculate in the lunar calendar.

When is it possible to cut hair through the pheasis of the moon?

There are four well-known lunar phases:

  • New moon.
  • Growing moon, the so-called young moon.
  • Full moon.
  • Descending Moon, still referred to as old.

Consider more about the influence of the position of the moon on the haircut and cosmetic hair treatments in each of these phases.

In New Moon

New Moon - the birth of a new moon. All the forces of nature gives on this very complex process. Therefore, all other spheres are weakened. That is why in the new moon and one day before the new moon, the hair is not cut, maximum, you can afford, cutting the tips. And even this is not recommended. It is better to moisten your hair, make nutritious and vitamin masks, use special oils and hair waxes. Then your hair will tell you thanks. By the way, there was a terrifying sign about the haircut in the new moon. It was believed that anticipating hair, you shorten your life. After such information, no one wants to intentionally visit the hairdresser to the new moon.

On the growing (young) moon

The growing moon is new and young. Accordingly, this is one of the most favorable periods for updating and hair growth. If your cherished goal, grow long and thick hair, then the haircut on the growing (young) moon is mandatory for you. During the week after the new moon, a great time for haircuts and cosmetic procedures aimed at hair growth. The ladies note is best for your hair, if you are cutting at the same time every month. At least, so many people who tried this method on themselves.

In full moon

Full moon - fatal action, very significant in the lunar cycle. It is on this day that people tend to take sharp, cardinal solutions. If you decide to drastically change and change your appearance one hundred percent, in this case, a visit to the hairdresser in full moon is for you. Good in full moon to repaint hair from dark shades into bright and vice versa, change the shape of the hairstyle, to coordinate the bangs. If you do not intend to fundamental changes in your life, then with a visit to the hairdresser costs. Is it possible to cut into full moon or not, rather there is no than yes. Better to beat your hair with nutritional masks and essential oils.

On descending (old) moon

The phrase is the old moon, speaks for himself. If old, then it needs to be treated. So with hair. During this period, it is best to carry out therapeutic procedures for your hair. But it is not recommended to cut on a decreasing moon. If you decide on a haircut during this period, the hair will be bad to grow and look weak and dull. If you color your hair, it is better to also refrain from this procedure in the old moon phase. Your paint can completely change the color and spoil your hair and mood. Even hairstyles and styling, made these days, do not hold long and look untidy. Scientific explanation for this fact has not yet been found.

Full moon haircut: Signs

And yet we will try to figure out whether to plan a visit to the hairdresser to the full moon or not. According to esoteric, during the full moon, all the energy in the human body rises up, in her hair tips, it accumulates a lot. Correction Hair in the full moon You, thus, clean your body from energy accumulated there, both positive and negative.

Many noted that the haircut on the full moon improved the condition of the hair and contributed to their more rapid growth. This applies not only to hair, but also nails. Again, we note that the full moon contributes to the fundamental action. Anyone who resolved the cardinal changes in the image during the full moon, noted that he did not think much about their decision and that the other would be possible, and would refuse this venture.

The influence of the moon and its biorhythms per person is not fully studied. Definitely our ancestors knew a lot about it, now many scientists are trying to figure out the secrets of the Moon and its behavior. Scientists have developed a whole concept of the influence of the moon on the biorhythms and the human energy field.

Believers do not see the difference in the bottom when it is worth visiting the hairdresser and do not see anything bad in the haircuts in the full moon. Signs for them are only words on paper not confirmed by anything. They do not associate a haircut in full moon with human life.

Signs and superstition haircuts in full moon

Hair haircut is a kind of ritual for every girl and a woman. It is believed that this is how we are "combing" negative energy, which has the property to accumulate precisely in dead matter, that is, hair.

Many are convinced that the haircut is best carried out in the growing phase of the moon, and it has its own justifications.

Does it make sense in signs and superstitions?

Indeed, even the tides and pops of water on Earth depend on the new moon and full moon, which is to talk about the well-being of people in different calendar periods of the month. But still, this position is close not to everyone, and some young ladies are more asked about what day the day is better to cut hair.

For those who believe in signs and superstitions, there are a number of restrictions and adopted by the most banal seemingly hairdressing services.

And all because a lot of interesting customs and legends are connected with women's curls. For example, in the ancient Slavs it was believed that in women's hair was concentrated by non-Running power and power, and therefore the warriors, going into battle, should have combed their beloved braids. It was believed that it would bring them strength, dexterity and good luck.

Hair cuts, or rather, the perfect periods of their holding, to this day are the subject of hot disputes between adherents of various religions and philosophical exercises. Someone in the soul only the lunar calendar, and someone is preparing for the procedure as if it goes into a business trip, silent the time almost to a minute.

So, how to cut hair haircuts on the calendar days of the week, and what days it is better not to cut anyone?

Phase moon and haircut

The lunar calendar is used by hairdressers for a long time. Since those times, when they were considered to be marked and stylists, and not stylists, as now. Of course, this does not mean that they refuse to cut customers to a decreasing moon, but their loved ones and friends are definitely not serviced during these periods.

It is said that if you cut your hair on a decreasing moon, you can unwittingly stop or slow down their growth. That you mean, after such a visit to the hairdresser, your curls will repent no sooner. It's one thing when it comes to hanging over the ends, and completely different when we talk about the radical haircut, the result of which may well do not like you. In order not to risk, read the haircut calendar in advance before going to the master.

It is almost any astrological resource. There, where you read the daily horoscope, you can watch the lunar calendar. It is believed that the most favorable period for such hairdressers - new moon. It is not only possible, but also you need to cut hair because they will grow "Like on yeast".

In certain lunar days, the structure, density and density of hair also change. Therefore, if you are constructing curls when they are the most voluminous, obedient and silky, they will remain soak.

Perhaps B. "Favorable" Days are able to believe not all, but you probably noticed that after this trivial procedure, your moral condition can change dramatically. It is said that in a favorable day for haircuts, after receiving this service, there is a feeling of pacification, calm and ease.

And on the contrary - if you do it on an inappropriate day, you can face sudden fatigue, tide of sadness and negative, sensation of gravity. So why is it happening - at some point after hanging the hair "Mountain from the shoulders" seemed to fall, and in other - on the contrary, falls on them? The fact is that these periods are changing our biofield, and therefore, in addition to hair growth, we can adjust some aspects of your life.

Who should stand on a decreasing moon?

If the lunar hair cutter calendar on the specific days of the week tells you that after the full moon it is impossible to cut anyone - this is rooted incorrectly.

Indeed, the decreasing moon symbolizes the losses, braking and loss of it. But let's deal with who will have a haircut during this period.

Hanging or haircut after the full moon will benefit:

  1. Persons who sick or carry a difficult period in life. Having come to this service, you change your biofield, and this will lead to a sharp and radical change of the position of things in your life - "hopeless" situations will be allowed by themselves, the problems will be disadvantaged;
  2. Men for whom active hair growth is usually unacceptable. If you are a woman and constantly carry the same haircut, for example, a kara, it is also desirable to trim on a decreasing moon so that the next need for this procedure does not occur so soon, as usual;
  3. Girls who wish to modify the curl structure. If you break stands at the descending moon, your curls will become more obedient, smooth and straight, stop being confused and sneeze. This is especially true for those whose chapels is a porous, curly and extremely discontinuous for laying.

As you can see, even in this case, to say about what days of a week or month you can not cut the hair absolutely to everyone, it will be incorrect. Everywhere there are exceptions that should not be ignored.

Caution for all

So that your hairstyle looks worthily, and there was no negative change in life, you should familiarize yourself with what days it is really not worth a haircut anyone.

Do not refer to the hairdresser in the following church holidays:

  1. Christmas;
  2. Epiphany;
  3. Trinity;
  4. Annunciation;
  5. Palm Sunday.

Moreover, girls these days are not even combing and braid to braid - it is believed that in this way they attract diseases to themselves and their own lives.

Also, do not stand on your own, even in the most favorable periods. You yourself can not change your biofield, and if you have any problems that are expressed in diseases, material difficulties, the collapse of the business, you will only enhable your troubles, while doing this kind of homemade.

No need to turn to the haircut in the days of natural cataclysms - namely, magnetic storms, as well as solar and lunar eclipses. It extremely negatively affects the condition of the hairstyle.

And even if you came to the salon with a real luxurious "mane", after the banal mounting from it, it will not be left the slightest trace - there will be thin strands in her place, which are confused and almost defamible. Lovely chapels literally for half an hour can turn into her miserable similarity, but that the saddest thing is to fix it almost impossible.

Avoid procedures in those days when the moon dwells in the constellations of cancer and fish. Astrologers believe that having a haircut in these periods threatens with plenty of hair loss in the future. Also, the braid will grow enough to grow, will lose its natural pomp and a dense.

As for the otherworldly, it is impossible to cut into 9, 15, 25 and 29 days of the lunar cycle. These days are considered satanic, and therefore, if your hairstyle after visiting the hairdresser will be, to put it mildly, ugly - this is the easiest than you could get rid, and therefore you should not scold the master, but thank the fate that I lost you from more tangible sorrows.

Favorable periods

What days of the week you can, and even you need to cut your hair? On the lunar calendar, these are the days when the planet dwells in the phase of growth and completeness. Making a haircut on this day, you will achieve the active growth of curls, strengthen them and increase their delicate.