A gift to your hands your favorite guy for the New Year. How to find out what would like to get a guy for the new year. Idea gift husband for new year

We offer to choose in advance what to give to your favorite guy for the new yearBy comparing prices and choosing the best and most advantageous offer.

About all the nonbustal ideas and will be discussed in the article.

Favorite holiday - New Year - no longer around the corner.

Soon the stores will be filled with crowds, with mad eyes choosing gifts.

The new year is not even on February 23, it is important not to make a mistake: to bother the socks purchased at the last moment will not succeed.

So, sketch a few options:

Common list Everything will come there everything that will delight anyone for sure: airpods Wireless Headphones, Smartphone, Tablet.
Specific Here you ourselves should think about hobbies, the peculiarities of life, work or studies of their young man. For example, the artist can give objects for his hobby. If he is a medical student or a doctor, he will be delighted with a high-quality white coat. And so on in the same spirit.
Unusual Some love very non-standard gifts. Mask from horror films to go frighten the people. For a technical university teacher, a set for home experiments is suitable: for example, a mini moonshine apparatus. And you can order a stitched unusual set of underwear. Here, the main thing is not to be mistaken. But it is unlikely that you do not know whether the boyfriend is serious from the boyfriend or he is still a humorist.
Useful House work tools, car equipment and other applied things. It will be suitable for serious men who value all utility.

If your boyfriend is an athlete

What to give the guy a new athlete for next year - various types of shells so that he chose himself a suitable direction in sports.

Onions, a pneumatic gun, a battle slingshot - and let it become a t-shirt.

This or that sport requires consumables.

For instance, shooting - bullets, boxing - Gloves and shorts.

If so, it is perfect - pack in a beautiful package, supply a cute card and give.

Fond of hunting, fishing or loves active rest

Introduction by boys for the new year, a teenager Lee or an adult guy who is fond of fishing will be pleased to get a small boat (provided that there is a car or a house near the reservoir).

Can be presented cashless refrigerator For storing fish or beer.

Or interesting wristwatches with a new echo sounder function, GPS and other functions.

Do not fit as presents knives for guys hunters, iron glasses, boots, etc.

Such things are probably and so he has or his friends.

But the folding chair is suitable, a tent, some kind of gadget type of navigator.

Accessories for his hobby should be secondary, but nevertheless pleasant and necessary.

Computer genius or photographer

For a long time for a computer, a lot of useful items are invented.

These are mini fans, vacuum cleaners for the keyboard and system unit, mini-fridge or mini-heater for cups from USB ports.

Such non-standard gadgets will be assessed to them, and if it works in the office, they will be the subject of pride in front of colleagues.

For the photographer, give accessories for his hobby - the most obvious.

But it is necessary to do that if you are exactly sure about the need for the subject, as well as its compliance of the camera brand.

In other cases you can give little printer For instant printing of small photos, an album with his pictures, made as a book.

Do not forget to prevent the guy's parents for the new year something cute.

You can give a general family photo made by you or a guy in a beautiful frame.

Gifts for motorists

In order for the guy to brag about friends with his smart girl, give him useful things for the machine for the new year.

  • Stand in the car For the phone, it seems to be forgiven, but useful.
  • If there is no navigator, parking sensors, dVR - Boldly hand the present.
  • Air freshener, ionizer, Fan, the evaporator is good for health and will give comfort during trips.
  • Set of tools. It is better to consult with common acquaintances-motorists to be confident in the value of such a gift for the new year. Tools should not be given if the guy repairs the car only in the workshop. Hardly becoming the owner of such a set, it will immediately learn to repair.
  • If a man is constantly driving on the car, long distances, it will be perfect to give him mini-oven For warming up sandwiches and other food.
  • For the cabin fit massage cape.
  • In large cities there are master classes on extreme driving, driving on ice, etc. Look offer on the Internet.

For creative guys

The girl who gave a guy campaign to the master class on painting, will receive sincere thanks.

If there is no such possibility, you can give a high-quality tutorial in the direction of the creativity of your halves.

Of course, it will be good to present a set of paints, brushes, wood thread knives and other instruments for art.

For the artist, you can also buy an easel, sketch.

For master with golden hands

Set of tools For a house in a comfortable case, leading among New Year's gifts.

There are many types of them: from repairing hours and phone to the apartment and at home.

If the guy loves to mess with small details, collecting something and disassemble - boldly give.

What can be given from clothes and accessories

For the black belt of the famous brand there is always a place in the wardrobe.

This also applies to the purse, wallet, umbrella.

To give a family family for the new year, you can a swapart for clothes, a certificate for a year for dry cleaning, etc.

Original and cool guy gifts, having a sense of humor

What of the original to give a guy for the new year?

  1. The original gift is a special cube from an erotic store.
  2. Underwear With your own design. There is already enough fantasy ...
  3. Iron small safe.
  4. For the ideas of original gifts, go to the jokes store. A variety of the most insane items will be amazed.
  5. Subscribe to the magazine or newspaper. Nowadays, the subscription publication is unusual and useful. At the same time, each new number will remind you of you.
  6. Mini brewery For cooking home beer.

  • We look at His posts in social networks.
  • Listen to the desire that he can even forget about.
  • A good option to ask his friends.

What to give mom a guy for the new year, it is better to ask himself.

It's easy to make a mistake here, and you do not want to spoil relationships with the future mother-in-law?

And what to give a military?

As practice shows, people of this profession love books on military historical topics, as well as antiques along the same section.

To save, you should order in an online auction.

But do it in advance, the parcel can go long.

I will like almost any man certificate for a trip to the massage salon.

Inexpensive gifts for the new year to your boyfriend

Choice original gifts:

Funny gifts

By the way, such gifts can be given to mom guy.

It will appreciate the attention and emphasising in common between her and son.

Extreme gifts

  1. Flight in AerotrubaThe plane costs from five thousand rubles, and I will leave impressions for a long time.
  2. For brave men suit jump out of the aircraft With a parachute, a walk on a snowmobile, horses, deer.
  3. Hike B. paintball club.
  4. Can be ordered in the restaurant romantic dinner. Good mood is provided to all.
  5. Ideas for gifts may appear suddenly during a joint walk. The guy will already forget about her desire, and you remind him of a gift.
  6. Suit for role-playing games sexual character.

Christmas gifts

Desktop set with a winter theme will remind a shared holiday.

You can give a wrist watch.

By winter, many brands produce them with an interesting design.

Choosing a clock stands carefully so that they come to the hand of a man, looked at Narrosko, but at the same time solid.

Gifts made with your own hands

  • Embroidered scarf, gloves or sweater - a very unusual present now, will definitely find your place from your man.
  • If there is time and desire - go through massages or oriental dance courses and demonstrate your talent.
  • If you know how to - draw a portrait of myself. Let even he be inept - most importantly from the soul.
  • Packaging gift Guy for the new year. Each gift must be beautifully pack. Best of all in opaque packaging with a bow from above - the image of happiness since childhood.
  • If you are familiar with your friend's hobbies, you can make a thematic box - with characters from Marvel comic, cars, etc.
  • You can print gift paper with your joint photo and pack it in it.

What should not be given to her boyfriend for the new year

  1. As it was said at the beginning, it is not necessary to do, on the contrary - to give what does not fit with the interests of a young man even close.
  2. Overish expensive gift It will be difficult for experiencing financial difficulties to make a man.
  3. When choosing a gift it is worth considering health problems. For example, a man's gastric ulcer. It is clear that to give kits for making beer to him so much like.
  4. Avoid banal gifts Like alcohol, cigarettes, perfume. It is better to plunge such impersonal things for their doctor or chef.
  5. Things with ambiguous hints. This category includes subscriptions to the gym for a very thin man or, on the contrary, with overweight.
  6. Objects of clothing. Choose "on the eyes" - an empty idea. Even knowing all sizes can not be guessing with a style, landing and just a personal opinion of a person. It is better to give a gift card on purchases, although this gift is ambiguous. But of course, the main thing is your knowledge of the character of a man.
  7. Stuffed Toys, figurines, things from the mass market segment. Here comments are superfluous.

The main thing in the gift is to approach him with the soul.

Put yourself in place guy.

A loved one can be done without a trace.

Do not forget to come up with words while handing.

Sincere wishes may be more important than the thing.

Happy New Year!

For each girl, New Year's Eve can be one of the most romantic evenings in a year - and this is not only because of the famous kiss for the battle of the chimes. The celebration of the New Year's Eve as a couple allows you to get many emotional memories of all good times spent together throughout the year. Since the new year is such a significant and sentimental holiday that I want to remember for life. The best idea will be a gift! But what to give your boyfriend for the new year? This choice is not so simple. We picked up a list of carefully selected ideas of gifts, quite practical and original.

What is better to give a guy for the new year 2019

In the choice of a gift for a guy, practicality and originality is important, but if you already know that your second half wants for the New Year - the best will be the desired gift. In fact, to buy some thing is easy, but hardly the guy will appreciate it. And on the eve of the New Year, all the shelves are donated with such things: it can be both toys and a drill on the action. Sometimes, it seems, he has everything he could ever want, but we think that our list will help you in this difficult choice of New Year's gift.

  • Romantic - in fact, guys are also nice to receive romantic gifts from girls, for example, a beautiful letter with recognition in their feelings with a further continuation. Also a good choice will be the ring or strict ring.
  • Original - you can give the will of your fantasy and come up with such a gift that a person will not be expected at all. Give a handmade picture with its image, make a gift with your own hands or ask for friends, arrange a quest for your young man. Such a gift will surely remember all his life.
  • Practical - these are the gifts that your young man will use in everyday life. It can be like elements of clothing and household items. For example, the original bath sponge, a huge cup, bathrobe, sweatshirt, shirt.
  • Intelligent - if your boyfriend loves self-talking and comprehend something new, the best gift for him will be a book or gift certificate for one of the master classes on his favorite lesson.
  • Cosmetics - do not think that only girls like various jars with creams and gels. Guys are also important to take care of their appearance and have several bottle of perfumes in arsenal, creams (for shaving, for example) and so on.
  • Economic - for example, a set of tools or a multifunctional screwdriver. Guys who are constantly doing something around the house or create new furniture for your corner - will be pleased to get a thing as a gift that it will be needed in the farm.
  • Developing - carefully examine the tastes and hobbies of a person. In order for the gift to manage, give him a thing that is well suited for his hobby. Athletes are sports accessories, culinary - kitchenware and so on.
  • Souvenirs - in the new year they are easier to find it easier. It can be like soft toys and New Year. You can buy a statuette or symbol of the coming year, it can be a picture, personal crafts made of glass or wood.
  • Classic - all those that can be given to all other holidays, such as smartphone, clock, tie, belt, shirt, etc.

Do not create a problem from choosing a gift: let it be not an original, but a practical gift. In any case, this is an ancient tradition that carries only positive emotions. And if you meet or live for quite a long time with your guy, gift gifts are a great way to revive your relationship.

Cheap gifts guy for the new year 2019

If the budget does not allow you to buy a guy an expensive gift, but you want to surprise him very much, try to take advantage of our list of inexpensive gifts that we have made up for reviews and estimated from other girls.

  • Universal opener
  • Bathrobe
  • Lantern
  • Bluetooth column
  • Car carpets
  • Personal T-shirt
  • Organizer
  • Ashtray
  • Toolbox
  • Bottle of strong alcoholic beverage
  • Thermocroup
  • Pocket knife
  • Cocks
  • Sports bag
  • Glasses
  • Telephone charging station
  • Set of gaming cards
  • Tie
  • Apron

Top - 4 original gifts

Practical All guys appreciate the girls creativity, so to give your original idea guy - will be a great opportunity to shine your inventiveness in front of your young man. But if you do not have ideas - do not despair and read our list of original and practical gifts.

The best ideas of gifts

The best gift for the guy will be an interesting and practical thing that will come in handy in everyday life. We present you a small list with really best gifts for the guy by 2019.

  • The best gift for technicians will be smart electronic clocks that will not let any your call will miss, because Connects with a smartphone via Bluetooth technology.
  • A gift for connoisseurs of cocktails - its own set for a bar at home with various bottles and funnels;
  • For music lovers - an expensive headset that can drown out not only the construction site, but also passengers in the train. Such headphones will give your boyfriend to get a doubly more pleasure from your hobby music.
  • Woolen pillow - such a pillow will warm your soul mate when you are not there. This is a pretty peaceful gift and will always remind him of the warmth that you give him.
  • For book worms, a gift will be perfectly in the form of membership from the local paid library;
  • Compact box for all its tools or a set of new tools. For masters for all hands, such a gift will be an excellent addition to his talent.

Gifts beloved for new year made with your own hands

As far as we all know, the best gift is the one that is made with his own hands. As a rule, all feelings are embedded in it, and it seems quite mental. Such a gift can take a little time from you, but it will not cost expensive. Especially for you, we have prepared several video instructions in which some ideas for gifts are described in detail:

  1. Prepare a culinary masterpiece with your own hands. For example, you can bake a huge pizza that your guy loves, or just make his favorite dish, beautifully decorating or write some wishes.
  2. You can record a video selection of all the events that occurred in your life this year, to a disk with a letter and beautifully pack in the New Year envelope.
  3. Print interesting photos that characterize your pair, and make a huge photo collage in full growth. It will be even effectively, and creatively.
  4. Tie a scarf, a hat or another element of clothes with your own hands. Surely your boyfriend will remember you every time you wear it.
  5. If you are a big needlewoman, you can embroider his portrait, or at least his initials on one of the towels.

The best ideas for a gift

  • Own postcard
  • Picture frame
  • Photocollazh
  • Video camp
  • Manual soap
  • Cool T-shirt
  • Soft toy
  • Knitted toys
  • Cap
  • Socks
  • Culinary dish
  • Organizer for personal belongings
  • Painted bank
  • Homemade slippers
  • Fragrant candles
  • Cup with a favorite character

Search and create gifts for the new year is what the entire population of our country is doing now, and small, and adults. It is not always possible to buy a gift, but we can always make it. Such a present will be more enjoyable and kind, targeted and mental. We will look at the article that to give a guy for the New Year with your own hands.

The following are ideas and an embodiment algorithm. Girls can pamper their lovers for the new year with cute, romantic or practical presents made by personally, and we will help to decide on the idea and tell me how to embody her.

Young people are nice to get cute romantic and at the same time. We offer several New Year's ideas that you can give a romantic guy for the new year 2018 with your own hands. It can be:

  1. Christmas toy made with her own hands.
  2. Coffee toy with romantic or funny wish.
  3. Keychain from leather, felt, polymer clay.
  4. The book of the best moments of the year from the photos.
  5. Candles.

Consider each idea in detail describing.

Christmas ball with photo

New Year is a holiday, when not necessarily presented dear gifts. It is enough and appropriate to give something symbolic, for example, a Christmas ball, but not ordinary, and made with your own hands with a memorable photo.

For such a ball, we will need:

  1. Transparent plastic base for the ball. You can use a simple transparent plastic ball, but better a ball consisting of two halves. Such are sold at any accessories and needlework.
  2. Photo, in size suitable to the ball, its diameter.
  3. Artificial snow crumb or sparkle.
  4. Spoon and little funnel.
  5. Ribbon.

We make a ball like this:

  1. Cut the photo in the size of the ball diameter.
  2. If the ball is from two halves, then there is nothing complicated, just insert the photo inside and close the ball.
  3. If the ball is usual, then you need to turn the photo into the tube, stick it inside the ball through the hole to which the ball is attached. After you need to reproduce the photo.
  4. Pour artificial snow or sparkles through the funnel.
  5. Tie a ribbon in the form of a bow to fastening the ball. Slightly shake the ball.

Here, so amazing, the cute and original gift for the new year is ready.

If you have not yet decided that to give a guy, then pay attention to this idea, it is very interesting and easy to perform.

The book "The best moments of the year"

If you decide what to give a guy for the new year with your own hands, then make a book with memorable photos. It will definitely like your chosen one, and the manufacturing process itself will deliver you extraordinary pleasure.

Such a book can be made from joint photos for the whole year and pack it in a beautiful cover from felt or skin.

For work you need:

  1. Notepad or album with dense pages. It can be made by itself, taking a few sheets of dense cardboard, having done the hole on one side with a hole panel and tied the sheets with a ribbon.
  2. Photos.
  3. Glue, double-sided tape.
  4. Felt, thread, needle.
  5. Any decorative elements, you can take a set for scrapbooking or prepare self-cut, rhinestones, sequins, wooden buttons, feathers and so on.
  6. Markers, markers.

We make a book as follows:

  1. Choose a photo. Conscribe them on any principle or by dates, or by events.
  2. Enclose photo on the future book pages in a particular order.
  3. Now we make a cover. You can sew it from felt, completely by the standards of the book. To do this, measure the main part, the height of which is equal to the height of the book, width - turning books. We make fields, stitch, insert the book in the cover.
  4. You can decorate the cover with felt chips, snowman, embroider snowflakes.
  5. Another option to decorate the cover, stick all the elements on the existing album cover or notepad.
  6. You can sign a book, embroider in the fetal cover the inscription or sewing the stripes with the inscription.
  7. Decorating the book pages. Each photo can be circled with a marker or glue a frame from a set for scrapbooking.
  8. Add decorative elements: snowflakes, rhinestones, sequins, flowers from paper or felt on pages between photos.

The book of memorable moments is ready. The greatest value is that it is made by loving hands and contains memory of the best that was in the year.

Keychain on the keys from clay felt

The simplest thing is that you can give a guy for the new year with your own hands - this is a key chain in the form of a peel or a Christmas tree of felt.

For work you need:

  1. Felt of different shades.
  2. Base for the keychain: Carabiner or Ring.
  3. Scissors, needle with thread.
  4. Glue in a pistol.
  5. Dog patterns or Christmas tree on paper.
  6. Beads, beads.
  7. A little syntheps.

We make a key chain:

  1. Strip all the details of the felt, cut out.
  2. First, on the front side we are searched or glued all small parts, a decor of bead or beads.
  3. We sew through the edge of the facial and roliable sides through the edge, they feed a bit of synthesis through an unimposed hole, sew until the end.
  4. Confirm to the base for the keychain the resulting figure.

Such a key chain can be sewed from leather, in this case, it is not necessary to fill the key chain by Singyprä.

An alternative to the stitched key chain will be elbowed from polymer baked clay. For work, you need clay of different colors, clay glue.

It is necessary to cut out the main details and decor from clay of different shades, connect them between themselves with a special glue. Do not use many details, since during operation they may break away.

Coffee toys Dogs with inscriptions

Another option is to give a guy to the new 2018 with your own hands - this is a coffee toy with congratulations.

In order to sew a toy, we will need:

  1. Cotton fabric.
  2. Sewing machine.
  3. Acrylic paints.
  4. Rope for loop.
  5. Sintepon.
  6. Solution for staining and aromatization. It is made from soluble coffee, strong black welding, cinnamon and vanillin dissolved in water.

We make a toy like this:

  1. We take the most simple pattern of the dog, as it comes the year of this animal, we carry it on the fabric, cut out and stitch.
  2. We feed the toy with sintepsum, we attach a braid.
  3. Now stain, lowering the toy into the solution until it is soaked.
  4. Dry hide in the oven for 20 minutes at a temperature of 120 degrees.
  5. Now paint our peel, draw a face and write cool, or a romantic message on the stomach toys.

This toy is not just a pleasant souvenir, it can become a key chain on the keys or in the car on the mirror.

Practical gifts

Those who love practical gifts and a little familiar with knitting needles and appliances, we suggest tied your boyfriend a stylish scarf and a hat, mittens or socks. This is all can be given as a set and separately. For knitting, you need to prepare the knitting needles and yarn, you can take an acrylic or half-walled any color. Suitable for the guy will be:

  1. Red.
  2. White.
  3. Grey.
  4. Green.
  5. Blue.
  6. You can combine shades and make a jacquard pattern.

Knit stylish scarf:

  1. On the needles dial 50 loops.
  2. Knit patent rubber, without changing the number of loops exactly to the height of the scarf. This is 100 - 120 centimeters.
  3. Close the loop.

Scarf ready. It can be left so or attached a fringe from the same threads from which they knit or contrast.

Cap knit a bit more complicated, but faster, as it is smaller than a scarf:

  1. On the needles dial 120 loops. The loop is better to calculate in advance, measuring the head and tied the sample. We write an average option.
  2. Knit a rubber band of 10 centimeters or 20 centimeters, if you want a hat with a chamoge.
  3. After proceed to the main pattern. It may just be facial or jacquard.
  4. At an altitude of 20 centimeters, we begin to be relevant, first they see together 6 loops, after an equal distance, in the next facial row, they check all the loops of 2 together, when there will be 10 loops with a thread.
  5. We do seam from behind. We turn the chandency if it is scheduled.

The cap can be made even easier by using knitting across, and making a fashionable Bini cap today.

To do this, type 50 loops and knit only face loops in all rows, but do shortened rows. The hat knits with wedges. Each wedge consists of 12 rows.

First, knit, without tightening 5 loops, then not tied up 4 loops, 3 loops, 2 loops, 1 loop, the last row in the whole. There are several such wedges until you reach the desired width of the header equal to the scope.

Close loops and stitch. We got a stylish bini cap. It can be worn as a conventional cap with a flap or cap, or bending on the back of the head.

Cap can be decorated with stylish leather stripes or icons.

Sweet gifts

Excellent present gift - Sweets. As you know, all men are sweet tooths, so you can make it yourself:

Give on the new year sweets, men love them too

  1. Cookies in the form of Christmas trees, houses, little men and decorate their icing.
  2. New Year's cake, decorated with mastic or fruit, chocolate chicken chips.
  3. Cupcakes, beautifully decorated with whipped cream and berries.

Any gift made by your own hands will definitely deliver joy to the addressee, and you yourself - the pleasure of the creative process.

Useful advice

Gifts for the new year are not only waiting for children, but also adults, especially if you consider men with adult children.

There are many interesting, useful and original gifts that can be given to her husband, dad, colleague, guy, brother or grandfather.

To help you with a choice, we selected the most interesting ideas for gifts, thanks to which you probably decide that you would like to give a man.

Gift man for the new year

1. Tickets for a concert.

If he is interested in music, you can buy 2 tickets to the concert of your favorite artist or group, or just at the concert, where the melodies that can like him will be fulfilled.

* Such a gift is more suitable for those who know a person well and his preferences in music.

What to give to your favorite man for the new year

2. Football / Hockey / Basketball Tickets

If you are not interested in any sports, such a gift will be doubly pleasant. You can consult with friends thatwould be To know exactly where, when and how to purchase tickets, and from which places it will be better to see.

* Typics are purchased at the stadium / arena in a few days.j. or even weeks. You can also buy them online.

What to give a guy for the new year

3. Set of sweets.

Almost all male sweet tooths, so a beautifully decorated set with sweets he will love. Put his favorite delicacies and packed beautifully.

Idea gift husband for new year

4. Smart clock.

If you have enough money, you can buy him a smart watch. Such hours are capable of:

Take calls and receive notifications


Show the weather

Show your locatione.

Play music.

It is advisable to choose the clock of familiar brands (Apple, Samsung, Garmin, Xiaomi). However, you should know, What is his smartphone - if the iPhone, mean, choose the clock from Apple, and everyone else is suitable for smartphones on Android.

Gift guy for the new year

5. Fitness tracker (bracelet).

This bracelet is not very expensive and will suit anyone regardless of what is his smartphone.

* Choose sports bracelets of famous brands, such as: Xiaomi, Samsung, Fitbit, TomTom, Garmin, Microsoft.

That you can give a guy for the new year

6. Travel Camera Gopro.

If you like to actively spend time together and travel, then such a camera is just necessary for you. She not only relieves well, but is waterproof, reliable, strong, And it can be attached almost anywhere.

Original gift for the new year

7. Drone.

Each man in the soul dreams of drone. This device can be controlled using the remote control, smartphone or tablet (depending on the model) and shoot video.

However, there are several aspects:

* There are so many different drones, different sizes, forms, with different functions, amateur, semi-professional and professional, and, of course, with different prices.

* Not all drones have cameras, so decide ourselves, whether you want to buy with or without camera.

Gift husband for new year

8. A set of tools.

If you know that he often repairs something or builds, or if he hinted that he would not have prevented a set of tools (or he told that he saw someone's cool set), then boldly buy.

* The essence of E. t many different sets of tools - large and compact. For the car is suitable more compact, and for the house is normal.

* Before buying, pay attention to the tools that the set contains - many of the tools that will come in handy to him.

Gift to your loved on the new year

9. Shaving set.

You can choose both a modern set with a modern razor or trimmer, and with a classic T-shaped razor and a pile. IN supplement to such sets can go lotions, shaving foam and / or moisturizer after shaving.

What to give my husband for the new year

10. Electric shaver.

A good electric shaver goes in beautiful packaging, as well as it is waterproof and can be charged from the network (has battery batteries, not simple).

11. Toilet water.

If he enjoys male perfumes (toilet water), then choose such that looks like the fragrance that he has. But if you want to make changes, choose something to your taste, something men's, but not too sharp.

Gift dad for the new year

12. Purse and / or stylish credit card holder.

For each man, it is very important to have a high-quality and comfortable wallet, in which it will be conveniently located both large and small banknotes, business cards and even small photos. Wallet, like wristwatch, is an integral accessory of a real man.

Credit cards can be stored both in the wallet and in a separate holder.

13. Franch press for brewing coffee and tea.

Practical every man drinks coffee and / or tea. The real coffeeman can be given to the usual good french press and stylized, such as this, made in the R2-D2 robot style from Star Wars.

Original gift guy for the new year

14 . Headphones.

There are several types of headphones, so choose those that he is more subieldw. t. If he is Meloman, then you can give big headphones that cover your ears, and if he is engaged in sports, it is advisable to give him small headphones.

* It is also worth considering that in winter the big headphones are inconvenient to wear (over the caps).

What to give a friend for the new year

15. Swiss knife.

This gift will please almost any man. Swiss knives are not only compact and have a beautiful design, but they can be used anywhere - in the campaign, in the country or just something to twist at home or in the car. To such a knife, as a rule, a pretty leather case is attached, which can be attached to the belt.

What to give a guy for the new year inexpensive

16. T-shirt, batch file and other accessories with original design.

For the new year, you can give gifts that no one has. For example, you can give a man a t-shirt, a batch file, a cap, a hat or scarf with an individual design. There are many studios, where almost on anyyu Clothes can be applied drawing, graphics or photo you select.

Ideas of gifts for the new year

17. Waterproof column for shower, beach and travel.

Such a column can be safe to hang in the shower or take with you on the journey. It connects with your phone, and can lose any music or podcast.

18. E-book

If he likes to read, then the e-book is the perfect gift. It is very light, you can take it anywhere and record thousands of books. Some e-books can even play audio files so that you can listen to any novel or detective on the road.

19. Wristwatch

From a huge selection of hours, you can always find those who like it. If he likes sports and active lifestyle - give him a sports watch; If he loves the classics - give him analog clock (with arrows) and preferably, So that they are either highlighted, or that all indicators (numbers, arrows) are covered with phosphorus so that you can read time in the dark.

Top Gifts for New Year

20. Bracelet or chain (or set)

If he loves to wear a chain, you can give him a silver or gold. You can also choose a bracelet and ask the wizard to engrave any word or phrase on this bracelet (if possible).

21. Sports bag

If he is engaged in sports and his sports bag already loss or locks do not work well, then a new sports bag is a great gift. Choose such a bag that will have a lot of karmashkoin and compartments so that you can separately add sports things, underwear, hygiene products, shoes and towel. It is also important that the handles and / or strap bags are comfortable.

22. Backpack for gadgets

Today, practical every person wears a telephone, a bundle of keys, wallet and other little things. At the same time, some tap tablet, laptop, external battery and / or e-book. So that all this fit is convenient in one place, there are special backpacks.

They are moderately compact and contain pockets for almost any mobile device. In addition, some backpacksus So cherry so that the unfair could not get into your backpack.

What to give dad for the new year

23. Original attributes favorite team

If he is a fan of football, hockey or other sport, you can give him a T-shirt, a sweatshirt, a baseball cap and / or a scarf with the emblem of your favorite team (you can add a couple more accessories to the same topic - a cup with emblem, socks with emblem, towel with Emblem and other).

24. Set of kebab lover

If he loves to cook meat in nature (in the country) or at home, he will like a special set for cooking kebab. You can choose a personalized bathrobe, that is, a bathrobe with his name, (or a bathrobe with the emblem of his favorite team).

What gifts can be for the new year

25. Original flash drive

USB drive in the original packaging similar to the audio cassette. Creaturee. t many different original packaging and types of USB drives. There are also drives that have two outputs - for a computer (to record any information on it or with it) and for smartphones. Thus, the same flash drive can be used for both the phone and a computer.

* However, with a double flash drive, it is worth clarifying what is the yard from the smartphone for which you buy it - MicroUSB or Type C. Consultants will be prompted.

26. Care set of mustache and beard

If he wears constantlyb. orate, then this set will like it. He will be able to care for his mustache and beard, to look simultaneously brutally and elegant.

27. Keychain helps find keys

Such a key chain can be attached to both keys and a wallet, and with the help of a special application for a smartphone you can find a lost object.

28. B.unpainting battery

Such a device can be brought to ourselves to at any time where the smartphone, a tablet or laptop can be recharged. Creaturee. t many different batteries of different tanks. The most popular are accumulators up to 10,000 mAh. Boldly choose any manufacturer, and this modern gadget will be able to charge both iPhone and apparatus on Android.

29. Portable gas stove and USB charging in one

This original gift combines two very useful tools - a charger and a portable (hiking) gas stove. This means that you can not only heat the canned food, but also charge your smartphone or tablet. You can search other gadgets in which several useful elements are combined.

30. DVR

Very useful thing in any car. Each car owner will be glad to have a video recorder in his car.


Gift with your own hands

For the new year you can make a lot of gifts with your own hands. For example, you can make a set of sweets and favorite drinks, and decorate both packaging and bottles.

If you are finally confused and you can not choose, you can always give him a certificate for the purchase in his favorite store. Romantic gifts for a guy for the New Year. What to give for the new year a romantic guy?

Many girls and women, on the eve of the most magical holiday in the year, puzzled - what to give a guy for the New Year.

On the eve of all the beloved holiday, most girls get the eternal question - what to give a guy for the new year? As a rule, I want a gift to be desirable, useful, thematic, individual and original. However, not so easy to choose a thing that meets at least one of these requirements, not to mention everyone.

According to the men themselves, few girls know how to do really good gifts. To enter their number, when choosing a New Year's present, you need to focus on the features of the personality of your young man.

On the eve of the New Year, the girls do not know what to give a guy for the new year. Let's give some tips that you can choose as a gift. And also give top gifts written by men.

If you want to please the guy, but at the same time, do not seem banal, it is worth making a choice in favor of his hobbies and interests. See the ideas of gifts below.

Top 60 gifts guy for the new year

A couple of months before the New Year, you can easily think about what you want to give your favorite man. Our editorial office will tell you what to give a guy for the new year.

What to give to your loved on the new year. Do not know what to give a man, a guy?

To the question, to give a guy for the new year, it is better to approach creatively.

1. Certificate of Computer Store or Phones

2. Certificate in perfume shop

3. New modern cologne

4. Purse from genuine leather, telephone case, tablet, etc.

5. Unique wristwatches

6. T-shirt with your photo or half of the heart, and the second half of you.

7. For motorist: registrar, antiradar, heated seats, certificate for radio in the auto shop

8. Circle with a joint photo

9. Reusable engraving lighter

10. Tolstaya Gold Chain (if not)

11. Helicopter for iPhone or Android

12. Swedish knife

13. painting painted by oil, personally

14. Related mittens or scarf, with embroidery, own

15. Two photo session

16. Bathrobe

17. Silver chain on hand

18. Golden ring

19. Certificate for massage

20. Hard USB disk disk

21. Souvenir - symbol of the year

22. Homemade postcard

23. Bowling Ball

24. Skates.

25. Skiing, Snowboard

26. Machine on radio or bluetooth

27. Mediator branded for guitar

28. Vase with love notes

29. Gircu on 16 kg or dumbbells with engraving

30. Beautiful stylish belt

31. Ball handle with engraving

32. MP3 player Metal with engraving

33. Photo frame with your photos

34. Thermos or thermocrus

33. Beautiful box with a bunch of condoms

34. Certificate for gasoline

35. Electric razor

36. Electronic book or tablet

37. Kinder surprise, instead of money or ring (carefully open the foil and put a ring or a flash drive instead of a toy (you can have something else) then connect the halves of chocolate and wrap in foil)

38. Pillow with your photo

39. A large box packed in a gift wrapper, with cookies in the form of letters I love you and write wishes in the new year on every letter. The cookies are folded into a small beautiful box and heat to her gel balls to raise the box. All folded in a large box and on top of a bow!

40. Bed linen with your photos

41. Mandarins in a box, every mandarin wrap a beautiful paper with wishes

42. Bottle of alcohol with homemade label + photo

43. Bag for laptop

44. Drill-screwdriver with a snap

45. Automotive electric pump

46. \u200b\u200bMobile Phone Headset (Hands Free)

47. Hard disk with five hundred movies that we will watch together for a whole year

48. Cinema or theater tickets

49. Telescope

50. Rocking chair

51. Mini speakers for laptop

52. Own video clips or song

53. Romantic dinner with candlelight.

54. Map and make it look for treasures (coconut, bottle of rum, pirate hat, chest with sweet coins)

55. Photo Mosoza

56. Gloves for athletes (rodgists, cyclists)

57. Shirt and tie

58. Thermoblash

59. Silver keychain on the keys

60. Bracelet Your name + it

What to give a guy for the new year? - Gifts for hobbies

If your guy is a fan of technology in all its manifestations, can not present his life without a computer and other benefits of civilization, give him an acoustic system, an e-book, a digital photo frame, modern computer gadgets: Wi-Fi adapter, digital handle, LED USB- Lamp for keyboard illumination, joystick, headphones, flash cards.

For motorists you can choose a radio, auto-supporter, GPS navigator.

If the profession or your guy's passion is associated with music, a good gift will be an exclusive ethnic musical instrument.

Athlete can be presented as a gift boxing pear, a high-quality swimming mask, tennis rackets or a ball with autographs of the beloved sports club.

Classic gifts beloved for the new year

If your favorite is an intelligent man who preferred a classic in everything, he will be glad to a well-chosen design tie, a cigarette. The real Cuban rum and cigars will also please your man.

If he is also an intellectual pastime lover, give him a meeting of the writings of a beloved author in an exclusive binding, the reproduction of the canvas of the famous artist or ancient antique thing.

If you are finally confused and you can not choose, you can always give him a certificate for the purchase in his favorite store.

Romantic guys for the New Year

What to give for the new year a romantic guy? You can please it with an intangible gift. Let it be, for example, a candle dance in your design or certificate for a joint dance lesson passion and love - Argentine tango.

An interesting variation of a romantic holiday will be dinner in the dark in a special restaurant or organized independently. He will bring the lot of the most extraordinary and unexpected emotions.

If you certainly want to present a thing as a gift, pay attention to the photo frame where you can insert your photo and make engraving for memory. Also in the photo sealle can order a puzzle from a photo or your photo printed on canvas, in A1 format.

Practical gifts

For a household and home young man, a good gift will be household appliances - coffee maker, toaster, steamer. With care about it, you can present a sheet with an electric heating, plaid or sofa pillows with an exclusive embroidered christmas pattern or congratulations. Cold winter evenings will add comfort to his dwelling and electrocamine. A gift for the new year beloved in the form of a desk fountain will bring peace and material well-being, if you believe Feng Shui traditions.

Gifts for rest

If your young man is a king of parties, he will be pleased to get a karaoke system or a DJ mixer as a gift. Board games (Alias, Dixit, Mafia or Twister) or Immortal Poker will also please your Kompaniya man.
Another gift of a guy for the new year can be a hookah with all accompanying accessories. And if you want, so that the gift was more fun, give your favorite mouthpore (megaphone), so that all guests always heard him.

Funny gifts

What to give a guy for the new year, which has a good sense of humor?

For a lover of jokes and all kinds of jokes, pick up a humorous gift - the cup of Esmar with his photo, previously processed in Photoshop, friendly cartoon.

And you can order the service "Congratulations from Grandfather Frost" to the house. Let a fabulous character comes to you at the height of the New Year's night, will require your beloved song or tell the poem, and then give him a typewriter on radio control.

Extreme gifts

Happy New Year of Fearless Fearful, forget about banal things and pay your eyes to the side of gifts. However, when choosing, consider their seasonality, that is, the alloy on kayaks in January in our latitudes is not very relevant, and the flight on a paraglider or a parachute jump is quite feasible in the snow, and frost.

If you do not have material difficulties, organize the journey-adventure to the south - it will be a stunning gift, and an unforgettable New Year's Eve.

Passionate travel lover give the globe or map of the world in the frame where the flags will mark the place of his wanders.

Some people still prefer material gifts - in this case, buy for him to play paintball, snowboard, ski mask or hiking accessories.

Universal gifts for guys for the new year

There is also a category of universal male gifts, to which it is advisable to resort in situations when you know quite recently and do not know the hobbies of your young man. Here you can take a wallet, a business cardboard, a key, a belt, and so on.

However, consider that all of the above accessories must certainly be high quality, otherwise it is a movieton.

Gifts made with your own hands

The seeds mention about the New Year gifts for a beloved person made by hand maid. For a man, it can be a warm scarf connected by your hands, possibly with his initials or congratulations, a decorated bottle of expensive whiskey, a photo album or a frame for handmade photo, car park.

Some men will have to soul a song in your performance dedicated to him, a poem, a book with the history of your love or a joint portrait.

In addition to all the ideas listed above, of course, you can invent a lot of our own, more individual, in which you reflect your feelings for your beloved man.

Top 10 that does not give a guy for the new year

  • new Year's souvenirs - Men simply hate all sorts of baubles: figurines, piggy banks, candles and so on, insoluctantly considering them useless dust collectors, which, besides, do not fit into the interior.
  • even if your young man smokes, you should not give him lighters. It is argued by men by the fact that a cheap lighter is a bad tone, and the expensive is just useless - the young man will be afraid of losing, as it often happens with these things, which completely spoil the impression of the gift.
  • bathrooms - usually, everyone acquires them independently. And some are also offended, perceiving such a "present" as a hint of uncleanness.
  • eau de Toilette Water - Despite the fact that some guys would not refuse to receive an expense of a dear beloved perfume as a gift for the new year, most converge in the opinion that women show the initiative and choose this important accessory to their taste, which often does not coincide with the preferences of a young man .
  • wearing and underwear also occupy a solid position in the ranking of the worst gifts. Some men also include tie and other wardrobe items.
  • towels and home textiles, as well as dishes (except with the exception of the original glass), men consider traditionally female gifts.
  • tools although they are considered a courageous gift, still do not please the men - as, however, and women are unlikely to be nice to get a frying pan.
  • one of the most unsuccessful gifts to your favorite for the new year is the money, since, as a rule, perceive, as a desire to dismiss and not boring themselves, which is negligration.

Packaging gift guy for the new year

Separately, it is worth mentioning the packaging of the New Year's gift. Despite the female confidence that the man all these bows-ribbons are needed, the strong floor representatives are also nice to get a beautiful and original packaged thing. However, a banal box with a bow, indeed, is not the best idea. If you like to make gifts with your own hands, try creating a packaging in the shape of a shirt with a tie. In case the gift is in the box, try to give it an interesting incorrect shape.

For a romantic young man instead of ordinary wrapping paper, use the printed collage of your photos.

Boxes with gifts Try to decorated in accordance with the specifics of the holiday with New Year's tinsel, bumps, cheese, instead of the ribbon you can use LED garlands on batteries.

For lovers of drawing and surprises, place a gift in the form of matryoshki: Collect a few boxes of different sizes, so that they entered each other, and in the smallest place their present. While your favorite will reveal each box, he will simply burn from impatience as soon as possible to get to the gift.

Another packaging option may be a clapboard inside, the starting mechanism of which is associated with the ribbon that needs to be unleashed to open the box. Naturally, the choice of slappers should be approached responsibly, given the safety rules. If your small gift, place it inside the matchbox, envelope or balloon.

So, if with the approach of New Year holidays you still come to the horror of the thought that you will give a guy for the new year, remember that a gift primarily reflects your feelings. Do not run, laying your head, to the nearest shopping center in the hope that the necessary item itself will fall on your eyes, otherwise you risk buy another bauble. Rather, think about what I would like to get your favorite. Do not forget that the choice of gift is a favorite for the new year is an exciting process, the purpose of which is to demonstrate your feelings.