The procedure for registering an early retirement pension. Who is eligible for early retirement

There are categories of citizens who are entitled to early payments. The allowance is assigned not only to employees engaged in hazardous work. Disabled people and mothers with many children have privileges. applies to residents of the Far North. However, the state imposes certain requirements on such citizens for work experience.

Categories of people eligible for early retirement

The state determines the groups of citizens who are entitled to early registration of payments:

  1. A parent of a disabled child can count on financial assistance. The allowance is paid on the condition that the mother or father was engaged in raising a baby up to 8 years old.
  2. Early retirement recipients include people who have been injured while serving in the army.
  3. The state provides support to disabled citizens who have received a group 1 disability due to poor eyesight.
  4. The cause of disability can be diseases that are associated with the malfunctioning of the pituitary gland.
  5. Men who have worked in the Far North for at least 15 years can draw up documents earlier than 60 years.

A special category includes people who work in hazardous and harmful conditions. To make sure you are eligible for early retirement, you must carefully review the relevant list of professions.

Early assignment of an old-age pension: who is entitled?

Early assignment of old-age pension produced in accordance with the list of professions. There are several categories of applicants. 1 group of recipients includes:

  1. Employees who are involved in the construction of tunnels for subways, cars and railways. This group also includes miners who are forced to risk their lives.
  2. Eligibility for early assignment of an old-age pension provided to employees of enterprises engaged in oil refining.
  3. The privileged list includes employees of nuclear power plants.
  4. People who work in workshops with unfavorable conditions are in a special position. High temperatures and harmful substances have a negative impact on the employees of foundries. The same group includes workers of thermal sections.

Important! Early appointment of an old-age insurance pension depends on the conclusions of the commission, which assesses the working conditions at the enterprise.

There are 2 groups of applicants, which include:

  1. Employees who work at light industry enterprises.
  2. Harmful factors also affect the employees of pharmaceutical companies.
  3. The state pays pensions ahead of schedule to doctors.
  4. The privileged list includes specialists in mineral exploration.
  5. Eligibility for early retirement pension provided to pilots who are associated with civil aviation.
  6. An early retirement pension is granted to employees in the timber industry.
  7. Before the due date, teachers can issue payments, as they experience increased psychological stress.

Additional insurance premiums

Early assignment of old-age pension depends on the person's insurance record. Health workers can apply for an early retirement pension if several conditions are met:

  1. For hospitals located within the city limits, the minimum length of service is 30 years. Specialists who prefer rural settlements are required to work for at least 25 years.
  2. An early retirement pension is granted to mothers raising more than 5 children. A woman becomes eligible for benefits at the age of 50.
  3. Fathers who take care of 5 children on their own can also retire early. Payments are made in the presence of insurance experience, which should not be less than 20 years.
  4. The right to financial assistance is granted to guardians of disabled people who were found to be incapacitated in childhood. Payments are made until the child is 8 years old.

Experts assess the working conditions at enterprises. Depending on the intensity of harmful factors, 4 hazard classes are distinguished. The state obliges employers to transfer additional funds to the Pension Fund. The calculation of contributions is made on the basis of the conclusions of the commission regarding the classification of working conditions.

The right to an early retirement pension provided to people employed in hazardous work. The maximum rate that is used when calculating additional payments is 9%.

What are the benefits for older people who are eligible for early retirement

Pension Fund specialists take into account the category of the applicant. To determine the age at which a person can apply for benefits, you can use tabular data.

Requirements for seniors in category 1
How many years did the applicant work in hazardous production,At what age can a man apply for a pension,Duration of work in difficult conditions for women, yearsAt what age can a woman receive benefits,
5 years55 yearsAt least 3 years 9 months52 years
6 years54 years4 years51 years
7 years53 years5 years50 years
8 years52 years6 years49 years old
9 years51 years7 years48 years old
10 years50 years7 years 6 months45 years
How many years earlier than the due date, citizens from category 2 can retire
How long has a person worked in hazardous conditionsAt what age can a man qualify for payments from the budgetHow many years did a woman work in hazardous workAt what age can a woman apply for an allowance
At least 6 years and 3 months58 years oldAt least 5 years53 years
At least 7.5 years57 years old6 years52 years
At least 10 years56 years8 years51 years
12.5 years55 years10 and more years50 years

At what age can residents of the Far North retire

To achieve early payments, you must work in the districts for at least 15 years. Employees who worked in areas with similar conditions can count on benefits. The harsh climate has a negative impact on the human body.

The state provides financial support to people who decide to stay in regions with unfavorable conditions. Many people are interested in age restrictions that apply to payment processing.

Mothers with many children can also count on state support. The insurance pension is assigned ahead of schedule, provided that the woman has a work experience of at least 12 years. Mothers with many children have the right to retire at the age of 50.

What privileges are given to representatives of small peoples

Early assignment of an old-age labor pension it is used when making payments to residents of small peoples. Men can retire at the age of 55. Women receive government payments at the age of 50. Elderly residents who decide to move to more favorable regions are deprived of their social pension. The allowance is paid only on the condition that the person permanently resides in his native place.

Can unemployed citizens retire early?

The state provides financial assistance to people who have lost their jobs for valid reasons. When assigning a benefit, specialists take into account several conditions:

  1. Reduction of personnel in the company, which caused the loss of a job.
  2. Liquidation of the enterprise where the person worked. Men aged 57 can count on early retirement benefits. Unemployed women receive benefits at the age of 53.

At the onset of retirement age, specialists reissue the allowance. The person begins to receive insurance payments. State aid is terminated in the event of employment.

Important! Applicants must be registered with the labor exchange. A pension is issued if a person cannot get a job.

How can I submit documents to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation

Pension registration is made on the basis of an application. The decision on the appointment of payments is made by the client department of the PF RF. To avoid possible delays, the applicant should start collecting documents in advance. When applying for a pension, you can use the help of the MFC. It is not necessary to go to the Pension Fund to receive payments. The package of documents can be sent by mail. Employees are given 10 days to check papers and make a decision.

Early payments are made on the basis of the following documents:

  1. An elderly person must complete an appropriate application.
  2. Specialists will require the applicant to provide a passport. A positive decision will be made if the future pensioner has a Russian residence permit.
  3. To assess the duration of work experience, specialists of the PF RF need a work book.


When assigning an early retirement pension, specialists take into account the category to which the applicant belongs. Some professions are constantly risking their lives. Working in a workplace with harmful conditions has a negative impact on human health. The state provides such people with the opportunity to receive an early pension.

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Who is eligible for an early retirement pension? The site for retirees "My Years" () found out that the minimum age for assigning an early retirement pension is 33 years. This is provided that you are employed, for example, immediately upon reaching the age of majority and have worked in the relevant profession for at least 15 years. And if you go on a well-deserved rest for health reasons, then a preferential pension (labor or as they call it now - insurance) can be assigned even earlier.

Certain civilian occupations give the right to an early retirement pension after 15 years of work. Photo

Early retirement

In total, there are 22 professional categories that give the right to the early appointment of an old-age insurance pension, but subject to the availability of the necessary experience in the relevant types of work. For example, if you are a tractor operator, then you need to work on a tractor for 15 years. In addition, a benefit pension is granted under certain social conditions.

Old age insurance pension

An old-age insurance pension in Russia can be assigned before reaching the generally established retirement age (55 years for women, 60 years for men). Certain categories of citizens have this right.

Of the 22 preferential occupational categories, 12 give a five-year discount when men retire at 55 and women at 50. This includes, first of all, work with difficult working conditions. The list of these works was approved by the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR dated January 26, 1991 No. 10 - full name "List No. 2 of industries, jobs, professions, positions and indicators with harmful and difficult working conditions, employment in which gives the right to a retirement pension (old age) on preferential terms"... Sometimes adjustments are made to it (as well as to List No. 1, which is discussed below) on the basis of decisions of the Ministry of Labor or the Supreme Court. However, for the most part, it remains unchanged, and for 25 years it has been used to determine who in Russia is entitled to an early retirement pension.

Two other types of work activities allow only women to retire at 50. The first type of work is tractor drivers in rural areas or in other sectors of the economy, as well as drivers of construction, road and loading and unloading machines. The second is employment in the textile industry in jobs with increased intensity and severity. Drivers of buses, trolley buses, trams, both men and women, who work on regular city passenger routes, can also retire five years earlier.

12 occupational categories that entitle men to retire at 55 and women at 50

Types of jobs Retirement age Required length of insurance
Work with difficult working conditions (List No. 2) Men - 55 years old, Women - 50 years old Men - at least 12 years 6 months. Women - at least 10 years old
Work as tractor drivers in agriculture, other sectors of the economy, as well as drivers of construction, road and loading and unloading machines Women - 50 years old Women - 20 years old Women - at least 15 years old
Working in the textile industry at jobs with increased intensity and severity Women - 50 years old No requirement Women - at least 20 years old.
Work as workers, foremen (including seniors) directly at logging and timber floating, including maintenance of mechanisms and equipment
Work as workers of locomotive crews and workers of certain categories, directly carrying out the organization of transportation and ensuring traffic safety on railway transport and in the subway. And also work as a driver of trucks directly in the technological process in mines, open pits, mines or ore quarries for the export of coal, shale, ore, rocks Men - 55 years old. Women - 50 years old Men at least 12 years 6 months. Women - at least 10 years old
Work as machine operators (dockers-machine operators) of complex crews at loading and unloading operations in ports Men - 55 years old. Women - 50 years old Men - 25 years old. Women - 20 years old
Work in the crew on ships of the sea, river fleet and the fishing industry fleet (with the exception of port vessels constantly working in the port water area, service and auxiliary and crew vessels, suburban and intracity traffic vessels) Men - 55 years old. Women - 50 years old Men - 25 years old. Women - 20 years old At least 12 years 6 months. Women - at least 10 years old
Working as a driver of buses, trolley buses, trams on regular city passenger routes Men - 55 years old. Women - 50 years old Men - 25 years old. women - 20 years old Men are at least 20 years old. Women - at least 15 years old
Work in expeditions, parties, teams, at sites and in brigades directly on field geological exploration, prospecting, topographic and geodetic, geophysical, hydrographic, hydrological, forest management and prospecting works Men - 55 years old. Women - 50 years old Men - 25 years old. Women - 20 years old Men at least 12 years 6 months. Women - at least 10 years old
Work related to the direct flight control of civil aviation aircraft Men - 55 years old. Women - 50 years old Men - 25 years old. women - 20 years old Men at least 12 years 6 months. Women - at least 10 years old
Employment in the engineering and technical staff at work on the direct maintenance of civil aviation aircraft Men - 55 years old. Women - 50 years old Men - 25 years in civil aviation. Women - 20 years in civil aviation Men are at least 20 years old. Women - at least 15 years old
Working with convicts as workers and employees of institutions executing criminal sentences in the form of imprisonment Men - 55 years old. Women - 50 years old Men - 25 years old. Women - 20 years old Men are at least 15 years old. Women - at least 10 years old

Length of service

The same Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR dated January 26, 1991 No. 10 approved a list of jobs with especially difficult working conditions - "List No. 1 of industries, jobs, professions, positions and indicators in underground work, in work with especially harmful and especially difficult working conditions, employment in which gives the right to a retirement pension (old age) on preferential terms".

The list includes professions that give the right to early retirement 10 years earlier than the generally established retirement age: men at 50, women at 45. At the same time, men must have a general insurance (labor) experience - at least 20 years, of which work experience in the relevant types of work with especially difficult conditions - at least 10 years; for women, the obligatory general work experience is 15 years, of which 7 years 6 months are especially difficult working conditions. What kind of work is this? Construction of mines, mines, open-pit mines; extraction of natural resources containing hazardous substances of 1–3 hazard class; control over the production of ferrous metals in hot areas and the like.

Only one type of work, not included in this list, makes it possible to retire 10 years earlier for men (for women - 5 years earlier) - this is work in the state fire service. Moreover, there are no requirements for general work experience, only work experience in the fire service is required - at least 25 years for men and women.

And there are eight types of jobs that allow you to retire even earlier than 10 years. This is due to the fact that these professions are not required neither for the retirement age, nor for the compulsory work experience - you only need years of service in the relevant specialty. So, rescuers of professional emergency rescue services, men and women, are enough to retire at least 15 years of experience in the relevant types of work. If you are employed in the rescue service at the age of 18, then already at the age of 33 you can apply for early retirement.

In such preferences in the civil service, only Russians who carry out creative activities on stage in theaters or in theater and entertainment organizations can compare with rescuers (although not all). Regardless of their age, they can become retired early if they have the necessary experience in the relevant types of work - at least 15-30 years, depending on the nature of their creative activity. Whatever the nature of the artist's activity, but if he makes the viewer go through catharsis with his play every time, then he has every right to become not only an honored artist, but also an honored pensioner at any age, whenever he wishes.

8 professional categories that give the right to retire regardless of age

Types of jobs Retirement age Required length of insurance The required experience in the relevant types of work
No requirement
Full-time employment in underground and opencast mining (including mine rescue personnel) in the extraction of coal, shale, ore and other minerals and in the construction of mines and mines Men and women - regardless of age No requirement Men and women - at least 20 years
Employment on the ships of the marine fleet of the fishing industry in the work of catching, processing fish and seafood, receiving finished products in the fishery (regardless of the nature of the work performed), as well as on certain types of ships of the sea, river and fishing industry fleets Men and women - regardless of age No requirement Men - at least 25 years old. Women - at least 20 years old
Work in the flight crew of civil aviation Men and women - regardless of age No requirement

Men - at least 25 years old. Women - at least 20 years old.

When leaving flight work for health reasons: men - at least 20 years, women - at least 15 years

Work as rescuers in professional emergency rescue services, professional emergency rescue teams of the Federal executive body, carrying out functions for the development and implementation of state policy, legal regulation in the field of civil defense, protection of the population and territories from natural and man-made emergencies , and participated in the elimination of emergencies Men and women - 40 years old or regardless of age, provided that there is the necessary experience in the relevant types of work No requirement Men and women - at least 15 years
Implementation of pedagogical activities in institutions for children Men and women - regardless of age No requirement Men and women - at least 25 years old
Implementation of medical and other activities to protect the health of the population in health care institutions Men and women - regardless of age No requirement Men and women - at least 25 years in rural areas and urban-type settlements, or at least 30 years in cities, rural areas and urban-type settlements, or only in cities
Carrying out creative activities on stage in theaters or theater and entertainment organizations Men - 55 years old. Women - 50 years old. Or regardless of age, provided that there is the necessary experience in the relevant types of work No requirement Men and women - at least 15-30 years old (depending on the nature of creative activity)

Preferential pension

In addition to professional categories, the right to early retirement pension can be granted to citizens under certain social conditions. This benefit is provided for 10 categories of citizens.

    Guardians of invalids from childhood or persons who were guardians of invalids from childhood, who raised them up to 8 years. Retirement age: Reduction of the general retirement age (60 for men, 55 for women) by one year for every one year and six months of guardianship, but not more than five years in total. Required work experience: men - at least 20 years, women - at least 15 years.

    Women who gave birth to 5 or more children and raised them before the age of 8. Retirement age: 50. Required work experience: at least 15 years.

    One of the parents of children with disabilities who raised them until the age of 8. Retirement age: men - 55 years, women - 50 years. Required work experience: men - at least 20 years, women - at least 15 years.

    Women who have given birth to two or more children and have worked for at least 12 years in the Far North or at least 17 years in equivalent areas. Retirement age: 50. Required work experience: at least 20 years.

    Citizens who have become disabled due to military trauma.

    Visually impaired people with I group of disability. Retirement age: men - 50 years, women - 40 years. Required work experience: men - at least 25 years, women - at least 20 years.

    Citizens with pituitary dwarfism (Lilliputians) and disproportionate dwarfs. Retirement age: men - 45 years, women - 40 years. Required work experience: men - at least 20 years, women - at least 15 years.

    Citizens who have worked in the Far North for at least 15 years or at least 20 years in equivalent areas... When working in areas of the Far North and equivalent areas, each calendar year of work in areas equated to areas of the Far North is considered nine months of work in areas of the Far North. Retirement age: men - 55 years, women - 50 years. Required work experience: men - at least 25 years, women - at least 20 years.

    Citizens who have worked in the Far North for at least 7 calendar years 6 months... When working in areas equated to areas of the Far North, as well as in areas of the Far North, each calendar year of work in areas equated to areas of the Far North is considered nine months of work in areas of the Far North. Retirement age: the insurance pension is awarded with a decrease in the generally established retirement age (60 years for men, 55 years for women) by 4 months for each full calendar year of work in these areas. Required work experience: men - at least 25 years, women - at least 20 years.

    Citizens permanently residing in the Far North and equivalent areas and who have worked as reindeer breeders, fishermen, hunters. Retirement age: men - 50 years, women - 45 years. Required work experience: men - at least 25 years, women - at least 20 years as reindeer breeders, fishermen, hunters.

When determining the right to an insurance pension in the "northern" regions, the List of regions of the Far North and equivalent areas is used, which was used in the appointment of a state old-age pension in connection with work in the Far North as of December 31, 2001.

For those who have worked for at least 15 years in the Far North or for at least 20 years in equivalent areas and have the necessary experience for an old-age pension, the age set for early assignment of an insurance pension is reduced by five years. Thus, the legislation for such citizens provides for a "double" reduction in the age for the appointment of the specified pension. For example, if you have the necessary insurance experience and length of service in the relevant types of work, work experience in the Far North for at least 15 years or in equivalent areas for at least 20 years, an early retirement pension can be assigned:

    in connection with employment in underground work, in work with harmful working conditions and in hot shops - upon reaching 45 years for men, 40 years for women (if they have been involved in these works for at least 10 years and 7 years 6 months, respectively, and have insurance experience of at least 20 and 15 years, respectively);

    in connection with work in difficult working conditions - when men reach 50 years old, women 45 years old (if they have been employed in these jobs for at least 12 years, 6 months and 10 years, respectively, and have an insurance record of at least 25 and 20 years, respectively).

On the My Years website, you can familiarize yourself with current publications on pension reform issues, including:
- with the news of the Pension Fund of Russia;
- get practical information from a pension reference book;
- learn more about the rights of working pensioners;
- to get acquainted with the nuances of pension provision for military pensioners.

Vladimir Shpikalov, "My Years"
Based on materials from the Russian Pension Fund

01/31/2018, Sasha Bukashka

How to live, who to work, so as not to wait 55 years if you are a woman, and 60 if you are a man - to go on a well-deserved rest early, while receiving a boarding house? Let's figure out what are the grounds and conditions for the appointment of early insurance old-age pensions in Russia in 2018.

Yes, age limits are established by law, but some categories of citizens can count on early appointment due to old age.

Who is eligible for early retirement: in brief

The following are entitled to early insurance old-age pensions:

  • teaching staff;
  • medical workers;
  • representatives of harmful professions (which are indicated by the Legislator in the so-called Lists No. 1 and No. 2);
  • working in the Far North;
  • various specialists of the Armed Forces who served in the ship's personnel or civil aviation.

And also some other categories of citizens, specialists with a special or insurance experience not less than that established by law.

Detailed list of jobs and employees with early retirement

  1. Underground work, work in hazardous working conditions and in hot workshops.
    • Age: men - 50 years old, women - 45 years old.
    • Minimum general insurance experience: men - 20, women - 15 years.
    • Minimum work experience: men - 10 years, women - 7 years 6 months.
  2. Work with difficult working conditions:
    • Transport: workers of locomotive crews and workers of certain categories, carrying out the organization of transportation and traffic safety on the railway transport and the subway; truck drivers in mines, open pits, in mines or ore quarries for the export of coal, shale, ore, rock.
    • Geology, hydrography, topography, etc.: work in expeditions, parties, detachments, on sites and in brigades;
    • Logging and logging: workers, foremen;
    • Crew: work on ships of the sea, river fleet and the fleet of the fishing industry;
    • Flights: flight control of civil aviation aircraft.

    Early retirement requirements:

    • The minimum length of service for such work: men - 12 years 6 months, women - 10 years.
  3. Female Tractor Operators in agriculture, construction, road and material handling machine operators Early retirement requirements:
    • Age: women - 50;
    • Minimum general insurance experience: women - 20 years.
    • Minimum work experience: women - 15 years.
  4. Port work: machine operators of complex crews on loading and unloading operations in ports. Requirements for early retirement:
    • Age: men - 55 years old, women - 50 years old;
    • Minimum general insurance experience: men - 25, women - 20 years.
  5. Public transport drivers.Early retirement requirements:
    • Age: men - 55 years old, women - 50 years old;
    • Minimum general insurance experience: men - 25, women - 20 years.
    • The minimum length of service for such work: men - 20 years, women - 15 years.
  6. Maintenance of civil aviation vessels: work in the engineering and technical staff.Early retirement requirements:
    • Age: men - 55 years old, women - 50 years old;
    • Minimum general insurance experience: men - 25, women - 20 years.
  7. Work with convicts.Early retirement requirements:
    • Age: men - 55 years old, women - 50 years old;
    • Minimum general insurance experience: men - 25, women - 20 years.
    • The minimum length of service for such work: men - 120 years, women - 15 years.
  8. Women who worked in the textile industry with increased intensity and severity.Early retirement requirements:
    • Age: 50 years old
    • Minimum work experience: 20 years
  9. Underground and open pit mining for the extraction of coal, shale, ore and other minerals and for the construction of mines and mines. Requirements for early retirement:
    • The minimum length of service for such work: 25 years, for workers in leading professions - at least 20 years;
  10. Work on ships of the sea fleet of the fishing industry for the extraction, processing of fish and seafood, the reception of finished products in the fishery. Requirements for early retirement:
    • Minimum work experience: men - 25 years, women - 20 years
  11. Work in the flight crew of civil aviation.Requirements for early retirement: Minimum work experience: men - 25 years, women - 20 years. When leaving flight work for health reasons: men - at least 20 years, women - at least 15 years in the specified composition (flight or flight test);
  12. Test pilots.Requirements:
    • The minimum length of service for such work: men - 25 years, women - 20 years. When leaving flight work for health reasons: men - at least 20 years, women - at least 15 years in the specified composition (flight or flight test);
  13. Rescuers in professional emergency rescue services and units of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia. Requirements for early retirement:
    • Age: 40 years old
    • Minimum work experience: 15 years;
  14. Firefighters.Early retirement requirements:
    • Age: 50 years old
  15. Teachers.Early retirement requirements:
    • Minimum work experience: 25 years;
  16. Doctors. Physicians.Early retirement requirements:
    • Minimum length of service for such work: at least 25 years in rural areas and urban-type settlements, at least 30 years in cities, rural areas and urban-type settlements, or only in cities;
  17. Creative activity on stage in theaters or performing arts organizations Early retirement requirements:
    • Age: 50-55 years old
    • Minimum work experience: 15-30 years;
  18. Mother heroines - women who gave birth to five or more children and raised them until they reach the age of 8;
  19. Invalids of military operations.
  20. Citizens who worked in the Far North not less than 15 years or in localities equated to them not less than 20 years.

Features of appointment and conditions

At the moment, there are 28 types of pensions in the legislation that are assigned to citizens until they reach retirement age, provided that the necessary conditions are met. In this case, 24 are appointed in connection with the performance of a certain activity. That is, for the appointment of such content, one must have a special experience of the required duration in the specified conditions or in the specified position.

Sometimes it is required to comply with some other conditions: for example, reaching a certain age or having a general insurance experience as well. In addition, for example, the teacher is obliged to work full-time under the established conditions, except for rural teachers and primary school teachers.

What periods are included

An early insurance old-age pension is assigned by the Pension Fund branches, while all periods of special work experience must be documented. The total length of service also includes the time when a person did not perform duties for valid reasons.

So, what other periods of activity can be included:

  • being on sick leave;
  • tests before entering into a permanent contract;
  • leave to care for a small child until the moment he is 3 years old.

The right to early assignment of a pension arises when these conditions are met.

How to arrange

A citizen applies to the branch of the PF RF with a statement. Additionally, the fund's specialists can indicate the need to confirm a special experience, to fulfill certain duties when holding a specific position.

These facts can be confirmed by certificates from employers. The periods before the registration of the person as the insured, in case of loss of the necessary documents, can be confirmed by witnesses. The decision of the foundation to refuse to grant benefits ahead of schedule can be appealed to the judicial authorities.

Since a great deal of importance is attached to documents, it is worth paying more attention to their preservation. This applies to personal cards, etc. Keep an eye on.

Working all their lives, people hope to receive a decent allowance in old age. According to Russian law, all citizens are entitled to pension payments from the state. Since working conditions are different for everyone, then the size of the pension will differ depending on the profession and length of service. Some specialties additionally provide an opportunity for early retirement, and you can take advantage of this opportunity for a number of reasons.

What is early retirement pension

Russians acquire the right to a well-deserved rest for various reasons, including of their own free will. Some categories of citizens, due to their professional activities and social factors, according to the law, have the right to go on vacation earlier than the statutory general terms:

  • at the age of 60 - for men;
  • upon reaching the 55th birthday - for women.

Preferential (early) pension is a monetary allowance that can be paid to a person who has not reached the generally established retirement age, but has a legally designated work experience in a specific specialty or a certain social status. To assign payments, certain requirements must be met:

  • Professional activity. A person has the right to early retirement if he works in dangerous or difficult conditions and his work may pose a particular danger to health and life.
  • Special territorial conditions. Citizens who work in the regions of the Far North or other territories that are traditionally equated with them, go on a well-deserved rest ahead of schedule.
  • Social. According to the law, the right to early retirement benefits is granted to people who have a certain social status. These include mothers with many children, residents of the Far North regions, leading a traditional lifestyle, disabled people, dwarfs.

Legal regulation

Russian pension legislation is constantly being transformed in order to become more perfect and, if possible, to take into account the needs of all groups of the population, regardless of gender and age. At the federal and regional levels, various regulatory and legal acts are adopted, the action of which is aimed at improving the life and increasing the satisfaction of people who have retired, the rules for indexing allowances. Of the main documents it is worth highlighting:

  • Constitution of the Russian Federation.
  • Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
  • Federal Law No. 400-FZ.
  • Federal Law No. 166-FZ.
  • Law 1032-1.
  • Federal Law No. 173-FZ.
  • Federal Law No. 167-FZ.

The above list is not exhaustive, since preferential retirement is associated with various kinds of circumstances that must be taken into account when granting a person the right to benefits. Additionally, it is necessary to take into account the recommendations and instructions issued by ministries and departments, as well as regulatory legal acts granting privileges to pensioners of a certain constituent entity of Russia.

General requirements for the purpose of payment

Early retirement implies the fulfillment of a number of conditions:

  • Age. Russian legislation, in contrast to the practice used in other countries, establishes a differentiated age of retirement for men (60 years) and women (55 years). Representatives of some professions and categories of citizens are entitled to receive pension benefits of previously specified values.
  • Insurance experience. A certain number of years established by law, during which the employer had to deduct insurance contributions from the employee's earnings. According to the latest changes, the value will increase in one-year increments until it reaches 15 by 2024. In 2018, the minimum length of service is 9 years.
  • Labor. The time during which a person worked under an employment or civil contract. This takes into account the time spent on military service, being on sick leave, the period of being registered with the Employment Service, parental leave until the child reaches one and a half years of age.
  • Special - for seniority in certain professions and positions, which is necessary for the appointment of an early retirement pension in 2018.
  • Individual pension coefficient. The amount that directly affects the amount of the payment received. When transferring contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the amount of money is converted into points according to a special formula, which are summed up when going on a tinned rest, and then multiplied by the cost of the PKI (the value is indexed annually).

According to the reform of the pension legislation in 2018, the age of retirement will not change - the previously adopted norms will remain unchanged. Other indicators that affect the amount of allowance will undergo changes:

Insurance experience requirement

Minimum IPK amount

Maximum annual score

When forming an insurance pension

When forming insurance and funded pensions

Who is eligible for early retirement

Back in 1932, the age was determined according to which a person had the right to leave work, having gone on a well-deserved rest. Since that time, nothing has changed, if you do not take into account the methodology for calculating payments to the elderly. At the same time, special attention is paid to people who perform work in difficult conditions or are exposed to excessive physical exertion. Some work in contact with harmful or hazardous substances. In addition to the additional payment for harm to the salary, they have the right to go on vacation earlier.

Social categories of citizens

Today, there are legislatively defined groups of the population who are entitled to retire early in 2018, and in this case, not their work experience is taken into account, but the social status in society:

  • mothers with many children;
  • guardians or one of the parents of children with disabilities or invalids from childhood;
  • some categories of the unemployed;
  • representatives of small indigenous peoples of the Far North, engaged in subsistence farming;
  • midgets;
  • disproportionate dwarfs;
  • visually impaired people with assigned group 1;
  • persons who have become disabled after receiving a military injury;
  • mothers of 2 or more children who worked in the High North.

In case of staff reduction or liquidation of an enterprise

Citizens of pre-retirement age who have been laid off have the right to apply for the accrual of allowances earlier. The age of the citizen is considered an important aspect. He must remain less than 2 years old before the date of the right to retire. Women are allowed to retire at 53, while men are allowed to retire at 58.

In addition to age restrictions, other requirements must be met:

  • The reason for the dismissal should be a reduction in the number of personnel at the enterprise or its complete liquidation.
  • Availability of 20 years of service for women and 25 years of service for men (for some categories of citizens there may be other, preferential conditions).
  • A person who has been laid off must be unemployed, registered with the Employment Service, and the exchange itself must not have vacancies that would suit a person in accordance with his specialty or qualifications.

You can lose the right to assign an early payment if the employee:

  • Twice he refused employment in specialties suitable for him.
  • Has offenses that have caused the termination or reduction of payments.

Employees of preferential professions

The list of preferential specialties is an approved list of professions that are entitled to certain preferences. The basis for their compilation is the level of exposure to the body of harmful factors that arise during the production process. Allocate List No. 1 and List No. 2. They were approved in 1991 by the decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR No. 10 to determine the professions of people who have the right to go on vacation ahead of schedule.

The procedure for using the Lists at the present stage is established by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 665 (07.16.2014), in accordance with the provisions of Article 30 of Law No. 400-FZ. According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, citizens whose labor activity falls under these conditions are entitled to additional leave, shorter working hours and other privileges. For an ordinary citizen, it is difficult to understand what the difference is between them, since the professions are repeated in them. The difference lies in the degree of harmful influence of production factors on the human body:

  • List # 1 - especially dangerous and difficult conditions;
  • List No. 2 - harmful and difficult conditions (less hazard to health compared to List No. 1).

In short, both lists give a citizen the right to preferential social and pension benefits. Among the professions and positions should be highlighted:

  • nuclear power workers;
  • workers of the chemical industry;
  • geological prospectors, search engines;
  • miners;
  • persons working in underground structures;
  • flight crew and civil aviation workers;
  • persons employed in road transport;
  • military personnel;
  • workers with radioactive substances;
  • women who worked with high intensity or operated heavy machinery;
  • persons who worked in workshops with high temperatures;
  • doctors and other medical staff;
  • workers of metallurgical production;
  • railway workers;
  • teachers;
  • persons with especially difficult working conditions;
  • workers in the aviation industry;
  • public transport drivers;
  • workers of sea and river vessels;
  • penal service officers
  • reindeer herders;
  • emergency workers;
  • creative and theatrical figures.

Early appointment of a pension in 2018

Some categories of citizens who do not belong to the Lists with hazardous and harmful working conditions can also issue early payments for old age in 2018. It is important to distinguish between early retirement and the opportunity to receive social benefits. If for the first it is mandatory to have a certain insurance and work experience, then social benefits can be assigned even when a person has never worked. At the same time, social benefits have a size approved by the government, while the amount of payments depends on the experience gained.

For mothers with many children

For those women who have raised five or more children under the age of 8, the state offers the opportunity to go on a well-deserved rest ahead of time. To do this, you must be at least 50 years old and have 15 years of work experience at an official place of work. For those women who do not meet the above criteria, only social benefits are accrued.

The only exceptions are made up of the fair sex, who gave birth to two or more children, but worked in the North. To go on a well-deserved rest, they must reach the 50th anniversary. Their total length of service under an employment contract must be at least 20 years, and 12 of them they had to work in the regions of the Far North or 17 in areas equated to such territories.

Disabled people and their caregivers

The state is trying in every possible way to help people with disabilities, but it does not forget about those citizens who inspect them. If a family has a disabled child or a disabled child from childhood, one of the parents is entitled to an early retirement pension in 2018, but subject to two conditions:

  • reaching 55 years of age and having 20 years of service for men;
  • reaching the 50th anniversary and 15 years of experience in women.

Citizens who are guardians of a disabled child under 8 years old also have preferences on an equal basis with legal parents. Every 18 months of examination of an incapacitated child gives them the right to go on vacation one year ahead of schedule. There are restrictions, so guardians cannot leave earlier than five years before the due date. An additional condition is that they must be officially employed, and the minimum insurance experience for men is limited to 20 years, and for women 15.

To the unemployed after being laid off

During the first two months after dismissal, a person receives an average monthly salary according to the last place of employment. If he has not found a job, then he has the right to register at the employment center and receive unemployment benefits. When a man has reached the age of 58, and a woman is 53, representatives of the labor exchange can send an offer to issue an old-age allowance, if the person has the necessary work experience. An early pension in 2018 is issued only with the consent of the unemployed and is compensated from budget money.

For health

Upon assignment of 1, 2 or 3 groups of disability or health problems, a person has the right to receive pension payments. When registering allowance, the time of the onset of incapacity for work and its causes are not taken into account. It does not take into account whether the disabled person is currently working or not. The only condition that is necessary for the appointment of a retirement pension is the existence of an insurance experience, and its duration does not matter. This means that even one working day will be enough for a person with disabilities if a deduction was made from the salary in the FIU.

In addition to early disability pension in 2018, a monthly fixed allowance is due, the amount of which depends on the category of disability and the regional coefficient (the indicator is determined in each constituent entity of the Russian Federation separately). When submitting an application for registration of allowance, it is imperative to provide a conclusion of a medical and social examination, and the next re-examination should be carried out annually for disabled people of groups 2 and 3 and once every 2 years for disabled people with the first category.

Benefits tables

Provided that a person's work activity is associated with hazardous, harmful or difficult working conditions that belong to Schedule 1 and Schedule 2, he can apply for early retirement. He needs to work at least half of the time required to retire on these lists. In order to take advantage of this prerogative, you must additionally have the required amount of pension points and a certain length of service. The generally established retirement age is reduced in proportion to the length of service available.

Retirement age of persons working in hazardous conditions

Payments in 2018 according to List No. 1 may be assigned earlier than the age required by law. Reduction of the retirement age for men working in especially dangerous conditions is determined by the table below:

For women:

Calculation for employees on Schedule 2

According to the official information provided on the PFR website, people working with harmful and difficult working conditions, which are included in List No. 2, also have the right to retire early. Early pension in 2018 for men will be accrued according to Schedule 2:

For women:

Reducing the retirement age for workers in the Far North and equivalent regions

In 2018, citizens who worked in the Far North or in areas that are legally equated to them are entitled to take a well-deserved rest ahead of schedule. The duration of the required working period depends on the natural and climatic conditions. For those who worked in the most extreme regions of the north, fewer years of employment are required than for citizens who worked in an area equated to the RCC.

To receive the so-called "northern pension", certain conditions must be met:

An early payment can be made out with a decrease in the retirement age in proportion to the available length of service, but this requires working at least 7 and a half years in the regions of the Far North. For every 12 months of employment in the RCC, the retirement age is reduced by 4 months:

Experience, years

Age, number of years and months

15 and more

How to retire early

In 2018, an increase in the age of retirement is not planned, although talk about this periodically arises. This should be expected in the near future, especially since the increase in the age for retirement has already affected civil servants and every year they are added six more months. An additional catalyst is the economic crisis, the consequences of which have not yet been eliminated.

An early pension in 2018 is assigned only in rubles to any person, regardless of gender, age and period of employment. In this way, the state provides support to citizens who, for whatever reason, cannot continue to work. To receive the same insurance pension allowance, you need to fulfill a lot of conditions, which have already been mentioned above.

When and where to go

In order for the allowance in 2018 to be appointed on time, the procedure should be taken up in advance, especially since the initiative must come from the citizen himself. To do this, you need to contact one of the authorities:

  • local branch of the FIU;
  • Multifunctional Center;
  • hR department at the last place of work.

At the initial stage, you should contact a specialist of the selected body for advice. He will tell you what documents need to be prepared. It is recommended to do this six months before going on vacation in order to avoid delays in the appointment of pension payments. The application itself must be submitted at least one month before the moment the right to receive allowance becomes available.


Russian legislation has established an official application form for the appointment of a pension allowance. It can be downloaded from the official website of the PFR or obtained from the very branch of the PFR or the MFC. Only the future pensioner himself has the right to fill out the application. A legal representative can also do this, but he must have a valid notarized power of attorney. If you wish, you can submit an application through the user's personal account on the Internet portal of the Pension Fund.

It is not allowed when filling in corrections and strikethroughs - this may become a reason for refusing to accept documents. Since the application form has an established form, you will need to indicate:

  • The name of the territorial branch of the PFR.
  • Last name, first name and patronymic (if any) of the person who applies for allowance.
  • SNILS.
  • Citizenship. If a person is a citizen of another state, it is necessary to indicate "Foreign Citizen".
  • Place of residence, registration and contact phone number.
  • The name of the identity document, its number, series, by whom and when it was issued.
  • If the application is submitted by a legal representative, indicate all similar information about him.
  • Note whether the person is currently employed or not.
  • If there are dependents on the maintenance, indicate their number.
  • Indicate the type of pension allowance that the citizen is counting on.
  • If a person has previously received pension payments, this fact must be indicated.
  • List the documents that are attached to the application.
  • Date, sign and decipher it.

List of common documents

In addition to a correctly completed application, to consider the possibility of receiving pension payments, you must provide documents confirming the right. The main ones will be required:

  • passport (for citizens of the Russian Federation);
  • Residence permit (for foreigners);
  • SNILS;
  • documents confirming the availability of the required experience;
  • a statement of monthly wages for any 60 consecutive months prior to January 1, 2002. Data on average monthly wages for 2000-2001 that were provided by former employers or from the FIU information systems may be considered.

This list is not exhaustive, as each application is considered individually. For this reason, it may be necessary to provide confirmation of additional circumstances that have arisen. A citizen can submit the collected package of documents in several ways:

  • In person, when visiting a branch of the FIU in the region or the MFC.
  • Via postal service. To do this, papers are sent by registered mail with a list of existing attachments.
  • Through a legal representative. In this case, a notarized power of attorney is required.

List of documents for confirmation of benefits

An early pension in 2018 is assigned only upon presentation of documents confirming the right to receive it:

  • pensioner's ID;
  • certificate of the presence of dependents;
  • address information;
  • birth certificates of children;
  • confirmation of guardianship (adoption);
  • certificate of family composition;
  • documentary evidence of work on Schedule 1 or 2 or labor activity in the RCC or equivalent territories (work book, certificates, personal cards from the personnel department, extracts, etc.).

Terms of consideration and appointment of early payment

The legislation gives 10 days for consideration of the petition and making a decision. The countdown is carried out from the moment of submission of documents. In case of refusal, the PFR employees are obliged to notify the citizen about this within five days. If, for some reason, a person could not provide all the necessary papers, he is given three months to correct this situation. Provided that during this period the documentation was submitted, the appointment of the pension allowance is counted from the date of submission of the documents or according to the postmark on the envelope if the papers were sent by mail.


Monthly receipt of funds for their own maintenance is issued upon reaching a certain age and completing work experience. However, there are some exceptions; in particular, the right to early retirement. What categories of citizens have the opportunity to receive early cash payments? How to retire early? All these questions will be answered in detail in the article.

general characteristics

Unfortunately, not all citizens have a sufficient legal culture. That is why many working people are not aware of some of the nuances of the current legislation governing the right to early retirement. All benefits, rights, additional payments and many other important legal elements are enshrined, first of all, in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. But in addition to it, it is also worth highlighting a large number of Government decrees and regulations (in particular, the Federal Law on assessing labor conditions). All presented normative acts regulate the following concept.

Early retirement pension (article 27 of the Federal RF ") is a direct connection with the professional activity of a particular person, carried out under specific working conditions or agreed upon by certain social norms.

Thus, a person carrying out his labor activity in production with unusual working conditions has the right not only to various kinds of benefits, but also to early payments. At the same time, the profession should be really "harmful": the full list of difficult jobs was approved by the Council of the Minister of the USSR, but it has not practically changed to this day. Who retires early? This will be discussed further.

Early retirement pension: who is eligible?

An early retirement pension is called the option of receiving monthly payments, in which the onset of the permitted age will take place in no more than 2 years. Persons who are unemployed at the Russian employment center, as well as those who have relevant work experience (20 years for females and 25 years for males), can apply for such a pension. Accordingly, early retirement pension in the Russian Federation is issued only for those persons who meet the above criteria.

The presence of harmful or difficult working conditions in work invariably entails the possibility of receiving an early pension. Physical or psychological stress is considered to be harmful working conditions, and more recently, work in the Far North. Russian legislation establishes the possibility of obtaining the so-called reduced work experience. It is thanks to him that it will be possible to receive early pension payments.

Separately, it should be noted that the working person has some serious illnesses. If the continuation of the work activity is impossible for health reasons, then an early retirement pension can be issued only on condition that a special medical certificate is submitted to the employment center.

List of harmful professions

If an employee carries out his labor activity at work with harmful labor characteristics, then the possibility of early retirement increases significantly. What kind of professions fall under the category of "harmful"? Since Soviet times, a classification has been preserved that allows you to accurately determine the severity of labor. So, there are four levels of professional activity:

The issuance of each such degree is possible only if attention is paid to the following points:

  • increased dust content in the air, the presence of dirt;
  • poor quality lighting;
  • loud noises;
  • harmful radiation;
  • work with harmful microorganisms, viruses, bacteria, chemicals, etc .;
  • increased vibrations;
  • high level of humidity;
  • too low or too high air temperature;
  • the duration of stress in work activities and much more.

One more classification comes from all the criteria presented: list 1 - these are professions with a critical degree of harmfulness, and list 2 - certain types of heavy professions and positions. Both of these lists can be easily found on the official website of the Ministry of Labor.

Categories of citizens

Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 400 contains more than 20 clauses, which indicate both the conditions for retirement and some professions in which one can apply for early retirement. What exactly is worth highlighting here? Here are some of the specialties specified in the law:

  • railway workers;
  • search engines and geological prospectors;
  • miners;
  • public transport drivers;
  • workers of river and sea vessels;
  • aviation workers;
  • rescue workers;
  • persons working underground (miners, underground workers, etc.);
  • penal workers (prison officials);
  • teachers;
  • community doctors;
  • theatrical figures and some other workers.

Among other things, special categories of citizens are distinguished here:

  • (raising more than five children);
  • visually impaired;
  • persons injured as a result of hostilities;
  • dwarfs and midgets;
  • workers of the Far North.

An early pension can be issued for all of the above persons. At what age is retirement possible? This will be discussed further.

Conditions for registration of an early retirement pension

How to get an early one First, you should pay attention to the following conditions:

If the relevant conditions are met, it is worth paying attention to the contents of the so-called lists 1 and 2, which were mentioned above. So, a woman belonging to the list of list 1 is entitled to a pension upon reaching 53 years of age, with a total work experience of 15 years. In this case, the duration of work in hazardous production should not be less than seven years. In accordance with list 2, a woman can apply for a pension from the age of 45. At the same time, work experience should not be less than 20 years.

What do the lists say about male workers? According to list 1, a man who has reached 50 years of age can apply for a pension accumulating 20 years of experience. Schedule 2 sets the minimum age of an employee at 55 years and 25 years of work experience (12 under harmful conditions).

Thus, it can be issued not by all persons, but only by those that meet the above criteria.

Early retirement pension in the Russian Federation: registration procedure

What actions need to be taken to register early retirement benefits? To begin with, it is worth contacting the local Employment Center with the appropriate application. There they will give you a document that you will need to fill out. The authority will definitely help you to arrange the paper with high quality. Within a month, the Employment Center will provide the citizen with an answer - with the consent to carry on further work or with a justified refusal.

What should be submitted to the Employment Center besides the application? As a rule, these should be the following documents:

  • passport and its photocopy;
  • military ID;
  • birth certificate of a child (if the employee has children);
  • original and copy of the work book.

Also, the Employment Center can request the following papers:

  • certificate of dependents;
  • address application (about the place of residence);
  • disability certificate;
  • certificate of upbringing of a child under the age of eight;
  • family composition document;
  • certificate or certificates of guardianship.

The body can also request many other certificates - for example, individual documents from work. It is very important to correctly and correctly draw up all the papers, check the presence of seals and signatures.

Citizen rights

The question of how to retire early is regulated by many Russian federal laws. What are the rights of a citizen who has retired early?

A citizen is able to demand from his employer all the necessary documentation necessary for transfer to an employment center or the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. Moreover, the employer of the enterprise must confirm the preferential length of service of the employee. If the employer for some reason does not do this, then such a task is entrusted to the relevant state body.

As soon as an employee receives an insurance pension certificate, all information about his "movements" will be taken into account by the Russian Pension Fund.

It is also worth giving the classic formula for calculating early retirement pension:

SP \u003d PC * C * K + FV * K

  • ФВ - basic payment;
  • С - the cost of one coefficient at the time of registration of the pension;
  • PC is the total amount of earned pension-type coefficients;
  • K - increasing indices to PV.

The preservation of the right to early assignment of a retirement pension is available to all persons who have correctly drawn up the necessary papers at the Employment Center and the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Reduction or liquidation of an enterprise

It is not uncommon for an employee of pre-retirement age to suddenly lose his job. The reason for the layoff can be in the organization, the elimination of jobs and much more. Naturally, practically no organization expresses a desire to hire a person who has very little time left until retirement. The situation, I must say, is very uncomfortable, and often completely hopeless. Still, a citizen wants to "finish off" his seniority, but there are no opportunities for this. What to do in such situations? Here it is just worth asking yourself the question of how to retire early. The first thing to do is to compare your indicators with those necessary for premature payments, to compare the past working conditions with the necessary "harmful". When do you retire early? As already mentioned, men should not be less than 58 years old, and women should not be less than 53 years old. The following conditions must also be met:

  • dismissal from work was built only due to staff reduction or the liquidation of a workplace (one's own desire and medical indicators are not taken into account);
  • the presence of a certain length of service (25 years for men and 20 years for women);
  • the citizen is in the employment service;
  • there are no suitable vacancies on the labor exchange.

If citizens have offenses that led to the termination of social benefits, then one should not expect an early retirement.

Can they refuse?

Quite often, the Employment Center or the Pension Fund of Russia deny citizens an early retirement pension. As a result, applicants have to go to the courts, and resolve cases there. Naturally, such examples illustrate the unsatisfactory level of state protection of citizens' rights to receive pensions. Still, it is worth giving the main reasons for refusing early retirement. Here you need to highlight:

What should be done if a refusal was received from the named authorities? How to retire early no matter what? There is only one way out - to contact higher authorities. In the same Pension Fund a complaint is made; all necessary documents must be attached to it. The complaint will be considered within a month. If a refusal comes again, then there will be only one way out: to appeal to the courts of general jurisdiction. It will be necessary to draw up an appeal against the refusal.

Features of registration of a pension

For both working and unemployed citizens, there are some features of registration of a pension. A working citizen should remember the following:

  • the employer is obliged to pay severance pay for a two month period;
  • payments from the previous job will stop if the citizen registers as unemployed.

Unemployed citizens, on the other hand, should remember that full work experience gives them the opportunity to receive subsidies. At the same time, each year, worked over the top of the total length of service, gives the right to an extension of state support for two weeks. If a citizen becomes an individual entrepreneur or a legal entity, then the receipt of early pensions is terminated until the closure of this status.