Occurs 28 to 29 weeks of gestation. Changes in the body of a pregnant woman. What can be said about sexual relations during this period

What does the baby look like (weight and size of the fetus)

The kid is already fully formed. The only thing left is to grow up a little. while the weight of the baby is still too small to get free from the cozy mother's tummy. Your fruit has grown to the size of a large cabbage fork, its height is now thirty-seven centimeters, and its weight is one kilogram two hundred and fifty grams.

The heartbeat and position of the fetus at this time can be found out by performing an ultrasound examination. We will tell you about what the doctor will not tell you. Namely: what skills your baby already possesses at this gestation period:

  • the baby already perfectly distinguishes voices, especially your voice and the voice of your spouse;
  • the skin of the crumbs has formed to the end, only the fat under it accumulates more and more every day;
  • the so-called lanugo - vellus hair - gradually disappears from the baby's body;
  • the lungs are almost ready to function, so if suddenly the baby is born in the next seven days, it will most likely be able to breathe on its own;
  • the liver completes its formation, from now on it has the right to be called the main chemical laboratory of the child's body;
  • the formation of the pancreas is not yet fully completed, but already now it completely and completely supplies the body of a small person with the necessary amount of insulin;
  • the baby can easily scratch himself behind the ear, show his tongue and smile if he is in a good mood.

Determining the sex of the child

We have already written above that ultrasound, as a rule, is not performed at 29 weeks. And even more so, the doctor will not prescribe this study at the request of the mother, who desperately wants to know the sex of her baby. But if you go for a second ultrasound scan, to which the doctor sent you for medical reasons, no one has the right to prohibit you from asking questions to a medical specialist. At the 29th week of pregnancy, the doctor will be able to accurately name the sex of the baby. But only on one condition: the baby will take a good pose and allow him to consider what his parents are so interested in.

By the way, now it is very fashionable to go to ultrasound not only with her husband, but also with loved ones. The doctor tells a loved one the sex of the baby, for parents it remains a secret. On the day appointed by the parents (New Year, wedding anniversary, or just a party for the upcoming birth of the baby), a note indicating the gender of the crumbs is hidden in the cake. Parents cut the cake and finally find out exactly who they will be meeting in a few weeks.


Analyzes and medical examinations

You can still take a break from testing this week, but be prepared: there will be a lot of testing planned for the next seven days. If you are carrying twins or triplets, then you are probably no longer working, you have started a decree. If your pregnancy is singleton, then the decree has not yet begun, even though it is already really close at hand.

Sometimes, at the 29th week of pregnancy, the fair sex decide to visit their obstetrician-gynecologist. There may be many reasons for this. If you need to visit your doctor, go to the laboratory in advance and take a general urine test. During the appointment, the doctor will need to make sure that you do not have signs of preeclampsia. He will also measure the height of the uterus and measure your blood pressure - the usual procedures to which you are probably already accustomed to for a long time.


Can an ultrasound be done this week? Can. However, most often, research is not prescribed for this period. In rare cases, the doctor needs a second examination. In such a situation, an ultrasound scan can really fall on one of the next seven days. The specialist who conducts the ultrasound will now pay maximum attention not only to the baby and its position in the uterus, but also to the placenta. It is important that the degree of maturity still remains zero, and the thickness reaches 29 millimeters.

Among other things, the doctor will definitely carefully study the structure of the baby, evaluate the development of internal organs and systems, and determine whether the development of the crumbs corresponds to the gestation period. If the baby is found to be underweight, the obstetrician-gynecologist will correct the nutrition of his patient. After all, low weight, like weight too large, is not very good for the crumbs.


The time has not yet come for the third screening. As a rule, it is prescribed between 32 and 34 weeks of pregnancy. However, already now you can find out what exactly awaits you. So, in the third trimester, only ultrasound screening is performed. This is your usual examination on an ultrasound machine. The period from 32 to 34 weeks was not chosen by doctors by chance: it is during this period that placental insufficiency most often manifests itself in the fair sex. On an ultrasound, you can find out about how the fetus develops, what is the amount of amniotic fluid and the state of the placenta.

Sometimes, after ultrasound screening, the doctor prescribes his patient to undergo another study, which is called Doppler. This test is performed after 30 weeks to determine if the placenta is being supplied with sufficient blood. If the result suggests that there is not enough blood in the placenta, the doctor decides to prescribe medications to the expectant mother that can improve blood flow.


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What happens to your body - sensations

Mom's belly is growing rapidly. It is already very large, but you must be prepared for the fact that the belly will become even larger. The baby also grows, and the uterus develops behind him, continuing to put pressure on all internal organs. Now mommy will notice that she began to run to the toilet too often. This is especially felt at night, when it's time to sleep, but the bladder is haunted.

Mom may be bothered by constipation and hiccups. Any solid food can lead to spasm of the larynx (in fact, this condition is called hiccups). Doctors recommend giving preference to the softest food during this period. If you eat something solid, be sure to wash it down with water.

Your weight gain this week should not be more than 350 grams. Keep this in mind and watch even more closely what gets to your table. Is your weight at the 29th week of pregnancy normal - taking into account your individual parameters? ... Let it always be at your fingertips.

Pulling abdominal pain

At 29 weeks, the lower abdomen can be sipped. If this happens rarely enough, if the sensations are not so painful as spasmodic (muscle contraction is felt), you have nothing to worry about. It is quite possible that you are bored with training fights, which will make themselves felt more than once. If your training contractions are uncomfortable for you, lie down on the bed and take a comfortable position on your side. After that, the spasms should disappear.

But if the pain in the lower abdomen is significant, if you are not drawn, but it hurts in the literal sense of the word, and it hurts constantly, you need to call a doctor. There can be quite a few reasons, but the most risky of them is premature birth. And if they are, it is important that everything goes well. And in such a situation, there is no way without a doctor.

Back pain

It is unrealistic to relieve lower back pain. They can be relieved with a prenatal brace. If you have not yet had time to purchase it, rather buy it: this is a real must-have for a future mother in the third trimester of pregnancy. It will help relieve tension and massage. Your spouse can do it in the evenings. Be sure to get a pillow for pregnant women, which, at least at the time of rest and sleep, will provide you with the most comfortable position.


Normal, healthy discharge may vary slightly from week to week in color, but the consistency and odor (neutral or slightly sour) should remain the same. If there is no pain or itching, then there is no reason to worry.

If the leucorrhoea has significantly changed its color, if they become yellow, greenish, gray, if an admixture of blood and an unpleasant odor appears in them, you should consult a doctor. During pregnancy, girls are often attacked by bacterial infections that can cause such leucorrhoea.


Nausea at 29 weeks can occur because the uterus is putting tremendous pressure on the stomach. For the same reason, severe heartburn occurs in pregnant women during the discussed period. It is useless to deal with these conditions. They can be lightened a little (for example, by eating a spoonful of honey), but they will completely disappear only after the stomach goes down. Don't worry, it will happen very soon.

The average rate of amniotic fluid for the period under discussion is 145 millimeters. The lower limit of the norm is 84 millimeters, the upper limit is 254 millimeters. As you can see, the permissible fluctuations are very large, so if the amount of amniotic fluid you have is far from the norm, you shouldn't worry anyway. Surely it fits into the designated framework.


Do's and Don'ts

By the activity of your baby, you can understand if there is enough oxygen in your body. If the baby feels an acute lack of oxygen, he begins to actively twitch the arms and legs, giving you the appropriate signal. In order for the oxygen supplied to the baby to be sufficient, completely give up cigarettes, do light gymnastics and be in the fresh air a lot. We know that now it is difficult for you to walk for a long time or even just to stand. Therefore, we suggest you spend time outside the city, where you can sit quietly in the bosom of nature and read a book.

Many women at 29 weeks begin to notice that when they laugh or sneeze, they involuntarily pass urine. The reason is the weakness of the walls of the vagina, which are preparing for childbirth. To eradicate the problem that has arisen, it is necessary to practice the Kegel exercise as often as possible. It is good because it can be performed in any conditions: sitting in line at the clinic, standing in line at the checkout in a supermarket, in public transport, in the passenger seat of a car ... Kegel exercise consists of alternating tension and relaxation of the vaginal muscles. It is very effective both before and after childbirth. Want to know more about what you shouldn't do at 29 weeks, and what, on the contrary, should be done - What you can and can't do at 29 weeks of pregnancy.

Proper nutrition

  • Constipation is becoming more common. To cope with them, saturate your diet with fiber - fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • Protein is very necessary for a baby to build organs and strengthen muscles. therefore, you should bet on lean meat and fish. It is best to steam these foods.
  • Dishes that contain a large amount of dyes should be excluded from your diet.


During this period, your body needs 250 mg of calcium every day. Make sure that the foods that make up your diet are rich in this micronutrient. If calcium is not enough, the doctor will prescribe vitamin preparations for you. Don't decide for yourself which vitamins to take. Remember, this is medical competence, and in any case, do not self-medicate.

Now it is 29 weeks of pregnancy. With each passing day, childbirth is approaching, in connection with which the woman experiences great excitement. Now the baby weighs about 1400 g, and his height is up to 38 cm.What happens to the mother and the baby at this time will be discussed in detail in the article.

Twenty-nine obstetric weeks of pregnancy is the beginning of the eighth month. It is important to take into account that obstetric time is calculated from the first day of the last menstruation, and not from the moment of fertilization of the egg. Therefore, if we talk about the embryonic period, now we are talking about 27 weeks from conception. After 12 weeks, mom is waiting for a long-awaited meeting with her baby.

As already mentioned, the weight of the baby is now about 1300-1400 g, and his height reaches 35-38 cm. Every day the brain perceives a lot of information, because at this stage all the senses (hearing, sight, taste) are well developed in the baby. In bright light, the baby squints, turns away, and loud sounds make him flinch.

It is believed that at the 29th week of pregnancy, the baby learns to distinguish between tastes and smells. It is worth noting that the little man, at a subconscious level, even remembers them. Many experts argue that in connection with the appearance of the phase of REM sleep, children dream.

Every day, the size of the fetus increases, which is why the space in the tummy becomes less and less. At this time, as a rule, babies no longer turn over in the womb, and their movements become more conscious. In most cases, the baby takes a cephalic presentation. Sometimes the baby is located with the buttocks down and is in this position until the very birth (breech presentation).

At the 29th week of pregnancy, hairs are already visible on the baby's head. Now they look more like fluff. Along with this, the fluff that was present on the body (lanugo) disappears. The amount of protective grease is also reduced. Every day the fat pad increases and the baby becomes more and more like a newborn. The skin takes on a light pink hue, so-called infant folds and a cute swelling on the cheeks appear.

Enamel appears on the milk teeth, which are still hidden by the gums. Bone tissue is strengthened daily. The constant movements of the toddler lead to the strengthening of the muscular apparatus.

What the baby can do

At 29 weeks, the baby has some pretty well developed reflexes. We are talking about the sucking, swallowing, grasping reflex. The baby trains his skills every day. He swallows amniotic fluid, thereby training the respiratory system.

The digestive organs are well developed. The stomach, intestines, liver and pancreas are ready to receive and process breast milk. It is very important that the newborn receives the mother's milk from the first days. Experts recommend keeping lactation for at least a year.

About how much a newborn baby should eat milk per day, read in.

Genitourinary system and bone marrow

If an ultrasound is performed at the 29th week of pregnancy, the gender of the baby is clearly visible. In boys, at this time, the descent of the testicles into the scrotum continues. In girls, the clitoris protrudes slightly, since it is not yet covered by the labia minora.

The kidneys are well developed. The paired organ constantly processes the amniotic fluid that the child has swallowed. In 24 hours, the kidneys excrete up to 500 ml of urine.

The bone marrow is actively synthesizing blood cells. At the 29th week of pregnancy, blood has the same properties as that of an adult. Its cells carry oxygen throughout the body, platelets protect against bleeding, and immune cells prevent the spread of infectious agents. After birth, the baby will also receive ready-made antibodies from the mother. The heart rate is now between 120 and 140 beats per minute.

What happens to a woman

At the 29th week of pregnancy, mom, as a rule, does not have any new sensations. And although toxicosis is left behind, the woman is worried about other "delights" of pregnancy. Let's figure it out.


It is unlikely that some of the girls, while carrying a baby, managed to never face pain, because this is a completely natural physiological process during pregnancy, especially in its last stages.

So, why does the lower back, pubic bone hurt and pulls the lower abdomen:

  • Pain and heaviness in the lower abdomen are due to the stretching of the uterus due to the growth of the baby.
  • Discomfort in the back and lumbar region appears due to an increase in the load on the spinal column and as a result of a shift in the center of gravity.
  • In addition, pains can disturb a mom at 29 weeks of gestation in the form of false contractions. Do not worry about this, because such contractions are usually short-lived, they occur in most mothers and do not pose a threat to the baby.
  • Another reason for painful sensations is increased tone. At the same time, the woman feels that the uterus seems to be stiff, and the pulling sensations extend to the lumbar region.

All of these conditions are not a cause for concern. If the contractions are prolonged, and their regularity increases, you should immediately go to the hospital.

For more information on false and true contractions during pregnancy, see.

At the 29th week of pregnancy, the tummy reaches a fairly large size. Many moms feel itchy due to stretching and peeling of the skin. Regular hydration of the dermis will help get rid of itching. To do this, you can take baby cream or any oil (olive, apricot, coconut).

Physiological itching should not be confused with an allergic reaction. Sometimes synthetic clothing, personal care products, or some food products provoke discomfort in the tummy and the whole body. If the itching has spread to the entire body and becomes unbearable, an urgent need to see a doctor.

At the 29th week of pregnancy, the uterus is located 8-10 cm above the navel. If you measure the height of the organ from the pubic articulation, then it is approximately 29-30 cm, which corresponds to the period of bearing the baby. Mommy feels well that the baby is already quite heavy at this time. This is especially felt when lying or sitting.

In the third trimester, cramping pains in the lower abdomen often occur. These are training fights. They appear for a reason, because the body is already actively preparing for the birth process. If the contractions are irregular and pass quickly, there is no need to worry.

You should immediately go to the hospital if the contractions become regular, the water has moved away or bleeding has opened.

The circumference of the tummy and its shape depends on factors such as the amount of amniotic fluid, the position of the baby in the womb, and the constitution of the girl's body.

Some believe that the shape of the belly can be used to determine whether a woman is pregnant, a boy or a girl. But scientifically, this is impossible and is just a coincidence.


Discharge at the twenty-ninth week of pregnancy may be somewhat stronger, since the uterus is greatly enlarged and the flow of blood in this area also increases. If the secret has a transparent mucous consistency, and there is no unpleasant odor, there is no need to worry. The alarm should be sounded when brown, yellow, or white discharge appears. Even a drop of blood should be a reason to see a doctor.

Mommy's emotional state

The psycho-emotional state of a woman is often unstable at this time, which is no longer associated with her hormonal background. Excitements at 28-29 weeks of gestation occur more often due to fear of childbirth and fear of not coping with their duties after the baby is born.

Some girls, against this background, have insomnia, irritability, tearfulness, frequent mood swings and other manifestations. The support of relatives and friends will help to cope with them. Mom shouldn't be afraid to share her fears and concerns. If the emotional state is severe, the help of a psychologist may be needed.

Photo of the fetus on ultrasound

In these photos, you can see what the baby looks like during an ultrasound examination.

During the ultrasound, you can see how the baby is moving. The specialist records all the parameters of the fetus, enters them into the medical record of the pregnant woman.

If the doctor prescribes any tests at the 29th week of pregnancy, it is recommended not to skip these procedures. This will help control whether everything is normal with the development of the baby and the mother's body.

You will not need to visit the antenatal clinic very often, only 2 times a month. On examination, the leading gynecologist usually evaluates the following criteria in a pregnant woman:

  • weight gain;
  • circumference of the tummy and the height of the fundus of the uterus;
  • fetal heartbeat;
  • blood pressure in a woman;
  • pulse.

The doctor is sure to ask if mom has any complaints, as well as what character and regularity are the fetal movements.

At the 29th week of pregnancy, as well as at earlier stages, the woman will need to undergo a blood and urine test. It is important that no protein is found in the urine during this period. But the indicators of hemoglobin can be reduced for physiological reasons. This is due to an increase in blood volume in the body.

Already at the 30th week of pregnancy, and possibly even now, mom will be scheduled for a second examination by doctors such as an ophthalmologist, cardiologist, therapist. You will also need to take a blood test for TORCH infection. In addition, the doctor will ask you to count the movements.


The way the baby moves in the womb is largely indicative of his health. If the little one is pushed 7-8 times during an hour, this is considered normal. Of course, when it is not about the period of sleep. In a situation where the baby moves little or, conversely, too actively, the reason should be sought here. If mommy is pregnant with twins, the frequency of movements must be multiplied by two.

If the movements of the toddler have stopped, do not sound the alarm. Perhaps the baby is just asleep. Worry should be in the absence of perturbations for 8-10 hours.

There are many reasons for indigestion during pregnancy. First of all, this concerns the squeezing of the intestines by the growing uterus. As a result, unpleasant phenomena such as nausea, heartburn, flatulence may occur.

Vomiting is not typical for the third trimester. It can appear with food poisoning or late toxicosis. Many mothers have stool disorders (diarrhea or constipation). Adjusting your diet helps to cope with this. If the pregnant woman is still nauseous and dizzy, she should definitely inform the doctor about it. This is necessary to exclude such a dangerous complication as gestosis.

Weight gain

It is recommended to control the weight gain of a pregnant woman throughout the entire period of gestation. At 29 weeks a day, mommy should gain no more than 50 g. In total, by this time, body weight normally increases by 11-12 kg.

If you are gaining weight too quickly or underweight, you should reconsider your diet. You can ask a dietitian for help. The doctor will help you choose the right menu that will not harm the mother and child, as well as provide them with all the necessary vitamins and minerals.


Premature birth at 29 weeks gestation is considered early. They can be involuntary or artificial. Artificial childbirth is carried out by the decision of the doctor, if the woman has any special repentance for this.

On the forums, you can find numerous reviews of moms who gave birth at 29 weeks. At this time, babies have a great chance to survive, because their lungs and other systems are fully developed. Despite this, an infant born in the eighth month may die.

Why premature birth occurs:

  • increased uterine tone;
  • transferring stress of a pregnant woman;
  • the presence of an acute or chronic disease of the woman's reproductive system;
  • the ingress of infectious agents into the genitals;
  • abdominal trauma;
  • poor nutrition, bad habits, and more.

Babies born at 29 weeks are underweight, and their lungs are not ready for the birth of a baby. But often these babies survive. Immediately after birth, they are placed in special incubators and connected to an artificial respiration apparatus.

Do you want to know all the details about the development of babies from birth to one year old? Read on. In it you will find all the information you need.

If a woman is sick

No one is immune from viral and bacterial infections. In the cold season, many mothers are faced with this unpleasant phenomenon. Is a cold at 29 weeks pregnant dangerous and how to treat ARVI at home?

In the third trimester, a cold does not pose such a threat to the fetus as in earlier periods. This is due to the fact that now the baby is already formed and even has its own immunity. Of course, this does not apply to cases of rubella, meningitis and other dangerous diseases.

What to do at home:

  • rinsing with saline will help to combat the common cold;
  • the throat can be gargled with decoctions of herbs (chamomile, calendula, St. John's wort);
  • if the temperature has risen to 37 degrees, an abundant sour drink will help bring it down;
  • a woman during illness is advised to eat more vitamins and rest a lot;
  • if the thermometer reaches 38 and above, you should take Paracetamol.

If you have a high fever and a strong cough, you should definitely see a doctor. A specialist will help you choose drugs that are safe for mom and baby.

Is sex allowed in the 29th week of pregnancy

The 29th obstetric week is a rather long period and preterm birth is now completely unnecessary. If a woman has contraindications for intimacy, it is important to give up sex, since it is he who can cause the unplanned birth of the baby.

In what cases is sexual intercourse prohibited:

  • high blood pressure in a pregnant woman;
  • pathology of amniotic fluid (polyhydramnios or low water);
  • short cervix;
  • the presence of a threat of termination of pregnancy;
  • hypertonicity of the uterus;
  • twins or triplets;
  • sexually transmitted diseases in a partner.

If the doctor has allowed intimacy, couples should choose positions that are most comfortable for the woman. They must exclude pressure on the abdomen and deep penetration. It is also recommended to reduce the activity of sex, as this can provoke an increase in the tone of the uterus.


At the 29th week of pregnancy, mommy should eat right, but not forget about weight control. As a rule, in the third trimester, a woman's appetite decreases slightly, therefore, weight gain decreases.

What products will be useful at this stage:

  • vegetables, fruits, herbs;
  • cereals, all types of cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal, rice, wheat);
  • dairy and fermented milk products;
  • lean meat;
  • river and sea fish;
  • dried fruits;
  • from sweets you can take honey, halva, marshmallow, marmalade.

You should not greatly limit yourself in nutrition while carrying a baby. But some foods should still be excluded. This includes a large amount of sweet pastries and baked goods, soda sweet waters, alcohol, drinks with a high caffeine content, too spicy, salty, smoked foods. It is better to prepare food by boiling, stewing or baking.

We must not forget about a sufficient amount of liquid. Doctors recommend drinking at least 1.5 liters of water per day. Of course, if mommy does not suffer from edema and she has no other contraindications.

Read about mom's nutrition in the first months of lactation now. We've covered this topic in detail in.

  • If mommy suffers from varicose veins in her legs or hemorrhoids, prolonged static loads should be avoided.
  • With varicose veins, you should consult your doctor. Perhaps he will recommend compression garments or other methods of treatment that are safe during this period.
  • When seizures appear, you need to saturate the diet with foods rich in calcium.
  • You need to sleep on the right or left side. Some scientists believe that sleeping on your back during pregnancy is harmful and can even lead to the birth of a still child.
  • Try to get more rest and walk in the fresh air to avoid feeling chronic fatigue. It is important to correctly organize a place to sleep. You can purchase a pillow for pregnant women.
  • If there are no contraindications, you should do exercises for pregnant women daily. For this, simple exercises are suitable, for example, on a fitball.
  • Yoga and swimming can help relieve back pain. Of course, you should definitely consult with your doctor before class.

In addition, you cannot refuse to take tests and a scheduled visit to the antenatal clinic.

Clinical research and examination by a doctor helps to timely suspect this or that pathology and make a decision on its treatment.

When do you need to run to the doctor

Mom at the 29th week of pregnancy should clearly know in what situations it is necessary to go to the hospital:

  • The appearance of severe itching and rashes on the body of any intensity.
  • Exacerbation of hemorrhoids, which is accompanied by the presence of blood during bowel movements, burning sensation and other alarming symptoms.
  • Frequent constipation that you cannot cope with on your own.
  • Fever, sore throat, cough.
  • The appearance of abdominal pain, vomiting, nausea, loose stools.
  • Discharge of a pathological nature - brown, green, yellow, bloody.
  • Severe headaches, dizziness.
  • Regular contractions, water drainage.

Any alarming symptoms that persist for a long time should be a reason to see a doctor.

Video about the development of the baby at the 29th week of pregnancy

You can learn more about what is happening with the mother and baby during this period from this video.

Your due date is 29 weeks of pregnancy, which means that another week and well-deserved maternity leave awaits you. Behind 7 obstetric months of waiting for the baby, who by this period is very strong and weighs at least a kilogram.

Of course, you are interested in how the child develops and what changes are taking place in your body.

Baby development at 29 weeks

The norm is considered to be at the 29th week of pregnancy, the weight of the fetus is 1200 grams and the height is 35-37 centimeters. But don't panic if your measurements differ from the data.

The main thing is that the child has a constant increase in grams and centimeters, and the numbers are a purely individual matter, which depends on genetics and, importantly, the nutrition of the expectant mother.

Let's take a closer look, at the 29th week of pregnancy, what happens to the baby:

  1. Options;
  • The norm is 1200 grams with an increase of up to 38 centimeters;
  • Outwardly, the child practically does not differ from the newborn, fat is deposited, the skin straightens, chubby cheeks are visible, curls grow, while the fluff on the body gradually rolls down;
  1. Sense organs;
  • The child at this time hears and distinguishes sounds;
  • Turns away from bright light, but focuses on a pleasant flicker;
  • Curls a nose in a stuffy room and smiles sweetly after Mommy's delicious sweet feast * What can you eat in your position, and what is better to refrain from? Read the article Sweet during pregnancy \u003e\u003e\u003e);
  • You should know that the baby already perceives information and can even remember it, so communicate more with your unborn child prodigy.
  1. Digestive and excretory systems;
  • The amniotic fluid still serves as food for the child, nutrients also enter through the umbilical cord;
  • The kid actively swallows liquid and digests it, every day up to half a liter of urine comes out of him;
  • By the way, the liquid penetrates not only through the mouth, but also through the nose, which, by this time, is already clear of the mucous plug;
  • Feces, as before, accumulate and are excreted only after birth.
  1. Activity;
  • The fetus, at the 29th week of pregnancy, is still active, only there is less and less space for acrobatics every week;
  • But the tremors are now more obvious and noticeable;
  • You can observe the movement of the belly to the side or the clear outlines of the heel of the baby when he stretches his legs.
  1. Circulatory and central nervous systems;
  • The main motor of the body - the heart - works at full capacity. The baby should have a pulse in the range of 120-140 beats per minute;
  • The child's bone marrow took full control of blood formation;
  • By the way, the blood of the fetus at the 29th week of pregnancy is already of constant composition, the child's body itself reduces immune cells.
  1. Skeletal system;
  • The baby's skeletal system is improving, at the 29th week, the covering of not yet erupted milk teeth with protective enamel is noted, which is why it is important for you to adhere to adequate nutrition and consume enough calcium to cover the baby's needs for this element.

Please note that a baby born at 29 weeks has a huge chance of survival. He will even be able to digest breast milk, and the work of the main organs is already coordinated and worked out.

Mom's well-being

You already know what heights the development of the fetus has reached at 29 weeks of pregnancy, it's time to consider the changes that have affected you and your body.

Uterus size

  1. It is difficult to hide a belly protruding forward from others, it is understandable, because, in the normal course of pregnancy, you should add 300 grams per week, at an acceptable weight, i.e. plus 11 kilos at 29 weeks gestation. Increases must be recorded every week;
  2. The uterus at the 29th week of pregnancy has increased in size up to 30 centimeters in height, while it is already a whole palm above the navel;
  3. The so-called training contractions continue, which may frighten you. If they are chaotic and painless, then panic should be set aside, another thing is painful, with increasing intensity, accompanied by discharge with bloody blotches;

Know! Such a course of affairs can signal a premature birth.

At the 29th week, it is already worth preparing for childbirth. It is best to start with the theoretical part. Just in childbirth, the rule works: you know more - you are less nervous and worried.

To quickly and efficiently understand all stages of labor, the Internet course Easy labor will help you \u003e\u003e\u003e

  • You will receive practical advice on behavior at every stage of labor;
  • You will learn how to behave after childbirth so as not to face prolapse of the uterus and prolapse of internal organs.

Pain at week 29

Not all painful sensations at the 29th week of pregnancy hide the danger, most of them have a physiological explanation:

  1. Stomach ache;
  • The enlarging abdomen and uterus squeeze the internal organs, and the muscular system is in constant tension. Hence the feeling when the stomach is pulling at the 29th week of pregnancy;
  • In addition, abdominal pain can also be from the food that you ate. Fast foods and other heavy foods are extremely undesirable at this time and, moreover, are fraught with heartburn and nausea;
  • But the cause of a sharp pain in the abdomen can be an unsuccessful blow of the child, who becomes cramped in your tummy.
  1. Back and pelvic pain;
  • Your body, from the moment of conception, begins to prepare for childbirth. This also applies to your bones. So, the pelvic statutes gradually soften and expand, this process is noticeable to you by aching pains in the pelvis;
  • Your back may hurt after walking for a long time or being in an uncomfortable position. You can relieve this pain with massage and water procedures, but, as a preventive measure, a bandage to support the tummy is suitable (read the article on the topic: Bandage during pregnancy \u003e\u003e\u003e).
  1. Headaches;

Anxiety and stress are not the best allies of pregnancy and, often, provoke headaches. The best medicine is relaxation and walks in the fresh air.

  1. Leg pain;

Numbness and seizures are common at 29 weeks of gestation. What happens to mom indicates a lack of beneficial trace elements in the body.

Swelling and varicose veins also cause leg pain.

  1. Pain when urinating;

Frequent urge to use the toilet, accompanied by pain during the process itself, indicates an infection of the genitourinary system.

Stagnation of urine provoked the development of unfavorable bacteria, which caused inflammation. A good prevention is a systematic visit to the toilet, in an ideal position, when your body is slightly tilted forward.

  1. Hemorrhoids;

When you are 29 weeks pregnant, you may experience shortness of breath and dizziness. They occur, as a rule, with additional load or sudden movements.

Bleeding. Allocations

Please note that discharge at 29 weeks gestation is formed not only from the genitals, but also from the breast.

You, definitely, noticed an increase in mammary glands, it's time for the first colostrum. You need to monitor hygiene, change linen more often, you do not need to squeeze out the contents. There is a risk of glandular damage or infection.

Vaginal discharge should still be clear and odorless.

  • Transparent discharge with a pronounced sweet odor is a signal of amniotic fluid leakage;
  • Abundant transparent discharge with itching is a signal of an allergic reaction, the cause may be both a hygiene product and synthetic underwear;
  • Curd discharge with a sour smell indicates thrush (what to do? Read the article Thrush during pregnancy \u003e\u003e\u003e);
  • Greenish, yellow shades are a sign of inflammatory processes in the body;
  • A brown tint to the discharge is given by bloody blotches. They can signal the threat of miscarriage, with abundant volumes. If the discharge is insignificant, erosion or anal fissures with hemorrhoids may bleed.

Attention! If, in addition to bloody discharge, you have a severe stomach ache at the 29th week of pregnancy or there is an increase in body temperature, then this is a dangerous signal. See your doctor as soon as possible.

Feeling at week 29

  1. At the age of 29 weeks of pregnancy, you are controlled by the hormone relaxin, thanks to which the load on your body seems not so unbearable. Remember how quickly the feeling of fatigue leaves you after talking with your baby and a little rest;
  2. But you don't need to rush at this time, an enlarged belly at the 29th week of pregnancy causes a shift in the center of gravity, and dizziness is characteristic of the third trimester, so you can easily lose your balance;
  3. Thanks to the hormone of motherhood, oxytocin, you are in captivity of an unborn baby and are ready to stroke your tummy day and night and equip a room for the child;

Not all sensations of the 29th week of pregnancy are so rosy.

  1. You may be concerned about digestive problems such as constipation or bloating, pain in the back, legs, pelvis;
  1. The movements of the child at the 29th week of pregnancy are more than active. You can visually observe what exactly the toddler is pushing with and how it is located in the stomach;
  1. One of the new sensations is heat, even in a cool room. Your body works in an enhanced mode, therefore, changes in heat regulation are observed, with an increase in sweating.

Narrow questions of pregnancy

Physical indicators during pregnancy are somewhat different from usual. This applies, first of all, to body temperature.


The normal body temperature at the 29th week of pregnancy is 37 degrees. Such an increase is explained by the double load on your body and internal systems, the process of heat transfer changes, and sweating increases.

Important! If a runny nose, aches or cough is added to the temperature, then we can talk about a disease.

Colds at 29 weeks pregnant

Symptoms of a cold at 29 weeks of gestation are not much different from those of a non-pregnant woman, but the treatment will be special.

  • Your body is very weakened, so the first thing you need to pay attention to is enhanced nutrition, and the bias should be made for foods rich in vitamins and microelements;
  • Many drugs are prohibited. For example, Aspirin (read Aspirin during pregnancy \u003e\u003e\u003e.) Or Analgin can cause bleeding and even fetal death;
  • In extreme cases, the use of paracetamol and ibuprofen is allowed to lower the temperature;
  • The ideal treatment at the 29th week of pregnancy is herbal medicine and plentiful hot drinks;
  • Bed rest must be observed without fail;
  • They switch to antibiotics only if there is a risk of complications, drugs in this category are assigned exclusively by a doctor.


If you feel normal, there are no contraindications and the threat of miscarriage, sex at the 29th week of pregnancy is not prohibited, but only encouraged. However, there are certain conditions: you need to choose a comfortable position, avoid deep penetration and pay increased attention to personal hygiene.

Alcohol at week 29

Before indulging yourself with a glass of wine, find out how alcohol affects you and your baby:

  1. Alcohol has a vasoconstrictor effect, and, since nutrients enter the child through the vessels of the placenta, such a narrowing is fraught with starvation, both oxygen and nutritious;
  2. Under the influence of alcohol poisoning and circulatory disorders, due to vasoconstriction, aging of the placenta is observed, which is unacceptable at the 29th week of pregnancy. The degree of maturity of the placenta should increase only in the prenatal period;
  3. Ethyl alcohol easily penetrates the child's body, negatively affects the functioning of internal organs, and makes irreversible changes in the activity of the brain.

Another argument in favor of avoiding alcohol is its composition. In the modern industry, it is difficult to find a quality product that does not contain preservatives and chemical additives. So, than to raise hemoglobin with a glass of red wine, on the advice of experienced friends, treat yourself to a pomegranate or a glass of tomato juice.

Examination of mom and baby

In the third trimester, you visit your gynecology twice a month.

  • Since there is only one week left before going on maternity leave, you will be offered to go through narrow specialists, such as a therapist, ophthalmologist, dentist, cardiologist, and pass a number of tests. The survey data are necessary for the discharge of a sick leave;
  • Mandatory tests include blood and urine tests. Under control, the level of hemoglobin, the number of leukocytes and erythrocytes, as well as the absence of protein in the urine (read the current article: What tests are taken during pregnancy? \u003e\u003e\u003e);
  • Additionally, you may be prescribed an analysis for Rh-conflict, a glucose test, a blood test for hormones;
  • If there are complaints, the specialist will take a swab from the vagina;
  • At each appointment, a specialist measures your weight, pressure, fundal height and abdominal girth. The data is entered into a special graphical table, which shows the growth dynamics;
  • If you have high blood pressure, there is edema and a urine test for protein is positive, there is a suspicion of the development of late gestosis, in which, at the 29th week of pregnancy, the development of the fetus is at risk. You will be assigned an additional examination and consultation with a urologist and nephrologist.

Ultrasound at 29 weeks of gestation

Ultrasound examination for a period of 29 weeks is extremely rare, in the case when there are suspicions of the development of pathologies.

  1. An appointment for an ultrasound scan is given if you have suffered an infectious disease, you have been diagnosed with polyhydramnios, or vice versa, oligohydramnios, there is no fetal movement, or there is a suspicion of oxygen starvation or the umbilical cord entanglement of the baby;
  2. Additional ultrasound can be prescribed for the diagnosis of low placenta. With a pregnancy of 29 weeks, such an arrangement belongs to the risk group, primarily premature birth;
  3. During the examination, attention is paid to the cervix. With a pregnancy of 29 weeks, its length should be up to 4 centimeters. Its reduction can serve as a signal of the threat of miscarriage.

Lifestyle at 29 weeks pregnant

A healthy lifestyle during pregnancy is the main guarantee of a normal delivery and the birth of a healthy baby. At week 29, you don't have to lie on your side all the time, you need to move, and great options are walking in the fresh air, swimming, going to fitness for pregnant women or practicing fitball.


Your well-being and fetal development largely depends on what and how you eat.

  • To get rid of heartburn, eat in small portions, and after eating take a walk (more about heartburn during pregnancy \u003e\u003e\u003e);
  • The daily diet must include meat, fish, eggs, dairy products, fruits and legumes. You need protein and calcium throughout your pregnancy;
  • To raise hemoglobin, add pomegranates, liver, beets, buckwheat, tomato juice, apples to the menu;
  • Porridge, as a source of vitamins and fiber, will help normalize digestion and get rid of constipation (more about constipation during pregnancy \u003e\u003e\u003e);
  • Vegetables and fruits, greens can be used both fresh and boiled;
  • Do not fried, smoked, salted, foods with preservatives and dyes, e-additives, carbonated sweet drinks;
  • Moderately - coffee and tea, but better - clean water and fresh juices.

Now is the time to read a book on nutrition for pregnant moms to check if your diet contains all the necessary foods.

You will be surprised, but by wisely changing your diet, you can get rid of many of the problems that await you in the last trimester of pregnancy.

Constipation, heartburn, edema - all these phenomena are well corrected by changing your diet.

Read the book to know how to feel good until you give birth. Follow the link: Secrets of proper nutrition for the expectant mother \u003e\u003e\u003e.

  1. At the 29th week of pregnancy, it is time to pay attention to the condition of the skin. The tummy grows rapidly, and stretch marks can take you by surprise. Water massage, rubbing with oils, applying special cosmetics for stretch marks will prevent their appearance. Read the article

By the 29th week, the body of the unborn child is almost completely formed. Now he has one task - to grow and improve, preparing for life outside his mother's belly. Consider how the 29th week of pregnancy differs from other periods.

What happens in the fetus

The 29th week of pregnancy is the beginning of the second trimester or the first week of the eighth month. By this time, the child has grown to 37 cm. His weight is about 1200 g. There is very little left before the birth, so the baby needs to prepare well for them, for example, grow a little:

What happens to the expectant mother

By week 29, weight increases by 8-11 kg. The increase depends on many factors, for example, on the initial body weight of the woman or her lifestyle.

Risk of edema

From this moment on, it is necessary to control weight gain. Every week, it should increase by no more than 400 g. Excess weight threatens with swelling and problems in childbirth. Swelling can appear externally (on the arms, legs, and face) and on internal organs. You can check for internal edema with a simple test. It is necessary to see how much liquid was drunk and how much came out. If the second indicator is significantly less than the first, the fluid does not leave the body completely.

This can lead to health problems for both mom and baby. Therefore, at the first symptoms, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Feelings of a baby's jolts

The 29th week of pregnancy is the time when the baby's movements are not felt as often as before. This is due to the fact that he becomes cramped in the uterus. But at the same time, the movements become stronger. A woman can tell exactly what her child is kicking with.

It is important to observe the amount of perturbation. According to Pierce's method, every day, starting at 9 am, it is necessary to count the number of movements made by the child. As soon as it reaches 10, it is necessary to stop the counting and write down the exact time in the table. From 9.00 to 21.00 the child must move at least 10 times. In case of deviation up or down, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Other features of well-being

What does the belly look like?

The fundus of the uterus is already on the palm above the level of the navel (about 30 cm from the pubis). There is a dark line in the middle of the abdomen that divides it into 2 halves. Some women have already experienced stretch marks. The dark line will fade over time, but the stretch marks will not. Therefore, it is worth taking care of the condition of the skin.

It is necessary to maintain a sufficient level of moisture and elasticity. This can be done with the help of special creams and oils.

At this time, many women feel how the stomach hardens from time to time. These are the so-called training contractions that help the uterus prepare for childbirth. Such contractions do not have periodicity and take place after a warm shower.


At week 29, the discharge should not change. They are liquid, white or transparent, odorless. Do not confuse such discharge with amniotic fluid. You can distinguish them using a special test sold in pharmacies. If the test showed that the transparent discharge is still water, you must immediately go to the hospital.

If the discharge changes color, smell and appearance, one can judge the presence of serious violations in the female body:

  1. Sexually transmitted diseases and infections are characterized by a discharge of pus that looks like pieces of cottage cheese.
  2. Symptoms of placental abruption and the onset of preterm labor are bloody, scarlet, or brown vaginal discharge.

Sometimes blood can come out of the anus. This is often a sign of hemorrhoids. Like everyone else, this disease requires immediate treatment.

Sexual relationship

Sex for a period of 29 weeks is not prohibited. However, it is worth remembering to be careful: avoid excessive activity, pressure on the abdomen and deep penetration. It is necessary to refuse intimate relationships only for medical reasons, for example, if there is a threat of premature birth.

Many couples refuse sex for fear of harming their child. You should not be afraid, because the fetus is reliably protected. A good mood and positive emotions that mom will receive, on the contrary, will improve his condition.

Visit to the gynecologist

At the doctor's appointment in the antenatal clinic almost unchanged:

Possible complications and dangers

In most cases, a woman feels good at the 29th week of pregnancy. But sometimes there are symptoms that require an immediate visit to the doctor:

At 29 weeks, a pregnant woman with twins and her babies feel a little differently. Both fetuses have a well-developed respiratory system. Therefore, if premature labor begins, they will be able to survive. The chance of survival is much higher than with a singleton pregnancy.

In twin pregnancies, childbirth occurs at about 36-37 weeks. In view of this, the expectant mother should prepare in advance all the things necessary for staying in the hospital. She needs to rest more often and limit physical activity.

By week 29, a pregnant woman with twins can gain about 20 kg. She often faces heartburn, bowel problems, hemorrhoids, and edema. This is due to the doubled load on her body.

During this period, children almost always occupy a position in which they will be until the very birth. But it also happens that one fruit lays down as needed, and the second is in a very uncomfortable position. In this case, natural childbirth is questionable. The doctor will make the final decision after an ultrasound scan, which will be performed at 32 weeks of pregnancy.

To prevent premature birth, the cervix can be closed using a special device.

Proper nutrition

There is a list of foods that the expectant mother just needs to include in her diet at the 29th week of pregnancy:

There are also some prohibitions and restrictions:

Following the advice given by experts will help a woman at the 29th week of pregnancy to improve her overall well-being and mood:

At 29 weeks, the baby prepares for childbirth. The respiratory system ends its development, weight increases, the fetus takes a position convenient for childbirth. If for any reason premature birth occurs, the baby will already be able to survive.

Exactly 7 months of pregnancy are behind. Now the eighth month begins, the first week of which is the 29th week of pregnancy. You may have calculated that a little less than a full eight months have actually passed. But the fact is that each obstetric month consists of exactly 28 days or 4 weeks. Thus, in theory, there are still 3 obstetric months left for childbirth.

Fetus at 29 weeks gestation

Nevertheless, the baby is already beginning to prepare for going out. The immune system and heat regulation started working. The child's blood already has a stable composition, the bone marrow performs its functions regularly.

The digestive system is ready to digest the first real food. The kidneys also do not lag behind: every day they remove 500 ml of urine into the amniotic fluid. By the way, amniotic fluid now enters the child's stomach not only through the mouth, but also through the nose: mucous plugs have disappeared from the nasal passages.

It's hard to believe, but besides the fact that the child senses tastes, smells, distinguishes light, hears sounds and feels your mood, he is already able to visually focus on something, his gaze begins to focus!

Outwardly, the child becomes more and more like a newborn: the skin brightens and straightens, the lanugo fluff disappears, the amount of original lubricant decreases. But the subcutaneous fat accumulates more and more: by the end of the term, the baby will have folds on the body and cheeks on the face. The genitals are already sufficiently formed, and you most likely already know the sex of the child, but they still continue to develop.

Now the baby is growing rapidly. Its full size at the 29th week of pregnancy is about 38 cm, its weight reaches and can exceed 1200 g. Muscle tissue and ligaments continue to develop, so the limbs are getting stronger and stronger. You can feel it in increased tremors.

Places for somersaults, of course, are getting smaller. Now the child is unlikely to roll over from head to feet, but every movement will be felt by the mother more and more clearly.


Most likely, at the 29th week of pregnancy, you will already notice that fetal movements have changed their character: firstly, they have become more distinct, secondly, more tangible, and thirdly, now the baby will kick and push more and more than turn over and all the more somersaults. And all because he has already grown up enough for this - there is less and less space for activity.

In this regard, mom will be more and more annoyed by various kinds of troubles: heartburn, swelling, constipation. Sometimes the belly propping up under the chest can cause a feeling of lack of air: it's time to start mastering various breathing techniques if you have not already learned this.

It is not uncommon for expectant mothers to experience a feeling of heat or intense warmth in the third trimester. Metabolism is more active, the heart also works with greater stress, sweating increases, so it is possible that now you will have to take a shower more often.

Be careful in your movements. A displaced center of gravity often leads to falls during pregnancy, so do not make sharp turns, bends or swings.

From new sensations at the 29th week of pregnancy, a rapid pulse and low blood pressure may appear. In addition, against the background of a reduced level of hemoglobin in the blood, which is often observed in pregnant women during these periods, dizziness will begin, and even fainting is possible.

If you still haven't found a comfortable sleeping position, then use additional pillows and adaptations in bed, since you just need to get enough sleep and rest.

Fatigue is making itself felt more and more and is especially felt towards the end of the day. Try to lie down at least for a short time during the day to rest, and also do not walk a lot, take foot baths, raise your legs to a hill during the day and at night. Gradually shift all your household chores onto loved ones. And if you feel unwell or you are worried about any pain, then do not hesitate to disturb your doctor once again.


The further, the more or more the various pains will probably be. After all, the total weight is increasing all the time, and this is an additional load on the legs, spine and sacrum area. Wearing a prenatal bandage, correct posture and respect for oneself can help. Comfortable shoes, proper nutrition, weight control play an important role - many different factors affect the occurrence of pain.

Legs, for example, can hurt not only from fatigue and weight gain, but also from a lack of calcium in the body. And the head may well ache due to hunger, although reduced blood pressure and hemoglobin levels also take place. But if the pains are accompanied by strange alarming symptoms, then you should definitely tell the doctor about them. So, back pain against the background of painful urination may be evidence of genitourinary diseases.

Don't worry if your limbs become numb. The nature of this phenomenon is not fully understood, but it is known that it is transient and harmless. But if hemorrhoids (in the anus) hurt and become inflamed, then you need to act immediately to prevent the development of hemorrhoids. At the initial stage, it is usually sufficient to adjust the diet.

Also, do not forget that there is less and less time for childbirth, which means it's time to get ready. And your body has already joined in this process: the pelvic bones gradually soften and diverge, which is accompanied by pain in this area. Pain in the pubis and perineum can be a sign of symphysitis - tell your doctor about this, especially if you or your loved ones notice that your gait has become "duck".

But perhaps the most troubling is the abdominal pain in the 29th week of pregnancy. And there can be a lot of reasons for this. The most commonplace is indigestion, but we hope you can distinguish it from other pains. If it pulls or sharply stabs in the side, then most likely these are ligaments or, perhaps, the baby kicked you with his leg. Alert should be pains in the lower abdomen, sharp, intensifying or growing, accompanied by other alarming signs (bloody discharge, fever).

Belly at 29 weeks pregnant

Abdominal pain at the 29th week of pregnancy occurs for a reason - various processes take place there, the most important of which is the growth and development of your child. But in addition to the fact that the tummy can sometimes ache, with an increase in the term, you will begin to feel a slight itching on the skin of the abdomen. This is caused by stretching of the skin and requires increased hydration. An ordinary high-quality cream (which can even be replaced with olive oil) will be quite enough, because if stretch marks are destined to be, then special miracle remedies will not help to avoid their appearance. The stomach may itch due to an allergic reaction to food, synthetic underwear, cosmetics, and other irritants. Find the source of the allergy and eliminate it.

Only a very strong, unbearable itching on the skin of the abdomen, back, arms, legs and chest can become a cause for excitement. But if the tests are normal, then you should not worry.

Rhythmic tremors in the abdomen occur when the baby hiccups. Usually hiccups in the fetus are short-lived.

And do not be disturbed by mild cramping pains in the lower abdomen, which disappear after you lie on your side and rest. It is the uterus that begins preparing for childbirth, practicing training contractions.


At the 29th week of pregnancy, the uterus rises at the level of 8-10 cm above the navel or 29-30 cm above the pubic articulation. It is already quite large and heavy, and you can feel it when you sit or lie down.

During the third trimester, you may feel rhythmic pain in the lower abdomen from time to time. These weak contractions of the uterus are called training or Braxton-Higgs contractions and are not dangerous. If they make you feel uncomfortable, then try to lie down for a while, preferably on your left side.

If the pain only gets worse and more frequent, then you should immediately go to the hospital. Also, the reason for calling an ambulance should be bloody discharge accompanying uterine contractions, or the outflow of amniotic fluid.

Discharge at 29 weeks gestation

Amniotic fluid can leak in small portions or be poured out at once, in a whole stream at once. This means that childbirth is about to begin and it is impossible to delay sending to the hospital. But even the leakage of water is dangerous, so the pregnant woman is admitted to the hospital. The amniotic fluid is clear, liquid, normally colorless, odorless, or has a slight sweet smell. You can buy a special test at the pharmacy to make sure that such a discharge is or is not water.

If the discharge has changed its consistency or color, then it is better to play it safe and take a smear for infections. A bad sign is cheesy, bubbling, with lumps of mucus, yellow, green, gray, purulent discharge, as well as bloody - scarlet, pink, brownish. In the first case, we are talking, most likely, about sexually transmitted diseases and genital infections. In the second, it is more likely about placental abruption or the threat of premature birth.

However, the bloody marks on the underwear do not always come from the vagina. With the development of hemorrhoids and the formation of anal fissures, blood may be released from the anus, which women often perceive as a threat of pregnancy.

In addition, you may experience breast discharge at 29 weeks of gestation. This is colostrum, and it is absolutely impossible to squeeze it out - just wipe it and get it wet.

To reduce the risk of pathological discharge to a minimum, in no case change your sexual partner during pregnancy, even if you are confident in his intimate health.


But a permanent partner must be loved in every sense of the word. If sex at the 29th week of pregnancy does not bring you any discomfort and is not contraindicated for medical reasons, then there should no longer be any reason to refuse it. But you still need to be careful: leave uncomfortable positions, deep penetrations and "wild unbridled" sex for the future. Now you will be helped by spoon poses, dog-style and others, with penetration from behind.

Many parents-to-be are confused by the presence of an unborn baby during intimate moments. For the most part, this applies to fathers. So it is in vain: you cannot harm the baby, being careful, and he is not yet able to spy on you.


So that you are sure that sex is not contraindicated for you at the 29th week of pregnancy, just like there are no other reasons for worry, visit your gynecologist regularly. During this period, you will have to go to the clinic once every two weeks. During the examination, the doctor will weigh you, measure the basic parameters (abdominal circumference, the height of the fundus of the uterus, blood pressure, pulse). Blood and urine tests, which have already become habitual during the entire pregnancy, should not cause you any surprise by this time. They certainly need to be diligently handed over at the appointed time, because the level of leukocytes, erythrocytes, hemoglobin and other markers reflect the state of pregnancy, the expectant mother and, indirectly, the baby. At the 29th week of pregnancy, the blood test values \u200b\u200bmay change for physiological reasons, in particular, it is very likely that the hemoglobin level will be reduced. It is very important that no protein is found in the urine.

According to the indications, other tests can be prescribed at the 29th week of pregnancy: for hormones (hCG, progesterone), Rh factor, for sugar.

Most likely, now the routine examination will be limited to standard analyzes. But, already starting from the 30th week of pregnancy, you will have to re-pass the main specialists (therapist, ophthalmologist, cardiologist), take a smear and culture for flora, a blood test for infections. So it is possible that the gynecologist will give you a referral for all these examinations right now.

In addition, he can "assign" you to count the movements of the child. This is necessary in order to track its successful development.

Ultrasound at 29 weeks of gestation

In addition to tests, your doctor may refer you for an ultrasound scan at 29 weeks of gestation. This will make it possible to make sure that everything is fine with the child and that he is developing as expected. In addition, ultrasound can be prescribed in a number of cases when it is necessary to clarify some parameters or data. For example, if you have an increased risk of premature birth, then, perhaps, the gynecologist will offer you to put a pessary, and for this it would not hurt, among other things, to know the length of the cervix.

Ultrasound at the 29th week of pregnancy will show the sex of the unborn child with very high reliability. He will also give an assessment of his motor activity, heart rhythms, location, basic parameters and their compliance with the established period. Now your baby's heart beats 130-140 per minute.


You have a significantly better chance of carrying a healthy baby safely if you eat well and properly during pregnancy.

At the 29th week, the child takes up to 250 mg of calcium from the mother's body every day, and these losses must certainly be replenished. Do not forget that it is best to consume calcium of plant origin, since the animal can cause early ossification of the skull, which is undesirable when the baby passes through the birth canal.

At the 29th week of pregnancy, the muscle tissue of the fetus develops very actively, so you can't do without protein. If for some reason you do not eat meat, then compensate for the protein with plant foods.

Constipation and hemorrhoids are often avoided by eating right. Be sure to eat fiber, that is, fresh vegetables and fruits. And to avoid heartburn, break your daily menu into small portions and skip fried foods.

Also, minimize the intake of salt (it retains fluid in the body and provokes the appearance of edema), fatty, smoked, spicy foods, starchy foods and sweets. In general, in ancient times, starting from about the 30th week of pregnancy, women fasted. Today this is not at all necessary, but keep the calorie content of the diet under control all the time.

Try to constantly "feed" your hemoglobin. This will be facilitated by the introduction of beets, spinach, oat and buckwheat groats, liver and tongue into the diet. Remember that chocolate does not save you from anemia, but it leads to weight gain very quickly.

The weight

This is exactly what is undesirable. Weight during pregnancy must be monitored until the very end. In the third trimester, your gain should not exceed an average of 50 g per day or 350 g per week, and by week 29 you could gain no more than 11.5 kg from the very beginning of pregnancy. Naturally, options are possible, but they should not differ very much from the established norms. If your parameters have stepped over the permissible line, then together with your doctor, choose a suitable "diet" for yourself.

Childbirth at 29 weeks gestation

The expected birth is still quite long - 3 months or 12 weeks. But, unfortunately, no one is immune from their premature start, and there may be quite a few reasons for this. Moreover, in some cases, childbirth at the 29th week of pregnancy is the best way out of the situation, and the doctor decides not to carry the baby out.

Undoubtedly, the more the baby stays in his mother's tummy from the due date, the more he will be ready to meet the outside world. Premature babies require qualified medical care, modern nursing equipment, a lot of money and a lot of patience, and then attention, warmth and affection. But most importantly, a child born at the 29th week of pregnancy is able to survive. After all, his immune system is already functioning by this time. So do not despair if childbirth suddenly occurs at the 29th week of pregnancy. The main thing is that a woman will become a mother, and this is a special status in life.