Happy birthday baskets with flowers. Beautiful animated birthday greetings to a woman

Happy birthday animation for a woman is a wonderful and pleasant surprise that lifts the mood, makes it truly festive. After all, every culprit of the holiday wants her birthday to be special. And what could be more pleasant than receiving gifts and congratulations from relatives, friends, colleagues and acquaintances on this day?

One of the great reasons to send your first congratulations and token of attention to a woman on her birthday is a beautiful animation with flowers. We all know that women love roses, and roses decorated with glitter animation not only look wonderful, but they will never wither. In our selection, we tried to collect the most delicate, beautiful and eye-pleasing thematic Gifs, with which you can no doubt congratulate your loved one on the holiday.

See our selection, choose the best animations for women with Happy Birthday and please the birthday girls with beautiful congratulations!

Animation Happy birthday 2018 to a woman: flowers, roses, perfume

Happy Birthday! May peace, comfort and harmony always reign in your home.

Let be there will always be loved ones around you, let be there will be peace in the soul, and happiness in the heart!

Animation happy birthday perfume and flowers

Happy Birthday to You congratulations, You read my congratulations, From the bottom of my heart I wish you happiness, kindness and love in your life! Life brings you joy and happiness, May they not pass without a trace, May your beauty, your tenderness. The years will never change!

Happy birthday champagne picture

Champagne and a bouquet of roses animation

Happy birthday, happy day!

Congratulating on this joyful day, We want to wish from the bottom of our hearts, So that happiness does not know the edge, It was complete, immeasurable, large! Let the eyes not be sad, but laugh, It will be light and light in the soul, Let any business succeed, Life is clear and warm in the heart!

Bouquet of flowers animation Happy birthday

Let your birthday, like any other day of your life, be filled with positive and optimism, interesting ideas and pleasant meetings. Let your health never let you down and give you a cheerful mood. Let luck and success be your constant companions, and any small difficulties can be easily overcome. Happiness, luck on your birthday!

Beautiful animation a bouquet of roses for Birthday

Let them say that years are like water
May your years be full of days
And may you always remain
Not less years than today.
Friends for joy, but in spite of fate
We want you to always be lucky
So that life was not life, but a feast for the eyes,
And so that every day is a birthday!

Roses brilliant pictures, animations to a woman on her birthday

Happy birthday, congratulations
We wish you a lot of joy!
A sea of \u200b\u200bhappiness, a sea of \u200b\u200blaughter,
So that every day is success,
For the sun to shine
So that health is strong,
To tears and trouble
They never found you!

May every day be full of fun and drive! Feel free to embody all your ideas! And may any of your dreams come true!

I wish you a life without care
Good money job.

Stability in all matters
To always be with the money.

Reliable, loyal friends
To make life only more fun.

In all success and luck,
Happy birthday!

Happy birthday queen! I wish this year to be full of pleasantries, surprises, falling in love, bright meetings, travel, shopping, tenderness, romance and good news! Become even more beautiful, even kinder, even smarter, richer, more needed, more interesting and happier! And I wish you a wonderful celebration of your birthday!

I wish you only bright days
More joy and laughter.
I wish you loyal friends
And in undertakings - success.

Love - to the very brim.
Health as strong as rocks.
Absolutely so that there are no enemies
And the money was so in bulk!

Let the planets be capricious
Will be silent in the distance
You are beautiful and recognized
If the asters are in hand.
If asters are presented,
If beauty is in the hands -
All bugs fixed
With a wave of the finger.
Take these asters!
Suddenly you will see my passionate gaze
And you will understand that I am unhappy
And I'm burning with love!
The stars of your eyes are like asters!
I have long been in their power.
Make it clear that it is not in vain
This heat burns in the blood!
These asters are my gift
Maybe not very bright!
My kiss will be hot
And melt the ice in the heart!
Be love and hope
Be the most tender with me.
The ocean of love is boundless
We will be overwhelmed with you!


I came to you with a bouquet
It is a pity that I myself am not a flower.
I would then be in this bouquet
I stood with you for an hour.
But flowers won't let you down
They will show their tenderness.
I'm giving you a bouquet ...
I'll stand on the sidelines myself.
I'll stand just in case
Guessing in advance -
Suddenly you will get bored with the bouquet
And my turn will come.


I want to give a bouquet of lush flowers,
But none of them can compare with you,
Even if I could search among the worlds
It will fade completely before your beauty.
Today I woke up a little light
I went around all the expanses of the Universe,
So that a wonderful name ... (NAME)
It turned into a beautiful bouquet.
I give you flowers
To make you smile!
To be fulfilled sooner
Your hot dreams!
You are as beautiful as a dream.
These roses are like fire
So that you know today:
I'm forever in love with you!
Without wasting unnecessary words,
I give you a bouquet of flowers.
I wish to be a beautiful lady
Even more beautiful - with flowers!
The bouquet will fade, flying around.
Which is not a secret.
But there is one secret in the world -
How did you manage in winter and summer
Bloom all your life without fading
Beautiful and young
Lesson in giving to all bouquets?
Confirming that I'm ready
For you to be erased into pollen,
I give a bouquet of flowers! ..
And your big heart!
I am in a very difficult position
Suddenly I found myself at this moment,
After all, my feelings will not be able to reveal
Here is this modest bouquet.
And therefore I consider it important
Add a few words to it:
I am before your every step
Ready to lay carpets of flowers.
A bouquet of flowers - what could be more wonderful
More tender than what could be more desirable! ?
A bouquet of flowers can only be compared to a song
With that song that I cannot forget.
Flowers - soul, and life, and inspiration,
They are the source of victories and joy!
Accept, as a sign of love and respect,
Flowers from us and this is a congratulation.
You cooked lunch today
And in the meantime, I bought you a bouquet.
A bouquet of flowers, of course, is good,
Let there be no tears in your life.
Look at the flowers rather
And you will never be sad again.
So that every flower has a petal,
He was handsome, like the wings of a moth.
Take a bouquet as a gift
And every bud in it,
I say hello to you
With a groan.
From envy to your beauty,
Dawn a smile equal
You dispel their sadness at least a little,
Kissing the petals is good.
It may be difficult to surprise with this
After all, flowers have long been familiar to everyone
I thought to revive my feelings ...
Give flowers - everything is as usual!
Touch the petals with your hand
But they are so lovely!
All gray hair down from the temples!
She will return, our courage!
When is the time to give a bouquet
Flowers! It's cool!
Take a chance - luck awaits in the morning
Well, success, someone!
There are many beautiful things in the world,
And the sun and the stars and the sky
There is good and good news
A crumb of the freshest bread.
So let what is beautiful in the world,
Leads you without knowing the trouble.
And only admiration, pass all the flattery,
We give you flowers with a soul.
I present you with this modest bouquet.
I wish you many, many years.
Live happily and joyfully.
And in the dance of love, circle through life.
Flowers as a gift to a woman
Such is their purpose
And her beauty will be bordered, crowned
The only and correct solution.
When a woman is given flowers
There is no limit to her joy
In the fragile color of vibrant beauty.
It's that simple. And we must do that.
In the scent of fragrant roses
Or in a wreath of wildflowers
She will float away into the kingdom of dreams
In thoughts of light and unearthly.
Will leave, rest in soul-
Life is hard and difficult at times
And it happens that sometimes
Tears are pouring from women's eyes.
So give her flowers-
The celebration of life, even though it is small,
Push it away, take it away with your hand
A flurry of misfortunes.


Field and arable land workers
They are considered weeds
And to my taste, frankly,
These are simple cornflowers.
And they are just for me, I will not hide,
Plain blue flowers
Pleased with their simplicity
The naturalness of beauty.
Flowers are brighter and more magnificent
But no, in my opinion, sweeter.
The soul sings and the heart melts
From these "weeds" of the fields.
And in them you can notice
The blue of the sky, the lightness of the clouds ...
Take my humble bouquet
Delicious fresh cornflowers!

Poems to CLOVES

Gentle carnation is an ornate flower.
Intricate and fresh buds
They will fill the room with a wonderful aroma.
This bouquet is prepared for you as a gift!

Poems to GERBERS

In a gerbera, every petal is without a doubt
Correctly selected.
A bouquet of gerberas is assembled for you as a gift.
Please accept our congratulations.


For flowers your loud voice
I give it with delight
And I solemnly give
You are gladiolus today.
Not one, of course not,
Gladioli - a bouquet!
Just discovered a rhyme
To only one, but to others
Have not found. Yes, however, they
Rhymes are generally not needed:
Without her, they are very
Cute and capable
Easy to drive crazy
Its kind is incomparable.
Look, you are good!
Looks great at home.
And they also have a huge plus -
That I give them from the heart!

Let the breeze blow
Today is your hair.
I could not give you
I am these gladioli!
What wonderful flowers
All striving to the sky!
You are a beauty queen
And everyone is in love with you!
When you take my bouquet
Stripes will disappear in life.
Let your mysterious secret
The gladioli will open!

Poems to BELLS

Don't blame him for that
That the bell does not ring:
After all, he is a flower, his task
To act differently on feelings.
And let your ears not caress,
But he pleases your eyesight.
Take a look: the form is a feast for the eyes,
And the color ... The color of the sky! .. I'm on the meadow
In the morning I went, picked up a bunch
And brought it to you. And I give it to you.
And I say frankly:
Although you yourself will notice
Of course we could - flowers
They have a wonderful view,
Are beautiful with their freshness
And like pleasant dreams
Semi-airy, ephemeral
They seem to have some kind of light hidden in them
And you will probably appreciate
My bells bouquet!


To live again
We definitely need an incentive
Although fate is sometimes harsh
And fortune is variable.
Children grew up and grandchildren
They do not require care.
Are you sick from boredom
And something completely saddened.
Here's a surprise for you
This is a young creature
Very gentle, capricious,
Requires a lot of attention.


Give huge bouquets
Now it is not fashionable, they say.
For me, the quirks of etiquette
Let them burn with a blue flame.
One flower does not express
Neither the strength of feelings, nor thoughts take off,
The scale of the gust distorts
And does not allow to turn around.
For violation of etiquette
I'm ready to accept reproaches.
I sincerely give you this
A basket full of flowers.

Poems to LILIES

Lovely lilies delicate flowers
Only yours will emphasize the features.
A bouquet of wonderful lilies on your birthday
For you! Congratulations!

Poems to MIMOSE

Let others give roses
I give you mimosa.
Golden mimosa -
My gift for you!
Let the sun shine in your eyes
The heart laughs with joy!
Golden mimosa -
Morning of a golden day!
Like peas are radiant,
As if your laugh, sonorous, pure.
Golden mimosa
So fluffy and fresh!
Always be so wonderful
Be smart and beautiful
After all, today, like a mimosa,
You, my angel, are good!


How could I appear before you
Am I without a bouquet? Time for roses
More will come. And I brought
Daffodils are from the early days.
But who dares to assert
That the early ones will give way to the late ones?
Everything has its own term. Those need to wait.
And these are already there today.
Let the roses be a little more magnificent.
But daffodils are good too.
And if they give from the heart,
Splendor does not matter.
And this sunshine of theirs,

Tilt respectful inflorescence ...
Worthy all the same, mind you,
I brought you a bouquet today!


Cupid will forgive me for
That I am giving you a flower!
When I would like, loving
Now you give yourself.
The current hits me with excitement -
How will you accept my gift?
I give you this flower
Of the alien worlds of beauty!
He is akin to my unearthly hope
That, my angel, you will be with me!
I give you a flower, dear,
And, without beautiful flattering words,
Accept my naive gift
Believe me, it only grew for you.


The most fragile, the most delicate
And unique
Snowdrop of all colors _
For my beloved!
I'm a bunch of snowdrops
I will give it with hope!
The sunniest in the world
Small snowdrop.
It sprouted through the snow and cold
And I was not afraid
So that the one who is young at heart
He stayed young!
Be the prettiest in the world
And irreplaceable!
This little bunch -
For my beloved!


I give it as a gift
A bouquet of wildflowers.
He may not be very bright,
But pure and gentle, like love!


Alas, not knowing your tastes,
I relied on mine
And I give you a bouquet of daisies.
Since the morning they have been growing
As they say, in an open field,
Catching the sun's bright light.
And now they are a bouquet.
Place them on a table in a vase.
Do not occupy them with beauty,
Flowers will decorate the interior.
Yes, wherever they are, they are everywhere
The sight is pleasant to the eye and lovely!
I don't know if I'm right, but I hope
That I did please you.

Poems to ROSAM

I'll take a graceful pose
Let's say, for example, like this ...
And I will give you these roses -
Admiration is a sure sign.
Noble plant
Noble flowers
Roses are just a sight for sore eyes -
The symbol of wondrous beauty.
Not by chance in the whole world
There are no famous roses.
Expresses you in a bouquet
Gamma of feelings without words poet.
And I will grow you these roses
Quickly I accept,
After all, an elegant pose for me
It is difficult to maintain for long.

A bouquet of beautiful delicate roses,
I brought you as a gift
May you be beautiful
Like these lovely flowers.
Today you are like a bouquet of these roses,
Gentle, beautiful, fresh,
Subtle, wonderful, good,
And on this day you are not more charming!
Darling, I give you a bouquet of scarlet (white, red, yellow, ...) roses,
May your beauty live for a hundred years.
Your voice and your eyes are full of love and tenderness,
And a lock of your lovely hair
Like the clouds of heaven.
I wish you from my heart
Always be like that, don't get old,
Blossom and be always happy
Healthy, joyful in the future.
For you oh my queen
I brought the queen of flowers!
I kneel before you
I'm ready for a feat for you!
Be as beautiful as a rose, dear!
Enchant me forever.
These roses are for you, dear,
I brought them to you with love!
Always be dazzling, wonderful
Like this luxurious bouquet.
And I'll say, I'm always not comfortable
When you are not with me!
Rose is a symbol of delight and power,
It's not for nothing that the queen of flowers!
I repeat that I am burning with passion,
And I'm ready for anything for you!

Poems to TULIPS

Soul flies by airplane
In the heavens of high feelings.
I will give a bouquet of tulips,
I want tender tulips for you.
No, I put it wrong,
And it will probably be more correct
It would be more correct to tell me
What, having agreed to accept the gift
A bouquet of flowers, you, no doubt
Do me a favor.
And I can take it quite
That you took me given
A bouquet of tulips as a gift,
Already your gift to me!

A bouquet of tulips is noble,
Refined, strict, beautiful and fashionable.
And therefore today he is yours,
After all, you are not more beautiful today!


Without departing from the main theme-
To you to express the delight of the soul,
I give you these chrysanthemums.
Admit it, are they really good?
Of course, all the poet's delight
Can hardly fit
The space of one bouquet,
But part of the delight - maybe
Came as a humble giver
Manage to understand me
Looking at the flowers throwing languid
After all, if it's only a part
How huge the whole is!

Beautiful chrysanthemum bouquet
Worthy of your attention.
We give it in honor of recognition
All your beauty, charm,
The intelligence and efficiency of the merger,
You have all this, and it's not a secret!

Girls love to receive flowers from loved ones and dear people. A gorgeous bouquet can be sent to your soul mate, girlfriend, mother, grandmother, sister or aunt. And there can be absolutely any reason here - Birthday, March 8, Anniversary, Valentine's Day. You can send a nice gift on a regular, weekday, when you want to make the girl nice. To do this, you can send gifs of roses, bouquets of flowers and congratulations. Choose your favorite option from our selection.

How to download bright animation?

To please a girl with a cute picture with flowers, follow these steps:

  1. Find a gif of your choice from a large selection;
  2. Click on it with the right mouse button;
  3. From the proposed options, select the item "Save image as ...";
  4. The animation will appear in the memory of your device and will be ready to be sent.

You can send a GIF by copying its link. This method is ideal for using animation on social media.

  • Open the gif in a new window;
  • Select the link with the left mouse cursor;
  • Right-click on it and select "Copy" from the menu;
  • Go to the social network and in the message using the right mouse button select "Insert";
  • The GIF will be automatically attached to the site.

Bright gifs with roses and bouquets

A cute white and pink bouquet can be sent to your soul mate or girlfriend. A beautiful butterfly sits on it, and bright stars shine. The wishes say “Instead of 1000 words! A modest bouquet! For you!".

A multi-colored bouquet with wildflowers can be sent to mom or grandmother. Its radiance is pleasing to the eye and uplifting.

A gorgeous bouquet of roses shimmers with bright colors and glitters. Three pink butterflies are sitting on it and waving their wings. A great option for congratulations for a girl.

A chic bouquet with small roses, which shimmers with gold. GIF is suitable for congratulations on a solemn holiday.

The noble blue bouquet is perfect for a chic vase. The sequins stand out on the flowers and add a festive look to it. Delight your loved one with such a bouquet for your birthday or anniversary.

A gorgeous combination of roses, lilies and wildflowers in one bouquet. The gift glitters with silver and shimmers. The girl will be delighted with such a gif!

A cute bouquet of roses and lilies of the valley looks great in a basket. The inscription "Congratulations" in motion will definitely please any girl. A soft pink bow complements the successful composition.

Daisies in a large bouquet create romance and tenderness. Your beloved girl will be happy to receive such a gif on a normal day for no particular reason.

A chic bouquet of roses is collected in a romantic heart. It is with this animation that you can confess your love and talk about sincere feelings. The chic of this GIF is given by a golden border.

The cutest bear gives a basket of flowers and smiles. The animation is complemented by a bee and a cute duckling. The GIF can be sent to your best friend or sister for a holiday.

An amazingly delicate bouquet shines with bright sparkles. It is made in pink and blue color and immediately attracts an enthusiastic eye. You will please your close girl with such a gorgeous gift.

A delicate bouquet of roses is accompanied by a gentle inscription "For the beautiful lady on the other side of the screen." The girl will immediately understand your feelings and confessions. Send this GIF to your significant other for no particular reason.

In the animation, a lot of red roses are flying and a man with a bouquet appears. GIF will help congratulate the girl on her birthday or on March 8.

Shining roses with delicate, shiny drops will not leave your girlfriend indifferent. The inscription "From the Heart" will tell your soulmate about sincere feelings.

The petals slowly fall from a delicate bouquet of red roses. Stars shine around the flowers in the night sky. The GIF is really romantic and suitable for a beloved woman.

Red hearts are flying around a huge bouquet of roses. The inscription "With love ..." will delight your soul mate and will be suitable for congratulations on Valentine's Day.

White fluff with sparkles shines around the bouquet of roses. This holiday gif is perfect for mom, grandmother or sister. Send animation for a festive occasion.

A bouquet of roses shimmers with bright reflections of light. The red inscription "From the bottom of my heart" will tell the girl about your sincere feelings. The picture is complemented by a beautiful white and red heart.

Present your loved ones with a delicate bouquet of roses in a red box in the form of a gif. The inscription "Good morning, wonderful mood" will delight every person at the beginning of the working day.

A bouquet of three red roses can be presented to the girl Tatiana. This is a great way to congratulate her on Tatyana's day and cheer her up.

A GIF with soft pink flowers is perfect as a romantic gift for your girlfriend on February 14th. Roses shimmer smoothly, as if from the movement of the breeze.