Make a paper cracker. Clapper with confetti at home. Simple option. Paper aircraft

Paper toys remain popular entertainment among children over the years. Some girls and boys affect the peers in the ability to quickly do this or that thing, folding paper sheets. We offer to familiarize yourself with the information on how to make a paper cracker, teach your children, and give them the opportunity to demonstrate the cradle on the change between the lessons.


Simple Origami Clapper

For the manufacture of simple flappers, prepare an office leaf (album, A4) and markers / pencils (if you are painting a finished product).

Getting to work:

  1. Put the sheet in front of oneself vertically and bend it in half;
  2. Excellence so that their extreme dots lay on the same line;
  3. Turn the blank again and return to its original position to get a trace from the fold;
  4. Find the edges on the fold line and turn them out;
  5. Repeat the previous action with flexion and extension of the sheet;
  6. After the execution of paragraph 5, you turned out diagonal traces from folds. Fold the workpiece, respectively with these traces;
  7. Now aims forward the inner hill, take the cradle for the protruding corners and make a sharp drop hand. If you do everything right, then there should be a loud cotton.

Double clapper

Sometimes it seems that the sound obtained from simple flapper is not very loud. In this case, we suggest you to make a double type of flapper. Such a volume can be rude, so frighten everyone around.

To start work, take a sheet A4, put it on a solid surface (preferably the table) and sit comfortably.

Let's proceed to fulfill:

Tip! Try to make a double paper toy model from a typical notebook. In this case, you will spend less time on its manufacture, thanks to greater adhesiveness and softness, and the sound signal will most please in the case of A4 sheet.

Master class: Clapper with sound and confetti

For the manufacture, prepare the following:

  • cardboard tube (you can take a frame from the kitchen foil or food film);
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • thread;
  • color cardboard;
  • scotch (preferably bilateral);
  • corrugated paper;
  • simple pencil.

Stages of work:

  1. Take a piece of cardboard and cardboard tube. Pipe attach a hole to the cardboard and circle a simple pencil. Cut the resulting circle;

    Tip! The cut circle should be 1-3 mm. Less diameter of the tube.

  2. Take corrugated paper, cut a large square, stick on its middle cut circle from cardboard;
  3. We hold a hole in the center or gypsy needle in the center of the hole of the hole and stretch the cooked thick thread there, the tip of which tester around the toothpicks (or firmly glue);
  4. Using double-sided adhesion, gently clog the pipe with corrugated paper (it should cover the surface). Consider the fact that the toothpick and cardboard circles should get inside the pipe;
  5. Scissors remove all sticking and extra elements;
  6. Apply the tube to the color cardboard, mark it up on it, cut off a piece of measured length. But the width of the piece should be slightly larger than the diameter of the workpiece;
  7. To the carved piece of gluing double-sided tape and attach to the future clapper;
  8. Take a few pieces of corrugated paper of different colors, put them finely and put them in the middle of the pipe;
  9. From the same paper of any color, cut the circle to 4-7 cm. More diameter tube. Next, glue it or glue or bilateral tape;
  10. Do not touch the edges, and make it the fringe to the cracker to have a festive view;
  11. Clapper is ready. Now you can use it in purpose, sharply jerks for a hanging thread.

Video instructions

Flap toy is good because it can be used almost on any holiday. The most interesting thing is that the homemade flap can be of any size, colors and filling, which you will only wish. And to make it in anticipation of the effect is very exciting.

We suggest you see some video tutorials that are aimed to help you in the manufacture of paper clappers:

A variety will always be popular and in demand, because their manufacture does not require special material costs, and the process itself brings a lot of pleasure and adults, and children. And do you remember how in school years in just five minutes you could be folded crap from paper (airtal or album sheet), and then quietly approach a classmate and scare it with a sharp sound that she published? Of course, this entertainment is, from the point of view of adults, is quite dubious, but as an exciting pastime on the change it is quite appropriate. Forgotten how to make a cracker paper? We will help you remember! So, make a paper cracker.

All that we need is the usual sheet of office paper A4. Schoolchildren for these purposes most often use conventional notebooks. But we recommend using paper more dense. The fact is that from sharp movements (and "works" a clapboard in this way) a tetrade leaf will be in disrepair. In addition, teachers may not like the fact that leaves regularly disappear from the notebooks.

Now you know how the paper is done from paper, but what needs to be done to slap? First, take your fingers for the loose ends of the triangular shape. In this case, the inside of the flap must be advanced. Then dramatically lower the hand down. Paper pockets under the action of the air will be revealed, and those surrounding will hear loud cotton.

Double clapper

The volume of the sound, which the usual paper flacciames, seems to be insufficient? Try to make a double flap from paper, such a snaps makes a sound that can scare anyone! As in the first master class, you will need only one paper sheet. So, proceed!

If you make a cracker for a child, do not forget him to explain the rules for use. First, such entertainment is not appropriate where there are adults. Secondly, it is impossible to clap this paper toy at the ear, because the sound is obtained quite loud, and it is not useful for the health of ears. If you are sure that the clapper does not bring harm to anyone, boldly begin to make it.

Probably everyone remembers their childhood, these happy and very carefree days. How many different pumps, how many entertainment, how many ridiculous and not very pranks did everything. Do you remember the most paper flappers that scared us up to Icasto and shaking in your knees?

But it's not so difficult to make them, you just need to have a notebook or album sheet at hand. And you do not need to talk about the bad example, because many of the current adults also mastered the loud flappers from paper and frightened their peers.

So, the time for grand prank is found, the material is always at hand, and the desire to have always in stock. We begin to deal with how to make a single-barrel or two-sided cracker of paper personally.

And of course, if you are already an adult and magician life experience, for you it will be an excellent opportunity to spend more time with your children, to establish close and trusting relationships with them.

There are no physical harm to such leprosy, and the psychological effect does not exceed the limit of the permissible - therefore it is absolutely safe for you, and for your child.

Step-by-step instruction

You will need an ordinary notebook or album sheet to start. It must be bent in half at its length, try to make it as soon as possible. Now on the one hand, start the corners to the middle of neat triangles, trying to be equivalent to that.

To continue the master class, you need to repeat the same procedure and on the other hand. Now bend this sheet along the bend line that you have prepared in advance. Cooping corners must necessarily be inside the sheet, then the product will be really cool.

I will shine the resulting product in half again, and then we will warm up in the opposite direction. It is necessary to get a clear line of bend, and then bend the angles to this line and again break them.

Fold the workpiece along the lines of the fold so that in the end you got a cracker. If you did everything very carefully, then in the end you will get a pretty product that is well suited for a variety of friendly draws.

How to use?

At a minimum, if your needlework coincided with photos of paper crap, which is located on the Internet, you also need to learn to use it.

To get a bright, ringing and really loud sound, you need to take her fingers for loose triangular ends. Due to the fact that the invested inner part flies out and it turns out bright and pure cotton.

Naturally, you must understand that if it is folded incorrectly, then the sound will be weak. And now some more small lifehams for creating: Use more dense paper, it sounds much louder. Also pay great attention to clear lines of bending to get a really cool product.

Well, and most importantly: you can send the energy of your children to a more contemptive and positive channel. And such draws are a good option for a variety of holidays, birthdays, as well as ordinary gatherings in a friendly company.

And this is relevant not only for very small, but also for adults and serious people. Imagine how your friends will be surprised, and how will be fun to remember childhood, those carefree days and get a lot of positive and bright emotions.

And now just imagine what will happen if you make such crackers from bright paper and inside pour fine-chopped sheets? This is the most real homemade confetti, which is suitable for organizing the festivities of any scale. And you can not only create bright holidays, but also make your favorite exercise of a great idea for start-up.

And also, you can tell this idea to your child, because for teenagers and children it is very important to have their own pocket money, and such an easy opportunity to earn on the ice cream - should wrap the energy even the most restless children solely in a positive and completely non-destructive key. Clapper from paper is easy, easy and fun for children and adults!

Photo of paper clappers

Toys that have been made personally, invariably cause special joy in children, as well as die adults. In particular, they often make them before the New Year holidays. Once, for a long time, only they decorated the Christmas trees and their home in the New Year holidays. Great idea will be the production of paper flapper. It will work out very loud and will look beautifully. There are several techniques for the performance of such a product.

What is needed for making clappers?

Almost all options need only paper. Paper must be taken of medium density. Great ordinary, notebook sheet.

For the production of such a product, you will need an ordinary sheet A4 format of any color. If you take a white, then you can decorate it with paints or pencils or with the help of markers. In this case, your flap will become unique. A sheet of paper needs to be twice the vertical. From both sides, adjust the corners so that their edges converge, forming one line. Then the workpiece bend inwards and bend your product twice again, dispersed it then back. Ultimately, you will have a fold line. You need to bend the edges to it and bend the product again in half, then break. Thus, you got oblique lines for bending. The sheet needs to be folded on them. After that, the resulting product take for loose ends and send forward its inner part, then make a sharp jerk hand. During such actions, you will hear a rather loud claking sound.

Double paper crap

Double, paper flap is going to make it extremely simple. In order for you, you will need all the same paper sheet of A4 format. It is necessary to bend its corners to the left and on the right in such a way that in the middle they come into contact with each other. Next, bend the resulting design twice in half. Initially, make a fold horizontally, then bend the design in the center. Both of both the left and the right side of the workpiece must be placed inside and at the same time bend in half.


For this purpose, it is best to take not album or office, but a notebook sheet. He is slightly less dense, so it is easier to bend and it will clap stronger.

Clapper with sound

For such a flapper, take a cardboard tube, for example, a frame left after the roll of paper towels. Next, it is necessary to cut the circle from the cardboard, its diameter should be several millimeters less than that of the tube. After that, glue a circle to a large, square piece of corrugated paper and pour the circle in the center, stretching through it a thick thread. To her tip should be tied a piece of matches. Next, double-sided scotch tape glue a piece of corrugated tube to the tube so that the cardboard circle with a piece of matches was inside it. Paper will have to wrapping the workpiece. All excess needs to be cut. Next, from color cardboard, it is necessary to cut such a piece, the length of which is similar to the length of the pipe, and its width will be longer on the diameter of your workpiece. After that, glue it to the tube through the same bilateral tape. Finely cut the color, corrugated paper, it will perform the role of confetti. It should be poured inside the tube. Make a circle from corrugobumagues, its diameter should be three times more than that of the tube. It should also be glued to double-sided adhesion, and leave the edges free, cutting them with stripes. Then your toy will be more beautiful. Such a clap is more difficult to do, but it can be used to repeatedly, filling the confetti again and sticking down the bottom on the tube.


Clapper is a toy that does not lose its relevance from generation to generation. In addition, the process of its creation from paper will become for children a very exciting and interesting occupation. You can make such flappers, for example, before the holiday. Then the preparation will give a magical feeling of anticipation of the celebration.

Clapper with candy with your own hands

Making paper crap

Paper cracker is one of the most fun and popular origami crafts, which will come in handy and for the new year, and simply in the company of friends. On this page, we collected the world's most popular videos and schemes that will teach you how to make a paper cracker with your own hands.

Simple, double or super loud flap will become excellent, albeit with mischievous entertainment for children, first of all school age. Light upwards with hand and man, next to clappering, bounce suddenly. Fast recharge and instrument again in battle. The effect of surprises and a lot of fun is what is guaranteed to everyone who will decide on this paper craft.

How to make paper origami clap

In this video, a young young man with knowledge of the case tells how to make the most popular cracker from paper in our country - a favorite craft of all Russian schoolchildren. A little bit of patience and in front of you a universal tool for frightening at the School of Girls or Classmates. Sharp rubbish and babes! Two seconds and origami is recharged. Excellent toy and entertainment for the new year.

Couple of useful recommendations when assembling clappers. First, it is best to do it from a double notebook sheet (and not from a sheet of A4 format or a thick album). Secondly, the thinner there will be paper, the louder it turns out cotton. By the way, this paper flap model is a purely Russian invention. Foreigners use another design.

How to make a double flap

In this video, you will learn how to make a double flap from paper. It is a development, or rather the revision of the previous crafts and, at first, the assembly is equally. We need the same double sheet of notebook.

The principle of operation of double flapper is the same: we take her for the tip and sharply with your hand down. I will not say that the double clapboard backs is much louder, but it looks exactly more cool and technologically. The boy in the roller explains everything very clear and in detail. You will not have problems with the assembly.

For the assembly it will be necessary: \u200b\u200bdouble notebook sheet.

How to make a paper super loud flap

Unlike Russian developments, foreigners went on another way. On this video - really simple, but at the same time a cool flacp. Her most important feature is that it is loud. Just super loud.

Even the smallest child will be able to collect this model, but not everyone will be able to use it. In this subtlety and there is the most important catch. If the origami is familiar to us (including double), familiar to each schoolboy recharges at times, then to bring in combat readiness super loud flapper will have to be accessed. Moreover, it will not get enough like it immediately. Here you need a small training. But it is worth it.

At first glance, the video may seem difficult: it is long and in English. In fact, the assembly will take you less than a minute. And even a foreign language does not hurt to cope with her. The assembly scheme is extremely elementary. The main thing, look at the nuances: how to keep a super slapper, so that it bows, and how to recharge it right. Learn - just can surprise your classmates. I guarantee!

How to make a double chinese super flap

After watching the previous videos, you might think that it is simply impossible to make an even simpler slapper, but it is not. The Chinese did it! Probably, therefore, this double super slapper and got the name "Chinese".

Surprisingly, but the fact is an even more simple assembly scheme that takes you even less time. A sheet of paper needs to be folded only three times and cracker in your hands. Like all ingenious, the most important secret of this origami crafts in proper charge. A piece of leaf put forward from one end, we take over the other and women! The sharper wave, the louder the sound.

Assembly shows a boy. Video in English, but there is nothing to explain. All secret in proper charging. A minus of this double super flapper is only one - in the process of the Bach, it is almost completely revealed. Therefore, recharge goes longer than among Russian models.

For assembly, you will need: A4 format sheet.

Double Chinese Super Flap: Option 2

On this video is not a new clapper model, but simply a variation on the topic of double super flapper from China. So to speak "Version 2". This video I call only for what you understand - you have a lot of exposure here for experiments. A little fantasy and you can collect your own super flap of Dima or Misha from paper.

The roller is very clear, despite English. The appearance of the collected flapper on an amateur. But theoretically, the volume of this origami model can be greater than that of all previous ones. There is only one question: how much and sharply can you smear your hand?

For assembly, you will need: A4 format sheet.

In this section, we collected the best videos about how do they make your own hands from paper various facards origami: single, double, super loud. Detailed instructions and assembly schemes in Russian and English.