Complex orthopedic shoes for children. How to choose orthopedic shoes? What orthopedic shoes is the best

The responsible selection of children's shoes suggests that parents take care of the correct development of the foot of their child. And not only the feet: under the influence of shoes, gait and posture are formed. Specialists of the shop "Daughters-Son" recommended to acquire orthopedically correct prophylactic shoes of well-known brands, and also tell what it happens such shoes and how to choose it.

Orthopedic shoes and preventive: What is the difference?

We'll understand in terminology. Theoretically, any children's shoes must fully comply with the requirements of the forming foot, i.e. Do not interfere with its proper development. However, for example, in cheap poor-quality shoes, the child will be elementary uncomfortable.

Hence the need for additional terminology, which would separate the "ordinary" shoes from the "best". And in order to emphasize the attention of buyers on a healthy component of high-quality shoes, it was called preventive and even orthopedic, using these words as synonyms. And it is incorrect because orthopedic shoes are radically different from those models that we used to see in stores - and externally and functionality.

What is preventive shoes in modern understanding? These are high-quality shoes, which corresponds to all the needs of the foot, child or adult. Such shoes have natural support to the muscles, it is convenient to walk and get tired less. For a healthy child, preventive shoes are one of the components for the proper development of the skeleton.

Orthopedic shoes are a medical shoes designed to correct the pathology of the skeleton development, in particular, foot, legs, hips. Such shoes are created exclusively under the order, in accurately according to patient features.

There is a more affordable likeness of orthopedic shoes, it is usually called preventive - it repeats the main features of therapeutic orthopedic shoes, but is not under the order and sold in specialized stores. Her distinguishing features are a high backdrop (often gaining to the middle of the leg), reliable fixation on the leg (with the help of cords or buckles). The insole has a embossed surface with recesses for fingers and a high solid subtervant.


Specialists pay attention that one shoes to correct pathology is not able to: considering that specific shoe products it takes through part of the muscles, positive results can be achieved only if its wearing will be accompanied by regular exercises and accessible physical exercises. Therapeutic orthopedic and preventive shoes are not intended for wearing healthy children and adults.

Let us give example

Consider the bebetom shoes. This model is orthopedically correct prophylactic footwear. Key Features: Thomson Heel, High Backdock, Moderately Hard Beers, Ability to Adjust Foot, Moderately Husty Sole, Supporter, Genuine Leather both inside and outside.

Preventive footwear manufacturers

Preventive shoes contribute to the proper formation of the foot of the child. A number of manufacturers release only such shoes. Choosing models of certain brands, parents can be sure that their child goes in properly, i.e. Preventive footwear.

Such manufacturers include, "Skoroshos", "Kotofey", Tapiboo, Tasha Orto, M.panda, Superfit, Dandino, Naturino, and others. To therapeutic shoes closest in a series of preventive, available in ordinary stores of children's clothing and shoes, Bebetom models are located: very tall and hard back, good velcro fixation, expressed subtervant.

Many manufacturers of orthopedic-proper children's shoes have a certificate or conformity declaration. For example, Tashi Orto shoes are certified; It has constructive features confirmed by Rospatent, and its quality is confirmed by numerous awards at exhibitions and the "Quality Qualityign" - a prestigious award awarded by Rosselt.

Types of orthopedically proper shoes

For proper formation of the foot, it is important that the child is in a suitable shoe constantly.

Of course, at home and whenever it is safe, the baby can walk barefoot, it is even preferably. But if for some reason it is important that he enjoys shoes, the question arises where to buy household slippers, which would combine all signs of orthopedic-proper shoes and a child could wear them without assistance?

Pick up the summer and autumn-spring shoes of a suitable format easily. But boots and boots on late autumn and the winter is already harder to choose, so we can restrict ourselves to the general recommendations: good fixation in the ankle and lower shin; The back should be solid.

Opinion expert

"Buyers often turn to us with a request to advise orthopedic-right shoes for their child. Most often, the choice of interested parents stops on the products of the brands "Kotofey" and "Skoroshos": it is a high-quality and convenient shoes for children, which does not harm the formation of the foot. "

Baranovskaya Natalia.

How how much and who needs to wear preventive shoes

Preventive footwear is suitable for permanent wearing, but on general recommendations it is enough to wear about two hours daily, and when the child already needs it, i.e. Only when the kid has already made his first steps. Up to this point, shoes are not needed and even harmful because it limits the natural movements of the foot and slows down its development.

If we are talking about correctional shoes, its wearing mode is determined by the orthopedician.

It is important that in the first years the child wore high-quality shoes. But this does not mean that over time it is possible to go to the counterfeit version without prejudice to health. It is believed that on average, the formation of the skeleton is completed by 25 years, i.e. At least before this age, wearing proper shoes remains relevant.

In Norway there is an unusual tradition: the first pair of shoes of the child is covered with silver and stored.

Review Mom

"Several years ago, the orthopedic diagnosed in the child a flat-rack deformation of the stop, as a result of which, of course, began to insist on the constant wearing of orthopedic shoes, including at home. The fizreabitologist at the same time banned orthopedic sandals, because, in her opinion, the usual quality preventive shoes will be enough for us. Against the background of constant massages and daily exercises, we wore preventive shoes without noticing noticeable improvements.

In the midst of the summer, the leg has grown up, and instead of buying new shoes, we switched to the existing orthopedic sandals: it was a classic design tall until the middle of the leg, very hard shoes with lacing. In total, we wore them about a month and a half ... and the deterioration of the leg status turned out to be frighteningly sharp. I had to work even more stubborn, but about orthopedic sandals - forget forever.

Having studied the experience of the famous scientist Glenna Domana, at his own fear and risk in two years of our shoe epic, I have shoes a child ... in sneakers! Flexible sole, according to the specialist, is closest to the walking barefoot. In just 4 months, one heel took the right position, the second is close to it. The foot muscles (and the child as a whole) were noticeably strengthened, we finally found our perfect shoes. "


Opinion of a specialist

"Preventive footwear is suitable for many, but not everyone. For example, after the diagnosis, the child's diseases associated with muscle activity, but the right formation of bone tissues, is recommended to walk away with barefoot, or in a light shoe with a well-bent sole without subcoders, so that muscles are involved at the maximum. This type of treatment is appointed orthopedic or nat .Rabitologist. "

Specialist online store "Daughters-Son"
Baranovskaya Natalia.

How to choose orthopedically right shoes

How to determine the right shoes:

  • good shoes are equipped with a solid back and reliable fixation on the leg - as a rule, provided by velcro, laces, buckles;
  • it has a position located on the insole (supinator);
  • round, but not sharp and not narrowed sock: the fingers of the child should be in a natural position;
  • natural materials both in and outside the top of the shoes (usually, it is genuine leather, less often cotton and other types of textiles).

At the same time, it is advisable to perform fitting in the evening: it is proved that at this time the leg is somewhat larger than in the morning) and be sure to try footwear on both legs.

Three "not" when buying preventive shoes

  • do not buy shoes "to grown": its wearing will be extremely uncomfortable, primarily because the subtervator will be located in the wrong place relative to the foot of the baby;
  • do not take shoes, which has only some of the listed signs of proper shoes: all requirements will be complied with a truly high-quality pair;
  • do not buy exam-use shoes, and if you buy, take care of the replacement of the stelek to new ones.

In the US, it is customary to keep the first pair of shoes of the child. Often you can see cars that have a rear view mirror decorated with a pair of small shoes.


Orthopedically correctly called shoes that fully meets the anatomical needs of the child for the proper formation of the foot. It has nothing to do with therapeutic orthopedic shoes, designed to adjust the existing foot pathology, legs, hips.

For an adequate development of a healthy child, it is enough to buy high-quality shoes, paying attention to the signs of "right" pair: a solid back, a good fixation on the leg, a flexible sole, a wide sock, in which the thumb will not be pressed to the rest of the fingers. It is extremely desirable to choose and buy such shoes with the child: it happens that in all the signs the right shoes turn out to be uncomfortable.

The most popular brands in Russia producing prophylactic shoes are TM "Kotofey", "Skorokhod", "Tashi Orto" and others.

In addition to buying preventive shoes, to reduce the risk of development of flat-growing, we recommend replenishing your child's wardrobe with a flat flexible sole, and regularly perform exercises to strengthen the muscles of the foot and tibia and allow the baby to go barefoot.

It should also be remembered that preventive shoes are only one of the factors affecting the healthy development of the foot. A variety of workouts play a primary role in its proper formation from an early age: walking on uneven, textured, inclined surfaces; Exercises on the Swedish wall and any physical activity.

, (Do not worry, for a while), and let's talk about the topic that always causes live interest. And first of all, not professional, but personal. After all, many of you have children, and many plans to have them, and the question of choosing children's shoes has already stood, someone will stand.

And most of all lucky those who are just now wondering questions:

  • What should be the right baby shoes?
  • Why do children develop flatfoot, and how to avoid it?
  • Is it true that the first shoes for the baby should be "orthopedic"?
  • Should the child go to the shoes at home?
  • What should be home shoes for a child?
  • Does the Children's shoe be sure to be a supinator?

The topic is burning: it is very often an orthopedic shoes are prescribed very often, and often orthopedic doctors contradict each other. One puts the child in 2 years with flatfoot and sends for orthopedic shoes, the other says that, they say, your baby is absolutely healthy, and advises mom to drink a mother-in-law, and to run the child, jump and rejoice in carefree childhood. One says that it is necessary to have a supinator in children's shoes, another categorically disagrees with it.

As you remember, I don't treat orthopedic doctors, so it's suggesting that I suggest that, as usual, turn on logic.

Included? Then let's understand together.

How is the child's foot form?

Somehow we have already said that it is a stop. If you forgot, read here. Let's see how it develops.

So, the first thing you need to understand: the child is born with a flat foot. Remember, dear moms, as the feet of your kids looked, when they did not even go on foot on the table.

As you can see, the place, which then becomes a longitudinal arch, is now filled with a fat. And it is right. After all, the arch is what? It is a spring, which springs when we go to extinguish the shock loads and not "bomb" the joints of the legs and the spine. And why this young springs? After all, he does not go. Logical?

Recall another important point: the arched form of the arches is supported by the muscles of the leg and foot. But the muscles are not yet developed, because our baby does not go, does not run, does not jump. And when he gets up on the legs and makes his first chambers, the fat pillow of the stop is very useful to him.

  • First, it increases the area of \u200b\u200bthe support and increases the stability of our hero, so that he realize that it turns out to be fun! And you will see more, and you will feel more, and my mother does not need to call, you can do it before it. First, on the wall, then with short fuses, and now "there is a goby, swinging." 🙂
  • Secondly, the plantar fat is needed for depreciation until there is no full springs.

Such a bulk fat pillow is maintained at the children up to 3 years of age, and then begins to gradually dissolve. By 5 years, a longitudinal arch is evoked, and at 7-10 years we already see a foot, quite similar to adult. And fully the formation of the foot of the man ends at about 20-21 years old, for girls - 2-3 years earlier. This means that this age is an ossification of all the cartilage structures of the foot.

But while the baby becomes confident, it will be a challenging school of equilibristics. As soon as he rises on the legs, it relies more on the outdoor arches of the foot. This is called "Stop Varetle Installation". It happens at the babies of about 1.5 years.

As the baby learns to walk, he is trying to keep the balance, spreading the legs wide. In preservation of equilibrium, it helps the same fat pillow, about which we talked above, and on which he begins to rely on. It turns out some panel of stop inside. This is called the Valgus installation stop. Here's what it looks like:

This state is noted, as a rule, in 2-4 years. Further, as the muscular-ligament apparatus stops the feet, the shape of the legs are usually aligned: the shin, knees and the thigh are built on one line. And if in normal the angle of the valgus deviation of the heel bone in 3 years is 5-10 °, then by 7 years it is 0-2 °.

So, we draw conclusions:

  1. Flatfoot has all children up to 5 years

  2. Valgus installation stop up to 4-5 years of age - this is the option of the norm

Therefore, if your two-three-year-old child was diagnosed with "flatfoot", know that everything goes according to plan, and nothing to worry about. And absolutely no need to run behind orthopedic shoes. Well, and what, what did the doctor appoint? Are you a mother or who? It is better to concentrate your attention to strengthening the muscles of the stop and the heads of your bloodstream, and you will have all happiness: both parents and baby, and his footsteps. 🙂

Back in the past

In the 1960s of the last century, employees of the Leningrad Institute prosthetics them. Albrecht conducted a study in which about 5,000 children participated. They evaluated the "maturation" of the foots of the foot.And see what happened: in 2 years, flatfoot was revealed in 97.6% of children, and at 9 years old it remained only in 4% of the observed.Of course, if you spend this study today, the indicators will be more deplorable.

I sometimes think: if you remove all computers, gadgets, phones, what do children do? And adults?I wonder, and jumps are now sold, or is it already a rarity? And modern children know the game "bounced"? Do badminton play?

In childhood, I remember myself exclusively with smeared with green knees. We did not sit at home, especially, at the weekend. All the time ran, jumped, so the diagnosis of "flatfoot" in my child's memory was not postponed.


How do the muscles of foot archs train?

Have you ever seen on the pictures of Adam and Eve in shoes? Do you think God sorry for them to gnaw some stakes? Or does his fantasy missed it?

Nothing like this!

Just stop to be healthy and happy, should work. And for this you need to walk more, moreover, barefoot and on uneven surfaces so that the muscles of the foot and lower legs are reduced, trying to keep balance on it, they trained and fulfilled their great mission: the health of our springs. If all the time walk along a flat rigid surface, and besides, it is forced to stall into shoes, the muscles will weaken it, stop holding the arches, and they will begin to be fed.


It is necessary to create for a child such conditions so that the museum-bond foot apparatus worked as much as possible. If there is such an opportunity, let the child, at least at home, walks barefoot.

True, in this matter, orthopedic doctors disagree in opinions. Some say that children must necessarily wear home shoes, others - so that they rake with barefoot.

I tend to the second opinion.

  • First, based on your pediatric experience. Children from large families are far less frequently found. 🙂
  • Secondly, a normal child, whose awesome in Pope, he does not just go around the apartment. He sits on his knees, collecting some pyramid, crawling, playing with a typewriter, dancing, squats and makes a lot of other movements that help the foot shape. And the shoes only interferes.

If the floor is cold, then wear warm socks. Now there are even on a non-sliding "sole." For those kids who make their first steps, conventional thin booties are ideal (if barefoot for some reason they move undesirable).

  • Thirdly, from your personal experience. Previously, our parents and a layer did not hear about orthopedic shoes, and we went at home either in ordinary soft slippers or barefoot. And healthier were.

What else is needed to train the muscular foot apparatus?

  1. If the means and place allow you to purchase a Swedish wall and a soft rug near the case of a fall. Let the child have already mastered it from 2-3 years.
  2. Buy a bike, and let your ditenis twist the pedals: home barefoot or in socks, on the street - in shoes with a soft sole.
  3. Purchase in orthosalone or in yourself, in a pharmacy, a massage rug and put in the place where the child runs up most often. Something like this:

  1. There are economies. Option: Find a piece of fabric in the "covers", put it on the floor, scatter beads or buttons along it. You can give a task to your baby's fingers to collect beads to the box.
  2. And you can do this:

6. Find the foot exercises on the Internet and do together with the child. Remember how the teacher said before at physical education: "We go on the socks, now on the heels, on the inside of the foot, on the outdoor." And this is a cool muscle training!

Write, comment, share your experience.

By the way, I posted the right answers to the test on drugs from. See below page.

With love for you, Marina Kuznetsova

Although many believe that only the elderly people can wear an orthopedic type medical shoes, it is worn by people of all ages - this is a fact.

As a rule, the main function of orthopedic shoes is to provide additional support for stop and ankles.

No need to be afraid of "urgentness" of shoes or shoes - the design of orthopedic shoes varies depending on the nature of the specific problem of its owner. For example, various types of orthopedic shoes are used to assist in such a state as enlarged bones, heaviness in the legs or low arches of the foot. There are different designs of orthopedic shoes that will work effectively for all types of legs and will help solve any problems with your feet.

Orthopedic shoes for children and adults

Wearing orthopedic shoes - a great idea when a person hurts. It is needed when walking in ordinary shoes cause fatigue and pain in the muscles or bones of the legs. Since people of all ages and floors can experience pain in their feet, developed orthopedic shoes for children and adults.

Along with shoes, there are other forms of useful orthopedic devices. Orthopedic socks are sometimes enough to remove stress and discomfort of the bottom of the legs. Orthopedic slippers are useful for wearing at home. Wearing orthopedic boots can give additional support for the ankle and foot, which would not be turned out when wearing ordinary boots.

Orthopedic shoes and style

To the pleasure of adults and children, orthopedic shoes are available in a wide range of color. A wide selection of colors allows you to choose shoes that easily fits into the usual style of human clothing.

There are several features that distinguish almost all orthopedic boots and boots. Heels are usually stronger and low compared to many other types of shoes. The wide area of \u200b\u200bMask ahead will help eliminate the compression of the toes, and the steady back will help support the heel and ankle with increased efficiency.

This makes it possible to use various orthopedic insoles that will ensure comfort and support to a specific person.

What can be expected from orthopedic shoes?

One new pair of orthopedic shoes outweighs the benefits of two pairs of ordinary shoes. It will be much more convenient to walk. After you soak such shoes more than a month, many diseases of the legs will no longer be a problem. Many people noticed the decline in the ankle, foot and knee for several days, after they began to wear good orthopedic shoes.

Orthopedic shoes are manufactured according to the shape of your foot. If this shoes are made of high-quality materials and breathable skin, the leg in it will be very convenient. Orthopedic inserts and insoles can be placed inside shoes for additional comfort. They are made at the request of the customer of the orthopedic department literally in 20 minutes.

Benefit and comfort

Since orthopedic shoes are wider than normal shoes, it leaves more to the legs that feel freer than in ordinary shoes. It is very convenient for those who suffer from tumors and swelling of legs, hammer-shaped and cunning fingers and other diseases. Patients with diabetes often carry these types of shoes to prevent pressure on their feet. Orthopedic shoes are also an excellent prevention of trophic ulcers, corns and a holopal.

Orthopedic shoes for adults - shoes having an individual tailoring that is necessary in the case when the functional failure of the stop is diagnosed. Thanks to the shoes with the orthopedic effect, the stop is securely fixed when walking, which reduces the risk of progression of existing pathology and prevents subsequent deformation.

In which cases are appointed wearing orthopedic shoes?

Before making the purchase of orthopedic shoes, it is necessary to consult with a doctor who will select the optimal version at the existing disease. Basically, orthopedic corrective shoes are shown when: lateral deformations of the foot, flatfoot, closets; ; functional disorders of the movement of the feet; shortening limb; heel spur; diabetes; varicose veins; Scoliosis; excess weight.

In addition to the testimony, it is possible to distinguish and contraindications to carry such shoes: purulent inflammation on the limb, an existing trophic ulcer on it, an old age, allergic to the material of the manufacture of shoes.

Consider some of the most common pathologies that require wearing orthopedic shoes.

Valgus stop

Valgus feet is the deformation of the stop, in which their arch reduces, the curvature of their axis occurs, while the heel and fingers unfold outwards, and the middle part of the foot is lowered down.

If you do not start the treatment in time or it is incorrectly, in a short time, tendons and ligaments lose their natural functioning. As a result, a person will quickly tire and feel pain in the field of stop. The state of posture may also be disturbed, which affects full walking and running.

As for the shoes in Valgus, it is possible to identify such requirements for its selection:

For proper formation of backstairs, the manufacturers equip footwear with special orthopedic pads with anatomical base and presence.

Footwear with valgus pathology should be with fasteners on velcro or shoelaces.

Orthopedic shoes with high beris prevents "loosening" the foot when walking.

The back of the sole (that is, the heel) should be rigid and contain a medical supinator, and the nose is flexible.

When diagnosing such pathology, it is necessary to purchase not preventive models of shoes, but therapeutic. Such models evenly distribute the load on the muscle apparatus of the stop, prevent further deformation and help to correct the existing, ensure the proper formation of posture and gait.


Flatfoot - Flooding of the foot of the foot. In addition to massage and therapeutic physical education, the wearing orthopedic shoe is also shown. The rules for its choice are as follows:

It is not recommended to buy those models that are equipped with a solid sole and do not have a heel. Such shoes creates an excess load on the foot, provides an additional tension of the ligaments and aggravate the status of the stop.

Shoes should have a heel no more than 5 centimeters. If it is greater, there is an uneven distribution of the load of the body to the foot, which leads to the deterioration of their state.

The narrow nose in the shoes squeezes the foot and its muscle fibers, which causes swelling.

Seamless insole prevents squeezing foot tissues.

Footwear with heel spurs

If there is a special shoe on the heel bone of a threshing growth, special shoes will help to prevent pain and discomfort. Acquire recommended that models that are convenient when wearing and do not cause discomfort. So, it is forbidden to wear shoes on heels, with squeezing laces and castles.

It is also necessary to apply heel inserts into shoes that help reduce the load on the heel and reduce pain when walking. The selection of the liner is carried out individually. Liner fixation occurs with fastening. Orthopedic models of shoes intended for people with the presence of heel spurs are also available. Her selection also spends the doctor.

Orthopedic shoes of complex tailoring

Complex orthopedic shoes are assigned to wearing the attending orthoped and issued to order, based on the characteristics of the flowing pathology. So, there are three species to which the complex orthopedic shoes are divided:

  1. Anti-vius models that include a special insole - Pronator.
  2. Antivalgus models having a special insole - supinator.
  3. Stabilizing models that are prescribed for wearing, for people with disabilities of 1 group and other groups, if a person has the characteristic curvature of the foot. If the disability of 1 group is diagnosed, a person has the right to receive free shoes according to the rules of law.

Orthopedic shoes for disabled people with PPCs are especially necessary. In this case, we can talk about such positive aspects of treatment with orthopedic shoes, as: adjustment of the state of the feet and ankle department; maintaining the normal position of the feet and legs when walking; Natural distribution of loads on the limb; Fixing the defect of the foot.

Sophisticated models of orthopedic shoes are equipped with a rigid back, a removable insole, a low heel, comfortable clasp.

Orthopedic models of professional shoes

Orthopedic professional footwear is recommended to people who have to stand for a long time, or those who lead too mobile lifestyle. These include medicine, cooks, hairdressers and others.

Orthopedic shoes for work is equipped with a flat sole, shock-absorbing elements that reduce loads on the limb, a wide nasal part that prevents the appearance of corns and squeezing the fingers.

It can be noted manufacturers like Grubin and Ortenberg. Orthopedic shoes for work are made of cortex cork connected with latex. Such a combination provides reliable depreciation and flexibility of shoes when wearing.

Upper shoe material - genuine leather, past processing. Thanks to special details that are included in shoes, an additional fixation of the limb is created and an increase in the stability of the form is ensured.

Diabetic stop

Orthopedic products - the main stage of treatment of pathology. The following components are included in such shoes: soft sock, which prevents the development of ulcers, corns, eliminates discomfort; Rocker sole - a rigid plate having a smooth inner part and slightly rounded outdoor; Smooth surface of the insoles, which is necessary to prevent the injury to the foot of the foot.

Inserts in shoes are prescribed for those people who suffer from the pronounced levels of the feet. As a rule, orthopedic insert is placed in shoes and evenly distributes the load when walking.

Orthopedic shoes with a removable insole are shown for wearing people with a diabetic stop, which conducted amputation of one or more foots. At the same time, wearing orthopedic liners is extremely important, since the removal of even one finger affects the distribution of loads on the foot when walking.

In order not to carry orthopedic shoes in the future and do not treat the disease that has arisen, it is recommended to take care of its prevention in advance. To do this, at least 1 time in 6 months attend the doctor - orthopedic for preventing foot diseases.

Used in preventive and therapeutic purposes to correct the diseases of the feet, as well as to create the most comfortable conditions when walking. The manufacture of such shoes occurs according to specialized technologies, materials used - both natural and synthetic. Orto shoes repeats the anatomical shape of the human foot and has a wide range of applications. However, she has her differences.

Main species

1. Preventive shoes equipped with a supinator

Such shoes experts advise for the use of children, pursuing the purpose of the preventive development of foot pathologies. Due to the built-in anatomical shape and hardband, the children's leg will stand in the right position. Thanks to this type of shoes, it is possible to reduce the risk of developing flatfoot, or to slow down its development if it was possible to detect it at an early stage.

2. Preventive shoes having a removable supinator

It is also used to ensure the prevention of flatfoot - transverse or longitudinal. Removable insole-supinator is usually selected individually. You can also order the manufacture of individual orthopedic shoes. In this case, the individual features of the foot will be taken into account, as well as the level of its deformation.

This shoes are used after surgical interventions, as well as in the process of recovery after injury. The main purpose of wearing such shoes is to reduce the voltage on different parts of the foot.

This type of shoe is used by patients suffering from diabetes mellitus, in which the risk of formation of the diabetic foot syndrome. Due to the sound of the softness of the sock, comfortable insole, smooth rolling in the sole sole, as well as the sole with a certain level of plasticity and softness, walking becomes more comfortable, and the possibility of the appearance of diabetic complications is reduced.

5. Model view of shoes with high level of comfort.

In appearance it is difficult to distinguish such shoes from the modern selling in ordinary stores. Many models even have a platform or heel. However, it creates it exclusively by taking into account all the anatomical forms of the foot of the person. Even for the whole day, the leg in this shoe will not get tired, the degree falls into a noticeable extent. It is because of this that this type of shoes is popular with people who, by virtue of the profession, have long standing on their feet.

All listed varieties of orthopedic shoes can be found and purchased in our online store "Site". It is here that your attention is presented with high-quality orthopedic shoes, created by leading world manufacturers.