Knitted jumper for a full woman with knitting needles. Knitting Jackets for Full Women: Work Technology

Knitted coats for full women are not only beautiful, but often the only way to emphasize their own charms and hide disadvantages. So, women outstanding forms do not even try to find a suitable model in stores, believing that only a knitted thing can be expressed by his own opinion, individuality, emphasize Harizm, to hit the surrounding their skills, stand out from the crowd. And indeed, complete women often remain unnoticed at an unfamiliar party - views attract spectacular girls at high heels and in short skirts. But it is worth the lady of appetizing forms in the personally connected coat, as the views of the strangers are dramatically moving from fashionable beauty to "warmth and homely". In addition, the knitted coat is economical, since from the same yarn, experienced needlewomen can associate several models as the updates are updated.

Thanks to the advantages of the knitted coat presented above, women probably visited the thought of independent knitting and the incarnation of his fantasy. Further in the article will be presented with models with knitting, suitable to complete women Some of them will feature schemes and a brief description for free.

What models are suitable for full women

Even full women differ in the type of figures - an apple, a pear, hourglass (yes, and there are) and others. Based on a certain type of figure, you can "compose" a suitable model of a knitted coat for lush ladies. It is better to take advantage of the following recommendations.


The form of an apple for complete women is a real misfortune - there is a significant increase in the waist, an informal belly appears, as well as the unpleasant "rescue circle", an exciting belt area. For such a figure, oddly enough, the models of direct style coats are suitable, just not tight, but free "squares" or "rectangles". If we consider knitting, the coat can be represented by the next style.


Another "unsuccessful" figure, which, if excess weight, turns into a massive and unattractive bottom. However, a knitted coat is easy to fix - the hips are covered with a trapezoid or covings to the bottom from the belt. Suitable models are presented below.


Happy with magnificent shapes are a "hourglass" type. They have thin waists, big breasts and lush hips. Therefore, even if excess weight, such a figure should not be shy - it is enough to take advantage of suitable models for complete women. Silhouettes will help to emphasize the correct forms. You should not choose the fitting models, but the use of a belt with a sock will only emphasize the slenderness of the waist and the lush forms that you like men. The most suitable knitted models can be attributed to the following illustrations.

Inverted triangle

Full women with a type of "Inverted Triangle" figure, probably suffer most - they have wide shoulders, big breasts and at the same time narrow thighs. It is difficult for them to choose a coat - only specially stitched models are the exception. But with a knitted coat of business, it is different - the most appropriate style for such women is a direct silhouette, but with a massive drip at the hen. You can also choose the options for the trapezoid, but do not lean to an increase in the lower part. In this case, it is better to choose the above-shown silhouettes presented above, but only without a typical "tied belt" on the waist, which attracts attention. The most suitable models of knitted coats for complete women with "Inverted Triangle" are offered.


For complete women with a "rectangle type" figure, pick up the style knitted coat is the easiest way. There are also trapezoids, and fitted models, and just direct styles. As a rule, women with existence of excess weight with the presented type of figure there is a discovering stomach that should be hidden. In this case, in this case, use the shortened models of a coat knitted with knitting with knitting with sprinkles throughout the contour. In the presence of a discovered abdomen, it should be discarded by belts and other inclusions that will attract attention. The most suitable knitted coats are also offered.

The lack of knitted things is that they are not better emphasized by all flaws of the figure, and if there are magnificent forms, it can be achieved even in the absence of applied efforts. Therefore, you should choose not only the model, but also the yarn, as well as the pattern, without which it is impossible to do with knitting. Due to the presented factor, the following recommendations on the selection of the model are allocated:

  • Try to hide your drawbacks as much as much as possible, and do not follow the selection of a style on the basis of a simple textile coat. It is fairly easy to be mistaken, because textile things imply the use of hard material and a lining, which is almost impossible with knitted models.
  • You should not choose models with knitting transverse strips of different shade, especially contrast - it will only increase the volume. But this is possible when knitting a thin summer coat, especially if an openwork is used. A suitable model is presented in the picture.
  • It is also not recommended to choose the models where the knitting volumetric pattern is meant - it will also increase the volume of the figure. For knitting, such simple patterns may be chosen as a bunch, a boil, pearl or rice pattern, chess, asterisks, cells, web and others. You can resort to knitting harnesses, but they are used only for the dilution of a simple thin and "flat" canvase.

  • When knitting a coat with knitting needles for complete women, it is better to abandon all sorts of roses that can pass and along the edge of the plank - this will increase the volume, but it is possible in the presence of the type of the "Rectangle" figure, as presented above. If there is a desire to tie these charms, giving a coat of a nonsense of romanticity, it is better to use a thin yarn and the absence of additional patterns, as shown on the model below.

The choice of model is more attentive, since full women have no right to add unnecessary volumes - it will cause smiles and laughter from evil people.

Typical errors when choosing a model

Coats for complete should be flawless, otherwise you can only spoil your entire appearance. Beginners of knitters and those women who first decided to master the knitted coat for themselves, often commit typical mistakes. Why? They liked the model and color, and the rest no longer appeared. Typical errors include the following points:

  1. Select a model with a massive collar. Women in the body, forget about it! If you want to draw attention to the top of the figure, use a bright scarf for this, and not expandable collars with a textured pattern. Full women should be bypass the side of the model below.
  2. The selection of the transverse pattern. This is not about the transverse replacement of colors, but about the pattern that the shape of the coat attaches. It only increases volumes and neither a droplet emphasizes outstanding appetizing forms that can and should be emphasized. The pictures are represented by models that should be avoided by a side of the ladies in the body.
  3. Incorrectly selected model or size. The models were disassembled above, but we can talk about the correct calculation of the size. By the way, if you crush the parts when you are knitting the desired 12 cm width and more from the existing volume, you will get a formless coat that does not hide disadvantages, but only emphasize them. For example, in the picture below, a slim girl, which is not only great, is presented, but also does not fit on the Stamus - she has nothing to hide the figure, but in the particular hip. Incorrectly knitted coat in the end led only to uncertainty and beamless.

Choose models for a knitted coat correctly and how closely hide the figure - knitted things for that created to be impeccable even if there are outstanding lush forms.

To the yarn of complete women for knitting coat should also be treated carefully. Here it is recommended that the selection of one-photon color of natural threads. Natural threads are good in that they hold the form - for the complete ladies, this factor plays an important role in concealing problem areas. The choice of softer yarn is also possible, but you will have to additionally sew a lining on the figure of the woman itself and the knitted coat.

It turns out that for knitting a warm coat, you should choose 100% wool or with a slight addition of acrylic (20-30%). For knitting the summer option, give preference to natural cotton.

You should also consider when choosing yarn used in the subsequent pattern. If knitting more dense canvas is assumed - the pearl pattern, asterisks and other similar things - then you can buy soft threads. Otherwise, the choice is made in favor of the threads of a more rigid weaving or natural.

It was stated above that the use of textured patterns is not desirable for knitting coat with full women. If you want a characteristic texture, and the figure does not allow, you can give preference to thick threads, but using the usual handkerchief. This pattern, taking into account the use of the spokes with numbers 6-7, gives the texture that usually has to be achieved by knitting a more labor-intensive pattern.

Given all the recommendations presented above, you can embody the most fashionable and unique coat, sitting perfectly on any figure. It is only important to take into account your type of figure, and also not to use in the work only the model you like - it may not approach exactly. If the desire is great, it is recommended to "rephrase" the model for a more suitable Logson - in knitted things it is not so much time consuming.

Suitable coat models: brief description and scheme

Now it is necessary to present the most appropriate models for knitting a coat for complete women. Here you can implement your own changes, but the plan should still follow. An exception is the change in the shade, the use of other yarn.

Milk Color Trapezing Coat

For spring and autumn, the following coat model is perfectly suitable, which will benefit almost on any figure. It is not difficult to change the length of the product, but it is difficult to stop, for example, the style will be somewhat more complicated - for this you will have to carry out appropriate calculations when knitting the cell pattern. This coat knits from bottom to top, taking into account the form of Rlange Prum. Once all parts with a pattern of the cell will be connected, you can connect the details and pull the loops along the edge of the top of the product into circular spokes. The coquette is not sophisticated for knitting - a simple gum is used here.

Gray coat with strap

Full women are not recommended to knit coats with the presence of a transverse pattern, but longitudinal inserts are not prohibited - they are only visually slimming a figure. When choosing yarn for knitting this model, it is better to choose natural and not thick threads so that the harnesses do not get too hard and bulk.

It begins knitting from the back, where you will have to tie 7 cm with a rubber band 3x3 - this is the most optimal option, because it is forbidden to knit the alien to the bottom of the product. After the associated gum proceeds to knitting the main pattern, the diagram of which is presented here in the picture. Next, knitting occurs as presented in the scheme. At the end of the work, a strapping is also carried out with a rubber band 3x3. For this purpose, the cuff on the sleeves and the planks are suspended. On the straps additionally you can make openings for buttons, but the use of the belt can cope with the situation.

Knit a coat with knitting needles, feel free to your forms, but on the contrary - emphasize them! After all, real women should not have the likeness of patients with anorexia - they should be beautiful, fun and amazing! Large volumes - more joy and admiration!

1. Elegant Outerwear for Full Women

Each woman in the body is attractive and the appetizing forms of the campaign ladies attract the admiring gaze of most of our men! Unfortunately, not all our women try to prove to emphasize the seductive lines of the hips and bust, the beauty of their full figure with the help of properly selected clothes.

Option number 2:

Option number 3:

Option number 4:

Option number 5:

Very stylish jacquard jacket for a complete woman. A complete description of the stages of work and a knitting scheme with circular spokes No. 7.

Option number 6:

Option number 7:

Option number 8:

How to associate a fashionable cardigan with relief planks No. 6 and No. 7. Step-by-step description of the stages of knitting and patterns of the model.

Option number 9:

Knit a very fashionable cardigan in the rubber bands No. 4 and No. 4.5 from cashmere yarn. Schemes and description.

Option number 10:

4. Video lessons. Knit stylish clothes of large sizes

Cardigans for full women. The best models in the slideshow. Video:

How to knit a suitable pattern for cardigan. Knit a large rhombus. Step-by-step video instruction

How to knit for the knitting pattern for the coal, jacket, tunic. Video master class:

Learning correctly knit on the spokes Openwork pattern - Video MK:

How to knit on the knitting female cardigan:

Part 1:

Step-by-step lesson for beginners to knit tunic with knitting needles. Part 2:

Step-by-step lesson for beginners to knit tunic with knitting needles. Part 3:

Step-by-step lesson for beginners to knit tunic with knitting needles. Part 4:

Dear needlewomen! It is not always novice knitters managed correctly, size-in-size tie a beautiful cardigan, a tunic, pullover .. and you have to dissolve the canvas, knit everything again. We would be grateful if you share tips, experiences and some knitting secrets on the needles with beginner craftsmen in the comments to the article. You can send your master classes and photos of related products to us on Emayl: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Also find out ...

Knitted jacket knitting There may be different textures and different shapes. Strict jackets are dressed with skirt or classic pants to the office. More free models can be worn with beautiful shirts, t-shirts and turtlenecks in combination with jeans. Also, the jackets are perfectly harmonized with dresses. The main thing is to choose the style knitted jacket knitting.

Knitted jacket with knitting needles can be up to the middle of the hips, or in short - to the waist. Back in fashion shortened jackets - bolero. Properly selected jacket will emphasize your figure.

From the history of Jacket

Knitted jacket with knitting needles takes its origins from classic jackets. Initially, the jacket belonged only to the male wardrobe. But gradually women borrowed jackets in men and brought a lot of new things in their image. So appeared women's jackets. First, they were sewed from the costume, and then knit jackets appeared. We can say that jacket is one of the forms of the jacket, only more feminine, but the jacket is not a jacket.

We made a small selection of women's jackets. Each model has a scheme and description of Jacket. Jackets are made of various types of yarn, different lengths, shapes, openwork and warm jackets on the cold.

How to care for a knitted jacket?

Jackets require careful washing and neat storage. If the jacket is on the lining, then we recommend not to wash it, but to ditch into dry cleaning. Knitted jackets need to be erased by special liquid means without spinning in a washing machine, and better hands. If you still chose the washing machine, then put the careful mode and place the product into the bag. The water temperature during rinsing and washing should be the same. And do not forget that it is necessary to wash the knitted jacket at a temperature not higher than 40 degrees. Otherwise, he can "stick" by 1-2 size. Knitted jacket knitting Dry on a flat surface to avoid stretching the threads and deformation.

Choose interesting knitted jackets knitting!

Jacket with knitting needles. Interesting models from the Internet

Openwork jacket

Dimensions: 36/38 (42-44).

You will need: 450 (500) gr beige yarn (70% cotton, 30% microfiber; 90m / 50 gr), straight knitting needles # 6, circular spokes No. 5,5, 6 buttons.

Jacket - coat with knitting

Dimensions: 36/38 and 40/42.

You will need: 1200 (1300) g yarn like "Bingo Melange ** (100% wool, 80 m / 50 g) from Lana QroSSA; NO4,5 and No. 5 knitting needles; 6 buttons.

Description of jacket with knitting needles:

Stylish jacket knitting

This jacket - poncho knits in one detail, starting with the front shelter.

Japanese jacket knitting

Knitted jackets Zara

Sizes: S (M). For knitting jacket, you will need: yarn Filatura di Crosa Zara (100% Merino wool) 10 (13) Gray Clusters; Filatura di Crosa Baby Kid Extra yarn (80% mohair, 20% polyamide) 5 (7) Dark gray clubs; Circular spokes number 5 and 6; needle for stitching with a round edge;
4 square buttons of gray, with 2 of them with a size of 3x3 cm and 2 other 4x4 cm in size.

Jacket with knitting with a pattern "bell"

This jacket can be knitted both crochet and needles. There is a scheme for all kinds of knitting.

Chanel knitted jacket

Interesting Chanel jacket. Its feature is that it can be knitting both crochet and needles.

Jacket - Jacket with Spokes

Jacket with knitting from Escada

This unusual shortened jacket knits on-line on Osinka.

Jacket with spokes from a wicker pattern with ruffles

Jacket size: 36/38 (44). You will need: 950 (1050) g \u200b\u200byarn like "Merino +" from Lang Yarns light gray color (100% merino wool, 90 m / 50 g), Spokes No. 5, circle. Spokes number 4 and 4.5, hook number 4; 7 Metal. Buttons from antique silver and 300 cm of black satin tape 70 mm wide.

Gray jacket knitting

Gray jacket will become a basic thing in any outfit: it is perfectly combined with different colors. In addition, the style of the product is made by intricate braids will definitely become your favorite.

Jacquard jacket with spokes

Dimensions: 36/38 (40/42) 44/46. You will need: 500 (550) 600 g of colors of red wine and 350 (400) 400 g of white yarn Merino 120 (100% Merino wool, 120 m / 50 g); Straight Spokes No. 3. No. 3.5 and NO 4; Long circular spokes number 3.5.

Sunny jacket with spokes

You will need: Razha Divari (31% polyacryl, 30% polyester, 25% wool, 14% Alpaca; 50 g / 60 m): 450 (650) Mg black, No. 00099, 150 (200) Orange, No. 00012 and white, No. 00002 colors. Circular spokes number 7. Size 40 (42). Breast girth 82 (86).

Green jacket with knitting needles

Breast volume - 86 cm. You will need: 500 grams of thin green half-walled threads, Spokes number 4.

An elongated jacket with spokes

An extended jacket with comfortable nailed sleeves, a long collar - a shed - a real find for winter and autumn.

Multicolored jacket knitting

Size 46-48. You will need: 600 g of thick woolen yarn of different colors; Spokes number 4,5, 3.2; Hook number 3. You can use the existing residues of approximately equal to the thickness of the yarn. Product dimensions See in the figure. Knitting products comes simultaneously from several tangles.

Knitted jacket with knitting with openwork pattern

A real find for lovers of patterns is a small practical jacket for every day, associated with openwork stripes. Dimensions: 36/38 (40/42).

Original jacket knitting

The original jacket with knitting needles with lowered prures, a wide collar "Schalke" from gum and openwork sleeves. Instead of fasteners - a knitted viscous belt.
Dimensions: 36/38 (40/42) 44/46.

Turquoise jacket with spokes

This short-sleeved jacket of the original cut, fastened only by one button, and a knitted turtleneck create an actual ensemble, "highlight" of which multi-layeredness.

Violet openwork jacket with knitting needles

Size: 48. The model is made with spokes from above one detail.

Jacket with knitting with a pattern of braids

Jacket with a pattern made from Drops from Drops, connected from Silke Alpaca yarn. Size: S-M-L-XL-XXL - XXXL.

Melange jacket with spokes

Jacket with a hood tied in two threads. Size: S-M-L-XL - XXL - XXXL.

Jacket with knitting with "bid"

Dimensions: 38/40 (P1), 42/44 (P2J, 46/48 (RZ). 50/52 (P4). To knit jacket, you will need: Yarn Bouton d'or: 10/11/12/13 MANGO motors (50% cotton, 50% viscose, 110 m / 50 g) Sine-Sepleny (1091); Spokes # 3Y№3,5; 8Puge.

Pink jacket with spokes

Size 40. You will need: 1000 g pink yarn Mondial Artico (100% Merino wool, 65m / 50 g); 150 g pink yarn Mondial Prestigio (80% mohair, 20% nylon, 245 m / 25 g); Direct and auxiliary needles No. 6.5; Skal needle.

Knitted jacket knitting

Dimensions: 34/36 (40) 44/46. You will need 550 (650) 700 g of pink yarn (100% cotton, 70 m / 50 g); Spokes number 5.5; circular spokes number 6; Hook number 4-4.5. Ilita smooth: persons. R. - Persons. p., izn. R. - Ozn. P.

Jacket with spokes with wide straps

Dimensions: 36/38 (40/42) 44/46. You will need: 550 (600) 650 g beige yarn Latuca Cotton (50% cotton. 50% polyacryl, 65 m / 50 g); straight and circular spokes number 5,5; Hook no 4; 6 buttons depicting animals: 85 cm of black leather strap.

White jacket with spokes

Size 38. You will need: 450 grams of white yarn (100% cotton, 90 m / 50 g), auxiliary and straight knitting needles No. 4.5; 4 buttons and darling needle.

Knitted jackets. Works of our readers

Openwork jacket spokes from viscose. Work Arina

Jacket Emerald Symphony. The work of Elena Saenko

Gray jacket with knitting needles. The work of Marina Efimenko

Green jacket with knitting needles. The work of Marina Efimenko

Female jacket with knitting needles. Work of faith

Knitted jacket knitting - the work of Marina

Jackets knit not only with knitting needles, but also a crochet. Several models of knitted hook jackets.

Crochet jacket with elements of Irish lace

Knitted jacket size: 44. To knit jacket, you will need: 750g blue yarn (50% cotton, 50% viscose, 450m x 100 g); NS 2 and No. 3 hooks; needle; Two buttons.

Fashionable jacket with pineapple pattern

Jacket dimensions: 36/38 (European).

You will need: 450 g CLUB mint color yarn (50% cotton, 50% polyacryla, 125 m / 50 g). Hook NO 3 and circular spokes number 3.5; Decorative green button and flat button with a diameter of about 2 cm.

Many more jacket jacket models can be found on the site

Knitting for full female knitting needles: clothing models (schemes)

Knitting for full female knitting needles: clothing models (schemes)

A complete woman is difficult to choose suitable clothes. It is always more interesting for creating it with your own hands. It is advantageous to emphasize the features of the female shapes, hide disadvantages and emphasize the attention on its charms will help cardigans, vests and jackets, blouses and dresses knitted. Knitting for full ladies with needles is the best option to show that the woman in the body can be attractive.

Magnificent forms are easy to imagine in a more attractive form, correctly pick up the model and pattern of clothing. Tight and fitted models lay aside, choose long, free, without cumbersome fittings. The best choice is a classic cut model.
The size of "plus" requires its owner of a more subtle approach to the selection of yarn. The texture of the product directly depends on the thickness of the yarn and knitting spokes. The fact of the model, the visually more complete the figure will seem. The best choice is smooth yarn, elastic, flowing. A small emphasis using a relief pattern can be made on the accessory - a bag or scarf. You should not use patch pockets and beades. They also add extra kilograms.
Knitting for complete women requires a special approach to the color scheme. Saturated dark shades visually make a shape more slim and high. It is worth using warm tones less, because they will only emphasize and allocate the completeness of the forms. The optimal option will be a combination of no more than three shades or colors. Multivietic in one set replies and spoils the overall impression.

Patterns in the mesh and openwork require a special approach. They can create "hills" while tosing a figure. Expand the shapes of large motifs, geometric projections and strips horizontally.
Knitting for complete female knitting needles depends on the features of the figure. Lush women low growth better to tie an elongated skirt. But when choosing a blouse scheme, it is better to pay attention to the models with a low waist. If the chest wants to visually reduce, it is best to recover a weak neck or embossed vertical patterns at the top of the blouse.

Choosing the length of the knitted product, consider that the bottom should not be located together with the widest line of the figure. The best way to avoid it is to tie the product, making it a little longer. Thus, you win, visually pulling the shape.

There are models that always look winning on lush forms. Undoubtedly, that's
. When choosing a knitting scheme, give preference to models that do not create an accent on the waist.

We choose the style

The style of knitted dresses is designed to hide certain flaws, moved to more interesting places of the female figure.
The dress-case, as in the photo, smoothly and gently emphasizes the bends of the figure, will make it feminine and slimmer. Noticeably slimmer makes a silhouette dress with a high waist.
Tie the midi dress is somewhat difficult for beginner needlewomen. But it will exceed all expectations. Such a style will help postpone the attention of those surrounding from non-ideal legs. Try to play with flowers - smoothly flowing one in other saturated colors will hide the completeness. Play with the color solution of the product - the knitting scheme is easily changing under the features of your figure.
The dress with the Baska is suitable for those who make the first steps in knitting. Usually it is quite simple technique for the main web - smooth, sometimes with the addition of small pattern. This is necessary in order to move the focus on the Basque. She, in turn, will hide the abdomen with all its disadvantages.
Noticeably more slender makes the shape of a collar-clay knitting needles. For complete women who are not delighted with the shape of their hands, you can offer a dress or sweaters with the sleeves of the Bat Mouse.

A-type and skirt dress will decorate a wardrobe for women with full legs and wide hips. Choose the simplest scheme for knitting if you make the first steps in the mastery of owning the knitting needles, because the dresses of this model are quite complex in execution.
Vest and jacket - the basis of the wardrobe jackets and vests are perfectly hiding fullness. Knitting for full vehicle women should start with the selection of the scheme. Undoubtedly, the full lady will look beautiful in the product elongated style. If the master is inexperienced, you should not choose complex schemes. Even a simple knitting jacket technique can be diversified by attaching interesting colors by making emphasis on accessories or minor details. For decoration, a round button is suitable. Just post it at the level of the waist, the tagging tummy will not be so noticeable. So that the silhouette does not seem even more freight, you should not do too large armies under the sleeves. The beauty of this clothing is that it is perfectly combined and with a skirt below the knee and pants.

Froform technique - for bright and creative

Phriform technique is relatively young, however, it does not prevent her from being at the peak of popularity. Its feature is the absence of any rules and patterns. The more bizarre and the drawing, the mysterious looks like the owner of such clothes. Undoubtedly, creative grain of froform techniques will help complete ladies to collect admiring views of others.

When using froform techniques, it is necessary to respect the sense of measure. Too bulk drawings will visually increase the full figure. The most ideal solution for large-sized models is to combine various techniques. Make a bright spot in the neckline zone, it will emphasize the beautiful chest. For example, knit spokes with a spinner with usual, we use to decorate the cut-out - unusual patterns, as in the photo.
Knitting for complete freform techniques requires greater experience from the craftswoman. She is similar to the style of oblique knitting technique. Most often, the product will be collected from individual elements of different color, shape and size. Let them knit them separately. This will require not only the skill and patience, but also the correct calculations and measurements of their shape. Before you start creating a masterpiece, you should draw all elements on paper. From time to time, the sketch must be applied to the associated part of the product. So you will understand how it matches the scheme. The narrowing and expansion of the bands occurs due to the use of oblique equipment.

Video: Knitting large articles


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Full women in selection of knitting schemes make a number of errors. As a result, clothing obtained immense sizes, and the lady in it looks shapeless and ugly. Consider in more detail how to choose the models to (for complete) to be pleasure, and things emphasized femininity and sexuality.

Basic errors when choosing models

Knitting for full female knitting needles: basic principles of work

Many newbies allow mistakes in the process of knitting itself, and since it takes a lot of time and strength to work, then the master wears what happened. Most often, such things are formalized, heavy and heavy even on the hanger, and on full women, it is only enhanced.


tie the right thing that emphasizes the advantages of the figure, you need to comply with a number of conditions:

  • choose a vest model taking into account your figure and wardrobe;
  • do not use simple patterns (smooth) in knitting, which make a woman faceless, gray and boring;
  • avoid bulk drawings that can be visually "increasing" ten more kilograms;
  • be careful with openwork and mesh patterns, since when tightlying the figures are created "hills" (in order to avoid, wear correated underwear);
  • knitting for women (for complete) should exclude the use of horizontal strips, geometric shapes and large motifs;
  • the vest should not be a motley, bright and at the same time gray and dim;
  • the thing should not be strongly covered with the body and hang out on it.

Knitting needles for women (for full): Simple scheme

When you choose the model of the future thing, then see how it looks at full

x Women, and not on slim young mannequins. Even if you associate the same thing, but its size, its appearance will be completely different.

As soon as the model was selected, preparatory activities were carried out with yarn and identified knitting density, draw patterns. The easiest vest is a direct silhouette to the hips on two large round buttons. Unlike shapeless models, this thing emphasizes the lines of the shape, the rubber band at the bottom of the product, the design of the laid sleeves, the neck and the shelves only lengthen the silhouette.

Knitting with knitting for women (for complete) such a model is completely simple. Total three patterns are used:

  1. Rubber 3x3 at the bottom of the vest of 16 centimeters high.
  2. Facial and invalid surface as the main drawing of the back and halves.
  3. Mesh pattern for slats and sleeves: In the front rows, the first loop is removed as an invalible, the thread at work, the following is written in the wrong; In the wrong ranks there is an alternation of facial and

The originality of the product in this case gives three colors of yarn: gray, powder and melange. The main thing is to learn to pick up the color gamut and patterns, then the completeness will not be an obstacle to beauty.