Tasks for March 8 for women. Modest and dexterous

We are tired of banal banquets and endless mimosas. And you? But we understand that it is not possible to close our eyes and wake up only on March 9th. Which means you have to get out! After all, no matter how difficult it is, you can approach any business from the other side and spend time provocatively and with a smile. Light contests and games for March 8 from our selection are those that we ourselves would love to play. Here we go!

Competition number 1. Voice acting!
This competition is ideal for a large team because the more people, the better. Men prepare several excerpts from famous films and cartoons in advance and invite the ladies to voice them. The team of young ladies with the funniest voice will win!

Competition number 2. Mafia Desire!
Why not beat the famous "Mafia" in your own way? The game, without a doubt, loved by many, exciting and exciting. And a great option for celebrating March 8, both in a close circle of friends and in a small company. Provided that the mafia wins and it turns out to be a beautiful lady, men fulfill the desire of the entire female "mafia"!

Competition number 3. You won't believe it... hockey!
Board games of hockey or football are so exciting that it is useless to argue. Therefore, divide into "male" and "female" teams and invite the ladies to beat you! Be surprised at how women can be gambling and thirsty for victory. As a prize, there can be flowers, gifts or, for example, certificates for a beauty salon.

Competition number 4. Intuition!
The essence of this competition is as follows: women carefully look into the eyes of the men participating in the competition, after which they go into another room. At this time, men put on gas masks and sit down in random order. From head to toe they are covered with identical blankets. Upon returning, the ladies must find their partners, into whose eyes they have recently peered so carefully.

Competition number 5. Well, well, zip it up!

The Zip Up contest is suitable for a close company, where everyone knows each other and does not plan to be especially shy. To participate, couples are needed - a man and a woman. Then the daredevils of the stronger sex receive winter mittens and get down to business, namely, they fasten a shirt or a dressing gown with a lot of buttons, worn over their lady's clothes. The winner is the one who completes the task faster than the rest. The prize can be anything you want!

Competition number 6. Classic as without it!
This competition involves beautiful girls who are invited to face the "spectators". At this time, the host puts a chair behind them and puts any interesting small object on it. On a signal, fearless ladies sit on a chair and try to determine what object is under them without hands and eyes. The first participant to do it wins the main prize!

Competition number 7. Spit spit strife!
In honor of March 8, men try to do everything possible and impossible in order to please the beautiful ladies around. They try so hard that they are even ready to weave braids! The essence of the competition is as follows: three or four teams consisting of a guy and a girl are invited to participate. Moreover, the girl must have long hair. Men, on a signal, must braid their couples with a luxurious braid in 60 seconds! Whose braid will be the most-most, that team wins.

Competition number 8. Culinary!

We offer a great alternative to the contest on who can peel the best potatoes! How about who makes the best sushi? Yes, yes, why not combine pleasant and tasty. Prepare in advance several workplaces for the participants, lay out all the necessary ingredients and set a time limit. Which of the girls quickly and accurately rolls three sushi rolls will become the “Cook of the Evening” and receive a well-deserved prize!

Thus, fun competitions for March 8 are not a myth, but just your reality with great desire and little effort. And if it seems a little to you, do not miss our review on the topic

An entertainment program in honor of International Women's Day will make this event joyful and memorable. Funny games and quizzes for women will turn an ordinary event into a sparkling holiday. Incendiary music in combination with original contests will give everyone present at the celebration a good mood and a positive charge.

    Game "Feeling"

    Played by one or more women with a good sense of humor. The goal of the game is to have fun and have a good time. In advance, you need to prepare a large opaque bag and place various men's or children's things in it: family underpants, a belt, a tie, a jacket, a bib, a pacifier, a diaper, an undershirt, a children's sleeping bag.

    The woman is blindfolded and asked to pull the object out of the bag. She must feel the thing and name it. If a woman is wrong, she is out of the game. Instead, another participant is invited.

    3-4 women participate in the competition. Each of them receives a piece of paper and a pen. The names of 5 dishes are written on the leaves: Olivier, herring under a fur coat, vinaigrette, okroshka, meat cutlets.

    The task of the participants is to write down all the products that are part of each dish. You have 5 minutes to complete the task. At the end of the time, the moderator reads out the notes of the participants.

    The winner is the woman who does the best job. She receives a diploma with the nomination "Best Housewife".

    2 women participate in the competition. For its implementation, you will need products such as cheese, sausage, fish, vegetables, greens, olives, bread.

    The task of the participants is to make a beautiful sandwich from the proposed ingredients. All products can be provided already cut. For complexity, you can give the participants uncut products, a dull knife and set aside a certain time for completing the task.

    The winner is the creator of the most beautiful sandwich, according to the audience.

    Game "Woman's Dream"

    Several women are playing. To play the game, you will need plastic flowers of various types: roses, daisies, tulips, etc.

    The task of women is to collect a beautiful flower arrangement, come up with a name for it and present it to those present. The game can be made more difficult by giving the participants a limited time to form a bouquet.

    The winner is the creator of the most beautiful bouquet, according to the audience.

    2 women participate in the competition. All men line up in a living corridor.

    The ladies stand at the beginning of the corridor. Then they take turns stepping forward and complimenting their boss. Praise with every step. Words should not be offensive. It is advisable to give compliments that could characterize a female boss during the performance of her duties. If there are many words, and the living corridor is small, then men can gradually move from the beginning to the end of the corridor, lengthening it.

    The winner is the woman who manages to sing laudatory odes to her boss longer than the other.

    Examples of words: executive, correct, punctual, fair.

    2 couples "woman-man" participate in the competition. It is desirable that the partner be taller, and the lady more complex.

    The task of women is to repeat different movements to the music after men: jump high, crawl on the floor, portray a drunk. Naturally, it is difficult for full ladies to crawl, and for small ladies it is difficult to jump to the desired object.

    The woman who manages to repeat all the movements of her understudy as accurately as possible wins.

March 8 is a holiday when a woman's smile can wake up spring and cheer up those around you.

The key to positive emotions on this day will be a party with fun contests.

The sea of ​​original ideas will not leave indifferent any guest. And if you are looking for gifts for March 8, read our recommendations in the articles in the “What to give” section, you will be interested!

With magnificent presents and an excellent entertainment program, the holiday will be remembered for a long time, both by the heroes of the occasion and by the representatives of the stronger sex.

Music competitions on March 8

1. Rehashing

Participants are divided into two teams (male and female), each of which chooses a song for the competition.

First, the groups take turns singing one verse at a time.

Then the leader gives a signal, and the teams begin to sing at the same time, trying not to get lost.

The winners are those who were able to sing the song to the end without being out of tune.

2. Painted song

From each team, the host calls one representative and gives him to listen to the song in the headphones.

Then the participants are given paper and paints.

The goal of the game is to draw the plot of the song in such a way that your team guesses what the song is about as quickly as possible.

The participant is not allowed to speak.

He must express all his thoughts in the picture.

3. Changeling

Two teams take part in the competition.

Participants of the first come up with five changelings of popular songs.

For example, “Oh, heat, heat ...” (“Oh, frost, frost ...”).

Competitors are offered three attempts to solve each riddle.

One correct answer is one point.

Then the teams switch roles.

The one with the most points wins.

Cool contests for March 8

1. Swimwear

All interested girls take part in the competition.

All participants are given a roll of toilet paper.

Their task: to build a paper swimsuit on themselves.

There is no need to undress, design ideas are carried out over clothes.

When the swimsuits are ready, the girls are invited to hold a show.

Whose creation lasts longer, she won.

2. Saucepan

Girls who wish to take part in this competition are given a pot.

The task of the participants is to convince others that this is not a pan, but, for example, a headdress.

To do this, the girl must put the pan on her head and show how comfortable she is in it.

The next participant can say that she has a tennis racket in her hands.

In this case, she will have to swing the pan and pretend that she is playing tennis.

The one with the most ideas wins.

3. Mommy

Participants are divided into pairs, in which the girl is the mother, and the boy is the baby.

The purpose of the competition is to dress your "baby" faster than other "mothers" will do it.

To do this, each team will need such a set of things: a large diaper, a shirt, socks, a cap and a pacifier.

Shoe covers can be used instead of socks.

4. Ponytails

This is a pair competition in which the main part of the task is performed by men.

They must tie as many ponytails on the girl's head as possible in one minute.

To conduct this competition, you need to stock up on a large number of rubber bands in advance.

5. Wedding ring

Participants are given hoops.

The task of the contestants is to pass representatives of the opposite sex through the ring.

Each "ringed" is given a sticker with the name of the participant.

One minute is given for the competition.

At the end, the results are calculated. Whoever gave out the most stickers wins.

Contests for March 8 for adults

1 Manneken Pis

Participants of the competition need to be divided into heterosexual couples.

Each man takes an open bottle of beer, and at the signal of the host, he squeezes it between his legs.

Then, without touching the bottle with his hands, he tries to pour the beer into a half-liter glass.

The task of the girl is to substitute this glass so that all the beer is filled into it.

The pair that fills the dishes faster wins.

2. Find a ribbon

A girl and two guys take part in the competition.

One of them is blindfolded.

The other ties several ribbons on the partner.

At the command of the host, the first guy tries to find all the bows on the girl.

When he succeeds, the guys switch roles.

Whoever manages to complete the task in the least amount of time is the winner.

3. Feed your loved one

Participants are divided into pairs "boyfriend - girl".

Their hands are tied and a wrapped candy is placed on the table.

Competitors must unwrap and eat it without using their hands.

The pair that completes the task faster than the rest wins.

Each company has its own rules and traditions.

Therefore, competitions for March 8 must be selected according to the circumstances. You can include in your cultural program some for celebrating a birthday.

For example, if the party is held in a young, newly created team, then you should not hold competitions for adults. This can confuse participants and spoil their mood. Look, maybe something from the youth games will suit you.

The holiday beloved by all women is approaching - March 8 Day! How to congratulate lovely women? Please them - prepare a fun party. We offer you interesting games and contests that are perfect for a mini-corporate party, and for a home party dedicated to the holiday of March 8. Good luck! And happy holidays!

Creative approach to congratulating employees

If the relationship in the team allows it, the congratulations of women can be comic, especially if among you there are masters of Photoshop and craftsmen to compose a couple of poetic lines. The costs are minimal, the main thing is the availability of creative abilities and time to complete this project!

Make funny (or, conversely, very beautiful) portraits-collages of each employee, supplement them with cheerful quatrains (interesting wishes), print them out on a color printer and give them as gifts! Or you make all these photos into a single poster and hang it in a conspicuous place so that it attracts the attention of others - a great mood for the whole day will be guaranteed.

Ready scripts for the quest. Detailed information can be viewed by clicking on the image of interest.

Games and contests for March 8

Favorite concubine of the Sultan

Variant of the competition "Who is the Sultan?" on the

Women participate in the competition, the number of participants is any.

The host says: “As you know, a concubine who enjoyed the sympathy of the Sultan gained strength and wealth in the palace. Therefore, the main dream of the inhabitants of the harem was to please the Sultan and become his favorite concubine. And now the task: imagine that you have a sultan in front of you and you want to become his favorite. To do this, you need to charm him, and by any means. You can do anything: seduce him with dances (oriental, erotic or just beautiful); to sing songs; read poetry; theatrically plead; ogle; make funny, funny promises... In general, you will have to try. Good luck!"

How to evaluate the efforts of the participants and choose the main concubine? I offer several options:

  • choose a jury (of course, male)
  • determine the most charming "concubine" with applause
  • at the end of the competition, put a sheet with the names of the participants in a circle - the way each man will feel like a sultan and draw a heart next to the name of the one that charmed him

Important! Men should be asked to honestly evaluate the efforts of the participants, and not choose a "favorite" based only on personal sympathy for a particular "concubine".

potato competition

This is a joke contest. The host puts unpeeled potatoes, knives on the table and invites the most economic women to participate in the competition. Everyone thinks you have to peel potatoes. But when those who wish go out, they are invited to take turns naming potato dishes (remember how smartly Tosya from the Soviet film "Girls" listed potato dishes: "... count: fried potatoes, boiled, mashed potatoes. Next: french fries, potato pie, potato patties, potato pancakes, potato roll, casserole, stewed potatoes with prunes, stewed potatoes with bay leaf and pepper, young boiled potatoes with dill, shaniki…”?)

The participant who names the most dishes will win.

Useful gift

Several pairs are called. The man tells the host in the ear what gift he would like to give his lady, and the lady tells everyone how she will use the gift. However, she does not know what the partner said to the host. If the participant guessed correctly and correctly disposed of the "gift", she is awarded a prize.

Scenario for March 8 "Who is Cinderella here?"

Leading:“Recently, a ball was held in the palace. There was an unknown girl present, who liked the prince very much. But when the clock began to strike 12, she ran away. The prince rushed after her, but she was gone. It is known that she is here somewhere, that she is very polite, gentle, kind and hardworking. There are so many lovely, kind and gentle girls in this hall. How to find the real Cinderella? To do this, let's hold a contest and find out which of you is Cinderella.

“His Majesty the King…

"Her Majesty the Queen..."

- Court choreographer ...

Contest "Acquaintance"

  • the best curtsy
  • the best self-presentation (short and beautiful!)

Humor and originality are welcome!

Competition "Magic"

Within 2-3 minutes, the participants must make as many words as possible from the word MAGIC.

Competition "Royal feast"

Imagine that you are at a royal feast. Various treats are displayed on the tables, but all of them start with the letter “K”. Within 3 minutes, each participant must write possible dishes and dishes on the sheets with the letter “K”.

Answers are read and points are awarded.

Contest "Quick hostess"

Mix on the table in front of each participant small piles of rice, buckwheat, peas, beans, lentils, rose hips, hazelnuts (whatever is at hand, 3-4 types, no more).

Cinderella was a very hardworking and efficient hostess - after all, in order to cope with all the orders of the Stepmother, Cinderella had to do everything very quickly and at the same time with high quality. Let's see how you do the job. It is necessary to disassemble everything that lies in front of you into homogeneous piles - blindfolded. The winner is the one who for a certain time (it is set in advance) will better cope with the task.

Competition "Men's clothing"

Our next challenge is to quickly and carefully turn inside out and fold men's clothing. Assess the speed of the task and accuracy.

Ball Gown Competition

Props for participants: toilet paper rolls, scissors, adhesive tape, glue stick, stapler, paper clips.

Cinderella was a jack-of-all-trades, and her stepmother often made her sew beautiful ball gowns for her stepsisters. Show us this - design and make a beautiful outfit. Here are the "materials" (props) and your "half-sister" (volunteer as a model).

Competition "Riddles for ingenuity"

And now we will find out how smart our Cinderellas are.

Any joke quiz is held.

Summing up. There is an award.

Girls and women are divided into several teams of 3-4 people and together they must make the longest list of items in the office and items related to their female profession, for example, a pen, a coffee maker, a folder, a receipt, reporting, a string, a palm tree (a flower in office), a staple (from a stapler) and so on. All teams are given the same time, for example 15 minutes. The team with the largest list has the right to win the prize.

March poetry

Participants of the contest are given cards, each of which has one of the words written on it - cards, heart attack, school desk, pawnshop, standard, apron, excitement, start, reserved seat. After that, they offer to compose a poem with the words "March" or "March 8" and proposed in the received card. Example: “When March 8th passes, I will pick up socks from the pawnshop.”

On the kitchen

Elimination game. Female colleagues sit in a circle and take turns calling one female kitchen utensil, for example, a slow cooker, a microwave oven, a cup, a spoon, a fork, a bowl, a plate, a sugar bowl, a rolling pin, a frying pan, a pancake maker, a yogurt maker, a gas oven, a sink, a dryer, potholder, waffle iron and so on. Whoever does not name is eliminated, and the most persistent and best connoisseurs of kitchen utensils will receive prizes - an apron and potholders, so that after a working day cooking at home is pleasant and convenient.

Decipher my name

Each male colleague must decipher the names of their charming colleagues, for example, Julia - young, best, interesting, amber or Polina - beautiful, awesome, radiant, playful, tireless, authentic and so on. The man who, in the opinion of the women, is the best at deciphering their names, will receive a prize.

This song is about me

By agreement or enthusiasm of each of the men of the team, each in turn sings at least one line of the song, meaning one of the women of the team, for example, Anton comes out and sings: “Do you hear, why are you so bold?”, And the female team guesses, oh com these lines. Who is the most daring in the company of women? Or, for example, a line from the song “Sponges with a bow, eyebrows with a house” about the girl of the team, who tints her eyebrows all the time. Which of the women will hit the mark the most and guess who the lines of men are dedicated to, she will become the winner.

Both left and right

For this competition, you need to prepare a stack of sheets of two colors, for example, blue and red in the same amount for each participant. So, colleagues sit down at the table, in front of each of them there are a bunch (scattered) of leaves of two colors. On the “start” command, each participant begins to sort the leaves into two piles: with her left hand - one foot of red color, and with her right hand - the second foot of blue color, doing it all at the same time. The colleague who is the fastest to sort documents by color with both hands at once will be the winner.

We collect bit by bit

For this contest, you will need a lot of eggs from Kinder surprises or small jars. A note is inserted into each egg with one word from a common phrase, for example, “A woman does not need to be understood, a woman needs to be loved”, so in one egg there will be a note with the word “woman”, in the second - “not”, in the third - “need " etc. Depending on the number of women in the team, you need to prepare as many sets of eggs with notes as there will be teams (about 3-4 participants each). So, each team of women receives eggs with notes or closed jars. On the “start” command, women must open all the eggs (jars) and get all the notes, after which they must correctly compose a phrase. The team that does it faster than the rest will win.

Working with women is a risk

A woman is always unpredictable and working with women means sometimes running the risk of unpredictability and all sorts of surprises. So, each man in turn puts two hands into two bags at the same time and, without hesitation, takes out from one bag any item from the women's cosmetic bag (lipstick, blush, mascara, pencil, sparkles, and so on), and from the second a note, in which will indicate any part of the body or face that needs to be painted with what was taken out of the first bag (cheeks, stomach, left arm, lips, forehead, and so on). Either do it, or run in search of flowers as a ransom.