19 week of pregnancy What fruit. Changes in the body. Medicines and medical procedures

19 week of pregnancy - the time is impressive. Not only a woman feels in full force of change in the body, but the surrounding noticeably noticeably rounded the tummy. Increases breasts and buttocks. If by that time the baby did not start pushing, at 19 weeks are very high probability for the first time to survive these unforgettable sensations.

How does the body of the future mother change?

The stomach rose markedly. Increased uterus begins to push from the inside on the navel. There may be unpleasant sensations and protrusion. It's not worth worrying because of this, after the birth of the baby everything will return to its place. Due to the increase in the belly, it will not be possible to sleep on it. We'll have to fit on the side, it will cause a slight feeling of discomfort in those who are not used to such possess. Addictive comes quickly. Sleeping on the back is very undesirable - the uterus can put pressure on the hollow vein and overlap blood and oxygen access to the fetus.

More serious discomforts that may arise - cramps of the calf muscles and legs. The reasons for this phenomenon are two:

  • Increased load on legs. Try less time without having to spend on your feet.
  • A sharp increase in the need of the body in calcium. The convulsions will signal the future mom that it is necessary to increase the amount of dairy products in the daily diet. Many calcium is contained in sesame seed and almond.

Your weight also increases. Begin to expand the hips, the gait is changing, the posture is disturbed. Increased belly pulls you down, and the training of the body is launched by an accelerated pace. All these are natural processes.

You may notice the signs of fast fatigue, weakness and light dizziness. This is most likely signs of lowering hemoglobin levels. The reason for this phenomenon is natural - an increase in blood volumes. Try not to do sharp movements. In parallel with this, a minor pressure drop may appear. The reason is weakening due to the enhanced effects of progesterone peripheral vessels. Perhaps short-term increase in pulse, reinforced sweating.

Do not worry if difficulties with deep breathing will appear. Just begin to breathe often and superficially.

During this period, the process of reinforced melanin production begins. This can lead to additional pigmentation. It is because of this that the future mothers are darken with nipples, armpits, vulva and a line from the navel to the pubic. Freckles appear or darken, pigment stains on the cheeks, above the upper lip or on the forehead. Do not worry. After the birth of the baby, the natural color of the skin will be restored.

Baby at the 19th week of pregnancy. Fruit 19 weeks

The weight of the fetus during this period reaches about 150-200 g. This is not an absolute indicator, because genetic factors like weight and growth of parents or other closest relatives are of great importance.

  • The head of the baby becomes greater, the brain is growing hard and develops. Nervous cells appear responsible for the activity of the musculoskeletal system. Your baby now knows how to move is not chaotic, but he moves with legs, handles and fingers when and how wants. He can already confidently raise the head, turns it. Standing and started to rotate 180 degrees of the cervix.
  • Let the baby are still closed, but it already catches and distinguishes the brightness of the lighting.
  • The breathing apparatus is also developing. Bronchiols appear, bronchial wood is drawn up. The respiratory system will be formed up to the moment of childbirth.
  • By 19 week, the proportions of the body are already visible. Increases the growth of the kid. Copchiko-parmer size reaches 15 centimeters.
  • Although your baby is still slender, its sebaceous glands begin to work very actively. The amount of subcutaneous fat gradually increases. The toddler's light-gray substance covers the baby. This substance has bactericidal properties and protects the fetus before the birth of the effects of spindlewater waters and malicious microorganisms.
  • At 19 week, the skin of the baby begins to be covered with a fly, which is particularly noticeable on her face. After birth, these hairs will disappear.
  • The kid can already hear your voice.
  • In girls by that time, about 6 million egg cells are formed in the ovaries. By the time of birth, their number will decrease to 4 million.
  • Your child at 19 week has already managed to develop a mode. 18 o'clock he sleeps, and the rest of the time is busy playing.

Many mothers remember that it was for the 19 week week that the baby began to move especially actively. This is primarily due to the stage in the formation of the nervous system and the emergence of awareness of movements. The kid just actively mastering new skills. At the future mother, the kid can cause some discomfort, but in most cases it is very pleasant and exciting moments.

Your weight in 19 weeks of pregnancy

During pregnancy, you need to choose one day of the week for weighing. So you can know exactly how the weight set is. Weighing preferably in the same clothes, because the account goes to gram. 19 weeks - this is the second trimester. For this period, the norm is an increase in weight for a week of 250-300 g. But here there is no absolute value. Norms may differ due to very numerous individual factors. You weigh, watch the doctor. And he, comparing all the factors, will already say whether your graph of weight changes is normal.

Changes in the uterus

The uterus is approximately 13 mm below the navel. She begins to grow, muscles in the process of preparation for childbirth are stronger. The weight of the uterus for 19 week reaches approximately 320 g. These processes can provoke an unpleasant feeling at the bottom of the abdomen, but it is not dangerous.

The uterus begins to crush stronger and on the bladder. Future mom often runs to the toilet. There is nothing terrible in this.

Pain for 19 weeks of pregnancy

Muscles become thicker and durable, it can lead to the appearance of pain with sharp movements. This is normal - a good reason to start training move smoothly and gracefully. At 19 week discomfort can deliver the pressure of the uterus on the navel. But this is a natural process that will pass soon.

The baby grows, the uterus is also increasing in size. You will begin to feel the pressure and temporary pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe back and pelvis. Do not forget that the bones of the pelvis slowly begin to disperse, expanding the generic path. This is a natural process of preparing the body to the appearance of a kid associated with pain in the bones.

Less time spend on your feet, change the pose more often. If you have a sitting job, at least twice the time to get up just go through. Refuse chairs without back and high heels. Try less frequently throw on the leg leg.

Abdominal pain at which you need to immediately contact the doctor

If the stomach pain is strong or has a grapple-shaped character, immediately call the ambulance. This may be a symptom of abortion.

It is worth going to the doctor if you feel the pain at the bottom of the abdomen, especially with bloody discharges.


The natural process for which unrest should not occur - an increase in vaginal discharge without changes in smell and color. From the nipples for 19 weeks can start pleasing colosure. It is also normal - just wipe your breasts with napkins.

Contrieving a doctor follows in the following cases:

  • Selection with a sharp, unpleasant odor.
  • Yellow, green, gray, brown, red selection.
  • Curl selection and itching in the vagina.

These signs can talk about inflammation or thrush, which can exacerbate during pregnancy. All these diseases need to be cured to as quickly as possible. The risk of infections into the oily water, the disease of the baby and the appearance of pathologies in pregnancy is quite high.

Brown or bleeding, which appear without pain, after examining a gynecologist or sexual proximity, can be a symptom of a gynecological disease or erosion of the uterus. But only a doctor after a complete survey can be determined to determine the reason.

Observation by the doctor at the 19th week of pregnancy

To take tests and undergo regular surveys from a doctor is necessary to control the strength of the fetus and the course of pregnancy. At 19 week, it is desirable to hand over urine analysis to a protein. The sugar content and blood hemoglobin level should be checked. If the doctor has foundations, it can assign tests for testing hormonal balance, especially important during this period the amount of progesterone. The pregnancy conservation and its prosperous development depends on its level.

At 19 weeks, you may be offered to make screering analysis on hCG. This is a blood test for the presence of chromosomal anomalies in the fetus: Edwards syndrome, Down syndrome, a nervous tube defect. In the process of screening and other analyzes, all indicators are estimated in the complex. Conclusions are made and on the basis of ultrasound.


During the ultrasound, the doctor inspects the fruit and the state of the internal organs of the mother. As part of the week, the procedure is carried out in several directions:

  • Inspection of the nasal bone and the thickness of the promotional zone of the fetus.
  • Assessment of the heartbeat kid.
  • Analysis of the motor activity of the fetus. If you are lucky, you can catch the baby in the game of the game.
  • Diagnosis of the absence or presence of pathologies.
  • Analysis of the state of accumulating waters.
  • If the parents wish, and the restless kid will collaborate to demonstrate the necessary parts of the body, you can find out its floor.

It is during this period that you can get the first photo of your baby. All organs are already formed. The baby has reached the desired size so that it can be carefully considered, and while completely fits on the device monitor.

Sex at the 19th week of pregnancy

There are no contraindications for sex with your beloved husband for 19 weeks. The only thing that may prevent you is the recommendations of the doctor with a complex pregnancy. Naturally, the main indicator is your well-being. If nothing pulls, does not hurt and allocate normally - do not deny yourself in the joys of life.


If there is no toxicosis, during this period the future mother is ready to absorb tons. The kid grows and requires a certain amount of useful necessary for the formation of substances. Your feeling of hunger does not say that you need much more food, but about the shortage of certain vitamins or trace elements. Power should be full and very competent.

During this period, try to abandon fried dishes and reduce the consumption of fats. Do not get carried away by sweets and salinist, sharp and smoked dishes you now too. Refuse artificial food - only high quality natural product.

Drink more boiled beef, legumes (if there are no problems with gases) and nuts. At 19 weeks you need to increase the amount of products with a high content of calcium and iron. Eat:

  • eggs;
  • rabbit and tongue;
  • sheet greens and green vegetables;
  • apples, figs, kuragu, persimmary, blueberries;
  • drink tomato juice;
  • oatmeal and buckwheat porridge;
  • cheese and cottage cheese;

It is impossible to starve, but also to eat before the dump is also not worth it. It is during this period that it is worth starting if it did not work before, it was fractional.

Carefully, but without fanaticism and panic, listen to your feelings and to the baby. The lack of motion of the fetus may tell you that you will soon have a notable lazy in the family, but can talk about frozen pregnancy. Do not rush in a hurry, but contact your doctor.

Try not to be nervous, avoid infections. Let yourself be small joys, walk, strengthen immunity and rest. Just holte and laled yourself and your baby - everything else does not matter and wait.

19 week of pregnancy is almost half of the way. At this point, almost a full-fledged little man continues to grow and develop. And how does the tummy of the future mom change at this stage?

What size has the stomach at the 19th week of pregnancy? They can be absolutely different. In some future mothers, there is practically nothing unnoticed, and other tumids at the 19th week of pregnancy are already quite impressive. It should be understood that it is inside the abdomen. So, the fruit on this period of toaling weighs about 230-260 grams.

The uterus has a weight of about 320 grams. The volume of spindlewater waters on this period is approximately 330 milliliters. And 170 grams - the weight of the placenta. That is, it turns out that the overall weight, which has a belly for 19 weeks, is about 1 kilogram. In fact, it is not so much, but if we consider that all this is concentrated in the uterus, we can conclude that in 19 weeks of pregnancy a little belly is abnormal. But in fact, of course, it is not. The parameters of the future mother are an individual feature.

And any experienced gynecologist will say that in 19 weeks a small belly is not an indicator of the low weight of the fetus, lagging in development and other problems. Now specifically about numbers. The main parameter that will be measured almost on each examination of the doctor is the height of the uterus bottom (the distance from its lower boundary to the top).

On this period, the uterus has already increased significantly and is about 1.5 centimeters below the navel. VDM (the height of the bottom of the uterus) is about 16-20 centimeters at this stage.

If you evaluate the size of the abdomen for 19 weeks, namely, his grumps, then it is not possible to judge objectively about this parameter, since the volume will include not only the uterus and pregnant belly, but also extra kilograms that are in the future mother.

What affects the size of the abdomen?

As already noted, the size of the belly at the 19th week of pregnancy is not something normalized, it is an individual feature. One interesting situation is already noticeable to all others, and the sizes of other tumors at the 19th week of pregnancy practically do not give pregnancy. But what affects these parameters? Mass of various factors.

For example, in the second and each subsequent pregnancy, the stomach increases with a more rapid pace, as the uterus after childbirth is already slightly increased and begins to grow much earlier and faster. In addition, internal organs are supported by bundles. And if these bundles are not too strong, then the sizes of the abdomen for 19 weeks can already be very impressive. Among other things, it is logical that if twins dwell in the womb, then the stomach will be more than in one-bed pregnancy. Also, if at the 19th week of pregnancy, a small belly, then a woman's pretty strong abdominal press muscles that do not give to increase volumes.

Another important factor is the place of attachment of the fetal egg. So, if on the 19th week a small belly, then this may be a consequence of the fact that the fruit egg fastened on the rear wall of the uterus. If the fixing occurred on the front wall, then most likely, the volumes will be more alleged to this term. The volume of ammunition waters also has a certain impact on the volumes, but not so significant as other points. These factors affect the size of the abdomen for 19 weeks.

So, this stage of nose can be described as the time of active and rapid growth of belly at the 19th week of pregnancy due to the rapid development of the fetus. And this, of course, directly affects the sensations of the future mother. So, some women on this period complain about the feeling of discomfort in the side parts of the abdomen and even pain.

It is connected with a rapid increase in the tummy at the 19th week of pregnancy in volumes. Sometimes ligaments and muscles simply do not have time to stretch, from this and there are unpleasant sensations. This is normal. And to avoid sharp pain, any movement or change of poses should be made smoothly and gently. In addition, as a result of the growth of the abdomen for 19 weeks, the load on the spine is significantly increasing, which is why back pain. And it is also inevitable. But doctors recommend approximately on a given lap period to start wearing a bandage that will support the tummy and remove the tension from the back. In addition, often those who in 19 weeks of pregnancy have a small belly complain that all organs are very squeezed. It happens because the uterus increases. And if the muscles do not give her to take the cavity of the belly to the fullest, then she begins to move the internal organs. So the pressure on the bladder, the intestines and the stomach increases, which can provoke heartburn, constipation and stripped urination. Of all this we can conclude that with a small belly at the 19th week of discomfort and unpleasant sensations not to avoid. And yet all the troubles associated with increasing the size of the abdomen for 19 weeks is passing. It remains only to add that even if the growing tummy during pregnancy gives discomfort, then it is worth remembering that a new life is developing in it. So increasing volumes are an extra reason for joy and pride!

On the period of pregnancy, 19 weeks the future kid marks 17 weeks from the moment of conception, the fifth lunar month of his development is.

Future changes

The fetus at the 19th week of pregnancy about 15.5 cm long (size is measured from the tailbone to the pattern) and weighs until 250 g.

Intensive rates at 19 week of pregnancy develops the central nervous system of the future child, the nerve cells of the brain substance occupy their permanent place, and the coordination of movements becomes more accurate.

The fruit at the 19th week of pregnancy continues to branch the bronchial tree, smaller bronchi appear. But the lungs still do not function - oxygen is a future kid while getting through the placenta.

The skin of the fetus is covered with a soft flush over the entire surface, with the exception of palms and stop, the subcutaneous layer of adipose tissue becomes greater. Because of this, the blood vessels are less shone through the skin, and it looks no longer so bright red.

The product of the sebaceous glands is accumulated in the skin folds - original (raw-like) lubricant. After the birth of the baby, she protects the skin from drying out, from loss of excess moisture and pathogenic bacteria (it has bactericidal properties).

It is at this time that the primitives of permanent (indigenous) teeth begin to be laid, they are deeply in the bones, under the recent milk teeth. For these purposes, the organism of the fetus is needed quite a few calcium and phosphorus salts. The digestive glands begin to function, the intestines accumulates the MECONIS painted by bile.

Changes in the body of a woman at the 19th week of pregnancy

The whole body of a woman is being prepared for childbirth. To facilitate the passage of the fetus by the generic paths, the hip joints are already relaxed for this deadlines, so the woman can complain about pain on the 19th week of pregnancy in the back, especially in his lumbar department. Doctors to relieve pain on the 19th week of pregnancy recommended to wear low-heeled shoes, do not be long in one pose and follow posture.

The maximum weight gain during the 19th week of pregnancy should not exceed 6.3 kg, it is more accurately determined using the calculations of the body mass index.

Since 19 weeks pregnancy, a woman can feel the shortage of air. Such a state provokes a growing uterus, which presses from the bottom. The belly at the 19th week of pregnancy is already noticeably forward, the uterus is determined by 19 cm above the wing.

From other unpleasant sensations of a woman, you can note the tides of sweating, the increase in heart rate, highlighting pregnancy from the breast of the poles at the 19th week.

Significantly compared to the first weeks of pregnancy increased the amount of blood circulating over blood vessels. But blood pressure may be somewhat reduced somewhat, which is one of the causes of high fatigue and weakness.

A woman at the 19th week of pregnancy can disturb the convulsions in the calf muscles, the feeling that the feet "reduces". Most often it happens at night. Doctors have several points of view on the origin of convulsion. According to one of the versions, the growing uterus squeezes the nerves in the abdominal cavity, the sensitive sprigs of which innervate their feet. Also, the cause can be the lack of the body of pregnant salts of calcium and magnesium, which in large quantities go from the mother to the fetus.

On this period, some of the primary women may feel the movements of the fetus for the first time, and those who have no birth to be the first, feel the points and blows from the inside for several weeks. The active movements of the fetus in 19 weeks of pregnancy on ultrasound are clearly visible.

Examination at the 19th week of pregnancy

Due to changes in blood volume and the growing needs of the fetus, a woman can develop anemia in 19 weeks of pregnancy. Its signs are the increased pallor of the skin and mucous membranes, dark circles under the eyes, the decline of forces. To eliminate anemia, a doctor usually recommends repeating a general blood test.

In 19 weeks of pregnancy, the ultrasound can be accurately identified, a boy or girl is in the uterus.

The overall analysis of urine in the norm should not contain cells (leukocytes, red blood cells), bacteria, sugar and protein.

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19 An obstetric week of pregnancy is the period after which the body of women changes dramatically. The fetus age for this period is 17 weeks. This is the time of the so-called hormonal storms that can break and twist everything that with love and patience was created for a long period.

Visually increases the size of the abdomen, become more buttocks and breasts. A woman already feels the light movements of the fetus, if there are no movements at the 19th week of pregnancy, you should visit the doctor to diagnose the state.

What happens on the 19th week of pregnancy?

As a result of the growth of the uterus, the woman changes posture and gait. Her organism requires a large amount of water, so the future mother needs to drink up to two liters per day. Liquid shortage can lead to a significant increase in body temperature, which can adversely affect the development of the child.

The fetus at the 19th week of pregnancy is actively growing, his muscles and bones were strengthened, so he can already turn his head to 180 degrees and raise his arms over his head. The skin of the child becomes not so transparent, numerous blood vessels are no longer shown through it. But it remains still very wrinkled due to the abundance of skin folds.

The child is quite a lot - up to 20 hours - is in a state of sleep. The rest of the time he wakes up, and the woman can feel the active hevings of the embryo. Their part of them falls for the evening, and the activation of movements can be noticed with external noise.

19 week of pregnancy is accompanied by an increase in the production of melanin, which may cause the emergence of new pigment spots. It causes even greater darkening of nipples and arole, armpits, vulva, lines from the navel to the pubis, as well as the appearance of spots on the chest, face and stomach.

19th week of pregnancy - changes in the body of a woman

The uterus is further increasing in size, since not only the fruit is growing, but also increases the volume of abdomen in the mother and the volume of the accumulative fluid. Its mass is already more than 300 g, and the standing height of the bottom is 19-20 cm. It can be forgiven at the distance of one finger below the navel.

The weight of the woman increases to this period by 3.5-6 kg, depending on the individual characteristics. It includes a mass of the fetus (200 g), placenta (180 g), amniotic fluid (350 ml), uterine (350 g), as well as increased volumes of blood, lymphatic fluid, subcutaneous fat tissue and mammary glands.

The increasing fetus size at the 19th week of pregnancy and the size of the belly causes an increased load on the legs and the vertebral pole, which leads to a change in posture. The loin is striking more forward, and the dice of a small pelvis diverges, which is necessary to carry the fetus and upcoming labor. With the emergence of strong painful sensations, wearing a supporting bandage is assigned.

Feelings on the nineteenth week

The 19th week of pregnancy is characterized by interesting sensations related to the weak, gentle and light movements of the child. According to the growing fetus, their strength will increase, and the amount to decline.

The child at the 19th week of pregnancy is often in wakefulness. For a period of motor activity accounts for up to 8-10 movements per hour. But to feel their future mother will be able on this period only in a calm and relaxed state.

A woman may have weakness, severe dizziness, fast fatigue, as well as unpleasant feelings in the abdomen for a period of 19 weeks. Such sensations are due to an increase in blood volume and a decrease in hemoglobin. Other symptoms of the iron deficiency state are difficulty breathing and rapid heartbeat.

Sex tract

The 19th obstetric week of pregnancy is accompanied by the enhancement of vaginal discharge, while they can become more liquid. But changes in the consistency, color and smell should not be. The release of milk, transparent and yellowish color is the norm of the norm and should not worry the future mom - the fruit will develop normally, in the absence of deviations.

The discharge of blood, pus and the appearance of flakes - the reason to appeal to the gynecologist, since they may indicate infections and inflammatory processes of external genital organs. Blood discharges that appeared after the examination of the doctor may indicate different gynecological diseases and cervical erosion.


The ultrasound scanning at the nineteenth week is carried out in the framework of the second screening survey. The doctor assesses:

  • the growth and size of the fetus in the 19th obstetric week of pregnancy;
  • heart rate;
  • motor activity;
  • state of the placenta;
  • sizes of the nasal bone and the collar space;
  • the amount of accumulative fluid;
  • development of internal organs and brain structures.

After 19 obstetric week of pregnancy, a child can already identify such pathology as a brain hydrocephalus, which is characterized by a cluster of liquid in it. If there is a large volume, it presses the surrounding fabrics and departments, which prevents their growth and proper development. The modern level of development of medicine allows you to cure this pathology before the appearance of the baby.

What happens to the fruit on a period of 19 weeks of pregnancy?

The fruit will grow even more compared to the previous period. Its growth is 13-15 cm, and the weight reaches 200 sizes, it looks like potatoes. His body acquires the proportions with which it will appear. The thigh length on this period is about 3 cm, and the distance from the knee to the foot from 2.5 to 3.1 cm.

The child continues the active accumulation of special brown fat, which is localized mainly in the neck, blades. At the same time, the sebaceous glands of the child produce a special lubricant, which protects its very thin skin from drying out, the actions of conditionally pathogenic microorganisms and mechanical damage.

The fruit in 19 weeks drinks a lot of fluid a day and, at the same time, urinates in the oily water of approximately every hour of 2.5 ml. Amniotic fluid is regularly updated due to the work of the placenta and is derived from the body using the kidney of the future mother, which during pregnancy accounts for the maximum load.

The child's brain is improved, the closest link between the CNS and muscle fibers is strengthened, thereby improving the coordination of movements, they become less chaotic. Throughout the entire pregnancy in the brain, new neurons are constantly produced.

The respiratory system is being improved - bronchi with ramifications, bronchioles and lungs are formed. They will actively grow up to the childbirth themselves. This is what allows the child after the appearance of the first breath. Children who are born ahead of time can experience breathing problems due to the undevelopment of the lungs.


The main problems at the nineteenth week of pregnancy include:

Family pregnancy on the nineteenth week, when there is no chapels of the child, it is very rare, usually it happens in the first trimester. The symptoms of this state may be the lack of movements, inconsistency of the size of the uterus standards, as well as other changes.

To prevent spontaneous miscarriage or premature births on this period of pregnancy, it is necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle, listening to what happens in the abdomen, to observe moderate physical activity, refuse to receive drugs, as well as limit visits to public places.

What to pay attention to?

During sleep and rest should not be located on the stomach, as this can lead to the compression of the uterus and the discomfort of the fetus. Sleep better on the left or right side, and to support the abdomen and more comfort under your knees, stomach and hands can be put a special pillow or rolled blanket. Such a pose will ensure normal blood supply and evenly distribute the load on the spine. For pregnant women today, special pillows are developed, which externally resemble a huge banana. Such a posture helps to redistribute the load and provides better relaxation of the body.

With the growth of belly, the woman changes posture, dies the bones of the pelvis, disintegrates the lower back. It often causes severe pain in the back area. The condition can be facilitated by supporting the bandage and special exercises. In this case, it is recommended to consult with a manual therapist.

Power must be balanced. When drafting the ration, it is important to pay attention to products with an increased content of iron, calcium and proteins. The foundation should be porridge, soups, fresh vegetables and fruits, beef and a bird, which will prevent the disorder of the digestive system and the emergence of constipation.

From the second trimester it is useful to go to special classes for pregnant women who prepare a future mother for the upcoming births. In class, experts provide useful information and train respiratory techniques that can significantly reduce pain in childbirth.

In the absence of contraindications, sex is not prohibited, but it is important to choose the right postures for convenience. At the same time, there should not be painful sensations and discomfort during intimate proximity.

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