Pregnancy 21 weeks what to do. C) Swallowing amniotic fluid. Medicines and medical procedures

The question: "21 weeks of pregnancy, how many months is it" - worries many young and inexperienced mothers. While a woman is pregnant, it is necessary to memorize every moment of this wonderful state. It is necessary to keep a pregnancy calendar, because first one, then the second week will bring the woman closer to the end of the pregnancy.

One week is different, and will never happen again. Already 5 obstetric months have passed - this is a long time. When the 21st week of pregnancy comes - this is considered the first week of six months. This period for a woman is the calmest and best.

At this time, you need to have time to do all the planned things.... Day by day, the belly is getting bigger. This means that he will interfere with the woman more and more. The baby grows literally by leaps and bounds. Doctors note that it is at the 21st week of pregnancy that the rhythm of fetal development slows down slightly.

How the fetus develops, its size, and the sex of the baby

The baby at the 21st week of pregnancy is actively developing, its weight is sufficient. If you count from 20 weeks, then you can establish the growth of the fetus from the heels to the crown. For many women, at this time, the size of the child is 26.8 cm. The weight of the fetus weighs on average 360 \u200b\u200bg. Now it is actively developing. It grows quickly, moves a lot, the first layer of fat begins to form, so it needs a lot of resources for proper development.

During pregnancy, a woman begins to form taste preferences in her child. Already in a pregnant state, the baby must be tamed to wholesome and healthy food. If during pregnancy the expectant mother drinks alcohol and smokes a lot, this is reflected in the taste of the amniotic fluid.

A small body digests food with the help of hydrochloric acid and enzymes, they are produced in small proportions. Beginning to get stronger every week muscle and bone tissue of the baby, they are fixed and grow more and more. By this time, the baby's endocrine glands begin to function dynamically, and by the target date of 21 weeks, the spleen begins to form.

The baby is also very small in stature, but despite this, in his mother's womb he is very comfortable and at ease. There is a lot of room in the tummy for tricks like tumbling and rolling. The child really likes to lead an active lifestyle inside the tummy..

If during this period the gender of the crumb is not determined, then it is necessary to address it universally, but there must certainly be love and warmth in the voice. The baby feels it very well. At night, the baby's movements are activated with special force. It is during this period that mom can not wait to rest, but this does not always work. If the child is pushing hard, then he needs to be reassured, like a newborn ... Need to stroke your tummy and sing a lullaby.

What is the belly at 21 weeks of gestation

At this time, the tummy to everyone around it "shows" its special position. And you can also see what the baby is doing in the mother's tummy. The movements and movements of the child become visible to the outside eye. Sometimes it is possible to determine with certainty which bokeh the child is in.

As a rule, during this period, the blows begin to be felt very well.... Due to the tension of the muscles, the abdomen hurts, the uterus is growing very actively at this time. Thus, a place is won for its own inhabitant.


She starts to press harder and harder on the internal organs. Thus, the consequences of what is happening are displayed on the woman. Due to the protrusion of the uterus, the girl may feel short of breath, sometimes there is no way at all to make a deep exhalation and inhalation. But in no case should you worry.

It is during this period that one must begin to master breathing techniques, they will then provide invaluable assistance in the generic process. At 21 weeks of gestation, the uterus begins to rise above the navel, it is 1 cm higher. The degree of standing of the fundus of the uterus is at the level of 22 cm from the pubis.

Painful sensations

Painful sensationsthat start in this interval do not carry any threats. During this period, the woman feels a pronounced pain. If she's obsessive, is felt in the lower abdomen and gives to the lower back, then it cannot be left uncontrolled.

  1. As a rule, this is a harbinger of an increased tone of the uterus, and this is very bad.
  2. At this point, various pains arise, which very much annoy the pregnant woman. This pain can occur in the lower back, navel, or back. Many women report pain in the legs and sacrum.
  3. At this time, the uterus begins to press on the navel from the inside, and pressure on the pelvic region is also detected. The woman's weight increases at this time. This puts a lot of pressure on the spine. And also the knees and lower back are under pressure.

Future baby from mother pulls all the calcium, so contractions may occur in the calf muscles. During pregnancy, there can be many reasons for pain, but your situation can be alleviated ... To do this, you must follow the following guidelines:

  1. You can't walk in heels.
  2. You don't need to spend a lot of time on your feet.
  3. You must sit on a chair with a back.
  4. You don't need to cross your legs.
  5. It is necessary to walk and walk frequently.
  6. You can't sit still for a long time.
  7. Legs should be elevated if they hurt.
  8. It is strictly forbidden to sleep on your back and stomach.

During pregnancy, it is necessary to get out of bed correctly. To do this, first of all, you need to lower your legs. In a pregnant state, a woman must bend and squat correctly, for this she needs to slightly separate her legs, bent at the knees. Thus, there is an overload on the hips, shoulders and buttocks.

It is forbidden for a pregnant woman to carry weights. Still, there are times when a woman carries heavy bags from the store. In this case, the severity must be distributed on both hands equally. Sudden and unexpected movements should not be made. You cannot raise your hands above your head and hold them in this position for a long time. A doctor should be consulted on how to wear a bandage correctly. Posture should be straight and correct during pregnancy.

What sensations do the expectant mother have at 21 weeks of pregnancy

Very soon, the woman begins to strain the severity of pregnancy, which differ from those experienced in the first trimester.

During this time, many women begin to develop colostrum. Thus, the mammary glands are prepared for feeding the baby. At this time, it is necessary to observe the increased hygiene of the breast, milk from the breast should not be squeezed out.

21 weeks - how many months

21 weeks is 5 months... Almost the fifth month is coming to an end. There are 4 months left before the beginning of the labor process, but the woman needs to prepare for this event.

  1. You may need to enroll in specialized courses for pregnant women. By this stage, almost all women are gaining weight in the amount of 4 kg, and then in time the weight will begin to arrive even faster.
  2. At this time, the expectant mother looks very beautiful, she has shiny hair, smooth skin and strong nails.

In the presented period, the condition of a pregnant woman should not be overshadowed by anything. At 21 weeks pregnant, the baby is the size of a grapefruit, 18 cm long and weighs 300 g.

What kind of discharge does mom have at 21 weeks of pregnancy

At this time, discharge is noticed from the vagina.... Their good condition at this time:

  1. Colorless.
  2. Watery.
  3. Smelling nothing.

There should be no colored prints on the laundry. If a woman's discharge differs from those described above, that is, they have a pronounced color or smell, or a too thick consistency, then an urgent need to take a smear for analysis.

In many women, during pregnancy, thrush increases, if this happens, then she needs to be treated in a strict manner. If there are bloody marks on the panties, then this may be the result of severe constipation and hemorrhoids. If spotting has gone from the vagina, then you need to urgently call an ambulance.

Ultrasound for 21 weeks of pregnancy

If the course of pregnancy occurs well, then for the entire period - this is the second ultrasound. But if the doctor prescribes more procedures, then there is no need to be upset about this.

Now the equipment is modern, there is no harm to the woman's health. Moreover, undergoing an ultrasound scan will not harm the child. An ultrasound scan during this period can determine the sex of the baby. But this is possible if the child is in the correct position.

Usually, during this period, the genitals of the baby begin to be clearly visible... The doctor diagnoses the child for the appearance of pathologies. At this time, the parameters are assessed:

  1. Palpitations.
  2. The size of the fetus and uterus.
  3. Motor activity.
  4. The state of amniotic fluid.

And also the uzist will determine how the pregnancy is going in general. Now there is the possibility of performing ultrasound in 4D or 3D format. If a decision is made to conduct such an ultrasound, then the child can be clearly seen. And now there is also an opportunity to make a video of how the child behaves in the mother's tummy.

What tests need to be taken at 21 weeks of pregnancy

At this time, indicators are taken for screening. But the screening results cannot be assessed on their own. Only a specialized program can give such an assessment. It combines the data of all markers into one picture:

  1. Independent estriol.

This is an indispensable condition, because each marker cannot be deciphered separately. Screening takes into account the weight of the pregnant mother, her age, health status, number of fetuses, heredity and other factors.

The end result of the screening looks like an indicator of risk. The limit is 1: 350. If mommy has such an indicator or lower, then doctors will classify the fetus as a low-risk group.

High risk starts from 1: 250 and higher. This means that one out of 250 mothers with a similar result may have a sick child. Please note that this is only an assumed low or high risk of hereditary diseases in the fetus. In domestic ultrasound centers, screening is not always carried out correctly. Therefore, it can be considered low informative.

In conclusion, I would like to saythat 21 weeks of pregnancy is 5 obstetric months. At this time, you can find out the sex and size of the fetus, and during this period, the necessary screenings are carried out, which help to identify pathological diseases of the unborn baby.

Mom at 21 weeks pregnant

Since our entire book is connected with the Toddler's life before birth, the question about the intimate component of the parents' life suggests reflection: how free is it from any "participation" of the Toddler in it? The answer is simple: as free as parents in their thoughts and behavior consider it as such. In other words, if you think that an intimate relationship concerns only you and your partner, then it is. And this is the most competent position.

And yet, some of the nuances associated with your intimate life and its (albeit indirect) influence on the Kid should be taken into account.

So, it is useful for the Kid:

  • feel that mom and dad love each other and that they are together;
  • to hear gentle intonations in their voice, addressed to each other;
  • get positive emotions if sexual relations give mom pleasure;
  • "write" into the subconscious mind that sexual relations are natural for a man and a woman, are able to give pleasure and fill life with bright colors, allow you to feel needed and loved, and that such relationships are always equal;
  • train in passing the birth canal in the moments when mom is experiencing an orgasm. The fact is that the Kid develops a conditioned reflex: contractions of the uterus are pleasure. This means that when the real birth begins, the first emotion will also be positive;
  • indirect plus: semen softens the tissues of the cervix, making it more elastic. This is facilitated by the hormones prostaglandins, which play an important role in preparing the cervix for childbirth. This means that it will be much easier for the Kid to pass through the birth canal.
  • It is harmful for the kid:

  • infection with sexually transmitted infections. For the crumbs, both the infections themselves and the drugs with which they are treated are dangerous. A number of viruses are transmitted during childbirth - you must admit that sexually transmitted diseases and their treatment are not the most pleasant start in life. The situation will be saved by reliable information about the sexual health of both partners (based on the results of a blood test) and the lack of sexual relations on the side of the dad;
  • be stressed if mom (and often dad!) is afraid, does not want to have sex, is unwell, or abuses herself in order to meet the needs of her partner;
  • if in his (the Kid's) subconscious it is "written" that sexual relations are a duty that does not bring joy, a duty towards a partner, that one partner is forced to obey the other (willingly or unwillingly), that this is a physiological act that does not bring joy, or , worse, so hateful that it leads to powerful negative experiences. This will affect future sexual behavior of your adult child;
  • if sexual relations lead to an intense contraction of the muscles of the uterus, which can cause premature birth (this, as a rule, is associated with the condition of the mother, which the doctors will certainly inform her about).

In all cases, there is only one way out - not to have sex until both partners have a healthy desire, or until the mother's body is fully ready for this.

21 Weeks Pregnant: Reporting Pregnancy at Work Video

A gestation period of 21 weeks is for many the most favorable period for carrying a baby. Five obstetric months are left behind, accompanied by a variety of unpleasant symptoms, and the first week of the most calm and pleasant time of pregnancy begins. The child develops, becomes larger and more mobile, bringing the crucial moment of birth closer. At this time, it is advisable to complete all important matters, since further it will be more difficult for the body to cope with physical exertion. The main thing for a mother at 21 weeks is to relax and enjoy this state.

At 21 weeks of gestation, most women are doing well. The most prominent symptom is heartburn. Feelings of bitterness and irritability in the mouth arise due to the fact that the uterus increases significantly in size and presses on the stomach, changing its usual position. Thus, the acidic environment enters the esophagus and provokes unpleasant symptoms of heartburn.

The sensations can increase in the supine position, but they can be minimized by adhering to a certain diet. To do this, you need to eat food in small portions, but more often. After a preliminary consultation with a doctor, it is allowed to take the drug "Rennie" or its analogues. It is also recommended to drink Borjomi mineral water, which quickly eliminates the symptoms of heartburn.

For a woman, 21 weeks will be marked by a sharp increase in weight. The reason for this is an increase in the adipose tissue of the fetus. At this time, the mother's body is characterized by an accelerated metabolism, so food is easily absorbed in almost any quantity. It is recommended that you avoid eating junk food, control your diet, and try to suppress a strong desire for satiety.

A positive moment of 21 weeks of carrying a baby is a decrease in the level of irritability, as well as the stability of the emotional background. If restlessness does appear, it is recommended to drink herbal teas and take warm baths before bed. Remember that a hot bath is prohibited for a pregnant woman's body.

Unpleasant symptoms include the appearance of stretch marks, itching of the skin and constipation. To cope with the last ailment, it is advisable to include in the diet more vegetables, coarsely ground foods, dairy products, homemade juice, yogurt.

As the baby is actively growing and developing in the womb, he needs more and more space in the tummy. For this reason, the woman has shortness of breath. This is a completely normal phenomenon, which indicates a lack of space for the lungs and their constraint by the uterus. In this regard, sleep problems may appear. it becomes more and more difficult to choose a comfortable position.

Important! The growth of the uterus and increased blood circulation, which causes shortness of breath, are similar in symptoms to iron deficiency in the blood. This is extremely important, therefore it is recommended to check the hemoglobin level. Remember that severe anemia can cause fetal growth retardation and bleeding during childbirth.

It is also worth listening to the nature of the pain. Symptoms arising from the expansion of the uterus do not threaten health. But pulling or spasmodic pain in the lower abdomen is an alarming sign, signaling a possible tone of the uterus. In this case, you need to contact your gynecologist.

21 weeks pregnant: baby wiggling

At 21 weeks of gestation, the movements become more pronounced. The baby is actively growing, but he still does not have enough room for movement. In the previous weeks, the expectant mother had already felt delight from the first shocks in the womb, but by this time the baby's skeleton had already matured enough and the child periodically hit the walls of the uterus, signaling its activity. Often, a little crumb does not give rest precisely at those moments when mom needs to rest. In such cases, you can gently stroke the tummy, soothing the baby.

In addition, at 21 weeks, the fetus begins to respond to sounds, the mood of the mother, her touch. Therefore, doctors recommend talking with the baby as often as possible, contacting him affectionately - the baby feels everything. If the gender of the unborn child is still unknown, you can just call it a sweet word.

21 weeks pregnant. A photo:

21 weeks pregnant: breasts and discharge

At this time, some experts recommend starting to prepare the breast for feeding, but the opinions of doctors are divided. Some believe that this is a mandatory preparatory stage, which will avoid the appearance of cracks in the nipples, and also stimulate the flow of milk into the glands. Others are of the opinion that such manipulations increase the risk of miscarriage. If you intend to massage the mammary glands, then you should adhere to the following actions:

  1. Massage the chest clockwise with smooth light touches, using a soft terry towel or vegetable washcloth.
  2. Pay special attention to the nipples. They need to be massaged by pulling them out. To avoid injury, it is recommended to pre-treat with rosehip, aloe or sea buckthorn oil.
  3. After the massage, the breasts should be washed with slightly cool water.

Important! Remember that manipulating the nipples causes the uterus to contract. Therefore, in case of the slightest discomfort, immediately stop the breast massage. In this case, it is better not to risk the condition of the fetus and simply replace the practical training with reading various information about the correct capture of the breast by the infant.

At this stage of pregnancy, the female body may be bothered by thrush - an inflammatory process of the vagina and external genital organs, in which there is abundant discharge, as well as itching and burning. In this case, it is strictly forbidden to self-medicate, because traditional methods of dealing with candidiasis are completely contraindicated for a woman during gestation. If you find such symptoms, you should contact your doctor who will conduct the appropriate tests and prescribe safe treatment.

Important! It is necessary to eliminate all signs of candidiasis before delivery. Otherwise, the fungus can enter the baby's mouth.

21 weeks pregnant: what happens to the belly

The tummy of the expectant mother at a period of 21 weeks is already sufficiently rounded and noticeable to others. Moreover, during the movements of the baby, you can see how he moved to the side, put out his leg or butt. During this period, wearing tight clothes is prohibited, so try to choose a wardrobe specifically designed for an "interesting position".

Also, the stomach at 21 weeks of gestation can ache, which comes from the tension of the muscle tissue, which frees up as much space as possible for the little man in the womb. As mentioned above, such symptoms should not be feared. An alarming signal is spasmodic pain radiating to the back.

21 weeks pregnant: what happens to the baby?

At 21 weeks of gestation, the size of the fetus increases markedly. The child is already well developed and is constantly on the move. The baby's height is about 27 cm, and the weight is 310-370 g. These indicators are constantly growing, because the fetus develops a fatty layer, which requires the use of more and more resources. This period for the baby is characterized by the following changes:

  • the skin of the fetus becomes denser and becomes slightly rougher;
  • cilia and eyebrows appear;
  • at the 21st week of the term, doctors can already determine the Rh factor and blood group of the crumbs;
  • the spleen begins to work;
  • small fat deposits form under the skin, due to which the cover becomes less transparent;
  • on the tongue of the crumbs, taste buds are formed - papillae, thanks to which he can feel the taste of amniotic fluid;
  • the subcutaneous glands begin to produce a special lubricant, which consists of epidermal scales and sebaceous gland secretions. This layer helps to protect the thin and delicate skin of the fetus from damage, and also reliably protects the cover from harmful bacteria and forms immunity. Due to this protection, the amniotic fluid will not be able to penetrate the crumbs through the skin. In addition, this original lubricant allows the child to "slide" along the birth canal.

At this time, the child's passive immunity is formed, which is provided by the supply of immune cells from the mother's body. The exchange takes place through the placental sac. Also, at 21 weeks of gestation, the development of the brain and central nervous system continues, and the functions of the vestibular apparatus are formed.

The baby is already able to taste the amniotic fluid, while the nutrients are absorbed by the body, and the rest are turned into waste. They will come out after birth, along with the placenta of the fetus. As a rule, a child drinks almost 1.5 liters of liquid in 24 hours.

In addition, the 21st week of pregnancy differs in that almost the entire endocrine system of the baby's body begins to function: the pineal gland, pancreas, pituitary gland, adrenal glands, thyroid gland. It is the hormones secreted by them that contribute to the active growth and development of the fetus.

Also, a child at 21 weeks of gestation often changes its position. You may notice that he already has his favorite sleeping positions. In addition, he takes different poses at different times of the day.

21 weeks pregnant: risk of premature birth

Premature birth is a great danger to the life of the baby. This is an extremely dangerous phenomenon, since the fetus at 21 weeks of gestation is not yet ready for independent survival. You can minimize the risk by knowing the main signs and symptoms of a miscarriage. An expectant mother should be wary and seek advice from a gynecologist if such manifestations have been noticed:

  1. The onset of sharp or sharp pain in the lower abdomen.
  2. Increased uterine contractions.
  3. Continuous nausea and vomiting.
  4. The onset of strong pressure in the lower abdomen.
  5. Bloody vaginal discharge.
  6. The appearance of painful sensations during urination.
  7. Sudden watery vaginal discharge.

If you find at least one of the above symptoms, you should immediately seek emergency medical help.

Ultrasound at 21 weeks of gestation

Carrying out an ultrasound examination at this time is a planned procedure with which you can accurately visualize the structure of the internal and external organs of the fetus. According to the results of ultrasound, you can see the following changes in the development of the baby:

  • the limbs of the crumbs become longer, which is immediately noticeable on ultrasound. Therefore, due to the growth of the legs, the body becomes more proportional;
  • the eyes are still in a slightly open state, however, they begin to react to lighting;
  • tactile perception of the environment develops - the child begins to feel the umbilical cord and parts of his body;
  • you can notice grimaces in response to the entry of various types of food into the amniotic fluid;
  • on the study, a motor reaction is noticeable at loud sounds or tactile stimulation of the mother's body.

In addition, a study at the 21st week of the term allows you to assess changes in all internal structures of the fetus, and the results are entered into a special ultrasound protocol. Here is its decryption:

  1. The first criterion is the assessment of the state of the placenta. The norm for a given period of gestation is zero maturity. Also, experts examine the placenta for heart attacks or the appearance of calcification. Normally, these phenomena are absent. There are no strict restrictions regarding the location of the child's seat; it can adjoin any wall of the uterus. However, a pathology is considered if the placenta overlaps the internal pharynx of the uterus or is located 70 mm below it.
  2. The condition of the umbilical cord. A specialist examines the umbilical cord for the number of vessels. Normally, it should contain two arteries and one vein. Otherwise, the fetus may be deficient in oxygen. Umbilical cord entanglement at 21 weeks, as a rule, is not described, since the fetus is actively moving inside the mother's womb. However, it is important to do a Doppler test.
  3. The condition of the cervix. Normally, the indicator is 2.5 cm, while the external and internal pharynx should remain closed.
  4. Amniotic fluid. Ultrasound can determine oligohydramnios or polyhydramnios. If there is a deficiency in the protocol, "oligohydramnios" is written, which may indicate fetal malnutrition or the presence of intrauterine infection. If there is an excess amount, the doctor makes a note "polyhydramnios". This phenomenon indicates the pathology of the kidneys of the fetus, the presence of infection or the development of diabetes mellitus in a woman.
  5. Ultrasound also determines the sex of the child.

Ultrasound examination at 21 weeks of term is aimed at assessing the development of the spinal cord and brain. Possible deviations make it possible to identify pathological diseases. For example, the correct structure of the cerebellum makes it possible to exclude Bad-Chiari syndrome. Normally, the depth of the ventricles of the brain should not exceed 8-9 mm.

In addition, ultrasound examines the integrity of the spinal cord and the general structure of the fetal spine. In particular, these indicators are important for pregnant women who have been found to have an increase in β-fetoprotein during prenatal screening.

Nutrition at 21 weeks of gestation

Starting from the first week of the sixth month of pregnancy, the baby develops taste buds and he can taste the foods his mother has eaten. For this reason, it is necessary to monitor the diet of your diet, since in the future this will affect the taste preferences of the little man.

It is imperative to make a sober assessment of what you want to include in your diet. Undoubtedly, potentially "harmful" products can still be consumed, just do not gorge on sausage, flour products and sweets too much. In this case, you get two benefits at once: you will form a tendency to healthy food in your baby and keep your figure after pregnancy.

At the 21st week of the term, it is extremely important to include in the diet vitamin-containing foods - vegetables, fruits, natural juices. If the taste of fresh vegetables becomes boring, try to combine them with other foods that set off the taste. For example, you can cook steamed dishes, combine them with meat, boiled side dishes or fish. The main thing is to avoid plant products of foreign origin.

It is also worth understanding that starting from the 21st week and during all subsequent months, the fetus actively accumulates subcutaneous fat, which affects the mother's health with increased appetite. Therefore, you should not deny yourself healthy products. Also, do not be alarmed if your taste preferences change and you want something completely extraordinary - this is quite normal during pregnancy. It is only important to refrain from fatty foods. Better to replace with dairy products or fresh fruit juice.

21 weeks pregnant. Video

At the 21st obstetric week of pregnancy, there is an increase in the intensity and strength of the baby's movements, which cannot please the mother. She feels good and enjoys her condition.

The 21st obstetric week of pregnancy is the beginning of the 6th month.

Due to the throwing of the acidic contents of the stomach into the esophagus, the expectant mother develops heartburn.


The uterus at 21 weeks of gestation continues to grow and press on the intestines. From this, a woman may experience constipation. The pressure on different organs becomes palpable and causes discomfort. The bladder also suffers from the growth of the uterus, so the expectant mother feels a frequent urge to urinate. The grown uterus displaces the stomach: now it is located above and behind. In this organ, the pressure rises, and the angle between the intestines and the stomach changes.


The baby's eyes are gradually opening, he hears his mother well. The baby is still thin, but already now it is starting to gain body weight. Its body is covered with grease and original fluff. Often, the fetus is actively moving at 21 weeks of gestation, and the mother feels movements in the lower abdomen.

The position of the fetus can change - there is a lot of amniotic fluid, and the baby feels spacious. The baby sleeps about 20 hours a day and even dreams.

The baby continues to accumulate fats for the development of muscles and weight gain, so the expectant mother is so hungry during this period.

At the 21st week of pregnancy, the child's digestive system improves: part of the food is absorbed by the body, and the other part passes into the rectum. The work of the intestines is facilitated by enzymes and hydrochloric acid, which are produced in the body in small quantities.

Muscle and bone tissue continues to strengthen. The endocrine glands are fully functional, and the spleen has recently started working. White blood cells are produced, which are responsible for suppressing infections. The bone marrow is improving. The size of the fetus at 21 weeks of gestation is already 26 cm.

The taste buds on the tongue of the crumbs are almost developed, and very soon the baby will fully appreciate the taste of amniotic fluid. The placental layer gradually thickens, at 21 weeks it is 22.81 cm. The heartbeat of the baby is now listened to with the help of a small tube called a stethoscope.


The belly at 21 weeks of gestation is quite large: the baby is constantly growing inside and takes up more and more space. That is why wiggles and shocks become more pronounced. Outsiders can see the movements of the crumbs. The most observant ones will notice a protrusion of the arm, leg or butt. At this time, pain occurs due to the tension of the abdominal muscles.

Feelings at 21 weeks of gestation

If a woman is thin, then her tummy may still be small now. The pregnant woman continues to experience pain in the lower back, abdomen and sides. They are caused by severe pressure from the uterus on the body and do not pose a danger to mom and baby.

The expectant mother may have swelling of her legs: this is caused by a large accumulation of fluid in her body. Colostrum may be secreted from the breast.

At the 21st week of pregnancy, most expectant mothers feel movements in the lower abdomen, which give them great pleasure. However, if the mother still does not feel the movements of the baby, then this may happen a little later - in some women, movements begin to be felt even at 24 weeks. Does the specialist easily listen to the baby's heartbeat? This means that the expectant mother has no reason to worry.


Pain in the 21st week of pregnancy can be of a very different nature: it is a tingling sensation in the navel, pain in the lumbosacral zone, back and legs. Unpleasant sensations arise due to the constantly growing load on the spinal column. The child puts pressure on the pelvic region, which is especially felt after prolonged sitting or standing.

But pulling or cramping pain in the lower abdomen, radiating to the lumbar region, is not the norm. It can appear with the tone of the uterus.

Muscle cramps in the lower extremities can result from calcium deficiency.

The weight

The weight gain is about 6.5 kg. Weekly weight at 21 weeks of gestation increases by 0.3 kg. Appetite for this period is good, but you should not overeat. You need to eat a balanced diet, you don't need extra calories.

At the 21st week of pregnancy, all the organs of the crumbs are almost formed. But this does not mean that the expectant mother should neglect certain recommendations.


Nutrition at 21 weeks of gestation should be correct. The fetus grows rapidly, so the woman experiences constant hunger. In this regard, you can gain unwanted pounds, which are dangerous for her and for the baby.

To make childbirth easy, she should eat vegetables and fruits, boiled or baked beef and fish in small portions. If a woman really wants something sweet, then you can replace it with figs, dates or dried fruits in small quantities.


The expectant mother continues to take the vitamin and mineral complex recommended by the doctor. If necessary, the gynecologist will recommend taking medications.

When consuming fruits and berries in large quantities, you can do without taking synthetic vitamins.


If the uterus is toned, carrying twins or certain health problems, the expectant mother is better off giving up sex at 21 weeks of pregnancy and beyond.

Physical activity

Sports activities are still not contraindicated, they should be moderate, without heavy loads.

With proper physical activity, the baby receives oxygen, and the mother's body is strengthened. Doctors recommend swimming. In the normal course of pregnancy, it can be continued until the very birth.

Also, a woman is suitable for water aerobics, training on simulators or home gymnastic exercises that do not burden the back and abdomen at 21 weeks of gestation. But they should be dealt with only after consulting a specialist. Dangerous sports should be abandoned for a while.

Medicines and medical procedures

The expectant mother should be wary of drugs at the 21st week of pregnancy until the very birth. Only as directed by a doctor can she start using certain drugs.

Surely a woman has already studied her body, and with a common cold at the 21st obstetric week of pregnancy, she can limit herself to traditional methods of treatment. With ARVI, you should still consult a specialist and exclude serious consequences.

Today, every pharmacy has safe homeopathic remedies that improve immunity and help you recover faster. If the expectant mother has a fever, then it needs to be knocked down only after 38 degrees.

Possible problems

It is necessary to worry about the fact that the expectant mother does not feel the baby's movements if the specialist does not listen to the baby's heartbeat. In this case, the doctor will send the woman at 21 weeks pregnant for an ultrasound scan. The study will clarify the situation, exclude or confirm a frozen pregnancy.


A woman needs to pay attention to discharge at 21 weeks of pregnancy: normally they are transparent, white or yellowish. If you have large amounts of green, foul-smelling discharge, you should see a specialist. In case of bleeding, call an ambulance. With bloody discharge, the expectant mother should also not hesitate, but urgently see the gynecologist.

Ultrasound and analyzes

  • thigh length - 37 mm;
  • chest diameter - 50 mm;
  • abdominal circumference - 144 mm.

In addition to an ultrasound scan, a specialist will prescribe tests at 21 weeks of pregnancy. If a woman has recently donated blood, the doctor will limit herself to a general urine test.

Features of IVF pregnancy

At the 21st obstetric week of IVF pregnancy, the doctor will send the expectant mother for an ultrasound scan to see or rule out problems in the development of the baby.

If the gestation has no abnormalities, then the woman can go to a regular antenatal clinic. However, if the specialist sees a certain threat, then the observation should be extended to 28 weeks.

Multiple pregnancy

With multiple gestations at 21 weeks, more than half of the term is already behind, because such babies are born faster: childbirth occurs at about 37 weeks.

The rest of the pregnancy is unremarkable. The only thing that worries the expectant mother is the rapid growth of the abdomen and the pressure of the uterus on the internal organs.

Video of the twenty-first week of pregnancy

What does the baby look like (weight and size of the fetus)

In size, the baby resembles a large grapefruit. His height is eighteen centimeters, and his weight is three hundred grams - and maybe even more. All organs and systems in the body of the crumbs have long completed their formation. At week 21, they continue to hone their functioning:

  • the digestive system continues its training: the baby swallows the amniotic fluid, forcing the gastrointestinal tract to work;
  • "Inedibles" that have not been absorbed by the child's body accumulate in the intestines - they will come out in the first few days of the baby's life after birth under the guise of meconium;
  • the baby lives according to a clearly formed schedule;
  • the crumbs continue to build up adipose tissue;
  • in other words, it grows not so much upward as in breadth;
  • the body of a little person inside you is overgrown with fluff;
  • the child has already developed cellular immunity;
  • the rudiments of milk teeth have already emerged in the gums.

Determining the sex of the child

The doctor who will conduct you will be able to easily tell who exactly is growing in your tummy - daughter or son. At this time, the information about the sex of the child, sounding from the lips of the doctor, is no longer guesses and not assumptions, but the truth. If the doctor said "girl", you can not doubt it for a second.

By the way, you can find out the gender of your baby yourself, for this use the Chinese calendar -.



The period from 21 to 22 weeks is considered ideal for a second scheduled ultrasound scan. During the study, the doctor will pay attention to the following points:

  • maturity of the placenta;
  • location of the placenta;
  • the number of vessels that the umbilical cord contains.

Entanglement at week 21 is not indicative. Even if it does take place, there is nothing to worry about: the baby will change its position in mother's stomach a thousand times more.


At 21 weeks, you will probably already have your hands on the results of the second perinatal screening. You can read about what it is and how obligatory it is in the thematic material on our website -. You should have taken a blood test for certain hormones a few weeks ago. Now the doctor will be able to familiarize himself with the results, familiarizing you with them along the way, and make a confident conclusion that there are no risks of abnormal development of the baby at this stage of pregnancy. Screening between 16 and 20 weeks of pregnancy is carried out regardless of the medical institution where the fair sex is registered. This can be triple screening (a blood test for the presence of three markers: hCG, estriol and alpha-fetoprotein) or truncated double screening (a blood test for the presence of two markers: hCG and alpha-fetoprotein).


The manifestations of toxicosis are deep in the past. You should not have any nausea or vomiting, which does not allow you to breathe normally in the morning. Symptoms of toxicosis may bother a little more those expectant mothers who are carrying not one, but several babies. For the rest, manifestations of toxicosis at this time are considered a deviation from the norm. To finally get rid of annoying signs, you need to tell your obstetrician-gynecologist about the problem, giving him the opportunity to independently solve this issue - without your intervention.

The average rate of amniotic fluid for this period is 143 millimeters. However, the permissible gap is large enough. If the results of an ultrasound study show that your body has amniotic fluid from 88 to 233 millimeters, then everything is in order with your baby. In this case, the diagnosis of polyhydramnios (or oligohydramnios - if the amniotic fluid is less than normal) is not made.

If at this stage the ultrasound doctor finds out that there is not enough amniotic fluid in the body of the pregnant woman, he will write the diagnosis “oligohydramnios”. Low amounts of amniotic fluid may be due to infection. If there is a lot of amniotic fluid, the diagnosis will be as follows: polyhydramnios. An increased amount of amniotic fluid can also be the result of an infection. In addition, insufficient functioning of the fetal kidneys can lead to such a diagnosis.

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What happens to your body - sensations

Against the background of a fairly good state of health and pleasant sensations that the movements of your crumbs deliver, at 21 weeks a significant negative - edema - may also reveal itself. A large amount of fluid is retained in your body, which in the second half of the day manifests itself in a state of swelling. There is nothing surprising in such a situation, it is quite logical, because your internal organs are now seriously overloaded. Do not be afraid of edema, they are not scary for those who know how to deal with them.

Do not under any circumstances reduce the amount of clean water you drink per day. The opinion that with edema you need to drink less is erroneous. Limit food that is too salty and too spicy. They are the most common culprits for your puffiness at 21 weeks of gestation. You will have to say goodbye to heels until the end of pregnancy. If you still haven't purchased a few pairs of comfortable flat shoes, it's time to go shoe shopping. Now this is not a whim, it is a vital necessity. The maximum permissible heel for this period of pregnancy is two centimeters. When going to bed or reading a book on the couch, try to use available means to raise your legs above the level of your heart. To do this, you can use a rolled blanket or several pillows stacked on top of each other.

Pulling abdominal pain

If your lower abdomen pulls at 21 weeks of pregnancy, if these pains are similar to contractions, and in parallel with them you observe bleeding from the genital tract, sound the alarm. The risk of miscarriage is now much lower than in the first trimester, but it still exists. This is the only time that lower abdominal pain is worth fearing. However, more often than not, what pregnant women proudly call "pains" are spasms of the intestines transmitted by the growing uterus. The maximum that such pain threatens you with is constipation. Therefore, do not worry in vain. We must admit that girls in an interesting position tend to exaggerate everything that happens to them.

Back pain

Yes, at this time, the lower back can be painful. Swelling and back pain are problems that can be solved with a bandage. Perhaps one hundred percent of these annoying companions of pregnancy will not disappear, but partly from the swelling and pain in the lower part of the spine, you can really get rid of this way. In order not to miss the choice of a bandage, consult a doctor before buying. He will give clear recommendations regarding which type of the discussed product should be preferred in your case.


Normal discharge remains unchanged in its characteristics: completely transparent or slightly milky, liquidish, more abundant than before pregnancy and in the early stages, having a kefir smell - sour, but not repulsive. If the discharge has changed its character (become cheesy, foamy, with an admixture of pus or blood), if it has changed its color (it has become white, green, brown, yellow, scarlet), if it has changed its smell (to unbearably sour, the smell of rotten fish or any other that is difficult to be classified as pleasant), it is necessary to contact an obstetrician-gynecologist. He will be able to quickly find out the cause of such discharge and, no less quickly, will select ways to get rid of the problem that has manifested itself. Calm - and only calm. Let this rule of Carlson be the main thing for you from now on until the end of the gestation period.


Do's and Don'ts

The sensitivity of your erogenous zones continues to grow, which means that your sex drive may become even stronger, even more powerful than until now. Do not be afraid of your desires, feel free to bring them to life with the future dad of your child. And do not be afraid to harm the baby: remember that intimacy improves blood circulation in the pelvic organs, providing the baby with a fair amount of oxygen.

Avoid strenuous physical activity. Even if you are a professional athlete. Even if you can't live a day without a gym. Nobody recommends you give up sports. It's just that now is the time to choose something more suitable for your interesting position. This can be a maternity pool, yoga, Pilates, or other moderate-intensity physical activity. Sport in the life of the expectant mother is mandatory, you just need to take it in dosage. Want to know more about what is allowed at 21 weeks of pregnancy and what is taboo for expectant mothers.

Proper nutrition

The basics of proper nutrition at 21 weeks of gestation remain unchanged. However, the most important thing now is to saturate your diet with foods that contain sufficient amounts of calcium. But that's not all. You must read and strictly follow a number of recommendations that contribute to the correct and high-quality absorption of calcium by your body:

  • it is necessary to carry out pregnancy as actively as possible, because muscle activity promotes the absorption of calcium into the blood;
  • daily in your diet should be such foods as milk, cottage cheese, kefir, eggs or horse mackerel (any of these products can be replaced by another product from the list that you do not eat due to taste preferences);
  • in order for the calcium obtained from food and vitamin complexes to be absorbed as best as possible, you should eat food that is saturated with fluorine and magnesium - these substances also contribute to the high-quality absorption of calcium into the blood.

The expectant mother will have to completely abandon:

  • coffee;
  • unhealthy fats;
  • salty food.

The substances listed above do not allow calcium to be absorbed normally.


The body of the expectant mother needs vitamins at any of the stages of carrying a baby. But at 21 weeks of gestation, calcium remains the most important trace mineral. If the pregnancy is proceeding normally, if the mother is absolutely healthy and does not suffer from any problems, the doctor will most likely refuse to use poly- or monovitamin complexes, and will recommend that the pregnant woman adjust her own diet. However, calcium is often prescribed in tablet form. Taking vitamins is an important point, because due to the lack of calcium in the mother's body, first of all, she herself will suffer. He will get the calcium he needs for the crumbs, and you will have nothing to make up for its lack in your own body without the necessary food and vitamin complexes.