Shape of lipstick. The shape of the lipstick resembles a cone. Smooth rounded shape

anna base

Most women throughout their lives change their image, the manner of applying makeup and hair color. But the color of lipstick, at the same time, they rarely change. On a woman's dressing table there may be many tubes of different colors that she uses from time to time. But there is one lipstick that is always in the purse and is a favorite. And this color does not depend on fashion, season or style of clothing. She is simply the one and only. Only the tone can change. Therefore, by the color and tone of lipstick, you can always find out the character of a woman.

The language of color in psychology

Since ancient times, it has been known that there are seven colors that determine the effect of celestial bodies (planets) on the psyche and the position of a person in society. Each nationality has its own symbolism, in which certain colors are used that determine their attitude to life. For Muslims, white is the color of mourning, and in Christianity it is a symbol of purity and innocence. In many ways, color preferences are formed depending on culture, upbringing, nationality, climatic conditions in which a person lives.

By what colors a person uses in his wardrobe, you can determine whether he has a positive attitude towards life or not. By the brightness of the makeup, you can judge where the woman was going to go. And by the color of your favorite lipstick, it is easy to determine the character traits of a lady.

How to determine the character of a woman by the color of lipstick

Gather together all the tubes of lipstick that you have in your beauty arsenal. Now open them and arrange from dark to light. You will immediately notice that most lipsticks are shades of the same color. The rest are experimental.

Flashy, bright colors

The bright colors that women choose characterize them as cheerful, sociable, quick to make decisions and prone to flirting natures.

These colors include the following:

- Defiantly red;

- Hot pink;

- Crimson.

These are enchanting and energetic ladies. The positive attitude of these women allows them to go through life with their heads held high and not be distracted by troubles. They are always in the center of attention of men and have a lot of fans.

Not without reason, many actresses use always and everywhere.

Delicate shades of pink.

It is generally accepted that soft pink tones are preferred by frivolous and windy natures. But it's not. These are smart, serious and self-confident women who do not consider it necessary to be distracted by trifles, and are closed in feelings and experiences. Their inner world is always closed from others, so it seems that they are always doing well. Women who give their heart to lipsticks of delicate tones of pink are always positive, they are wonderful mothers, housewives and worthy wives.

Cold pinkish tones.

Light pinkish tones, which are close to white, indicate that the lady has free judgments and views. These ladies rarely adhere to public opinion, do not recognize the laws of fashion and always look the way they themselves think is right. They have a great taste that never fails them. The main difficulty for such ladies is not to play with a sense of their own greatness. Sooner or later, there may come a moment when they face a choice - to remain themselves or follow the lead of the man who provides them. If they choose the second option, they immediately lose their independence and become a firebird in a golden cage.

Cream tones.

Cream shades are characteristic of calm and balanced natures. They feel great in the life they live. These are not catchy natures who need to constantly “stick out” their significance and prove their sexuality. These women are well aware of their beauty and femininity. At work, such women are valued and respected, they always have reliable friends and strong families. These are careerists, but not workaholic fans. For them, personal life is more important, in which they always try to succeed. These are good housewives, caring mothers and reliable girlfriends of life for any man.

Saturated tones.

These include the following:

— Chocolate;

- Burgundy;

- Lilac.

Mysterious, sensual and extraordinary nature. Each step is calculated with the utmost care. They cannot be taken by surprise by an unexpected visit. They always look great, even in a dressing gown.

But all of the above pales before what is actually going on in the soul of these women. Usually a tender girl is hiding there, who really wants male warmth and protection. The only unfortunate thing is that she is afraid to admit it.

Unnatural, catchy shades.

These are the following colors:

- Purple;

- Carrot;

- Dark violet.

The colors themselves are unusual. The same can be said about the character of a woman who paints her lips in such colors. Creative, bright and extraordinary nature. It is impossible to prove to these ladies that lilac lips are not beautiful. They always have their own point of view on everything and do not allow the thought that they can be wrong in their beliefs.

Such colors are typical for young girls who, in search of a new image, try themselves in all forms. Thus, they prove to others their "I", trying to be original and catchy. Over time, this infatuation wears off, but as an experiment it can be very useful to select permanent preferences.

Lip gloss.

Ladies who use lip gloss or colorless lipstick are characterized as impressionable and enthusiastic natures. Chaos always reigns in their soul from the feelings that overwhelm it. These are women who make decisions with their hearts, not their minds. Usually these are self-sufficient ladies who know their own worth and do not doubt their attractiveness. They themselves suffer from excessive sensitivity, but in vain! The men who are next to them, this is what they consider the main advantage of these women.

Eyeliner (pencil).

Some women, before making up their lips, clearly outline them with eyeliner or a pencil. Often you can see that the color of the pencil is very different from the color of the lipstick. These women can only be advised one thing - to include feelings at least occasionally. They are too passionate about career growth and are guided only by logic in their actions. These are born leaders who are used to taking orders and giving advice.

Black lipstick.

You don't even need to explain anything here! A woman tries to be extremely defiant and extravagant. For a European, black is the color of mourning and sadness. Therefore, women with black lips "strain" the imagination a little and scare passers-by. With all their appearance, they demonstrate their inaccessibility and detachment from the real world. Most likely, these are young girls who have decided to follow some kind of cult or teaching. This is a temporary phenomenon and you should not be afraid of this. The second option is an image for photo shoots and concerts.

I am glad that there are very few women who prefer black lipstick. At least it's unnatural.

The same can be said about ladies who paint their lips in green, blue or unnatural carrot color. What they are trying to prove to others is known only to themselves. One thing is clear, they are trying to stand out from the "crowd" in the most accessible way.

It happens that a woman likes it. Usually they are young people. If the color of lipstick is changed by an older lady, this characterizes her as a person who is trying to show her acting skills in this way. These are eccentric, fickle natures who cannot decide what they need in any way. They are impressionable and can dramatize any situation, bringing it to an extreme.

It turns out that in order to determine the character of a woman by the color of her lipstick, it is enough to watch her for a while and find out what colors she prefers. Sometimes her make-up can say much more about the character traits of a woman than words.

January 18, 2014, 09:17 It would seem that lipstick is such a trifle, but you can tell a lot about its owner from it. What exactly lipstick can give your character? Everything is very simple, you can tell a lot about a woman, judging by the color of her lipstick and the shape that is acquired immediately after repeated use.

Article outline:

The shape of lipstick, what it can be and what it directly means

  1. The shape of the lipstick is as follows: the top is evenly rounded and honed, which means: The owner of this lipstick can stand up for herself, does not like carelessness. Can lose his temper over any trifle. And also she is friendly, principled, sociable, attractive, generous, balanced. With such a woman, you can safely walk in the evenings, listen to sentimental songs with her, give her lovely trinkets, and everything will be in order.
  2. The top of the lipstick is cut horizontally, in this case: Before you is an optimistic woman. She is purposeful, smart, restrained, straightforward, cheerful, sensitive to everyday trifles, spontaneous. In the event that you correspond to her ideas about what a person should be, she will be a wonderful friend to you. He loves children, and not only his own. It is typical for such a woman to speak the truth in her eyes, so you should not be offended by her. She needs to be able to interest her, but as for the conversation on some banal topic, she is unlikely to support it.
  3. In the event that the lipstick has a non-blunt top, then: This woman is solid, practical, knowing what she wants and what she will not get, does not exchange for trifles.
  4. If the lipstick is shaped like a pointed pencil, then: In this case, you have an arrogant woman in front of you who is not used to reckoning with the opinions of others. It is not easy for her to get along with people, but she considers herself an ideal wife. This is a rather attractive woman, she is stubborn even over trifles, a man of action, needs society, to some extent prone to exaggeration, knows how to easily command people.
  5. If the column of lipstick is erased obliquely, then: The owner of a lipstick of this form is a big dreamer, focused directly primarily on the family. Very sweet, actively involved in life, can exaggerate a little, likes to argue about little things. Not always practical, but enterprising. It is common for her to have many plans for the future, but most often they remain only plans. He has close friends, whom he can forgive a lot, but still prefers a male society to a female one.
  6. If the column of lipstick is erased horizontally, but at the same time, the top has a notch, then: Before you is a friendly and curious woman. She quite simply converges with people and wins them over, she is interested in many things. Women with this character can be excellent entrepreneurs, as they have excellent acumen at the proper level. Romance is her hallmark.
  7. If the lipstick has the shape of a blunt cone (dome-shaped), then: A woman of this type confidently goes through life. All the difficulties that directly appear on her way, she overcomes herself and it turns out that it is quite simple for her. She has a cheerful character, she is purposeful, cheerful and it is unusual for her to complain about fate. Non-conflict and balance allows her to be a good friend, the soul of any company, and she will also be an ideal wife. This is a generous and attractive woman, with good taste and creative inclinations.
  8. If the lipstick has the shape of an acute angle with a concave line, then: This woman is creative. She is characterized by enthusiasm, emotionality and talkativeness. She is joyful in life and always waiting for a miracle. She is very attentive to others, devoted and pretty. It is also worth noting that she is self-confident and confidently goes to her goal.
  9. If the column of lipstick forms an acute angle, but at the same time is cut off from above, then: This woman is confident. Prefers to be in the center of attention, respects order, well-read, very picky in choosing friends and life partner, likes to argue.
  10. If a woman prefers to use lipstick with a brush, then: She is very feminine, tends to keep up with fashion. For her, a certain kind of artistry is characteristic. In any case, a woman with such a character will not tolerate the presence of a rival nearby.
  11. If the shape of the lipstick practically has its original appearance, then: This, in turn, suggests that, most likely, a woman with such a character tends to adhere to the rules, likes to join various groups. She is somewhat shy, so she does not particularly like to be in the center of attention. She is secretive to some extent. In order to attract attention, it can change. Likes order. As for the shades of lipstick, she prefers more restrained ones.

  12. Having dealt with the shape of lipstick, it should be noted that its color plays an equally important role. Let's take a closer look at each color.

    Pink color and its shades

    This color is not suitable for everyone, and the use of lipstick of this color indicates that you want to look timid, defenseless and naive in the eyes of men. It is this color of lipstick that makes the opposite sex desire to protect and protect. But at the same time, he says that this woman is a true conqueror who will subjugate any man with joy and ease. It should also be noted that the pink color, to some extent, saturates the aura of its mistress with positive energy and sets a person up for sociability and goodwill. Therefore, women who quite actively use lipstick with shades of pink attract attention, they want to communicate with them, because at the energy level they directly radiate good nature and optimism.
  • Pink-beige lipstick is preferred by optimists, active people who prefer a healthy lifestyle and love sports. They are overly straightforward.
  • The shocking pink color of the lipstick suggests that a woman screams her femininity. It is typical for such a woman to subjugate men completely and without a trace. This lipstick looks great on women with dark hair and delicate skin, green or blue eyes.
  • Coral pink lipstick is preferred by women who go straight to the goal. They are direct, sincere, but at the same time they can be cruel. They strive to make the best impression on others.
  • Dark pink lipstick, with a hint of ripe plum, like other shades of pink, speaks of a woman's femininity. He, in turn, gently and simply, without any challenge, reminds others that you are a woman. This color is neutral and conservative.
  • Beige lipstick is chosen by women who are somewhat insecure. They are constantly overcome by doubt, they are constantly looking for flaws in themselves, even those that do not exist.
  • Lilac lipstick with a mother-of-pearl shade is preferred by women who are reserved by nature, do not like fuss and crowds, and prefer loneliness. These women feel much more confident and better in the family circle and among close friends.
  • Bright red lipstick is one of the most provocative colors. In the event that you use such lipstick, you thereby bring to life more strict, close to masculine traits of your character. You can become somewhat aggressive towards others, so if you cannot cope with this color, it is better to change it. In the event that you have enough character in order to curb yourself, then at parties this color is simply irreplaceable. It is worth noting that not every woman can use this color. Because he is very demanding. In this case, you must have a strong character, because otherwise you will not lead him, but he will lead you.
  • orange red lipstick

    This, in turn, is the color of fire, power and strength. It can be said about this woman that she either calls to draw attention to herself, or simply laughs at you. Try to guess. With such a woman, in any case, it will not be boring. A person who suffers from a complete lack of a sense of humor will not choose such a color. It is necessary to be extremely careful with it, as in principle with real fire. Best of all, this color will suit a woman who is autumn in color, green eyes will add even more irresistibility.

    The orange color of lipstick tends to tune the aura and the whole space around it to attract male attention. This color, which characterizes bliss and warmth, will make you sexually attractive and incredibly feminine on a bioenergetic level.

    red wine lipstick

    This color is quite sophisticated and somewhat exotic. He also says that his mistress is aggressive, but at the same time she is more inclined to compromise. She is attracted to secrets, she is unusual and mysterious. This color is not recommended for pale women. It will look better on women with a bright complexion and expressive eyes.

    This color will be indispensable if you want to be the center of attention, this is the best way to attract attention. Suitable for women with dark skin.

    Women who prefer bright (hot pink, coral, raspberry, etc.) shades of lipstick are generally cheerful and passionate women in their nature. They are easy-going, optimistic and flirtatious. Their immediate goal is to get everything from life and to the maximum.

    The red-brown color of the lipstick indicates that passion is hidden in it, but this passion, in turn, is controlled. In this case, provocative red is softened with neutral brown. A woman who prefers this color is unlikely to plunge into a pool of love. This color is best suited for women with warm skin tones as there is brown in this lipstick. In some cases, it looks pretty good on blondes. But in this case, it is best to take a good look at this color in daylight, as you can get the effect of smeared lips.

    golden brown

    This color is preferred by many women. It is the color of calmness and moderation. The brown color itself is neutral, the golden hue gives it a certain zest. If you are a woman - winter, then in this case you should abandon this shade, since it has a lot of gold, and this is not your metal.

    As for the dark shades of lipstick itself, they, in turn, indicate that their mistress is not quite a simple character. She tries to stand out from the crowd, to attract attention. They also say about such women: "There are devils in the dark pool."

    As for the women who use lip pencil directly, circling them directly with an even and clear contour, they know what they want. These are organized, prudent, purposeful, collected and at the same time cold-blooded women. They will be great businesswomen. But it is also worth noting that they are quite stubborn, sometimes they just need to be guided by their hearts.

    Colorless lipstick or gloss, as well as bed shades, indicate that a woman does not need to advertise her sexuality. Such women are generally very romantic, sentimental, tender and sensitive. In everything, obey the dictates of your heart. This is not bad, but they should also be more open and listen to the arguments of reason. Basically, women with perfect skin and a great sense of style can afford such a lipstick.

    About women who have lipsticks of all shades in their purse, for any occasion of life, it can be said that either they are not constant and windy, or they are born actresses who can change their image in accordance with the situation. Although it may be that they belong to both at the same time.

    If a woman does not paint her lips at all, then you will never be bored with her, since the female soul is always mysterious and incomprehensible.

    It should be noted a very important fact that if you deliberately choose the wrong color of lipstick that does not meet your goals, then you will obviously program yourself for failure and drive success away from all your affairs and undertakings. Also, the wrong color or shade of lipstick will not make you more beautiful, most likely it will simply not suit you, as it will be discordant with the aura.

    The color of your lipstick should directly harmonize with the color of the aura. Basically, this is the shade that both you and those around you consider the most suitable, therefore, it matches your aura and has a positive effect on the energy space around. In some cases, painting the lips with the same color becomes habitual for us, and therefore it can be noticed that your lip color has become directly contrary to your aura and the whole appearance as a whole.

    Do not forget that nature has rewarded a woman with a whole arsenal of means to achieve certain goals, the most important thing is to learn how to use them correctly.

Mysterious lipstick will tell about the character of its mistress Manufacturers are trying in every possible way to make lipstick not only elegant and beautiful, but also such that its owner does not feel the lipstick on her lips. Lipsticks come in different shapes, colors and have a variety of packaging. But be that as it may, the novelty still takes on the form that its owner creates.

Interestingly, psychological studies have shown that the form of lipstick that a girl creates in the process of use changes one way or another. And each girl cannot have the same lipstick shape, because each paints her lips in different ways.

Every woman has her own way of applying lipstick. Therefore, by the tip or cut of lipstick, you can determine what character a girl has. Interestingly, not only lipstick leaves an imprint on the lips, but its owners also imprint their marks on it.

How to recognize the character by the shape of lipstick?

According to a study, a woman on average uses about 900 tubes of lipstick in her life! Girls have a great passion for lipstick for a reason. After all, this is a way of self-expression, besides, lipstick is also considered useful, because it moisturizes and nourishes the delicate skin of the lips. But how do you define character?

Smooth rounded shape

If the lipstick has a rounded even shape, then we can say about her mistress that she is very hardworking and non-conflict nature. You can always rely on her and entrust the most secret secrets. This person has a rather calm and simple character.

Even in the most difficult situations, such a person will always find a way out without conflict, she will smooth out all the corners, like on lipstick. In her personal life and at work, she is very purposeful. This person does not tolerate carelessness, accuracy is her second self.

In family life, this woman is a wonderful mother and wife, as well as a wonderful hostess. She always has everything in its place. This man will never let himself be offended. This girl is friendly and attractive. But it is worth noting that she will never let the man she does not love close to her, a man should try hard to prove his feelings to his beloved.

Unchanging shape or obliquely erased

If the shape of the lipstick remains unchanged or is erased obliquely, then its owner is a real dreamer. She has a rich imagination, often exaggerates and embellishes. It is better not to enter into an argument with such a woman, she will prove her point of view in every possible way.

Such a girl always knows how to listen to her interlocutor, she can safely be trusted with secrets. But she herself is in no hurry to open her soul and very rarely shares her secrets with others. She will help in a difficult situation. Through her excessive friendliness, she often forgives her friends and treats their actions quite loyally.

Such a person is very attentive to trifles and loves to watch other people, analyzing their actions. She chooses her friends very scrupulously, about this she is very picky. Such a girl is restrained in her feelings and emotions, but one has only to hurt her to the quick, and she will show everyone the other side of herself.

The shape of the lipstick resembles a sharpened pencil

This form of lipstick is rare. And her mistress is also an unusual and unpredictable nature. He likes to command and often shows his "thorns". She is very picky when choosing friends and a soulmate. In the circle of friends and acquaintances, she is always an authority.

To trifles often shows stubbornness. Likes cleanliness and order. With such a person, everything is always in its place and it simply cannot be otherwise. Such a woman is very amorous, but knowing the smallest difficulties, she quickly despairs. The mood of such a person can change a hundred times a day. Very friendly and extraordinary personality.

Indeterminate lipstick shape

The mistress of such lipstick is a vulnerable and secretive nature. He does not prefer to share his thoughts with others, because he has a feeling of not trusting people. She is insecure. Often tries to hide his displeasure with playing in public.

Takes everything too personally. Unbalanced and selfish personality. The shape of the lipstick speaks for itself. Like lipstick does not have a clear form, so its owner does not know what she wants from life. She has no particular tastes or hobbies.

The shape of the lipstick resembles a cone

Such a person lives by the rules and loves life very much. She understands people well and solves her own problems. He never asks for help and does not complain about his fate. Calm and self-confident, she boldly goes forward in spite of everything.

A fairly balanced personality, it is difficult to piss her off. He knows how to listen and give good and valuable advice. She does not seek to be the center of attention, sometimes she is shy. The only thing that is her lack is envy. Very often, this character trait is to her advantage, because there is a desire for the best. For her, this is a kind of incentive to achieve goals. This is a person who, if he thinks of something, stubbornly achieves his goal.

Lipstick cut flat

If the lipstick has an absolutely flat shape, then her mistress is a real optimist. Friendly and upbeat. She never pays attention to minor troubles, always looks at things differently. Knows how to support and cheer. She literally infects everyone with her optimism.

Such a girl is a true friend, you can always rely on her. She does not tolerate lies and justice is very important to her. Never gossip or discuss others. At work, she is an interesting person and easily achieves her goals.

Slightly pointed lipstick shape

This form of lipstick indicates that her mistress is a practical, disciplined and self-confident person. She always has everything at hand, and in everyday life and in her personal life everything is laid out on the shelves. Does not tolerate disorder. Such a girl easily finds a common language with people around her. She is punctual and organized.

Easily organizes any meeting or party. He solves all problems with ease and manages not only to work, but also to relax too. Being a conservative, such a woman does not like surprises and any surprises. Be wary of change.

lipstick and brush

There are women who cannot imagine lipstick without a brush. In this case, if a girl applies lipstick with a brush, then only one thing can be said here, that she always wants to be the first everywhere. Such a person likes to be in the spotlight, she is feminine and always keeps up with fashion. It can be assumed that this girl is an artist by nature.

Lack of lipstick

But what if women do not use lipstick at all? How to characterize in this case? Everything is very simple. If a girl does not prefer to paint her lips, this indicates that she either appreciates natural beauty, or is confident in her natural beauty. Such a girl can be a classic feminist. She does not seek to stand out and does not require the attention of men. Work is what comes first for her, and she completely immerses herself in it with her head.

That's what lipstick is. Did anyone guess that leaving an imprint on the lips, it also remains on the lipstick. And from how a girl uses lipstick, you can tell what kind of person she is. After all, everyone has their own way of applying lipstick. And using lipstick daily, no one pays attention to how it changes. And lipstick can change in different ways and the shape of each of her mistresses is also different. Lipstick, like a woman, can change.

Margarita Vlasova

Spy in a handbag
Your lipstick will tell about your character

Now we'll talk about the very spy who lurked in our purse. Here is an illustration with lipstick cuts. That is exactly what they will be able to tell a lot about you.

As you have noticed, there are a lot of lipstick cuts, and perhaps one of them will tell the secret of your character. Let's look at each of them.

Lipstick slice #1

If your lipstick keeps a slightly pointed shape for a long time, it means that you are practical, confident, but slightly conservative. You always know what you lack and what you really want. It's not in your rules to trade on trifles.

Lipstick cut #2

Pay attention to the roundness of the lipstick. If your lipstick is rounded evenly, then the following can be said about you. You are cold-blooded and purposeful, and, importantly, you know how to stand up for yourself. You are used to planning everything in advance. Thanks to accuracy and diligence, you can be called successful. You do not have a very developed sense of humor, you simply do not have enough of it.

Lipstick slice #3

If your lipstick has an indefinite shape, then you are an unbalanced person, and for any trifle you have a feeling of anxiety, but at the same time you hide it well under the energy and mask of self-confidence. You can add that you are incredulous. But evening walks and beautiful things bring a lot of positive moments. And there is also a possibility that you like sentimental films and romances.

Lipstick cut #4

It looks like a cut of a pencil. The owner of such lipstick is selfish. She is distinguished by arrogance, in her character there is a disdainful attitude towards the opinions of others.

Lipstick cut #5

Lipstick with a completely flat cut top will tell us that her mistress is an optimist, she is not familiar with either despondency or blues. In relations with people is straightforward. And although such a life position can sometimes offend a person, it quickly finds a common language with people. Everyday little things do not fall into the field of view of such a woman.

Lipstick cut #6

Such a cut of lipstick resembles a sharpened pencil, but without a stylus. This is a very rare type of lipstick cut, its owner is also endowed with an original and unusual character. She is a mood person, a complete contradiction. I just laughed, and tears are already flowing. This is a cheerful person, in companies it is often the object of attention. However, in terms of friendship, we can say that she is an unreliable friend.

Lipstick cut #7

Lipstick cut on one side only. Such a young lady has a rich imagination, a business mindset is enough. She always has something to say, and there is no need to go into her pocket for a word. Not always practical, but enterprising. Not capricious, but loyal to the whims of others. He has the ability to easily and gracefully express his feelings. In a female environment, she gets bored.

Lipstick cut #8

The cut of the lipstick resembles a cut cone. Such a woman has a calm character, she is cheerful and satisfied with her life. Has the ability to understand people well. What is really the problem of such a woman is the envy of someone else's luck.

If you apply lipstick with a brush

Some fashionistas, having read tips from fashion magazines, prefer to apply lipstick with a brush. Of course, little can be said about the character of such a woman. However, this way of applying lipstick will tell us about femininity, about the desire to always be aware of fashion trends. Such a fashionista will not tolerate competitors.

If lipstick retains its shape

There are cases when, after buying a lipstick and using it sufficiently, the cut does not change, only the content of the lipstick decreases. In this case, we can safely say that we have a practical and respectable person, with the ability to add up his price.

If you rarely use lipstick

Sometimes you can even meet such charmers who do not use lipstick at all, or can make up their lips only early in the morning, leaving the house, while they do not care that it needs to be corrected (after dinner). In the head of such a young lady, thoughts about anything. Passion for work, family problems, the next series, novelties of literature, creative projects - this is just a small list of what this girl can be.

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1. Tapered tip

You are either adored or hated: you do not leave anyone indifferent! You are characterized by sharp mood swings, radical judgments, your picture of the world is extremely clear: this is good, and this is bad, and your attitudes are not subject to any changes. At the same time, you will be the first to rush to help the victim, collect money for those in need and sign up as a volunteer in the children's hospital. Because your mission is to make this world better, cleaner and brighter. You are the leader, you are the one who will close the embrasure with your body, you will raise the troops from the trenches with a cry of "follow me!", and everyone will obey. Because Joan of Arc try not to listen.

2. Flat horizontal tip

How in this case to describe the character of lipstick? You are the most witty person in the company, an incorrigible optimist and a merry fellow, a generator of ideas and exactly the person who will find a way out of the most hopeless situation. Without you, a party is not a party, and a meeting is not a meeting. You are like a ray of light for people: at one glance at you, they smile. Therefore, you get the most difficult projects, the most obstinate clients and the most hopeless reports. And you manage, because you know for sure: the impossible is possible. You just have to smile and get down to business.


3. Rounded tip

You are a born keeper of the hearth. In your house there is always comfort, order, delicious food and children's laughter (well, or it will sound soon). You are a very creative and versatile person, you read a lot, you are fond of needlework, you often go to exhibitions and concerts, but the most important thing for you will always be your family. You are her center, a binding force and care, people run to you for support and advice, and you always find the right words. You are the embodiment of wisdom and tranquility, love and devotion, a real Mom. This is how the rounded tip defines the character of a woman by lipstick.

4. "Untouched" tip

The tip of your lipstick seems to be the same as when you bought it? Let us guess your character by the shape of your lipstick: you are a man of rules. The most honest. You are a perfectionist: the plates should be in height, the book should lie parallel to the edge of the table, and the towels in the closet should be in a strictly defined order. And toilet paper, by the way, in your house always hangs with the free end outward, and where it hangs incorrectly, you outweigh it. Because silence should be in the library. At work, you have not missed a single deadline, your bosses are praying for you, and your relatives admire the organization that you bring to their lives. And remember how to properly place the plates. Because otherwise ... it's better not to imagine.

5. Flat beveled tip

As a child, you climbed trees, looked for pirate treasures in the yard and never thought about whether to climb into this puddle, or whether it is too deep. You are an adventurer and a great experimenter, it was from such people that great discoverers and Nobel laureates were made. “Gascony does not know the word “coward” - this is about you. You boldly take on any undertakings, boldly try everything new, explore the possibilities with curiosity and never, never lose interest in this crazy, crazy world.

6. Pointed tip

You are smart and sexy, and you know it very well. You act like a magnet on men, but you never abuse it. Your life is built according to a clear plan, in which career and financial well-being are not at all the last places. But with close people you are sincere, open and not averse to having fun, because being a cold fatal beauty is so tiring! Getting into the circle of close associates is not easy: you don’t really trust people. But behind the ice armor is a hot and ardent heart, which only the Most Worthy can win. You will not be deceived.

7. Asymmetrical tip

I want to protect and protect you, because disasters constantly happen around you. The car stalls, the phone refuses to charge, the coffee machine starts pouring kefir for everyone, and the work mail sends messages to Mars, because no one will ever see them again. You can get lost on the street next to the house, because you always turned right after the red kiosk, and it was demolished. At the same time, you are incredibly creative, full of ideas and grandiose plans. You just live in such a wonderful world of your fantasies and ideas that the earthly is a little alien to you. It's kind of gray here. And no unicorns.

8. Sharp beveled tip

You are charismatic like no other. You find yourself in the center of attention, even if you tried your best to wrap yourself in your grandmother's shawl, sit in a corner and be silent. You, like perfumer Suskind, exude something that makes people look at you with obsequious adoration. They are always ready to help you: to sit with the child, change the wheel, take and bring, find a rare thing or organize a party. If you have not yet headed a small company, then it is simply not in your interests yet. Because once you set a goal for yourself, you achieve it in the shortest possible time.