Interesting patterns of tissue dolls. How to sew a doll with your own hands: patterns, master class. How to sew a beautiful doll from the fabric: instructions for beginners. Step-by-step instructions with patterns and a description of the manufacture of tissue dolls

Sometimes I want to create something extraordinary, soulful, beautiful, for example, to sew an adorable doll. But stops one little thing ... It is necessary to work textile in full size.

And this article will just help the needlewomen solve this problem. Hence, in the wizard's piggy bank, it turns into a natural magnitude of the manufacturer's technique, which impresses him most. And then let the fantasy help create what will surprise and conquer everyone around.

Such different handwritten dolls!

The child learns the world through the game. And that is why textile dolls appeared on Earth. They served toys for children from poor families and were created in the most primitive technique.

But gradually manufacturing as a separate type of creativity took its niche in needlework. It can even be called one of the directions in art. Today there are dolls not only for games, but also to decorate the interior. Often use them and as an option for the warm-up kettle.

Hands and legs are sewn to the body in the right places. Some in the knees impose a sovik. Then Tilde will be able to bend his legs. Only it is not necessary to stuff a lot in this case.

The face of the tilde is not very developed. Usually the master is limited to small eyes, sewing butt or beads or embroidering a small "point". But the hair should pay more attention - this is an important part of the appearance of this Tilda.

Waldorf Doll

Most often, Tilda is the interior decoration. But the Valofor doll is quite suitable as a children's toy. And all because the face of these cute bups worked with greater accuracy than this was done by Tilda.

A distinctive feature of these dolls is their protruding nose. It is not so difficult to do it, as it may seem at first glance. It is enough to first fulfill the blank for the head - make a ball from the fabric and fill it tightly with filler. Then the bead or a smaller ball is fixed on the template - it will imitate nose. On top of the obtained billet, the thin layer of the synthet tube is stacked and the main fabric is stretched. Now it is clear that the spout towers over the brushes.

The masculine itself is either thoroughly drawn with paints, or embroidered with threads Moulin.

Sometimes the masters pay special attention to the fingers on the legs and handles of the pupa. This is relevant for those toys that depict babies. He will help the master so that such feet have a textile doll, master class.

Patterns Pumpkin Hands

And these dolls have their own maintenance technique itself - heads. It is cut out of four-six identical details that resemble a flower petal. Here is the head of which is performed from 6 parts.

Hands and feet are sewn just like in dolls performed in other techniques. But here's the problem so that a pretty big head toy kept on a thin neck, may arise before the master. Experts advise to solve it with wooden sparecrows. First, the skeleton is picked up the body of the doll, pulling the sharp end to 4-5 cm above the slice on the neck. Then the ready-made head-tick-tick on the edge is already ready. For insurance, you can use a couple or even the top of the speakers. The bottom end of it is best to break and remove the pupa at the waist level.

Each master should understand that it has the full right to make its own changes in the appearance of the product. After all, only due to the manifestation of creative fantasy authors, new technologies for the manufacture of textile dolls appear in the world and this type of creativity develops.

Each master has its own techniques, patterns and their own features of the sewing interior doll. In this master class, we will try to tell in very detailed, as is usually done. The material is suitable even for beginners without experience. So, proceed.

MK interior doll from A to Z

What do we need:

Sewing machine.
Knitwear for body, fliesline, cotton, knitwear for clothes.
Doll shoes, doll hats, hair cracks.
Threads are white and beige, needles.
Filler - syntheps and syntipes. You can only syntheps, if you do not find Sinteputs.
Large (long) needle for sewing hands and legs.
Glue moment transparent.
Nevildition needles or English pins.

So, the first and most important thing is the pattern. Print on A4, cut out.

To sewing the body you will need knitwear. You can purchase a special puppet knitwear, which almost does not stretch. It is most often found under the name "White Angel". You can take a simple knitwear from the fabric store. In order for him not to be very much, to sneak his phlizelin. We glue the fabric from the inside, except for the place where the head will be. We fold and pick up each other, find the pattern, we flash. Details are not completely stitched. There are places for turning and place where the ball is inserted for the head.

Parts of the body cut the zigzag scissors. If you have no such, then cut out the usual and necessarily make small notches in the places of folds, for example on the neck. Just take this cropped edge and gently, not reaching the seam of a pair of millimeters, cut.

After we have stitched all the details, we need to modify the legs. We take the leg, fold it in the area of \u200b\u200bthe foot, seam to the seam and the diagram of the rounded line.

We shoot through this line. Cut. That's what we should get.

Turn the parts with a wooden stick.

Get your head. We need a foam ball 8 cm in diameter. Cut out a circle from a syntheter, such that it completely covers the ball, if you wrap it.

Wrap a ball and put it in the head through the space that is not covered on top.

If you do not want to make your nose with your doll, then you can skip the next item. For a spout, we will need an English pin with a bead at the end, a piece of syntheps, thread and glue. So, take the pin. We apply glue to the tip of plastic beads. Wrap a strip of syntheps. Then this roll on the beads fold in half. We reinstate the base of this ball.

Required strip of syntheps.

Roller wound around invisible.

We folded this roll in half and climbed at the base with thread.

We plan on the face of invisible, where we will have a nose.

Gently move the fabric and in place, where the needle enters the ball, we insert our spout, and we remove the invisibility.

We sew your head on top.

Now the most responsible and difficult moment is the neck. For the neck you will need a wooden wand. Cutting Chinese sticks for food and drag the end. You can use wooden spanks, but they are more brittle. It also takes a strip of syntheps and glue.

Cut the strip of synthesis in width, equal to the length of the sticks to the pointed, and the length is such that the neck coverage of approximately turns out when folding into the roll. I lubricate glue and, starting from the end, we turn around a roll of a roll around the stick - like a carpet.

Carefully through the bottom is not the screenwriting insert this roller in the body and heating the ball in the head on the edge of the sticks. For a beginner can be difficult to immediately make a beautiful neck. With experience it turns out better and better.

Put with a synthepuch torso. Neatly, small pieces. We help yourself with a wooden stick. If you do not have a synthupuha, then you can use a synthet board, breaking and flowing into small pieces. Catch up tightly.

Put first with the neck stick. We try to align everything so that there are no buffers.

After the neck turned out to be smooth and neat, you can already fill the torso without a stick, hands. Very important moment! A pack must be very dense, tight. It is necessary for our doll then stood. This also applies to the body, and hands, and legs. Do not rush, use small pieces. Large pieces give the so-called cellulite - not a smooth surface of the doll.

We sew bottom.

Put your hands and legs by the same principle. There is no way without a stick. Tip: Feet first shore in shoes, and then stuff. You can do this again with the help of a stick. We insert it down and put in the boot. And then you already stuff. This will help the foot is not to deform when packing and take the shape. Sewing holes and legs.

Start clothes. I cut the pantalon. We take fabric. We fold to each other. We draw our pattern on the fabric. We string from above and below. And then we flash the upper side seams.

We deploy and flash the lower seams so that the pants come out.

Soak and wear on the legs through the top.

Insert the torso between the legs. Fix in English pins, and better, if eating, long needles. And sew the path to the body by buttonichki.

That is, you insert the needle into one leg and crossching through the torso with the other foot. At the same time, we firm on each side through the buttons.

Wear pants. Rear to them are visible and sewn to the calf. If they are widely widespread, they can be assigned to the thread and sew to the legs.

We sew a dress. It will consist separately from the top, skirts and sleeves. We sew the top. To do this, we need to measure trumps in the waist area and the height of this top.

The girth turned out to be 21 cm, and the height is 7.5 cm. I add 0.5 cm in width and 2 cm in height.

So, we need to cut a 21.5x9.5 cm rectangle. And hem it on the typewriter on both sides by width.

Then we make shading on both sides. To do this, we apply our cut to the body, turning and planning for yourself the folding of the fabric can be started to spend the line and fit manually. We flash one side. Stitching not to the end, because on the bottom we have the length that we need. And it does not need to be reduced.

We apply again to the torso and in the same way we plan over the second side to be removed into the sweep. We flash. We apply to the body, fix the pins and rearly sew neatly two halves. It turns out this upper part:

We sew a skirt. Everything is simple here. From the waist measuring the skirt length you need. Note that if the skirt is lush, she will look shorter. Cut the rectangle equal to the width of your length of the skirt + 2 cm on the allowance, and in length, how much you want. The greater the more magnificent. That doll I did 45 cm long. If there is not enough one piece of fabric, you can sew two. So, cut out, kented the edges, and then stitched it into one circle. I assured a thread along the length and tightened on the belt. Then they sewed straight to the tank.

This is a clothesline. Skirt from above, folds. The technology is the same. Sews manually.

Down You can wear a fatin skirt for puff. On the belt in order to hide the seam, you can stick or sew a braid or lace.

Jacket from knitwear, but you can use cotton and jeans. In this example, knitwear and cotton in the form of a lining fabric. We are glad to face the fabric to each other. Draw a pattern. We are not pulled out to the end. Through the hole turn and manually sew it.

We apply our jacket to the doll and fix the pins. In the center sew it. Decorating butt or something else. You can not sew, then it will not be fastened on the doll.

On a small rectangular knitwear cut, we spend the bottom. We are looking face and draw sleeves. Apply the handles to the fabric and wealth where the sleeve should go.

We flash, turn and wear on your hands.

Hands are sewn similarly to the legs using a butt fastening.

The last stage is hair. Hair can be made of artificial cracks or from natural curves of sheep. You can also use yarn or wool for felting. How to make hair from cracks?

We will need cracks, the glue is transparent, either a needle with thread, English pins, comb.

There are two options. The first is to glue the cracks with glue, the second is to sew threads. For newbies, the second option is easier. It is easier. But how can you glue the cracks.

Around the head with a simple pencil draw a line. On this line, we squeeze a small layer of glue.

Apply the base of the cracks to this layer and fix the pins. Pins are needed only for a few seconds so that the glue grabbing. When glue the second row, then from the first already pull out the pins.

In the same way, the third row, etc. While the TESS will not end.

You can in the same way along the spirals to sew threads to the head. It's a little longer, but your hands will be clean from glue :) Or buy a wrap, it puts on the head and easily sewn around the edge.

We draw the eyes of acrylic paint and rudiment cheeks with conventional blunders or pastels.

We put on a hat, decorated with your taste (bear, or handbag, or anything else), and voila! Pupa is ready :)

The modern industry of children's goods is developed as never before. However, the tradition of making toys still did not go into oblivion. Many parents consider them more soulful and useful for the development of a child. One of the favorite options for homemade doll is Waldorf, the features of which cause lunizing and delight among girls around the world, and moms and grandmothers make you remember your own childhood. What is her secret?

Than Valdorf doll differs from others

Waldorf doll was developed by representatives of Waldorf Pedagogy in order to create the required gaming environment for a child. The philosophy of this school is based on the natural harmonious formation of children as personalities, and this spirit will impregnate all Waldorf toys aimed at a systematic, but not ahead of the development of crumbs. The main criticism of this direction of training in relation to modern toys is expressed in the fact that they are too thought out, technically perfect and leave no place for fantasy.

Waldorf doll has smooth round outlines, so it is pleasant to the eye. The features of her face are neutral, without pronounced emotions. This allows the child to give the toy by any feelings depending on the game chosen, which stimulates children's imagination. With apparent simplicity (especially compared with modern dolls with their carefully across the leaps), each individual is individual. In addition, it is soft to the touch, so it is pleasant to take it in the hands, hugging and even laying sleeping next to you.

Materials for toys

As a prototype of Waldorf dolls, traditional folk rag toys were used, made from trimming fabric, sheep wool, straw and other natural fillers. Therefore, its undoubted advantage is that it is made only manually and completely natural: synthetic fabrics and packing do not apply. In addition to the fact that the possibility of allergies and irritations, which may arise when playing with plastic and rubber toys (especially not very high-quality), acquainted with natural materials at the level of tactile sensations.

Most often, the body of the dolls sew from cotton knitwear or knit, and sheep wool inside with sheep. The use of wool for packing is not very desirable. Despite its naturalness, it is denser and harder, so it can be rided inside toys.

Types of Valdorf dolls for children of different ages

A distinctive feature of Waldorf Pedagogy is that certain classes correspond to each age period. Therefore, Waldorf doll "grows" and changing with the child. This is explained by the differences in the skills and skills of the baby at each stage of its formation - the toy should not be ahead of the ability of the playing.

In addition, it is known that the child often identifies himself with a toy, so the Waldorf Doll passes various stages of development: from a baby with a neutral appearance to an adult doll with more pronounced feature features. This allows the baby to get the right ideas about its own body and its formation.

1.5-3 years

The dolls corresponding to this age have such features:

  • the shape of the baby, often ripe so that hands and legs are not always guessed;
  • face features are often very conditional;
  • the clothes are better to make an inconsistent or in the form of an envelope for a newborn, since the small motorcycle of the child of this age is still developed in a lack of extent, and he will not be able to change the toy;
  • hair is often not done by replacing them with a hat.

4-5 years old

In 4-5 years, the time of active games in the mother's daughter comes when the girls lose family relationships on toys. The appearance of Waldorf dolls for this age is becoming more complex and worked:

  • thumbs appear on the handles;
  • the legs are more reminiscent of the form of a human foot;
  • the features of the face are still neutral in terms of emotions, but they see a large personality;
  • hair makes long so that girls can hate and braid them;
  • clothing sews removable, as the motility of the child already allows him to stick buttons, tie the strings, etc.

Scheme, instruction and photo making butterfly dolls for baby

The butterfly doll is considered the simplest of all Waldorf dolls. It is intended for the smallest, it can play 3-month-old babies. This is a beautiful and reliable toy for the baby.

For the manufacture of dolls will be required:

  • cutout of knitted tissue of corporal color for head and trunk (12x12 cm);
  • natural and pleasant tissue for overalls (42x26 cm) and cap (15x18 cm);
  • a small segment of braid (16 cm).

All items lie with 0.5 cm viscosity.

Step 1: Head

  1. The square of the tissue needs to be folded in half a longitudinally jogging of knitting weaving and sew edges along the long side of the welcome back with a 2,5 cm flash.
  2. On the upper edge of the "pipe" to make a good seam and pull it so that it turned out the "bag". The thread needs to be consolidated - it will be a painting doll.
  3. Separate from the wool a long narrow tape and wind out of it a dense ball with a diameter of 5 cm.
  4. Separate another 3 bands with a length of 20 cm and fold their crosswise. In the middle put a resulting ball and tightly tie the ends of the ends of the laid down strips so that they tightly wrapped the ball.
  5. Attach a ball into the case and tend a good thread on top of it where the neck will be. Ends of wool should look a little from the case. The seam should be located on the back of the head, where the cap will be sewn.

Manufacturing of the head of the butterfly doll - Photo Gallery

Cutting fabric for the head of Valdorf Butterfly Dolls Pouch that will be head of Valdorf Butterfly dolls Rolling a ball of wool for packing a head of Valdorf Butterfly dolls Ready blank for the head of Valdorf Butterfly Dolls

Step 2: Cap

  1. The cap is carved according to the scheme and sew lateral seams with a 0.5 cm viscos.
  2. The edge of the cap is either to stripped with a braid, applied to the head seam back (for greater accuracy, combine the seam of the head and seam of the cap), firmly sew.

Wech Kip - Photo Gallery

Cutting Fabric for Waldorf Butterfly Dolls Ready Cap for Waldorf Butterfly Dolls

Step 3: Torch

  1. Clean the butterfly torso according to the scheme.
  2. To flash the edges of the seam back with a needle with a 0.5 cm point, leaving only the neckline is unimposed.
  3. Starting 4 small balls and put them in the limbs, firmly wrapped with thread and consolidate.
  4. Treat the neck with a hint of the neck, insert your head, tighten the thread and sew both details together.

Toy toys - Photo Gallery

Cutting fabric for clothes Valdorf Butterfly dolls Clothes for Waldorf Butterfly Dolls Design of the limbs of Valdorf Butterfly Dolls Finished Waldorf Butterfly Doll

Master class "Waldorf Doll-Butterfly" - Video

How to sew a big Waldorf doll: step-by-step master class

Holding a difficult task to sew a large doll, it is very important to know that in Waldorf pedagogy, special attention is paid to the reliability of the toy proportions. Since the dolls fully copy children, it should be remembered that the ratio of the height of the head and the length of the body differs from the proportions of the adult:

  • the newborn head height is 1/4 of the body length,
  • in 2-4 years - 1/5,
  • in 5-6 years - 1/6.

The size of the doll patterns can be increased independently using the following simple rules:

  • the length and width of the body increase not directly proportional to;
  • an increase in body thickness by 1 cm gives an increase in 4 cm growth, 2 cm of which is the height of the body, and 2 cm - the length of the legs;
  • hands with the same increase in the width of the body in 1 cm increase by 2 cm long and 0.5 cm in thickness.

Further step by step description will give the idea of \u200b\u200bhow to sew a Waldorf doll with their own hands. This will require:

  • white knitwear;
  • bore knitwear;
  • dense threads for redesight;
  • wool for packing;
  • hair yarn.

Step 1: Head and Neck

The principle of making the head of a large Waldorf doll is the same as the butterfly doll. It is puffed much more tight than the torso. It echoes the device of the human body, because at the expense of the bones of the skull, it is the hardest part.

Head execution sequence.

  1. 4 Wide wool strips (creservation) are folded on the table as a star, placing in the middle of the tangle to give the head of hardness and volume.
  2. The tangle is tightly wrapped and tighten the thread in the neck area, tightly knitting the knot.
  3. A white-colored fabric rectangle is stitched in the form of a pipe and assemble at the top.
  4. The head cover turns on the front side.
  5. The case is put on the resulting harvesting from wool.
  6. Tighten the neck, reliably pinch the ends of the thread into the knot from the other side where the face of the doll. Ends do not cut!
  7. The ends of the threads are upstairs and tighten into the node on the painter.
  8. The eye line is drawn up with horizontal drying, and the node is fixed.
  9. The horizontal cutting from the side of the nape is lowered down and with the help of zigzag stitches both threads are tightened with each other on both sides of the head.
  10. A small ball rolling or sliced \u200b\u200bfrom a piece of wool and sew as a spout of a future doll.
  11. From the knitwear of the body color is cut and stitched the top cover for the head of the doll.
  12. The case is turned out, put on the workpiece and outlined the sweeps with the help of English pins.
  13. The cover on the wrong side turn the cover again, mark the places of pulling chalk and sewn, and the extra angles are cut off.
  14. The case is turned and put on the head blank.
  15. The neck is tightened and fixed.
  16. Excess wool hide inside the cover and tighten the edges with a welcome needle a needle.

Step 2: Hair

According to the method of manufacturing hair and appointment, Waldorf dolls are divided into "hugs" and "Trekovek". The first are intended for the game, and their hair is sewn to the head on the manner of the wig, the hairstyle is fixed. The second is made strong reliable strands that can be calculated and braided. Hair for the doll-boy is drawn up as well as for doll-girls, but are done shorter.

In this master class, the process of making dolls of dump truck is shown, so special attention will be paid to the hair.

  1. On the head is planted with a chalk hair line.
  2. The ends of the threads are left over the drawn hair line and move to the top, making after each stitch the leaf, as when performing a welcome back, needle. Having reached the top, return to the hair line in the same way. Thus, flashes the entire surface of the head. An important nuance in the manufacture of Waldorf dolls is that the head fabric should not shine through the hair, so stitches make enough dense.
  3. The thread is made between the resulting stitches at a distance of 5 mm and fasten the hair doll on the head.
  4. Draw up a cheek.

Master class "Rag doll: how to make hair from threads" - video

Step 3: Hands and Feet

  1. Details of the body, hands and feet cut out of bodily knitwear and stitched on the seams.
  2. Hands turn on the front side, stuffed with wool, attach pins to the bottom of the head blank, as shown in the figure.
  3. Hands are sewn to the body a strong seam so that they do not break off if the child will pull them for them.
  4. The feet are stuffed and marked with chalk semicircle, as shown in the figure.
  5. The markup makes an imperceptible seam to get a foot.
  6. The top of the legs are stuffed with wool.
  7. In the place where the legs go into the body, make seam.

Step 4: Torch

  1. The torso is stuffed with wool and attached pins to the head and hand.
  2. Shoulders stitch.
  3. Gently sew your head.
  4. Fix hands.

The body of the doll is ready!

Step 5: Face

Recall that Valdorf doll is distinguished by neutral features of the face. Eyes and mouth should be arranged with simple stitches, embroidering them with a thread of Moulin.

Facial Reception Big Waldorf Dolls - Photo Gallery

Eye embroidery

Step 6: Clothing

Doll clothes are diverse - simple and elegant. You can make a skirt and blouse, dress or sundress. The basic principles of the manufacture of Waldorf toys are observed when sewing a puppet wardrobe - only natural fabrics are used with a pleasant eye of coloring.

Ideas of registration of clothes and patterns - Photo Gallery

Clothing options for Valdorf Dolls
Example Dress for Waldorf Dolls

Step 7: Shoes

Waldorf's shoes knit crochet or sew from dense fabric.

Gifts made with your own hands are always original and memorable. Especially if it is a doll. This detailed master Class from inviting you to sew charming Textile duk For games or interior decoration.



For the manufacture of Taurus such a doll was used material gabardine Stretch. You can use tight cotton or knitwear. We are required to cut the size of 40x50 cm. We have a pattern on a folded twice tissue along the equity thread, we supply along the contour.

In the photo with parts of the pattern, dotted lines are outlined. These places are unnecessary to store. They are necessary for turning and subsequent packing. The head consists of three parts: the two occipital of them are stitching together and connect along the edges with a detail for the lyrics. At the legs, we turn the wearest part, stepping.

Soak all the details on the front side, carefully put your fingers. You can even slightly slip the seams in these places. We feed the billet with syntheps or holofiber. The packing must be very dense, without bugs and folds. Open sections are firmware.

Next, we collect our doll. The head is sewn to the neck of the secret seam, handles and legs - button-native fastening. This method will allow you to make a toy partially mobile, that is, it can be planted, raise the handles.

Torchish doll is almost ready.


Homemade toys are always perceived with warmth, and the sewing in itself useful skill. Therefore, create with pleasure!

Gifts made with your own hands are always original and memorable. Especially if it is a doll. This detailed master Class from inviting you to sew charming Textile duk For games or interior decoration.



For the manufacture of Taurus such a doll was used material gabardine Stretch. You can use tight cotton or knitwear. We are required to cut the size of 40x50 cm. We have a pattern on a folded twice tissue along the equity thread, we supply along the contour.

In the photo with parts of the pattern, dotted lines are outlined. These places are unnecessary to store. They are necessary for turning and subsequent packing. The head consists of three parts: the two occipital of them are stitching together and connect along the edges with a detail for the lyrics. At the legs, we turn the wearest part, stepping.

Soak all the details on the front side, carefully put your fingers. You can even slightly slip the seams in these places. We feed the billet with syntheps or holofiber. The packing must be very dense, without bugs and folds. Open sections are firmware.

Next, we collect our doll. The head is sewn to the neck of the secret seam, handles and legs - button-native fastening. This method will allow you to make a toy partially mobile, that is, it can be planted, raise the handles.

Torchish doll is almost ready.


Homemade toys are always perceived with warmth, and the sewing in itself useful skill. Therefore, create with pleasure!