How best to paint big eyes. How to paint big eyes. Closed and open banana

Large and expressive eyes the fair sex always attract the attention of men. The eyes of any woman are beautiful in their own way, you can spoil this beauty only with the wrong make-up. Let's figure out how to emphasize and not spoil the beauty of the eyes, given to us by nature. In this article, we will take a closer look at how to paint the eyes correctly so that they appear large, and also learn how to make round eyes.

It should be remembered: expressive round eyes do not tolerate dark shadows. Well, we will start the makeup in a standard way: by moisturizing the skin, for this we use our favorite eye cream. And we begin to create an image. Below you will find photo and video tutorials that will help, as well as applying contours and shadows on the eyelids.

We paint the upper eyelid with gray shadows with mother of pearl (round-shaped eyes will not spoil this tone), while we do not forget that the outer corner of the eye should be slightly lighter than the general tone (quite a bit, without sharp color transitions), near the eyelashes the color is richer, and above eyebrows are easier. It is important not to overdo it, the multi-layered gray will turn black, this cannot be allowed. And girls with slightly protruding eyes should make the tone lighter already in the central part of the eyelid.

So, how to do makeup to visually enlarge the eyes and how to choose tones for their color? Nobody forbade diversity, instead of gray, you can choose another option and make up your eyes with brown, blue, or blue. But choosing one of these tones, it is necessary to take into account the color of your eyesto get an aesthetic combination. For example, brown eyes will look good with brown colors, green-eyed beauties can safely use green shades, light blue, blue and gray will not spoil the blue tone. Gray color will suit any eyes. Carefully use red shadows - following the fashion trend, you will doom your eyes to an unhealthy or drunk look. After all, fashion trends are not for everyone.

And now let's talk about how to draw eyeliner correctly. When the shadows are applied, you can move on to the next step: eyeliner. There is no single formula for everyone. Girls with a regular eye cut need a thin line on the upper eyelid - it can be slightly extended (for example, with a pencil) to create an expressive look. Do not pay much attention to the lower eyelid: a feathered pencil and nothing else is needed. With a special desire, draw a very thin line along the edge of the eyelid with eyeliner. For beauties with round eyes, eyeliner on the lower eyelid is strictly prohibited, otherwise the look will turn out awesome. Only a tone with a pencil, for round eyes eyeliner is not required at all.

Next, curl your lashes slightly with mascara. It is better to apply a couple of layers of mascara, just make sure that there are no lumps. Big eyes look great with long lashes. But just don't overdo it. If your natural eyelashes are short, you can take lengthening mascara.

We shared with you the basic rules for applying shadows and now you know how to do makeup to visually enlarge the eyes. Now we will cover this topic in more detail, and also talk about how to properly perform makeup in accordance with one or another eye color.


Photo how to paint big eyes. Eyeliner, contours and shadows.












Painting lips is a whole art, you can transform your entire face in a few minutes with the right and carefully applied lipstick. Or spoil the impression by drawing a curved outline, choosing the wrong color. Therefore, it is worth considering all the nuances of the correct lip makeup, the secrets of application and the subtleties of color selection.

Lip makeup

There are several basic tools:

  • Lipstick is the most common option. Its texture is soft and moisturizing. It is convenient to paint, the tube fits in the smallest handbag, you can literally fix your makeup on the go. Care products have been developed, they combine the functions of a balm;
  • Pencil - used to be used to create a contour so that the lipstick stays on better. But now, many use the pencil as an independent tool - it is persistent, the color turns matte, the pencil lasts for a long time;
  • Glitter - used to give shine. In summer, on a hot day, it is more comfortable with glitter than with a full-fledged make-up. It is possible to paint with glitter over lipstick to make the image brighter;
  • Liquid lipstick - the packaging is similar to gloss, but the color is not pale, but rich, bright. Especially popular are liquid matte lipsticks that dry out and last 3-4 hours;
  • Tint is a novelty in the field of make-up. The tint is applied like a gloss, then dries, removed with a film. After removing the film on the lips remains a shade that mimics the natural color. The tint lasts for several hours, being removed with a make-up remover.


Before applying makeup, it is useful to perform a number of procedures, then the final result will be better:

How to paint lips with lipstick

There are several secrets on how to make up lips with lipstick. If the makeup is daytime and you do not need to adjust the shape, then you can do without a pencil. If the exit is planned for the evening, then without a pencil anywhere. To make up the lips evenly, you need to draw a shape with a pencil with neat short strokes. First you should make up a tick on the upper lip, on the lower strip. After filling the corners, and already from them move to the center. Movements are slow and precise. Having drawn a contour, you should move on to lipstick. It is more convenient to paint lips with a special brush, or apply lipstick from a tube, but then shade it. In this way, the color will be more uniform, make-up will last longer. To improve durability, you can blot the first layer with a napkin. Then powder, apply lipstick again.

How to paint lips with a pencil

If a solemn event is planned, it is necessary that the makeup last for a long time, you can paint your lips instead of lipstick with a pencil. Soft pencils are suitable for this purpose. If the pencil is hard, you can injure the skin. If there is no other, you can soften it. You need to hold the lead for a couple of seconds over the fire, for example, matches, lighters. The pencil will become much softer. Now you can paint. You need to draw a contour, then proceed to fill the entire area. The pressure on the pencil is minimal, the strokes are short. If you need to make up your lips to make them look plump, then you need to apply strokes crosswise. It is necessary to paint with strokes diagonally in one direction, and then in the other. To add shine, you can apply gloss on top, but this will reduce the durability of makeup.

How to paint lips with gloss

It is not difficult to beautifully paint lips with gloss. Usually in a tube there is a good applicator, which is convenient for applying gloss. You can avoid applying a pencil with this method of creating makeup. The shape of the lips is not ideal - you can use a flesh-colored pencil. After applying the gloss, you need to take it with you - the durability is low, after an hour, an hour and a half, you will need to paint it again.

How to paint lips with matte lipstick

Matte textures are the most capricious - it is difficult to paint, the durability is less. Before applying lipstick, you need to make sure that the lips are perfectly smooth - every flaw will be visible. It is better to use a scrub before painting your lips, and use a balm in a minimal amount. If this is not done, then the product will lose its dullness. Matte lipstick is liquid - you should paint more carefully, after drying, you will not be able to correct the flaws. You need to remove the persistent product with vegetable oil or micellar water.

How to paint with tint

This tool is gaining popularity, so not all girls know how to paint their lips. It is important to paint with a tint for the first time when there is no need to go anywhere. It is better to practice, see what the result will be, and after that apply it “to the exit”. Tint should be painted carefully - if you go beyond the boundaries, then the final result will be sloppy, as if the lips are crookedly made up, inflamed. After you need to let the tint dry for 15-20 minutes, remove the film with a gentle movement. Apply lip balm on top. If you do not need to remove the tint, then after absorption - the makeup is ready.

Makeup for various lip shapes

Each girl has her own unique lip shape, but there are several main types. Each type differs in features in applying lipstick.

How to paint thin lips

The main goal in this case is to paint the lips so that they appear larger. You will need to apply a dense foundation, concealer to the area around. Next, paint the outline with a pencil slightly departing from the natural border. It is important to observe proportions: the upper lip is usually slightly smaller than the lower. You should not radically change the shape - it will look unnatural. Carefully paint over the outline, there is also an option to add a drop of gloss. You can paint small lips with a special lipstick to increase volume - such products burn a little, due to this, the lips become plumper.

How to paint big lips

If by nature the lips are plump, then there should be no difficulties in applying makeup. If there is a desire to reduce their volume, then you need to paint over the lips, the area around them with a concealer, a dense foundation. Use a pencil to make up the shape, reducing the volume. Strongly stepping inside should not be - there is a chance to overdo it, make an unnatural appearance. It is better not to paint with gloss, leave the tone matte - this way the lips seem thinner.

Heart lips

This form looks very attractive, sexy. But if the incision is too small, then you can visually enlarge it. You just need to draw out the corners. We apply the cosealer to this area, after which we paint the corners with a pencil a little wider than usual. Do not stretch the shape too much - the Joker's smile will not decorate anyone.

Protruded lips

If the incision is too large, then you can reduce it a little. You need to draw a contour with a pencil already. By the way, you can apply tips for narrow lips - by increasing the volume, you can visually narrow them.

Color selection rules

Choosing the right lipstick color is not easy. It is necessary to take into account the color of the skin, eyes, hair, type of makeup.

classic rule: one accent in makeup.

For example, the eyes are made up brightly - lipstick should be chosen pale. If a bright color is chosen, then the eyes should be painted more modestly. But fashion trends often advise breaking the rules. Therefore, you need to choose a color based on personal preferences.

  • Light shades, pale pink, nude shades are suitable for daytime makeup.
  • In the evening, it is permissible to paint lips with lipstick of bright colors - from red to the most daring berry shades.
  • Fair-skinned girls will suit light shades of pink, brown, light brick shades. All cold shades are the right choice.
  • Dark-skinned people can choose brighter colors - red, dark colors: brown, dark pink, berry. Warm shades are what you need for such girls.
  • Fair-haired girls or with light eyes should choose peach, coral colors.
  • Dark-haired, dark-eyed girls can freely choose any bright or dark color. The darker the hair color, the bolder the color choice can be.

How to paint lips with red lipstick

Red lipstick is truly the queen among all other lipsticks. Having painted her lips, not a single girl will go unnoticed. The main thing is to choose the right shade - classic red will suit almost everyone, dark colors (for example, dark wine) will suit brunettes, and light shades are created for blondes and red-haired girls.

Also, if you make up your lips with red lipstick, your teeth will also look brighter. Therefore, you should think twice before choosing this color - if the teeth are not perfectly white and even, the whole effect of red lipstick will disappear.

Basic rule- if the lipstick is red, then all makeup should be neat, thoughtful.

Uneven complexion, pimples on the skin, poor choice of shadows - all this is more noticeable when choosing a red color. The method of applying red lipstick is not difficult. It is important to paint a neat outline, then fill the entire surface. To make the outline look clearer, you can resort to tricks. After applying lipstick, you need to walk along the border with concealer, shade. So the outline looks brighter, neater.

How to paint lips on video

To fix all the rules for applying lipstick, you can watch the video. The expert will show you how to paint lips correctly, how to make a neat contour.

Modern women use make-up in order to focus on their merits and competently hide flaws. Nature has endowed us with unique external features, while large eyes are considered a sign of attractiveness in almost all countries. It is important to know how to properly paint big eyes so as not to spoil their natural beauty. You will learn about this from our article.

How to paint big brown eyes

Chocolate-colored eyes look chic even without makeup, but if they are cut like a diamond correctly, they will sparkle even brighter. Basically, makeup depends on the shape of the eyes:

  • round eyes seem to be bulging, so your task is to draw an arrow, starting from the inner corner of the eyes and gradually leading it towards the temples, expanding the shape;
  • almond-shaped eyes almost do not need to be adjusted, so it is easy to paint large eyes of this shape correctly, just by choosing the right color scheme;
  • wide-set brown eyes can be visually narrowed by shading the place under the eyebrow and carefully shading the inner corners of the eyes;
  • close-set brown eyes visually expand by painting the strip under the eyebrow with light shadows and marking the inner corner of the eyes with the same shade.

The basic rule for makeup for large brown eyes: less mother-of-pearl and bright flashy colors. Brown eyes themselves look deep and rich, so it is important not to overdo it with a shade. The classics of the genre for such eyes are beige, golden and green shadows. But here it is important to take into account the shades of brown:

It is important not to forget to match the makeup shades with the color scheme of the outfit, otherwise you will look ridiculous. It is also necessary to take into account the color of the skin, because the owners of brown eyes are not only swarthy brunettes! Pay attention to the time of day, because rich makeup, which looks quite appropriate in the evening, in daylight will not only lose its charm, but also make your look sloppy. In the afternoon, give preference to matte shades of calm natural shades.

Advice: according to makeup artists, it is better not to use shades of terracotta color with a make-up of brown eyes: they will make your look tired and painful.

However, do not neglect, which gives volume and. A feature of the make-up of large eyes, regardless of their color, is that light tones open the look even more, while dark ones make it a little heavier.

How to paint big blue eyes

The main purpose of blue eye makeup is to emphasize their beauty. The main rule is not to repeat the color of the eyes in the shade of the shadows, otherwise the look will turn out to be unattractive and dull. It is better to use muted contrasting tones: gray, brown, black, lilac.

The saturation of the look also largely depends on the color of the eyeliner. To correctly paint big blue eyes for a day out, give preference to silver or blue, and leave black and dark brown for evening makeup.

You can visually reduce too large blue eyes with a thin dark one drawn on the inner eyelid. Whereas the light arrow, drawn in the same place, reveals the look more strongly.

How to paint big bulging eyes

With the help of the right make-up, it is possible to correct the shape of bulging large eyes. We will teach you how to paint big eyes of this type.

So, to avoid excessive volume, refuse to stain the lower lashes with mascara, this is important!

But the upper ones can be curled and dyed as much as you like. Apply shadows so as not to highlight the moving area of ​​​​the upper eyelid too much. To do this, be sure to shade the selected shades and do not allow clear boundaries.

Bulging eyes need to be visually lengthened. Do this with the right arrow shape. Starting at the inner corner, trace along the lash line and bring the tip of the arrow to the outer corner, gradually thickening it, which gives the eye an almond. In this case, it is better to shade the most convex parts of the eyes with dark colors, and take the shape of the strokes towards the temples. The eyebrow line should be neat and tidy, so do not weigh it down.

How to paint big green eyes

Are you interested in how to paint big ones? We'll help you figure out the nuances. Green eyes attract with some kind of magical brilliance, so you can consider that you are already lucky! It remains only to shade them correctly.

All shades of brown shadows will suit you: from copper and gold to dark chocolate. Love a lighter look? Shade the eyes with gray, peach, beige colors.

Important: the taboo for green eye makeup is all shades of blue and blue, which will make bright green eyes dull and heavy. Also try to avoid pinks and silvers, which can either brighten or ruin your look. Therefore, such complex shades are best left to professional makeup artists.

How to paint big green eyes with eyeliner? Leave black eyeliner exclusively for evening outings, and use brown, golden or even white for everyday makeup. And choose cosmetics not cold, but warm shades.

Makeup algorithm for big green eyes:

  1. For a more resistant make-up, the entire upper eyelid must be powdered with a thin layer of transparent powder.
  2. Carefully blend the main light tone of the shadows all over the upper eyelid.
  3. On the upper eyelid (its moving part), apply dark shadows and blend the borders well.
  4. Finish your makeup with eyeliner and mascara.

How to paint big eyes with a black pencil: tips with a photo

It is easy to learn how to paint big eyes with a black pencil correctly. But black eyeliner is considered a rather aggressive cosmetic product that is best used in the evening. For daytime, choose lighter and more natural shades.

First, select the appropriate type of pencil:

  • waterproof (does not smear, but requires the use of a special agent for rinsing);
  • kajal (oily and soft) is used for soft shading;
  • mechanical (unscrewed as needed);
  • classic (in a wooden case).

Before applying the arrows, take a comfortable position so that the elbow has a clear support and the hand does not tremble. Look straight ahead in the mirror and draw a confident line. If the pencil is persistent, then try to paint your eyes evenly and without flaws, so that you do not have to injure the delicate skin of the eyelids, correcting the clarity of the line.

It is better to shade the arrow to make the look more natural. Make sure that the arrow is close to the ciliary border. If there is space left, fill it with shadows. Arrows can be of any shape and thickness: it all depends on the shape of the eyes and your personal preferences. But keep the ends up, so you avoid the effect of sad eyes and get an attractive cat look. Darken with a pencil the parts of the eyelid that need to be reduced, and highlight those that are important to enlarge.

That's all the basic simple tips that will help make up big eyes, while maintaining their natural attractiveness and beauty. Use makeup sparingly and don't skimp on cheap shadows and mascara. After all, you are worthy of small female joys!

The big eyes of the fair sex attract the attention of men. Each eye is beautiful in its own way, this beauty can only be spoiled by the wrong make-up. Let's figure out how to emphasize and not spoil the beauty of the eyesgiven to us by nature.

In this article, we will take a closer look at how to paint big eyes correctly.

It should be remembered: expressive round eyes do not tolerate dark shadows. Well, we will start the makeup in a standard way: by moisturizing the skin, for this we use our favorite eye cream. And we begin to create an image. Below you will find photo steps on how to paint the eyes and detailed tips on eyeliner, as well as applying contours and shadows on the eyelids.

We paint the upper eyelid with gray shadows with mother of pearl (large eyes will not spoil this tone), while we do not forget that the outer corner of the eye should be slightly lighter than the general tone (quite a bit, without sharp color transitions), near the eyelashes the color is richer, and higher to the eyebrows easier. It is important not to overdo it, the multi-layered gray will turn black, this cannot be allowed. And girls with slightly protruding eyes should make the tone lighter already in the central part of the eyelid.

So, how to paint big eyes and match the tones to the color of the eyes? No one forbade diversity; instead of gray, you can make up your eyes with brown, blue, or blue. Although choosing one of these tones, it is necessary to take into account the color of your eyes in order to get an aesthetic combination. For example, brown eyes will be, green-eyed beauties can safely use green shades, light blue, blue and gray will not spoil the blue tone. Gray color will suit any eyes. Carefully use red shadows, following the fashion trend, you will doom your eyes to an unhealthy or drunk look. After all, fashion trends are not for everyone.

We briefly considered the question of how to paint round eyes with different shadows, and now let's talk about how to draw eyeliner correctly. When the shadows are applied, you can proceed to the next step: eyeliner. There is no single formula for everyone. Girls with a regular eye cut need a thin line on the upper eyelid, it can be slightly extended to create a sly look. Do not pay much attention to the lower eyelid, a feathered pencil and nothing else is needed. With a special desire, draw a thin line, the thinnest, with eyeliner along the edge of the eyelid. For beauties with round eyes, eyeliner in the lower eyelid is strictly prohibited, otherwise the look will turn out terrible. Only tone with a pencil, for round eyes eyeliner is not required at all.

Next, curl your lashes with mascara. It is better to apply a couple of layers of mascara, just make sure that there are no lumps. Big eyes look great with long lashes. But just don't overdo it. If you naturally have short lashes, you can use lengthening mascara.

We shared with you the basic rules for applying shadows and now you know how to do makeup for big eyes. Now we will cover this topic in more detail, and also talk about how to properly perform makeup in accordance with one or another eye color, and at the end of the article you will find a detailed video lesson.

Photo how to paint big eyes. Eyeliner, contours and shadows.

Photo how to paint big eyes.

The beauty and originality of your eyes can be favorably emphasized by knowing some makeup secrets. So, with the help of not tricky tips, it is easy to perform the perfect make-up for eyes of any color and shape, to emphasize your femininity and originality!

Makeup is a constant companion and helper that helps girls highlight their strengths and hide their flaws. Lucky are those to whom nature gave big eyes! They attract maximum attention, arouse admiration from the opposite sex, and are also a huge platform for expressing their own style.

However, there are some rules based on the shape and color of your eyes. Following these simple recommendations, you can achieve incredible success and create beautiful makeup for large alluring eyes.

How to paint big eyes. Photo

The main problem with large eyes is the “wet” effect. It happens that the eyes seem shiny and tearful. To hide and correct this situation, cosmetologists strongly recommend using a black pencil. This simple and popular makeup bag item can do a lot with your look:

  • emphasize the drama
  • make eyes expressive
  • add extravagance

It is also allowed to use saturated black mascara in unlimited quantities. Mascara can create a seductive shadow around the eyes, so carefully paint over the upper and lower eyelashes.

Properly applied shadows solve a lot. Lightening some areas of the eyelids and darkening others, which can completely change the impression and create a beautiful play of overflowing shades, gradients and volume.

Makeup for big eyes

To create an excellent make-up, you need to have a number of important and must-have makeup products, so be patient and check your makeup bag for:

  • Concealer is a great helper that allows you to hide all minor imperfections around the eyes and even out skin tone, as well as remove bags under the eyes with high quality
  • Black eyeliner is a universal thing. Choose a pencil that is not very hard so that it leaves a fairly clear, saturated line and does not hurt the eyelid
  • Pearl eyeliner is a soft, light eyeliner with a touch of glitter that allows you to emphasize the magic of your look in specific places.
  • Eyeliner is a tool with which you can create a graceful curved line. Such an arrow is able to visually make eyelashes more magnificent, and the look is more tempting.
  • The palette of shadows is the most diverse and multi-colored, with warm and cold shades.
  • A volumizing and lengthening mascara that can do magic to your eyes

How to paint big eyes with a pencil

To emphasize the beauty of the eyes with a contour pencil, follow these recommendations:

  1. Provide yourself with high-quality and bright lighting: daylight from a window or a nearby lamp
  2. Don't close your eyes while you make them, as drooping eyelids lose their shape compared to raised ones.
  3. Visually divide the eye into thirds along the ciliary row and start drawing a line from the beginning of the second third
  4. Draw a line in the outer corner along the lash line, bend the tip of the line slightly up
  5. Draw a second line on top of the first with stronger pencil pressure. This will make the line deeper and more expressive.

Always pay attention to how sharp your pencil is. Don't try to draw a line with a blunt lead, and only blend the line if you feel uneven.

How to paint big eyes with shadows

In order for cosmetics to look neat and expressive on the eyes, you should perform sequence her overlays. So, traditionally, girls shade the shadows under the eyebrow, on the corners and on the moving eyelid.

The place under the eyebrow is traditionally highlighted. In this case, use light mother-of-pearl shades, preferably cold ones.
Highlight the inner, located near the bridge of the nose, the corners of the eyes. Do not try to choose a dark tone for the moving eyelid, give preference to a light one.
The crease formed from the movement of the eyelid, select saturated hue. So the eyes can find charm and expressiveness.
Paint over the outer corner of the eyes with dark colors. It is important not to overdo it with the amount of dark shadows, avoiding the "dirty" effect.

Types of arrows for big eyes

Among all the secrets and techniques for creating a spectacular make-up, the diversity of the shooters alone can impress anyone! In fact, it is difficult to count how many of them there are in the world, but the most popular have long won the hearts of girls.

So, at all times, the following options are relevant:

  • arrows long throughout the eyelid
  • arrow from middle to outer corner
  • double arrow

The beauty of the arrow depends on the cut of the eyes. So, all options are suitable for almond-shaped eyes. Round - a line across the entire eyelid. Moreover, this line should gradually expand and increase towards the outer corner.

Double arrows add mystery and make the look "cat". To do this, you need to draw a line through the entire upper eyelid, increasing the thickness of the arc to the outer corner. The tip of the line is bent up. The lower eyelid is decorated with a thin line. The difference between the bottom line is that we draw it from the outer corner to the middle of the eye.

Makeup for every eye color and shape

Each girl should clearly know the ratio of warm and cold shades in order to combine eye color with the color of the shadows.

Makeup for big green eyes

Green eyes are distinguished by their brightness and saturation. This color is suitable for bright shadows and violent colors. Gold, turquoise and lavender shades are perfect. The main thing is not to heavily weight your eyes with black eyeliner, but rather emphasize such a rare green of the retina.

Makeup for big gray eyes

This is the most common eye color. It is important to remember that gray is a cold color, which means cold shades are suitable for it. Gray eyes can not even be distinguished, they are so good. It will be enough to emphasize their depth and add shine. Perfectly match these eyes: beige, silver, cream, lilac, blue shades.

How to paint big brown eyes?

This is the most common color . It is important to remember that gray is a cold color, which means cold colors are suitable for it. Gray eyes are not even worth highlighting, they are so good. It will be enough to emphasize their brilliance. Perfectly match these eyes: beige, silver, cream, lilac, blue shades.

How to paint big blue eyes?

The palette for this color includes many shades. So, you can use copper and peach. Plum and lilac shades look great. However, silver, black and gray shadows lie best on gray eyes. Also, to emphasize the depth and bottomlessness of the eyes, do not be afraid to use contrasting tones.

How to paint round big eyes?

Round large eyes are very beautiful and comfortable in terms of applying makeup. To give them a more elongated shape, light shades of shadows should be applied to the moving eyelid, and a little darker under the eyebrow. Decorate the outer corner of the eye with dark shadows and also darken the lower eyelid. Draw a thin line with a contour pencil and bend the corner up. This is a versatile and popular method that can give a tempting shape to the cut of the eyes.

How to paint big almond eyes?

This is the shape of the eyes desired by all women. Such a beautiful cut of the eyes is almost impossible to spoil. You are free to draw arrows of various shapes. In any case, almond-shaped eyes are always sexy and attractive to men.

Try Sophia Loren's simple makeup example: powder eyelids or smudge creamy shadows, draw a line along the growth of the eyelashes, increasing its thickness towards the end, carefully apply mascara to the eyelashes. You are beautiful!

Makeup for big eyes with overhanging eyelids

Such eyelids make the eyes sad and tired, but the correct use of cosmetics will avoid problems. Blend light shadows on the moving eyelid, and dark ones on the area under the eyebrow. In this case, the dark tone will lie higher. Draw a line with eyeliner along the eyelid and lift the corner up at the outer corner. Darken the lower eyelid.

Evening makeup for big eyes

Whatever eyes you have, the main thing is how you try to emphasize your dignity. By following evening makeup for big eyes (darker and richer) and daytime eye makeup (light, fresh and using a minimum of makeup), you will achieve an unsurpassed result!

Evening makeup requires a lot of effort, as night lighting can play on every sparkle of your shadows and give your image a fabulous beauty. In evening make-up, clearer and more expressive lines are acceptable, as well as bright and saturated colors that match your outfit and accessories.

Day makeup for big eyes

Day makeup involves light colors and calm pastel tones in makeup. Do not oversaturate your eyes with dark and too shiny shadows, as well as a wide line of eyeliner.

It will be sufficient to apply translucent shadows on the upper movable eyelid and shade it from the middle to the outer corner of the eye. You can also exclude the contour pencil and focus only on long, dyed in one layer of eyelashes.

We hope that this article will help you choose the right makeup and look just fine.

Video: Makeup for big eyes