How to understand that pregnancy is normal. Women's condition during pregnancy

We will tell you in detail that you will be expected from the beginning of the birth of a new life and to the birth.

Pregnancy is a special time changing the worldview of the future mother, its values \u200b\u200band priorities. Almost every woman faces certain difficulties while tooling the baby. To avoid them, it is important to have complete information about all processes occurring in the female body at every stage of pregnancy.

Early pregnancy terms: first month

Most women do not even suggest that they are in position, while in their body there are very serious rearrangements. About pregnancy becomes known only by the end of the first month, and sometimes to the beginning of the second.

Doctors consider the start of pregnancy from the beginning of the last menstruation, although fertilization occurs, as a rule, after ovulation. Therefore, the concept of "obstetric period" for several weeks exceeds the real time of tolerance.

Changes in the body of a woman

The first and second week of the month is the time when the woman is not yet pregnant in fact, but in its reproductive system is actively prepared for conception. In the first week, as usual, menstruation passes. If you are just planning to become a mom, then you should refuse to receive analgesics at menstrual pain: the chances of successful conception will be higher. In the second week begins the maturation of one of the eggs.

By the beginning of the third week, at the moment, the strongest egg cell comes out of a special bubble filled with liquid to the uterine tube. Here the female sex cell will be several days, waiting for fertilization.

The so-called yellow body will begin to form. It will be responsible for hormonal background, optimal for the development of pregnancy.

All you need now is a merger with sperm. Two cells, connecting between themselves, form the zygota - the future germin. The zygote has miniature sizes and moves freely in the uterus, only after a few days attached to its wall.

To maintain the life of the zygota, the mother's organism produces a large amount of progesterone. Because of him, the woman will feel the severity in the lower abdomen and pain in the nipples area, as with PMS. They will become frequent urge to urination, drowsiness and sensitivity to smells may appear.

Child development for 1 month

At this early period, all genetic information is laid, forming appearance, character traits and predisposition to diseases of your baby.

The floor of the crumbs is determined. Sperm cells are two types: one carries chromosome XX, the other - xy. From the one of which of them can get to the egg, the floor of the child will depend on. If the merger occurs with the XX sperm, the development of a female germ will begin; If Hy-spermatozoa fall into the uterine tube - a boy will be born in a pair. By the end of the 4th week of pregnancy, the embryo is already completing the attachment to the uterine cavity and passes into the embryo stage.

The hormone level will increase, and now the pregnancy can be determined using a simple pharmacy test.

Three areas are laid in his body, which will subsequently become full bodies and systems. This week, the formation of chorion (future placenta) and amnion (Ferny shell) is completed. And your baby is still completely small - the embryo size is only 0.5 millimeters.

  1. It is necessary to go through the ultrasound immediately as soon as a suspicion of the conception occurred. This will help in time to diagnose ectopic pregnancy.
  2. At this time, the reception of vitamins A and E is useful. Also, all pregnant women are prescribed folic acid for the proper development of the fetus.
  3. Communicably full failure from tobacco, alcohol and harmful food. Future mom needs to walk as much as possible in the fresh air and receive pleasant emotions.

Second month of pregnancy: changes in the body of a woman

At this time, the fact of pregnancy is already accurate. There is a delay of menstruation, there should be no discharge. Any selection with bleeding impurities speaks of the danger of the rejection of the embryo, and in this case the visit to the doctor is obligatory.The first signs of early toxicosis appear. Especially it is expressed in Morning Nausea and Vyt.

There are problems in the work of the gastrointestinal tract: heartburn, belching, constipation. These phenomena will be stopped only by the end of 3 months.

A serious test will be a change in the psychological plan. Your home should be dealt with understanding to mood shifts. But the pregnant woman should try to control themselves, because the nervous stresses are not useful for you or for your baby.

Reaches a peak Development of a yellow body, and the uterus by the end of this month will grow up to the size of a large orange and perfectly proven at the inspection.

Because of the tensions of ligaments, a woman may have drawn sensations in the sides and lower back.

Together with progesterone, a lactogen is beginning to influence the body - a hormone responsible for the development of the placenta. Their effect reduces protein synthesis, while increasing the production of glucose and fatty acids. This is necessary to compensate for energy spending on the development of the fetus.

Child development for 2 months

In this month, all organs and crumb systems occupy their place. Already by 5 weeks, his heart will make its first blows, blood vessels will appear. The organs of the respiratory and excretory system are formed. The brain is already starting to respond to primitive reflexes.

The embryo still has a small tail, making it look like a small tasty. At the head of the fetus will appear the primitives of the face: nozzles, eye depressions, ear sinks.

The boys define penis, testicles. Now your future baby from the embryo stage has moved to the fetus stage. Its physical dimensions are about 2.5 cm.

Seventh and eighth months of pregnancy

It remains even less time. Future mothers go to the decree, are in finding a good obstetrician and maternity hospital. You should also decide whether you want your husband to attend during childbirth.

Women's feelings for 7 and 8 months

Increases the production of the roblixin hormone, which prepares bundles of your muscles to childbirth. Because of this, pain in the back, muscles and joints becomes more difficult to be in the tone. Your gait can be a bit clumsy, enhanced varicose veins, also possible urinary incontinence.

Also, the effect of hormones enhances hair growth on the body. After childbirth, they should disappear, so now it's not necessary to fight extra hair.

By the end of the 8 month of pregnancy, the stomach increases almost to the maximum size. Now the height of the bottom of the uterus will be up to 40 cm. Training (false) contractions begin, not absolutely causing pain. They prepare the uterus to this generic activity.

Many pregnant women are activated by the reflex "nesting". You will still want to give you time to guide the coziness in the house, Will-Neils, you prefer viewing and reading materials for pregnant women.

Child development by 7 and 8 months

Your baby became very big, he is becoming more closely in the uterus. The fruit takes such a position that will be preserved until the birth. If the presence is unfavorable, you can perform special exercises to help "flip" the crumb.

All major reflexes have already been formed. Bones are strengthened, calcium content in them increases significantly. Easy are fully prepared for the first inhalation.

By the last week, 8 months of pregnancy the fruit will be twice as bigger than at the end of the second trimester - 2.5 kg.

  1. The most dangerous thing that can happen now is the development of gestosis. If you are worried about the headache, the swelling strengthened and the pressure increased dramatically, it makes sense to urgently go to the hospital.
  2. Once every two weeks you will visit the doctor and take tests. Communicable full inspection: measurement of the bottom of the uterus, the palpulation of the fetus.
  3. Reduce the feeling of gravity will help swimming. They have a relaxing effect on the muscles, and also soothe the nervous system.

Ninth month of pregnancy: Women's feelings

You have reached the finish line! Although there is anxiety before childbirth, many mothers this month is the easiest way. It will be easier for you in the literal sense - the stomach drops, which means that the pressure on all internal organs will decrease.

When is the woman becomes mom? It turns out not when it gives birth to a child, and then when the pregnancy comes.

Everyone knows that pregnancy occurs after the spermatozoid fertilizes the egg cell. At this moment, the sex of the child is determined, the character traits, to whom it will look like. Fertilization occurs in the fallopian tube, where the egg falls from the ovary. The process of exit an egg from the ovary is called ovulation and occurs on 12-16 day of the menstrual cycle. After fertilization, the egg flow continues its movement in the uterine tube in the uterus, where and falls in a few days. All this time it is actively divided and grows.

In the uterus, the egg cell begins to be implanted - attached to its wall. The mucous membrane of the uterus under the influence of hormones is prepared for this, becomes swarch and loose. The egg "is embedded" into it, the blood vessels begin to germinate and the Chorion is formed - the placenta is concurrently. Actually, this is no longer just a fertilized egg - this is a germ, around which the shell is formed filled with liquid.

Approximately 14 days after conception, implantation ends, and, according to the formed blood vessels, the embryo sends a powerful signal to the body of pregnancy. The hormonal restructuring of the mother's body begins in order to carry out normally and give birth to the baby. The hormonal background becomes so different that some doctors even call pregnant "third" floors. For example, the concentration of chorionic gonadotropin - the main hormone of pregnancy - sharply increases in the first months of pregnancy, and especially quickly he grows in the first days after conception. Therefore, the concentration of chorionic gonadotropin in the blood is an important diagnostic sign of pregnancy. This hormone increases the formation of another important hormone - progesterone.

This time just coincides with the first days of menstruation delay. Someone begins to pull on the "salt", someone begins to sick from the usual smell of spirits, someone wakes up a wolf appetite. Some become folding, irritable, quickly get tired and always want to sleep. Frequently appear signs of toxicosis - nausea, especially in the morning. But the most accurate indicators of pregnancy are the absence of menstruation and an increase in the mammary glands.

Many women after learning about their pregnancy, begin to remember with horror that they used alcohol on the birthday of her husband, smoked or took some medicines. Naturally, they worry about how this will affect the health of the future child. Specialists in such cases soothe pregnant women - in the early period there is a law "All or nothing." If the damaging effect on the embryo is too large, the pregnancy is interrupted itself. And if the pregnancy is developing normally, it means that everything is fine with the child. In addition, as can be seen from the written above, the first days after conception, the child is not attached to the blood system of the mother, and therefore harmful substances do not fall to it.

Stages of a big way

The embryo attached in the uterus is growing very rapidly. In the first three months there is a bookmark of all organs and tissues of the child, so at this time it is very important to limit all the harmful effects on the mother's body. Restrict the reception of any drugs, alcohol, do not smoke, eat healthy food, get enough sleep, do not overwork. Long-term walks in the fresh air are very useful, as well as non-hour physical exertion.

At 12 weeks, all the bodies of the embryo are laid down, then they only grow. He already has eyes, ears, nose, mouth, hands and legs with fingers, all internal organs. Already clearly clear the boy is either a girl, there are leukocytes and hemoglobin in the blood. Muscles begin to develop - the child is actively moving, though mom still does not feel these movements, as it is still too small.

At 16 weeks, a placenta is fully formed - an organ that supplies the child in the uterus with nutrients and oxygen. In addition to the function of powering the placenta, still protective and hormonal functions. The protective function is that it creates the so-called placental barrier through which many harmful substances are not passing. After 16 weeks of the placenta, the hormonal background that supports pregnancy is fully assumed. That is why hormonal drugs assigned to the threat of miscarriage are canceled at the same time.

Will it suffocate the child with an inceptive waters?

Connects a child with a floating cord - heavy tissue tissue, inside which there are three vessels - two artery and one vein. By the way, the number of vessels is an important diagnostic sign of congenital pathologies, so they always consider doctors at an ultrasound examination. In Vienna, blood saturated with oxygen and nutrients, from the body of the mother goes to the child, and the arteries return back.

Inside the uterus, the child does not use the lungs for breathing - oxygen immediately enters it into the blood from the mother. Therefore, prior to birth, the lungs are "turned off" from blood circulation, the child often swallows an oily fluid in them and ikaet. This does not need to be afraid, so he trains respiratory movements.

Immediately after birth, when a child does a real first breath, lightweight, and, in the future, breathing is carried out only through them, like all adults. It becomes possible because a special valve is closed at the outlet of the heart, which is called "Oval Window", and the blood begins to flow on another path - through the lungs.

What happens to the body of pregnant

In the meantime, the child "breathes" through the placenta, forming a single system "Mother and Child" using it. It should be noted that the mother's body during pregnancy can withstand a colossal load. After all, a growing child requires a lot of oxygen, nutrients. The uterus increases, the mammary glands, the amount of ammunition fluid. All this requires an increase in blood volume in the body, which naturally leads to an increase in the load on the heart, kidney and the liver.

Due to the increase in blood volume, it is somewhat diluted, which leads to a decrease in hemoglobin - this is called physiological anemia. The lower boundary of the WHO value considers hemoglobin content in pregnant women 105 g / l. No need to be afraid of a certain increase in blood clotting indicators - so the body is to prepare for childbirth in order to reduce the possible blood loss.

The kidneys and the liver work in the mother for two in the literal sense of the word. They neutralize and output from the body only "their" exchange products, but also the products of the child's exchange. Therefore, it is very important to eat properly, drink a sufficient amount of fluid in order not to increase the already serious load on these organs. In addition, it is necessary to regularly take urine analysis to control the work of the kidneys.

The work of the digestive tract in pregnant women is changing. It is mainly due to the impact on the intestines of the hormone of progesterone. Progesterone relaxes the smooth muscles of the body - vessels, uterus, intestines. Therefore, the intestine becomes sluggish, constipation arise. It is possible to solve this problem with the help of products rich in fiber - bread, from the flour of coarse grinding, a large number of raw vegetables and fruits. If such a diet does not help, you need to consult with your doctor.

In the second half of pregnancy, the growing uterus begins to shift the internal organs from its familiar places. The stomach, for example, shifts up and squeezed. This can lead to the fact that the contents of the stomach fall into the esophagus and causes heartburn. In this case, alkaline mineral waters will help and frequent, but fractional food.

The bladder is also squeezed, moreover, its tone decreases due to the already described progesterone action. But now urine is produced much more. Therefore, it is very important for pregnant women often empty the bladder in order to prevent the inflammatory process.

Strong weight gain increases the load on the spine, to the feet. On average, a woman for pregnancy adds from 10 to 18 kilograms. Moreover, more often those who before pregnancy were thin and slender. This is due to the amount of fat reserves necessary for normal toaling, childbirth and feeding the child. Who did not have them, they quickly lay these reserves on the hips and buttocks.

When childbirth begins

Almost all, without exception, pregnant women concerns the readiness of the child to "enter the light". In other words, when the child was formed so much that he could calmly survive outside the mother body. In general, it is believed that children born after 28 weeks are sufficiently adapted to survive after delivery. But, probably, no wonder nature has determined the term of pregnancy at 38-42 weeks. It is during this period that the child has time to mature so much so that without prejudice to himself and mother to be born and continue its further development is already out of the uterus.

Approximately aged 34-36 weeks, light kids begin to produce a special substance - a surfactant, which prevents the lungs in the exhalation. Thus, after this period, the child can breathe independently. But to hold and correctly adjust its body temperature at such age, the child can not yet. He is too thin for this. Therefore, the time remaining before delivery, he accumulates fat in subcutaneous tissue.

About how the body of a child and mother is preparing for childbirth a lot. But it is still unknown that actually begins the generic process. The mother's body allocates endorphins, which help it overcome the generic pain, and to survive the child's tender stress. Hormones of adrenal hormones are helping to survive the generic stress. Hormon Rellicin is engaged in the preparation of the generic pathways - he softens the bundles and makes the muscles more elastic. Emission of the oxytocin hormone causes contraction of the uterus - contractions.

Thus, the body and mother, and the kid are well prepared for childbirth. Therefore, it is very important that childbirth began and conducted independently, without artificial stimulation and anesthesia. In this case, they will be most painless for all participants in the process. Of course, sometimes stimulation and anesthesia are needed by medical testimony, but without the urgent need they are better not to abuse. After all, the best outcome of pregnancy and childbirth is a healthy baby, and the real mother will always try to do everything possible for this.

Pregnancy is one of the most exciting periods in life! So that pregnancy proceeds safely, you need to lead the most healthy lifestyle. To adhere to a healthy lifestyle is important, since not only your well-being and mental state depends on this, but also the health of your future kid. Try to eat healthy food, maintain physical activity and take care of your emotional state. You may have to make certain changes to your lifestyle. Making such changes in your life, you significantly improve your health and health of your future child.


Observe the prescriptions of the doctor

    Choose a suitable doctor and clinic. The doctor will observe you throughout the pregnancy, so find the clinic and the doctor who like you. Ask your therapist or acquaintances to recommend a good obstetrician-gynecologist. The obstetrician gynecologist is pregnancy before the birth. And do not think that you should observe the first doctor to whom you will pick up. You can contact one doctor, and on the next reception to sign up for another. Choose a doctor with which you are more comfortable and in which you are sure.

    • Find out a doctor about the experience of work and about pregnancy methods used.
    • You can also choose Dowel and midwife, especially if you are interested in homework or some specific types of birth, such as childbirth in water.
  1. Take care of regular prenatal observation. Frequent and regular visits to the akuster-gynecologist, a family doctor or certified midwife will provide security and you, and your future child throughout the process of pregnancy. Once you have learned that you are pregnant, or suspect that it could happen, start to be observed at a specialist. If pregnancy confirms (as a rule, it is possible to confirm it through an ultrasound), an obstetrician-gynecologist will observe you. You can start visiting your ordinary therapist, but as pregnancy develops, most likely, you will need to start watching the obstetrician-gynecologist. So, if your pregnancy proceeds normally (according to your doctor's opinion), your visits should be scheduled to be scheduled for the following graphics:

    Take care of regular physical exertion. It seems with growing weight, nausea in the mornings and pain in the muscles is very difficult to continue to lead an active lifestyle and train. However, supporting physical activity during pregnancy, you will ensure health not only yourself, but also the future baby. Regular classes will promote easy childbirth, will help to lose weight after childbirth, it is faster to recover physically and stimulate a healthy toddler growth in the womb. Try every day 30 minutes to engage in light exercises, such as swimming, cycling, raising nonsense dumbbells and yoga. Walking can also be good physical activity.

    Purge. Sufficient sleep during pregnancy is extremely necessary for the full development and growth of the baby. Put yourself a goal to sleep at least to eight o'clock at night, and try to lie down for a short time after lunch. Look to bed at the same time every day (preferably until midnight), you contribute to a deeper and most complete sleep.

    • Sleep on the left side to reduce the pressure on the lower back. It is not recommended to sleep in other positions, as you risk disrupting blood circulation.
    • Do not use pillows for pregnant women, without consulting a doctor.
  2. Watch for your weight. During pregnancy, you really will gain weight, but weight gain can significantly affect your health and your child's health. An individual weight gain will depend on your initial weight and BMI (body mass index) to pregnancy. To determine the perfect increase, you need to first calculate the BMI. Discuss with your doctor, what weight gain will be normal for you. Here are the estimated values, what should be the weight gain depending on the BMI.

    We regularly attend the dentist. The care of the teeth is especially important during pregnancy, because in the body more than usually estrogen and progesterone, each of which (at a high level) can cause gingivitis and gum disease, under which their bleeding, sensitivity and their constant swelling are observed. Try to visit the dentist every 3-4 months during pregnancy to keep track of the state of the oral cavity. Carefully take care of your teeth, regularly clean the teeth with a brush and dental thread.

    Make sure you consume enough iron. The iron is necessary for the production of blood cells, both yours and your fetus. Most of the prenatal additives contain iron, but, as for most nutrients, it is best to use iron in a natural form contained in products, and not as part of additives.

    • Rich with iron red meat, spinach enriched with solid cereals (for example, whole grain bread and porridge). Try to eat every day at least one portion of such rich products.
  3. Take fish oil. Omega-3 fatty acids are important for the development of the brain and the eye of the child. Since omega-3 fatty acids in a fairly large quantity are contained in such a fish, like a tuna, sardines, salmon and anchovies, you can eat fish, or take nutritional supplements with fish fats to reduce the consumption of mercury, which can accumulate in these types of fish. You can take up to 300 mg of fish fat daily.

Avoid harmful products and drinks

    Do not eat alcohol. Alcohol is categorically prohibited by pregnant women, since its use entails a whole range of congenital defects of development and complications. The use of alcohol significantly increases the risk of miscarriage or stilling, increases the likelihood that the child subsequently detected in development, and leads to the fruit alcohol syndrome. Fully give up alcohol for pregnancy to avoid these risks, and if necessary, if you are experiencing alcohol addiction, contact a specialist or psychologist.

    • If you used alcohol, not yet knowing about your pregnancy, do not worry - the faster you refuse this bad habit, the less likely you come across the complications described above.
    • Some doctors and women believe, then it is permissible occasionally drink one small glass of alcoholic beverage. Discuss this question with your doctor.
  1. Limit caffeine consumption. You may like coffee, tea and carbonated drinks, but if they contain caffeine, they can become harmful to developing fetus. Studies show that caffeine use during pregnancy is associated with a high probability of miscarriage and complications during childbirth.

    • It is best to exclude caffeine from your life at all, but some doctors believe that consumption within 200 mg (equivalent to one cup of coffee) is safe.
    • When it seems possible, try to eat coffee, tea and soda without caffeine. Products containing caffeine (for example, chocolate) are allowed in moderate quantities, since the level of content is low.
  2. Try not to use raw or semi-work done products. Some diseases of food origin, including toxoplasmosis and lesteriosis, are often found in cheese and half meat. These diseases can be quite dangerous for a developing fetus, so it is better to avoid those products that can contain them.

    • Try not to eat mollusks, raw fish (for example, sushi or sashimi), raw or dried meat and raw eggs.
  3. Do not eat fish that accumulates mercury. Heavy metals, such as mercury and lead, are incredibly harmful to the fetus and can even cause death in sufficiently large quantities. Some fish species are especially high mercury content, which makes them dangerous for use during pregnancy. These include sword fish, shark, royal mackerel, tuna and tile. Nevertheless, fish, such as canned tuna, salmon, halibut and cod, are safe for use during pregnancy.

    • During pregnancy, reduce the consumption of any kinds of fish - even safe - to one or two times a week.
  4. Do not eat nonpasteurized cheeses. Although the dish of soft species of cheese may seem attractive, but unpasteurized cheeses may contain bacteria that carry a number of generic complications. As a result, pregnant women are better to refrain from them at all.

    • Among the most famous unpasteurized fresh cheeses - VR grade, feta, goat cheese, Camembert and blue cheese. Solid cheeses, such as Cheddar, Swiss Cheese and Hawart, are safe for use.

Change lifestyle

  1. Try to put all the necessary vaccinations before conception. If you are planning a pregnancy, then put all the necessary vaccinations in advance. It is recommended to do this in the clinic to which you are prescribed - there is surely there is a story of the vaccinations that you did. So the doctor will be able to determine whether you need vaccinations, and if so, what.

    • Cheering from measles, epidemic vapor and rubella, as well as vaccination from tetanus, diphtheria and cough (DC) must be made strictly to pregnancy.
    • Flu vaccination can be held during pregnancy.
    • If you have any questions or doubts regarding immunization, talk to your doctor.
  2. Throw smoking. As a rule, it is recommended to avoid any kind of smoking, since it is destroying for the lungs. This is especially true for pregnant women - whatever you smoke, it gets in your baby. Nicotine and tobacco fall into the bloodstream, thereby increasing the likelihood of stillbirth, miscarriage or prematurity. Exclude all kinds of smoking from your life, including cigarettes, electronic cigarettes and cigars.

    • Some studies show that kids whose mother smoked during pregnancy, they themselves grow chronic smokers.
    • Avoid passive smoking.
  3. Stay away from all forbidden drugs. Drugs in any form - especially "street" - incredibly dangerous for developing fetus. The use of recreational drugs is almost 100% guarantees that the child will have a congenital vice or deviation, as they significantly affect your body and brain functions, and therefore, on your child. In addition, mothers who have dependence on drugs and continue to use them during pregnancy, can really convey their dependence to their child. Then the newborn becomes drug addicted and also suffers from cancellation syndrome, as well as an adult.

    • If you suffer from narcotic dependence, then find out about the relief programs from addiction, contact a narcologist for advice.
    • Continue to live without drugs and after the birth of a child for their own health and child health.
  4. Try not to visit saunas, baths or steam rooms. Increased body temperature to very high marks can be dangerous for the fetus, studies show the relationship of high body temperature with deviations in development and vices. Although warm shower and baths are quite permissible, but the existence of a longer time in too hot conditions can cause serious problems, especially in the first trimester.

    • Avoid any places where the temperature reaches above 38 degrees Celsius, and if you are forced to be there, limit the time of your stay 10 minutes and no more.
  5. Avoid exposure to environmental toxins. Contact with certain chemicals and toxins is especially dangerous for pregnant women, even if they do not pose a danger to non-empty. Cleaning solvents, strong chemicals, heavy metals (like mercury and lead) and some biological substances (as asbest) are associated with complications and congenital vices.

Read in this article:

Being a mother is a great happiness, that's just some women together with a great desire to give birth to a child are very worried because of the coming pregnancy. Basically, the cause of such phobias is to know how to pregnancy under weeks, the development of the fetus, as toxicosis and other sensations that girlfriends and doctors are constantly reminded are transferred. When a woman is aware of what processes occur in her body and how the child grows, it is much easier for all difficulties. Even minor factors whose knowledge seemingly does not affect the psyche, for example, the weight of the fetus for weeks of pregnancy, are able to reassure the mind with a detailed study.

First month: the formation of the nervous tube

If we consider the development of the child on weeks, then in the first week the embryo is attached to the uterus with thin VILLINS, for which nutritional blood begins to flow. The embryo begin to form cord cells and an outer shell. In the second week, the embryo gradually acquires the so-called nervous tube, which over time turns into a spinal and brain. It is in this period that it is extremely desirable not to be nervous and start using folic acid. It has been established that folic acid reduces the risk of various diseases in the embryo during this period. By the end of the month, the embryo will have a size of only about 0.5 cm.

As for mom, in the first month, it may feel early toxicosis. May be sick, manifests nausea. But most importantly, the body has a strongest surge of hormones. At all, it acts in different ways, however, first of all, the emotional state of the woman changes. It is best to spend more time at this moment with your loved one, think about some bright and positive things. Also during this period, the future mother may feel the desire to eat some unusual food.

For the second month: the baby's brain appears

On the second month of pregnancy, namely by 5-6 week, the brain of the child, the muscles of the face, digestive, sexual, nervous system continues to form. During this period, limbs are formed: handles, legs, fingers. By the end of the 6th week, the heart is divided into ventricles and cameras, the formation of the liver ends. At the 7th week, the child's nutrition is usually already beginning. The sizes of the baby are completely tiny - only about 2.5 cm, and the weight of the fetus does not exceed 2 g.

Future mom will often be clone into sleep, sometimes there is a feeling of fatigue, even after awakening. It is not surprising, because the body now truly works for two! Breastfalls the chest, the nipples begin to darken and increase. During this period, women are usually moving into special underwear for pregnant women and refuse ordinary bras.

The amount of blood begins to increase in the body, so the load on the heart and vessels increases. It is necessary to closely monitor meals, the day of the day, more often to be outdoer. As for toxicosis, he is still tormented by mom on the second month, but it is already somewhat lighter. The body begins to get used to.

And on the second month, the future mother feels frequent urge to the toilet. Elevated urination is also explained by the abundance of hormones.

Third Month: Endocrine System

A child at the 9-10th week acquires nail plates on his fingers, the base of jaws begins to form. During this period, an endocrine system, kidneys, adrenal glands and other organs are actively developing. The weight of the fetus is growing, which by the 13th week reaches 25 g. The body length is about 8 cm. During this period, you can already consider the child's face on the ultrasound, hear how his heart beats. At the 13th week, genitals are formed, and the circulatory system is already functioning independently. The kid's blood already has its own group and a rhesus factor. His body is gradually learning to independently regulate.

Mom feels like her tummy grows - the usual clothing is not enough, you need to buy special, for pregnant women. Toxicosis in the third month already begins to retreat. But tiredness and drowsiness are present. During this period, many pregnant women complain about headaches. However, given the intensive growth of the child, with the reception of drugs, you need to be very careful. It is best to contact the doctor so that he discharges some kind of secure remedy. But you can see the first photo of the fetus. This adds a stimulus in the fight against bad well-being.

Fourth month: Active shakers

The child begins to actively move. Moreover, by the 17th week, he is already very good hears, reacts to various sounds and mother's voice. The heart of the kid gradually acquires steady rhythm, and the fruit goes into a vertical position. The weight of the fetus by the 17th week exceeds 100 g, and the body length is 15 cm. The placenta is actively functioning, supplying the baby with everything necessary. At the same time, the child may be poisoned if the mother is located in a room where there are some harmful chemicals in the air or tobacco smoke.

Mom on the fourth month feels the first shoes. Naturally, it causes a huge amount of joyful and bright emotions. At the same time, toxicosis starts to pass through and the woman is often experiencing a huge appetite. There is also an interest in intimate proximity to her husband, although it must be done with extreme caution. There is, truth, and unpleasant moments on this period. In particular, strong heartburn is often developing. It is worth using more fruits and vegetables, refuse acute food. The diet should be carefully thought out.

In the fourth month, the stomach begins to grow intensively. Therefore, you need to expand your wardrobe, bought comfortable clothes. You can use both the large and free sizes of ordinary clothes and special outfits for future mothers.

Fifth month: routine of the day

The child is developing not only activity, but also an occupant routine of the day. He can sleep, awake, capricious. Most of the time the child sleeps. At this stage, the formation of an endocrine system and some internal organs is fully completed. The baby begins to suck his fingers, he develops the facial expressions. In addition, the immune system already operates on the fifth month, so the baby can already fight diseases and viruses. Of course, such a crumb is not capable of serious struggle.

Mom during this period feels even stronger shoes. They can feel and dad, if attached a hand to the tummy. In the fifth month of pregnancy, it is very important to get enough sleep, follow your heart, try to get rid of stress. Useful and day sleep, walking, proper nutrition. The nutrition must be mentioned separately, on the 5th month of pregnancy, the woman is intensively adds in weight, but it is very important for it that the increase does not exceed 0.5 kg per week. If this indicator is higher, then you need to reconsider your diet and consult with your doctor. From sweets and baking it is better to abandon this period. But the fruit and fiber is better enough to attach.

Sixth Month: Reflexes

The child begins to actively form reflexes - respiratory, swallowing, brain and nervous system fully function. During this period, it is determined whether the kid will have a more active right hemisphere of the brain or left. The child sleeps less, he already has eyes, he can react to bright light. His hair grows, muscles are strengthened, the fatty tissue fabric begins under the skin. At this age, the child acquires smell. True, it can not use it yet. This period, in addition to everything, is notable for the formation of Alveol in the lungs.

The future mother begins to feel pain in the lower back, walking harder. The belly is very stretched and sometimes starts to hide. During this period, it must be smeared by moisturizing lotions. Intimate relationships on this period is better limited. In the sixth month, sometimes there are problems with the intestines, so you need to follow your diet, more to use fiber. It is worth drinking a lot of water or juice - it will get rid of constipation.

And on the sixth month, heat, stuffing, sun is very hard. It is better to be more often in the air, resting in the shade. Doctors recommend future mothers to make simple gymnastics and breathing exercises on this period.

Seventh month: metabolism

The child is formed metabolism. All children have different. Increases the weight of the fetus, which reaches 1000-1300 g. The child is increasingly pushing, sometimes these movements are unpleasant for mom. On the 29-30th week, the child begins to produce a special hormone - estrogen. This hormone activates Mom's dairy glands, so the child helps mom prepare for her birth.

Mom begins to suffer from feet swelling. It is recommended to lie more often. The stomach in the seventh month becomes very large, so the body of a woman is disturbed by the center of gravity. During this period, it is very easy to fall, especially in the winter and autumn, when there is a slipway on the roads. It is necessary to protect themselves especially, wear comfortable shoes, try to go accompanied by loved ones. Sleep the most convenient on the side. In order for the body during sleep there was more support points, you can set yourself with pillows. Another new feeling during this period is the false contractions of Brackstone Hicks. They prepare a woman to the birth of a child, so do not be afraid of them. But if there are more than five battles for 50-60 minutes, you need to urgently contact the doctor!

Eighth month: intense growth

The child continues to grow. Its organism has already been formed, but intensively gains weight. Many kids love to leaving the legs in the stomach and hit mom with all their strength under the edge. The child is rapidly growing hair, bones are strengthened. The whole fetus reaches 2 kg. Light in this period begin to allocate a special enzyme - surfactant. He protects them from sticking. On the fingers, palms, the heels are formed by an individual imprint. The baby has already been prepared for premature childbirth, if they happen, the child will already be able to breathe independently without any devices. By 30-32 weeks, the photo of the child on the ultrasound corresponds to the appearance of the newborn.

Mom's chest begins to highlight a colostrum - you have to acquire a special bra with inserts. Pregnant woman can have shortness of breath and difficulty breathing. You need to walk slowly and carefully, protect your stomach and try not to fall. On the eighth month later toxicosis may appear. In fact, everything is not so scary, most women have been tolerated this period well. Doctors are not recommended to lie on the back, because blood flow is disturbed - this can be fought by rapid heartbeat. By the way, it will have to go to the hospital about once every two weeks. But if it was very difficult to breathe, the lips acquire a blue shade, you need to immediately cause a doctor.

Ninth month: Preparation for childbirth

Before the appearance, it remains quite a little bit! The child has already formed a respiratory system, he must turn over in the uterus down his head. The kid grows very quickly during this period, up to 300-400 g per week. The total weight of the fetus for weeks of pregnancy during this period is from 3 to 4 kg.

If the child rolled down his head, his mother becomes much easier to breathe. The fruit does not press the stomach, so the heartburn is also. At the same time, the urge is returned to frequent urination. But nothing terrible, because it remains very long to a wonderful event! At the 40th week, childbirth should begin.

When it remains very little to childbirth, you can not start trips, repairs, some major things. Considering that the child born will take a lot of time and effort, and the childhood themselves are a big stress, the most reasonable pregnancy on the ninth month is to get comfortable and relax.

In general, the development of pregnancy for most women proceeds is not so difficult, so do not be afraid of some kind of discomfort. Certain inconvenience, of course, are present, but the joy of the nascent inside the mother of a new life eclipses all the negative moments!

Those women who plan to become mothers are of great responsibility relate to sensations in the first days of pregnancy. Watching your organism, they seek to see any signs of the birth of a new life.

Experts note that there are two deadlines for your pregnancy: an obstetric period (it is considered from the first day of menstruation) and a true term (considered to be conceived). In most cases, it is very difficult to identify exactly the day of conception, so in women's consultations and consider the point of reference the first day of menstruation. Today we will talk about the first signs of pregnancy on a true term.

The first days of pregnancy after conception: what happens in the body

Turning to science, we note that the first week after conception can still be called pregnancy. The fact is that a fertilized egg for 7-10 days is moving to the place where it will be and develop from the embryo into the fruit. Only after it is attached to the walls of the uterus, you can talk about the occurrence of pregnancy. Menstruation occurs if this attachment did not happen, and then the woman does not even suspect that there was conception.

If the fertilized egg reached the uterus, then it is introduced into the walls of the uterus (). After successful implantation begins to form umbilical cord and placenta. The first week after conception is very important in the period of conception of a new life, since the woman's body perceives the embryo as a foreign body, in every way trying to slow down, without letting it consolidate as it should.

After successful implantation of the embryo primarily in the body occurs hormonal perestroika . The woman begins to produce a special hormone, which is responsible for the preservation of the fetus in the female body at the first time of pregnancy: known as HCG. The presence of this hormone in the blood gives a 100% guarantee of the occurrence of pregnancy. Most of the doctors and women are more trusted by the analysis of blood on hCG, and not pregnancy tests in the first days, although the latter also react to the presence of a hormone.

The first days of pregnancy: how to recognize

For a healthy woman, the first sign of pregnancy is always a delay. But, if you do not follow your general condition and do not plan a pregnancy, the delay is determined when the pregnancy lasts for 2-3 weeks. That in the first days after conception, embryo implantation in the uterus walls, there may be several signs.

1. Minor bleeding. For 7-12 days after conception, when the embryo is introduced into the uterus wall, a woman can have a small bleeding (implantation bleeding). It can be in the form of several brownish or yellowish spots on underwear or paper. If pregnancy is not planned, then such a phenomenon is more often perceived as the beginning of menstruation. If such stains appear when the pregnancy is already definitely diagnosed, then this may be a signal to the threat of miscarriage, and requires urgent appeal to the doctor. This feature in the first days of pregnancy may be absent, it all depends on the individuality of the body.

2. Increase body temperature and basal temperature. When planning pregnancy, the method of measuring the basal temperature is often used to determine the term of ovulation. This temperature with a good fertilization of the egg first falls, and then rises. The reduced is due to two factors:

  • when pregnant occurs, estrogen emissions, which lowers the temperature;
  • the progesterone is stronger, which increases the temperature.

Thus, watching its basal temperature when pregnancy is already confirmed, you can see the "pit" with a decrease in temperature. This decline continues only 1 day, then the temperature rises. The norm is considered to be the basal temperature of 37 degrees, until the moment, until it started to fully function at the placenta (several weeks). If you do not notice the recession, it is not possible to notice an increased temperature for 2-3 weeks.

3. Sensitude for easy lifelong . The well-being of a woman in the first days of pregnancy may worsen. Frequently appears drowsiness, weakness. Many are even slightly ill, complaining about the throat and runny nose. This is all due to a decrease in immunity and the struggle of the body with the embedded embryo.

In the first trimester, the body temperature is always increased, but slightly. Hence the general weakness. The main condition for the normal course of pregnancy with such ailment is not to be treated with medicines that can harm the future child. Planning a pregnancy, it is generally better to abandon any medicines if they don't have to be absolutely necessary, and to resort exclusively to non-contraindicated in pregnancy.

There is a feeling of apathy, fast fatigue. This is connected not only with the overall rebuilding of the body, but also with increased work out of progesterone. These sensations can stop quickly, and can be delayed until 10 weeks of pregnancy, when the estrogen becomes more produced.

4. Sensitivity chest . Women's breasts in the first days of pregnancy begins to swell, pain appear, that is, its sensitivity increases. Even a slight touch can be painful.

Sometimes everything happens completely opposite. Previously, a woman had painful sensations before every month, and now she is surprised that the breast does not hurt. Soon after the amazing moment she learns about the coming pregnancy. Often, when pressed on Aregulu, colosure may be allocated in the early periods of pregnancy.

5. Gravity in the field of small pelvis . The manifestation of the first days of pregnancy can be a sensation of gravity in the organs of a small pelvis. Many women begin to feel the uterus immediately after implantation of the embryo. The degree of this feeling is individual for each body.

6. Tingling in the uterus . Also an individual pregnancy rate and may indicate not only a successful conception and implantation.

7. Early toxicosis accompanied by nausea and vomiting on a row with others is a sign of the first days of pregnancy. Special sensitivity to certain smells and food is considered toxicosis. There may be a sense of disgust to previously beloved products.

In the first days of pregnancy, you can love what they used to hate. Also for early terms are characterized by strange combinations in food: a herd with compotes, a taran with chocolate, pineapple with sausage. The surrounding is crying at the sight of such nutrition, and a pregnant woman is experiencing indescribable bliss.

The first days of pregnancy: false symptoms

Some of the above symptoms may indicate not only the occurrence of pregnancy. They may indicate a bowel disease, cervical erosion and other diseases of the genital organs. To such symptoms also includes bleeding, nausea, urination, swelling, breast swelling can also testify not only about the occurrence of pregnancy.

The first days of pregnancy: what to do

Any method of determining pregnancy begins to work only from the occurrence of the delay of menstruation. Even knowing the accurate day of ovulation, no analysis or test will indicate the next day after fertilization. Analysis on hCG, pregnancy test, ultrasound examination of small pelvis organs is best to do in the first week of menstruation delays.

Planning pregnancy and suggesting its offensive, follows change your lifestyle For another six months before conception. If there are first symptoms of pregnancy, but they do not cause much discomfort, then wait for the delay and the ability to do a test. A visit to the gynecologist first week after conception will not give any result in addition to the stack of directions for tests.

During this period, you can read something useful and pleasant about pregnancy, to ask the closest courses for future mothers, to engage in your body and start doing gymnastics for pregnant women (even if there is no pregnancy, exercise will never interfere).

Just spend this time with joy and pleasant impressions. Talk to the future dad about a possible miracle. You should go to the doctor after a positive pregnancy test, 2 weekly latency of menstruation or in the presence of gynecological problems.

If the symptoms appear very intensively and the malaise is enhanced, the appeal to the doctor must be transferred to an earlier time. This is especially true of those who have previously had problems with conception or tooling pregnancy.

The first trimester of pregnancy is the most responsible. At this time, there is a laying of all vital kids. The first days of pregnancy play a huge role in the occurrence of pregnancy at all.