How to make bright eyebrows tattoo. Eyebrow tattoo: how is the procedure, the benefits. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each method

198 09/02/2019 6 min.

Eyebrow tattoo is one of the fashionable and modern trends that allow a woman to look attractive and original. It is carried out by different methods and ensures the embodiment of many whims of fashionistas into reality. Different shapes and colors of eyebrows are formed for a long time, which subsequently does not eliminate the need for daily makeup. There is a lot of debate about eyebrow tattooing, both experts and consumers. Despite a number of problems, the question of whether it is necessary to do eyebrow tattooing is increasingly being resolved positively. You may also be interested in information on how

The essence of the procedure

What can a tattoo provide?

Eyebrow tattoo procedure allows you to eliminate all the shortcomings of this important element of the face, i.e. form perfect contours. The most important characteristics in this regard are color, size and shape. They reflect fashion trends, personal preferences and wishes of close people, but in general they should harmoniously fit into the woman's appearance, give the desired expression to the face, and reflect a certain individuality.

Before getting a tattoo, it should be remembered that this method forms a stable shape, which will be quite difficult to change over a long period of time. This suggests that the created image of the eyebrow will have to be worn for a long time, which means that you need to think very carefully about which option is best for a woman.

You may also be interested in information about how it looks and how it is done

On the video, how to do eyebrow tattooing:

When choosing a color, you should listen to the following recommendations:

  1. For brown-haired women and women with dark hair, but fair skin, different shades of chocolate color will suit.
  2. Blondes should think about light brown eyebrows, a little darker than the hair on their heads.
  3. Brunettes with rather dark skin of the face are more suitable for a dark brown color, almost black.
  4. If the hair is light brown or has an ashy and smoky sheen, then the gray color of the tattoo will do.
  5. Chestnut with a golden sheen or terracotta eyebrows are quite suitable for women with red hair.
  6. With significant gray hair, a brown or gray color is suggested for the eyebrows.

When choosing the color of the composition of the tattoo, again, one should remember about the durability of the effect, which means that the desire to recolor the hair on the head may contradict the color of the eyebrows.

Eyebrow size is characterized by its length and width. The most responsible approach should be to the choice of width. They can be narrow, medium width and wide. This setting is associated with the form. The most characteristic varieties are: straight, round, curved and with a kink. The height is distinguished by high, medium and low eyebrows. The choice of shape and size depends on the shape of the face and all its elements, the size and color of the eyes, the facial oval.

But what are the contraindications to and what you should pay attention to when choosing a procedure, the information on the link will help you understand.


Natural eyebrow tattooing can be carried out by several methods, each of them has its own characteristics. You can separately distinguish the following main types of eyebrow tattooing:

  1. shading. With this technology, gradient shading of the brow contour is used, without clear boundaries. When eyebrow tattooing is carried out - shading, they take on the appearance of a contour neatly tinted with ink. At the same time, everything looks natural, and it is even difficult to suspect an artificial effect.


  2. Hair drawing. When such eyebrow tattooing is carried out, the hair-to-hair technique requires careful drawing of individual hairs. Volume is provided by the use of several color shades. This method allows you to increase the length, mask small scars, create a different bend, change the boundaries of hair growth. Distribution is found by 2 variants of hair technology: "European", in which the hairs are drawn parallel to each other, and "Eastern", which provides for weaving that imitates the natural state.

    Hair drawing

  3. 3D technique. In this case, a combination of the considered methods is used, while an important condition is provided - volumetricity. But what it will look like, you can see by clicking on the link.

    Technique 3D

When eyebrow tattooing is planned, the types are selected based on the individual characteristics of the appearance and their structure. The most common way is shading. It, in turn, can be carried out in the following ways:

  1. Dense shading or shoting. The cosmetologist provides a drawing of an eyebrow with clear boundaries. As a rule, this technique is used in the absence of hairline.
  2. soft technology. In this case, the composition is injected under the skin between the hair follicles, which provides a color background. The method is especially popular when processing light eyebrows.
  3. Combination of shading with hair technique. Along the length of the eyebrow, drawing with different color shades is provided, hair technology is used to draw clear boundaries. The eyebrow visually becomes thicker.

For those who want to learn more about how tattooing is done and what it is, set out

How is the procedure carried out?

When eyebrow tattooing is carried out in the salon, the procedure lasts 30-40 minutes. Before the session, all traces of makeup and cosmetics are completely removed from the face, and the skin is thoroughly degreased. First, a mock-up of the shape of the eyebrows is applied - tattooing will be carried out strictly within its framework.

This form is agreed with the patient, after which control marks are applied. After all preparatory measures, the skin in the treatment area is disinfected.

What should I do if the procedure was not successful, and form defects appeared? In this case, the eyebrow tattoo is corrected. For small flaws, special correctors are used that have a color similar to the main dye. In case of significant violations, the correction is provided using a laser. Under the action of its beam, excess pigment is burned out.

Possible restrictions

Beauty requires sacrifice, but these sacrifices must be justified. In some cases, eyebrow tattooing is not possible. Absolute contraindications include such circumstances: abnormal blood clotting, somatic diseases, oncological problems, acute inflammatory reactions, epilepsy, mental disorders, breastfeeding.

Relative contraindications (at the discretion of the specialist) include the following list: hypertension, pregnancy in the first and third trimester, hypersensitivity to allergies, menstrual problems.

But what is the difference between tattoo and permanent makeup and what is best to choose is indicated

Eyebrow tattooing is a common way to give the face the desired look. This procedure is carried out by many specialized beauty salons, but it is important that everything is carried out by an experienced master, and the process itself takes into account the individual characteristics of the skin.

Eyebrow tattooing is such a popular beauty topic that almost every one of us discusses it. The topic itself was overgrown with so many questions that we simply could not not write about it. Especially for the readers of I WANT, we talked with the master Anna Konova, who kindly agreed to answer the most common and interesting questions regarding eyebrow tattooing.

Eyebrow tattooing (a kind of permanent makeup) is the introduction of organic paint into the upper layer of the epidermis to a depth of 0.8 cm. It is often used by women, not only to create or correct eyebrows and lips, but also to mask scars and burns. Of course, this procedure has a lot of advantages, first of all, you will always look well-groomed, you will not only be able to improve the contour of your lips, but also make them more plump. You can change the shape and color of lips, eyebrows and eyelids permanently.

Despite the fact that this procedure is considered harmless, many still ask the question: “Is it possible to do eyebrow tattooing without harm to health?”. In this case, it is impossible to give an unequivocal answer right away, since it depends on the physical individuality of the person, and there are serious contraindications that you need to be familiar with before deciding to take this step. Before the procedure, be sure to consult a doctor to avoid problems in the future.

Eyebrow tattoo types

There are two main types of eyebrow tattooing according to the tasks facing the master and how to accomplish them. This is a soft shading and hair eyebrow tattoo. If the first is more or less clear, then the latter is also divided into two varieties - European and Eastern. With oriental execution, hairs are drawn at different intervals from root to tip. Recently, the natural look of eyebrows is the most popular, but only high-class specialists can “draw” eyebrows in this way.

Hairs of different lengths are directed in different directions. This arrangement is best suited for women of the oriental type, with dark thick hair. Correction is carried out to enhance the color. According to the European method, the hairs are drawn of the same length, directing them up and tilting towards the tail. With a properly performed European eyebrow tattoo, the interval of strokes is almost the same, but after the procedure, about a month later, a correction is also required.

How long does an eyebrow tattoo last?

Many girls will probably have a question: how long does permanent makeup last? As cosmetologists say, a well-made tattoo can last up to 3 years, while it is necessary to make corrections as the paint fades. But this period is not the same for all women. So, young girls will have to do tattoo correction more often, as their skin is updated faster.

In addition, the rate of fading of the pigment also depends on the chosen shade: bright and dark colors last longer. Peeling, scrubbing and other cosmetic procedures that contribute to the renewal of the upper layer of the epidermis also have a significant impact on the durability of permanent makeup. Also, individual factors such as skin type and metabolic rate can affect the durability of a tattoo.

That is why eyebrow tattoos can last from 1 to 3 years for different girls. We must not forget about the professionalism of the master who carries out the procedure: the depth of pigment injection must be chosen correctly, as a rule, it is not less than 0.3 and not more than 0.8 mm.

How is eyebrow tattoo done correctly?

The procedure itself takes about half an hour, but in general, the time interval may vary depending on the amount of work being done. From the very beginning, the remains of decorative cosmetics are removed from the face and the skin is degreased. A “layout” of the desired eyebrows is applied to it, this form is approved by you, after which the master applies “control marks”, that is, guidelines along which the permanent line will be applied. Then the skin in the treated area is disinfected again.

The procedure is very painful, so the use of an anesthetic is mandatory. For this, special creams and gels are most often used, some have a slight cooling effect (for example, Sustain, Elma, Anestop, etc.). About 5-10 minutes are given for its absorption and the onset of action. Then the master proceeds to the direct application of permanent makeup. A coloring composition is injected subcutaneously with a thin needle to a depth of about 0.8 mm (the main thing is not to exceed a maximum of 1.5 mm). In principle, both mineral and natural (vegetable) substances can be used as a dye. At the same time, if you have intolerance to any drugs, then you should tell the master about this in advance at a preliminary interview, since some components can easily be included in the composition of the coloring matter. In any composition, in order for the paint to remain unchanged longer, a stabilizer substance is added. In terms of makeup technique, “shading” received the best reviews.

Skillfully applied cosmetics can make the face more expressive, emphasize all the advantages and hide possible flaws. At the same time, the greatest attention was given and is still being given to the eye area, perhaps because it is a kind of “mirror reflection of the soul” and therefore everyone hopes to unravel the thoughts and intentions, the mood of another person by them.

An invariable addition to the "alluring eyes" are eyebrows. The cosmetic history of eyebrows dates back to the ancient world. From Egypt to India, there was not a single state where they did not try to emphasize them. Some researchers suggest that it was the Egyptians who first began to try to "prolong the effect of coloring" and began to use tattooing for cosmetic purposes. This art, forgotten for a long time, has received a second wind in our days and is called "tattoo", from the word "tattoo". The difference is that the application area is located mainly on the face and the introduction of coloring substances is not carried out as deep as during the tattoo, that is, no deeper than 1.5 mm. This allows you to get rid of the makeup applied in this way after a while.

Eyebrow tattoo inks

Despite the fact that the tattoo procedure is equated with permanent makeup, it would be more correct to call it "semi-permanent", since its effect lasts only a few years. The dyes used do not cause coloring of fabrics, but only act on the skin.

Microimplants of natural origin begin to turn pale after a couple of years as a result of cell regeneration, and then disappear altogether. Need to know: tattoo and tattoo inks are different from each other. Be sure to keep track of what type of paint the artist uses, as tattoo inks are much cheaper, and unscrupulous artists can take advantage of this. You should not settle for "eternal" makeup for the sake of economy.

If you or the master, with your consent, decide to save on paints, you can very soon get brown eyebrows, which can then acquire a greenish tint. Sometimes the paint is mixed, for example, red for lip tattoos with black for arrows and tattoos. It is categorically impossible to do this, otherwise, in addition to an uneven color, a different line structure is also obtained, a violation of the dimensions due to uneven washing off of the paint.

Eyebrow correction after tattoo

After application, the eyebrows look more natural, almost indistinguishable from natural, than when using the “hair drawing” method. Application takes place in the direction of hair growth from the beginning of the eyebrow arch to its end. Be prepared for the fact that initially freshly tinted eyebrows will look somewhat overpainted, but over time, the color will completely become natural.

Eyebrow tattoo procedure

The face should be carefully prepared - cleaned of cosmetics and impurities with antibacterial soap or other aseptic agent. Then comes the most important stage - the shape of the eyebrows is selected. Gather the hair back and open the neck, evaluate the oval of the face. Usually, eyebrow tattoo artists are highly qualified makeup artists who are able to choose the right shape and coordinate with the client. Refine the form together before you approve the final design. If you cannot find a common language with the master, it is better not to start the procedure, but to look for another specialist.

Stages of eyebrow tattooing

Stage 1:

  • a drawing of a non-intense color is performed
  • the tone is added little by little so as not to make the eyebrows too saturated;
  • the skin in the punctured places is disinfected;
  • a layer of wound healing cream is applied to protect wounds from dust.

Stage 2:

  • Eyebrow correction. The exact depth of the puncture from the first time is almost impossible, due to the different structure of the skin, immunity, metabolism.
  • The tattoo is corrected after the crust comes off.

Eyebrow tattoo: contraindications

Before the procedure, be sure to consult with your doctor. The main contraindication is poor blood clotting, as well as diabetes mellitus. Do not drink alcohol for several days before and after the procedure, as it lowers blood clotting. Pay attention to the use of drugs - analgesics, aspirin also reduce blood clotting. Also, do not plan this event during menstruation.

It is worth paying attention to tattoo machines - they should be with disposable parts for skin contact. The master must print the needle in the presence of the client. Another “forbidden” feature of the body is the tendency to form keloid scars. If the scars after any scratches are too noticeable - you also have a taboo on beautiful “artificial” eyebrows, you will have to look for other ways, for example, cosmetics. With imprudent actions, complications are possible - prolonged healing of the injured area. In addition, the following diseases are an absolute contraindication: epilepsy, oncological diseases, mental disorders.

Can a tattoo be removed?

The answer to this question is rather positive. Removal is carried out with a laser, in much the same way as when working with tattoos, only with a lower power. With the correct distribution of colors, the pigment is located almost under the surface of the skin, it can be destroyed by several procedures. True discoloration will be about 80%, however, this is a very high result. The drawing is completely removed in 5 procedures. Laser removal is painless, does not leave scars, the skin heals completely within two weeks.

Eyebrow tattoo - common questions and answers

Does eyebrow tattooing hurt?

  • During the procedure, anesthesia is performed at the request of the client, a large number of anesthetics are used to choose from. The procedure is performed by a special device. Without anesthesia it will be painful, but tolerable.

Is it possible to completely remove eyebrows with a razor?

  • No, they are corrected by the master with tweezers, and only where the hair growth does not match the new line.

Does hair growth change after tattooing?

  • No, it doesn't. Since the impact is carried out only on the stratum corneum and the epidermis, the hair follicles are not damaged, as they are much deeper.
  • Hair grows too.

How long does a tattoo last?

  • The timing is influenced by the type of skin, the metabolic rate in the body. This happens differently for everyone, on average, from 2 to 5 years.

How soon after the procedure can I take a shower or do other water procedures?

  • Not earlier than two hours later. You need to do this gently for several days, until the wound is completely healed.
  • A dark crust will remain on the tattooed place for some time, which should not be scratched or torn off. She herself disappears after complete healing. You can rinse it gently.

Is it possible to sunbathe after the eyebrow tattoo?

  • No, and this is very important! Until. Until the crust falls off, you should refrain from going to the sauna, solarium, beach or pool.

How long does the crust heal and how to care for it?

  • It will take from 4 to 10 days for complete healing, but it is almost not noticeable on the eyebrows.
  • Antiseptic and moisturizing creams, such as Rescuer or Nivea moisturizer, should be applied to the tattoo site. Do not apply a brightening cream or scrub to the eyebrow area.

How many days can swelling last?

  • There is no edema during this procedure, only slight redness, which disappears after 2 hours.

Is it possible to make an eyebrow tattoo (more durable)?

  • Experts do not recommend doing this, and numerous reviews confirm this: the “eternal” tattoo turns yellow over time and acquires an unnatural greenish color.
  • Eyebrows are the most creative component of female beauty. It is beautiful eyebrows that emphasize the geometry of the face and reflect individuality. Be original and beautiful!

Features of the eyebrow tattoo technique

Perfect eyebrows are a rarity. To give them the desired shape, women pluck out excess hairs, round and lengthen their eyebrows with a pencil. Often, both eyebrows after adjusting with a cosmetic pencil are not the same, there are bumps and other differences. In addition, to make such a procedure, a lot of effort is required. Cosmetologists offer to solve the problem of imperfect eyebrows with the help of tattooing.

Tattooing will not only change the shape and length of the eyebrows, but also change the whole look as a whole. In addition, the eyebrow area is the least sensitive part of the face, so the procedure takes place with a minimum of pain. Local anesthesia is rarely used. Permanent eyebrow makeup is performed by several methods, suitable for those who are doing the procedure for the first time, and for those who have resorted to tattooing before.

Types of eyebrow tattoo techniques

Shot, or shading

Eyebrows after tattooing look like tinted shadows or a pencil. This method is applicable in cases where the tattoo was performed poorly or it is required to correct the eyebrow tattoo.

Drawing method, or hair-to-hair technique

Eyebrow hair tattoo. Eyebrow hair tattooing technique is complex and time consuming; only a professional can carry out the procedure qualitatively. With a special machine, the master draws hairs that imitate real ones.

European technology

Provides for the sequential drawing of hairs that go one after another. Only the angle of inclination of the strokes changes: at the base of the eyebrow, they tend slightly upwards, and towards the end they are rounded down. Strokes are applied in thin, neat lines to create the effect of real hairs.

Oriental technique

More laborious and requiring special skill. Strokes are applied at different lengths, at an angle; they intertwine and intersect with each other; shades of strokes may differ by several tones. As a result, the eyebrows are as close to natural as possible. Oriental hair make-up is like a delicate work of a jeweler, there is no need to make a correction.

Mixed media or 3D tattoo

The method combines elements of the previous two techniques. It is recommended to do for women with inexpressive, thin eyebrows or for fair-haired girls whose eyebrow line practically does not stand out. The shading technique gives the eyebrows expressiveness and brightness, and due to the hair tattoo, the eyebrows acquire the missing volume. The special attraction of 3D tattooing is achieved by mixing several shades of permanent dye. The cost of 3D tattooing is about the same as that of traditional permanent makeup techniques.

Shadow technique (shotting, soft shading)

Shadow application of pigment. This technique allows you to darken the eyebrow in the right places. The most popular method of soft shading involves the introduction of paint into the gaps between the hairs. This visually increases the density and creates a background, while the eyebrows look natural and expressive.

Video: how to do eyebrow tattooing

Tattoo! This topic over the past ten years has become the most discussed and controversial, dividing people into two camps. The former want their eyebrows to always have the right shape and bright color, while the latter, with a grin, take out a stack of photos with unsuccessful tattoo options and sarcastically ask “Do you want this?”. I go in search of truth and the answer to the question of how eyebrow tattooing is done.

Educational program on the topic "Tattoo"

Tattooing is the closest relative of a tattoo, the techniques differ only in the depth of pigment injection.

The love for naturalness forced out thin black eyebrows from the fashionable Olympus and gave rise to the emergence of new tattoo techniques, which are designed to create the very natural effect.

  1. European method. It involves tattooing by applying separate strokes of the same length and shade. In this case, the "hairs" are parallel to each other.

The technique of this method will be appreciated by the owners of the Slavic type of appearance, since it allows you to create "hairs" neatly "growing" in one direction.

  1. Eastern method. Unlike the European method, the strokes when performing the oriental have different lengths and are arranged taking into account the natural growth of hair.

I would advise choosing this technique for those who have rather dark and thick eyebrows.

  1. Feathering. To perform this method, a pigment of several shades is used. A light color is applied to the base of the eyebrow, while the tip is worked out darker. The result is a natural effect of eyebrows colored with shadows or a pencil.

  1. mixed method. Combines the benefits of shading and hair technique. A pigment of medium intensity is applied to 1/3 of the eyebrow and a shading procedure is carried out, 2/3 (tip) is worked out in the hair technique using a dark pigment.

A few words about form

The components of a successful tattoo: the right shape, color and application technique.

So form.

The main mistake that leads to the appearance of demotivators on the topic “Expectation / reality” is the desire to get the same eyebrows as in the picture in a glossy magazine. You can spend hours sighing over the eyebrows of Dita Von Teese or Megan Fox, but this will not guarantee that having acquired the desired eyebrows with a house, you will find a harmonious image.

Remember! The guideline in choosing the shape of the eyebrows should be the type of face and its features that require visual correction.

Once again about color

Before you learn how to do eyebrow tattooing, you will have to devote a little time to the issue of color. In rare cases, pure pigment is used for tattooing in the form in which it is offered by manufacturers. Most likely, you will have to conjure over getting the shade you need.

Hair color is used as a guide when choosing a shade of eyebrows.

  1. When working with blondes, you can safely consider the range of brown and light brown shades. If there are notes of ashen in the hair color, use paint with a grayish cold pigment.

Advice! Blondes with fair skin and gray (light blue, gray-green) eyes are recommended light brown shades for eyebrow tattooing.

  1. Several shades fall under the concept of “blond hair” at once, so there is no universal color for eyebrow tattooing. From my experience, I would recommend following the rule - the color of the eyebrows should be lighter than the eyelashes, but darker than the hair by 1-2 tones.

Look for a suitable color in a palette of chestnut and terracotta. Dark golden tones will suit representatives of the Nordic type with fair skin and blue eyes.

For dark blond shades, choose rich brown or chocolate, but dark chestnut is suitable only for those who have dark skin.

Advice! If you are just starting out in the brow tattoo business, give up on the idea of ​​using pure black pigment. In most cases, it gives a bluish tint and must be mixed with brown or red.

  1. For girls with red hair, you can safely offer a classic brown or dark brown palette. In addition, it is desirable that the eyebrows be a tone lighter than the hair.
  2. I’ll start talking about brown-haired women with the fact that with their eyebrows, novice masters make the most mistakes. Remember that even girls with jet hair will not fit black eyebrows, choose dark brown and dark gray shades.

If your look combines black hair and fair skin, consider using a palette of light brown to dark gray.

  1. When working with brunettes, it is important to consider not only hair color, but also skin tone. For fair-skinned people, it is preferable to use brown with a small amount of blue pigment, which will remove unattractive redness.

In search of "my" master, I met Galina Tanaeva, who not only creates eternal female beauty, but also teaches permanent makeup in her author's school.

Galina shared her secrets of correct eyebrow tattooing with me.

A little "hollywood" - the shape of the eyebrows of movie stars

  1. Correctly chosen can visually correct the flaws in appearance. For example, an oval face that is too long can be slightly expanded by increasing the distance between the eyebrows.
  2. 2/3 of the eyebrow should go up and 1/3 should go down.
  3. The inner part of the eyebrow should be wider than the outer.
  4. The lower line of the eyebrow from the beginning to the bend should be as even as possible.
  5. Wide fashionable eyebrows are not suitable for everyone; owners of small facial features and thin lips will have to abandon the idea.

I'm sure you don't know! Tattoo artists and makeup artists agree that the shape of the eyebrow should follow the outline of the upper lip.

Tattoo technique

So, if you decide to become a master in this field, it's time to tell you how to do eyebrow tattooing correctly.

The procedure begins with drawing a sketch, at this stage it is important to take into account not only the shape of the client's face, but also his age. The thing is that over time, skin tissues descend, the older your client is, the faster this process goes.

No matter how paradoxical it may sound, but when drawing, you need to get the shape of the eyebrows, which will not stand out on the face as a separate part, but will harmoniously fit into the image. Remember that eyebrows take part in facial expressions and are mobile.

Note! When drawing a sketch, keep in mind that the tail of the eyebrow cannot be located below its head.

Having completed the artistic stage, you can proceed to shape correction with tweezers or thread. All hairs that go beyond the previously designated shape must be removed.

With the shading technique, water for injection is added to the color mix of pigments, this allows you to achieve a blurry effect. For European and Oriental hair technique, the pigment is not diluted.

When introducing pigment, it is important to carry out the procedure in stages, layer by layer. This rule is especially true in the technique of shading. Also, remember that the bottom line of the eyebrow should be more defined, and the top line should be a little blurry.

Rules for working with pigments

So pigments. The layman would call them paints and would be partly right. Pigments consist of two parts - a coloring agent and a solvent. The latter can be alcohol, glycerin or sorbitol.

If you are a novice master, keep in mind that glycerin pigments have the most dense color. But water-alcohol lose their original brightness over time.

Coloring pigments can be organic mixed and mineral.

I will give an example of the use of various shades of pigment in the work:

Hue Instructions and recommendations
Black (black)
  • For the arrow, the interciliary zone.
  • To eliminate the possibility of getting a blue undertone, it is recommended to add Burgundy, Red or Orange in an amount of 10% of the total volume.
Chocolate Brown (Chocolate brown)
  • Use to create "black eyebrows" (IV-VI types according to Fitzpatrick).
  • Orange or Real red (10% by volume) is added to prevent blueness.
  • For light clarification, Light Brown (no more than one drop) is suitable.
Dark Brown (Dark brown)
  • To obtain classic dark brown eyebrows (III-V types according to Fitzpatrick).
Slightly Lighter (MP) Chocolate Brown
  • Recommended for use on olive and dark skin.
  • To exclude blue, use Orange.
Brown (brown)
  • Allows you to get reddish eyebrows (I-III types according to Fitzpatrick).
  • To prevent redness in color, add Olive (10% of the total volume).
Light Brown (golden brown)
  • For light brown eyebrows (I and II types according to Fitzpatrick).
  • Suitable for girls of the Anglo-Saxon type.
  • Olive (10% of the total volume) is added to avoid the formation of a pinkish undertone.
  • Highlight Yellow or Taupe.
Taupe (taupe)
  • For light eyebrows (I and II types according to Fitzpatrick).
  • Suitable for shading on fair skin. Allows you to get a light brown palette for the correction of pink eyebrows.
  • A lighter tone is obtained by adding Yellow.
Gray (gray)
  • In its pure form, it gives a rich gray tint, suitable for tattooing gray eyebrows.
  • When working with I-II types, it is recommended to add Beige or Taupe (1 drop).

Separately, it is worth considering the rules for correcting an unsuccessful tattoo, the shade of which has acquired a pink, blue or green undertone:

  1. Too dark shade. Suitable overlay with a shade of Yellow. It is not recommended to use White and Beige, it is likely to get contrasting white spots.
  2. Gray or blue tint. Use an orange shade for pre-shading.
  3. Pink shade. The base color for the overlay is Taupe. With the help of Beige, small errors can be eliminated.

Tattooing as a biological process

Now you know how to do eyebrow tattooing correctly, but if you want to become a true professional in your field, you cannot do without the basics of biology. What for?

  • Firstly, it will allow you to understand the principles and process of healing, as well as avoid many mistakes.
  • Secondly, you will be able to answer questions from your customers.

How is the introduction of the pigment? By means of a needle, which, penetrating under the skin, destroys the epidermis, blood vessels and connective tissue cells.

In response to such “arbitrariness”, the skin launches a local, protective vascular-stromal process, which is popularly known as inflammation. From the foregoing, we conclude that swelling, pain and redness are natural processes during tattooing.

When exuding through the enlarged pores and walls of the skin, the most liquid component of the blood, plasma, flows out, therefore, interstitial pressure increases and edema forms. 4 hours after the tattoo, leukocytes are sent to the damaged area, creating a leukocyte infiltration shaft. Lymph and blood pass to the surface of the skin, forming a crust and scab that protects the skin area.

Let's summarize the intermediate result - the formation of crusts does not depend on the skill of the master and is an obligatory and necessary stage of healing, which is regulated by the body.

After 3-4 days, the stage of reproduction begins, which is accompanied by increased cell division along the edges of the wound. Tube-like formations are formed, growing towards each other and connecting into vascular capillary loops. As a result, the circulatory system is restored at the site of injury.

Advice! The regeneration process can be accelerated by using creams with ginseng and Chinese magnolia vine.

The final stage is epithelialization. The cells of the basal layer begin to divide as intensively as possible and "crawl" to the center of the wound, a basement membrane is formed that fills the resulting defect. After rejection of the scab, the wound intensively flakes off, many horny scales form. The process is completed in 3-4 days.

Confessions of a tattoo lover

My story would be incomplete without a real story. It will not only be an opinion and reasoning about the advisability of tattooing, but a small diary with recommendations for those who decide on a tattoo or have already done it.

So let's get started.

The first question to be considered is why or why? I have naturally light eyebrows and a complete lack of a sense of symmetry, so the daily coloring of them with pencils, shadows and newfangled lipsticks led me to morning gloom.

The decision was made - a tattoo.

I chose the master for a short time and was guided by the reviews of friends and acquaintances. And then the day "X" has come. The whole procedure took no more than 30 minutes, during which time the contour was created and the form was completely filled.


A man with black eyebrows and a slightly reddened area around them was looking at me from the mirror. The shape seemed perfectly even, but the color was a little embarrassing.


Waking up in the morning, I immediately rushed to the mirror with the thought “I did my eyebrows!”. A man with black eyebrows still looked at me from the mirror, with black eyebrows, which “whined” a little more when touched. The redness completely disappeared, but I did not refuse Bepanten.


The whole previous day I was actively examining my fresh tattoo in the mirror, so I got tired of it, and I stopped treating it as a novelty.

On the third day, the healing process starts, thin crusts form on the site of the eyebrows, which are visible only upon careful examination. But rest assured, no one will consider you from such a distance.


I eliminate a slight feeling of tightness with Bepanthen, I treat my eyebrows with Chlorhexidine 2 times a day.


After washing in the evening, I saw that the crusts come off a little, outwardly the process resembles a slight peeling.


In the morning, nothing foreshadowed trouble, the eyebrows were still slightly flaky, as if telling me “Everything is fine, we are healing.” In the evening, the eyebrows began to itch furiously, and the number of crusts doubled.

The thought flashed through my head to help the crusts leave my eyebrows. But! This cannot be done! The master will certainly remind you of this, I and everyone who has ever done a tattoo or a full-fledged tattoo. Removing the crusts mechanically will cause the eyebrow to acquire an uneven color.


Waking up in the morning, I found a funny picture - all the crusts reared up and fancifully disheveled my eyebrows. Well, at this moment you need to be patient and wait.

By the way, the color of the crusts is dark brown, and the eyebrows under them have become an order of magnitude lighter and more natural.


The crusts have completely left the territory of my eyebrows, now symmetrical eyebrows of a pleasant natural shade are opening up. As it should be according to technology - a little darker than hair, but lighter than eyelashes.

Summarize. The healing process described above can proceed faster or slower, depending on the characteristics of the body and the depth of pigment injection.

Word to the master

Having given the idea to learn everything about tattooing, I went to visit Anna Savina, an international class permanent make-up artist. Everyone is wondering what I found out? I share with you.

- Is a tattoo always necessary or is it better to find an alternative way in some cases?

- Tattoo tattooing is different. For some, it has an exclusively decorative function. More often these are women who do not like to spend time in the morning on thorough beauty care.

The second group is those for whom tattooing is a way to eliminate defects. The category of the latter often includes alopecia, scars, vitiligo and asymmetry. Not so long ago, another procedure appeared - a permanent concealer, which allows you to hide bruises under the eyes.

As practice shows, 70% of our compatriots see a decorative effect in tattooing, only 30% apply for correction.

Fashion is changeable, trends change every two years. And what to do with a tattoo if its “shelf life” is from 1 year to 5 years?

- Firstly, in the matter of choosing the shape and color of the eyebrows, try not to follow the fashion trend, but focus on the shape of the face. In this case, you will not become a hostage of fashion.

If you still decide to change the shape of the tattoo, look for a master who performs removal with a neodymium YAG laser. But be prepared for the fact that the procedure is not performed at a time, it is quite painful and expensive.

Beautiful thick eyebrows - the trend of the XXI century. Beauties who recently plucked their eyebrows to thin threads are now ready to go to any lengths to get bright and expressive arches above the eyes. Various oils, serums for growth, and cosmetics are also used. It is very rare that eyebrows absolutely do not need any correction.

Sometimes it is enough just to slightly adjust the shape with tweezers and fix it with wax. But if you want to greatly correct the shape, then you need to do a full-fledged make-up with a pencil, shadows, or mascara for the eyebrows. Drawing new contours every morning is a tedious task. Therefore, more and more girls are choosing permanent makeup, which does not require daily updating.

This method has enough fans and opponents. Some appreciate tattooing for convenience and practicality. Others dismiss this method as unnatural. In any case, before deciding on such a procedure, you must carefully read all the nuances. Because permanent make-up is not an ordinary make-up that you wash off in the evening. This is an important decision that will be on your face in the next few years.

What is an eyebrow tattoo?

This is a way to create makeup that will stay on your face for a long time. This effect is achieved by applying paint not to the skin, but introducing it under the upper layer of the epidermis. In tattooing, the ink is not injected as deeply as with a regular tattoo, because the procedure is less painful and over time the ink dissolves and disappears.

It is difficult to say how long permanent makeup will last. It depends both on the individual characteristics of the organism and on climatic conditions (for example, exposure to sunlight). Any permanent makeup requires correction, which is done every few months.


  • expressive eyebrows;
  • correct form;
  • saving time on make-up;
  • the ability to hide scars;
  • beautiful view in any situation.


  • high cost;
  • it is difficult to find a quality master;
  • unnatural look;
  • it takes time to heal;
  • hard to fix bad work.

Most of the problems with eyebrow tattooing arise when choosing a low-quality master for yourself. It is important to remember that the procedure is carried out on the face, that is, a place that is always in sight. You will not have the opportunity to somehow hide or embellish the result. That's why you can't save on this service. But it's not just about money.

In the most expensive salon, you can do a bad job. Be sure to look at the master's portfolio, ask about work experience. Usually, the masters in the portfolio contain works immediately after the procedure and after correction. It's not exactly what you need to impress. Ask the master if he can show you the work after a month, or six months? It is in these pictures that you can understand what really awaits you.

Eyebrow tattoo techniques

Now tattooing is a popular art that is constantly being improved. Different techniques allow you to achieve different visual effects. Therefore, you can choose for yourself eyebrows that will best match your ideal.

Eyebrow hair tattoo

A clue what this method is lies in the name itself. This means that in this case, the paint is injected under the skin so as to imitate hairs. The master applies very thin strokes that resemble the natural contours of the hair.

There are two methods of hair tattooing:

  • drawing parallel strokes of the same length;
  • drawing strokes of different lengths at different angles.

If you have chosen this method for yourself, then preference should be given to the second method. After all, natural hair does not grow "under the ruler." Strokes with different directions will look much more natural and natural.

This method is suitable when there are practically no eyebrows, or they are very light. With the help of hair makeup, you can literally create new eyebrows on your face. But you may still need a light daily correction, as the hairs may lack the natural soft transition from one tone to another.

Tattoo with soft shading

If your eyebrows are thick enough and you just want to give them expressiveness, then pay attention to this method. By its principle, shadow eyebrow tattooing is similar to tinting with a cosmetic pencil. The master simply adds dark pigment to the eyebrows, where they are not thick enough. Visually, the shadow tattoo technique is close to henna staining, it's just a longer-term option.

Eyebrow tattoo hair with shading

If you cannot understand which method suits you best: hair or shading, then it is better to use the combined method. With the help of the hair method, natural lines are drawn, and the right selection of colors will help to give a natural color.

The essence of this method lies in the fact that the main background is covered with strokes of a lighter shade, and darker strokes are applied deeper that imitate hairs. The combination of different techniques allows you to achieve a stunning effect of naturalness. But this technique of eyebrow tattooing requires a master with really great experience. After all, it is required, by mixing a variety of paints, to get the right tone, and then apply it with high quality.

Eyebrow microblading

A relatively new technique in the world of tattooing. Its essence is that cuts are made on the skin with small blades and paint is poured there. The effect is promised dizzying, but the execution of such painstaking work requires great precision. After all, the master will have to make several hundred precise cuts. Of great importance is the paint that will be used. Many complain that a great job after a while began to give back to the blue.

Rehabilitation after tattoo

It is important to understand that any variant of this procedure is quite a strong intervention. It is painless, thanks to local anesthesia, but it will take some time before the skin heals. Therefore, if you plan to make new eyebrows for some event, then the procedure must be carried out a month before the planned event. Only by this time the skin will heal, and the pigment will fully manifest itself.

In order for the eyebrows to heal quickly and without problems, they need proper care. Before the procedure, you need to choose a day after which you can stay at home for several days. Wash your hair in advance so that you don’t risk disrupting the healing of your eyebrows later. If you are doing eyebrows in the spring and summer, then get a sunscreen for the face with a high degree of protection.

After the procedure, you will not be able to wet your face for several days, so you will have to refuse washing. You can wipe your face with wet wipes, or use micellar water.

There may be ichor on the eyebrows, which must be properly removed. To do this, take a soft dry cloth. Remove liquid with soft dabbing touches. It is impossible to rub delicate skin during this period.

From any cosmetics for eyebrows in the near future will have to be abandoned. Pigments can get into the wounds and cause inflammation. To speed up healing, you can apply Vaseline, or Rescuer cream. To do this, first rinse the eyebrows with an antiseptic, and then apply the ointment. The first few days, this procedure must be repeated every two hours.

Three days after the tattoo, you can return to your usual care and rhythm of life. Any procedures are allowed, except for visiting the sauna. And it is important, if the sun is outside, then be sure to use a sunscreen with a high degree of protection.

About a month after the procedure, you will be able to evaluate the work of the master. During this period, it is best to go for a correction in order to correct minor flaws.

Choosing for yourself an eyebrow tattoo with or without shading, you need to be prepared for the fact that for several days your face will require increased attention and care. But then, subject to the quality work of a specialist, you can forget about the need to adjust your eyebrows for several months. You will only need to visit the master once every few months.

It is important that if you do not like the result, then you can only remove the eyebrows with a laser. The procedure is expensive and requires several sessions to complete the result. Therefore, we repeat once again how important it is not to save and carefully choose a master to whom you can entrust your face.

Eyebrow tattooing is an opportunity to get the eyebrows of your dreams without long daily drawing. But this procedure is a serious interference with natural beauty. Therefore, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the methods of applying permanent makeup in advance and determine the desired result.

You can watch the experience of successful microblading in this video. The girl demonstrates the condition of her eyebrows in different periods.

Photos, techniques, etc., and also choose which one is better.

A little about tattoo

It's hard to believe, but it's true: eyebrow tattooing, or, as it is also called permanent (permanent) makeup, has been known since Antiquity. Now beauties are also happy to use this method of giving expressiveness to their eyebrows.

The procedure of tattooing consists in the introduction of a coloring matter under the skin to a depth of up to one millimeter.

The advantage of tattooing over ordinary makeup is clear: it is much more resistant (as much as possible), that is, it will not flow in the rain and will not be smeared at the most inopportune moment.

On the other hand, despite the name, it is not entirely correct to talk about permanent tattooing, because this procedure also requires correction after some time (usually several years, depending on the client's skin, the paint used and many other factors).

Eyebrow tattoo types

In fact, there are only two types of eyebrow tattooing. The first of them imitates hair growth - eyebrow hair tattoo. A natural look is achieved through detailed drawing.

The second type is called the soft shading technique. Outwardly, it resembles the usual painting of eyebrows.

So it’s impossible to say right away that one of the species is better, and some one loses confidently. All types of eyebrow tattoo are popular. Which one is better is up to the master to decide, depending on what the client expects.

Soft shading

So, the types of eyebrow tattooing were named. Now let's take a closer look at each of them. The first in line is soft shading.

It is essentially a soft line placed on top of natural eyebrows. Outwardly, it looks like a regular makeup with a pencil or shadows.

The color of the dye is selected depending on the hair color, color type and the wishes of the client. It may well vary from very light to very black.

Note: for black eyebrows, black dye is not used, which, when injected under the skin, can cast blue. The desired effect is achieved by mixing different shades of brown and olive.


The advantage of soft technique is that it makes the eyebrows visually bigger, brighter and more saturated. If a girl does not have any particular problems with them, but wants a clear outline that does not need to be drawn in the morning every day, this type of tattoo is her choice.

Here, of course, one cannot speak of a complete transformation, but the eyebrows will definitely look neater and more expressive. And one can talk endlessly about their influence on facial features - that's why it is so important that the tattoo is done by a professional, which means high quality.

Eyebrow hair tattoo

The name speaks for itself, and a little higher it was already briefly said what it is. as close as possible to the natural look of the eyebrows. The master draws hair after hair.

Interestingly, this species also has its own classification. Some more types of permanent eyebrow tattoo follow from it.

European methodology

The European technique is understood as a clear delineation of the contour and length of the hairs. To make the tattoo look aesthetically pleasing, beautiful, and most importantly - natural, not one shade is used for it, but a palette of darker and lighter ones. A feature of European technology is the parallel arrangement of strokes at the same distance from each other.

Oriental technique

Some call it a mixture of two types at once: both shading and hair. This is not entirely true. But it really looks much more natural than the European one due to the fact that the hairs are drawn in different lengths, at different intervals, and can even intersect. Since naturalness is now in fashion, it is in high demand.

Beauty requires...

You have to pay for quality - oriental technique is more expensive than European, and few undertake such eyebrow tattooing. Types (techniques) are different both in appearance and execution. Masters of oriental technique (real pros, and not those that any kind of eyebrow tattoo will turn into a woman's nightmare) still need to be looked for.

Who is hair tattoo suitable for?

Despite the fact that oriental technique is gaining popularity, this does not mean at all that every woman dreams of it. Those who have been gifted with thick eyebrows by nature will rather prefer shading, regular contouring, than "re-drawn" eyebrows. But those who suffer from bald patches (for various reasons, for example, unsuccessful correction or scars), or very rare eyebrows, may well turn to hair tattoo masters for help. It hides the above flaws, including traces of damage.

3D tattoo

But a real cross between the two previously considered types is 3D tattooing. Of course, when talking about what types of eyebrow tattoos are, we did not mention it, but all the sweetest things are always left for later. The so-called dessert.

So, for a real bright explosion, three-dimensional makeup is used, in which the advantages of both techniques are intertwined. It is soft like shading and gives as much density as you want, like a hair technique. With it, you can easily change the shape, give the desired volume and all the necessary bends.

Which to choose?

Let's try to draw some conclusions from the above. The fact that, first of all, it is necessary to choose, consulting with the master, and clearly indicating to him what you want.

But if you need to ask the price in advance, or at least understand what to expect, then they usually follow these principles:

  • they stop at shading, if the task is to correct the shape, outline the contour, make an unambiguous replacement for daily makeup;
  • hair tattoo techniques are considered, if the eyebrows are sparse / there are bald patches, scars, it is necessary to significantly change the shape. Of these, oriental and 3D techniques look like winners against the background of European ones, but they can "hit" finances, while parallel drawing of hairs can also look very successful and be a better choice.