How to cope with the treason of her husband Psychologist's advice. Preparation of an important conversation. Engage in various deeds

For you, this case is like a signal, start with you work. Think about yourself above this moment. A man is proud of his choice and protects him every way. And whether he will be proud of a woman who constantly inclues to the adoption of the rules, follows and controls him, while completely forgetting to himself, dissolved his me in it and passed its territory. Sooner or later there will be a riot in one form or another ......

In your situation, you, though your husband and wife, and the continuation does not look optimistic. But nevertheless, you can return the activity and striving of your husband to yourself, without any help. You, as I understand it is customized to help outside. And trying to calculate the options .. Contain all for and opposing this thing, meaningless

Everything depends on you. From your determination to be a strong and beautiful, the one that men are enthusiastic. Not the one that in a state of disrespect and anxiety for the future creates precedents of a humiliating, dismissive attitude towards themselves.

Having demolished all sorts of moments of disrespect and disregard you, you are even more consolidated in the mind of your husband that you are a victim, and all will be demolished and forgive again. You, without raising yourself at a decent height of the relevant woman, do not give him a chance to rise above himself.

He will still look for a strong, self-sufficient woman in the hope of raising his self-esteem, and it will not be able to establish himself with her, prying the tail to return to you and survive the period of indignation, thinking about the hands ...

I do not speak to part, I say to do yourself. Contact a good psychologist. You will develop a set of measures of your self-organization.

Engage in self-study, you can on the books of the series of popular psychology, and apply knowledge to reality. Ask yourself questions than I enjoy, will I love yourself and admire himself if I do it ... ??? Take care of your child actively, loved things, communicating with people and everyone about what you want. And no longer regret yourself. And you will definitely not follow and control and control.
At first, it is difficult and difficult, but then you begin to enjoy myself, thinking about yourself better and better.
As far as you will be decisive now to declare that you will not demolish this attitude towards yourself in the next ... cases, it will be effective and beneficial to you representing in his eyes. Put a categorically position, if that ...., then you will leave it, and not he. What you refuse with-dependency.

This is the challenge over how much you love yourself.

Admire yourself, it will give you strength, and it will cause interest to you.

Only the type of temperament determines how to survive the betrayal of the husband - whether this fact will be perceived hostile or soon forgotten. Treason of her husband can be considered a bitter error in needing repentance, and for someone this is the real symbol of revenge.

Of course, it is unpleasant to feel like on yourself, but psychology considers the problem not only by betrayal, but also delusions. No psychologist takes responsibility to give advice on the continuation of relationships with the traitor, but simply gives the impetus to live after treason.

It is necessary to forgive other individuals, because thus reset the extra accumulated negative energy.

You can not live with an offense in the heart, it is necessary to get rid of all too much, be able to worry, let go of painful fragments.

Especially impressionable girls are hard given for forgiveness, sometimes it is even necessary to part, temporarily or not - depends on the situation. It is extremely difficult to see her offender every day.

There are cases that have positively influencing temporary discrepancies, and some, sometimes even prove the profitability, the advantage of the parties to free, free life, where the permanent nature of non-settlement is not tolerated. The grave mental injury should not be the cause of hatred to the whole surrounding. Gradually, time will be able to heal absolutely all wounds, open the road for new bright feelings.

The closure, aggression is quite normal emotions in such a situation, it is necessary to give will to tears, bitterness, to suffer a little, so that in time with the new force to gain cheerfulness, draw conclusions and revise values. It is not normal to pretend that nothing has changed, but to close from everyone, to fall into long-term depressions is not an option!

Loss of the second half or even a banal quarrel - painfully, but it is impossible to live in the eternal traw too. Life goes on!

A good way to distract does not always carry an entertainment point, sometimes life after treason, the tips of the psychologist do not always have a quick action, the forum also does not give intelligible answers, so you have to look for classes for yourself.

In addition to conventional hobbies, it is possible to sign up in a variety of mugs, open new talents, to make up for kids or animals. In such a way, there is not only someone else's pain, but also hundred-general features are rareling, the woman becomes beautiful, because nothing does not paint so much, does not make sure how the true kindness of the heart; The ability to adopt a particle of other grief, which caused the previously unexplored feelings, problems, occur from the inside, are revised by values, needs.

No matter how strong it is disadvantaged, it is gradually gradually forcing themselves to communicate with society, to make new acquaintances, conversations. All individuals are different, in the world many interesting things, healthy with curiosity to watch all the phenomena of the environment in the society of old and newfound comrades, especially male.

Looking around, by making correspondence, having agreed on the meeting, you can get not only moral, aesthetic pleasure from communication, knowledge, but also to get a rhetorical question about how to cope with the treason of her husband.

Acquaintance, friendship, flirt over time, with ease can smoothly move into something more, for example - love, but first for this you need to stop living with stereotypes, enjoy fun; Despite fatigue, age, social status and other things just relax, be yourself, try to live at least a little for yourself, pamper careful care, gifts, rest. It is extremely important to be in harmony with himself, and the rest to attach!

The difference of treason from betrayal

An apostasy is called a mimolement relationship or regular sex acts with one mistress, which has no feelings, but a betrayal is tenderness, in love with another woman. In this case, no hysteria, neither threat will help, if the spouse has not been determined in the correctness of the actions, then it is not necessary to put pressure on it, conversations should be exclusively quiet, calm, manifestation of aggression or frequent emotional bursts will lead to rapid rupture.

A female representative should always look impeccable, so that in comparisons it is certainly not to give up to other young ladies, even if the spouse is temporarily under the impression and does not notice this, his own self-esteem will depend on such nuances, confidence. It's hard to imagine how to live with an adulter under one roof knowing that his third-party adultery did not end for one day, such a situation pursues to the question: how to survive the treason of your beloved man?

Not everyone is enough for excerpt to break the marriage and let go of a person once and for all, but to live with her husband who changes it too, it is unlikely to share love for three, but if there are no longer to return the oldest feelings. The second, it would seem that the inseparable half says about its irrevocable decision to leave, it remains only to be in nerves, with pride to transfer the "knife in the back"; How to live on after cheating?

Of course, it will change much, it is important not to despair, go gradually from a shock, depressive state.

Moreover, at the time when you are puzzled by how to survive the betrayal of a man, maybe he is already bitterly regrets about the dided. A variety of sexual plan, attractive appearance always attracts, this is what it is necessary to strive to live together, but, in addition, nothing will replace true attachment, love, care, constant participation, helping a loved one.

If you have a thought: how to live after treason? Confidently act, change for the better, seek new successes, because this is a kind of impetus to change. Initially, the head will not go out - the husband has changed how to survive treason, but after a certain time, pain will be forgiving, new paths will open.

It often happens like this: lived out of the native house, mans are often thought out, they understand that they are missing, try to return; But forgive them or not - another question, which depends on the current situation, his ability to behave, caused by painful sensations, the nature of the spouse, to forgive her ability.

How to react?

Often, men intriguing mysteriousness, inaccessibility, but as soon as they receive a "kick" from his wife and move to his mistress - they lose interest in everything that happened, it seems to them that the further development of events does not make any sense, because the lady is already subjected.

Over time, the guys are bored, they begin to come to their native home, especially if there are small children, then the reasons for the visit will not explain labor. In the period when an abandoned wife is still a cosuit of himself with a sore problem: how to survive her husband's betrayal, he can already calmly prepare for the opposite return. Not so fast, forgiveness must be deserved!

There are limits, the framework of patience, which are characteristic of each individual, do not need to suffer, allowing you superfluous, definitely. A person must understand that he can't come, to leave when he will do it, must be respect, and where there is permissiveness - it will not be definitely. Nicely awareness of return, but rapid reconciliation can lead to what is wrong and will continue to run on both sides, it can last infinitely.

No young lady should put a cross on his personal life, thinking that she had no choice, he would have to give up, tolerate constant humiliation, sooner or later, such a lifestyle will lead to a hated relationship. Undracting the problem will not allow to find a solution to solve.

A man should not return to everything ready to come back to the bed and get the desired, you need to at least wait a bit, to convey: the family is not scattered, it is a great value that is built for years, respect - the key to success, until he understands, will not come to repentance , awareness of shameful behavior does not deserve pardon. Nothing can be done against the will, if you want freedom - walk, but since there is a family - putting responsibility and take into account their interests.

Stages of mental state

There are no hopeless provisions. There is no way to do not at any time visible and suitable for a particular individual, there is not enough strength to accept the loss. At such moments, you do not need to be shy, ask questions to psychologists or girls who have become the heroons of such stories: how did you experience treason, what helped?

The specific stages of the time disorder, last each different, depending on the persistence of character, temperament, life position, but in any case, they are inevitable:

  • negation. The girl is in a shock state, does not fit in his head, as yesterday, a happy marriage can fall apart, few people want to experience it on themselves.
  • The most dangerous moment - attempts to return what was before this action is diverse and are not consistent with each other.
  • Anger, aggression, quarrels, clarifying relationships.
  • Memories, boredom, sadness.
  • Only at the stage of adoption of the situation - to start talking with the beloved, they will be more suspended, adequate, calm, frankly, than before. No matter how tightening the period of depression, but the state of humility will accurately come.

Similar periods are approximately a few months, the main thing is to avoid meaningless scandals, emotional statements, offense, which are even more able to aggravate the situation.

What should I avoid:

  • hysteria, tears, brave, accusations in the presence of a traitor. The strong floor is arranged in such a way that it acts overly annoying.
  • Think why he could do this, are there any problems in life together.
  • In the presence of a husband, to maintain imperturbability, the negative to be flushed during his absence, if possible, try to joke.
  • Forgiveness will bring relief primarily affected by the affected side.
  • If you managed to reconcile, reunite - to eradicate accusations, leaving the resentment in the past.
  • Watch yourself, die to access the right moments for help.
  • Stop arguing, listen to your beloved.
  • If possible, cry, shout, so easier to get rid of pain than constantly accumulating it.
  • Take a look at what is happening from the outside, think a clear action plan.

The way people cope with the shocking news that their spouse or spouse deceives them, meeting with his mistress \\ lover for their back, predetermines how they will approach such a betrayal with the least damage for themselves.
There are 5 ways not to fall into despair and do not lose their dignity in such a situation.

Do not panic

When we feel a danger or threat, our body produces an excessive amount of stress and adrenaline hormones, we are becoming swaming and torn into battle. Despite the chemical processes in our body, which make us panic and pushed to take immediate action, what we really need to do is to translate your breath. Pause, do not give in panic and do not throw out things your partner from home. It is not worth moving either. Find the opportunity to calm your feelings, calm down a little and come to yourself. To no one else managed to make reasonable solutions in a state when you want to "tear and throw." You just need to take yourself in your hands, then you can finally think about everything.

Do not cease to take care of yourself

Having learned about treason, you are experiencing shock, as a result of which you forget about everything that you pleased in life. You stop taking care of yourself, although now you just need to pay for yourself more attention to recover from shock and restore sincere equilibrium. Deliver to your condition, as a heavy form of influenza. Take advantage of yourself with all kindness and tenderness. Welcome broth yourself, eat lightweight / healthy food, do not forget to drink enough water. Try to relax, even if you can't fall asleep. Every day walk along the street. You can sit on a bench in your yard, sit and calmly think free, feeling the warm rays of the sun on the face. Speak yourself again and again, that the treason of your partner is not at all evidence that something is wrong with you or that you are worse than someone.

Do not trumpet about this world

The feeling of resentment makes many immediately tell others how they fell badly with them. Your indignation is a call for people to defend your honor against cunning treason. Of course, you need support, but refrain from the desire to immediately tell about all your mom, colleagues or neighbors. It will take some time necessary to comprehend what happened, and you can regret that they have hurried to share and sneakly argued too much. Many people manage to cope with the situations associated with treason and intrigues, it even happens that they manage not only to preserve the relationship, but even improve them. Over time, you yourself will be unpleasant to realize that you shared with other people with regard to only you and your partner. In such cases, it is better to share your misfortune with a safe friend so that you make it easier for your soul. And others do not hurry to tell while you have not defined for yourself what to do next.

Do not rush to apply for divorce

If you are married, then such a thought will inevitably arise in your head, keep anger and not to divorce it really hard. Well, the courts will not go anywhere if necessary, you will have time to turn there. But all his time. You will make yourself only worse if Icery, absolutely thoughtlessly go to extreme measures, which will eventually destroy your marriage. In addition, the divorce will not save you immediately from painful feelings and tangled thoughts. In fact, it will only be worse.

Do not try to figure out who rival \\ rival

Do not give in to the desire to find out what is the one with which your husband changes you. You should not use Facebook and other social networks to collect information about your husband's mistress. From this, your pain will become only sharper. You have enough problems already, and you have to deal with them. The image of your husband's mistress, standing in front of your eyes, thoughts about her who do not come out of your head, all this will not help you cope with everything that fell on you, but will only interfere. In addition, the problem is not at all in the mistress, with which you change your husband, the problem is in your husband and in the fact that it is so dishonestly coming to you.

To preserve the family, you need to forgive treason to man. It is impossible to condemn women who forgive treason. It is not known who is stronger, Madame, gathered in spirit and left the traitor to build a new life with another worker. Or a stronger woman who was able to forgive the sin to her husband, showed wisdom to save the hearth.

Here, too, you need to distinguish the situation. For example, if the husband wipes his legs about you, does not respect, the joint life turned into hell, is it worth thinking about forgiveness? Or you to suffer for children and well-being, then regrettable that you buried your destiny in favor of public condemnation and a warm place.

Children do not need a family where parents show a bad example of family life, you just injure children with swear and quarrels. Your children will assume that treason is normal. Do you want your daughter a walking man like a father? Would you like the Son to become a true man or womanist as a father? You are just afraid to miss a warm place in the apartment with a well-established life, as well as afraid of condemnation around. After all, it is better to marry so that the status of a single mother. This is your conscious choice and no one has the right to apologize.

How to cope with the offense to her husband after treason?

What does it mean to forgive her husband?

You will need to forgive your husband, regardless of whether you want to save marriage or not. If you want to terminate the marriage, then you need to find a normal man in the future, you need to leave all the energy trash in the past. The consequences of what did not forgive her husband: the negative will begin to accumulate, you can suffer.

For example, it will become for all men to look through the prism of treason: suspicion, checks, espionage, unreasonable claims. Normal Skhager will run away from such Madame.

When a person does not like something, he changes it! If the throat hurts, you drink pills, put injections and treat? And when the soul is sick, do you just beat the wounds and cultivate pain, grow these suffering?

Treat your soul promptly and immediately. Decide, is it a man, what do you need as a husband? If not, then look for another and thank Godhead that I pointed to you the right path. The best means of dealing with depression is creation, creativity, help people, work, benefit society. Sadness - destruction, good - creation.

Create, love yourself and others, you are waiting for another man, faithful and reliable.

Forgive your husband, if you have a normal family relationship. Experienced women can forgive treason without problems, they have enough self-esteem, to understand: a mistress is no better than she. The husband showed weakness, execute or deny to solve you. Perhaps it is worth competing for your family life if she brings you happiness. Ask the council at the grandmother. It was impossible to divorce them with the grandfather in the era of the USSR, but the men walked, and so it was impossible to divorce, because it is immoral. When my grandfather changed his grandmother, she just hit him on the head of the TV and resentment released. It's good that he survived, probably beating loving. Of course, I do not advise you to beat your husband with a TV, but nevertheless you have the right to left too. The main thing to do something so that you completely forgive the insult for treason. Only so you can save your marriage. If you say that I was forgiven, but in fact the insult is being taken from the inside, then it will still turn out.

Husband changed

Resentment turned into depression. People are all sorts of, and sometimes even the most severe woman knocks down her husband's treason. We'll figure it out why treason is so dangerous for the mental state of the woman in the future. Here is the crisis passed and need to live on. But you have a protracted chanda, depression, despondency, no sense of life. The main reason for the falnial mood is that you associated with this man all your happiness. He became the prince from a fairy tale in your imagination, which will save you from evil dragons and will live together for a long time and happily. But, unfortunately, he changed you. Now your dreams remained without a fabulous prince and you do not believe in their execution. The first mistake in these reasoning is that you forgot that you yourself are quite an interesting person. You can carry a good and positive people when we open your potential, love yourself, take such what is. The second mistake is that you are the idealizing husband. He also has shortcomings, but you just closed your eyes on them. Enough to attribute the quality of the ideal quality, because you were invented themselves, they themselves attributed all these qualities to her husband and in the end themselves and suffer.

Do not make decisions alone. Talk to my husband. What does he want? Do you need to save a family or better live separately? Listen to the blessed, after the soulful dialogs, the couple happily live and celebrate gold weddings, if both partners want to keep marriage. Each person can be stupid, you need to be able to forgive your loved one. Hurt, hurt, bitterly, unpleasant? Yes! But, if this is a loved one, then you need to fight for your happiness. Show women wisdom, do not need to be guided pride, better turn on the brain. Answer yourself honestly on questions:

  • Do you like your husband?
  • Want to keep marriage?
  • Are you ready to remember more about it in life? Even in a rush of a quarrel?
  • Are you happy with my husband?

If you have doubts, thank your husband for treason. This is an indicator that you did not reveal all your potential that you are worthy of the best person. Fate prepares you new life and new meetings.

If you answered positively on these questions, then you need to fully forgive her husband for treason. If you forgive your husband for treason, you need sex tourism to Turkey, do not limit yourself. The main thing is to completely forgive and forget, only then your marriage can be preserved, otherwise unspoken offenses, comparisons, oppression will make their job and your marriage will still collapse.

How easier to survive treason?


Imagine that the insult is your teacher. What lesson did you bring? How to make the situation not repeated? Talk to the offense, spend the dialogue. This will help change the look at what is happening. No need to think as a sacrifice: "They offended me, I was betrayed." Being stronger, remove the lessons, and you do not need to repeat these errors in the future.


If the insult is very lit in the shower, you can release it with one exercise. It is necessary to imagine what your offense looks like. Maybe this is a bird, a cloud, a cat, a mouse, without a difference. Express this insult you think about her. Find forces to thank the insult, for what has come to your life, for the fact that she has opened his eyes to obvious things, for helping to become stronger. And let her go. Imagine how she flies into the sky like a bird, or runs into a mink like a mouse.


No need to dramatize

Men polygamus. Machine and do not react to the fact that other women pay attention to your husband. Do you have accurate proofs of treason or is it just gossip and speculation? If the betrayal was, then think it was a special betrayal or just a husband could not resist?

Your beloved is not holy, and all the human is not alien to him. Is it possible to put in one row your family happiness and some drunk sex?
Do not drama from what happened! You are not alone in such a situation. Tragic makes your attitude. Treason is a mistake and misdemeanor's husband? Or treason - is it the end of life? As refers to the situation - to solve only you.

Remove the lesson. Perhaps treason is an indicator that you have no harmony and happiness in your family. You must keep a family hearth, create an atmosphere in the house. Agree that two are to blame. In a happy family, her husband does not even think about treason.

Often, at the time of marriage, a woman is confident in her man. She fully understands that he is with her "in the mountain and joy, wealth and poverty." However, in fact, the situation is different. After the honeymoon and years of living together, a man begins to look at the left. Perhaps this is due to the household routine or the girl stopped watching it. The essence is clear: the satellite changed the lady of the heart, a woman in despair and constantly crying.

Husband betrayed: what should not be done

In order not to bring himself to white hot, it is necessary to clearly understand - if I betrayed, this is his problem, not yours. Examine the main aspects, the consideration of which will help you easier to cope with the situation.

Do not change in response

  1. Men justify their betrayal to the polygamy, which was awarded their nature. But in fact they just dogs. Do not descend to this lowness as response treason.
  2. Many couples are laid after betrayal. If you are now taking an intrigue on the side, then you will regret it (or not, it all depends on the type of character).
  3. In any case, you should not exclude the fact that the traitor satellite just looked for adventures on his head. He caught on the spell or seduced another woman, not going to leave you.
  4. While the situation is not permitted completely, psychologists do not advise building new, albeit a mimoletic relationship. So you draw in your life "fourth superfluous", which is not to blame.
  5. After the treason, the men prefer to return to the family to children and the hostess-wife, which also works for all day, erases and prepares.
  6. If you decide to break the relationship at this stage, you can make a new relationship after challenge with the current one. In all other cases, the husband will look at the behavior of the spouse as a betrayal. If the truce still comes, you will not fix your mistake.

Do not resort to female tricks

  1. Women make a fatal mistake - go to the fortuneteller to make a love spell. It is important to understand that if the husband left, only his pain will bring his return. Ultimately, you will live with an insignificant person who constantly feels guilty.
  2. Such behavior is unacceptable for an adult woman. To blackmail the spouse by children, speculate the bonds of marriage, constantly roar - also not exit. In addition to anger and disgust, the husband will not feel anything.
  3. The listed techniques only give you away from the satellite. He will begin to avoid his heart lady, without going to contact. Simply put, behave naturally, do not make a drama from what is happening, but do not hide the feeling of devastation.

Do not run on alcohol

  1. Girls who are used to finishing their day with a glass or a bottle of wine, often run on alcohol in any stress situations. Drink treason alcohol is a bad choice in this situation.
  2. In addition to the headache in the morning, bitter tears in the evening and incoherent speech, you will not feel anything. Alcohol exceeds the complexity of the problem, making treason with something else.
  3. It is important to understand that the care of a man is not the end of the world. Thousands of women are experiencing treason and continue to conduct a full-fledged existence. If you really want to drink, call a girlfriend and use the cocktail on the lightweight.
  4. The ladies at the age are at all forgetting about alcohol. It is clear that 30, 40 50 years of marriage will not disappear without a trace. However, you should think about your health. Alcohol causes cirrhosis of the liver, dependence, heart disease, blood blocking, permanent migraines.

Do not try to take revenge

  1. Each girl who betrayed, wishes to make the life of a spouse unbearable. Messiation is the first thing that appears on the mind in the period of despair.
  2. The shock increases if the man left the lady at the moment when she puts out the child. In pregnant girls, hormonal imbalance is rapidly, so they cannot argue.
  3. The most interesting thing is that such cases are not uncommon. The girl during pregnancy is experiencing a massive emission of hormones. Even the buzzing over the ear of the fly seems to her full-scale catastrophe.
  4. In this situation, it is not worth building a goat of the new Passia of the spouse and himself. Think about the future of the baby, build your life again, get ready for the upcoming birth. Find support and support in loved ones, less nervous.

Do not give arguments

  1. After betrayal, the woman is trying to understand with all their might that she did wrong. Why did the spouse changed, went to the other, crossed all the bright moments? Do not attempt to reach it or prove something.
  2. With your mouth, the above arguments will not be understood. Spouse thinks that you are in despair and want to return it by any ways. Give him the opportunity to realize your act.
  3. Remember, the softer and peace-loving will be your behavior, the suspicious spouse will begin to treat you. Without these manipulations, you will be winning, because the satellite itself changed his good wife.
  4. Do not try to sit down at the negotiating table with the words "Tell me, for what? What did I do wrong? " In the end, the dialogue will end with your tears, its malice and general misunderstanding. When you both cool, start a conversation.

Do not panic

  1. You should not fall into despair, "tear and throw" just because the spouse changed you. All alive, healthy, this is the main thing. He is not to blame for the fact that it turned out to be a hazardous weakly accuracy creature. I could not hold myself in my hands when a new passion appeared on the horizon.
  2. In turn, you are not to blame for the fact that the woman got up between you and pulled the spouse to his side. At that time, she was more important for him. However, this does not make you a bad wife, because during the conclusion of marriage you were all for him.
  3. After the time expires, the new girl will become familiar to the man. He will cease to appreciate it, will begin to look "left" again. And she will not be to blame for this, the main "culprit of the celebration" is a weak male essence.

Husband betrayed: What to do?

After awareness of what is happening, you need to move on or back to the past, if the relationship has not yet ended. It all depends on the initial position of both sides.

Take treason as due

  1. No need to constantly draw, stop engaged in self-vacation. Try to find out the true cause of the betrayal. Words "For what I mean?" Or "he such a goat, as he could ..." It will not help here.
  2. Remove pink glasses and accept what is happening. Take care of your actions. Perhaps you stopped watching or often disappeared at work?
  3. What did her husband come to betray? After the answer to this question you can reason to reason. If the lady does not bother to pay the satellite missing attention, it automatically pushes it to treason. Partly, the situation happened because of you two.

Do not hold back emotions

  1. Your soul will be tormented by anger, resentment and endless bitterness. To get rid of these emotions, you need to release them out. No, no, it is not necessary to call my husband and tell what he is bastard.
  2. It is enough to call a girlfriend or mom, then pour out the soul to a close person. If it is so necessary, throw things on the wall of the wall, cry, bail the pillow.
  3. Most importantly, do not try to climb into yourself. It will not bring anything good, you are subsequently only to be overwhelmed in an even greater depression. Eat more, even if the piece in the throat does not climb. Food calms, raises the mood.
  4. Find a selection of fun movies, order your favorite food from a Chinese or Japanese restaurant, pizzeria. Survey the series with friends, try to stay alone with your thoughts.
  5. If you feel that we are about to break, write down your emotions in the diary. On the sheet of paper, set out all thoughts (you can, with a mate) that you would say my husband in the face.
  6. You have the full right to tears, but do not hurt other people. Do not let yourself break off on your relatives. Take an offer to dinner or go to the movies.

Review your habits

  1. Psychologists in one voice say that it is possible to learn the pain of betrayal and to shift this chapter of your life only if you change the usual being.
  2. At the root, review your life. Get a pet, a parrot, a cat or a dog. Take the animal all the attention and affection, because the favorite is fully deserved.
  3. With the betrayal of the spouse, you gained a lot of time on yourself, this is a plus. Pay attention to your own appearance. If you need to lose a couple of kilograms, feel free to go to the gym and sit on the diet.
  4. Change the hairstyle, repaint hair, increase your nails. Start attending massage, sessions are well relaxing and allow you to tune in to the right wave.
  5. Throw all things that are poorly sitting on you. Visit trainings to enhance self-esteem, sign up for any courses (driving, hair extensions, etc.).
  6. Take care of your income. If necessary, change the job or find the source of additional earnings. Buy yourself expensive shoes or handbag, underwear, cosmetics and whatever you wish. Surely the husband considered the cost of goods is incredibly translated.


  1. During the period of emotional shakes, it is very important to pay attention to your mental state. If you feel that soon get off, try to take your leave and leave.
  2. No matter what kind of resort or rest you select. Take up the financial condition. Perhaps it was time to visit old buddies or visit long-range relatives.
  3. Resting with a soul and body, do not fully join the pool. Visit excursions, swim in the sea, take pictures. You must fly home rested and full of impressions.
  4. Excellent can be dispelled with the help of extreme sports. These include a jump with a parachute or tarzanka, riding in karts (hydrocycles, quad bikes, cross-moving motorcycles, horses).
  5. After what happened, fill out your day as exciting activities. Visit sports sections or dancing, water park, bowling. Avoid any contact with the traitor.
  6. When you understand that the renewal of relationships will not be good, prepare documents for filing for divorce. At the same time, do not keep your heart closed, communicate with the opposite sex and take care.

After betrayal husband, do not run on alcohol, try to think objectively. Do not resort to female tricks in the form of love spell, tears, blackmail. Remove pink glasses and realize that treason happened. Try to move forward, relax, at the root, review the usual life edges. Do not close from communicating with the opposite sex.

Video: how to survive treason