What eyebrows are suitable for chubby girls. Creating perfect eyebrows for a round face. Why do eyebrow tattoos

Every girl dreams of having a perfect style and a bright, memorable appearance. The standard of beauty has constantly changed at each historical stage, but aesthetically correct pleasant appearance has always been held in high esteem. To date, cosmetologists and stylists have come up with many ways to decorate the appearance, hiding flaws and emphasizing the merits. This article presents the recommendations of experts about the shape of the eyebrows for a round face.

Why is it important to choose a specific eyebrow shape for each type of face?

To obtain a harmonious image, special attention should be paid precisely. They emphasize the expressiveness of the look and, according to many experts, are the most attractive part of the female face.

Without eyebrows, our face becomes plain, pale and even funny, and excessively black, bushy and unkempt eyebrows make the appearance rough. Choosing the right shape that will give the effect of a clear line and help emphasize a beautiful look is a very important task for every girl.

Features of a round face shape

The round shape of the face has become the standard of beauty more than once in the history of mankind, but not all girls can boast of the correct proportions of this shape. To visually correct possible imperfections, it is important to choose the shape of the eyebrows that will suit your face shape. As a result, a round female face can be much closer to the desired ideal, enhancing the effect with professional makeup.

How do you know what face shape you have?

Eyebrow shapes according to the type of face (with or without a photo) are determined quite simply. It is enough to approach and take a close look at yourself.

The round shape of the face is distinguished by an almost equal ratio of height and width, as well as:

  • rounded corners;
  • extended prominent cheekbones;
  • prominent wide angle of the chin;
  • often snub nose.

The shape of the eyebrows for a round face is of three types:

  1. "Gull Wing" - the line of the eyebrow is directed from the inside upwards, and in the last third it makes a bend with a rounding down.
  2. "Rising eyebrows" - the eyebrow smoothly moves up from the middle to the edge, ending with a slight rounding at the temple.
  3. Eyebrows in the form of a triangle - have a slight kink, which is closer to the outer edge of the eye.

To achieve the desired result, do not risk carrying out procedures to give the desired shape to the eyebrows for the first time on your own - it is better to seek help from a professional. Such services are widespread and are provided both in beauty salons and at home. In addition, an experienced specialist will give you recommendations for further care and a number of other useful tips.

What eyebrow shape is not suitable for girls with a round face type?

Choosing the wrong eyebrow shape for a round face is easy. In order not to have to draw eyebrows from scratch, chubby girls should not be allowed to:

  • were close to the bridge of the nose;
  • had too elongated tips;
  • made straight lines;
  • were wide (this form deforms the forehead);
  • were in the shape of an arc.

How to determine the correct shape of your eyebrows?

We take an ordinary pencil of medium length. We will measure the correctness of the eyebrow lines at three main points - the beginning of the eyebrow, the bend and the end. We put the pencil so that one end touches the forehead, and the other touches the outer part of the nostril. The intersection point of the upper end of the pencil and the eyebrow line should be remembered visually or a mark should be made at this place.

Then you need to turn the pencil so that it looks at the temple, and then attach it to the outer corner of the eye. In the place where the eyebrow and the pencil intersect, put a mark. We do this manipulation on the other side of the face. As a result, you need to see that the distance between the marks and determines the optimal length of the eyebrow. And everything that has gone beyond these limits must be plucked out. In case the eyebrow is very short, the missing section follows. The lower edge of the eyebrow line also needs to be given special attention - pluck out unwanted hair and thereby give the eyebrows the necessary width. A round face requires high eyebrows with a noticeable curve of medium width. It is this form that will help improve the outline of the face and add elegance to it.

Girls, appreciate yourself and know that fashion is a very changeable phenomenon. And your individuality is valued and attracts attention all the time.

Be beautiful and happy no matter what!

The perfect eyebrow shape for a round face was last modified: April 15th, 2016 by MaximB

A beautiful eyebrow line helps to visually brighten up the imperfections of the face, to make it as proportional as possible. What eyebrow shapes are suitable for chubby girls? What methods can be used for correction?

The oval is considered the correct proportions of the face, the standard of female beauty, but in nature this form is not common. Chubby girls need to know how to visually hide the flaws in their appearance.

Signs of a round face:

  • all parts are approximately equal in width;
  • no corners;
  • cheekbones are wider than long;
  • the chin line is soft, the forehead is convex and wide.

A perfectly matched eyebrow shape, haircut and makeup will help to make the image harmonious, as close as possible to the classic proportions.

How to correct a round face shape?

Stylists have many different tricks that will help visually adjust the round oval.

What haircuts are suitable for chubby girls:

  • elongated bob, strands should end just below the chin line;
  • cascades and ladders up to cheekbones with oblique bangs;
  • a square of medium length, while the front ends should be perfectly straight;
  • long strands with soft waves;
  • short stepped haircuts with oblique bangs, it should half cover the forehead.

1. When coloring, dark colors should be preferred, which will visually narrow the face. Blondes with a round oval face need to make the front strands a few shades darker. Soft bangs with highlighted tips are well suited for chubby girls.

2. When creating a hairstyle, the hair rises up, you can comb it back smoothly. Ideal for chubby girls is a clear parting in the middle, deep diagonal, zigzag.

3. Do not make thick bangs. Long straight strands, very voluminous styling expand the face. Chubby girls are not suitable for small perms, very short haircuts that follow the shape of the head.

4. Powder or foundation of dark shades will help to correct the round oval of the face - you need to darken the lower jaw, cheekbones, sides of the nose and outer parts of the cheeks. Blush is applied diagonally from the middle of the cheekbone to the temporal region, and on the middle part of the forehead to the hairline.

5. In make-up, it is better for chubby girls to make their eyes more expressive. The arrows should rise slightly, the lower eyelid should be lined with a pencil and shadows, shaded well.

6. Lips are not outlined with a pencil - straight lines emphasize the width. It is better to give extra volume with a light gloss - it should be applied to the middle part of the lower lip.

What eyebrow shape suits a round face?

Eyebrows for a round face should be curved, with a slight bend, high rise. This will help to make a vertical accent, visually stretch the face.

Ideal eyebrow shape for chubby girls:

  • a wing of a seagull or an edge in the form of a house;
  • ascending - while the tip should be located slightly above the temporal zone;
  • crescent - a smooth bend is located close to the outer corner of the eye.

Which eyebrow shape is not suitable? Chubby girls should avoid clear straight lines, arcs - they give even more volume, emphasize width and disproportion.

When correcting, excess hairs are removed, do it with tweezers. The procedure is unpleasant, in order to reduce pain, it is necessary to steam the skin well beforehand. And after plucking, wipe the dermis with a piece of ice. In order for rare and light eyebrows to look perfect, they are pre-painted with henna, basma, special paint - they must be the same color, a deviation of 1-2 tones is allowed. After that, you need to adjust the line and bend. The hairs that are located along the bottom edge should be removed. The upper ones can be removed only on a bend or those that stick out strongly.

How to make a clear eyebrow line at home?

To achieve the ideal shape, preliminary marking is necessary - it is very difficult to correct errors after incorrect correction. It is enough to fix 3 main points that you need to focus on during the procedure - the correct eyebrow line should have ideal proportions.

How to create the perfect line:

  1. The starting point is located on the segment that runs from the wing of the nose to the forehead through the outer corner of the eye. In this place should be the widest segment of the eyebrows. If the hairs step further onto the bridge of the nose, then the whole image becomes gloomy and gloomy, the eyes lose their expressiveness.
  2. The bend should be on a line that runs from the ala of the nose through the outer shell of the pupil. This is the highest point, it is she who creates the ideal shape.
  3. The end point is located on the segment that goes from the wing of the nose to the outer corner of the eye.

To choose the shape, adjust the eyebrows at home correctly, you need to take a photo before and after - this will help you see changes in appearance, avoid mistakes in the future. In specialized stores, there are ready-made stencils with which it is much easier to correct the bend at home.

It is important to correctly choose not only the line and bend of the eyebrows, but also their thickness. Wide eyebrows are ideal for a round face shape, they only need to be thinned out, smoothed with a special gel - this form has been at the peak of popularity for several seasons. Thin eyebrows are categorically not recommended for girls with a round face - it will look even wider. From afar, such strings will not be visible, which will make the image puppet and ridiculous.

Eyebrow shape and eye shape

When choosing the line and bend of the eyebrows, one should take into account not only the oval of the face, but also the shape of the eyes. Proper correction will help to make the look open and expressive, correct the shape and minor imperfections.

1. Close-set eyes need wide-spaced eyebrows, the interval between the bridge of the nose and the first hairs should be maximum. With wide-set eyes, you can leave the distance small, but the hairs should not converge on the bridge of the nose.

2. Highly arched, carefully smoothed eyebrows will help to make deep eyes expressive. The round shape will be corrected by wide and thick eyebrows with a thin tip. The almond-shaped incision is considered ideal, it is enough to give the hairs a beautiful line with an angular bend.

3. An overhanging eyelid makes the look heavier. You can cope with the problem if you give the eyebrows an angular break and draw the arrows correctly - the line should rise smoothly upward from the outer corner to the temple. The inner corner should be covered with matte or mother-of-pearl shades of very light shades, white is ideal.

The right shape and curve of the eyebrows is the easiest way to create the perfect look. For chubby girls, bangs, appropriate makeup and a haircut will help to hide the flaws in appearance.

Eyebrows for square, round and oval faces, which will be chosen correctly, will be able to significantly emphasize the merits, as well as hide the flaws. The wrong shape of the eyebrows can add even more roundness to an already round face, and elongate an oval face even more. Still, eyebrows are, though small, but such an important detail of any image. Every girl should learn how to choose the right eyebrow shape for her own type of face in order to always look irresistible.

If you are one of those who believe that the shape of the eyebrows should not match anything, then you are mistaken. We suggest you learn how to choose the shape of the eyebrows yourself, following the recommendations of our article.

For square

Owners of a square face stand out from all other types due to several features:

  • the hairline is square in shape;
  • cheekbones, forehead and jaws are located on the same line and have the same width;
  • the cheekbones are much wider than those of the owners of a different face shape.

For a square face, eyebrows should be selected in such a way that there are no sharp corners in their shape. This will visually make the face even more square and add roughness to its features. It is best to give the eyebrows a rounded shape, and slightly raise the outer tip of the eyebrow. The curve should not be too deep, as this will give the face a surprised look. The ideal eyebrow option for a square face is slightly rounded eyebrows with an arch of medium depth.

The inner tips of the eyebrows should also not be made straight or square, they should be slightly rounded or shaded so that straight lines are not visible. It is also useful to mention that overly thin eyebrows are absolutely not suitable for a square face, as this will not look aesthetically pleasing. The correct eyebrows for this face shape are rounded, without sharp corners. Their color should be as close as possible to the color of the hair. You should not make your eyebrows black if your hair is light in color. This will make you look like a Tajik and amuse the girls around you.

For a round face

Choosing the right eyebrows for a round face shape is not at all difficult if you know a few simple secrets. First of all, it should be noted that a round face is considered if the width of the forehead and chin is almost the same. At the same time, the hairline also has the shape of a semicircle, and the length and width of the rounded face are also approximately the same.

The secret to choosing the right eyebrows for a round face is to make it visually longer, to give it an oval shape. If you make round eyebrows on a round face, you will get the effect of a ball, and then the width of the face will become even larger. Thus, you will achieve the opposite effect, which will not look very attractive.

Ideal eyebrows for a round face must have a sharp angle to slightly elongate the face. You should not make too deep a bend, as in this case you will more likely become like Pierrot than achieve a perfect result. The depth of the fracture should not be very large, slightly less than average.

If the face is full, then not too wide broken eyebrows with a fuzzy blur at the inner edge go to it. An excellent solution for owners of a round face - eyebrow tattoo, because thanks to this approach, you will have the opportunity to correct the actions of the master in advance, after which you can forget about coloring your eyebrows forever. The only negative is that if your face is round not from nature, but from fullness, then when you lose weight and your face is lengthened, then broken eyebrows will no longer look beautiful. It is better to model the eyebrows yourself at home.

By the way, if you have a hairstyle with bangs, you can try almost straight wide eyebrows. However, they may not suit everyone, but you can experiment with the curve as you please.

For oval

The oval shape of the face is considered ideal in our time. The happy owners of this form will not have to adjust and change anything, so the shape of the eyebrows can be absolutely any that suits a particular girl.

The oval face is characterized by the following features:

  • the width of the forehead and chin line varies significantly;
  • the cheekbone area is narrower than the forehead area;
  • the face is elongated and oblong;
  • the chin is often sharp, but there are exceptions.

There are several options for beautiful eyebrows for an oval face. The first option is eyebrows with a kink, as the most common and standard form. Best of all, such eyebrows will suit girls with almond-shaped eyes, they will open their eyes and make them clearer. However, you should know the measure. For an oval face, eyebrows with a soft break, not very pulled up, are suitable.

The second type of eyebrow shape for an oval face is horizontal or straight. Such eyebrows are distinguished by the absence of a break or its insignificant size. In this case, a slight slope to the inner corner of the eye will look great. Straight eyebrows for an oval face type should be symmetrical to each other so that there is no feeling of unkemptness.

Also, owners of an oval face can choose arched shape eyebrows. This form is especially suitable for owners of a high forehead and bangs. At the same time, the width of the eyebrow can be both large and small. Thin eyebrows are not for everyone, but you can try.

Girls with an oval face shape very often resort to the help of a tattoo artist, since eyebrow tattooing allows you to forget about the problems with its modeling forever.

When choosing the right eyebrow shape for your face type, do not forget that some shapes may not suit this or that girl. Don't be afraid to experiment, and one day you will find a sweet spot that might just work for you.

Any face can be made perfect by correcting some features with the help of cosmetics. The imperfection of external lines has been successfully corrected by make-up artists for several centuries. In the modern world, an oval is considered the ideal face shape, it is to this form that all fashionistas strive to approach.

Our material will be devoted to how to choose the right eyebrow shape for a round face in order to make it visually narrower (closer to an oval shape).

What eyebrow shape suits a round face

Girls with a wide, round face need to “stretch” it, and for this, eyebrows of medium thickness with a break closer to the outer corner of the eye, in which the tip is elongated and the beginning is wide, are perfect. Most importantly - do not draw an eyebrow, like Brezhnev!

The ideal eyebrow on a round face should be medium-sized and well-defined. The round beginning of the eyebrow on a round face will turn it into a ball even more. A triangular eyebrow is considered ideal, on which the upper point is barely underlined with a pencil, and the hairs lie one to one. You can ideally lay them with the help of specialized mascara or tint eyebrow gel.


Wide eyebrows will look good on chubby girls, they only need to be slightly threaded towards the end, to give a slightly triangular shape. Oddly enough, but wide thick eyebrows are now very popular among girls. We are not talking about eyebrows sticking out in all directions, but we mean beautifully laid thick eyebrows with a neat shape.


Thin eyebrows are simply lost on a wide face, it will seem even wider due to the eyebrow threads. Or even worse, from afar, the face will appear without eyebrows. And as everyone knows, eyebrows are a beautiful frame for a woman's face. If a few years ago thin eyebrows were at the height of fashion, now they are bad taste.

How to determine the correct eyebrow shape for a round face

What should be the classic eyebrows?

  • clearly defined;
  • Neat and equally symmetrical;
  • Thick.

How to determine the place where the ideal eyebrow should begin and end?

  • Beginning of the eyebrow: draw a line from the outer wing of the nose to the inner corner of the eye on this side. A beautiful and correct eyebrow should start from this line;
  • The end of the eyebrow: draw a line from the same wing of the nose to the already outer corner of the eye. This is an ending that corresponds to the classical canons of beauty.

It is convenient to determine the desired points on the face using an ordinary school ruler and eyeliner.

The following variations of wide eyebrows are suitable for chubby beauties:

  1. “Eyebrows with a house”: the eyebrow has an ascending shape, its end is located slightly above the midpoint of the temple;
  2. An ascending eyebrow with a clear break exactly in the middle (wing);
  3. Eyebrows with a rounded beginning, their fold is located close to the outer corner of the eye.

How to beautifully adjust the shape at home

Self-plucking is the cheapest and easiest way to correct at home. To do this, you need to train well and fulfill the following conditions:

  • The room should have excellent lighting. It is advisable to do the procedure in the daytime near a large window;
  • For high-quality plucking, you need a large mirror (preferably with backlight), clean tweezers (before the action, you need to treat it with alcohol or cologne);
  • The brow space (do not treat the moving eyelid!) is allowed to be treated with a specialized soothing lotion that prevents skin irritation;
  • Before the procedure, wash your face (and especially your eyebrows) with ordinary soap, treat your skin with lotion. Eyebrows should be carefully combed in the direction of their growth: this prevents the removal of the desired hairs.

Attention! The basic rule of plucking: remove the eyebrows only from the bottom, above the eyelid. The upper hairs should not be touched: this can give the face an angry, frowning expression.

The hair is carefully grasped with tweezers and removed with a sharp movement in the direction of its growth.

Correction secrets to achieve the perfect shape

  1. You need good quality tweezers. It is more convenient to use a tool with a beveled tip;
  2. For painless removal of unwanted hairs, it would be good to take a hot bath before plucking. You can also steam your face over a pot of boiled potatoes or over boiling herbal broth (chamomile, string). Freezing the brow space with ice cubes will be effective (herbal decoctions are frozen in the freezer for cosmetic needs).
  3. For one "jerk" with tweezers, remove only one eyebrow. If you pull the skin under the eyebrow before pulling out the hair, the pain will be much less;
  4. Never use eye cream or lotion before removing excess hair: the tweezers will start to slip;
  5. It is better to purchase a magnifying mirror - so you can see even the thinnest hairs;
  6. After removing every 2-3 hairs, you should step back and evaluate the result in order to avoid too thin eyebrows;
  7. It is necessary to pull out the hairs only according to their growth: this will prevent the development of skin irritation and inflammation in the hair follicles;
  8. Wide eyebrows look better: narrow eyebrows can create the feeling that a woman is angry or dissatisfied with something, they increase facial features, make them large and rough;
  9. Eyebrows look harmonious and natural, the lower line of which repeats the shape of the eye, and there is a bend in the upper one. Such eyebrows are suitable for almost all faces;
  10. The eyebrow should not be too long - this will make the face and look of the woman uninteresting and flat. To determine the edge of the eyebrow, it is necessary to draw a beam passing at an angle of 45 degrees to the lower part of the outer corner of the eye. At the intersection with it, the eyebrow should end.

It is interesting: before the onset of "women's days", girls have a markedly increased pain threshold, so it is better to postpone such procedures for a week.

Video: how to make eyebrows for a round face

At home. How to pluck hair correctly? What is the best way to hold tweezers? How to prepare for the procedure? Technique for performing well-groomed, even and beautiful eyebrows.

“Moon-faced, clear-eyed, black-browed” - the rounder was the contour of the face of the eastern charms of antiquity, the more poets sang the beautiful features of the diva. Today, the world standard for facial harmony is the shape of a lean oval, this is due to the parameters of thinness imposed by fashion, when the face involuntarily takes on angular features. Chubby girls sometimes tearfully peer into the mirror reflection: cute tender cheeks, snub noses, plump lips and resort to all sorts of tricks to visually stretch the facial contour to the stereotype. Is it necessary? The naturalness of nature is the most beautiful thing in the world. But, if you really want to, it is not necessary to deplete yourself with diets, a suitable eyebrow shape for a round face will help create miracles of transformation. How to choose the perfect option?

You can choose beautiful eyebrows for any type of face

Which face should be considered round

If the contour has approximately the same dimensions of the height of the face (from the top line of the forehead to the bottom of the chin) and its width (along the lines of the cheekbones), then the girl is chubby. The contours of the face are usually soft, with smooth transitions, rounded cheeks and chin, with a predominance of horizontal lines, in the absence of clearly defined reliefs and angles.

Choosing the right sizes


Most importantly, they should differ in a slight kink. To determine the ideal line sizes, you can use a regular pencil:

stand in front of the mirror, outline and outline future lines, according to the directions.

    We apply a pencil parallel to the nose to its wide wing, pointing up. In this case, the point of intersection with the eyebrow will be the beginning of the line correction site. This is the starting point.

    Move the pencil at an angle so that it intersects with the pupil of the eye. This middle point on the brow will serve as a place to form a beautiful gull-wing curve.

    We mark the last point at the intersection of the eyebrow line, when we try on the pencil from the wing of the nose through the outer edge of the eye. This is the end point.

The length of the other arc is also determined. When the markings are applied, draw beautiful lines.

How to choose the perfect eyebrow shape for a round face

The shape of the eyebrows can advantageously decorate the face, but if confidence in the correct design is not enough on your own, it is better to carry out the first correction in the salon.

    lines that rise smoothly from point 1 near the inner corner of the eye to point 2, then slightly fall to the temple 3 - an “ascending” eyebrow,

    arcs starting at the 2nd point, tending up to the 2nd mark. A break is made there, and a descending line in the direction of the temple, and the end of the tail is slightly raised,

    lines from 1 to 2 are slightly curved in relation to the eye, at point 2 they fly up, and towards point 3 it goes down - “curved eyebrow”.

These directions are not a standard at all, draw other shapes with a pencil, but with a visual lengthening for a round face, eyebrows with a high relief “span” are suitable. They ideally smooth out excessive puffiness of the cheeks and narrow the width of the cheekbones. In addition, clarity of lines and color design is required.

Technology for correcting straight, wide eyebrows at home

Today, on the shelves of cosmetic stores and Internet sites, various stencils are advertised for decorating the shape of arcs. Their dimensions are easy to adjust to individual lines. Attach the detail to the eyebrows one by one, draw the gaps with a silver (other) pencil. Everything that is not painted can be plucked out. Curved stencils create the perfect brows for a round face. The line width is medium. Threads and wide panicles are unacceptable. The color shade is chosen as close as possible to the natural shade of the hair.

Hair removal steps.

    Position yourself in front of a wall mirror, prepare tweezers, an alcohol-based disinfectant lotion to lubricate the instrument and eyebrows. Bright lighting is important.

    When correcting, it is better to remove the lower region of the eyebrow hairs, the upper one is touched only during the formation of a break.

    Tweezers cling to each individual hair near the root base, with the other hand you need to slightly stretch the skin, then pull the rod sharply.

    In order for the areas subjected to plucking to look symmetrical, both eyebrows need to be corrected in turn, especially to shape the bends.

    Wipe the arches with lotion, then with cream.

The procedure is tedious, therefore leads to the appearance of irregularities. After some time, you need to make sure that the design is perfect, to evaluate the work done with a fresh look.

A few tips for painless correction of beautiful eyebrows

With constant care, pain sensations are reduced, since the area of ​​​​the place of correction remains minimal, the eyebrows do not grow.

In addition, stylists offer several conditions that contribute to the loss of sensitivity when plucking:

    pre-steam the skin,

    apply hot spot compresses,

    make local cooling with ice cubes,

    be sure to stretch the skin along the hairline,

    lubricate the eyebrow line with an anesthetic antiseptic.

Pulling out in accordance with the slope of the growth of the rod, and not against its direction, will help get rid of acute pain. In addition, it is better not to engage in correction on critical days, at which time pain intensifies.

A beautiful face with beautiful eyebrows is the ideal look for a woman.

All owners of a round face are pretty, very feminine and look much younger than their years. Mother nature endows them with a beautiful line of neat eyebrows at birth, but if there is a desire to get closer to the fashion standard - the oval contour of the face, it is important to know that in no case can you correct a short straight horizontal shape, as well as a semicircular arc line of eyebrows. These options will visually expand the face even more.