What date will be the day of trading. Trade Worker Day in Russia

Holiday Trade Worker Day 2017 has the status of a state event in the Russian Federation. Every year this professional celebration is celebrated on the 4th Saturday of July. Next year it will be 22.07.

The history of the holiday of the trade worker 2017

It was possible to hear about this event for the first time in 1966. Then the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR approved the date of the holiday at the official level. It refers not only to merchants, but also to people who have devoted their lives to public utilities or consumer services for fellow citizens. The day off on this day has not been approved, so industry experts say kind words to each other and present gifts at their workplaces.

11/01/1988 the date of the event was postponed to the 3rd Sunday in March. However, the habit of celebrating it in the summer was so strong that people continued to adhere to this tradition. Trade workers have nothing against this order of things, because they have the opportunity to please themselves once again. So we can say without undue hesitation that Trade Workers Day 2017 in Russia will be unofficially held twice.

The role of trade in the economy of the state, including the Russian Federation, cannot be underestimated. Thanks to this area, relations with other countries are being established. When market relations reached a high level of development, the profession of a seller became widespread and became one of the most demanded.

Today, company directors are extremely careful in selecting sales managers and sales consultants for their staff. You need to have a fair amount of talent, considerable theoretical base and practical experience in order to present the products manufactured by the company in the best possible light, to win the sympathy of the clientele. In a highly competitive market, it is difficult to surprise buyers with good quality and even low prices. Recently, care, special attitude and personal approach to each person have become important. Sellers must be able to inspire absolute trust.

Previously, there were more women than men among the representatives of this profession. However, over time, sales managers needed such qualities as the ability to convince, defend the company's position, and make important decisions in a short time. In such conditions, the gambling and determination of the strong half of humanity is fully realized. So the Day of the Trade Worker 2017 in Ukraine, the Russian Federation and a number of other countries will become an important date for talented sellers of both sexes. It is thanks to them that firms manage to meet the various needs of the population in services and goods.

Going out into the street, seeing a supermarket, grocery store or boutique on every corner, we already have a faint idea that once all this was not there. Thanks to the development of trade, a person can get everything he needs literally at the snap of his fingers. If earlier it was required to stockpile sugar, cereals and other products, today they are offered in numerous varieties and price options. There are a lot of such examples. Hypermarkets have turned from a covered analogue of the market to entertainment centers. On weekends, people go on family outings to buy groceries. The purchased goods can be folded into the car and returned to the building to go to the cinema, give the child an unforgettable watch in the play center, and have a tasty snack in the cafe yourself.

Trade in our state has reached enormous proportions, however, in the future it promises to increase them. Of no less importance is Trade Workers' Day 2017, which will take place on July 30.

Essence of trade

This branch of activity means the exchange of material values \u200b\u200band services in retail or wholesale form. Sellers, intermediaries between buyers and producers, appeared a long time ago and performed their assigned role at each stage of social development.

Archaeologists claim that trade began to develop during the Stone Age. Then it was a simple barter - the exchange of products and various items. Money was invented much later. After the division of labor, the position of trade became more solid. With the help of currency, artisans converted surplus products into economic equivalent.

At the moment, wholesale has developed significantly in the Russian Federation. In hypermarkets, a person is asked to purchase a larger volume of goods in order to save significantly. Trade adds to GDP. In total, 12 million workers are currently involved in this industry, which is 17.7% of the able-bodied citizens of Russia.

Remote trading

The number of Trade Worker Day in 2017 plays an important role not only for those people whom we see every day in the nearest grocery store. With the development of digital technology, it has become possible to shop without leaving your home. It is enough just to consider the product range of the required site. Do not assume that distance selling is an innovation of recent decades. Its history goes back 130 years.

This way of working has a number of advantages that are forcing an increasing number of entrepreneurs to abandon the creation of a chain of stores, for which you will have to pay extra money to rent:

  • you can present a larger assortment to the attention of the buyer. Nothing prevents the inclusion of thousands of items in the catalog, because they do not have to be kept in the warehouse of each department;
  • consumers are a little eager to walk around the markets when there is an opportunity to make one phone call to a consultant or fill out a convenient form on the website;
  • entrepreneurs avoid a number of overhead costs, which gives them the opportunity to please their customers with a low price level;
  • delivery is carried out to any region by mail or courier service;
  • in the online store for each product item detailed information is set out, there are customer reviews.

The innovations for which the progress will be thanked include terminals for paying for goods and services. Their appearance stimulated the development of mobile communication. You do not have to wait for the money to reach the seller by mail to send the goods. Payment to a bank card comes within a few hours at the most.

About trade workers

It is worth figuring out what professions people should definitely receive congratulations on Trade Worker Day 2017. Today, the representatives of this ancient industry include cashiers, salespeople, managers, commodity experts, consultants and many others.

The demand for such workers is getting higher every year. The prestige of these positions is growing. With enough talent and perseverance, you can make decent money.

It is noteworthy that in the Russian Federation there is an honorary title "Honored Worker of Trade". It can be obtained by people who have devoted their lives to private, public or cooperative trade, provided that they make a special contribution to the industry. This can be the creation of trade networks, new forms and methods of work.

The people involved in this field have another reason to celebrate - World Fair Trade Day, scheduled for the 2nd Saturday in May.

In our country, there is such a professional holiday as. It is celebrated annually on the fourth Sunday in July and falls on the 28th in 2019.

history of the holiday

Story Trade worker's day starts in 1966. It was then that this holiday date was officially approved by the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. This new professional holiday was named the Day of Workers of Trade, Consumer Services and Communal Services. But in everyday life, everyone began to call him simply abbreviated Happy trade workers... On this day, all trade workers accept congratulations right at their workplace.

Not everyone knows that on November 1, 1988, the government moved Trade workers day on the third Sunday in March. But it should be noted that out of habit, it is still celebrated on the fourth Sunday in July. Thus, trade workers in our country have the opportunity to celebrate two professional holidays at once.

Currently, it already exists not only in our country, but also in other countries, for example, in Belarus and Ukraine.

It must be said that trade has always played a huge role in the economic life of our country, and of all other countries. Trade relations were a key link in the interaction. The development of market relations has made the profession of a salesperson one of the most widespread and popular, especially for the professions of sales consultant and sales manager. Traditionally, this industry was considered more of a female, but in recent years a huge number of men have joined it. Trade workers are very important because they solve such a significant social problem as meeting the needs of the country's population in various goods and services.

Today we are simply not able to imagine our life without trade. City dwellers are used to shopping every day. Many of us “painfully know and love” shopping on weekends - family trips to large hypermarkets for the whole day.

In our country, the trade sector has been experiencing a period of rapid development in recent years. Various shops, shopping centers and supermarkets literally flooded our cities.

What is trade

Trade is the process of exchanging goods, valuables, services, and money. In a broad sense, it is a type of activity that is associated with the purchase and sale of goods. It is customary to distinguish between two types of trade: wholesale and retail.

As a type of activity, trade is related to intermediary services. We can say that it is a third party (intermediary) between buyers and manufacturers of goods. In the history of mankind, trade can be called one of the most ancient. In ancient times, trade was a link between different states. Traditionally, she played a big role at all stages of the development of society.

According to archeology, the history of trade dates back to the Stone Age. People then simply exchanged various items and food supplies. After all, money then simply did not exist. It is believed that trade arose after the division of labor. People needed to exchange surplus of manufactured products and goods. After the appearance of money, commodity-money relations were established.

Today, trade acts as a link between the producer and the consumer. In our country, over the past few years, this industry has been developing very rapidly. It should be noted that wholesale trade in Russia is developing faster than retail trade.

Trade occupies a leading position in terms of its contribution to the GDP of our country. The industry currently employs about 12 million people. This is 17.7% of the total employed population of Russia.

Distance trading

A separate rapidly growing segment of the Russian market is made up of companies that have based their development on the most modern digital technologies. Distance selling is actively developing, with a history of about 130 years.

The success of distance selling is ensured by its advantages: the assortment is always larger than in the store, companies try to include in catalogs the maximum number of unique offers; it is convenient for consumers to choose a product at home without getting up from a sofa or chair; due to the lack of costs for renting retail space, online store owners can set prices 10-15% lower than in retail.

Online stores offer a huge range of products with delivery to any region by means of their couriers or by mail. In the online store, you can find and order any product that you just need, read the full information on it, as well as consumer reviews.

Another area where technical innovations are changing the usual ideas about methods of payment for services is payment terminals, the success of which has been ensured by the mobile communications market. Information technology has become a part of trading

Trade workers

Trade workers can be considered representatives of one of the most ancient professions. Today, trade workers include not only sellers, but also cashiers, cashiers, commodity managers, consultants, managers, etc. Representatives of these professions are in very high demand in the labor market, and this demand is growing daily.

Among the honorary titles of our country there is also the title of Honored Worker of Trade of the Russian Federation. It is assigned to employees of state, cooperative, private trade and public catering for their special contribution to the development of the trade network, improvement of methods and forms of trade.

There is another holiday associated with trade in the world. Every year, World Fair Trade Day is celebrated on the second Saturday in May. These two holidays should not be confused.

Trade Worker Day is a holiday traditionally celebrated on the fourth Saturday in July. In 2015, the date of this holiday falls on July 25.

Trade has always been, is and will be one of the main engines of progress and development of all mankind. It is not known when people began to buy and sell things for the first time, but it is clear for sure that this happened many millennia ago. Today trade is developed unusually widely and, perhaps, we cannot even imagine how it is possible to live without retail outlets, markets, shops, shopping centers, boutiques, and now also online stores.

This holiday is celebrated by both large entrepreneurs and small traders. Trade plays an important role in the economic and political life of any country, especially as huge as Russia. Market relations should develop in step with the times and constantly improve, and therefore trade workers should always be honored and respected.

The fourth Saturday of July (25.07.2015) is a professional holiday for all who consider themselves to be in trade. The holiday has been known since the times of the USSR. Since 1966, the Day of Workers in Trade, Consumer Services and Communal Services was celebrated on the last Sunday of July. In 1988, the holiday was postponed to the third Sunday in March, but even then the Day of the Trade Worker continued to be celebrated at the end of July. By the decree of the President of the Russian Federation in 2013, a new (old) date was established and the Day of the Trade Worker was again postponed to July. Do not forget to congratulate your family, friends and acquaintances who are engaged in trade. The festive date is July 25 for everyone who stands behind the counter, develops their trading business and sells on the Internet.

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Congratulations on the Trade Worker Day in pictures

Trade day in 2019, what date is celebrated in Russia? There is some confusion with the dates, because, instead of one date, loved by many, another date came, and after that they returned that old date again. And some are still confused about when exactly the Day of Trade is celebrated, what date, day of the week and even month of the year should they be guided by?

So, first you need to look at history, which shows us that in the USSR, Trade Day was established as an important professional holiday in 1966. It was then that a decree was adopted to celebrate the holiday on the fourth Sunday in July. Please note that now in modern Russia this holiday is also celebrated on the fourth Sunday of July, although there were times when a holiday fell on another day, even on a different season.

To make sure that confusion does not arise in your mind anymore, we propose to sort things out in order and trace exactly how the date of the holiday was formed, whom to congratulate on this day, what festive events are held. Back in July, they celebrate in Russia.

  • About exactly modern date
  • About the profession of the seller
  • About the development of the sphere of trade
  • How Trade Day is celebrated

About exactly modern date

So, Trade Day in 2019, what date in Russia, as well as in Ukraine and Belarus today is celebrated exclusively on the fourth Sunday of July, this is enshrined at the legislative level, and this year the holiday date falls on the 27th. But it was not always so.

In 1988, until this time the date of the Day of Trade was exactly on the fourth Sunday in July, the date of the professional holiday of sellers and other representatives of trade professions was moved to the third Sunday in March. But, in the minds of people, it is the fourth Sunday of July that has already been fixed. Since that time, it has become customary that the holiday was celebrated twice a year. The first time, according to the law of that time - in March, and the second time, at the behest of the people's heart - in July.

Interesting! Do not confuse Trade Day, which is celebrated in our country on the fourth Sunday of July, that is, on the 27th of 2019, with World Fair Trade Day, which falls every year on May 12.

Trade workers have such a specificity of activity that they work according to a floating schedule. Setting the date of the holiday exactly on Sunday does not guarantee everyone that they will be able to spend this day at a festive table or at a picnic. Well, then you need to congratulate the workers at their workplaces - why not, because buyers like it when trade workers are in a good mood, smile, talk politely and, of course, know their business.

About the profession of the seller

Trade Day will be celebrated in 2019, what date in Ukraine and other countries of the former USSR is on the fourth Sunday of the second month of July, that is, on the 23rd. Trade workers always closely interact with citizens, they help meet needs, sort out goods, calculate and ultimately fulfill a dream or satisfy a person's need. The modern salesperson must have many human qualities, not just the ability to count and push buttons.

In general, the requirements for a modern seller cannot be called unambiguous. On the one hand, an employee of modern trade must necessarily have developed psychologically skills - sincerely smile at customers, be sociable and friendly. On the other hand, not only these requirements, which are imposed on the profession, are fundamental for successful trade in modern conditions. The fourth Sunday in July is celebrated in Russia.

It is clear to everyone that modern trade is an important link in the economic chain of any country. The profession of a seller is in demand, and, as practice shows, women work more in it than men. Although, regardless of gender, the requirements for a seller in modern conditions will be the same and quite high.

If you travel through the pages of history, it can be noted that in Russia the profession of a seller has always been honorable. These people were literate and respected in society. Today the profession has remained in demand and much depends on the salesman's demeanor, his politeness and benevolence in sales.

About the development of the sphere of trade

Trading day in 2019, which date is July 27, the fourth Sunday of this summer month. And on the eve of the holiday, of course, they talk a lot about the development of the profession and the industry as a whole. The last decade shows that the sphere of trade has changed many times and began to actively develop in new directions. We constantly need employees who understand how to meet the growing demands of the population so that everyone is satisfied.

Again, the growth of the globalization process should be noted, which is a key factor for entering the world market. International trade etiquette is positioned not on the zeal to be the first and to get the maximum profit, but on the foundation of fair and equal trade. Many trade workers come to this business for work and, of course, like representatives of other professions, they want to receive decent wages for their work.

To create favorable conditions for work, so that new specialists with modern knowledge, skills and abilities come to the profession every year, it is important to motivate employees. A reliable control system, on the other hand, will prevent many of the thefts of sellers, which, unfortunately, still take place. So, Trade Day in 2019, what date is July 23 this year, and all trade workers, and not only sellers, will be waiting for praise for their work, congratulations, certificates, cash bonuses. On the festive table is relevant.

How Trade Day is celebrated

In honor of the holiday, a variety of events are held at which they honor, show their respect and honor to professionals not only in retail, but also in wholesale trade, spheres directly or indirectly related to this industry. The holiday in our country falls on the hottest month - July, but there is no exact date - it is always the fourth Sunday of this summer month.

Every day we are faced with the work of specialists who are involved in the trading field. And these are not only sellers and cashiers, who, of course, immediately come to mind for an ordinary consumer. In trade, there are many professions, thanks to the work of whose people we can choose goods, visit a variety of shops, carry out cash or non-cash payments. This profession requires some effort from every worker.

Here it can be noted, if you single out the basic qualities that a trade worker should have, a lot of moral and physical strength. It's great if a specialist is able to intuitively master the situation, because people are very different. Plus, it is worth noting the clarity of recognition of the psychological type of the buyer, the ability to understand his needs and interests.

Trading is a large network that works constantly, without breaks and weekends. A big load always falls on the holidays, so, for ordinary people, holidays are a reason for fun, and sellers often have to go to work outside their schedule, take extra days just for the comfort and convenience of buyers. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to say a kind word to the representatives of this sector on Trade Day, wish them all the best and emphasize that you value and respect their work.

So, Trade Day in 2019, which date is celebrated - July 27. This is not the exact date of this day in the calendar, because there is no exact date. But you might remember that every year, Trading Day is celebrated on the fourth Sunday since the beginning of July. Therefore, just look at the calendar of the year that interests you and quickly set the date of the celebration yourself for this period.

Trade Workers Day is a professional holiday from the USSR. In 1966, by decree of senior officials in the Supreme Council, a floating date was fixed for the Day of Trade - the fourth Saturday of July. 22 years later, for not entirely clear reasons or someone's whims, the holiday was postponed to the third Sunday in March. And to the workers of the trade sphere themselves were "added" workers of communal services and consumer services of the population. By inertia, the Soviet people continued to celebrate their professional holiday in July ...

Therefore, until the collapse of the USSR, trade workers had two whole holidays, but communal services had only one. After the collapse of the Union, the presidents of Ukraine and the Republic of Belarus fixed the "old" date for the holiday - the last Sunday in July.

And the President of the Russian Federation Putin in 2013 moved the official Day of Trade Workers to the fourth Saturday of July, apparently because on Monday many workers in this area to work ...

This professional has got his own local traditions. Large trading companies arrange corporate events timed to this date. Marketers conduct various promotional campaigns among buyers.

At the state level, this holiday is an occasion to celebrate honored workers of the trade sector with awards and certificates.

In the age of development of various Internet sites, it will be fair to attribute online consultants and those who sell goods and services via the Internet to the heroes of the occasion. Along with the national holiday, there is also the World Fair Trade Day, which is celebrated by the world community every second Saturday in May.

Dear trade workers! You deserve this holiday! Develop in your field and delight your customers!