Is it possible to determine pregnancy at the earliest possible date. Change in sexual appetite. Pregnant or not: subjective feelings

Pregnancy - planned or unexpected, sudden or long-awaited - in any case, you always want to find out as soon as possible if it has come. Several days of delay ...

The body sends out weak and incomprehensible signals. But how do you know if this is really the birth of a new life or just a physiological malfunction, is there any reason to rejoice or worry. To understand this, let's find out:

  • when it is possible to determine pregnancy after conception;
  • in what ways you can do it.

The sacrament of conception

The favorable period for conception is 12-15 days from the onset of menstruation, about the middle of the cycle, when the egg matures, moves into the fallopian tube and waits there for a "date" with the sperm.

This period is called ovulation and lasts only 24 hours. Ovulation can be determined by symptoms such as discharge, minor pain in the lower abdomen, breast tenderness.

The meeting of the male and female cells occurs a few hours after intercourse. Sperm cells actively move forward, not stopping for a second.

Most of them die, overcoming a long way and colliding with natural obstacles, but the strongest and most enduring meet with the egg.

They attack her, simultaneously hitting their tails on its surface, but only one breaks in - conception has taken place.

The egg and sperm become one. After a day, the cell begins to divide and move towards the uterus. Once inside, the cell attaches itself to its wall. Now we can say for sure that the pregnancy has come.

When can you determine the beginning of a new life?

A missed period is the most well-known sign of pregnancy. If on the appointed day the women's event did not happen, this immediately becomes a cause for excitement.

When it is possible to determine pregnancy after conception is a question that worries any girl who dreams of motherhood

However, there are other methods of determining fertilization, some of them can be used before the delay, while others are effective only after it.

You can check for pregnancy in the following ways:

  • using a test strip;
  • having passed the analysis of hCG;
  • measuring basal body temperature;
  • by doing an ultrasound scan.

Of course, you can immediately schedule a visit to the doctor who will examine the cervix and say whether there is a pregnancy or not. But if the answer is needed "here and now", then you can use the indicated methods.

First symptoms

When it is possible to determine pregnancy after conception - the female body will tell you. Within a week, hormonal changes begin to occur in it, and at this time the first signals of the onset of pregnancy are felt.

Its initial stage can manifest itself in the form:

  • morning sickness;
  • irritability and drowsiness;
  • strange taste preferences;
  • unexpected reactions to odors;
  • breast tenderness;
  • slight severity in the lower abdomen.

All these signs are similar to the manifestations of premenstrual syndrome and it is not always possible to pay attention to them, therefore, when specific symptoms appear, it is worth taking an analysis for hCG.

We hand over the analysis of hCG

The hormone hCG (human choreonic gonadotropin) is produced by the outer shell of the embryo from the moment it is fixed in the uterus. Thus, it can be determined a short time after conception.

Therefore, the presence of hCG in urine or blood is one of the options to find out about pregnancy even before the delay.

Tests for hCG are taken on an empty stomach, usually in the morning, excluding physical activity and taking medications (especially hormonal ones) the day before.

You can donate blood for a test 7-10 days after conception, but for reliability it is better to repeat it in a week. A urine test is usually taken no earlier than 14 days after conception.

The "pregnancy hormone" doubles every few days. Therefore, if an increase in the concentration of the hormone is observed when the test is repeated, this will be a guaranteed indicator of pregnancy.

It is important to know! Zero or close to this result of the hCG hormone indicates the development of an ectopic pregnancy.

Making a test

The most readily available way to diagnose pregnancy is through a pharmacy test. It is used even during a slight delay in menstruation.

The test strip should be kept in the urine for a short time and look at the number of marks that appear: 1 mark - no pregnancy, 2 marks indicate the birth of a new life.

Tests vary in sensitivity. Routine tests determine pregnancy from the first days of the delay, i.e. when the embryo is already about 15 days old. But there are hypersensitive people who can show this within a week after conception.

Note! "Two stripes" are not always a 100% indicator of pregnancy. For reliability, it is better to repeat the test the next day.

A test error is possible in cases when:

  • the day before, a large amount of liquid was drunk, and the concentration of the hormone in the urine was significantly reduced;
  • the test was done incorrectly or too early;
  • there are violations of the ovaries;
  • there was a pathology of pregnancy.

If the test is carried out correctly and in a timely manner, in most cases it will show the correct result.

We measure the basal temperature

Another well-known, but not the simplest, method for determining pregnancy is basal temperature measurement. Most often, it is monitored to determine ovulation, but it will help to indicate the moment of fertilization.

It is measured in the rectum with an ordinary thermometer, constantly the same. The readings are recorded in a notebook or plotted.

It is important to know! Basal temperature will help determine when conception occurred, and whether pregnancy occurred after that, but it is a rather sensitive indicator and can react to stress, digestive disorders, alcohol, so its data are not 100% the result.

Measure basal temperature begins on the first day of menstruation. This is done in the morning, immediately after waking up, without making any sudden movements.

With regular measurements, it will be seen that in the first two weeks of the cycle, the temperature will stay within 36.3-36.8 degrees, then it will drop by 2-3 divisions, after which there will be a sharp jump by about half a degree, to 37-37.3, which means ovulation.

At this point, it will remain until menstruation, and the day before it will drop a little. If, before menstruation, the temperature does not drop, but remains the same or rises by another 0.1-0.2 degrees, this indicates pregnancy.

Thus, you can find out about the birth of a new life as early as 1-2 days of delay.

We go to the ultrasound

The most reliable diagnostic method is ultrasound, it will help determine exactly whether there is a pregnancy and when conception occurred.

But do not run to the clinic immediately after the test showed 2 strips. You need to wait at least a week. By this time, the embryo will be about 3-4 weeks old and the ultrasound will be able to accurately state the fact of pregnancy.

However, doctors warn that it is best to undergo ultrasound diagnostics no earlier than 10 days of delay. During this period, you can already see whether the pregnancy is uterine or ectopic, as well as get information about the development of the fetus.

Ultrasound examination is carried out in two ways:

  • abdominal - through the abdominal wall, the same when a woman needs to drink fluid before the procedure;
  • transvaginal - insertion of the sensor through the vagina, the proximity of the sensor to the uterus allows for more reliable information.

How soon can conception be determined with folk recipes

"To see a live fish in a dream is the birth of a child." Our grandmothers unconditionally believed this sign. And even now, their proven diagnostic methods are not inferior to modern methods. The most famous - with the help of soda and iodine, they are done when menstruation is delayed.

Another interesting way is to hang the wedding ring on your own hair or light-colored thread over the woman's belly. If the ring moves slightly, she is considered pregnant, and if it hangs motionless, then she is not.

You can find out about pregnancy at least 7 days after conception, but this will only be a preliminary result that needs additional confirmation, and more reliable information can be obtained no earlier than 14 days after fertilization.

When can pregnancy be determined after conception:

The first signs of pregnancy after conception:

Pharmacy pregnancy tests are affordable and widespread. This method of determining the success of conception is reliable, but it happens that a woman is far from civilization or other circumstances prevent her from buying. Then the problem arises of how to determine pregnancy without a test. Doctors say that all results obtained in an "amateur" way require mandatory medical confirmation. In theory, it is quite possible to determine pregnancy at home.

The main signs of early pregnancy

Evidence of the appearance of a baby in the womb may appear before the onset of the next menstruation. The answer to the question whether it is possible to determine pregnancy without a test is positive, if a woman is healthy, her body has previously worked without interruptions, the cycle is stable. When a girl wants a child, she can misinterpret the symptoms, think up some signs, many doctors warn about this. Before checking your pregnancy at home, pay attention to the following signs:

  • Taste preferences have changed, there is an increase in appetite, obviously preference is given to dishes that, until recently, did not evoke much love.
  • The sense of smell has sharpened, the woman distinguishes shades of smells.
  • In the morning there was a noticeable nausea, when brushing teeth, a gag reflex occurs.
  • Soreness and swelling of the mammary glands - this symptom can also occur on the eve of menstruation, but together with other signs indicates a change in the hormonal background of a woman due to pregnancy.
  • Pigment spots appear, which are still subtle, then this sign will become more pronounced.
  • Increased emotional sensitivity, mood swings: women often associate these phenomena with PMS, but if the above signs are added, plus there is a delay in menstruation, this is a reason to suspect pregnancy.
  • Frequent urination. When a symptom appears, it is important to rule out cystitis. If urination is painless, urine is normal, the level of fluid intake has not increased due to the heat or the consumption of salty or spicy foods, a possible cause is a relaxation of the sphincter of the woman's bladder caused by hormonal changes in the pregnant woman.
  • A sharp decrease or increase in sex drive refers to possible signs of pregnancy.

How to find out about pregnancy before delay at home

The presence of several signs described above makes you wonder how to determine the onset of pregnancy without a test, when simple home methods confirm the guesses, there will be something to go to the gynecologist with. Online versions of questionnaire tests have appeared on the Internet, where it is required to answer standard questions about the presence of nausea, delay and other signs, in some cases money is withdrawn for this via SMS. A woman herself can answer these questions by counting the number of "yes" and "no", more informative free methods that can actually be used at home.

By basal temperature

One of the informative ways to determine pregnancy at home without a test is to measure a woman's basal temperature. It is checked in the rectum and also in the mouth or vagina. To find out the basal temperature to establish the fact of pregnancy, you need to 1-2 days before the onset of menstruation calculated according to the calendar. The female cycle has two phases: before and after ovulation. If ovulation has occurred, the basal temperature is slightly more than 37 degrees, before the onset of menstruation, it decreases. If this does not happen, the chances of pregnancy are high.

A mercury thermometer for measuring basal temperature should be held:

  • in the mouth - 5 minutes;
  • in the vagina / rectum - up to 3 minutes.

The measurement is taken in the morning, before the woman got out of bed, it is impossible to make sudden movements before the procedure, otherwise the result will be biased. An increase in temperature causes not only pregnancy, but also alcohol intake, illness, sexual intercourse, stress, medication, all these reasons must be excluded. The easiest way to understand if your basal temperature has changed if you measure it regularly is to keep a graph for several months. When planning a baby, this is a common practice to help determine an expected pregnancy.

With soda

In the urine of a pregnant woman, a change in pH is noted, this indicator shifts to the alkaline side. How to determine pregnancy without a medical test using baking soda: add a teaspoon of the substance to your morning urine and track the reaction. If bubbles formed, the liquid seemed to "boil" - there is no pregnancy, the urine has retained its usual acidity. Soda fell to the bottom of the glass, without a reaction - a sign that a woman is carrying a child, her urine has the same alkalinity as soda.

Other reasons why urine pH changes to the alkaline side:

  • the predominance of vegetables in a woman's diet;
  • kidney infections;
  • acute diarrhea.

With iodine

There is no scientifically proven basis for this method, but it is popular and can often identify pregnancy. It is carried out as follows: prepare morning urine, moisten a sheet of paper in it, drip iodine, if the drop turns purple, pregnancy is likely, turns blue - no. Another interpretation of this test: drop iodine into a glass of urine, if the drop remains on top, the woman is in the “position”, if it dissolves immediately, the result is negative.

For the test to work more objectively, the following conditions must be met:

  • Use fresh, morning urine, take liquid in the middle of urination, carry out the test no later than 20 minutes after collecting the material.
  • Before collecting urine, carry out a morning toilet, without using other hygiene products, except for baby soap without any additives, dyes, flavors will distort the result.
  • Boil the iodine dropper and urine dishes, dry thoroughly, do not use hot.
  • Take napkins, dough paper from fresh packaging.
  • The expiration date of iodine should be relevant, if it has expired, it is not suitable for determining pregnancy by urine.
  • A drop of iodine should not fall on a napkin or into a glass of urine from a height, so they will blur, the pipette should be brought closer to the surface.

How pregnancy was previously determined without tests and doctors

Traditional methods of determining pregnancy in the early stages always require rechecking, since their results may turn out to be false positive or, conversely, be negative with an existing pregnancy. Some of them are based on mysticism, intuition, dreams, for example, if a fish is dreaming, in any form - a sign that a woman is expecting replenishment. Here are some other ways to determine pregnancy with folk remedies:

  • Boil urine in a metal container, pour it into a glass container. If the result is positive, a precipitate forms, white flakes.
  • Another way to establish the fact of bearing a fetus using urine was used in the Middle Ages. Mix urine with red wine, if the urine remains transparent - there is a pregnancy, it becomes cloudy - a negative answer.
  • Tie the ring on your own hair, hang it over the woman's belly. If the ring swings or spins in a circle - yes, it does not move - no.
  • A folk remedy based on the belief that pregnancy changes a woman's energy. Take two cups, label it with the words "pregnant", the other one, sign "not pregnant." Plant onions in both, wait until the shoots reach 4 centimeters faster.
  • There is a belief that if you water the flowers with the morning urine of a pregnant woman, they will bloom brighter than usual. Only by the time the onions sprout, or the flowers become more magnificent, the woman will already find other ways to determine pregnancy.

Video: how to understand that you are pregnant

When conception occurs, the woman's body actively begins to rebuild, its priorities change, all systems adapt to the needs of the fetus. Experienced moms early on may sense these changes and assume that they will be replenished. If the child is the first, it is more difficult to understand what is happening; a video instruction will come to the rescue, containing information about the main signs of pregnancy at a very early stage.

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Determining early pregnancy is sometimes not just important, but vital. If you did not plan this step, but are ready to give birth to a baby, then the confidence that you are really pregnant will help you keep your unborn child healthy. The important points in this case are bad habits, work in difficult and harmful conditions. The sooner you determine the pregnancy in this case, the more likely it is to keep it.

There are also more sad cases when, for medical reasons, it is necessary to terminate a pregnancy due to a serious illness, for example, or a recent complex operation. It is clear that it is better to do this earlier.

If the pregnancy was planned and long-awaited, it is clear that the expectant mother would rather be convinced of her position and please her family and friends with this wonderful news.

So let's see how you can identify early pregnancy.
The first and most telling sign is usually delay menstruation... If before your cycle was regular, and no disruptions were observed, then it is highly likely that you are pregnant.
However, the delay may also be a sign of some kind of illness, or it may not be at all, so listen carefully to yourself and try to find other suspected signs.

One of these signs is the appearance profuse discharge, like those that you observe before the onset of menstruation. Again, this sign alone cannot serve as one hundred percent proof.

Also in the early stages of pregnancy, there may be fast fatigue, drowsiness, cravings for certain foods and persistent aversion to others. Even nausea and vomiting may begin - toxicosis, which is observed in pregnant women from about the second week from conception.
Sensitivity and breast tenderness, as well as increased pigmentation of the skin of the nipples can also be attributed to probable signs. However, you can take them into account if nothing has happened to you before with the onset of your period.

Due to changes in hormonal levels, many internal organs begin to work a little differently than before. For example, the digestive system gives some failure. therefore constipation, which is called from scratch, also sometimes testifies to the onset of pregnancy. May also start problems with urination... If you used to sleep peacefully until the morning, and now you invariably get up at night to go to the toilet, it is possible that the increasing uterus is pressing on the bladder.

Almost one hundred percent indicator of early pregnancy is considered increased basal temperature... If you measure it correctly - that is, without getting out of bed immediately after waking up, and there are other signs, most likely your suspicions can be considered correct. With the onset of pregnancy, the temperature in the rectum usually reaches 37 degrees and above.

A gynecologist can more accurately determine early pregnancy. An elementary examination and palpation through the abdominal wall can reveal a pregnancy for a period of 3-4 weeks.

The doctor will also refer you to a laboratory for examination, where you will have to donate blood and urine.
In the early stages, a special protein can be found in the blood, which is quite easy to detect at 4-5 weeks. The appearance of this protein is considered a sure sign of pregnancy.

In the urine from about the second week, a hormone appears, which is called human chorionic gonadotropin, which is also a sign of pregnancy. The risk, however, is that such a hormone can appear as a result of a number of diseases, so only a urine test to diagnose pregnancy cannot be dispensed with.

Based on the discovery of the same hormone pregnancy testwhich can be purchased at the pharmacy. It is believed that its reliability ranges from 80-90%, and it can show a positive result already in the presence of a two-week period.

The surest way to determine early pregnancy is considered ultrasound procedure... Special sensors will not miss any changes. In addition, unlike other research methods, this method will help to identify pathologies of the location and development of the fetus. Usually, the ultrasound method can accurately determine pregnancy at a period of 10-14 days.

In conclusion, I would like to emphasize two points. Firstly, there are cases when a woman does not observe any pregnancy symptoms until the moment when the belly becomes impressive or the baby begins to move.

Secondly, even if you are convinced that you are pregnant using the test and analyzing your own feelings, you should still see a doctor as soon as possible.
Only competent supervision and constant monitoring of the condition and laboratory parameters can guarantee you a normal pregnancy and the birth of a healthy baby.

From a medical point of view, there is no way to determine pregnancy without a special test or analysis. Much more real and much more accurate, according to doctors, will be, for example, a test for the determination of the hormone chorionic gonadotropin in the blood, but not home diagnostics. However, women still trust the advice of their ancestors, believe in the signs and advice of their friends, so they increasingly resort to methods of determining pregnancy at home.

According to statistics, every day in Russia about 10 thousand women learn about their pregnancy. Almost half of them become aware of this in the 3rd week, and very few of them notice changes in their bodies already in the first week.
Pregnancy is a magical and thrilling state that most women look forward to. Especially in the case when numerous attempts to get pregnant before that were in vain. Sometimes it happens that, suspecting about her pregnancy, a woman does not have the physical ability to get an appointment with a gynecologist. This can be facilitated by being busy at work and the hustle and bustle of the day. Then the question becomes relevant, how to determine pregnancy without tests at home?

To begin with, you should decide on the theory and remember that you should not hope for pregnancy when less than 10 days have passed since the onset of menstruation after unprotected intercourse. Under normal conditions, conception occurs on the 12-14th day of the cycle, during ovulation. And you can diagnose your condition on your own and with a successful result only on the 25th day. It is very important to wait for a delay in menstruation before determining pregnancy. The first day of delay is considered the most effective for determining your position. In addition, after conception, the body notifies the woman about the first signs of pregnancy.

How to determine pregnancy without a test: the main manifestations of early pregnancy

The question of how to determine pregnancy before delay is relevant and always worries many women. According to doctors, you can reliably find out about this only with the onset of a delay. However, there are a number of characteristic signs and main manifestations of pregnancy, by which a woman can determine her condition:

  1. Manifestation of toxicosis. Morning nausea and gag reflexes are the most common manifestations of pregnancy. However, not all women have these symptoms.
  2. Breast enlargement. If a woman has never encountered mastopathy, then this symptom may become the most informative for her. In parallel with the increase, the mammary glands begin to hurt. Pigmentation appears on the nipples, they become very sensitive. In some cases, colostrum may be excreted from the nipples early in pregnancy. It is important to remember that in case of pregnancy, both breasts hurt. If there is only one pain, this may indicate pathology.
  3. Pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe ovaries or uterus. This pain resembles the sensation at the beginning of menstruation. In case of pregnancy, menstruation does not occur, and mild pain persists. Sometimes these symptoms can also indicate an ectopic pregnancy.
  4. An increase in the number of secretions. Under normal conditions, odorless white discharge is normal. The curd structure and white tint are a manifestation of thrush. During pregnancy, such unpleasant symptoms should be avoided, because even a small infection can turn into a big problem.
  5. Delay of critical days. These manifestations are typical for non-pregnant women, therefore, this symptom should be treated with caution, because it may indicate a hormonal failure. There are exceptional cases when menstruation can occur during pregnancy in the form of scanty bloody discharge at intervals of 4 weeks. If the discharge is abundant, then this may be a manifestation of a miscarriage. An obstetrician-gynecologist can determine pregnancy 2 weeks after conception. By this time, the uterus is enlarged and it is easier for the doctor to draw specific conclusions.
  6. Increased or decreased libido. In connection with hormonal changes in the body, a woman experiences a so-called leap in sexual desire.
  7. Psychoemotional disorders: irritability, tearfulness. Changing moods and wishes for a pregnant woman is the norm in this condition.
  8. Frequent urge to urinate. If there are no painful sensations when going to the toilet, then this may be one of the signs of pregnancy. This symptom is also associated with hormonal changes.
  9. Body temperature rises along with an increase in basal temperature. As a rule, in the first month of pregnancy, an increase in subfebrile temperature occurs.
  10. Pigmentation. Some women develop age spots on their bodies and faces, which are also early signs of pregnancy. More often, pigmentation is manifested in brown-eyed and dark-haired women.
  11. Along with a slight increase in the uterus, there is a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen, in the lumbar region. This can cause constipation and bloating.

If you find several signs in yourself, it can be assumed that pregnancy has occurred. And to confirm this diagnosis, you must use a pregnancy test. If it is not possible to purchase it, folk methods for determining pregnancy will come to the rescue.

How to tell if you're pregnant without a test: false pregnancy symptoms

Sometimes the manifestation of some symptoms does not at all indicate the beginning of conception. In order to be confident in your position, when determining pregnancy, it is necessary to exclude the following symptoms that can provoke a delay in the cycle:

  • nervous strain;
  • long journey, climate change;
  • diseases;
  • taking hormonal drugs, antibiotics;
  • stress on the body, hard physical work;
  • strict diet and, as a result, menstrual cycle failure.

How to determine pregnancy without a test: determining pregnancy by temperature

One of the ways how to determine early pregnancy without a test is the basal temperature indicator. It is best and most accurate to take measurements 2 days before the critical days on your calendar.
As you know, the menstrual cycle consists of two phases: the first phase before the onset of ovulation, the second after, and its duration, as a rule, ranges from 16 to 18 days. If ovulation has occurred, then at the second stage of the menstrual cycle, the basal temperature rises and is slightly more than 37 degrees. If it does not decrease within 3 weeks, the pregnancy is confirmed. It should also be borne in mind that the temperature rises after intercourse, after stress and taking certain medications and alcohol.
Measurements are made with a mercury thermometer in the morning, while still in bed. Sudden movements before measuring temperature are also prohibited.

How to determine pregnancy without a test: term for determining pregnancy

The earliest period when it is already possible to determine pregnancy is the period when the woman's urine turns dark yellow. Usually this circumstance is quite noticeable and it is simply impossible not to see the change in shade.
Another way of determining early pregnancy came from our parents, and it is also associated with urine. A little urine is poured into a metal dish and put on fire. After boiling, the liquid must be poured into a glass and if a precipitate appears in the form of flakes, it means that pregnancy has come.
The answer to the question of how to find out about pregnancy without using a test is also a special medical analysis of hCG (chorionic gonadotropin). Literally already on the 7th day after conception, you can determine your condition by donating blood in the laboratory for the determination of the chorionic hormone. Blood from a vein must be taken on an empty stomach in the morning.
Early pregnancy can be guaranteed by a study on an ultrasound machine.
The level of the hormone beta globulin can also determine whether conception has occurred or not. Venous blood sampling is done in a laboratory. It is better to undergo the study before the start of the delay in the menstrual cycle, on the 11th day after conception. In terms of reliability, this method is not inferior to ultrasound or hCG.

How to determine pregnancy without a test: changes in a woman's body after conception

It is not for nothing that professional gynecologists have developed women's menstrual calendars, since pregnancy directly depends on the days of ovulation, and conception occurs, as a rule, 2 days after ovulation. From the beginning of menstruation, the egg begins to ripen and prepares to leave the ovary. With a menstrual cycle of 28 days, this occurs on the 14th day. The female body, together with ovulation, also prepares for a possible pregnancy: the walls of the endometrium become thicker and softer, when the follicle releases an egg, it is converted into a corpus luteum and begins to produce progesterone. At the same time, the basal temperature rises to 37 degrees. The female body stays in this state for about 8 days.
When conception has not occurred, everything returns to its place: the exfoliated endometrium comes out along with menstruation, the temperature returns to normal and the cycle begins anew.
When fertilization occurs, the egg moves through the fallopian tube, while developing and dividing. A week later, the ovum is introduced, and the chorionic membrane begins to produce the hormone hCG (chorionic gonadotropin).

Folk ways to determine pregnancy without a test

If you really want, but do not know how to determine the gestational age without a medical test, then the advice of folk practice will help you. The basic self-diagnostic methods are detailed below:

How to determine pregnancy. Video