New year at work sketches congratulations. A comic scene of congratulations for colleagues on a New Year's corporate party. New Year's relay race "In one team"

Are you all women in your work collective until the exception? And on the nose of the New Year? Dont be upset! A holiday with a bang can go without men. After all, our women:

- The cleverest;
- the most talented;
- the most artistic;
- most beautiful;
- the most inventive;
- the most fun.

Continue? Yes, our women are the best! Therefore, they will cope with the preparation of the New Year's corporate party themselves, on their own. And the strength we have oh-ho-ho!

So, let's begin. Who is our script for?

1. For those who are 20-55 years old
2. They are mothers, wives, employees and leaders
3. They are cheerful, friendly, do not like to be bored.

Do you recognize your team? Then this scenario for young modern women will definitely suit you. Take it, you won't regret it!

And now, in fact, herself entertainment program:

1. Sober selfie
2. Greetings
3. Comic telegram
4. A toast of gratitude to the outgoing year
5. Comic horoscope
6. Competition "Dancing Snow Woman"
7. Police exit
8. Fabulous game "New Year's turnip"
9. The appearance of the gypsy
10. Divination by "kisses"
11. Contest "You Can't Throw Words Out of a Song"
12. Exit of Santa Claus
13. New Year's song-rework
14. Comic presentation of gifts
15. Drunk Selfie

Characters: 4 people

Santa Claus


Balloons and double-sided tape for the competition, markers, props for the heroes of the "Turnip" fairy tale (you can just draw figures of heroes made of paper, which are attached to the dresses of the participants), a bag with gifts

And now, in order.


1. Sober selfie

While everyone is still sober, we take pictures of all the ladies on the phone, it is not forbidden to smile, make faces, show tongues. We upload all photos to a PC or a USB flash drive. Will come in handy later.

The upcoming 2019 will be held under the symbol of the Year of the Pig. Therefore, you can hold a costume party, dress up as pigs, piglets, or simply use masks, patch pads and ears to take a funny selfie in memory of the holiday. Believe me, looking at these photos will be terribly funny on a sober head!

2. Greetings

The presenter comes out to the music (New Year is rushing towards us ...), dancing to the beat, waits for a few seconds and the music gradually fades away.

- Hello, dear hostesses of this evening! Well, does December dictate its own rules? We are seeing off the old year and looking forward to the new one! And to make us and you even happier to see off and anticipate, let's raise the first toast and add this table languishing in anticipation to our holiday! In the meantime, we have the first toast ripening, I will read out one congratulatory telegram that came to this address today. Whose name is not indicated here, I think that one of you to whom it is intended will guess itself.

3. Telegram

Hello darling! Today you and I will have to part. And it's not about you, it's about me, I have to leave. Before parting, I confess - I was affectionate not only with you, but also with your friends ... But forgive me for that ... I know that today you will meet another, younger and more promising than me.

……………… the entire text of the telegram in the full version of the script ………………….

4. Toast of gratitude


Now, without hesitation, we will put the treats aside
And we will refill the glasses so that it will not be enough for us!
We are now celebrating the New Year and treating them to champagne!

Glasses are refilled, the host says a toast to the new year.

The year to come is on the doorstep
Knocked (knocks on the table), wiped his feet (makes the appropriate movements with his feet),
I looked in here quietly (peeks in), well, and got a little crazy ...
So much beauty at a time (gestures around the women present)
He saw for the first time!
Girls-beauties, he will like you!
For the new year !!!

Musical pause, guests are drinking champagne, eating.

And now, dear ladies, without disdaining, let's face it -
We all want to know what to expect in the coming year.
Exclusively and (lowering the voice) the horoscope will tell you by pull,
To whom will the salary be added, who and where will find love ...

5. Comic horoscope for the New Year


Never deprived of male attention,
Will continue to keep the brand of Aries ladies.
Adorable, always beautiful
And in righteous anger they are truly terrible!
This year is preparing a lot of impressions for you,
Courtship of the most diverse generations!
You should be patient and kind -
It can be so useful sometimes!


Like pollen, the energetic of Taurus!
Light and thin, like notes, sonorous!
Turn on your intuition, notice everything around you.
Everywhere signs around you ... Have you noticed?
Right now ...
What? Is the sole frayed? Hana's boots?
It's a sign! Do not worry! This is definitely money!

……………………… the whole horoscope in the full version of the script ………………….

6. Competition "Dancing Snow Woman"

Three to four participants are called.

…………………… the essence of the competition in the full version …………………………….

7. Police exit

During the meal, a loud whistle (whistle) and a knock on the door are heard. If there is no door in the hall, a knock on the door is imitated by knocking on the wall, on the table, window, etc. Voice behind the door (or in the doorway, if it is an imitation):

Open up! Police!

A policeman enters the hall, twirling a baton in his hand. (if there is no full suit, a cap and a striped stick are enough). The backing track "Let's break through, opera!" The policeman looks around the room for a minute, those present and turns to the presenter, the music gradually dies down:

- I wish you good health, Sergeant Kholodtsov (puts his hand to his cap). - What's going on here, citizens?

…………………… end of fragment ……………………… ..

8. Fabulous game "New Year's turnip"

The presenter begins to tell a fairy tale. All participants play their roles and depict the action of the fairy tale. The essence of the game is that when the host calls the character, the character says his line - as many times as it is mentioned in the tale. The result is a very funny scene.

…………………… the full version of the script ………………………

9. The appearance of the gypsy

A woman dressed as a gypsy bursts into the hall backwards, shouting to someone out the door:
- Leave me alone, accursed ones, here they are! I didn’t pull off those beads and the fan, not me, look in the wrong place! (after these words, beads and a fan fall out of her pockets or folds on her clothes, she quickly picks them up and puts them back in. Quickly, but so that the audience will notice it.)

Turns to face the audience, and to the backing track, the "gypsy" goes into the hall. For a minute or two she dances "gypsy", going around the guests in the hall and stops near Kholodtsov, not realizing that he is a policeman.

……………………… .end of fragment ………………………………

10. Divination by "kisses" (lip prints on napkins)

The host invites all guests to "kiss" the napkin and leave an imprint on it. The gypsy goes around everyone and collects the kissed napkins. Having bypassed everyone, he goes out with the policeman so that everyone can see, holding napkins in his hands. Music plays softly in the background.

- Well, Kholodtsov, the prints have been collected, the fingerprint examination begins its work!

The gypsy woman takes a napkin, shows it to the guests, and the one who recognizes her "kiss" on the napkin raises her hand. The gypsy predicts her future from the print of her lips. If no one recognized her imprint, the gypsy improvises, says any guest: - But I see, these are your lips! - and makes a prediction to her. The number of predictions is equal to the number of guests, but not more than 10. If there are more guests, after the 10th the fortune-telling is folded with the words "Well, the most important thing is predicted."

1 napkin
What lips! It's just a marvel!
You will be happy forever!
And for the money of the rich ...
You will row them with a shovel!

11. Contest "You Can't Throw Words Out of a Song"

Two teams of several people are gathered (if there are not many people, you can simply divide those present equally into two teams). The presenter names a word from the song (preferably New Year's theme), and the team must sing an excerpt from the song where this word is (or the whole song). If they could not, the right to move goes to the opponents. So a few words are "worked out", preferably 3-5 for each side. The winners are those who remembered more songs. Toast them!

12. Exit of Santa Claus

After the competition, the lights in the hall are dimmed and everyone hears a strange sound (a staff on the floor). The backing track "The ceiling is icy, the door is creaking ..." sounds. Santa Claus enters the hall. He walks slowly through the hall, looks around those present, stops in the center of the hall. After a few minutes, the music gradually fades ..

……………………… end of fragment ………………………

13. New Year's song-rework

Song to the tune: A Christmas tree was born in the forest, but in a new way, for adults.
Full version of the song.

14. Comic presentation of gifts

Santa Claus:
-Well, well, well! I look, and the time has come for gifts ... He takes out his bag.
Have you prepared rhymes for your grandfather? And the songs? Not? Well, you are big girls (looks reproachfully at those present), you must understand what's what! What am I going to give you gifts just like that?
-Okay, let's solve the problem like this (grunts, sits on a chair). Come closer to me, you can be very close ... You can even sit on my knee) ...

………………………… .end of fragment ………………………….

15. Drunk Selfie

Oh yeah, we almost forgot. At the end of the holiday, when everyone is already hot enough, do not forget to take a "drunk selfie"!
After the holiday, there will be something to remember and compare with a sober selfie. The main thing is that everyone is involved. To get a photo in the style: WAS - HAS BEEN. Based on the results of viewing and voting, we choose the Queen of the New Year's selfie! A souvenir for her - any New Year's souvenir.

We wish you a fun evening!


This was an introduction to the script. To purchase the full version, go to your shopping cart. After payment, the material will become available for download via a link on the site, or from a letter that will come to you by e-mail.

Price: 199 r kill

SCENARIO OF THE NEW YEAR for the teaching staff.

Analysis of the work done.

Over the past year, the teachers of the school:

    12 tons of paper were written, 757 ballpoint pens, 111 helium pens, 444 simple pencils, 72 erasers erased;

    935 sheets of white office paper were damaged;

    5 tons of garbage were removed from the school;

    230 packs of tea and 220 cans of coffee were drunk;

    214 kg of granulated sugar and a pood of salt were eaten;

    518 liters of beer, 519 liters of vodka;

    3 789 packs of cigarettes smoked during working hours;

    And 5,343 packs of cigarettes at lunchtime;

    987,211 times “Kuz'kina's mother” was mentioned, 237,546 profanities were used (different words);

    In total, school staff were 245 hours late for work, including 198 for no valid reason.

    Sent 989 SMS (on personal topics);

    145 hours talked over the phone with friends and 290 hours with girlfriends;

    300 pills for headache and 578 pills for hangover were drunk;

    270 kg of sausage and 178 loaves of bread were eaten;

    589 anecdotes have been told, of which 588 are obscene;

    50 pairs of shoes worn out;

    The employees were on sick days for 290 days, of which 90 were simulated;

Phone call. The secretary runs into the hall, grabs the receiver.

Secretary: Hello!

Leading: Food for thought: Galyusya. Secretary. All orders are carried out unquestioningly. Executive. The character is self-possessed. Soft. Believes that friendship is the most important thing in life.

Galina Dmitrievna, write down the instructions of the administration:

    Order Santa Claus

    Invite friends to a banquet

    Organize music.

If you have any questions, the reference is on the table.

Secretary: So, the first thing is to order Santa Claus(takes the guide) ... Firm "Yolochka", firm "Belochka", Oh! Firm "Thorn".(dials the number) ... Hello! We would like to order Santa Claus. Write down the address: Karamzin, 18. I'm waiting.

A policeman enters.

Leading: Food for Thought: Someone's Freelance Contributor. He treats work for sure, if I interfere with him, he can sew.

Policeman: Hello! Senior Lieutenant Lebedinskaya! So we're getting calls from residents around your school. Well, they are complaining about you. Do you understand that you cannot behave like that, in a boorish way? People say: "New Year, but you have silence, no music shouts, no fights, no drunkenness." How is that possible? I do not understand. Are you ignoring the holiday? Stop it immediately! If not enough, run to the store. In general, do not break it! Happy New Year!

Secretary: So, Santa Claus ordered. Then ... invite your friends to a banquet ... Whose? Mine? Or…

("Girlfriends" - vocal group run into the hall)

Girlfriends: Have you called your friends?

Secretary: Whose are you?

Girlfriends: Are common!

Leading: Information for thought. Girlfriends. Regulars of local parties. When they ask, they sing, when not, they dance. Everyone gets the applause together, the salary is paid separately.

Secretary: How do you provide fun?

Girlfriends: "The carriage will move, the platform is stopped ..."

Secretary: So, further, organize the music. Hello, can I hear music? Thank.

Leading: Information for thought. Valentina Ivanovna is the director's personal musician. Everyone dances to her tune. If necessary, he can play along and sing along to the chef. Always works from the spot. Claims that "Without a glass, no vocals."

Valentina Ivanovna:

We don't get bored at the table

We pour the glasses quickly!

New Year is knocking on us

We wish you happiness!

Valentina Ivanovna: Dear colleagues, yes, I understand, these are your reports:

- Business must be dealt with seriously or not at all;

- Monitoring is serious and abhors approximation;

- How can you use unverified data?

- What's the matter?

- Have you noticed that we regularly have problems with the celebration of this or that celebration?

- This comes from the fact that you regularly rewrite scheduling, check notebooks, participate in children's holidays in autumn, winter, spring ..

- Let me remake it.

- Our discipline is lame.

- During office hours, they run around the shops.

Secretary: What makes a business woman different from a woman?

- Gait. How do you walk? Boggles the mind!

- There must be a mystery in a woman.

- The head is slightly raised.

- The eyes are slightly lowered.

- Everything is free here. Loose plastic from the thigh.

- Well, get up, get up.

Valentina Ivanovna: "Oh, I can't do it"

Secretary: Nonsense, handle it.

Valentina Ivanovna: You flatter me.

Secretary: Everyone flatters you.

(Valentina Ivanovna, offended, leaves)

Secretary: Hello! Firm "Icicle"? Yes, we have been waiting for a long time.

Leading: Information for thought. Ded Moroz and Snegurochka.

Founders of the Icicle Charitable Foundation. Responsible for the distribution of humanitarian aid in the winter. They are cold to the touch; when heated, they turn into a liquid phase. They love champagne and children

Santa Claus:

Snow Maiden:

She looks simple,
But put it by the fire
Five minutes - and I will melt
Five minutes - and I'm gone!
Therefore, it will be short
Congratulatory speech:
In the cold - I'm fine
In the room - I can flow.
And tell me at my mercy
Was this what I was striving for
From our northern latitudes
To you here for the New Year?
Oh ... I feel like I'm melting
Not a second extra!
Happy New Year!
And on the street! Hey!

Valentina Ivanovna:

- Do you know why I was late?

Was in "Donetsk City"

Sometimes I am harsh and rude.

My eyes would not have seen these Mondays.

I will always wait for the New Year!

I wish my dear team

Do not go crazy with fat!

To live more modestly, in terms of income,

Go to nature more often!

Less often shopping

Do more business!

Not taking a vacation every year,

Increase that income!

Live without resentment and gossip,

So everyone is noticeable!

Always be healthy

Even if it's cold!

And also let the New Year

May it bring happiness to you!

Cheerful laughter and smiles

And do not know any losses!

Leading: The new 2013th year, the year of the Snake according to the Eastern calendar, is approaching. The snake is not an unambiguous sign. For many people, it causes anxiety, a sense of danger. But at the same time, since ancient times, the snake was a symbol of wisdom, the keeper of knowledge. In ancient China, it was believed that if there was a snake in the house, then the family would never be in need. Do not be afraid of the Snake - the mistress of 2013. Celebrate the New Year with an open heart and do not forget to send your loved ones funny SMS and congratulations in verses Happy New Year.

I have the floorThe mistress of our house. ... ...


We are celebrating the New Year!

May the year of the Snake bring us

Happiness, joy and luck

Serpentine wisdom to boot

Prosperity and peace in the family,

Together, let's drink to the Snake!

Congratulations to the teachers

Here the Old Year is leaving. Let him take with him
All adversity and sorrow.

The love that is unanswered. Snow that falls in summer.

Cockroaches in the kitchen. Sparks that have already gone out.
Woodpeckers of those who hammer us. Let him take with him ...
After all, the Old Year is leaving. Well, to hell with him, let him go!

A new one is waiting for us at the gate. What will he bring with him.
We now, alas, do not know. But as before we wish,
In the New Year, we are a bright star from the sky,
(what will warm, will not burn).

Pleasure in everything - on a dark night, on a bright day.
In relaxation, in work. Wherever we are, everywhere!
And love is big, huge,
Bright, passionate, tender, languid,
And usual, and not so. Just finish on time ...
Something that started a long time ago.

Go to the movies many times.
Finally get some sleep. Break away from the routine,
Make new friends. Achieve goals faster.
Adventure safe. Protect yourself in time.
Never fly. But soar, fly, fly!

And find out what Happiness means,
Loyalty, Friendship and Participation,
Optimism, Enthusiasm, Wisdom, Glory and Orgasm ...
In general, we don't need much. The main thing is to get better.
New Year, don't let me down. The door is open, come in!

Appears on the stage Baba Yaga , which comes out, hobbling and carrying a bag of gifts behind her.

Baba Yaga:

I am an old woman - a merry woman
I have been living on Earth for a hundred years,
I love to sing you ditties,
I also love to listen to them.

Baba Yaga calls five girls and women onto the stage, hands them the words ditties and headscarves. To the music to the song "Chastushki Babok Ezhek" from the Soviet cartoon "The Flying Ship", women perform the written texts. Baba Yaga starts.

1. Stretch the fur, accordion!
Come on, beauties!
We will sing ditties for you,
We know you will love it!

2. New Year we are the whole country
We celebrate together!
Pour a glass! With Yaga
We drink for the holiday!

3. Hey, beauties are girly,
Well, let's not get bored!
Better with a ditty grandmother
Singing out loud!

4. Last holiday New Year
I noted with a devil
The forest people sang along -
I danced striptease!

    I remember with the devil last year
    Kissing deliciously
    In the morning the forest people
    We were bullied!

    6. Sing, sing, merry people!
    Dance, drink.
    Here are ditties sang to you,
    Don't forget us!

The women leave the stage. Baba Yaga gives them gifts, which he takes out of the bag.

What a holiday in Russia
Celebrating without songs?
Come on, grandma, backwater,
Let's all sing together!

Baba Yaga:
I came from afar
And you haven't even met
So that a tear does not fall,
I want to sound
Lines to my glory - honor!
Sing it, don't hesitate!
I also have the lyrics!
Join us!

Baba Yaga distributes texts to all present. This song is performed to the music "A Christmas tree was born in the forest" by Raisa Kudasheva. The song has been reworked, so it's better to print the lyrics beforehand.

A grandmother was born in the forest,
She grew up in the forest
They called this grandmother
It's simple - Baba Yaga!

A blizzard sang a song to her
Ditties sang her snow,
But grandma is not happy
For many, many years!

But the New Year came suddenly
And grandma is blooming
For our grandmother's holiday
Suddenly he invited the people!
Now she's smart
She came to us for a holiday
And a lot of very joy
She brought us!
Raise all our glasses
Together we drink to Yaga,
Who cannot eat salads,
Call - I will help!

Baba Yaga:
I give presents to everyone
And I wish from the bottom of my heart
Greet the New Year brightly
And good luck and love!
Live in peace
Friendly, simple,
But also to the feast
Call for a visit!

For a small team of 10 to 40 people. This scenario is mainly for those who spend the whole holiday at the table with small 1, 2 or 3 breaks for dancing.


The facilitator begins:

On your doorstep all gray with a Beard
Old year - old, old at all,
He leaves us, he waves to us
And wishes you good luck in everything!
But then someone came - someone was calling quietly,
Three white horses at the door
The clock is exactly midnight - then the new year has come.
Pour champagne into the glasses!
I raise a glass - I congratulate you again,
Dear ones, Happy New Year!
Do good and give love for ages
Despite the years and weather!

And now, dear friends, about how we worked in the old year and with words of parting words in the coming year, our dear head of the company Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov will tell us all !!!

(Ivan Ivanovich pronounces a short congratulation, everyone drinks and has a snack)


Host: (there is a short break between the first and second).
Dear friends, you continue to eat, i.e. eat and listen. Now we have all witnessed the farewell of the old outgoing year. The coming new year brings a lot of unknown and unknown to all of us.

Snow falls quietly outside the window on New Years
May there be joy and laughter at our table,
Let enviable success await you in any business!
And happiness will enter your bright house without hindrance!
Let's drink to joy, happiness and success for each of you.


May January with silvery powder, powder any trouble,
We wish you all the best for the upcoming New Year!
I would like to congratulate you with these and other wishes (deputy head of the company, chairman of the trade union committee, or simply the oldest employee of the company)


The old year is leaving. Leaves without a return
The thread of worries that we do not need is leaving.
And what we wanted will sink into oblivion,
Who was in love and was loved.
Unexpectedly - unexpectedly, names go away,
Moments, views, songs
... Gone are the days where it was so wonderful!
Goodbye, Old Year, goodbye, not goodbye!
New Year is coming to us and makes a promise!

Dear colleagues, friends, ladies and gentlemen, I invite everyone present to think of a wish, associate it with a number from 0 to 9 and pull out a leaflet with a number from my hands (about a dozen of each number is prepared in advance, provided that there will be 20 ... 30 people celebrating the audience, if there are more people, then more leaves need to be prepared, the size of the sheet is about the size of a matchbox). After everyone has chosen, the presenter says “Who has number 1 and reads out the horoscope:

1 - act boldly and risky today. To fulfill your desire will require determination, assertiveness. It may come true, but it will have to be fought.
2 - the wish will come true. Will bring joy, a feeling of fullness of life. Nothing will interfere with this.
3 - stands for unambiguous "NO". This is also advice to refrain from decisive action, not to try to overcome circumstances. Nothing good will come of this.
4 - now the time has not yet come for our plan or aspiration. You have to wait, perhaps a change of circumstances.
5 - says that there is every chance of getting what you want. This color inspires hope, predicts success, promises good conditions for the conceived.
6 - categorical "NO" without any reservations. The path to the fulfillment of desires is completely closed. What you want will not come true.
7 is the number of luck. But don't interpret it as an exact "YES" to your question. He suggests that a wide range of opportunities will be provided for the fulfillment of a desire, extremely favorable. You will take full advantage of them if you show will and moderate your self-importance.
8 - what you are thinking may come true, but on condition: for this you need to choose a rational, balanced decision. To achieve what you want, do not act headlong, spontaneously. The exact answer will be given by the voice of reason. Gossip and intrigue can serve as a hindrance to the conceived.
9 is "YES", and the enigma will come true without any effort. The whole situation has developed so that there are no obstacles to your plan.


Happy New Year, I wish you happiness, joy!
To everyone who is single - to get married, to everyone who is in litter - to measure,
Forget about grievances, for everyone who is sick - to become healthy,
Blossom, rejuvenate. To everyone who is skinny - to become fatter,
Too fat - lose weight. Too smart to get simpler
Close-minded - to grow wiser. All gray-haired - to darken,
So that the bald hair on the top of the head thickens like Siberian forests!
So that the songs, so that the dances never cease.
Happy New Year! Happy New Year! Let the trouble pass us!

And now, dear friends, girlfriends, colleagues, let's warm up a little. I suggest you play one old game, FANTY, without leaving the table. You have been carrying out all sorts of orders of your immediate superiors for a whole year, and now, if you please, fulfill my comic orders. Finally, I waited for the opportunity and gave the order to the head of the company himself, and we will start our game with him. To simplify everything, I have already prepared forfeits (these are small pieces of paper with orders for execution, they are shown below, if possible, you can change them, or add your own :)

Apologize to your neighbor (neighbor) and get his (her) forgiveness
Neighbor kiss (neighbor)
Sing a very belligerent song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest"
Declare your love for gesture inspection
Explain to your “blind” neighbor (neighbor) that you are very hungry
Portray with a neighbor (neighbor) Othello
Draw Chapaevts (Petka or Anka)
Have a brotherhood drink with a neighbor (neighbor)
Depict the flight of an eagle
Crow three times
Give (if you can) to your neighbors for a penny
Depict a child lost at a train station
Picture an RTI inspector stopping a car
Give a compliment to your colleagues
Say solemnly the phrase "I sit for the fourth day at the table and drink"
Picture the sunrise in the village, after the hayloft
Make a scary face
Depict the voice of King Kong or the pig
Imagine how you eat last year's biscuit
Depict the President of Russia or at least the head of the Buro RTI
Explain with your eyes or facial expressions in love to your neighbor (neighbor)
Offer a toast and congratulate everyone on the anniversary
Depict someone awarded with an order or at least a medal for special merit
Try to persuade your neighbor (neighbor) to drink a drink (wine, vodka)
Who do you think coped with the task, i.e. with the execution of the order is the best. Everyone chooses the most efficient colleague. He is awarded "RANK - the most executive in the company" and is given the opportunity to wish everyone a Happy New Year!


The old year is leaving, its last page rustles.
Let the best that was - not go away, and the worst - can not be repeated!

Well, it's time for everyone to sing. But we will sing in turn. Let everyone try to remember by a verse or at least the name of the songs for the new year, about winter, snow, blizzard and frost. A song contest begins at the table. Conditions of the competition: Clockwise, each in turn starts humming or says the name of the song, whoever says nothing, leaves the game until there is only one winner, he is given the floor to congratulate.


I wish you that Santa Claus will bring you a bag of joy,
Another bag - with laughter, and the third - with success!
You will put your sadness, your longing in a bag for him
Let him collect all this and take it away as soon as possible!
It's the turn of the next contest, the POTOV Contest. Every person is a poet at heart, even if he cannot come up with a single rhyme. Do not be afraid the poems have already been composed for you, you just have to come up with the last word, who will come up with a prize the most. All those present participate in the vote counting commission. So let's start:

1.To do modern makeup,
Acquired a beauty ... (trellis)
2.Nudist club as an application
Accepts thrown ... (swimming trunks)
3.- I fell in love with all the girls once
Rybnikov in a comedy ... (girls)
4 one can and many jars
The thrush is lucky to ... (market)
5. Burst a bag with milk
Filled in trousers and ... (jacket)
6 even the kids knew
Under the guise of Fantomas - Jean ... (Heat)
7 one blond wrote it for fun -
Country of birth ... (Angola)
8. Tell me, dear, frankly
Was it from your side ... (treason)
9. Russians have a wide range of names.
Vaughn Voroshilov - he, for example, was ... (Clement)
10.In Lukomorye, the cat decided
That he is local ... (reketir, brawler, old-timer)
11.Grand stage and screen -
Italian ... (Celentano)
12 the government spends billions
On shoulder straps, badges and ... (cockades)
13 the once new light of faith
Lighted the Arabs ... (Muhammad)
14 more terrible and more dangerous than a mine
Mountain climbers ... (summit)

15.For the Puritan, erotic
And sin, and temptation, and ... (exotic)
17 is figure skating familiar
To the people of the Kingdom ... (Great Britain)
18.Publications are kept by the library.
And dominoes and cards ... (game library)
19.Maybe the convict would run away,
Yes, not passable around ... (taiga)
20.Can Russia now collect
Worthy for the Olympics ...? (army)
21. I, as a karateka, will not rest,
if they don’t give me a black one ... (belt)
22. Both halves have already expired,
And the scoreboard is still ... (zeros)
23. Cargo Sumo Champion
It's good to have a big ... (belly)
24 In Salt Lake City, I'm afraid we're shit
Compared to ... (Nogano)
25. The sports elite are happy
The next one is coming ... (Olympiad)
26. Among sports destinies and legends,
Not everyone has a "happy - ..." (end)
27. The wolf, after watching football, decided in the end:
“Like me, they are also fed ... (feet)
28 The summit was almost conquered,
But snow prevented ... (avalanche).
When the votes were counted, the winner was ... ... He had a prize and a word for congratulations.


Let the glasses clink, let the wine sparkle
Let the night starfall knock on your window.
On this moonlit night, you can't live without smiles
Pain and sorrow - away! Happy new year friends!
Let's all drink to the New (coming) year and take a short break.
During the break, you can hold 3, 4 mobile contests. (I do not offer contests, they can be found on various Internet sites)


Straightening the wrinkles in the forehead, we will make a fortune for the holiday.
Let's forget any bad weather, maybe it's really not in vain,
Golden hope and happiness comes to us at the end of December!
What does the year have in store for us? So all doubt away!
It's time to raise our glasses - for our health, love and aspirations!
So happy New Year to you friends! Hurrah!


Presenter: (usually after the tenth glass, no one listens to the presenter, this is in my experience, with this it is time for him to say goodbye and relieve himself of the duties of the presenter, or transfer them to another)
Continuous luck without promising, I hope that the New Year
It will save us all from sorrows and unforeseen worries.
I still hope for something else, and I believe in it ardently,
That happiness awaits all of us such that it has not been.

A cool scenario for a fun festive New Year's party New Year's corporate party with jokes and humor, meeting the New Year 2019 with colleagues at work, is held in the office for a small group of middle-aged women and men.

You need to prepare before holding a New Year's corporate party:

6 badges with the following inscriptions

"Responsible for pouring",

"In charge of biting",

"Responsible for dancing",

"Responsible for toasts",

"Responsible for competitions".

A Snow Maiden's hat or a garrison cap made of newspaper or paper decorated with New Year's tinsel or rain.

Several rolls of white toilet paper. - The staff of Santa Claus or a mop wrapped in rain.

Sheets of paper with inscriptions:

TV, Baby,

Champagne bottle,

Master's friend,

Olivier salad,

The main characters in the corporate party scenario:

Host - a person who celebrates the New Year 2018, according to this scenario.

In charge of pouring

In charge of biting

Responsible for dancing

In charge of toasts

Responsible for contests

Head of the company, chief

Colleagues - a team of women and men

Dear colleagues, all our friendly team of women and men, all sit down at the table and we will consider that our holiday - the New Year's corporate party 2019 begins! Since the onset of the New Year holiday begins with the chimes, and after congratulating the President, let's bring the New Year closer and start with our President. We give him the floor.

(The head of the company says New Year's words. After he finishes, an audio recording of the chimes is put on one of the office computers. Glasses are poured to the chimes and a drink takes place)

Since we, strictly observing all traditions, have brought the New Year 2018 closer and it has come !, and it is this holiday that is considered magical, let the magic happen today and everything will be new. In order for the New Year's corporate party to be organized and fun, it is necessary to distribute the most important roles in the script.

And contrary to everyone's expectations, it will not be Santa Claus and Snegurochka, but people who are more necessary at a corporate event. The first thing you need to do is the Pour Officer. Who will we appoint to this position?

So, the responsibilities of the Pouring Officer include:

Timely interrupt the host with suggestions to pour alcohol into glasses and glasses.

Control of the presence of alcohol in the glasses of each employee.

Tracking the timely rise of the degree.

The second most important thing will be the Toast Manager. Who will we appoint to this position?

(someone can volunteer himself or the team decides collectively)

Leading the script:

So, the responsibilities of the Toast Officer include:

Tracking that no one is drinking before the toast is said.

Control that all said toasts are necessarily New Year's.

Appointment and presentation of toasting.

Organization of choking after said toast.

And __________ is declared responsible for pouring. As a mark of distinction, he is awarded the corresponding badge.

The third most necessary will be the Snack Officer.

So, the responsibilities of the Snacker include:

Control of the fullness of the plates of each of our employees.

Control of timely snacking after each drink.

Control of renewal of empty plates.

Solemn cutting of New Year's cakes.

And __________ is declared responsible for biting.

As a mark of distinction, he is awarded the corresponding badge.

The fourth most necessary will be the Dance Officer.

Who will we appoint to this position? (someone can volunteer himself or the team decides collectively)

So, the duties of the Dance Officer include:

Timely switching on and off of dance and New Year's music.

Tracking the decency of dances.

Filming of the most piquant moments of the dance on a mobile with further uploading to YouTube.

White dance announcement.

And __________ is declared responsible for the dances. As a mark of distinction, he is awarded the corresponding badge.

The fifth most important thing will be

Responsible for contests.

Competitions with detailed descriptions are provided. We need someone who can carry them out in a fun and interesting way.

Who will we appoint to this position? (someone can volunteer himself or the team decides collectively)

So, the responsibilities of the Competition Officer include:

Conducting specified and approved tenders as needed.

Appointment of bidders.

Determination of the winners of the competitions.

And __________ is declared responsible for the competitions. As a mark of distinction, he is awarded the corresponding badge.

And while all those in charge have been appointed, I propose to check how well they are doing their job.

I give the floor to the person in charge of pouring, toasting and snacking.

(First, the Pouring Officer gives the order to pour,

then the toast man appoints the toast, and the snack man suggests a snack)

Since the first three persons in charge coped with the task flawlessly, I propose to see how the Competition Manager will cope with his task.

(The person in charge of the contests is given printed contests, which he will need to hold during the evening. Words can be read from the sheet).

Responsible for contests:

Since today is still a thematic holiday, it is impossible to do without Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. But, since we have a large team, it turns out that there are a lot of applicants for these roles.

I propose to choose Santa Claus and Snegurochka 2018 of our tonight on a competitive basis. So, let's start by choosing a Snow Maiden. I will ask our beautiful girls and women to leave the table and appear before us in all their glory.

(girls and women who are ready to fight for the role of the Snow Maiden go out and stand next to the Responsible for the contests)

Responsible for contests:

Each of you can rightfully be called a Snow Maiden, since you all have everything you need for this, namely, you are women, you are young and you can be a granddaughter and you are as beautiful as real Snow Maidens.

But only one of you will manage to become the Snow Maiden of the evening. In order to become a winner, you have to try hard. The essence of the competition for the best Snow Maiden is as follows. Each of you in turn will have to talk about why exactly she should become a Snow Maiden.

For example, the first applicant says: I must be a Snow Maiden, because I am beautiful. The second says, and I must be a Snow Maiden, because I am smart, etc. If the next applicant repeats herself and names the already mentioned merit or hesitates with an answer for more than ten seconds, she is out of the fight. The competition will last until there is only one left, which we will announce as our Snow Maiden!

(there is a competition, only one Snow Maiden remains)

Happy New Year.

Here again on the doorstep is the most coveted and beloved holiday - New Year!


We are gathered here today

To congratulate everyone on the holiday,

Let's fill the glasses to the brim,

To be empty is simply a sin.

Let's have fun

Let's forget personal worries

Let's not be angry with the bosses,

What strains us with work

That we didn't raise our wages,

That promised a summer vacation

What a year has it gotten so bad

But what can we say about it!

Let's have a drink, let's smile

After all, a holiday is on the doorstep - that's it!

Let's congratulate everyone and laugh

After all, there is a reason, because the New Year!

The presenter takes a glass of champagne and walks around everyone at the table, starting with the administrator. Everyone is drinking, eating, relaxing. Music starts playing softly. Then contests and quizzes begin.

Today is a holiday in our team and in order not to sit at the tables and not get bored, we consulted, and I decided that we need to have some fun, for this I propose to hold contests and quizzes in which you can show your knowledge that you once received at school, remember mathematics, Russian, geography and other subjects. Here we go?!

We'll start by doing a little warm-up.

Warm up.

(candies are awarded for correct answers, but no one prompts each other, everyone participates)

Where is it found that a horse jumps over a horse?

(in chess)

2. Two nails fell into the water. What is the surname of the Georgian?


3. What are the pronouns that get in the way of drivers on the road. (I-we)

4. What are the cleanest pronouns? (you-we-you)

5. Name the words in which one hundred of the same letters. (hundred-n, one-p, hundred-th, hundred-l)

6. Guests have come to you, and in the fridge there is a bottle of lemonade, a bag of pineapple juice and a bottle of mineral water. What will you discover first? (fridge)

7. Where do people pay for what is taken from them?


8. What animal is attached to one place all its life? (coral)

9. What birds have wings covered with scales? (for penguins)

10. You dropped a ring in your coffee. How to get it without getting your hands wet, if you have nothing, and you cannot pour out the coffee, or drink it?

(whole bean coffee)

11. The headmaster has a brother Nikolai. But Nikolai has no brothers. Could this be? (Yes, the headmaster can be a woman)

12. It begins with a bird, it is pumped by an animal, what is the name of the city? (raven hedgehog)

13. What kind of person can keep an elephant? (chess player)

14. There is a rich house and a poor one. They are burning. Which house will the police put out? (police do not extinguish fires, fires extinguish fires)

15. What is the city in which there is one boy's name and one hundred girls? (Seva-sto-Pol)

16. I put the pencil in the room so that no one could step over or jump over it. How did I do it?

(put pencil near the wall)

Warmed up a bit, the winners were awarded. Well, let's continue!

Competition "Take a Prize".

(everyone is involved)

A bag with a prize is placed on the chair. Contestants are around the chair. I read the poem "One, two, three!" If a participant tries to grab the prize out of time, he is eliminated from the competition. Let's start!

I'll tell you a story.

One and a half dozen times.

As soon as I say the word "three" -

Take the prize immediately!

Once we caught a pike

Gutted, but inside

We counted small fish -

And not one, but TWO.

Dreams of a hardened boy

Become an Olympic champion

Look, don't be cunning at the start,

And wait for the command one, two, SEVEN.

When you want to memorize poems,

They are not crammed until late at night,

And repeat them to yourself

Once, twice, or better FIVE!

Recently train at the train station

I had to wait THREE hours.

But why didn't you take the prize, friends,

When was the opportunity to take?

The warm-up is over, let's summarize: I became the champion. Let's applaud. And we will celebrate this case by raising our glasses. Let's drink to the participant (s) of the competition and have a snack ...

In the course of our evening, I would like to invite you to participate in the contests a little more. I suggest you ...

New Year's mental crossword puzzle.

(everyone participates)

I tell each a description of the word, and how many letters it consists of. You mentally imagine and guess this word. Whoever says the answer faster gets a prize, no one prompts each other. So:

  1. Name and surname of an elderly man. He is a ladies' man dressed in the Winter 2014-2015 fashion (8 letters). Answer: Santa Claus.
  2. A dairy product that maintains the temperature of winter, but is consumed in summer (9 letters). Answer: ice cream.
  3. Story. It takes place in winter. The main characters are two girls. One of them is helped by a hero whose name the fairy tale is named after. He gives her gifts and gives her in marriage (7 letters). Answer: "Morozko".
  4. A tree whose absence of leaves speaks of its special purpose (4 letters). Answer: Christmas tree.
  5. A fashion model with a fair-haired braid, always participating in the winter holidays. Always appears accompanied by an elderly sponsor (10 letters). Answer: Snow Maiden.
  6. A place to host a long-awaited joy for people who have lived to see winter. It has always been a symbol under a tree without leaves (5 letters). Answer: a bag.
  7. A liquid that is used internally with great joy (10 letters). Answer: champagne.
  8. White cartoon teddy bear (4 letters). Answer: Umka.
  9. Santa Claus puts gifts in it (5 letters). Answer: sock.
  10. They are on the birthday cake and on the New Year's table (5 letters). Answer: candles.

    Well, you guessed the whole crossword puzzle, and now I suggest moving around a little, let's dance ... (3 songs)

    Now let's play!

    Competition "Director is coming".

    (everyone is involved)

    An alcoholic drink to taste (wine, cognac, champagne) is poured into the glasses of the competition participants. Participants shouting "Director is coming!" must quickly hide under the table. At the command "The director has already left," everyone again crawls out from under the table and drinks. At the unexpected command of the leader, everyone hides again. The losers are those who can no longer get out from under the table and hide from the director! Go!

    Now let's take some rest and turn on the logic. I propose to spend

    Contest "Make a Word".

    (presents are awarded for correct answers, but no one prompts each other, everyone participates)

    I give each of the participants a piece of paper with a "strange" word. In this word, the letters must be rearranged in such a way that it ceases to be "strange". Let's start!

    Ople - (field), Torn - (January), Lauzi - (street),

    Badus - (fate), Clerose - (mirror), Looyade - (blanket),

    Sevikong (snowman), Chmalki (boy), Roneskaguch (snow maiden),

    Katiropov (corporate).

    Winners have been identified, congratulations, raise glasses or whatever

    Are you tired? Let's move a little more.

    I propose to conduct

    Jump-jump competition.

    (everyone is involved)

    Participants of the competition stand in one line. At the word of the leader "land" everyone jumped forward, at the word "water" - backward. The competition is held at a fast pace. The presenter has the right to pronounce other words instead of the word "water", for example: sea, river, bay, ocean; instead of the word "land" - coast, land, island. Participants are out of place, the last player - the most attentive, becomes the winner.

    Winner receives a prize, congratulations to him (her)

    We moved, jumped, and now let's think a little.

    Wrong Answers Contest. Be careful!(everyone participates)

    I ask different questions to each player, to which there are known correct answers. The player's task is to answer WRONG.

    For example: “In which city is the Hermitage Museum located? - "in New York".

    Whoever answers correctly is eliminated. The winner is the one who holds out the longest. The game should be played at a fast pace so that the players do not have time to think.

    1. The capital of Russia. (Moscow)

    2. Where are the eyes? (on the head)

    3. How many wheels does the car have? (four)

    4. Satellite of the planet Earth. (Moon)

    5. Where is the Eiffel Tower located? (in Paris)

    6. How many fingers are on one hand? (five)

    7. Friend of Winnie the Pooh. (Piglet)

    8. Who sings the song "A Million Scarlet Roses"? (Alla Pugacheva)

    9. How many ears does a cat have? (two)

    10. President of Russia. (Vladimir Putin)

    11. Where is the Statue of Liberty located? (in New York)

    12. What was the name of the cat from the cartoon "Prostokvashino"? (Matroskin)

    13. How do we stir sugar in a mug? (with a spoon)

    14. Leader of the world proletariat. (Vladimir Lenin)

    15. Land of the Rising Sun. (Japan)

    16. Hanging pear, you can not eat. (light bulb)

    17. The first planet from the Sun. (Mercury)

    18. Where does the theater begin? (from the hanger)

    19. How many wheels does the motorcycle have? (Two)

    20. At how many degrees does water boil? (100 degrees Celsius)

    21. In which country is the Tretyakov Gallery located? (in Russia)

    22. Is it white and colored? (cabbage)

    23. The husband of the goat. (goat)

    24. The wife of a ram. (sheep)

    25. What is the bun made of? (from flour, from dough)

    26. What's on the Apple logo? (Apple)

    27. Beloved Romeo. (Juliet)

    28. How many stripes are on the Russian flag. (three)

    Well done! Do you know the correct answers, otherwise you would not be able to answer my questions.

    On this wonderful note, let us continue our meeting, and I propose to raise our glasses. Now let's dance (4 songs).

    Let's take a little rest, and I want to give you some wishes and tips for celebrating the new year.

    New Year will come to us again,

    And wonderful days will come!

    And the thirty-first will go away:

    And goodbye will carry away

    All our meetings and sorrows.

    And the wishes are clear

    And every year the same:

    Peace and quiet for the whole country,

    And children of different heights

    Boots, hats and pants

    Change once a year - but not less often;

    Eat sweets, take care of your belly;

    Chop cutlets, drink compote;

    Go to the cinema, to the theater, to the bathhouse;

    With that - to fight, well, and with that - to be friends,

    And, in general, to do the right thing

    And go to work every day,

    For not demanding a reward!