Congratulations on the day of men to a friend search q. Beautiful birthday greetings to a close friend. Happy birthday greetings to a man friend

When a friend seems to have everything his heart desires, sometimes you should not rack your brains by choosing an expensive or creative gift, because all you need is an interesting original holiday greeting, to which you can also attach a funny postcard. The birthday boy will be very happy with such a congratulation, because in this case the main thing is not material encouragement, but good spiritual lines that make everyone around smile. We often want to tell our friends how dear they are to us, and the birthday of a loved one is the most suitable day for this! Happy birthday greetings to a friend will be a recognition of warm feelings and an expression of gratitude for the fact that he is present in your life.

If you want, believe
you want - do not believe
An animal is roaming around somewhere.
He does not live in a dense forest,
Powerful in Russian.
This animal is called "moose"
- It's been that way for a long time.
May "ELSE" be with you,
To eat and sleep,
For three to drink,
To want and be able,
So that happiness does not end,
About good to dream
To make things work,
So that everything always comes true.

Freaky moods,
Have a cool holiday
Love to the point of dizziness
Happy Birthday!

Today is a birthday celebration!
I give you my friend
Poems are simple but from the heart
I will breathe my soul into them!

I wish you happiness and fun
Let life flow as it flowed
To bypass you bad weather
And to be side by side
Your beloved forever
Didn't betray and waited
So that the rivers are in the same direction
Water to always flow in them!

So that your dreams, hopes
Bringing the joy of change!
To be always the same as before
To give yourself to everyone!
Your eyes in them the valor of honor
You are a capital man!
I say this without flattery
You remember my words forever!

My friend, he is the best guy!
My friend is a worthy man!
The foundation of his life is stone.
He penetrated the heart with courage.
I respect a friend very much -
He's a real person
And happy birthday congratulations:
May life be long

I wish that GO-GO!
And never OXO-XO!
A little AX! Well, you can wow!
To be breathtaking.
Of course, to be WOW!!!
And to FU is very little.
So that sometimes THIS IS YES!
"WOW!" - not nonsense
"CAN NOT BE!" - this is real,
“YES HIM!” Let it be virtual.
WOW! - to often surprise
"ALL WELL, PIPETS"! - didn't get it.

I want everything to work out in your life
Conceived to come true
Career growth to be rapidly high,
The limit of dreams was unspeakably distant.
I want to meet a beautiful girl
To buy a car that you like
And may all congratulations be fulfilled,
What do you hear today
On your birthday!

Where to get some well-being?
It doesn't happen, that's a fact.
But more is better
And there will be less somehow.
We wish you a birthday
Smiles, joyful chores,
Health, happiness and fun
Today, tomorrow, all year round!

My friend, happy birthday!
Never lose heart
Then the dream will come true!
Fight for yourself in life
Let things go better!
Don't be offended by people
It doesn't make it any brighter!
Health, happiness and love,
Be happy in this world!

Happy Birthday friend!
Let there be no blizzard in the heart.
May true friendship protect you
And nothing bad happens in life.

Good luck, joy to you
Feel free to follow your dream.
May goodness, warmth and happiness
Save you from bad weather.

What do you wish a man on his birthday?
Only new peaks to conquer,
And always strive for something new -
After all, a man is not static, yes!
Let the wife help in exploits -
She will be wise, sincere.
Let the whole world know about you
Happiness and health, long years!

My friend is a real man
I wish you happiness
Good luck and fate alluring,
And so that true friends

Surrounded you for life
May joy come soon
So that your days become such
That every moment you are lucky!

I wish you prosperity
From sweet - adoration,
Health and luck
Always be in the mood.
I also want to be rich
Self-sufficient and noble.
Let life be like a fairy tale
Let the family give peace and affection!

You are a cool guy and a good friend
You don't often see them around.
You make no promises in vain
You don't leave your friends behind.
Don't fuss, I'm safe with you
They say about such people: “You can go into battle with him!”
Don't change, my friend, stay the same
Kind and love by all friends.

My friend!
Give me your hand, brother!
Congratulate you
Happy birthday!
I wish you
Bunch of butterflies
And cope
With any steeper!

How many people are around
Close and not so close.
But you are my best friend
I know it for sure.
Happy Birthday
And I wish you happiness
Only joy, luck,
Bypassing the storm.

Happy birthday, buddy!
Be the most healthy and very loved,
Calm, caring, unique,
Not very serious, funny and cheerful,
In business, the very first and ... just cool!

What to wish a friend, I know
On your birthday, I
I wish you good health
In everything, always be on a horse!

Luck means a lot in life
I want to wish you too,
Let everything be fine, not otherwise,
I said so! Here is the painting and printing.

Of course, I have a lot of girlfriends,
But you are my best friend!
I want to be always the same cool!
And so that everything in life was not in vain!
What you dream about - came true without any problems!
Easy and simple everything to succeed
And life was fun and beautiful
And every day is like a wonderful holiday!

Shoulder to shoulder like brothers
We've been walking with you for a long time
I want to wish you
To move on together.

To victories, to new goals -
Ready to help in everything!
A friend is one who keeps his word
And it doesn't go away.

Accept congratulations,
On your birthday.
Be always happy
Healthy and loved!
Live, enjoy
Bathe in love.
Here, like, and all
My wishes!

Friendship is sincere
Real and holy!
I declare this to everyone -
I have a friend like that!

Happy Birthday Buddy,
I congratulate you!
May you find your love
In life you will find yourself!

My friend is a talent from God
Soul is the kindest person
May the path be bright
Health sea, happiness century!
I wish you love,
Fortress of spirit, inspiration,
You to the sound of a chant
I congratulate you on your birthday!

Best friend I wish you success
Good luck in life and do not get sick!
Treat all difficulties with cheerful laughter,
And don't regret anything!

I wish you sweet fun
And a birthday without a hangover
Smiles as bright as amber
And remember - you are the king today!
Letting health marvelous garden
Gives love and inspiration
Fortune beam and happiness key
Dreams will help in the embodiment!

I can't speak well
And congratulations should be all the same.
I wish the gentle sun
Always shone in your window.
Let the coins jingle in your pockets
And ringing laughter will not stop in the house.
Happy birthday, as the poets say,
I hope my poem was a success!

real man
Good luck may not be desired.
After all, he is always, solid, in strength
Wanted to buy.
Just don't forget
Remind you to be young with your soul,
To be full of energy
And not tired of loving!

happy birthday congratulations
And with all our hearts we wish:

Siberian to be healthy,
Live long in Caucasian style
Gypsy to be cheerful
And drink vodka in Russian!

My friend, I wish you a happy birthday
good luck basket and barrel of luck
I want female attention
Watching hockey, football with friends
Money, so that there is no shortage of them
And also health to be in order!

I wish you optimism
Love and magnetism
Health and wealth
Don't give up on the dream

To be mobile, active,
fit, athletic,
Good luck and luck
Mate, happy birthday!

I congratulate you on your birthday!
I remember without regret
All the years of our friendship with you,
I believe: you were sent to me by fate.
I, my friend, wish you
Everything that I myself dream of:
And love, and health, and happiness,
And friends of disinterested fate.

My dear friend, I'm in a hurry
Wish on your birthday
Only happiness! So I will say:
Never lose heart

Be prestigious and successful
Kind, always joyful,
And in love a little sinner,
And happy for years!

What will I say to a faithful friend
On his birthday?
That I value friendship.
And there is no doubt about that!
Thank you friend for being there
Always without delay
Without pathos and fuss.

Take a look around in the morning
Who congratulated you, friend,
Early, sincerely, with soul
On your birthday, a friend is with you.

I congratulate you with the dawn,
In sparkling inspiration
Happiness sent for you
And seasoned with luck.

Friends what they want
You on your birthday, friend?
To surprise everyone with success
And make the people around you happy.

May life be easy and good
caresses and cherishes you,
And next to a close soul
It warms you with warmth of the heart!

A strong friendship has firmly bound us!
You are my adviser, and my friend, and brother!
Or rather, the planet did not know friendship.
It has become a hundred times stronger!
Happy birthday, my dear friend!
Happiness, health, success in work,
Peace and harmony, and a lot of luck,
Farta, good luck always and everywhere!

You are not related by blood.
You are not a family according to your passport.
Together we were in sorrow
Together they were happy.

Friend, I will share with you
Everything in life is expensive
But let the fun
There will be more anxiety.

I wish you as a friend today
Be careful playing with fire
The truth is, you can't be caught.
You yourself are more than endowed with this gift.
I wish to meet the only and dear,
Where to find? We will brainstorm with you.

With you we are from the same yard,
Chased the ball, sometimes the windows were beaten,
Life has taken us to distant lands,
But, my friend, we have not forgotten that!

And may you have midnight today,
And I've already left for work
I wish the sun loving
In the morning, amused carefree!

Take your birthday on your holiday
Congratulations from a friend!
I'll be brief: be happy
And don't forget about your friends!
In any problem, know, we will help,
You won't be alone in the fight
But don't be disturbed
Adversity is never in fate!

Buddy! you celebrate today
Your birthday! And I want to say -
You get what you want from fate,
I want to keep getting more!
Let your dreams come true
But always reach your goals!
Sometimes it pays to relax in life
But forget about the main thing - never!

My friend, today is my birthday
Let me hug you soon
Will give a gift, congratulations.
I don't have a better friend!
I wish you happiness in your life
More happy days
Meet the woman of your dreams
And meet old age with her!
Let fortune smile
And the ladies are in love!

Friend is a short word
More than a hundred long words.
Just like half a liter of vodka
Stronger than a bucket of beer.
Friend! I congratulate you
Happy personal holiday,
I want money and sex
And the rest - God bless him!

Today we are gathered here
To celebrate a birthday
Reliable comrade and friend,
In whose loyalty there can be no doubt.
And here, at the festive table,
I'll say it out loud again
That you can't find a better friend
I'm sure everyone here agrees with me.

My best friend!
In the midst of everyday life, bustle -
You are a bright holiday
Dream come true.
You have so much
Given from birth!
You conquered me
A long time ago,
So conquer more
Fate! And let her
Your attention
Immensely flattered
Will give you joy
Glitter of victories
Love and happiness light
For many years!

With you - even in business, even in intelligence,
There are no more reliable people than you.
Feel free to spin the roulette of fate
And wait for the winning news.

Fortune loves the brave and the hot,
Let luck follow the trail
Let her not hide her gifts,
And the Grand Prize will find you!

Dear friend! On your birthday
I heartily congratulate you!
I know that you are next to me
That we have one path in life!
May vigor and fighting spirit
There will always be companions in life!
Your spiritual fuse is young
Carry without loss through the years!

Happy Birthday!
Good luck, joy, luck!
Happy Birthday!
Good health and inspiration!
Happy Birthday!
Let your eyes sparkle only with joy!
Happy Birthday!
Let life not taste bitter, but only sweet!

We wish you happiness and a little sadness,
We wish that friends do not upset,
So that pain and grief do not meet,
So that joys and jokes do not end,
So that there are springs in the middle of winter and summer,
To have a lot of light.
And let everything that is planned come true
After all, it was worth being born for!

Buddy! On this glorious day
I want to wish you
For women to love more
Everyone at work was appreciated!

To raise wages
And every day they would treat
Only sandwiches with caviar!
You would be like this from life

I would almost become an oligarch,
Things would be solved in one fell swoop!
Let it all come true!
And we will sing verses about life! ©

Happy birthday, friend!
I want to tell you how much I need you!
How do you help with your advice?
Everything that you promised, you fulfill!

Such a friend is an expensive find!
Trust me, I know it for sure!
I thank you for this
I wish you joy in life, light!

May all your wishes come true
Let relatives give you all the attention
And not only on your birthday!
Joy, good luck and fun! ©

May your friend be lucky
Let luck follow.
Let there be no obstacles on the way
I wish you happiness.
Never be sad in life
And every day only become more joyful. ©

I wish a friend peace, affection,
To make your eyes shine with happiness.
Love, care, peace, understanding,
To fulfill all desires.
It was so that a lovely mood,
Especially on a wonderful birthday. ©

Happy birthday to you, friend! I wish you success simply fantastic, your mood is always magical, love is unearthly and immense, and health is heroic. Let luck not leave you for a second, there will always be wonderful friends next to you, and a happy smile shines from ear to ear. ©

I wish an amazing friend on his birthday money full of pockets, always a positive mood, energy and optimism. Let your health never fail you, all problems will simply dissolve in the air, and cherished dreams come true at the speed of light. Good luck, fabulous success and luck. ©

I want to wish my friend good luck
Find unearthly happiness.
And find your love in addition,
Do not meet obstacles in your path.

Always be cheerful, energetic,
And not a bit of sadness in life.
Let the mood be great
So that my friend could live magically.

He became richer
So that luck flows over the edge.
And in work so that there is a return,
And it was not life, but simply paradise. ©

My best friend! Today, on my birthday,
I hasten to congratulate you with a message!
I wish you in it with love
Iron nerves, good health,
Success at work, in personal life
And to be filled with optimism! ©

Dear friend on his birthday
I am sending this sms.
And in my short message
I wish you more wonderful days
More in different currency wallet
And love - magical and beautiful! ©

My dear friend! Today, on your wonderful birthday, I sincerely wish that all your cherished dreams come true! May the next year of your life be full of joyful and bright events, long-awaited and happy meetings, grandiose creative and career successes! Be happy always! ©

happy birthday congratulations
And with all our hearts we wish:
Siberian to be healthy,
Live long in Caucasian style
Gypsy to be cheerful
And drink vodka in Russian!

What do you wish a man on his birthday?
Only new peaks to conquer,
And always strive for something new -
After all, a man is not static, yes!
Let the wife help in exploits -
She will be wise, sincere.
Let the whole world know about you
Happiness and health, long years!

Your temper is known to us for a long time,
In everything you go right to the goal.
You know life is not from the movies,
And he actually tested it.
Your birthday is a step
Which means a lot in life.
We want to wish you
Health, happiness and good luck.

Happy birthday!
I wish you income - large and stable
Good luck in love and car
Large apartment, beer fridge!
And if you need anything - call the mobile phone!

Today we are gathered here
To celebrate a birthday
Reliable comrade and friend,
In whose loyalty there can be no doubt.
And here, at the festive table,
I'll say it out loud again
That you can't find a better friend
I'm sure everyone here agrees with me.

On your birthday to the sound of a guitar
We wish you success in everything!
And for the brave guy, hussar
We'll pour a glass of vodka.
Be mighty like high mountains
Be gentle, like an affectionate cat,
Let the source of grief dry up,
But let happiness flow like a fountain!

Happy birthday to you,
A close friend, our own person,
And we wish you health
Not for a year
and for your long life!
In the midst of intense heat, bad weather,
Among grief, deceit and lies
We wish you only happiness
Only devotion and love!

Happy birthday man friend!

Today, on a solemn day, on my birthday,
We wish you health and live without aging,
More joy for you, less sadness,
And troubles so that they never knock on you.
Healthy to you and never be sad,
With a good mood, live up to a hundred years!

We wish you to be like a fortress,
Beautiful and irresistible
Always inviting, romantic,
Children and a woman beloved!
We wish to be unsurpassed
In business and in disputes, in relationships,
Wish to be perfect
And happy birthday!

May this day be beautiful, clear,
May happiness never fail.
Let the mood be wonderful
May your wishes always come true!

Once a year, like in a song, a birthday,
Rejoice and hello from the heart,
For you, nature is awakening,
For you, the spring sings in silence.
The springboard year is taken by you, as before,
Another year to puzzle with dreams,
And trust the fiery hope!
Happy Birthday! Happiness and good luck!

Happy birthday to a friend, a man!

real man
Good luck may not be desired.
After all, he is always, solid, in strength
Wanted to buy.
Just don't forget
Remind you to be young with your soul,
To be full of energy
And not tired of loving!

Only the brave choose
Speed, drive, intensity of passions!
You are one of those who win!
Be true to your dream!
Let freedom and extreme
Let it lead to bright goals!
Everything is done for you
Be the first, luck awaits!

I congratulate you on your birthday,
And I want to see you happy.
Let no doubts torment the heart,
Always be calm, my dear,
So that you are always in business,
To be successful and healthy!
Be strong in body and soul
Bypass the doctors!

You, my friend, are a real man!
We have known you for many years
You, our friend, are young in everything,
There is no better and more reliable way!
Happy birthday, our dear
Friends congratulate loving
We wish that the angel of heaven
I would keep you for life!

Happy Birthday! Hey!
Mass of Happiness, many years!
My congratulations!
Be in my opinion ..., Veli!

We will keep friendship forever
Our friendship is like granite strong!
We, your friends, want only warmth,
So that the road is bright
So that you, our friend, do not forget about us,
Keep our friendship in our hearts
Happy birthday, our dear friend!
We don't need any other!

Accept congratulations
On your most personal day!
You are the best without a doubt
And I'm not too lazy to repeat:
Be happy, healthy, smart,
Rich as a thousand Bill Gates
Illuminated by the love of relatives,
Loving them back with all my heart.

We are with you, friend. We will always
And we will carry our friendship through the years!
We believe that friendship is above all,
Our motto, as in the book - "All for one!"
We are ready to move mountains for a friend,
Today, we want to relax friends!
Let's celebrate your birthday, our friend,
Feel the warmth of our friendly hands!

Happy birthday greetings to a man friend

From Batman to Superman
None of you are worth
You are the standard of a man, for sure,
Because the word sir!

I want on your personal birthday
So many words I wish
But that words are empty sounds,
Let me give you a brotherly hug.

I wish you a fashionable car
The apartment is new, huge,
The best job ever
In business, always wait for success.

Happiness, love, kindness and glory,
Conquer all the pedestals
To conquer all the peaks
And never got tired.

Love girlish, very generous,
And friendship is strong, very true.
To please everything around.
And happy birthday my friend!

What do you want, friend, on your birthday?
Health, smiles, continuous fun.
Take only the best from life:
In the family you - happiness and prosperity,
In work - success and advancement,
In friendship - support and respect.
In life, do not make problems and mistakes,
And may your life be full of smiles!

Elite house, and a cool car,
And oil refineries shares a pack,
A big yacht, an island in the Maldives,
Among women, the rating will be high,
Let there be huge money on the account -
I wish you. Happy Birthday Buddy!

Dude, happy birthday!
I wish you everything, but more:
Health, happiness, long years,
good luck winning ticket,

Realization of dreams
And the most daring undertakings
And so that in the family, of course,
Joy and peace reigned

So that your masculine strength
Never let you down
And only grew, bubbling, boiling,
My friend - happy holiday to you!

Friend, happy birthday,
Congratulations from the heart:
I wish you drive, positive,
I wish you always live beautifully
I wish you success in sports
In the love of the most beautiful moments,
Let the "greens" crunch in your pocket,
The boss at work does not reproach,
I want a yacht, a Mercedes
And let the bank account go to heaven!
In general, take everything from life
Here is my wish!

They fly like birds
fleeting years.
What's gone won't happen again
With us never again.

Only friendship never gets old
And becomes wiser.
Happy birthday! Be the same
And don't grow up in spirit.

May you be lucky in life
Both in work and in love,
Enough happiness for three hundred years,
Let dreams come true!

I congratulate you on your birthday
Let all defeats be in the past,
May luck never end
And let the work always work.

And let health be great,
And the salary will be healthy.
All surprises in life are pleasant,
All prospects are immense!

And let love always be mutual,
And let your eyes always be happy
Let friends be only reliable, faithful,
And let the cherished dreams come true!

Boundless happiness, selfless friends,
Go through life without troubles and misfortunes.
Cheerful laughter and strong love,
Fate may fulfill your desires.
Be strong and brave
Let life be in full swing.
Let difficulties be nothing to you.

I wish you strength, wisdom, good luck -
All that, as a man, you need.
So that there are no problems without solutions,
To take off and never fall.

Fate-villain let it not pull,
And only brings victory
Health will give stronger than granite,
Let you taste sweet happiness!

Happy Birthday Buddy!
Let dreams come true:
So that huge money
You raked with a shovel!

To lead a career uphill
To build a new house
To talk with friends
They did not stop in that house!

So that you in different countries
He flew a private plane.
And I still wish
Was loved and loved!