Spending the new year in a team. What not to do…. New Year's Song of the "Bremen Town Musicians"

Corporate New Year 2019 is looking forward to every employee, of course, because this is not only a good pastime, but also gifts, bonuses, dances. But, without a good script, even the most long-awaited corporate party may turn out to be a failure. It's important to start with preparation. Basically, firms rent banquet rooms, gather all employees at one table and celebrate the upcoming holiday. You can, of course, hold a corporate party in the office, but only if space permits. Source site

Small preparations before the start of the celebration:
- it is necessary to purchase several not expensive souvenirs (as many as there will be guests + 4 ... 5 extra pieces, just in case);
- it is necessary to prepare lottery tickets, they can be printed on a computer, on the lottery ticket to depict a New Year's drawing, for example, a snowflake and the inscription Lottery ticket number 0001. There should be as many numbers as there will be guests + a dozen more;
- it is necessary to make a piggy bank, for this you can take an ordinary metal can from under coffee, with a plastic lid, make a slot in it for coins, stick a copy of a ruble bill or dollar and the inscription "Piggy bank" on tape;
- to warn everyone to be with a trifle, if the team is rich in money, then decide on the amount of contributions yourself;
- in front of the entrance to the hall where the New Year will be celebrated, the host will put the "Piggy Bank", and everyone who enters puts a few coins or banknotes into the bank, and receives a lottery ticket, it is necessary to explain to everyone that this piggy bank with money will go to one of the guests at the end in the evening (it is better if the presenter writes down the number of the lottery ticket for himself on a sheet of paper who got it, then it will be useful to him during the course of the evening);
- contests given in the script can be replaced with others that you like best.

Let's go! Corporate party for the New Year 2019


Dear Colleagues! Let's open the champagne, pour it into the glasses and listen to me for a bit.

There are many wonderful holidays
Each comes in his turn.
But the kindest holiday in the world
The best holiday is New Year!
He comes along a snowy road
Swirling snowflakes in a round dance.
The New Year fills the heart with mysterious and austere beauty!
Twelve beats and my glass is raised.
And at this moment, mysteriously ringing
My love - all my deeds fuse.
My first toast is for your flying voice,
For the magic of your calling eyes
For all that I spent moments with you
For the joy of meeting that awaits us -
For a thirst that does not know quenching!

(we drink and eat)


Celebrating the New Year is an amazing time, always exciting, always joyful, and these simple words “Happy New Year! With new happiness!" we pronounce them with special feeling, because they can be said only once a year. And that once a year has finally come. And this opportunity to speak out and congratulate all of us is given to our "beloved leader" Pal Palych.

(a fiery, exciting speech is pronounced, after which everyone has a long snack)


Dear friends, colleagues, today we have an unusual evening, today is the evening of receiving congratulations, surprises and winnings. You have all received a lottery ticket, the drawing of lottery tickets will begin immediately from the very beginning of the evening. But I have a few more lottery tickets, which I propose to buy for everyone, the money from the sale of the ticket goes to the general “Piggy bank”. In addition, I want to announce to everyone that who does not want to participate in any competitions, or will prompt other participants in the competition, the correct answers, or behave too much during the evening, he will be immediately punished with a fine in the amount of (what install it yourself), which will immediately go to the general piggy bank.

The presenter starts selling lottery tickets, which may not be enough, in my experience, there are a lot of people willing, especially if the price is reasonable. Immediately after the end of sales, the presenter continues to conduct the evening:

Let the glasses clink, let the wine sparkle
Let the night starfall knock on your window.
On this moonlit night, you can't live without smiles
Pain and sorrow - away! Happy new year friends!

And now we will arrange a smiles showdown in this hall. Now we will start the "Merry New Year's lottery" drawing. The following ticket numbers are announced as winners (here and below you need to know which ticket number someone has):
- let's say ticket numbers 0001, 0010, 0020, 0030 - these are all participants in the next competition;
- ticket number 0002 - wins the right to be called a judge of all today's competitions and competitions (he will be awarded a carnival mask prize so that he will not be recognized when he is judging);
- ticket number 0011 - wins the right to make a New Year's toast after this competition, in the meantime he is given the opportunity to prepare for such a great honor for him - to wish everyone a Happy New Year! (he is awarded a prize, such as a pocket calendar for the next year);
- bits No. 0003, 0021, 0031 (depending on the number of tables) - are appointed by the chief stewards of the tables at which they sit, their duty is to make sure that neighbors always have full glasses and plates, all of them have torches in their hands (all they are awarded prizes - sparklers);
- ticket number 0004 is announced as the main disc jockey of the evening, his duty is to announce musical breaks and dances, and if there is a need, for example, to keep an eye on the music center;
- ticket number 0025 is announced by the chief banker, our piggy bank is given to him for temporary storage, and he is obliged to monitor the replenishment of the piggy bank.

Those who are dissatisfied or disagree with the announced winning ticket numbers are allowed only once, and only now to exchange their tickets with other participants, subsequent ticket exchanges will be punished to the fullest extent of the law of the table, evening. The rest of the winnings will be announced at a later date, keep your tickets until the end of the evening.

The first three participants in the competition are already known, they are now trying to win a prize.

So, COMPETITION "Enchanted glass"
The presenter invites all the participants of the competition to pour full glasses, and says: “I will now enchant these glasses. I will be able to hold one or even two glasses at the same time in my hands, and as much as I like, and any of you cannot cope with this task, and will throw them or put them on the table before I count to three! Moreover, the condition is that you must stand in one place, hold a glass and not leave the place. "
Further, the presenter "speaks glasses" and gives them to the participants of the competition. Then the countdown begins: "One, two ... And I will say three tomorrow" Naturally, no one will keep it until tomorrow
The host continues:
Well, since we couldn't keep it, I hope you can have a drink? Whoever had a ticket numbered 0011, I hope you prepared to deliver the toast that you deserve by the right to win.

(a toast is made and everyone drinks)


Attention says Armenian Radio: "The program for the deaf is over!"

Continuous luck without promising, I hope that the New Year
It will save us all from sorrows and unforeseen worries.
I still hope for Drugov, and I believe in it fervently,
What awaits us all now, which has not happened yet.

And the continuation of the "Merry New Year's lottery" awaits us. Who has ticket number 0004 - you won a prize. Come out here and try to take the prize, if of course you manage to take it. (The game consists of the following: A prize, for example, a chocolate Santa Claus, an apple, a candy, is placed on the edge of the table and closed with a paper cap, but you can also do without a cap., And the participant turns his back to the prize, he is blindfolded. Then he takes a few steps (for example 5) turns around the axis, and goes after the prize and tries to take it.You can complicate the procedure of the competition and replace the prize with a glass of vodka, which he must take, and someone must hold the glass on the tarmac so that the contestant does not drop it. continues until someone of the following lottery ticket numbers wins a prize.

The winner is given the floor.


Dear friends, the evening goes on. May I ask for some attention! Let's continue drawing the lottery. Now we will find out the happiest participants in the next competition. Won tickets №№ 0006, 0007, 0012, 0013, 0022, 0023. I propose to conduct a small game called "AND I AM THE MOST GUIDING"

The presenter attaches a piece of paper the size of a matchbox to everyone's forehead or hair using an ordinary paper clip. The name of the beast, insect or bird, or fish is written on the piece of paper. Everyone can see what is written by others, but not by himself. The players take turns asking each other questions and by the answer they must guess who he is. Answers can only be "YES" or "NO". Hearing "YES", you can ask another question, hearing "NO" the word goes to another participant in the competition. The one who guessed it - leaves the game and watches the rest. At the end of the game, the winner is announced - the one who guesses first. He is awarded a more substantial prize, the rest are consolation prizes.

The loser, as a punishment, must congratulate everyone and make a toast.


Dear colleagues, if we suddenly run out of alcohol, we will stop respecting each other - it was a joke. I know my measure: if you fall, that's enough, and the degree of intoxication depends on the frequency of raising the glass and does not depend on the amplitude - this is also a joke. Well, that's enough jokes for now, let's move on to serious matters, to the VEKTORINA "AH VEZUNCHIK"
The essence of the game:
A question is asked and several answers to it, and only one is correct. Everyone starts to answer, the judge judges, Who named the correct answer to that the chief banker hands a candy wrapper or candy, whoever collects more candy wrappers or sweets is the winner.
The answer to the questions of "VALAAM'S Donkey", or they are with *:
1. What is the name of the dish of whipped yolks with sugar?
V. Gogol - Mogol *
W. Herzen - Perzen
B. Pushkin - Mushkin
R. Bryullov - Murlov

2. Who rode under the Christmas tree in the forest?
W. Wolf - teeth snap
A. Gray Bunny *
J. Santa Claus
L. Sober Forester

3.Andrey Cherkizov on NTV hosted the program:
E. Day of the snake
R. Year of alligators
L. Hour of the bull *
M. Age of maggot

4. In what clothes did Shelenberg come to the service?
B. Dress uniform
H. Field overalls
A. Civilian suit *
NS. Home bathrobe

5. How does Lermontovskoe Borodino begin?
A. Tell me uncle *
SH. Shut up aunt
G. You have the floor, Comrade Mauser
Y. Shut up all of you

6. What did the Englishman Francis Drake do when he made the second round-the-world trip in history?
M. Piracy *
C. Scientific experiments in the field of zoology
A. helping the aborigines
I. Tests of new guns

7. What is "ZGO" and the expression "not visible, not OGI"?
B. Star in the sky
H. Lonely tree
A. Horse arc ring *
N. Spark in the distance

8. Winston Chertill usually drank cognac on the day:
O. 75 grams
C. 150 grams
L. Half liter
B. One liter *

9. The famous "Tsarsky Kurgan" is located in the Crimea near the city:
A. Kerch *
I. Feodosia
J. Bakhchisarai
E. Balaklava

10. What was Cheburashka made of, by his own admission?
N. Out of the bottle
A. Made of wood *
U. From fur
T. made of plastic

11. There is only one restroom for ... (how many) rooms? (According to V. Vysotsky)
F. 28
I. 29
E. 39
S. 48 *

12. The first nuclear bomb was called:
R. Tolstyak
A. Dorothy
L. Malysh *
W. Ann

13. The observation of village girls helped to create a vaccine against smallpox:
P. Vegetable growers
K. Needlewomen
I. Milkers *
L. Pigs

14. The current local name of this river is "El-Bakhor". What about the common?
A. Amazon
I. Indus
C. Congo
C. Neal

15. Which of the stars of the stage replaced the "burning" surname with this cold pseudonym?
A. Alexander Ostuzhev * (there used to be Fire, and when they shouted "Fire on the stage", panic began among the audience)
N. Vera Kholodnaya
T. Tatiana Snezhnaya
M. Mikhail Zimin

(You can add your own questions, for example: 1. In what office does the head of the company sit? 2. What was the last name of such and such employee before marriage? etc.)

After summing up the results, the winner is announced, he is given a small souvenir and the floor is given.

The host announces:“We will now check with what words our respected (may_ erudite. Pour something intoxicating him (her) and everyone else too) can please us.


Hear, the music sounded again:
Friends are the beginning of the dance!
Everywhere fun and joy sparkles
Let each of you spin in a waltz!

The floor is given to our "Disc jockey".
(The music director wishes everyone a Happy New Year 2019 and invites you to a break.)


Additional contests are held during the break.


Dear guests, I ask everyone to come to the table. Our treasurer will keep track of who has not sat down at the table, and also follow the replenishment of our “Piggy bank :.
Dancing is a load on the legs, now let's give the head and arms to work. It is necessary to replenish the costs incurred by each of you during the break. While everyone is pouring into glasses, we will continue the drawing of our lottery. So we won lottery tickets No. 0007, 0009, 0016. 0017, 0024, 0026, 0027, 0028. I ask everyone to leave the table and come to me. Of the six participants, 4 are selected, two men and two women, the rest are announced as understudies, and help the referee judge the game. The game is called WHERE TO INVEST MONEY AND WHERE TO TAKE MONEY.
The essence of the game:
The presenter prepares the props in advance, i.e. on paper of two colors, for example, white and blue, money is printed on a copier, let's say 10 ruble bills, in the amount of 20 pieces of each color (bills can be replaced with candy wrappers). Selected 4 players are bet in pairs. Women are given bills, each of a different color. They count them, both of them should have the same number. Their task is to open jars, not glass, of course, and as many as possible. The banks will be men, i.e. their clothes - pockets, lapels, collars, underwear, etc. You can put only one bill in each bank (let's say a pocket). Women should, within 1 minute, put in a partner as many bills as possible, in its place - one bill. The presenter starts the countdown: three, two, one, started, and the judge counts the time by the clock. A minute later, the game stops and it is calculated how many bills each woman has left on her hands. Game continues. The woman change places. Within 1 minute they should find the hidden bills, i.e. search the other partner. According to the results of the competition, the winner is announced, who is awarded a prize, the rest of the participants are also awarded prizes, but of lesser dignity.

The word for congratulations is given to the best Banker.

Everybody drinks and eat


I wish Santa Claus a bag of joy to bring you,
Another bag - with laughter, and let the third - with success!
You will put your sadness, your longing in a bag for him
Let him collect everything and take it away as soon as possible!

While Santa Claus carries away your longing and sadness, we will continue the lottery drawing. I won another ticket number 0033. Now our prize-winner will take part in the next competition and will try to win a prize. The competition is called "THREE FVAZA"

The essence of the game:
The host announces: “If you can repeat three phrases after me, any, word for word, you will get a prize! Ready? We started. "
- the first phrase - "What a wonderful evening today." The player must repeat it word for word.
- the second phrase = "You are just beautiful", while the presenter does not behave confidently, and after the player utters this phrase, the presenter happily throws up his hands and says: “So you have lost!”. This was the third phrase that the player had to repeat. Players often make mistakes and ask what they made a mistake and lose. The player is awarded a prize if he wins, or a consolation prize if he loses.

The word for the solemn speech is presented to the lucky (or unlucky loser),

# 10 GLASS

At the end of my program, I want to offer another competition, everyone should take part in this competition. The competition is called "Piggy", or "ALCHNOST"

The essence of the game:
The total piggy bank filled during the evening is taken. Everyone who believes that he is generous in soul, loves to fantasize and wants to get rid of all debts before the new year (meaning money and other promises) should throw a coin from 1 kopeck and above into the piggy bank, whoever does not mind.
A banker with a piggy bank bypasses everyone and collects tribute. The host announces that this piggy bank will now be raffled, and it will go to the one who guesses how much money is in it. The winner will be the one who says the closest number to the amount in the piggy bank.
Each participant names the approximate amount that can be in the piggy bank. The judge writes down the named amounts on a piece of paper. The banker counts the contents of the piggy bank. The judge and the presenter announce the winner, after meeting and looking at the numbers named by the participants.

The presenter offers the winner a word for congratulations, and relieves himself of the duties of the toastmaster. Then the evening continues according to an unplanned scenario with breaks for dancing until you drop.

You are at:

New Year's scenarios and contests

New Year's scenario for a small team (from 10 to 40 people)


Scenario New Year (for a small team (from 10 to 40 people) - Author Poluektov Alexander.
This scenario is mainly for those who spend the whole holiday at the table with small 1, 2 or 3 breaks for dancing.


The facilitator begins:
On your doorstep all gray with a Beard
Old year - old, old at all,
He leaves us, he waves to us
And wishes you good luck in everything!
But then someone came - someone was calling quietly,
Three white horses at the door
The clock is exactly midnight - then the new year has come.
Pour champagne into the glasses!
I raise a glass - I congratulate you again,
Dear ones, Happy New Year!
Do good and give love for ages
Despite the years and weather!

And now, dear friends, about how we worked in the old year and with words of parting words in the coming year, our dear head of the company Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov will tell us all !!!
(Ivan Ivanovich pronounces a short congratulation, everyone drinks and has a snack)

Host: (there is a short break between the first and second).
Dear friends, you continue to eat, i.e. eat and listen. Now we have all witnessed the farewell of the old outgoing year. The coming new year brings a lot of unknown and unknown to all of us.

Snow falls quietly outside the window on New Years
May there be joy and laughter at our table,
Let enviable success await you in any business!
And happiness will enter your bright house without hindrance!

Let's drink to joy, happiness and success for each of you.

May January with silvery powder, powder any trouble,
We wish you all the best for the upcoming New Year!

I would like to congratulate you with these and other wishes (deputy head of the company, chairman of the trade union committee, or simply the oldest employee of the company)

The old year is leaving. Leaves without a return
The thread of worries that we do not need is leaving.
And what we desired will sink into oblivion,
Who was in love and was loved.
Unexpectedly - unexpectedly, names go away,
Moments, views, songs.
Gone are the days where it was so wonderful!
Goodbye, Old Year, goodbye, not goodbye!
New Year is coming to us and makes a promise!

Dear colleagues, friends, ladies and gentlemen, I invite everyone present to think of a wish, associate it with a number from 0 to 9 and pull out a leaflet with a number from my hands (about a dozen of each number is prepared in advance, provided that there will be 20 ... 30 people celebrating the audience, if there are more people, then more leaves need to be prepared, the size of the sheet is about the size of a matchbox). After everyone has chosen, the presenter says “Who has number 1 and reads out the horoscope:
1- act today boldly, risky. To fulfill your desire will require determination, assertiveness. It may come true, but it will have to fight.
2 - the wish will come true. Will bring joy, a feeling of fullness of life. Nothing will interfere with this.
3 - stands for unambiguous "NO". This is also advice to refuse decisive action, not to try to overcome circumstances. Nothing good will come of this.
4 - now the time has not yet come for our plan or aspiration. You have to wait, perhaps a change of circumstances.
5 - says that there is every chance of getting what you want. This color inspires hope, predicts success, promises good conditions for the conceived.
6 - categorical "NO" without any reservations. The path to the fulfillment of desires is completely closed. What you want will not come true.
7 is the number of luck. But don't interpret it as an exact "YES" to your question. He suggests that a wide range of opportunities will be provided for the fulfillment of a desire, extremely favorable. You will take full advantage of them if you show will and moderate your self-importance.
8 - what you are thinking may come true, but on condition: for this you need to choose a rational, balanced decision. To achieve what you want, do not act headlong, spontaneously. The exact answer will be given by the voice of reason. Gossip and intrigue can serve as a hindrance to the conceived.
9 is "YES", and the enigma will come true without any effort. The whole situation has developed so that there are no obstacles to your plan.

Happy New Year, I wish you happiness, joy!
To everyone who is single - to get married, to everyone who is in litter - to measure,
Forget about grievances, for everyone who is sick - to become healthy,
Blossom, rejuvenate. To everyone who is skinny - to become fatter,
Too fat - lose weight. Too smart to get simpler
Close-minded - to grow wiser. All gray-haired - to darken,
So that the bald hair on the top of the head thickens like Siberian forests!
So that the songs, so that the dances never cease.
Happy New Year! Happy New Year! Let the trouble pass us!

And now, dear friends, girlfriends, colleagues, let's warm up a little. I suggest you play one old game, FANTY, without leaving the table. You have been carrying out all sorts of orders of your immediate superiors for a whole year, and now, if you please, fulfill my comic orders. Finally, I waited for the opportunity and gave the order to the head of the company himself, and we will start our game with him. To simplify everything, I have already prepared forfeits (these are small pieces of paper with orders for execution, they are shown below, if possible, you can change them, or add your own :)

Apologize to your neighbor (neighbor) and get his (her) forgiveness
Neighbor kiss (neighbor)
Sing a very belligerent song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest"
Declare your love for gesture inspection
Explain to the "blind" neighbor (neighbor) that you are very hungry
Portray with a neighbor (neighbor) Othello
Draw Chapaevts (Petka or Anka)
Have a brotherhood drink with a neighbor (neighbor)
Depict the flight of an eagle
Crow three times
Give (if you can) to your neighbors for a penny
Depict a child lost at a train station
Picture an RTI inspector stopping a car
Give a compliment to your colleagues
Say solemnly the phrase "I sit for the fourth day at the table and drink"
Picture the sunrise in the village, after the hayloft
Make a scary face
Depict the voice of King Kong or the pig
Imagine how you eat last year's biscuit
Depict the President of Russia or at least the head of the Buro RTI
Explain with your eyes or facial expressions in love to your neighbor (neighbor)
Offer a toast and congratulate everyone on the anniversary
Depict someone awarded with an order or at least a medal for special merit
Try to persuade your neighbor (neighbor) to drink a drink (wine, vodka)

Who do you think coped with the task, i.e. with the execution of the order is the best. Everyone chooses the most efficient colleague. He is awarded "RANK - the most executive in the company" and is given the opportunity to wish everyone a Happy New Year!

The old year is leaving, its last page rustles.
Let the best that was - not go away, and the worst - can not be repeated!

Well, it's time for everyone to sing. But we will sing in turn. Let everyone try to remember by a verse or at least the name of the songs for the new year, about winter, snow, blizzard and frost. A song contest begins at the table. Conditions of the competition: Clockwise, each in turn starts humming or says the name of the song, whoever says nothing, leaves the game until there is only one winner, he is given the floor to congratulate.

I wish you that Santa Claus will bring you a bag of joy,
Another bag - with laughter, and let the third - with success!
You will put your sadness, your longing in a bag for him
Let him collect all this and take it away as soon as possible!

It's the turn of the next contest, the POTOV Contest. Every person is a poet at heart, even if he cannot come up with a single rhyme. Do not be afraid the poems have already been composed for you, you just have to come up with the last word, who will come up with a prize the most. All those present participate in the vote counting commission. So let's start:
1.To do modern makeup,
Acquired a beauty ... (trellis)

2.Nudist club as an application
Accepts thrown ... (swimming trunks)

3.- I fell in love with all the girls once
Rybnikov in a comedy ... (girls)

4 one can and many jars
The thrush is lucky to ... (market)

5. Burst a bag with milk
Filled in trousers and ... (jacket)

6 even the kids knew
Under the guise of Fantomas - Jean ... (Heat)

7 one blond wrote it for fun -
Country of birth ... (Angola)

8. Tell me, dear, frankly
Was it from your side ... (treason)

9. Russians have a wide range of names.
Vaughn Voroshilov - he, for example, was ... (Clement)

10.In Lukomorye, the cat decided
That he is local ... (reketir, rowdy, old-timer)

11.Grand stage and screen -
Italian ... (Celentano)

12 the state spends billions
On shoulder straps, badges and ... (cockades)

13 the once new light of faith
Lit for the Arabs ... (Muhammad)

14 more terrible and more dangerous than a mine
Mountain climbers ... (summit)

15.For the Puritan, erotic
And sin, and temptation, and ... (exotic)

17 is figure skating familiar
To the people of the Kingdom ... (Great Britain)

18.Publications are kept by the library.
And dominoes and cards ... (game library)

19.Maybe the convict would run away,
Yes, not passable around ... (taiga)

20.Can Russia now collect
Worthy for the Olympics ...? (army)

21. I, as a karateka, will not rest,
if they don’t give me a black one ... (belt)

22. Both halves have already expired,
And the scoreboard is still ... (zeros)

23. Cargo Sumo Champion
It's good to have a big ... (belly)

24 In Salt Lake City, I'm afraid we're shit
Compared to ... (Nogano)

25. The sports elite are happy
The next one is coming ... (Olympiad)

26. Among sports destinies and legends,
Not everyone has a "happy - ..." (end)

27. The wolf, after watching football, decided in the end:
“Like me, they are also fed ... (feet)

28 The summit was almost conquered,
But the snow prevented ... (avalanche).

Let the glasses clink, let the wine sparkle
Let the night starfall knock on your window.
On this moonlit night, you can't live without smiles
Pain and sorrow - away! Happy new year friends!

Let's all drink to the New (coming) year and take a short break.

During the break, you can hold 3, 4 mobile contests. (I do not offer contests, they can be found on various Internet sites)

Straightening the wrinkles in the forehead, we will make a fortune for the holiday.
Let's forget any bad weather, maybe it's really not in vain,
Golden hope and happiness comes to us at the end of December!
What does the year have in store for us? So all doubt away!
It's time to raise our glasses - for our health, love and aspirations!
So happy New Year to you friends! Hooray!

Presenter: (usually after the tenth glass, no one listens to the presenter anymore, this is in my experience, at this it is time for him to say goodbye and relieve himself of the duties of the presenter, or transfer them to another)

Continuous luck without promising, I hope that the New Year
It will save us all from sorrows and unforeseen worries.
I still hope for something else, and I believe in it ardently,
That happiness awaits all of us such that it has not been.

Dear mums and dads, boys and girls!
Do you have something to tell other site visitors? Have a rest in a children's camp or a holiday home? Did you go to the zoo, theater, skating rink or rollerdrome? Did the whole family go on vacation and perhaps saw a lot of interesting things there? All this is very interesting! Send your feedback and impressions to our mailbox and we will post them on the pages of our site.

Let's relax and spend leisure time together!

The scenario of the New Year's corporate party "Planner at Santa Claus" is perfect for organizing a truly magical New Year's meeting in your office!

Traditional New Year's heroes - Santa Claus and Snegurochka, funny jokes, funny and original contests, unusual incentive gifts - you will find all this in our scenario, designed for any number of corporate party participants, and holding the holiday in any room convenient for you.


Lady Winter(shopaholic) - the wife of Santa Claus. Dressed in a modern, fashionable way. High heels, short showy dress, handbag. The image is similar in demeanor and conversation to a stupid blonde. A white wig must be worn on the head. Makeup - bright, catchy.

Santa Claus(businessman). Dressed in a modern executive outfit. But with a red nose and a beard (traditional, patch and hat of Santa Claus).

Granddaughter of the Snow Maiden(marketer). A sort of excellent student (glasses, tablet in hand). But on the head there is a mandatory wig with a braid and a Snow Maiden hat.

Grandson Morozko(DJ). A modern young man, but on his head is a red cap of Santa Claus, a bright scarf around his neck, mittens on his hands.

Props and room decoration

A festive corporate event can be held both in a large office space and in specialized places - in a bar, restaurant, cafe.
Decoration - New Year, festive.
The tree should not interfere with the viewing and participation of guests in contests and sketches.
It is better to set the tables for no more than 4-5 people and arrange them at a short distance so that the fairy-tale characters have the opportunity to conveniently approach the guests.

To decorate a mini-scene


1. Office desk. On it are folders, documents.
2. Computer.
3. Chair of the head.
4. The wardrobe is also with folders, documents, books. Other additional office elements.
5. A separate table, on which white T-shirts (signed) of different sizes, according to the number and sizes of guests, will lie.
6. Markers. (Competition No. 4. "Autograph").
7. A beautiful bag with elements of costumes (ears of a bunny, kitten, mask of a wolf, bear, etc.). (Competition No. 5. "Magic Dances").
8. White papers and pens (according to the number of participants).
9. Large, deep iron bowl.
10. Lighter. (For "Message to the New Year!").


For general background music:

  • song "New Year" ("Disco Crash"),
  • Verka Serduchka song "Fir-trees",
  • "New Year" ("Hands up"),
  • E. Vaenga song "I Wish!".
  • Other New Year songs of your choice,
  • recording of the chimes.
    Soundtracks for scenes:

    excerpts of songs:

  • Black Boomer (chorus)
  • "Empress" Allegrova from the chorus,
  • Abba bands - "Money, Money, Money" (chorus),
  • Leps's song "A glass of vodka on the table",
  • the song "You kiss me everywhere" by the group "Hands up",
  • songs by Verka Serduchka "Ok, everything will be fine!", "Smiley",
  • song "Ice ceiling, creaky door" (from the chorus).

Corporate Party Scenario

Scene # 1

Guests are seated at tables. Light instrumental music sounds. The modern businessman Santa Claus comes out. Snegurochka, a marketer, is in a hurry behind him, writing something into a tablet. The music turns off.

Father Frost(turns to the audience to the guests): “Well, my dears, the old year is coming to its logical end. We all worked nicely with you in it. The New Year is just around the corner and I am ready to listen to all your suggestions for holding it. Who wants to be the first to speak and open our meeting? Who should I give the floor to? " (Looks sternly into the hall. Everyone looks at each other in confusion, not understanding what is happening).

Father Frost: “If you really think to just sit out, then I’ll say right away that you will not succeed. I have been in my frosty holiday business for many years and I know everything about you. Don't want or aren't ready to voice your thoughts? I'll just read them then! "

(Santa Claus approaches one of the men and moves his hands over him. A phonogram starts with the words: "Black boomer, black boomer").

Father Frost: "Interesting!"

(She approaches the next guest (woman). Moves her hands over her. A phonogram sounds with the words: "Mani, mani, mani (ABBA)").

Father Frost: "An accountant or what?"

Father Frost: "That's what your heads are stuffed with, just listen!"

(He approaches the girl. He moves his hands over her head. It sounds: "You kiss me everywhere, I'm everywhere, I'm an adult already!"

Father Frost: "Come on, I'll listen to your general thoughts!"

(He walks away and moves his hands, V. Serdyuchka's song sounds with the words "Good! Everything will be fine!")

Father Frost(addressing Snegurochka sternly): “Well, everything is clear with them! You know?"

Snow Maiden(scared): "What?"

Father Frost(joyfully): “They have good thoughts !!! Correct! New Years !!! How I love!!!"

(The Snow Maiden exhales with relief, fanning herself with the tablet).

Snow Maiden: “Frightened, Grandfather Frost ... Okay, okay. Tell me, what criteria will we use to determine the best employees (employees) this year? "

Father Frost: “Write it down, granddaughter. By filling the glasses, by draining them. For the best toasts. Through tireless dancing. For participation in competitions. And, of course, for fun! "

Snow Maiden(writing down): “Yeah, I see. May I start? "

Father Frost: "Come on, granddaughter!"

Scene # 2

Light instrumental music sounds in the background.

Snow Maiden:

“Our dear guests!
We gathered here for a reason!
Near the elegant Christmas tree,
All our friends are nearby!

Father Frost:

“Fill your glasses!
Fill to the brim!
Do not regret, do not regret
Kind words for each other! "

(Guests fill their glasses)

Father Frost: "The word for congratulations is given to the head" (name of organization, enterprise, firm, etc.) Full name.

(Toast from the head, then everyone drinks, has a snack).

Father Frost: “Who do you think is your boss's right hand? Of course, the chief accountant (or deputy for finance) has not gone far from the head, so we give him (her) (position, full name) the opportunity to congratulate our employees on the upcoming New Year! "

(Toast from the deaf. Bukh. Everyone drinks and has a snack).

Father Frost: “I know from myself that a leader and his right hand dealing with financial issues should perfectly understand and hear each other, right?”

All in chorus: "Yes!"

Snow Maiden: “Let's check it out? How well do your boss and his assistant understand each other? (To the manager) Are you ready? "

Competition number 1. "Understand me!"

Father Frost: “So, the task is as follows: my granddaughter, Snegurochka, who is also a marketer, takes you out the door and makes sure that you do not hear anything about what we are agreeing here. Then you come back and must understand what we are telling you. "

The Snow Maiden takes away the manager and the accountant, and Santa Claus conventionally divides everyone into two teams.
The task is this: Two teams must simultaneously shout completely different phrases. For example, the first team will shout: "We're having fun here!" The second team: "We are glad to see you!"

The Snow Maiden with the participants of the competition is returning. At the command of Santa Claus, the guests simultaneously shout their proposals in chorus. The manager and the chief accountant must hear and pronounce both phrases.

Scene # 3

(Music sounds in the background).

Father Frost: "Fill your glasses, my friends, and let's drink to mutual understanding!"

(Everyone drinks and eats).

Snow Maiden: “Grandfather Frost, and I, as a marketer, know for sure that personal friendships are very important in a team. Tell us, our dear friends, which of you has been working with each other for a very long time? "

Game "What do we know about each other"

Couples of two employees of either gender are selected from the guests.
The Snow Maiden asks questions:
When did your partner get the job?
How old is he now?
Who does he work for?
How long have you known each other?
What he likes for lunch
What's in his right pocket?
Does he have all his teeth?
Is this a wig on your head?
(and so on, no more than 3-4 questions for each participant; there can be any number of pairs).

Each correct answer - 1 point, according to the number of points, two winning couples are selected to participate in the final competition.

Contest 2. “I am you! You are me!"

Two pairs of participants who won in the previous game put back to back, you cannot spy on, turn around.

Santa Claus asks questions to one participant, Snow Maiden to another.
For example (if the partner is male):
What color is your partner's shirt?
To what button is she unbuttoned?
How many buttons are there on a jacket?
What is the pattern on the tie?
What kind of watch is on your hands? (Especially if they are not there).
What color are the laces? (And there, for example, shoes without laces).

If the partner is a woman, questions, for example, are:
What do earrings look like in your ears? (If they are not there).
What is the height of the heel?
What color are the eyes?

Snow Maiden: "What great fellows you are, how friendly you are and how much you know about each other!"

Father Frost: “How can you not drink to it? I suggest you fill your glasses! " A toast is provided to the winners!

(One toast from the winners of the competition. Light instrumental music sounds. Everyone is drinking and having a snack, then "Dance pause" of 4-5 songs).

Scene 4

Father Frost: “We continue our New Year's planning meeting, dear friends! I declare the game "You are the most, the most!"

Competition number 3. "You are the most, the most!"

Father Frost: “Please fill your glasses immediately and to the brim! On my command, you need to say a compliment to your neighbor (preferably unusual, original, extraordinary), clink a glass with him and have a quick drink ... So, in turn, you must say one compliment to each other, but you cannot repeat what you have already said before you. My granddaughter, a marketer, Snegurochka, will measure the speed. This is a new sport that must be included in the TRP standards! I'll show you by my own example! "
Santa Claus (takes a glass, clinking glasses with the Snow Maiden): "You are the COLDEST!" (drinks). Is it clear to everyone?

Guests in chorus: "Yes!"

Father Frost: "One, two, three, started !!!"

(Instrumental music sounds in the background, the microphone is passed from hand to hand).

Snow Maiden(at the end): “Hurray! Record speed! "

Everyone is drinking and eating.

Scene 5

(Lady Winter appears, holding packages).

Lady Winter(indignantly, capriciously): “Darling, what is this ?! Why is nobody helping me? Where is your security Snowman? Where are the deer drivers? Can't you see my hands are falling off ?! "

Father Frost(addresses the audience): “Yes, yes! What did you think? That I, a tough businessman, don't have a blonde wife? There is! Here she is in all her glory! "

Father Frost(turns to Zima): "Well, have you spent all my money, my beloved shopaholic?"

Lady Winter(throws the bags and happily picks him up by the arm): “Oh, dear, just a little bit is left! Honey, throw in another drop! I saw such snowflakes and icicles in the store! My friends are forest kikimors, they will just burst with envy! "

Father Frost: "And what have you already bought, my beauty Lady Winter?"

Lady Winter: "Oh, such a long snow coat on the floor and ice-ice boots all the way!" (shows the length of the boots on itself - almost to the thigh).

(Santa Claus takes out a New Year's card and gives it to his wife).

Father Frost: "Here, take my salary card and do not deny yourself anything!"

(She kisses him happily on the cheek, waves flirtatiously to the audience and runs away).

(The Snow Maiden, meanwhile, takes out her personalized T-shirts from the bag and places them on the table. Markers or felt-tip pens of different colors should also be there).

Scene 6

Snow Maiden: “Dear friends, we rarely tell each other any wishes, kind words, and maybe declarations of love. Postcards have become history, no one else signs them. So Father Frost and I decided that we must help you leave the memory of our New Year's planning meeting in some interesting, unusual way. And how - Father Frost himself will tell! "

Father Frost: “On this table are your registered white, like a blank sheet, T-shirts. Nearby are markers and felt-tip pens. Imagine that this is a Happy New Year card, only a very original one. Whoever you want, you can at least on each draw or write whatever you want! Then each of you will get yours as a keepsake - a personalized T-shirt with autographs, drawings and wishes of colleagues. I am sure that you have never received such a sincere gift! "

Snow Maiden(winks at the ladies): “By the way, no one forbids women to sign autographs with their lipstick! Hint understood?"

Competition No. 4. "Autograph"

A musical pause sounds, during which guests sign T-shirts to each other, draw emoticons, wishes, etc.
Santa Claus and his granddaughter choose the 3 best works and announce the winners.

Scene 7

The grandson of Santa Claus appears - DJ Morozko with his equipment.

Father Frost(introducing the grandson to the guests): “Dear guests! I am glad to introduce you to my heir! My grandson Morozko is a cool DJ and we invite you to dance with him! "

Morozko: “Great, guys !! Listen all over here! Everyone dances!!"

(Dance break from 4-5 tracks).

Competition number 5. "Magic Dances"

During the dance break, the competition №5 is held. "Magic Dances". Participants touch the attributes of the costumes from the bag and then dance to the music in this image.

Scene 8

All are seated in their places. Toasts sound, guests drink, eat and congratulate each other. Instrumental music sounds.

Father Frost: “Our dear guests! New Year is coming! We hear his festive gait. The chimes are about to sound. (Sheets of paper and pens are distributed to all participants). While I am here, my dears, I will definitely fulfill your wish. Only for this you need to conduct a New Year's, fabulous rite. Write your deepest desire on a piece of paper and put your notes in this magic bowl. "
(The Snow Maiden walks through the hall with a bowl. The chimes sound. Grandfather Frost moves his hands over the bowl. On the twelfth battle, Santa Claus sets fire to the contents. At that time, the lights in the hall are turned off. Only the fire in the bowl is visible).

Father Frost: “May all your wishes come true! None will be forgotten! Happy New Year! With new happiness! Hooray!!"

(The light turns on. New Year's songs sound. Everyone is dancing, drinking, eating. Santa Claus and Snegurochka go around the tables, congratulate colleagues, pose for joint New Year's photos).

On the eve of the winter holidays and the New Year 2019 celebrations, large concerns and small companies organize corporate parties. Most often, the event is held in the hands of professionals, but if there is a "special" order from the boss or your own desire, then it is easy to pick up a few cool scenarios.

New Year's corporate party for the meeting of 2019 will be held by the host and Santa Claus. Individual parts and contests can be replaced or new ones added.

Cool script with Santa Claus

The appearance of fairy-tale characters at a New Year's corporate party does not happen immediately, but after colleagues congratulate each other, make several toasts and will be ready for the unfolding action.


“How many wonderful holidays,
Everyone has their own turn.
But the best kind holiday
Favorite since childhood - New Year!
Roll on a snowy road
Swirling snowflakes in a round dance.
So mysterious and strict
New Year comes to the heart! "

The presenter takes a glass filled with champagne and approaches the audience, starting with the boss, gives him the floor with general congratulations for his colleagues, and after that the contests begin.

For carrying out it is necessary to identify 6 volunteers of both sexes. When the couples are selected, 6 chairs are set with their backs to each other, on which the men sit. Any oriental dance is turned on and the girls dance in front of their partner. The main thing is that the beauties try as much as possible. It is easy to achieve this, if the host encourages, then one, then the other girl.

At the end of the melody, each man is given the opportunity to express which part of his partner's body during the dance was the most impressive for him. Sometimes men are embarrassed and call something neutral: hand, ear, knee or face.


"The essence of the competition is that the place designated aloud must be bestowed with a passionate kiss."

So, kissing the "neutral" knee and ear turns into a fun show. After the competition, there is a break for the exchange of impressions and rest of the participants.


“And again we ate the smell, we sat down at the table.
May your faces be happy,
Soon the solemn hour will come -
So that you all see a good fairy tale! "

  • Santa Claus comes out.

Father Frost:

« Hello kids, how have you grown this year. I have several riddles prepared for warm-up:

In the summer I walked in the park

And the pattern saw bright

I wanted to consider it,

Suddenly the halves closed

And the drawing flew away. (Butterfly)

The blue sheet covers the whole world. (Firmament)

When you need it, they throw it away,
but it became unnecessary - they raise it. (Anchor)

The more you take out of it, the bigger it becomes. (Pit)

A sieve hangs, but not twisted with knitting needles. (Web)

Although I see that some have been shaving for a long time (referring to a young man), and some still not (to a bearded man). Well, since you are already big, we can play like an adult. We will determine the most attractive man in your team. "

Selected 5-7 willing or not very willing to participate in this action. A rope is tied to each player's belt with a tangerine attached to the end. The height is chosen so that the fruit reaches the floor. Light cardboard or plastic boxes are placed in front of the participants. Without using your hands, you need to push the box to a predetermined finish point. Whoever wins gets a prize - a bottle of champagne.


“Well, now it's time to enter the New 2019 and leave the old 2018 behind! When crossing an obstacle, make a wish in your mind, just do not tell anyone to make it come true "

The symbolic section is depicted using a long Christmas tree garland tied to chairs that are far apart from each other. The height is chosen sparingly, taking into account the narrow dresses of the ladies present.

Final word.


“The corporate party is coming to an end,

I want to wish you health, happiness,

So that dreams have an embodiment,

In the coming year today!

May there be money, strength and patience,

Success in your future affairs,

Working mood all the time,

But sometimes hang in the clouds! "

Corporate party script with humor

Meeting the New Year 2019 for an adult team is distinguished by special piquancy and humor. Organizing a corporate party in the form of contests and games collected in one scenario is perfect for small companies where it is not envisaged to hire outside presenters. An organizer is selected from among colleagues who will assign tasks. To help himself, he chooses the Snow Maiden, who will help. It is not necessary to inform in advance about the role. It is much more interesting if the “elections” are also held in the form of a competition.


"I need a fabulous beauty to help me, otherwise what a New Year 2019 without the Snow Maiden!"

  • Competition "Kiss of the Chef"... 5-6 employees are selected. Each of the participants must kiss the leader, even if the boss is a woman. With a little acting and the addition of grimaces and antics, the action will look funny and perky. The most artistic employee becomes the Snow Maiden. The presenter denotes her image with a crown or cap.

Now she becomes a co-host of the evening. And immediately the next competition is held.

  • Several men are chosen by the host with the assistant. They sit on chairs lined up in a row, crossing their legs. The pant leg, located on top, rolls up to the knee. Snegurochka stands in front of the chairs, the task of colleagues is to melt the snowy beauty. For this purpose, they give as many compliments as they can. The girl's task is to say from whose pleasant words she "really" melted.


« In fact, we have a different winner (it looks according to the situation, maybe everything coincided?). The Snow Maiden is a young and shy girl, how can she admit in such a decent society that in fact she melted, not from compliments. And from the amount of vegetation on the legs of the most brutal man. "

All participants are seated in their places, the winner is presented with a symbolic gift. After the break, the presenter picks up the head of the company from the table and gives him an assignment.


“How long have you heard good words from our beloved leader? Note that he has prepared himself today! "

  • In teams, tactile contacts between colleagues are rarely accepted, and the boss is given an assignment, you need to hug subordinates and say a compliment: you are smart, you are responsible, you are polite. If it is bad with compliments, then you can prepare in advance the letters on which these words will be written. And let the chef read them and distribute them at his discretion.


“And among those who did not receive a diploma, we will conduct an additional casting for the symbol of 2019”.

  • 2-3 participants are selected, who will have to run around the hall, depicting an animal of the coming year. You can get on all fours, playfully scour the hall in search of a mink, hastily gnaw on a crust of bread. But if colleagues still did not guess, publish a characteristic mouse squeak. The winner is determined by a spectator vote, and a hoop with mouse ears is put on.


"Let the main Boar of the New 2019 make a toast to colleagues!"

After the next feast and dances, the contests are held in a whole block.


"It seems that today we will have to choose not only the symbol of the year, but also the best announcer for the news program on our television."

  • Participants, who are selected no more than 3, are invited to read any tongue twister from the sheet, preferably a well-known pun, for example, "Sasha walked along the highway and sucked drying" or "Karl stole corals from Klara, Klara stole a clarinet from Karl." At the apogee moment of the feast, even this phrase will be beyond the power of half of the adults. The winner of the competition is awarded a bottle of champagne instead of a microphone.


“It turns out that television needs not only an announcer, but also a prompter. Only the most plastic and graceful will be selected for this role. Let's check your talents "

  • The task is pronounced in the ear to two participants. Use pantomime to portray your boss. Trying to imitate characteristic gestures, facial expressions, mimicking gait. That participant coped with the task, the game of which was guessed by his colleagues.


"At the end of our evening, there is only one competition left to play, but it is the most fun one, whoever agrees to perform it receives a bottle of cognac or champagne as a gift."

  • The participant is needed alone, when a willing person is found, they explain to him that he needs to offer "Privat-services". The presenter or Snegurochka dials any set of numbers on the phone, after the subscriber answers, the participant needs to offer the intimate services of Santa Claus (Snow Maiden) on New Year's Eve for a plate of Olivier. At the same time, try not to laugh, but at the end to apologize for the concern and wish the person a Happy New Year 2019.

Coming up with a script for the New Year, I think, is always more difficult than for a family, because it is important to stay in good shape in any situation, so that all jokes and contests are appropriate, so that you do not lose your face in the mud and leave a good impression of yourself. I conducted this scenario 3 or 4 years ago, but after that none of my colleagues remembers all the other New Years, it was the best New Year's Eve!

I suggest to your attention:

1. Introduction

As they say: as you celebrate with the team, this is how the next working year will be.

And now I'll tell you how they advise to behave at a corporate party:

Nothing brings people together like a common sin. So we do not drink at work - we are getting closer. That is why non-drinkers are not respected in Russia so much.

If you want to make a career, you have to drink. Refusing to drink with colleagues and superiors is tantamount to a premature career funeral. Another thing is how to approach corporate drinking. The situation of active "picking" is not considered at all. If in a team it is customary to get drunk every Friday to the "position of the riz" and you actively participate in this, you will not see a career.

Drinking from a career standpoint is not rest, but hard work. The opportunities here are colossal! During a corporate party, it is easy to find out the necessary information, to track who is in an informal relationship with whom, who sympathizes with the boss, and who annoys him. Then it would be a sin not to use such information.

- You need to prepare for corporate drinking in advance. First you need to collect a gentleman's set. You should have napkins and handkerchiefs - in case you or your boss are accidentally doused or smeared, in the pockets of a business card - do not hope that at the end of the evening someone will remember your name, and of course, there should be a notebook with a pen - you shouldn't trust your own memory either.

After reading, distribute business cards and notebooks with pens to everyone.

2. Then you can tell fortunes further to warm up.

On this festive evening, I propose to tell fortunes on sparkling champagne and find out what awaits us in the coming year.

It is necessary to drink the first glass of champagne to the bottom! But the second full glass will help you understand what awaits you in the next 12 months.

Let's fill the wine glasses and take a close look at the air bubbles that tend to the surface.

If there are a lot of them: it means that it will not be bored, interesting acquaintances are coming, new hobbies will appear.

If there are only a few of them: old friends will play an important role in your life, no radical changes are expected.

A clear line of bubbles rises from the very center of the glass: your ideas, even the most daring ones, are destined to come true. Do not be afraid to seem overconfident to others, everything is in your hands!

Two or three chains are intertwined, forming a spiral: in the new year you will enjoy special success with the opposite sex, there is a dizzying romance ahead and perhaps not even one!

The bubbles do not rise at all, but settle on the walls of the glass: there is a calm in the coming months. Be patient, then your plans may come true completely unexpectedly, as if by magic!

3. Redemption of New Year's gifts from Santa Claus's bag.

Words were invented on the fly when they came dressed up as Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. When we got to know everyone and asked how they behaved this year, they began buying gifts.

The "Snowball" is thrown around in a circle (we had an ordinary white crumpled sheet of paper). Santa Claus says:

We all ride a snowball

Until five, we all count -

One, two, three, four, five -

You can guess the riddle:

Who flashes in a dense forest,

Is it burning with a red fur coat?

He knows a lot about chickens,

This beast is called ... (I want to shout a wolf! And this is a Fox!)

Another mystery:

This beast sleeps in winter,

He looks awkward.

Loves berries and honey

And it's called ... (like a hippopotamus, and this is a bear!)

We all ride a snowball

Until five, we all count -

One, two, three, four, five -

Let's raise a toast for the New Year.

Let the toast be as simple as possible:

For happiness, friendship, laughter,

In all matters, great success,

For sensitivity, tenderness, kindness,

Warmth of family life!

We all ride a snowball

Until five, we all count -

One, two, three, four, five -

You should sing a song!

(song "About five minutes")

I'll sing you a song about five minutes

Let this song be sung

Let it fly around the world

I give you this song

This song about five minutes ...

Five minutes, five minutes ...

The striking of the clock will be heard soon.

Five minutes ... five minutes.

Make up those who are in a quarrel

Five minutes, five minutes ...!

We all ride a snowball

Until five, we all count -

One, two, three, four, five -

Dance for you!

(dance of little ducks")

Before each movement, say: "If you have fun, do this."


Two claps of hands in front of the chest,

Two finger clicks

Twice "Buratino's gesture" in front of the nose,

Two slaps with both palms on your own butt.

Everyone can dance.

We all ride a snowball

Until five, we all count -

One, two, three, four, five -

And you play pantomime.

Without words, gesture to depict Santa Claus with a large bag of gifts.

We all ride a snowball

Until five, we all count -

One, two, three, four, five -

You can guess riddles:

1) In the glorious - kingdom - state

Father lives in wealth

The son is handsome - well done,

He is a daring archer. (Ivan Tsarevich)

2) In the thicket of the forest among the aspen

No paths to be found anywhere.

The lady lives there with experience

In the highest aerobatics. (Baba Yaga)

So you can endlessly redeem gifts, I took riddles specially for children so that the people do not overload.

Then there was the Quiz (you can find the questions on the Internet or come up with yourself).

4. Role-playing scene

Characters: Mouse, Flowers, Butterflies, Bear, Fox, Birch, Bunny, Cat, Pine, Spruce, Wolf, Curtain.

For the attributes, I bought animal masks, brought boots, cones, carrots, for trees - branches, etc. Before the scene, let those who wish draw out a piece of paper at random with the role.

I propose to everyone, without exception,

Embark on a mouse adventure!

Part one. Scene 1.

Curtain (the one who represents the curtain, let him run and wave his hands).

Once upon a time there was a kind Mouse. Every day she watered flowers and danced with butterflies.

Once a fierce Bear appeared, scattered the Butterflies, plucked all the Flowers and went away. The Mouse became bored alone and she began to cry.

Part one. Scene 2.

Puss in boots walked by, saw the Mouse and offered her his friendship. The Mouse was delighted and agreed to be friends with the Cat.

They sat down under a birch tree and had a tea party.

Bunny with a carrot galloped past, saw Mouse and Cat and treated them to carrots. They began to drink tea together.

The Fox ran past, saw the Mouse, the Cat and the Bunny and invited them to play hide and seek. The Bunny hid behind the Pine, the Fox - behind the Birch, and the Cat - behind the Spruce. The Mouse walks, searches and cannot find anyone.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, a hungry Wolf appeared. He licked his lips and grabbed the kind Mouse.

Part 2 . Scene 1.

Mouse called friends for help. They surrounded the Fox, the Bunny and the Wolf Cat and threw cones. The Wolf was frightened, he did not know that friendship gives courage. He let go of the Mouse and ran away - only he was seen. And while the Wolf was running, he did not notice that he had stumbled upon the Bear - he woke him up. And now he had to flee from the Fierce Bear.

And the friends began to have fun and frolic in the meadow. So they still live - do not spill water!

5. Well, for a snack, make a Drink-Snack

Put pieces of paper with the task into the balloons, on one side they will hang with Drink, on the other - with Snack (you can divide the balloons by color).

Let them pop balls and complete tasks. How many tasks you come up with - so many will be!

Standing on one leg

From the plate

With a song on my lips

From a paper bag

A glass with closed eyes is chosen,

Drink it to the bottom and ask for more!

Second dose

Snack on the fly

And there will be no snacks,

Jump on one leg instead of a snack

Ask the neighbor on the right for a snack,

Smell your sleeve.

Have a lot of fun!