Stories about forced dressing up in girls' clothes. How to dress a man with a woman

Every week, thanks to the Academy of Fashion Designers, Vitaly was increasingly immersed in the female world, for which at first he was completely unprepared. Practical classes have already begun for almost all couples aimed at developing in all members of the Academy of Beauty and Femininity, including Vitaly, who was born a boy by nature. He had no choice but to do everything that was required of him with all diligence and diligence.

Masha and Lena, his classmates, helped the guy with clothes. Vitaly did not have money for women's clothing, but he had to wear something. Lena collected a whole mountain of her old and unnecessary underwear, which was still quite suitable for everyday wear, as well as a good cosmetic bag and gave it all to Vitaly. Masha limited herself to a modest set of two dresses, three pairs of tights and a bra, but they were completely new. Thus, Vitaly had a pretty good assortment of clothes that he had to dress in every time he went to the academy. His parents, with whom Vitaly constantly lived, at first did not know anything, to tell them about this was something overwhelming for Vitaly - he knew that they were conservative and did not accept anything unconventional, and when he saw that his son was turning into a girl, he probably would have immediately fainted.

Therefore, we had to prepare them for innovations gradually. Vitaly told them every day about what was happening at the academy, said that the academy prepares models, teaches all students without exception the secrets of beauty and grace, showed notebooks with his sketches of suits, skirts, combinations and corsets, and even once dared to ask my mother to vilify her underwear, explaining this with homework in one of the disciplines. To which, of course, he received a bewildered refusal. But with each passing day, Vitaly more and more introduced his parents "up to date", accustomed them to the idea that he was studying in an institution for women and therefore he himself should be as feminine as possible. And in the end, when my mother noticed in his closet a large mountain of lingerie inherited from classmates and listened to his explanation on this matter, there was no expected scandal. Mom just shook her head thoughtfully and angrily, as if to say "Who is my son turning into ...", and then finding out that this was an order of the dean's office and Vitaly had no choice, she even gave her approval and was indignant why he hadn’t said this before.

Mom began to help Vitaly with the choice of lingerie. He began to dress completely in lingerie, not wearing a single man's clothes. On his naked body he first put on delicate lacy panties for women, then pulled on tights, put on the obligatory female attribute a bra on his chest, putting dense rags under it that shape the breasts. Further, the mother combed her son - he was forbidden to cut his hair; to study at the academy, he needed beautiful long hair. Then his mother also painted his lips and eyelashes, turning him even more into a girl. One of several beautiful dresses was worn over it, or a combination of a skirt with a woman's blouse. Sometimes Vitaly wore a bodysuit, which remarkably emphasized his femininity.

* * *

Vitaly stopped going to the academy, hiding his appearance under a man's cape, as he had done before. He dressed so that he looked 100% a girl and no one would be able to recognize him as a guy, and therefore he could calmly walk down the street without fear of sidelong glances from passers-by. It was very funny to look like a girl - the need to constantly maintain a strong masculine image was gone, fearing not to fall face down in the dirt. Now any weaknesses, whims and women's whims were allowed. He became freer and more liberated.

For example, companies of gopniks passing by stopped stopping him to extort money, as they had done before, since they usually did not touch the girls. In the trolleybus, the guys gallantly made way for him, no one could roughly push or curse him for nothing. Who can touch a weak, pretty girl?

At the Academy, Vitaly has already been given a new name - Valya. All the girls and teachers now called him that, and the surname was declined in the feminine gender - Afanasyev. Valya Afanasyeva eventually became "her own" at the academy - many were already beginning to forget that this was actually a guy, since the constant wearing of women's clothing very strongly consolidated his female role. Valya became friends with her classmates, many of whom became her friends. Being in women's society, she adopted from those with whom she communicated their demeanor, worldview, outlook on life, style of communication.

It is not for nothing that they say that a person is determined by the environment in which he lives.

But despite all the efforts, Valya still did not reach the level of other girls in her studies, who from birth were adapted to the female attitude and easily understood female disciplines, because Vitaly had only recently become a girl and could not quickly rebuild to a new role.

By the beginning of the third month of study, practical classes began in full steam. Vitaly coped with some, but not with some. It was necessary to demonstrate femininity in gait and movements, in the look and expression on the face, in conversation, communication - and this Vitaly, who had just started wearing dresses, was sorely lacking. The teachers knew that it would be more difficult for the guy, but they did not make any discounts for him and mercilessly gave the lowest marks.

In the subject "Women's Clothing" Vitaly lagged behind especially - if in other disciplines he could still apply efforts to "match the level", then here it did not work either. When Olga Ivanovna lost all patience, Vitaly was ordered to go to her home for additional classes, otherwise he would face expulsion.

And Vitaly had no choice but to obey and come to the house of the "Women's Clothes" teacher at the appointed time. She opened the door and greeted Vitaly with a smile.

Come on in, girl. Did you wear white stockings as I told you? - she examined the legs of her student.

Mom didn't have any whites. She gave me black ...

Again, you did everything wrong. But never mind, I'll give you my stockings, take off your clothes and go into the room.

Vitaly knew that the teacher in this subject always closely followed the clothes, and for her every detail was really important, even such as the color of the stockings, so Vitaly tried to treat this with understanding. Walking into the room, Vitaly, dressed in black stockings, covered with a light skirt and a beautiful lace dress over his underwear, was very surprised by the absolute decoration and elegance of the room. A large, beautiful pink bed with an exquisite down pillow covered with thin gauze resembled a bed of some princess from fairy tales. And the rows of all kinds of women's dresses, skirts and capes hung on the side could even compete in quantity and quality with the assortment of a clothing store.

Well, Valyusha, how are you going to correct the situation with unsatisfactory grades?

Well, I don't know how ... Tell me what to do.

Olga Ivanovna looked at Vitaly with a very stern look and, raising her voice, spoke:

You are completely unbelted! You don't do anything to be on the level of other girls and you also want me not to give you a deuce for the semester! It's too late to do something Vitaly! Late! I didn’t invite you here to study with you. Now everything will be decided - will you continue your studies or will not. I can easily correct your two for a three if you are now an obedient girl.

Olga Ivanovna. Excuse me. I will definitely improve next semester. I promise!

No, I don't need your promises. So, first, take off your stockings, I'll put you white on ...

Vitaly obediently pulled off two nylon stockings from his feet, unhooking them from the waistbands, and then after them took off the black women's belt. Having received two white stockings and a lacy white belt in his hands, Vitaly, as a girl accustomed to such things, put on all this. Vitaly was also wearing white, transparent, thin tango panties that he sometimes wore to the Academy, inherited from his classmate Katya.

Then the unexpected happened. Olga Ivanovna silently, without saying anything with her strong hands, tilted Vitaly to face the bed, forcing him to sit on his knees, spread his legs to the sides and began to massage the anus with her fingers. The tango panties were slightly shifted to the side and Vitaly's tender ass turned out to be completely open to Olga Ivanovna. Continuing massaging, she began to speak:

Are you still a virgin, as I understand it? You still don't know all the delights of sex?

What a virgin? What are you talking about? I AM A BOY!! I had no intention of going to this damn academy, much less dressing like a girl! Why are you massaging me there, stop it!

Shut up! - Immediately, not noticing how it happened, Vitaly felt that the handcuffs fastened to the bed were closed on his hands. Then the same thing happened to the legs.

Help! Let me out! - Vitaly twitched in convulsions trying to get out, but his attempts were stopped by Olga Ivanovna's hand, wrapped around his long female hair, woven into curls.

My girl. Calm down. You will be a girl forever and don't try to find your way back.

NOT! I don't want anymore! That's it, this study got me, give me a two for a quarter, I leave and become a normal guy!

But something entered Vitaly's anus. This "something" at first a little, and then more and more made its way into the depths until it entered such a depth, from which all women are delighted.

Get it out of me! Get it out!

Immediately Vitaly began to sway to the beat of the movements of Olga Ivanovna, who grabbed him around the waist and penetrated back and forth into his female ass. Now Vitaly could no longer hold back the screams and groans of pleasure. He screamed in a truly feminine way, as if just now the woman who Olga Ivanovna always wanted to find in him woke up in him.

Have me! Have it like a slut! Oh yeah! Oh yeah! Stronger! You are welcome! You are welcome! A-ahh! and! AND! ABOUT! ABOUT! AND! AND! - squeals were heard throughout the apartment.

You see how you like it! I'll give you a C, I will definitely give you. My Valyushenka ...

Yes! Yes! Stronger!

You will still come to me at will later. From now on you will become a real woman! Do you take your words back about leaving the academy?

I take it! Yes, I take it! Just don't stop! ...

Vitaly went home shabby, in white stockings on his legs, and did not change his clothes back to black. As Olga Ivanovna explained, he was not the first guy she had, all nine guys from the academy had already visited her, and he was the last in line. And on everyone before depriving them of their virginity, she wore white stockings of the same company, symbolizing innocence and femininity. Subsequently, she asked to keep these stockings and put them on every time she came to her home.

* * *

The school days continued. Once, having come to the academy, Vitaly found an advertisement hanging on the main stand. It said that all the guys should definitely go after classes at 14-00 to the medical center on the first floor, where they will be given some pills necessary for further training. Then the teacher Olga Ivanovna confirmed the same thing in the lesson, saying:

Valyusha, today you must definitely go to the first-aid post, and you will find out everything there.

Vitaly came a little earlier than two o'clock to the place where a group of guys had already gathered, dressed just like him - in tights, dresses, skirts, with painted faces and women's hairstyles. They did not communicate with each other in the way that a group of guys usually communicate - with rudeness, aggressiveness, arrogance. Communication here resembled a warm female conversation, the voices were calm, gentle, and the topics of conversation were entirely female, as if good friends were talking.

Soon everyone was told to come in. In the spacious office, at the table were two doctors - young women, one of whom began to speak:

So, you're far from being a guy, it's time to admit it If any of you still want to be a guy, then I feel sorry for him, because there will be no turning back and the worst thing you can do is to complicate your life with useless torment. From this day on, you will start taking special pills that stimulate the production of female hormones in the body. Their effect will begin to manifest itself within a week - you will begin to feel like a woman, you will have a desire to do what you have not done before, the timbre of your voice will change to a higher and more tender one, your breasts will begin to grow ...

All stood and listened with open mouths, without uttering a word. Only when the doctor was silent and paused, someone from the crowd asked:

Do you want to make real girls out of us? Replace your gender? What about the genitals?

I answer in order. Yes, you are absolutely right, we want to COMPLETELY change your gender and turn you into women. You all already look very nice, it is clear that the fashion knowledge acquired at the academy affects the choice of clothes. But I assure you, when you start taking these pills, you simply will not recognize yourself in the mirror! The shape of the body will change, the breasts will grow and finally each of you will undergo a genital replacement operation. Everything you will have like real girls!

This statement made some of those present noticeably delighted - apparently those who already liked to be girls, and brought someone into a state of anxiety and fear of their described future in such detail. But one way or another, the first batch of pills was accepted by all without exception, otherwise, otherwise, the question of expulsion would immediately arise.

* * *

From that moment on, every two days, Vitaly and all the guys visited the first-aid post and took the required dose of pills. Within a week, an unusual softness in behavior and some kind of unprecedented femininity became noticeable. Even the parents noticed the change and were seriously worried about who their son was turning into. Mom suggested that Vitaly stop walking in women's underwear all the time and at least sometimes wear men's underwear, believing that this is precisely the reason, since Vitaly did not say anything about the prescribed course of pills. But Vitaly refused, trying to convince his mother that there is nothing wrong with being like a girl.

A week later, Vitaly already had quite large bumps on his chest. This fact excited him very much and at the same time made him happy - it became interesting to feel the new part of the body, admire it in the mirror and wonder what will happen when the breasts take on even larger shapes. It is no longer possible to hide from his parents ... Although he could wear opaque bras, and say that under the bra there are shaping rags, but it would still be only a temporary measure. Never mind, since they are accustomed to my wearing of women's underwear, they will get used to this too, - thought Vitaly.

The disclosure took place only when Vitaly's breasts grew to incredibly large sizes. Neither he nor the doctors expected this - the other guys by this time had not very big breasts, while Vitaly's breasts were fully formed and became even more beautiful and larger than those of many women. His two elastic titties were now barely fitting into the bra sizes he had previously worn, so he had to buy new ones.

The exposure took place on an ordinary spring day. Mom returned from work while Vitaly was taking a shower. He did not notice the arrival of his mother and after washing, put on only lacy white panties, calmly leaving the bath with bare breasts. When mom and son met face to face in the hallway, mom almost fainted.

Mom, do you feel bad? I’ll explain everything now, don’t worry, - Vitaly, as a girl, reflexively covered his breasts with his hands, - all the guys in the academy have long been given special pills that turn us into women. And if I refused, I would be kicked out of the academy, and you would be even more upset!

Mom burst into tears. Vitaly hugged her and tried to calm her down, gently stroking her hair.

So what should I call you now? - said mom, - give you a new name? All my life I grew up as a boy and then this happened ... It's a nightmare !! Nightmare!

Would you like to give me a new name. I agree to any female name. True, at the academy my name has been Valya for a long time, but I would not refuse some other, more feminine name. Mom, if you love me, you must wish me happiness. And I am happy when I am a girl, I really like this new role, as if I was born again!

Son, why did I raise you in vain? Did you instill male qualities in you, buy male things?

That life was in the past. Now life is different! Now you can buy me women's clothes, women's clothes. And I will be your most beloved and best daughter!

Mom once again looked at Vitaly's breasts, then silently walked to the closet and took out her large, wide, feminine bra.

On, put it on ...

Vitaly deftly fastened the straps and covered their breasts.

I give you a new name - you will be Olya. Agree?

Of course, Mom!

So be it, I will try to accept you and love you as a daughter. Since you yourself like it, then I will not blame you for anything. Be a girl, for heaven's sake.

Thanks Mom!

* * *

By the beginning of the next exams, Vitaly was again called by Olga Ivanovna to her home. By that time, Vitaly had almost completely formed as a girl - both in external data and character, and outlook, therefore, unlike past meetings, he felt more liberated. Olga Ivanovna immediately in the hallway plunged the student into shock, throwing off her long robe. Under it was completely different from the diligent and modest Olga Ivanovna, who was in the classroom. Black fishnet stockings, a tight corset, leather gloves, a leather belt with a vibrator attached to it and a whip sticking out from under the belt.

But that was only the beginning. What Vitaly saw in the bedroom made him fearfully head towards the exit, and only Olga Ivanovna's physical intervention did not allow him to do this. In the middle of the room stood two large iron machines in which two students from the Academy were fixedly fixed. Their bodies were tilted down at a slight angle, their heads were slightly lowered with a gag in their mouths, women's breasts were lowered into containers specially designed for them, their legs were set in the classic "cancer" pose and spread apart, and naked asses flaunted at the back thanks to panties slightly pulled down and the raised hem of the dresses. On the asses were clearly visible traces of recent blemishes.

Let me go, I want to get out! - but the door was locked and Valya could do nothing.

Calm down girl. You came here to get credit in my subject, right? Do you really agree to leave the academy without getting credit?

You're right. I was a little scared. All this is so unexpected ... I thought it would be the same as before, so you just fuck me and let me go. But what are you doing with these guys?

They are no longer guys, like you. Now you will join them and find out everything yourself.

Okay. I agree if it is required for study ...

Valya went into the room, and trying not to look into the frightened and submissive eyes of the two "prisoners", took off her things, finding herself in only white stockings with a belt, white panties, a white bra, and a white bodysuit. Behind the two occupied machines stood a third, completely empty, to which Valya herself, without invitation, went. Olga Ivanovna deftly laid her on metal supports, clasped her arms and legs with iron handcuffs embedded in the machine, plunged her head into a special holder and stuck a gag into her mouth, which is a natural-looking artificial penis. The position of the body turned out to be very uncomfortable, it was almost impossible to move the body and this created a feeling of complete submission and lack of will.

With a sharp movement of his hand, thin panties were pulled down and Vitaly all tensed in preparation for what would happen next. Olga Ivanovna just spun the machine and it spun on its axis, like a carousel. Vitaly loved merry-go-rounds, but it was very unpleasant to rotate in such a helpless position.

When the machine stopped, Olga Ivanovna turned Vitaly with her ass in her direction and got down to business. The member entered at first shallowly, but then with quick movements each time it sank deeper and deeper, forcing Vitaly to scream and scream loudly.

Oh yeah! You are welcome! Yes! Yes! Yes! Still! Still!

Olga Ivanovna fucked Vitaly for about 20 minutes, and then stopped and said:

Relax girl! I'll bring you some food now.

Being still in a motionless state, Vitaly came to his senses after what had just happened. "All the same, it is more pleasant to be a girl!" - he thought, - "I've never experienced such pleasure before."

Olga Ivanovna soon returned holding three bottles with fixed papillae at the ends - only babies are fed with these. Having adjusted the machines so that the students stood exactly in a row, having pulled out the gags, Olga Ivanovna thrust a nipple into each mouth. It was so humiliating to liken the students to babies, but they were already used to everything and without wrangling began to smack their papillae, drawing in the milk. And Olga Ivanovna, as an imperious mistress, guiding her weak-willed girls, looked affectionately at this sight.

Good lalechki! Suck on the milk! Suck well ...

When the bottles were empty, Olga Ivanovna returned the gag to each mouth and took up the whip. The first to be whipped was a student named Sasha from a neighboring group, with whom Vitaly was slightly familiar. With each blow of the whip, Sasha shuddered and screamed, but his scream was almost inaudible because of the gag inserted into his mouth.

The scene of this spanking made such an impression on Vitaly that, while waiting for his turn, he trembled and almost cried. And from Sasha's eyes, tears have long flowed down his powdered cheeks ...

He was flogged for 15 minutes, turning his ass into a bleeding mess.

Then the whip "played" on Vitaly's ass. It was very painful, and in order to somehow relieve the pain I had to scream and cry.

You will know how to get deuces in my subject! Here's your payback! I'll carve all the asses! Olga Ivanovna shouted.

The whip whistled through the air, firmly thrusting itself into the ass. Vitaly gradually began to even turn it on, he began to feel like a naughty girl who was subjected to harsh punishment. As a result, it all ended with the fact that the penis hardened and exhausted from the desire to cum, after the end of the spanking was only slightly massaged by Olga Ivanovna and the white liquid poured out, causing Vitaly to have an orgasm of such force, which he had never experienced before ...

On this day, several more times each student was subjected to flogging and orgies, and only in the evening were the students released and released to their homes.

Valya could hardly move her legs and then for a long time could not sit on the priest. But the test was set, studies at the Academy continued, and this was the most important thing for Vali! On such a positive note, the first year of her studies ended, the first year of becoming a girl. Just a year ago, he was an ordinary, unremarkable guy, and now this was a real girl in whom it was impossible to recognize the former Vitaly.

* * *

I grew up a modest, quiet boy, studied well at school, but at the same time, because of my character, I was considered a "black sheep" in the class, and was subjected to various ridicule and humiliation from classmates. I was under the strong tutelage of my mother, she too cherished and took care of me. All the clothes that I wore, she bought for me herself, in choosing clothes I was not independent, what my mother bought, I wore. And the mom's choices were often different from the normal clothes suitable for a boy. I usually wore ridiculous sweaters, ugly trousers, my clothes were too much like the clothes of "nerds" and were not at all fashionable. Even I felt a little girly.

Maybe that's why, too, I was a laughing stock in the class.
When I turned 14, I suddenly noticed a pack of tights appeared in my closet. Mom always put in my closet only my clothes, or the old ones, or the new ones that she bought for me, but exclusively my clothes. Therefore, the appearance in the closet of my mother's tights at first seemed strange to me.
I asked my mother why she put my pantyhose on. Mom, it seemed to me, was even outraged by my question.
- I bought you tights, what's so strange? - she said.
- But these are women's tights! - I answered.

What do you care about women or not? You will wear them under trousers, instead of leotards, so as not to freeze in the cold.
Frankly, the last time I wore tights was only when I went to kindergarten, and in the future, these non-male clothes left my wardrobe, like all boys. Wearing tights is the prerogative of girls. And here, thanks to my mother, tights again appear in my wardrobe. They were thick nylon tights, about 50 denier, black. I began to constantly wear them to school under trousers, as my mother ordered.
At first it was embarrassing to wear pantyhose, I felt somehow girly, being in pantyhose. But then I got used to it. It seems that no one at school noticed what I was wearing under my trousers. Although when I was sitting, the trousers were slightly raised up and at the very bottom of my legs I could see tights. Yes, by the way, many girls in our class at this age wore tights, and looking at them, I understood them. The only difference was that they bared their legs, wearing skirts, and I wore trousers.

Gradually, new packs of tights began to appear in my closet. Mom began to actively buy them for me, even though I had not yet torn the old tights. It's just that I now have tights of different colors. In addition to the black ones, my mother bought white and pink ones. The colors are frankly girly, and the tights themselves were with patterns and lace. But nothing can be done, I had to wear them.
After about 2 months I got so used to tights that it became almost natural for me to wear them. And then one day, opening my closet, I found there white women's knickers with lace. At first, their appearance made me smile, I decided that my mother threw them at me by mistake. But when I asked my mother what the pantaloons were doing in my closet, she said that she bought them for me.

In winter, you need to take care of the warmth of your feet, and that's why I bought you tights. But you also need to take care of the warmth of the upper legs and genitals, so now I also bought you knickers. They keep warm well. And women - because there are no others.
“But other boys don’t wear women's pantaloons! - I objected.

And I don't care what others are wearing, so let them freeze! And my son will wear what I say!
It was useless to argue, and the next day I came to school dressed in tights and women's pantaloons, under the bottom of my trousers. Naturally, no one could notice this, but nevertheless, at first it was extremely embarrassing for me ... Well, at least I did not have to go to physical education, since I had release, due to problems with my physical weakness, and therefore I did not have to change clothes in plain sight. Yes, I was weak as a girl, if someone tried to attack me at school, I could not defend myself and usually cried if they hit me too painfully.
After some time, my mother bought me another girlish thing. It was a see-through nightie, with lace at the chest and edges of the nightie. Naturally, before putting on this, I asked my mother why she bought me a nightie for girls. Mom replied:
- It's beautiful! It will be very comfortable to sleep in it. Not like your ridiculous boy T-shirt.
- Well, it's girly clothes!

So what? You've been wearing girly tights and pantaloons for a long time. So why are you resisting the nightie? It will be very comfortable to sleep in it. You try, and then you will say whether you like it or not.
Thus, my mother persuaded me to try. I put on a white nightie immediately before going to bed, after taking off my shirt. Mom was present and made sure that I put her on.
- That's all, and you were afraid. Sleep, my little one! - said my mother and kissed me on the cheek. Yes, despite her 14 years old, my mother allowed such tenderness with me and treated me like a little one.
Yes, I must admit, it was pleasant to sleep in a nightie. You feel in a nightie as delicate and weak as a girl, you want to plunge into sweet dreams. Thus, the girl's nightie, from that moment on, became my usual clothing for sleeping.
In the morning I naturally took it off and dressed for school as usual.

But if my mother said that she buys me girl's underwear, as it protects from the cold, then with the onset of spring, logically, I should stop wearing it. And now, finally, spring has come and I hoped that now there would be no tights and pantaloons - just trousers on bare legs and it would not be cold.
But it was not there! With the onset of warming, I found a new pair of tights in my closet. Unfolding the packaging, I decided to try them on. These were very thin 20 denier tights, the kind that girls wear in the warm season. I came to my mother, to find out what they are for me:
- Mom, why did you buy me thin tights? After all, they do not protect from heat, and do not give any effect, except for "beauty".
- Because spring is coming and all the girls are starting to wear thin tights, so I bought them for you ... - said my mother.
- But I'm not a girl!

What's the difference? I see that you want to wear girlish clothes! That's why I bought you spring tights.
How my mother found out that I wanted to wear girls' clothes, I did not know. In some ways, she was really right. One part of me wanted to wear girlish clothes, experiencing some kind of pleasure and secret passion from this, and another part of me resisted and urged me to be a normal kid and throw all these girlish things out of my life.
But in the end it was the girly part of my soul that won. I started wearing thin spring tights. In addition, my mother also bought me two pairs of real girls' panties, which as a result completely replaced my men's panties and I began to wear them all the time ... But it became even more humiliating to once see in my closet a female bra of the 1st size. Mom was almost unable to clearly explain why I need a bra if I do not have female breasts. But my mother made me very persistently to wear a bra. Until I realized what was what. About two months later, I noticed how my breasts began to swell and increase in size, acquiring completely non-masculine features. Because of what this is happening, I had no idea. Sometime by September 1, by the beginning of the new school year, my breasts grew to such a size that I already had to hide it from others. And the size 1 bra was perfect for me. Naturally, this caused great embarrassment and depression in me. I constantly asked my mother about what was happening to me, but my mother only gave me hints to understand that I need to gradually become a girl, this is for my own good.

At first, I had to wear very loose, wide sweaters to school to hide my big breasts. And this helped at first, although many already knew that something strange was happening to me. My voice became like a girl's and demeanor. Yes, and the bra that I wore under my jacket was once noticed by my classmates. This happened when I was sitting in the classroom, and the boys sitting on the back of the school desk noticed that the straps of the bra were visible under my jacket. They jokingly grabbed me by the strap of my bra and I realized that my secret was revealed ...

After that, all the guys began to call me "p and dar om" and even beat me a little. It made me cry like a crybaby girl. I began to seek my salvation in the society of girls. Only girls could understand me a little, support and accept me into their society, and even then not all girls.
After a couple of months, my breasts grew even more, and now even a thick jacket did not help to hide my breasts from others. And then one day my mother forbade me to wear this wide blouse, having bought me a yellow tight-fitting girl's blouse-shirt, instead of the previous rough man's blouse. Having put on this jacket, the first thing I saw in the mirror was two bumps protruding from under the jacket - my chest stood out so clearly. I almost burst into tears, imagining that I would have to go to school in this form. But there was nowhere to go, the next day at school I looked almost like a girl in this girl's tight jacket. There was a lot of mockery at me, but I had to endure everything. It was hard at first, and then many already began to get used to the fact that I was half-boy, half-girl, and did not particularly pester me.

The teachers, too, at first treated me very negatively and even called my parents to school (more precisely, my mother, since I was raised by one mother, my father left us as a child). And my mother managed to assure the teachers that nothing terrible was happening to me, she told the teachers that I had such a strange disease, because of which I was gradually turning into a girl, and she even managed to persuade them to treat me more attentively and politely.
Thus, the attitude of everyone towards me gradually softened, and after a while I grew bolder and began to make my own cosmetics. In general, like all girls, she began to strive to look beautiful. Naturally, with the help of my mother - she bought me a cosmetic bag and taught me how to paint. Now I started going to school with only beautiful makeup.

After a while, I completely switched to women's clothing. I grew bolder and began to put on a skirt, tights, high-heeled shoes, a blouse to school ... In general, I was in full dress. And they made me a beautiful hairstyle in the women's beauty salon.
This is how my girlish life began. As I later learned, my mother secretly mixed my food with female hormones, thanks to which my breasts grew, my appearance feminized, my voice changed. Mom did this because she thought it would be better for her and me, she always dreamed that I was a girl, and it would be hard for me in society to live with such a weak character if I remained a man.
Maybe she's right. At least now I have almost come to terms with the fact that I am now a girl and I see a lot of advantages in a woman's life ...

You will need

  • To achieve similarity with a woman, a man will help:
  • - Underwear;
  • - clothes;
  • - footwear;
  • - wig;
  • - cosmetics;
  • - costume jewelry


Nowadays, the purchase of tights and stockings by a man, as well as women's underwear, no longer surprises anyone. The most that can cause your purchase is a benevolent smile of the seller. Choose what you like and feel free to buy, just get ready to answer typical questions, for example, what size is your girl. Of course, if you are embarrassed to say that you personally need stockings and a bra.

If you don't want your dress-up experiments to go public, order whatever you need for your makeover (wig, dress, shoes or boots) from online stores or online auctions such as e-bay. There is a risk that the product will come in the wrong size, but it can be replaced. Another drawback is the delivery times, which sometimes last up to one and a half months.

When ordering dresses and shoes in the online store, specify which size scale the seller is guided by. Correlate Russian sizes with sizes accepted in European countries. As for China, where clothes and shoes are most often supplied from, they sew things in accordance with European standards.

When all the packages are received, and you are satisfied with your new outfits, do your makeup. You will need: foundation, thick foundation, powder, foundation sponges, concealers, blush, shadows, mascara, eyeliners, eyebrows, lips, lipstick and mascara. Try not to save money if you want to achieve stunning results. Travesty artists use special makeup. In a domestic environment, you will not need it. And you can buy cosmetics without shame in specialized stores. When purchasing a product, look at the expiration date.

Allocate a few hours to the ritual of reincarnation, turn off your phone, tune in to a meeting with the beautiful.

The first step is to shave as cleanly as possible. Rest your irritated face. Start by shaping the eyes, apply eye shadow, and add eyeliner. Before applying eyeshadow, a makeup base should be applied to the eyelids. Many makeup artists advise using foundation as a base under the eyeshadow, which will make them brighter and more saturated.

The next step is dressing up. Changing clothes is preceded by applying foundation to your face, as there is a possibility of splashing it on a new dress.

Finish your eyes, paint your eyelashes with mascara. If a little smudged, gently remove the mascara from the face with cream. Form your eyebrows, if they are not thick, with an eyebrow pencil. It is better to pre-seal thick eyebrows with a special plaster or paint over with a tonal pencil, and then again on top.

Start applying the foundation. Let it soak in.

The foundation is spread over the face and hammered into the skin. Your task is to close the pores with the cream, to even out the face. Of course, the face will resemble a mask, but the alternative to the translucent blue from the stubble is much worse.

Lips. Apply a little bit of foundation on them to paint over the contour, and then outline with a lip liner, increasing or vice versa decreasing. Powder and blush.

Found it on the internet. The story is not mine.
I liked it ... In general, I like dressing up in girlish clothes.
Handkerchiefs and swaddling, too - and they are in this story

Zhenya. Daughters and mothers.

On Wednesday evening, Zhenya and his mother were visiting aunt Vera, my mother's own sister. While mom and aunt were secret in the hall, he played with his older cousin in her room. Sasha was 5 years older than him and behaved almost like an adult. At the age of 12, she was a very sensible girl who came up with a logical explanation for any game. Zhenya, on the other hand, was a quiet, obedient boy, short, with lush hair. He recently went to first grade, and Sasha liked to play with him at school. Zhenya did not mind, because instead of fives for correct answers, he received a piece of candy. True, Sasha took sweets for the wrong ones, but still Zhenya won. Soon the children were called to supper. Zhenya even shared the sweets he had earned with his mother and aunt. After tea, my aunt and mother stayed in the kitchen to wash the dishes, while Sasha and Zhenya again ran to the nursery, where they began to build a "house" under Sasha's writing desk. Zhenya stubbornly called him halabuda. Sasha insisted that this was their little castle, and Zhenya was an enchanted prince who had to be saved.
The women were talking, and the children were playing, and did not notice how the time for sleep approached. My wife's mother was getting ready to go home. Sasha and Zhenya played so much that they did not want to leave, and Aunt Vera suggested that her sister leave Zhenya to spend the night with them.
- There is a place, the school is in quarantine, Sasha is at home, and she is already big, she can feed Zhenya herself.
And tomorrow they say they will meet again after work and go home early.
- And it’s already half past nine, until you get there, and the child should go to bed.
Mom asked Zhenya if he agreed to stay, and he broke down a little and said that he would like to sleep with Sasha. Mom kissed him not goodbye and said that after work she would definitely stop by.
After seeing her mother off, Zhenya suddenly felt somehow sad. But then the phone rang, Aunt Vera was distracted, and Sasha offered to play more ...
- Everything, everything, guys, it's time to sleep, - Aunt Vera hung up the phone, - it's already eleven o'clock.
Sasha had a large room, and in addition to the baby bed, which was unfolded on the sides as Sasha grew older, there was a chair-bed in it. They put their wife on the bed, and Sasha, as the hostess, had to lie on an armchair. Aunt Vera handed Zhenya out Sasha's old knitted pajamas, it was very nice and soft, though the legs were a little short. She said good night and turned off the light.
The children did not fall asleep immediately. For a long time, Sasha told Zhenya various almost scary stories.
Waking up in the morning, Zhenya saw that Sasha was no longer sleeping, but sitting at the table and drawing something with enthusiasm. When he got up and came closer, he saw that she was painting her nails with her mother's varnish. The varnish was pink and shiny. Having finished with her nails, Sasha began to persuade Zhenya to paint his nails too. He denied everything, but Sasha was very persistent, and, in the end, Zhenya agreed to the experiment. Sasha very carefully applied varnish on Zhenya's marigolds (she even stuck out her tongue from zeal), and together they began to blow on the varnish so that it dries faster. Sasha offered to paint her nails on her feet, but Zhenya said he wanted to go to the toilet and ran away from her in time.
At this time the bell rang, and Sasha ran to open the door.
When Zhenya came out of the toilet, there was another girl in the corridor besides Sasha. She was taller than Sasha, wore, unlike her, long hair, was dressed in a jacket and held in her hands a bag of bread and milk.
- Oh, what a sweet girl! Sister? And what are our names? She rattled.
- Yes, cousin ...
- Why are we silent? What are our names?
- Zhenya, - Zhenya mumbled and ran into Sasha's room.
- How shy we are.
Zhenya fell on the bed and covered his head with a blanket. He felt very ashamed. But then the girlfriends entered the room, and he hid and almost stopped breathing.
“That we are still lying in bed, it's time to get up,” the girls tried to stir him up.
Sasha's friend said that she would take the purchases home and come back, then they would all play together. And she even knows what. Sasha did not dare to argue with her.
- Zhenya, get up. Lena left, - tried to push her brother Sasha.
- Well, I couldn't say that you are my brother. A disheveled miracle runs out in girly pajamas, with long hair and painted nails. Do you want me to say that you are a boy.
Zhenya only burst into tears at this and turned to the wall.
“Don’t cry, or you won’t believe that you’re a boy.” And if you want, we will not say anything. Well, being a little girl is not scary at all.
And Sasha, carried away by a new idea, began to rummage through her old things to find something for Zhenya in size.
- Get up, Lena will come now. Put on your tights, t-shirt and skirt. They should suit you. Zhenya will stop roaring. Decide something already. Lena is stubborn, you still have to get up.
The bell rang, Sasha went to open it, and Zhenya saw the clothes offered by his sister. If he would have agreed to pull on the panty hoses, he didn’t want the skirt at all. Tears again ran from his eyes, and he again covered his head with the blanket.
Then the girlfriends came into the room and began to bother him, and Lena also lisped.
- What a capricious Zhenya we have. Just like a little lalechka. I know, my little sister is just 2 years old. Oh, idea ...
And she began to whisper something to Sasha. Sasha tried to dissuade Lena, but nevertheless agreed. And with renewed vigor they began to harass Zhenya.
- Zhenya, get up. It's time for breakfast. Stop being capricious. Let's play with us. Get dressed. Let's play mother and daughter. Get up. Capricious. Well, it’s as if the little lialechka is not smart. That's it, we warned you. Blame yourself. If you do not want to obey your elders, we will punish you. Do you want to lie in bed? You are welcome. Only we will swaddle you. Get up.
Zhenya didn't know what to do. He was afraid of Sasha's active girlfriend. And I was probably already ready to get up, but to change clothes in front of a stranger ... Tears themselves dripped from my eyes.
The girls got tired of persuading him, and they began to implement their plan. They pulled off the blanket from Zhenya, took away the pillow and began to wrap him in the sheet on which he was lying. The girls were much older and together they easily broke Zhenya's resistance. He shouted: “Don't. I won't anymore. Let go. " But the girls' eyes lit up with excitement, and in a few minutes they finished swaddling in a sheet. Zhenya tried to squirm. And the girlfriends decided that it would be necessary to continue the swaddling. Very restless lalechka.
- Something is missing. Sasha, do you have a cap? All babies must wear caps with frills.
- If there is, it will obviously be too small for Zhenya.
- Then let's tie her a kerchief.
No sooner said than done. Sasha took out a white kerchief, and they tightly wrapped Zhenya's head with it. Then they spread out a blanket, which Zhenya used to cover, and wrapped it as if in an envelope. Zhenya was already tired of crying, but tears were pouring from his eyes, he felt completely helpless. Sasha took out her pink ribbons, and the girls fixed the envelope, wrapping it several times with ribbons and tying them with beautiful bows.
- What a cute little girl. Wuxi-pushi, little one. Look what Aunt Lena has prepared for you.
And Lena put a pacifier in Zhenya's mouth. He tried to spit it out, but Lena was prudent - the nipple was on the tape, and the tape was tied with another bow. Zhenya did not manage to spit it out.
- That's it, little one, lie down, calm down. Little girls must obey their elders.
Sasha said that Zhenya needed to be fed breakfast, and the girls went into the kitchen to figure out how to feed the little lyalechka. Zhenya couldn't even move. A few minutes later the girls returned, took the nipple out of Zhenya's mouth and fed him a sandwich and milk with four hands. After wiping his mouth, they reinserted the nipple, covered the corner of the envelope and, having told her to think about her behavior, went about their business. They are quite loud, so that Zhenya could hear the whole conversation through the kerchief and blanket, and assigned roles in the game to each other.
- Let Zhenechka be our daughter. And I will be a mother, - said Lena.
- I also want to be a mother, - argued Sasha.
- Let you be a dad. Your name can be either a boy's or a woman's. And you have a short haircut. Boys cannot be Lena.
While they were arguing, Zhenya really wanted to go to the toilet, but the nipple prevented her from speaking, and he could only hum through her. The girls noticed that the swaddled cocoon was somehow not calm and approached it.
- What happened to our baby? Do you want Mommy to take out the papilla? Will you behave yourself?
Zhenya nodded vigorously. He agreed to everything, just not to describe himself. The pacifier was taken out and he said he wanted to go to the toilet. But the girls made him promise to obey them in everything.
- Tell me. I will be an obedient girl. Tell me. Mommy, daddy, I want a pee. Tell me. Mommy, give me a papilla. And don't you dare take it out until we allow it.
Zhenya obediently repeated everything after Lena. They gave him a pacifier again, unclothed him, and he rushed to the toilet like an arrow. When he came out of the closet, he looked rather unusual, and hardly anyone would say that it was a boy. Maiden pajamas, head covered with a scarf, nipple in the mouth, nails painted, he was confused. But the girls immediately took it into circulation.
- Did the little one do pee? And who will wash it off?
- Zhenya, let's go into the room.
- Let's cover our baby. Can I bring a diaper so that you don't have to get up to the toilet?
- No need to swaddle, - Zhenya cried.
- Don't cry, sister.
- Not a sister, but a daughter. Daughter, who allowed the pacifier to be removed? We will swaddle the naughty girls.
- I won't.
- Dear, - Sasha played along, - maybe it's time to dress our girl.
- Yes, dear, my daughter and I will go to wash, and you prepare what to wear.
Lena, as a little girl, washed her hands and washed him. But she made me take the pacifier again.
Sasha, meanwhile, tidied up the bed and, in addition to tights, a T-shirt and a skirt, took out panties and a ribbon.
When Zhenya and Lena returned from the bathroom, Zhenya quickly changed clothes without talking to Sasha's help so that Lena would not see that he was a boy. White panties, light green tights, a blue long-sleeved T-shirt with a mini-mouse drawn in front, a tight blue skirt with small polka dots - seemingly ordinary clothes, but for girls. Zhenya stood and was afraid to move. Lena took off his kerchief and began to comb it.
- What soft hair our daughter has. What do you want: a pigtail or ponytails, or just tie a bow?
- Let's just bow, I already got the ribbon. For a beautiful braid, the hair is still short, - said Sasha.
- And we can braid in two spikelets ...
Zhenya stood, neither alive nor dead. He did not know how girls behave in such situations. In addition, he still had a pacifier in his mouth.
- Why are you silent, little one? Ah, you have a papilla in your mouth. That's right, I did not allow to take it out. Only children do not just hold it in their mouths, but suck it. Just try it. Well done. Smack. Clever girl. Now we will tie a bow. Our girl will be pretty. Well, what are you, how sleepy? Sasha, get your toys out. Here, take the doll. And we'll see what else we have here.
The girls enthusiastically began to get Sasha's old toys. In addition to a large assortment of soft toys, which Sasha also played with, there were babies, and children's dishes, and cubes, and a dollhouse, and many other girly things. Everything was dumped on the carpet, and the girls themselves began to delve into all this with great pleasure.
But soon they got tired of it, Zhenya was allowed to take out the pacifier, left him with toys, and they themselves began to play in the "beauty salon". At first, Lena was the master. She did not conjure over Sasha's hair for a long time. After all, Sasha played the role of dad, and Lena simply made her parting instead of a straight side parting and carefully licked her hair. But Sasha showed her imagination. Lena had long hair, and, loosening her ponytail, Sasha made her a high hairstyle, like an adult, using a bunch of mom's hairpins. Then came the turn of cosmetics. Which means the parents are not at home. You can experiment with everything.
The girls played enough and paid attention to Zhenya. He had forgotten how he was dressed. He quietly sat on the carpet and built doll houses from cubes.
- Zhenechka, we are going to visit. For fun, of course. We need to change. Sasha, do we have a festive dress that will suit our daughter?
- I'll look now.
-Come here, daughter. I'll untie the bow. It's not festive at all.
Zhenya went up to Lena. He was very embarrassed, did not know what to do with his hands and fiddled with the hem of his skirt. Lena untied the bow and began to take off his T-shirt. Meanwhile, Sasha got out of the closet her festive dress, which was bought for her when she was about Zhenya's age.
The dress was green, velvet, with already sewn petticoats, long sleeves, gathered lanterns at the shoulders, with a white turn-down collar and cuffs. The belt at the waist was tied at the back with a large bow.
Zhenya's skirt was pulled off. Sasha handed him a white T-shirt with thin straps, and he, without objection, put it on. Then he raised his hands up, and they put this girlish splendor on him. Yes, it's not a sweater or a T-shirt to wear over your head. Zhenya even closed his eyes when white skirts rustled past his face, his hands passed through the sleeves and pulled the dress down.
He stood motionless. The girls straightened their dresses, fastened buttons on their backs, straightened their petticoats that protruded slightly from under the hem, and tied a bow at the waist. And he experienced some new unfamiliar feelings and did not know whether or not he liked being dressed in a dress. Any girl would be very happy. White cuffs, collar and lace hem of petticoats nicely set off the dark green velvet of a festive dress.
- What is our beauty silent? Do you like the new dress?
- Yes ... - Zhenya answered in confusion.
- Say: thank you mom, thank you dad. Do not be silent.
- Thank you mommy, thanks daddy.
- Good girl. Come on, I'll kiss you.
Zhenya knew that girls kiss for any reason. But, as he did not want to avoid this, it was impossible for Lena to suspect something. And he went up to her and turned his cheek.
- What a good girl we have. But she also needs to go to the hairdresser.
- That's right, you can't be so disheveled in such a beautiful dress.
- Chur, I will be a master. You, Sasha, just did my styling.
- Okay. And my daughter and I seemed to have come to a hairdresser.
“I don’t want to have a haircut,” Zhenya cried.
- All small children are afraid of scissors. What are you, little one. We will not cut your hair. Only with your hair.
He was seated in front of the mirror, and Lena took a large comb in her hands. Meanwhile, the curling iron was warming up. The girls decided to twist Zhenya's hair a little. When Lena brought the curling iron to his hair, he began to struggle and cry.
- Daddy, bring a pacifier and keep your daughter. I'm not doing anything terrible.
A pacifier was again stuck into my wife's mouth and forced to suck.
- What is this mischief? If you misbehave, we will undress and swaddle again, like a very little one.
Zhenya got scared and let himself be screwed up. When Lena combed the curls, twisted with a curling iron, for some reason it almost did not become noticeable that the hairs were curling, but the hairstyle became noticeably more luxuriant.
- How our baby likes the papilla. Stop sucking. Come here. Tell me which bow to tie. White or green.
- White, - said Zhenya. He saw that all girls with festive dresses must have white bows tied.
- That's right, little one. Sasha, give us a big bow. And Zhenya will close her eyes for now.
And Lena slightly tinted his eyelids and cilia. And then the girls tied a huge white bow on Zhenya. But they still lacked something. And they brightened his cheeks a little and, with the final touch, painted their lips with shiny pink lipstick.
Zhenya sat with his eyes closed and was afraid to look at himself in the mirror.
- All. The eyes can be opened. Well, dad, are you satisfied? Where is your mommy?
Zhenya opened his eyes and closed them immediately.
- Oh, what a doll! Daughter, you are so beautiful! Get up, - Lena was already playing the role of mom.
Zhenya was ready to burst into tears. A real doll was looking at him from the mirror, well, in extreme cases, a girl of kindergarten age.
- What? Again whims? Give the papilla again? Get up. Take a spin. Good girl. Give mom a pen, give dad a pen
And they, taking him by the hands, went throughout the apartment. Every now and then the girls stopped and admired the work of their own hands. And Zhenya had to spin, learn to sit down in a curtsy and kiss mom and dad. Then they didn't want to go to visit, and they "went to the cinema." Sasha turned on the cartoon, and they sat down decorously on the sofa in the hall. Zhenya found himself in the middle and sat motionless, hands on his knees, like an exemplary girl. Sasha noticed his stiffness and brought the doll.
- That's right, dear. Let the baby rock the doll. She's a doll herself! Zhenya, do you want to be a doll?
- Not…
- Okay, okay, I was joking. You are our beloved daughter.
After the cartoon, the three of them played with dolls, laid the table with children's dishes, in general, were engaged in ordinary girlish affairs. Zhenya got involved in the game and was no longer afraid of being exposed by Lena every minute. The only thing, he was very shy when Sasha accompanied him to the toilet to hold on to a beautiful dress.
Having played too much, the girls did not notice how lunchtime approached. The phone rang. It was Lena's grandmother who called. Like, it's almost three o'clock, it's time to have lunch. Lena was getting ready to go home. Sasha took the hairpins out of her hair. It turned out a little not neat, but Lena said that she would comb at home.
- Well, that's it, I ran. And then the grandmother will scold.
- Yes, Zhenya and I also need to have a snack.
- Goodbye, daughter. Kiss your mommy ... Well done. And I give you a papilla. Maybe we'll play some more. Or, if you are capricious, Sasha will give it to you so as not to cry. Okay, okay, just kidding. Kiss me again ... Bye bye.
Lena ran away. And Zhenya burst into tears for some reason.
- Well, why are you crying. It's all good. Lena didn't guess that you were a boy. Was it really boring to play with us? And in general, you, Zhenechka, are a very beautiful girl. Look in the mirror. I wish I had such a sister. Let me kiss you. Okay, it's time to have lunch. Come on, I'll help you take off your dress so as not to get dirty. Or do you want to stay in it while I warm up lunch?
Zhenya, in principle, is already used to the dress, but he would not admit it for anything.
Sasha untied her belt, unbuttoned the buttons on her back and carefully took off Zhenya's festive dress and T-shirt. But I noticed, and if suddenly, after dinner, Lena returns. Zhenya didn't want to be a girl again. Then my sister suggested for the time being just put on a T-shirt, the same one as in the morning. We'll have time to change before the parents arrive, but if Lena comes in, Zhenya will have time to pull on her skirt, she won't hide it for now. My wife had to agree, but he asked to remove the nail polish. Sasha helped him put on her T-shirt, set up to warm up lunch and in the same kitchen wiped the varnish for him and herself with a special liquid. They had lunch, Sasha washed the dishes, and Zhenya helped to wipe them down. Then they returned to the nursery and neatly hung the dress up in Sasha's closet. And then in a large mirror in the closet door Zhenya saw himself. A girl stood in the reflection. After all, he was wearing a girly T-shirt and tights, and, in addition, a large white bow in his hair. Sasha did not specifically remind him of the bow, she so wanted him to remain her sister for a longer time. And he somehow managed to get used to his hairstyle and while changing clothes, having dinner and removing nail polish, and did not notice that he was left with a bow.
- Sasha, untie.
- What if Lena comes back.
- So what. Girls go without bows.
- So you agree to be a girl?
- No-no ... - Zhenya whimpered, and began to tear off the bow himself.
- Wait, wait, I'll carefully untie it myself. And there was nothing to roar.
“You don’t wear bows.
- I'm already an adult. But I'm ready to tie myself a bow, if we tie it for you too. Do you want
- No-no ...
- OK OK. Let's go wash. Otherwise, mom will see the cosmetics.
They went to the bath and washed themselves with soap and water. Sasha dialed Lenin's phone. She said that she would not come today because her grandmother had given her housework. But he will call back in the evening. Therefore, Sasha hid the children's skirt and took out Zhenya's boy clothes, which she hid in the closet in the morning.
- It's a pity, I have such a sister. And now brother again. Let `s play.
And since there was still time before the arrival of the parents, they sat down on the carpet, where the toys were laid out.
The mothers came almost at the same time. Sasha a little earlier, because it was much closer to her to go from work.
- Did you eat, what did you do?
- We ate, watched TV, played.
- And what did you play?
- In mothers and daughters.
Aunt Vera looked at Zhenya strangely. But then I thought: the boy is small, and what else to play with Sasha. Then Zhenya's mother came. And again they began to collect on the table. We drank tea together. And mom and Zhenya were getting ready to go home.
- Zhenechka, you liked being with Sasha all day, will you come to visit us again? - asked Aunt Vera.
- Yes, - Zhenya answered timidly, holding his mother's hand. He did not know if he would like a repetition of today. Probably not. But all the same, he and Sasha were interested.
His mother, while saying goodbye to her sister, noticed that the quarantine had just begun, and there was no one to leave him at home with. Tomorrow is of course the weekend. But next week she would ask Sasha to stay with Zhenya a couple more times, if they had such a good time together. Aunt Vera didn't mind at all. And Zhenya did not know what to do with his eyes from embarrassment, he was afraid that today's game might repeat itself.
And the quarantine continued

Take a measuring tape.

  • Measure your breasts under your nipples, add a couple of centimeters if you want to wear a bra - this is your breasts.
  • Measure your waist, about an inch above your belly button - this is your natural female waist. Also measure your waist a few centimeters below your belly button. This is your female "low waist" - probably your male waist.
  • Don't worry about your hips. Open any site, says JC Penny, and find a women's sizing chart. Find your size. This is not enough. Waist measurements are the most important as you will be able to adjust your chest. You will find that depending on the style of the dress and the manufacturer, the size of the dress is an imprecise science. Also measure your wrist size for the bracelet. Here's a list of what you need:
  • Wig. Don't wrap your wig unless you want an Afro style. Do not use wigs with too long hair, as such wigs are synthetic, hair below the shoulders gets tangled faster and is difficult to care for. Also buy a wig comb. Go to sites like Beauty Trends (google it) and get ready to pay around $ 50 off for a wig. Color? Try combining ... Multiple colors at the ends, highlights or highlights. Size: they have larger sizes available, as well as instructions on how to measure the head for a wig - small, regular or large. Wigs under $ 30 are most likely made of nylon and are not usable like Halloween wigs.
  • Shoes. Add one size to yours and you've got your size for womens sandals. Add one and a half sizes to yours and you get your size for women's boots and pumps. You need wide or even extra wide shoes if you are a big girl. Try Payless for cheap shoes. There are large sizes on the Coward Shoes website, onestopplus, silhouette and other large sizes. About the heels. Heels of 12 centimeters will certainly work in the photo, but if you weigh less than 55 kg, they will not be practical. If you are going for a walk in heels, choose heels 5 - 7 cm high. Black or black patent leather shoes will be just right.
  • Sconce. Buy yourself a bra. Go to the store with your chest measurements (not chest), maybe 1-1.5 cm more. The black bra is universal. Cup size? Well, if you weigh under 75 kg, choose B or C cup, weigh more than 85 - C or D cup. If you're a bigger girl, you should probably get a D or DD cup. Breast Forms… Try PALS on eBay, pay less than $ 100, or go to the store and buy a large form for about $ 40 or just buy panties until you decide what size you want. Little girls can buy bras everywhere if you are a big girl - try Lana Brian's brand, her big sizes won't swallow you up.
  • Tights. Tights are cosmetics for legs. They will mask scratches, cuts, and other physical disabilities. Try tights closer to your waist so you can see your underwear. Check the size chart on the back of the package. IT IS BETTER TO TAKE ON A SIZE BIGGER. Perhaps you, like some girls, are the owner of long legs and are tall in yourself. You don't want the tights codpiece to hang around your knees. If you put on tights, and they will hang on you - well, take one size smaller. Put a spare pair in the trunk of your car for the first time. Use garters for stockings. Yes, it sounds funny, save them for short skirts, rock and roll clubs or dates. \u003e)
  • Corset. As long as you are neat, but then ... You can get a little crooked. The rago 21 is the best. Buy a corset one or two sizes smaller than you need.
  • Ok, now let's make you fit. Tops, skirts and dresses. Want to look younger? Find the Alloy website. They have clothes for big girls. You are skinny and want fetishes - Lipservice or Hot Topic can help you. Want something more MILT? JC or Massey. If you're big, try surplice V, or tops. Little girls can wear taller necklines, boat necklines, square necklines, drapery. Below, put on a curvy, tight fitting. Your hips are smaller and more compact than most girls, flared skirts will round you up a bit, especially if you wear some kind of bright belt or scarf around your waist. Or go the other way, wear a tight skirt, thus making your legs longer. Black is thinner, but don't wear it that often. A little black dress is a good base for a wardrobe, but needs to be complemented with accessories or jewelry.
  • Accessories. You need at least one bracelet, ring, and necklace. Look at Emitations - they have larger sizes, as well as clips. Handbag. Ideally, the color of the purse should match your shoes, but it doesn't have to. Black is very practical. For starters, the shoulder strap will make you feel like you've lost your wallet. Size: The small handbag is very cute, but what are you going to put in it? Money, lipstick, compact powder, pen, paper - they all fit, but add your phone, camera, cigarettes and you need a bigger size. An internal zip pocket keeps your ID, credit cards, bills from falling out as you rummage through your bag. And remember what your mom told you, "if there is no tampon in your purse, it's not a purse." The girl in the next booth can buy LMN forever in your face.
  • Makeup. Too many to stay here. The best investment would be to go to the MAC women store, buy at least $ 50 worth of makeup (very small handbag), and get free makeup. They'll try to sell you makeup, but you pay off for foundation, eyeliner, mascara, and one lipstick. Be careful when asking questions. If MAC cosmetics store sounds too scary, go to the beauty salon, which has a make-up corner and make-up service, you can call them if you want to come in a quiet time. Your money will spend a little longer and you can pay more attention to the courses.