The state of health of a pregnant woman at 1 month. Most common reasons for concern. Changes in symptoms

The first month of pregnancy is not always clearly defined, even with some medical procedures. But still, most women who are attentive to their health can quickly diagnose an interesting situation in themselves. What signs do they rely on and in general what you need to know about early pregnancy?

Symptoms and sensations

1. Delayed menstruation. Most often, this symptom in a woman who is sexually active without reliable contraception means pregnancy. However, expectant mothers do not have delays, and there are a lot of reasons for that. It can be a common cold, and an exacerbation of any chronic disease, and pathology of the thyroid gland and ovaries, and even stress. There is probably no woman who never had delays for unknown reasons.

2. Toxicosis. Nausea and vomiting - these are the signs that many women have in the first month of pregnancy, although they are expressed in different ways. Someone suffers from mild nausea before breakfast, and someone gets back everything they eat and drink, the situation can be so difficult that inpatient treatment will be required. Although, it is hardly possible to defeat toxicosis, you just need to endure. Usually, such ailments disappear by themselves by 12-14 weeks.

3. Engorgement of the mammary glands. Moreover, noticeable, incomparable with what happens to almost all women in the second phase of the menstrual cycle. The breasts may even increase in size. For many women, the first month of pregnancy, the sensation is caused by overcrowding of the mammary glands, multiparous describe how they feel when there is an inflow of milk. In some cases, even at such an early stage, colostrum may begin to be released a little.

4. Elevated basal temperature and body temperature. This is due to the action of the hormone progesterone. Basal temperature (temperature in the anus) in expectant mothers is usually above 37 degrees. In addition, fever may be felt in the first weeks. This phenomenon is unpleasant, but temporary. The main thing is not to confuse an exacerbation of any chronic disease or infection with it.

5. In the first month of pregnancy, discharge is transparent and abundant often occur. This, again, is associated with hormonal changes in the body and should not worry. It's another matter if the discharge comes with an admixture of blood, pus, or has an unpleasant odor - in this case, you must definitely go to the doctor and take gynecological smears.

6. Often in the first month of pregnancy, the stomach hurts. If unpleasant sensations do not cause much discomfort, occur rarely and irregularly, there is no reason to worry.

And these are not all possible symptoms. There may be an increase or vice versa, loss of appetite, fatigue, increased urination, etc. These signs are considered doubtful and may be present in non-pregnant, but very sensitive women.

I would like to note that every young and attractive woman who is actively sexually active must know about the existence of certain disadvantages of most modern contraceptives. We decided to start talking about the fact that literally none of the contraceptive drugs existing on the market today, unfortunately, can guarantee you 100% protection against the onset of an unplanned and not always desirable pregnancy.

This is probably why it seemed to us very important that young ladies know all the main signs of pregnancy, and in its very first month. This is necessary in order to be able to predict the upcoming events in the future, and to understand how to better behave in the current situation.

So, the very first and, probably, the most obvious symptom of a possible pregnancy is considered to be the absence of the expected menstruation in due time. However, as you understand, the situation cannot be so simple, and this sign is definitely not a guarantee of pregnancy. This sign only allows you to suspect pregnancy.

And the fact is that sometimes, under certain conditions, bleeding still occurs, however, their nature and intensity are significantly different. It should be understood that spotting that appeared after a previously observed delay in menstruation may well be the main sign of the onset of a threat of miscarriage.

At the same time, the whole trouble of this situation lies precisely in the fact that the overwhelming majority of young women simply do not consider it necessary to pay any attention to such phenomena. As a result, women in such situations are in no hurry to consult a gynecologist and lose pregnancy. Although we note that sometimes in such situations, even a full-fledged ultrasound examination may well show you absolutely nothing.

Moving on, the second and no less clear sign of the possible birth of a new life in you is a positive pregnancy test result. At the same time, the test itself can be bought with extraordinary ease in almost any pharmacy close to you.

The most important thing in this case is that it is permissible to fully diagnose the onset of a new pregnancy in a comfortable home environment, and moreover, already in the very first month of the term. Actually, therefore, a woman does not have to urgently run and make an appointment with her own gynecologist, or hastily do an ultrasound scan, being at such an early and not significant period.

The main advantage of such home testing can also be considered the fact that banal test strips have a relatively low cost and are available to almost every woman. For the earliest diagnosis of pregnancy, doctors strongly recommend using tests that have a sensitivity of 20, since such tests will respond better to the lowest concentration of the hCG hormone that enters the urine.

In some cases, the second line on certain types of tests may not look entirely clear, but in most cases, this, nevertheless, will indicate the onset of a new pregnancy.

A real symptom that pregnancy has finally come may well turn out to be the indisputable fact that the woman's uterus has slightly increased in size. But as you understand, the most accurate assessment of the real position of the woman's uterus, as well as its new form, can only be an experienced gynecologist. It is also worth noting that in the first days after the onset of a delay in menstruation, changes in the size of the uterus are extremely difficult to see. However, after a couple of weeks, the real changes in the size of the female uterus will be more noticeable and will not leave the doctor in doubt.

Well, one more indicator - you definitely got pregnant if, on the ultrasound scan, the doctor can see a perfectly fertilized egg, comfortably located in the uterus. Note that uterine pregnancy can be easily seen on the simplest ultrasound examination literally one or a maximum of two weeks after the noticed delay, or rather the absence of menstruation. I must say that the doctors themselves still do not recommend doing an ultrasound study at such an early stage, well, except in the most extreme cases that are dangerous to health. With such a study, if there is such an opportunity, it would be better to postpone it a little, say, until the 12th week.

The next sign of the onset of pregnancy can be considered the fact that extremely unpleasant toxicosis most often appears in the first month. At the same time, some of the women may experience nausea and malaise as early as the third week of the onset of the period of bearing a baby.

We also note that in the early stages of the current pregnancy, a significant dislike for strictly defined strong odors may well appear, and this is primary. A woman may feel sick from some of her favorite foods and previously hated drinks.

It should be noted that the body of each particular pregnant woman will react in completely different ways to everything that happens around her. Actually, toxicosis in this case may well be of very different severity and intensity. Some women suffer from morning sickness, some from early vomiting, and some women may simply experience some kind of trouble due to very mild, barely noticeable nausea.

And the last method for determining pregnancy is measuring the basal temperature. It should be said that until numerous devices for ultrasound examination were installed in domestic medical institutions, doctors actively used a simple but accurate measurement of the so-called basal temperature to identify real signs of pregnancy.

This technique is outrageously simple and straightforward. If a woman is still pregnant, then at the very early stages, the doctor will notice a noticeable increase in her basal temperature to at least 37, or even up to 37.2 degrees. Naturally, in order for these temperature indicators to be as accurate as possible, the necessary rules for measuring such a temperature should be strictly observed.

For this, it will be better to prepare everything in advance even in the evening. It is more logical to take measurements in the morning, and after a deep normal sleep. Note that an error can easily occur if, at the time of basal temperature measurement, you have certain inflammatory processes in your body, from which the general body temperature usually rises.

Real changes in the hormonal background of a woman can also cause another symptom of a new pregnant woman - this, of course, is the appearance of frequent urination. So think about it if you have become much more often than usual to run for a small need to the toilet, then you should definitely pay attention to this, if you are pregnant.

It should be said that after the first weeks of pregnancy, a woman can also observe certain changes and incomprehensible excessive swelling in her mammary glands. Sometimes, with this symptom, even a slight soreness of the chest is possible, often the chest can change in size. As a rule, you can talk about pregnancy if the breasts become much larger, and her nipples darken no less noticeably.

Finally, let's say that pregnancy is, although quite difficult, but a very pleasant and exciting life stage for every young woman. We would like every woman during this period to remember that from conception a little man has already formed in her womb and will soon be born. It is important that a woman understands that it is she who decides the fate of this lump and that it depends on her decisions and behavior how successful the life of this crumbs will be.

As a rule, a woman, being in the first month of pregnancy, does not yet know about her "interesting" condition. After all, no changes, visible even from the outside, had not yet occurred at this time. At the moment, all processes are very active only inside the woman's body - a healthy "egg" meets the most active sperm and the act of fertilization takes place, after which it will move to the uterus and here it will be attached to the wall. This whole process will take from a week to two (6 to 14 days).

Already in the uterus, the active formation and development of the embryo begins to take place, which very soon will become similar to a real living man. He, born after 9 months (from 38 to 42 weeks of pregnancy), will delight mom and dad with his birth.

First signs of pregnancy, first month

The main and most reliable sign of pregnancy is the "delay" of menstruation for 3 - 5 days. In this case, you can already purchase a special test to determine pregnancy at the pharmacy. Although its result may not always accurately indicate the onset of pregnancy. To get a more accurate result that you can trust, you need to donate blood for tests to detect the hCG hormone (it is produced by the body of a pregnant woman already on the 8th day after ovulation and on the 2nd day after the attachment of the egg).

There are other signs that are very similar to the symptoms and discomforts experienced by a woman immediately before and during her period, but they can signal pregnancy. For example, rapid fatigue appears, the taste of familiar products can cause bouts of nausea, often pursues the desire to "take a nap" after a hearty meal, there is a quite noticeable and tangible increase in the volume and sensitivity of the female breast, in some cases there is a darkening of the area on the breast around the nipples (areola), which is directly related to increased levels of progesterone.

Starting from the first month of pregnancy, the body of the expectant mother begins to prepare for the bearing of the baby, his birth and feeding. At some intuitive level, a woman begins to choose more “correct” foods for her nutrition, ignoring the dishes that were recently loved but are now causing nausea.

Quite a common phenomenon is a frequent change in a woman's mood and an increased impressionability - she can, being in a wonderful mood, suddenly feel a surge of pity and immediately burst into tears. And all this happens through hormonal changes in the female body.

Sensations and pains at 1 month of pregnancy. Belly in the first month

Usually, a pregnant woman begins to experience clearly pronounced inconveniences and pain in the later (end of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimester) stages of pregnancy. The tummy is not growing yet, but progesterone already has an effect on the female body, softening its ligaments and muscles. But there are cases when even now a woman may feel pain in the lumbar region or notices that there is a need to empty the bladder much more often than usual (although the fetus has not yet begun to press on him, as it happens in the last weeks of pregnancy).

Sometimes, already in the first month after the birth of life in a woman's body, she begins to suffer from symptoms of toxicosis - many smells begin to irritate and cause bouts of nausea and vomiting. Foods that were enjoyed last week are already causing nausea today. Unfortunately, pills for toxicosis have not yet been invented, so all pregnant women choose the most suitable way for themselves to deal with its manifestations. To somehow alleviate morning sickness, many use a variety of methods - for example, you can eat an apple or drink a cup of tea with a cookie while still in bed. Some people benefit from hard candy or lemon juice.

Discharge and periods in the first month of pregnancy

In view of the changes in hormonal levels in pregnant women, the amount of vaginal discharge may increase, but they have the usual color and smell, without causing any particular concern. In the second week of pregnancy (during the attachment of an already fertilized egg to the wall of the uterus), slight pink discharge may be observed - implantation bleeding. This spotting usually stops after a couple of days and is not abundant. Therefore, women are not worried and are considered the norm.

In case of profuse or spotting vaginal bleeding, you should consult a doctor. This could be a sign of a threatened miscarriage or a miscarriage that has already taken place. Also, if a woman observes strange discharge with an unpleasant odor, gray, green or yellow, or when these discharge have a frothy or "curdled" appearance and cause itching and discomfort, then you definitely need to go to an obstetrician-gynecologist for an appointment. These are very characteristic symptoms of the manifestation of an infection, which can only be detected and treated appropriately with the help of tests and the help of a doctor.

Periods and pregnancy

As a rule, having become pregnant, women "forget" about menstruation during the entire period of pregnancy - they stop. But sometimes, if fertilization has occurred, and the egg has not yet had time to "gain a foothold" in the uterus (it depends on when there was ovulation), the periods in the first month of pregnancy "come". In case of hormonal imbalance in the body of a pregnant woman, menstruation can occur in the 2nd and 3rd, and even in the 4th month of pregnancy. But this is extremely rare and requires special attention of the pregnant woman and the participation of the doctor in whom she is observed.

Cold in the first month of pregnancy

Colds at the very beginning of pregnancy are very dangerous for the life and normal development of the baby (still an embryo). If a woman has caught a cold and does not yet know about her pregnancy, then for treatment she uses habitual and very potent drugs that cannot be used during pregnancy. Medicines are harmful and cause embryo rejection. It may well end in miscarriage, which will be perceived as menstruation, "came" a little earlier.

There are times when a woman already knows about her pregnancy and, risking her health and the health of the baby, takes medications without consulting a doctor. The drugs can cause disturbances in the development of the unborn baby and provoke the development of various kinds of pathologies. But after all, it is also impossible not to treat a cold - then a negative impact will also be exerted on the development of the baby, which will have the most deplorable consequences. It is imperative to get an appointment with a doctor and, together with him, find remedies that will help to overcome the cold and will be safe during pregnancy. These can be folk methods, herbal decoctions (to which the pregnant woman is not allergic), medicines allowed for pregnant women, possibly inhalation and other means.

Of course, it is better not to get sick at all, using prevention methods, than to fight a cold later, which is a very peculiar activity during pregnancy. Given the fact that the risk of getting sick during pregnancy increases, it is worth avoiding communication with sick people, eating well and getting enough sleep, doing basic physical exercises that are allowed for pregnant women and walking in the fresh air, dressing for the weather.

Temperature in the first month of pregnancy

The temperature in the 1st month of pregnancy is very dangerous - it can terminate the pregnancy or can provoke the development of serious pathologies in the unborn baby (if the pregnancy continues). It is impossible to bring down the temperature with the usual antipyretic drugs - it is very dangerous for the child's life. You can't panic either - there are many different methods that will come to the rescue. The first step is to contact a specialist - a doctor and talk about your condition. Abundant warm drinking of decoctions and tea with honey, lemon, raspberry jam - relieve heat well. And if immediately, as soon as the first symptoms of a cold appear, you start drinking warm broths and teas often and in small quantities, then high temperatures can be avoided (the main thing is to start using all available methods for treatment in time).

Proper nutrition at 1 month of pregnancy. What is?

Starting from the first month of pregnancy, it is important to remember that everything eaten and drunk by the expectant mother will have its effect on the baby developing in the tummy. And it will be positive or negative - it depends only on the pregnant woman herself. You need to fill your diet with nutritious and healthy foods, and try to give up completely (or very rarely allow yourself, but in small quantities) from the "harmfulness". A pregnant woman needs about 2,500 calories per day in the first month. The presence in the diet of a sufficient amount of plant and animal proteins is positive, and the amount of carbohydrates and fats should be slightly reduced.

It is desirable to eat often, but not in large portions - this will avoid overeating and, as a result, heartburn (it is very "popular" among pregnant women). A balanced diet will make it easier to tolerate toxicosis.

By consuming the right amount of nutrients, a woman will feel and look better, without feeling a lack of minerals and trace elements, because the baby, developing in her tummy, will have everything he needs to "take" from his mother. And for the mother herself, with the wrong diet, something may not be enough. Hence the emerging problems with teeth, hair and skin in some pregnant women.

Vegetables and fruits, fresh or after minimal heat treatment, should take an important place in the diet of pregnant women. But meat and fish must be thoroughly cooked so that a pregnant woman does not get infected by eating half-raw meat.

The presence of cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk, milk, cheese and butter in the diet will be useful. If there is no desire to eat these products, then you can cook delicious and healthy dishes from them - soufflés and casseroles, kefir (yogurt) with berries or fruits, a milkshake with various fillings, salads with cheese and nuts with yogurt dressing and a lot of delicious things. This will be a very useful solution, and will also allow the expectant mother to keep her skin, hair and teeth in excellent condition.

As for drinks, it is better to drink tea not strong. Coffee, if desired, no more than one cup a day. It is advisable to completely exclude alcoholic drinks from your diet, replacing them with juices, compotes and fruit drinks.

Usually, an obstetrician-gynecologist prescribes an additional use of folic acid and vitamin E in tablets or capsules for a pregnant woman. This is a forced step - it is just that these elements are required most of all for the normal formation of the unborn child (especially in the first month of pregnancy) and it is impossible to "draw" the required amount from food.

Is sex possible in the first month of pregnancy?

There are many different opinions and arguments in response to this question. It is best to focus on the well-being and condition of the pregnant woman. If she has no contraindications (the uterus is not in good shape and there is no threat of termination of pregnancy) and wants intimacy with a man, then sex is quite acceptable. It is important that during intercourse the spouses take into account the fact of pregnancy and be careful and delicate. It is advisable to use a condom, because during pregnancy, the vaginal mucosa is very sensitive to microdamage and trauma, to the penetration of infections that can provoke its inflammation.

Sometimes hormones increase a pregnant woman's sex drive. She becomes significantly more active in bed than before pregnancy. This is also good if you are careful and do not forget about security measures. It is necessary to refrain from sexual relations with new partners - this can be very dangerous.

It happens that in the first months of pregnancy, a woman has no desire to have sex at all, because she is tormented by headaches, nausea, mood swings, painful sensations in the chest, constant fatigue and many other "amenities". Understanding her condition and support from her beloved will help her get through this period of pregnancy more easily.

Author of the publication: Valeria Konstantinova

1 month of pregnancy is the most important. Right now, the whole body is being prepared for changes and preparation for the development of pregnancy in the coming months.

After maturation, the egg enters the fallopian tube, where it will meet with the sperm, as a result of which a new life will be born. During this time, the uterus has time to become covered with a network of blood vessels, preparing to receive a fertilized egg - a zygote. On the way to the uterus, the zygote already begins to actively divide; upon reaching the uterine cavity, the fetus already has 32 cells. After the zygote is attached to the wall of the uterus, the woman is considered pregnant.

Main characteristics In the first month From this period
corpuscles phase change

By the middle of the 2nd week, the fetus develops the nervous system, after which its formation continues in the spinal cord and brain. By the 3rd week, the fetus resembles a hollow ball with a diameter of 0.1-0.2 mm. In 4 weeks, the limbs and rudiments of many internal organs are formed. The fetus turns into an embryo about 4 mm long. The photo shows the different periods of fetal development in 1 month.

The hormonal background of the expectant mother changes, the body is completely rebuilt. When the egg is attached to the wall of the uterus, a woman may feel a pulling pain in the abdomen, as during menstruation. The uterus begins to enlarge. With physical exertion, uterine cramps are possible. And the ligaments and disks that support it soften, and lumbar pain occurs. In the first month, the pain is inconsistent and goes away on its own.

Symptoms of 1 month are:

  • severe fatigue;
  • drowsiness;
  • nausea accompanied by vomiting;
  • heartburn;
  • increased urination;
  • change in taste preferences.

What happens in the body

The onset of pregnancy is characterized by the following main features:

  • delayed menstruation;
  • increased basal temperature;
  • toxicosis;
  • engorgement and filling of the mammary glands;
  • an increase in the amount and change in the structure of secretions.

The main symptom is the absence of menstruation.

Let's consider each of them separately.

  1. The first sign of pregnancy is the absence of menstruation. During the first month, especially during the period of attachment of the fetus to the uterus, spotting is possible. However, the delay in menstruation may not be associated with pregnancy at all, but be the result of any illness or stress.
  2. Under the influence of progesterone, the basal temperature of a pregnant woman rises above 370C. Some people feel hot. This phenomenon is short-lived. You just need to be careful not to confuse pregnancy with signs of an incipient disease.
  3. Nausea in the 1st month of pregnancy is felt by many women, but in different ways. Mild toxicosis occurs in almost everyone. By consulting your gynecologist, you can prevent unpleasant seizures. Food should be taken in small portions, drink enough fluids. Toxicosis in severe form is very rare. Severe vomiting, dizziness, low blood pressure, weakness are a reason to immediately consult a doctor who will prescribe the necessary treatment in a hospital.
  4. Preparing for the appearance of the baby in the expectant mother, the breasts swell and increase. There is a feeling of overcrowding in the mammary glands. Some people may even have colostrum secretion from their breasts.
  5. Due to hormonal changes, an increase in secretions is possible - they should be transparent and odorless.

In the first month, slight pain in the lower abdomen accompanied by tingling sensations is quite possible.

During the first month of pregnancy, there may be rare discomfort or pain localized in the lower abdomen or on the sides. Short-term mild pains arise as a result of the restructuring of the female body and should not frighten the expectant mother. If the pain is strong and prolonged, you must definitely see a gynecologist.

The cause of severe pain can be inflammation, which causes an increased tone of the uterus and the subsequent threat of miscarriage. To maintain pregnancy, you will have to go to the hospital.

The size of the abdomen during this period does not change. In the photo you can see how the bellies of women look in the first month. It is impossible to visually determine pregnancy by belly.

Ultrasound examination

It is possible to unmistakably establish pregnancy only with the help of an ultrasound scan. The sensor allows you to register pregnancy at 3 weeks from the moment of conception, to determine its exact date and to identify possible pathologies in the early stages for their timely treatment. In the ultrasound photo, you can see the development of the embryo during the first month.

An ultrasound examination is completely safe for a pregnant woman and a fetus. After a positive diagnosis, the woman is registered.

Are carried out:

  • general and biochemical blood tests to determine the Rh factor, sugar levels;
  • tests for AIDS, syphilis, hepatitis.

From this period, the expectant mother should monitor the food that she eats.

With various rhesus blood of parents, an analysis is taken for the presence of anti-rhesus bodies. After that, urine tests, vaginal smears, hormone tests are taken.

What is allowed and what is forbidden

Pregnancy is quite vulnerable in the first month of pregnancy. Therefore, a woman needs to know what can be used and done, and what is categorically not allowed.

The first trimester of pregnancy is based on a healthy, balanced diet, where folic acid plays a special role. It is necessary to systematically consume liver, green peas, cabbage, lettuce, parsley, apples, pears, watermelons, melons, tangerines, oranges.Store sauces, semi-finished products, any fast food dish, carbonated drinks, smoked meats, foods with a high salt content, tonic drinks, strong tea, coffee.
Lean meat of veal, beef, poultry - boiled, steamed, baked.Fatty meats, confectionery
Low-fat varieties of fish.Some types of fish, raw fish products (sushi) - there is a danger of infection with various parasites.
Various cereals with milk, with the addition of butter, dried fruits.Unboiled milk, raw eggs.
A large number of fruits, vegetables without restrictions.Herbal teas - use herbal teas with great care, some of which may cause miscarriage.
Outdoor hiking, light physical activity, gymnastics for pregnant women, breathing exercises. On the recommendation of a doctor - swimming, yoga classes.Alcohol - Drinking ethanol-containing beverages can cause congenital malformations, physical underdevelopment or abnormal development of the internal organs of the fetus.
Smoking - the content of carbon monoxide in cigarette smoke leads to oxygen starvation of the mother and baby, developmental delay, placental abruption, and even premature birth.
Medicines, especially antibiotics, vasoconstrictor nasal drops, aspirin - it is imperative to read the instructions for the drug, which indicates the rules for its use during pregnancy.
Lifting heavy objects, especially with hypertonicity of the uterus.
X-ray irradiation.
Power, traumatic, active sports.
Loads at work, stressful situations.

Even thanks to medical procedures, determining the first month of pregnancy is not an easy task. Regardless, there are several symptoms that can help you identify your curious situation right from the start. These telltale signs - what are they? Basically, what is important to understand in the shortest possible time? How does the first month go, how does it all develop, and what feelings accompany the girl?

The formation and maturation of a female cell, which has 23 chromosomes from the mother - this is how the beginning proceeds. The release of an already ripe egg occurs in about two weeks. And already in the tube, she is waiting for her acquaintance with the sperm - the same male cell containing 23 chromosomes from her father. This process will lay the foundation for the emergence of life. In order for the already fertilized egg to be able to cling to the uterus, which, in turn, must prepare for this action, the inner layer must thicken and become covered with a network of blood vessels. As usual, the hour of fertilization is the third week. The intercourse of 46 chromosomes with their subsequent pairing is a consequence of the interaction of the nuclei.

After the completion of this process, all the characteristics of the new person are predetermined. But with the sex of the future baby it is more difficult, it is determined by the last, 23rd pair of chromosomes. The beginning of the appearance of the cells and organs of the child is the zygote - the result of contact between the male and female cells. Halfway to the uterus, while still moving through the tube, the zygote begins an active process of division. The fetus has about 32 ready cells approximately three days after fertilization. That's when it begins to attach to the uterus. In an interesting position, by the end of the third week, the size of the embryo is 0.1-0.2 mm in diameter, there are 250 cells, and the appearance of the future baby resembles an empty ball.

The egg cell, which has already met the sperm, engrafts in the elastic wall of the uterus at the end of the third week. And only when it is firmly and reliably fixed, we can already say that conception did occur, and you are irrevocably pregnant!

The end of the first month is marked by the fact that the hollow ball of the fetus turns into a flat disk, consisting of layers - an embryo. Later, these layers will become organs and systems.

Late menstruation

Throughout the entire period of pregnancy, menstruation should disappear. For a woman who is sexually active and does not care about proper protection, the delay in critical days is the primary sign of a possible interesting situation. Although, however, you should not immediately associate the delay with an interesting situation, because it can have many other reasons, for example, an ordinary cold, an acute stage of some kind of chronic illness, frequent stress, or even worse - ovarian pathology and the like.


Nausea and vomiting are signs of pregnancy that are clearly visible already in the first month. These signs are manifested without exception in all women, however, they proceed quite individually, to varying degrees. For one girl, it is impossible to take a piece of food into her mouth, because everything "asks back", while the other feels only a slight and not very noticeable nausea. For some poor fellows, toxicosis can be so severe that they need treatment in a hospital, under the supervision of a doctor. Fighting toxicosis is not a rewarding business, you need to endure and endure it. And by 12-14 weeks, the discomfort should go away on its own.

Swelling of the breast

It takes four weeks for swelling to occur. This, of course, is too noticeable that it cannot even be compared with what happens before the onset of menstruation in almost all women. The chest is capable of enlarging. Most women feel fullness in their breasts, and those who have already given birth say that this process resembles a rush of milk. Colostrum can be secreted from the mammary glands even at such a short time, however, this does not happen often.

Elevated basal and body temperature

An increase may appear due to the action of the hormone progesterone. The average temperature in the anus in women in position is 37 degrees and above. Fever is a symptom that may be felt during the first few weeks. Although this process is unpleasant, it is temporary. The important point here is not to confuse it with an infection.

A frequent symptom is abundant and transparent discharge.

This is completely normal, a sign of conception and hormonal changes. But when in the early stages there is bloody and spotting, accompanied by a bad smell and suppuration, this is a completely different question. In this case, you need to go to an appointment with a gynecologist and carry out all the required tests. But do not panic over a couple of drops of blood or barely visible smearing secretions. At 2-3 weeks this happens, this is the norm, a consequence of the introduction of the egg of the fetus into the walls of the uterus.

Stomach ache - agree, the feelings are not pleasant, but you have no reason to worry if they are infrequent and irregular, and also do not cause discomfort.

Of course, do not think, these are not all the probable symptoms of pregnancy, but they are the most important. Of the secondary signs, one can distinguish: frequent urination, decreased or improved appetite, constant fatigue, and so on. The difficulty is that they are very individual, and can be observed even in non-pregnant women.

Errors can be made by both pregnancy tests and doctors during examination. Therefore, the most reliable way to find out is with a blood test and ultrasound ( Ultrasound).

Don't be intimidated, but you should know it. The likelihood of a miscarriage is highest at the beginning. The fetus has a variety of pathologies that are often incompatible with life, so in some cases it will not be possible to get away from this fate, sometimes it is not worth doing it ...

In more favorable cases, you can always change everything in a positive direction, if appropriate measures are taken in a timely manner.

  • Increased tone of the uterus.

Infrequent, irregular, short-term contractions of the muscles of the uterus are a normal option, but if you want to be sure that everything is fine, consult your doctor. Abdominal pain in the uterus is an acceptable occurrence for the first weeks of pregnancy. If the contractions become constant, intensified and can last for several minutes - not a very good sign, you should immediately notify your doctor. Delaying a consultation can be unnecessarily dangerous because reductions threaten to interrupt.

  • Allocations.

Transparent and odorless is normal. The presence of a bad odor means the presence of infections or dysbiosis in the vagina. Provided that you consult a doctor in a timely manner for advice, everything will be cured simply and without unnecessary consequences. But bloody smears are much worse. Since menstruation is not typical for expectant mothers, blood in the vagina may indicate detachment of the placenta, and this is the risk of termination of pregnancy. You cannot do without an ambulance if your stomach also hurts and the temperature rises above 37 degrees.

  • Frequent urination.

We warn you right away that most girls and women mistake frequent urination for a symptom. Indeed, in the early stages, most likely, this is a sign of inflammation or a sign of cystitis. Painful sensations usually accompany the process of urination with diseases of this kind.

Severe toxicosis, regular vomiting. As we already said, toxicosis can be different, and your main task is to learn to see the difference. If not a single meal is possible without vomiting, then you may be at risk of dehydration, so urgent treatment is simply necessary.

1 month of pregnancy - nutrition

A very important factor in the starting month. A lot depends on the correct diet, the well-being of the future woman in labor and her long-awaited child. Lack of any vitamins and nutrients can adversely affect the development of the baby.

A woman who is preparing to become a mother should eat a little heavier than before. 300-350 kcal is an approximate dose for each meal. It should be borne in mind that priority is given to food rich in protein, preferably of plant origin, because animal proteins contribute to rapid weight gain. The average calorie intake is 2500 kcal / day.

Folic acid is at the top of the list of essential vitamins.

In pregnant women, the need for vitamin B9 is 2 times higher than that of an ordinary person, that is, it is equal to 400 mcg per day. It is difficult to get the dose you need from food alone. Only vegetarians can not experience such a problem with its lack, because they always have products in which it is included, and for us this is sometimes an impossible task, especially in winter. You should start taking pills at the planning stage. Do not under any circumstances stop taking. This acid is needed so that the baby does not have any pathologies. The dose to be taken is selected strictly individually. Above the norm, it may be in those who have already experienced miscarriages before.

Do you think it is possible for a woman in a position to eat whatever her heart desires? Or are there any restrictions?

The nutrition recommended for expectant mothers differs in each trimester. Good and varied food are important factors for the first trimester. A lot of calcium is a necessary condition for nutrition in the third trimester, because it is then that the child has an urgent need for it. The consequences of a lack of calcium for the expectant mother can be: damage to teeth, crumbling of nails and hair, because what the baby lacks is taken from the mother's body. An important point - the mother should not get better, as this has a bad effect on the bearing of the child.

We don't know if you know, but now your lifestyle, diet, habits - everything affects the condition of the baby. Nicotine and alcoholic beverages are terrible habits that you should get rid of immediately if you don't want to hurt your child. There is a legend around the world that getting rid of nicotine addiction while waiting for a child is a harmful idea. So, if you've heard that, don't believe a single word, it's all a lie. The fulfillment of this idea is always useful in any situation, and it is also very simple, since a woman in a position is restructuring her body. Thanks to hormones, all women's personal needs fade into the background, the main thing is the child. To pick up an infection or virus is as easy as shelling pears, because the immunity of a pregnant woman is significantly weakened. Therefore, you should protect yourself from all possible sources of infection at the maximum level: use public transport less often and do not stay in places where there are always a lot of people. Oxolinic ointment is a good remedy: thanks to lubrication of the nose in winter and in the off-season, during an epidemic of SARS and influenza, you can increase the percentage of your protection. In no case do not self-medicate, and always warn the doctor about your situation. After all, many drugs are prohibited for use by expectant mothers, like fluorography, for example. Many medicines have toxic properties that can be harmful to the baby. That is why the doctor prescribing treatment for you should be made aware of your condition and enviable position. And, of course, psychological comfort is very important. Don't worry, don't listen to anyone who tells nightmares about pregnancy and childbirth. You need to sleep more, rest and gain strength. Despite the fact that at first the belly is not visible - inside, in any case, a small child grows, and his health and feelings are as important as the well-being of the expectant mother.