Ball deodorant with their own hands. Is it possible to make an effective natural deodorant? Antipersterant with cream structure

Modern girls are difficult to present morning fees without the use of a beloved antiperspirant. But are we thinking about the fact that harm from this product is much greater than good? Disputes about the safety of antiperspirants are almost from the moment they appear on the shelves of pharmacies. The destructive effect of these cosmetics is associated with the presence of aluminum and zinc in its composition.

Finding on the skin, the antiperspirant forms a special film. Its task is to block sweat glands, and, it means to prevent the occurrence of an unpleasant odor. But not everything is so simple. Potting is the natural property of the human body. With it, the toxic substances are removed and the normal body temperature is maintained. Simply put, the use of the antiperspirant interferes with natural purification.

Home deodorant is a concern for your own health.

According to many doctors, the use of antiperspirant is one of the causes of breast cancer. This is explained by the action of parabens - preservatives, universally used in the cosmetic industry. The carcinogenicity of these substances is still in question, but many women are already moving to natural care products. What to replace the antiperspirant from the store? The best option is a tool made by your own hands.

Advantages of home deodorant

  • No risk for health. Consider the difference between the antiperspirant and deodorant. Many believe that this is the same thing - but in the action of these funds there are significant differences. As already mentioned, the antiperspirant is clogging glands and blocks sweating. Deodorant, in turn, destroys microorganisms that live in sweat glands and cause unpleasant odor. In this case, the process of sweating is preserved, and harmful substances are not delayed in the body. Deodorants are difficult to find in stores, but you can make from well-made materials.
  • Verified by our grandmothers. The useful properties of soda, citrus and cocoa essential oils have been successfully used long before the mass production of cosmetics. Dozens of years have been enjoyed by recipes from this article!
  • Without prejudice to the wallet. Unlike the "biting" prices for cosmetics of famous brands, the cost of the components of the home deodorant will please you. Ingredients for such a means can be found in the kitchen or buy in the nearest supermarket.

What makes a natural deodorant?

The main components of such money - soda and starch. The action of soda is in the oppression of bacteria, which give sweat an unpleasant smell. Corn starch perfectly absorbs moisture and provides dryness zone of the armpits. The properties you need can be given to a deodorant using additional ingredients. For example, coconut oil helps to lightly apply a deodorant on the skin, and essential oils will give her a pleasant smell.

Soda and starch perfectly perform the functions of the antiperspirant

Verified home deodorant recipes

  • Soda solution. This simplest way to get rid of the smell of sweat. It is only necessary to pour out one teaspoon of food soda into a glass of boiled water, mix and apply a solution on armpits instead of an antiperspirant. It is convenient to use in the form of a spray.
  • Soda and Starch-based deodorant. If you are uncomfortable to use the liquid agent, it is worth trying a solid deodorant with fragrant oils. For its preparation, you will need: 3 tbsp. Soda, 3 tbsp. Corn Starch, 3 tbsp. Coconut butter, your favorite essential oils (for example, tea tree oil or lavender) and empty packaging from deodorant. Coconut oil should be melt in a separate dish, and soda and starch - mix thoroughly. These three ingredients need to be mixed before the formation of a homogeneous mass, and then add several drops of essential oil to it. The resulting mixture is stacked in a tube from under the antiperspirant and is placed in the refrigerator.
  • Delicate deodorant with bee wax. A real find for owners prone to skin irritation. Ingredients: 2 tbsp. Corn starch, 2 tbsp. Soda, 60 g of bee wax, 5 tbsp. Coconut butter, 20 drops of essential oil. The components need to be mixed to uniformity and put on a steam bath. During the preparation, the mixture should be constantly mixed. A ready deodorant pour into an empty tube, and do not forget to give it to cool at least an hour.
  • Citrus home deodorant. Great to everyone who loves fresh aroma of oranges and lemons. For its manufacture, you will need: 0.5 tbsp. Bee wax, 2 tbsp. Coconut oil, 2 tbsp. Food soda, 1 tbsp. Corn starch, 10-15 drops of essential oil (you can use several flavors immediately). Bee wax must be melt, after which the coconut oil with him. In the formation of the workpiece should be poured soda and corn starch, mix thoroughly and add essential oils. Place the mixture in the tube and put cooling.
  • Deodorant with Shea oils and cocoa You will please the amateurs of sweet flavors. It includes: 1.5 tbsp. Bee wax, 4 tbsp. White clay, 1 tbsp. Cocoa Oil, 4 tbsp. Shea oil, 25 drops of tea tree oil. Oil cocoa and shea, as well as beeswax you need to mix in a homogeneous mass. The resulting mixture can be melt on the stove or in the microwave. To this liquid should be added clay, tea tree oil, mix all the components and put the dishes with a mixture in cold water. Three or four minutes, when the mass starts to harden, it should be pouring into a case from under deodorant.

Add essential oil to deodorant to find your perfect flavor
  • Do not hurry using the deodorant made by you. The finished mixture needs time to harden. As a rule, it is enough to do with several hours to one day.
  • Apply a homely deodorant in a very thin layer, without push. If you are all done correctly, traces from the product on the skin (and even more so - on clothes) should not be left.
  • Deodorants with coconut oil is better stored in the refrigerator - this ingredient melts at a temperature of +25 degrees.

Pleasant use!

We are all accustomed that the use of deodorants and different antipersperances has become an ordinary part of the daily toilet. Each has its own preferences regarding fragrance, packaging and price category.

But the purpose of these funds is alone: \u200b\u200bprotect against sweat and unpleasant odors.

Not everyone knows that the preparation of a natural deodorant is possible at home from natural materials, its own hands. The process does not require special efforts, temporary and financial costs.

It is not difficult to start making different types of deodorants. And we will help you in this.

What are the advantages of natural deodorants in comparison with the purchased?
If you first gathered to cook a home deodorant, then such a question will definitely come to your mind.

Naturally you need to work, search the ingredients, to conjure on the constituent and doubt the result.

Not many of us know that headaches and various kinds of indisposition can be caused by the use of antiperspers. Components such as salts and other compounds of aluminum, propylene glycol, as well as the presence of parabens (and other aggressive substances), can provoke more serious diseases.

Renal failure, tumor, in particular, and cancer, according to doctors, may be the consequence of the daily use of antiperspers.

Many people, including celebrities, realizing the danger of purchased tools, prefer to use lemon juice or apple vinegar.

Recipes of natural deodorants are not very common, but we will be ready for them.

Preparation of liquid natural deodorant

The homemade liquid deodorant is very simple, because it consists only of oils, but their concentration is designed to avoid stains on clothes.

Prepare the following ingredients:

  • grape oil (can be replaced by oil sesame) - 5 ml
  • tea tree oil no more than 10 drops
  • rosemary oil (geranium is also suitable) 5 drops
  • lavender oil 15 drops
  • empty bottle with roller

Grape seed oil is easily absorbed and dries quickly. A tea tree has an antibacterial effect, and the rest of the essential oils are used to create a fragrance.

In principle, you can do after three components: rosemary, tea tree and grape bones.

In the summer, it is not worth adding citrus oils: when you hit the skin direct rays for a long time, they can provoke burns.

All the ingredients you have chosen placed in a bottle and break carefully. This deodorant is stored in a dark place for up to three weeks. If the smell evaporated a little, you can notice a couple of drops of warm essential oil.

The deodorant prepared by you is not porp, if he is given to dry from five to seven minutes.

Antipersterant with cream structure

Using this recipe you can prepare a great remedy that will save you not only from unwanted smells, but also significantly reduces sweating.

But unlike shop deodorants, homemade can be used daily without harm to health.

The main advantage of the natural antipersperant is that it is perfectly coping with his tasks, while not harmful to the purses and sweather glands. This tool perfectly copes with deodorization of the legs.

You will need the following components:

  • wax 50 gr
  • starch (preferably potato) 2 bars.
  • soda Food 2 tsp
  • 0 tea wood oil 15 drops
  • oils for giving fragrance (which likes, you can palmarozoa)
  • coconut Butter (characterized by hardness) 20 gr. : added to impart the ease of the structure of the deodorant.

Melt on the steam bath Bee wax and coconut oil. To the resulting mixture, add dry ingredients and essential oils, mix well.

Put the mixture into the vial from the old deodorant (to get the familiar pencil) or any other (then the means is applied to the skin like a cream). Give antiperspent for some time to solidify.

This mixture is at regular roommates up to a month. As soon as you noticed the appearance of lumps, the deodorant becomes not suitable.

Solid Deodorant Recipe for Sensitive Skin

This recipe is a bit more complicated by the previous ones, but also its advantages. The antipersperant you prepared is suitable for both the most sensitive skin, thanks to its dense structure, the drug is comfortable in use.

List of desired components:

  • natural wax 30 gr
  • cosmetic clay (best use bentonite)
  • food soda 1.5 tbsp. Spoons
  • arrowed thickener (or corn starch) 2 pt spoons
  • coconut Oil 1 Art Spoon
  • shea oil and cocoa for 1 stan
  • oils for aromatization (lavender, rosemary) 15 drops
  • vitamin E 3 capsules

Melting on a steam bath solid ingredients and add thoroughly mixed bulk ingredients. In the mixture stirred to homogeneity, we enter oil.

We put in the refrigerator until a dense solid mass formation, the product is stored under normal conditions.

Such a natural deodorant has a non-fat structure and will not leave stains, but only protect your delicate skin.

Such a big portion will be enough for a month and a half with daily use.

Disadvantages of natural deodorants

Despite all the advantages, the homemade natural deodorant has its own minuses.

  • For a long time dries and absorbed, it is impossible to dress for this.
  • On the things of dark colors there are minor pollution from dry components, but they are easy to wash them.
  • Domestic funds are not comfortable to use in hikes, long-term moves and situations where the shower is not available.

If before you did not come across any of the ingredients before, it is better to spend allergotest.

Now you know for sure that there is always an alternative to purchased deodorants, apple vinegar with lemon.

Homemade natural deodorants will make life comfortless without harm to your health.

Photo recipes deodorants do it yourself

Summer entered into their rights. Along with traditional joys - holidays, holidays near the river, sea or ocean, light outfits and spectacular accessories - we are faced with a small but annoying problem - sweating. The process is natural, useful (shudders, toxins, normalizes the body temperature), but often conjugate with an unpleasant odor. What if there is no deodorant at hand? Or those that are available, do not suit you level quality and safety in your own body care? The solution is quite simple and tested by the history of mankind - a deodorant produced by independently. Prepare it at once for the whole family so that you can try to try multiple recipes at the same time, experiment with flavors and textures and choose the optimal means that eliminates the unwanted problem. Do not confuse deodorants with antiperspira. The first only remove the unpleasant smell.

Pros and cons of deodorants prepared with their own hands

Natural resources made at home have a number of advantages and only a few possible disadvantages. Consider each separately.

The absence of fragrances, aluminum, parabens and other chemicals, the properties and features of the impact of which we do not even guess.

Pleasant fragrance, which can be selected by independently using various essential oils.

No irritation due to the use of natural components.

Fast and comfortable preparation of funds immediately for the whole family.

Home deodorant should not contain funds to which you have an allergic reaction (it is easy to control).

Special storage conditions are needed, so the remedy cannot be taken with you on trips and travel.

After applying, you need to wait up to ten minutes so that the skin absorb deodorized substances. So you will eliminate the risk of oily spots on clothes.

After cooking, you need to wait a couple of days (or even weeks in the case of the tincture of herbs) so that the tool is finally "matured".

How to make deodorant with your own hands, everyone can figure out anyone. It is only necessary to set the goal, familiarize yourself with the recipe, stocking ingredients and devote a little time to it. In summer, it is possible to experiment with various embodiments and aromas, selecting the most optimal.

Deodorant do it yourself: recipes

Traditional components in home deodorants are soda, oil, starch, clay, vitamins in capsules (optional). Bulk components act as thickeners. The composition is completed with essential oils that can be selected depending on personal preferences. Fruit, herbal, woody and citrus fragrances in homemade deodorant will allow you to experiment and try yourself in the role of perfume.

All ingredients are mixed in different sequences and proportions, obtaining formulations for a particular type and skin needs. There are classic and individual recipes that you adapt to your taste. According to consistency, solid, liquid and creamy homemade deodorants are distinguished. Consider several options on the examples.

Recipe for a solid deodorant with probiotic

One serving will provide a family of three for 4 months. For cooking you will need:

  • full cabinel oil cocoa;
  • soda - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • 3 tablespoons of potato or corn starch;
  • 2 capsules of powder probiotics;
  • 5-10 droplets of essential oil or mixture (for example, lavender, orange, ylang-yulang, geranium, lime or lemongrass).

In a small metal container, melt cocoa oil on small fire. When the composition becomes homogeneous, retain it and add soda and starch. Wait about ten minutes. Still periodically before thickening. At the end, add essential oil. When the mixture completely cools, open the capsules with the probiotic and the loan and it.

Hard deodorant do it yourself quite simple. The resulting mass must be distributed over containers at the rate of each family member and immediately after cooling to put in the refrigerator. The composition must quickly cool so that the ingredients do not begin to settle. After that, you can store the tool at room temperature.

Recipe for a classic softening deodorant

You will need for cooking:

  • 3 tablespoons of dry daisy flowers;
  • 5 tablespoons of cocoa oil;
  • 2 tablespoons of dry calendula flowers;
  • 3 tablespoons of sunflower oil (can be replaced by almond, from apricot bones or avocado);
  • 2 tablespoons of corn starch;
  • 2 tablespoons of soda;
  • essential oils to choose from (neutral are lavender and tea tree).

In a small sterilized glass container, mix flowers and oils. Shake well. Put in a dark place for 2-3 weeks, mixing the composition periodically.

After the specified time, drain the oil. You can slightly warm it in a water bath to better separate from the flowers. In another sterilized glass container, combine oil with dry ingredients. Mix well. Add essential oils around the drip. Tools apply small portions and distribute fingertips. Keep home deodorant in the bathroom. Shelf life - 3-4 months. Prepare a liquid deodorant with your own hands, you will be confident in its quality and safety for the skin and the body. Also, the tool will provide a soft and fairly effective care.

Homemade deodorant for sensitive skin

You will need the following components:

  • full cabinel oil cocoa;
  • 2 tablespoons of Shea oil;
  • 3 tablespoons of beeswax;
  • 2 tablespoons of corn or potato starch;
  • 2 tablespoons of soda (reduce to one, if irritation appears on the skin);
  • up to 10 drops of essential oil or a mixture of several.

Melt cocoa butter with wax and butter in a small capacity on small fire. Constantly stirring. When the mixture becomes homogeneous, add starch and soda. Then enter the essential oils. Constantly stirring, because the mixture is rapidly thickening. Deodorants (with their own hands prepared) on the basis of and beeswax, have a softer and soothing effect on the skin.

Liquid roller homemade deodorant

And there is nothing superpower here. Follow the next set of products:

  • ¼ cup of magnesium hydroxide;
  • 1/8 cup of corn or potato starch;
  • ¼ glass of soda;
  • 1/8 cup of aloe vera extract;
  • ¼ cup of gamamemis (to reduce sweating);
  • 1/8 cup of filtered water (can be without it to get a creamy texture);
  • about 10 drops of essential oils;
  • a pair of tanks from roller deodorants.

Place all the ingredients in a small container and mix well to a homogeneous consistency. Boil the bottle tool. Natural deodorant, with their own hands, cooked with a liquid texture, is more convenient to apply, and the faith contained in the composition soothes and disinfects the skin.

Properties of components in homemade deodorants

1. Shea oil softens the skin due to the content of vitamin E. The component is quickly absorbed, therefore it is indispensable in cases when after applying a deodorant, it is necessary to dressed quickly.

2. Cocoa oil contains vitamin E and minerals such as manganese, calcium, iron and zinc. It provides a slip effect when applied, and also feeds the skin.

3. Kaolin, and also help neutralize the smell. They are softer by exposure than soda, and ideal for those who have the latter causes irritation.

4. Beeswax provides barrier protection, while allowing the skin to breathe. It is he who is the basis for making the composition of the desired form.

5. Essential oils are not suitable for sensitive skin. As for the rest, they are perfectly softened, they give the smell and disinfected the application zone. Deodorants, with their own hands cooked, can act as a pleasant souvenir native and loved ones. The main thing is not to overdo it with oils: their content should not exceed 10-20 drops for 2 servings.

How to optimally go to homemade deodorants

If you use a similar means for the first time, it may seem ineffective. However, systemic use or alternation of a home recipe with the purchase formula will give the first results after a month of use. According to the reviews of those who practiced such a transition, after a couple of weeks, the smell of sweat becomes not so saturated, and in general the process of sweating is normalized for the better. It is clear that you will not be able to abandon production antiperspirants, going to the official event, and in other extreme conditions they can need, however, as an option for every day, deodorants, with their own hands, will become invaluable assistants.

If Farnezol's words and triclosan plunge you into panic, not to mention the salts of aluminum and omnipresent parabens, then it has come and your turn start searching for the perfect natural deodorant. He simply must be without any maliciousness, to handle bacteria gently, no pores not to cloculate and in our already the long-suffering organism of any harm even no longer add. You must admit, in such vital and unusually interesting things for each home cosmetologist, things are best to trust itself, and not omnipresent advertisers and marketers.

Simply nowhere

These three recipes came to us from the harsh royal and Soviet past, when they were heard about deodorants and layers, but to sweat at BALAH, in Soviet offices and other state institutions, was also not accepted. Although our online contemporaries have already managed to bring and in these deserved Praprababushkina recipes something their own, a little even glamorous.

  1. Apply on clean, dry and smoothly shaved armpits fine food soda. It is convenient to use a brush for a powder for this, better artificial, which will not be difficult to wash and dry. Kabuki is most often advised here. After 2-3 minutes, shake the surplus all the same brush, but not the kebuki, but softer. Dry palm here is also suitable.
  2. In the same way as soda, use aluminum aluminum alum, which can be bought almost in any pharmacy in powder. Practice shows that most often they are found in small venetian pharmacies. Alums are applied in the same way as soda, all the same brush.
  3. The third recipe is a mixture of two previous ones: take two parts of soda and one part of the alum and mix. Use the same as described in the first recipe.

Deodorants-stick with your own hands, at home

This method allows you to achieve almost complete identity with purchased deodorants. The main ingredient here is the same soda, which can also be mixed with the alum. In addition to soda and alum with deodorant, coconut oil, corn starch and tea tree oil are added to the deodorant.

All these ingredients promise to protect us from the smell of sweat at least for eight hours and at the same time not to cause any harm.

Coconut oil can be mixed with shea butter and refined cocoa oil, then your deodorant will not soften in the heat. Coconut oil is most often recommended to take unrefined. But if you do not like his smell, it does not prohibit refined to take it either.

In addition to the essential oil of tea tree, you can add any other other that combines well with it. Enhance the action of the tea tree Essential oil of carnations and lavender. Well combines this butter with Berghamot ethers, pines, fir cones.

Do not forget that you will apply your home deodorant to places with a similar location of lymph nodes, so with the ether it is better not to experiment, taking, for example, neutral lavender. If you still want to muffle the poorest spirit of the tea tree oil, add only a few drops of the selected ether and do not forget that citrus fruits, including bergamot, increase the sensitivity of the skin to the sunlight, so in the period of short sleeves it is better not to use them.

There are no clear proportions. The most common recipe is a mixture of equal parts of soda and starch, diluted to the state of the casis, slightly heated with liquid coconut oil or a mixture of oils.

The essential oil of the tea tree should be from one to two percent of the total mixture. The rest of the ethers can be added to several drops, for smell.

The liquid mass is added to an empty form from deodorant-washed and put to the fridge to the refrigerator. Store the finished deodorant is also better in the refrigerator and use only on dry skin.

However, such things are still better to see once than a hundred five hundred times on the Internet to read, right?

Liquid deodorants sprays

There are many recipes for herbal decoctions and infusions, which are also able to save us from the smell of sweat and even thanks to the astringent properties, stop sweating. For such funds, only one disadvantage - they are very quickly spoiled.

In herbal decrains and influences, sowing an unfriendly microflora takes place on the third day of storage in the refrigerator. That is, instead of protection against sweat, we can get a very serious skin infection. So that it does not happen, such sprays need to be preserved. Do not parabens, of course, and certified eco-preservatives, or even the most common, food. They can be purchased at special stores for homemade creams. The main thing is that the preservative is water soluble.

You can try to replace such preservatives by a pharmacy cytrospect, which all the same homemade creamars also use when there is nothing better at hand. But this is the risk.

The simplest recipe for such a very natural deodorant:

  • tablespoon of oak bark
  • dining spoon chamomile pharmacy,
  • tablespoon sage
  • a glass of hot, better distilled, water.

So long will not cool, and strain.

Instead of the bark of oak, you can take green tea without fragrances and incomprehensible additives, you can with natural flowers of jasmine. In sprays, you can also add essential oils. In this case, before each application, the bottle will need to vigorously shake.

If you are interested deodorants for refrigeratorThe simplest and inexpensive tea bags are suitable here, which is sold by large packages. Put several bags in the refrigerator, to the far end of the shelves, or, for the sake of preservation of aesthetic comfort, pour their contents into beautiful peppers or other jars for spices with a holey dispenser.

In the same way, you can also use food soda, which also perfectly absorbs unpleasant odors. Live alum and here will serve their faithful service. Often they are advised to mix with soda.

Instead of the list, you can use empty cans from under the cream, generously putting holes on the lid.

When the smell appears in the refrigerator, replace tea bags, alum and / or soda.

The deodorant made with his own hands is a safe, natural means of protection against sweat. For its preparation, it is necessary to prepare a container that depends on the consistency. The composition may be in liquid, powdered and solid form.

The causes of the appearance of sweat set. These include hot air, excitement, stress, physical exertion. Can provoke abundant selection of sweats of internal organs of internal organs. In the latter case, in addition to wet spots on clothes, there is an unpleasant smell.

One way to combat then and the smell is the use of deodorant. It blocks the production of sweat for a while, gives a pleasant fragrance.

As part of shop deodorants, the ingredients that can damage their health are most often contained. Such a component like aluminum blocks sweat generation, but can lead to the blockage of sweat glands, causing various skin diseases, including oncological. Stearin alcohol dries the skin surface, causes irritation. The consequence may be dermatitis or any other inflammation. There are many other components that harm the operation of metabolic processes in the body.

There are a variety of recipes, how to make a deodorant at home. To make a deodorant with your own hands, you need to purchase components in special stores, prepare a container. For dry composition in the form of powder, a small jar with a twisting lid is suitable. For a creamy or liquid deodorant, a container from the old purchased tool is useful. A solid composition can be easily wrapped in a package.

In addition to the main ingredients, vitamin E, aloe vera and glycerin can be added to the home deodorant. These components further enhance the efficiency of other ingredients and give up a soft texture of the composition.

Dry mixture

The recipe for a deodorant can be realized on the basis of food soda. He is the easiest. Food soda is taken - approximately 50 g, as many corn starch and 9 drops of essential oils, it is better to stop the choice of tea tree oil. The resulting mass is well mixed and moved to the cooked container.

At the heart of the cooked component, which disinfect the surface and kill the fungus. Prevent the addition of secondary infection, struggling with a sharp smell, reduce sweat selection. Natural composition will be in the form of a crumbly powder. A little means take your fingers and distribute on a problem area.

If there is no time to mix all the ingredients, you can simply use soda powder. This component prevents the spread of bacteria that provoke an unpleasant smell, eliminates inflammation and reduces sweat generation.

It should be borne in mind that a deodorant of soda cannot be used for too long and often. Irritation may occur, dehydration of individual areas of the skin, itching, rash. All formulations with soda can not be applied to the surface where there are abrasions, cuts.

Solid form

The most common and convenient is the solid form of a deodorant, and how to do, there are also many combined components.

A solid deodorant may also wrap the food soda, about 40 g. In the same amount, they will need to take the butter, children's powder, cocoa oil, any essential oils, such as lemon or mint. Shea and cocoa oil should be melted over hot water, then add other components. You need to trace so that the mixture does not boil. Then you need to pour the resulting natural composition into the bottle from under the used deodorant and put it in a cool place.

If you like the delicate fragrance of coconut, then you can make a coconut oil based agent. It has antibacterial properties. They take some more corn starch, food soda, which is an antiseptic, absorbs the repulsive smell of sweat, essential oils. All components are mixed and moved to the prepared jar. The composition will be a creamy form. A small amount of light movements are rubbed into the problem zone.

A solid coconut oil-based deodorant for problematic sensitive skin includes a little more components.

Would need:

  • 10 g soda food;
  • 40 g of corn starch;
  • cosmetic clay - about 10 g

All ingredients are mixed. Separately above the hot steam melts bee wax (25-30 g), 30 ml of coconut oil, shea oil and cocoa. The two mixtures obtained are connected, essential oils and vitamin E in capsules are added.

There is another recipe for deodorant with their own hands, which can be made on the basis of beeswax. You need to take 30 g of this component and about 100 g of coconut oil. These ingredients are melted over the hot steam and add 20 g of Shea oils. The container is removed from the fire and is added 20 g of corn starch. Then 20 drops of any essential oils are added. Natural composition is transferred to a tube from the previous deodorant and leave cool.

Excellent absorbent, disinfectants, deodorizing properties have a recipe based on oils with citrus fragrances.

It will take natural wax (5-7 g), which is melted over hot water. Coconut oil is then added, food soda 35 g, starch. After all the ingredients are mixed, add an extract from orange, lemon or grapefruit.

Liquid mixture to fight later

Deodorant with your own hands in liquid form to make it very simple. It contains vegetable oils. An important rule is accurate dosing of the components so that no fat stains on clothes remain.

Antiperspirant with your own hands on the basis of oils of plant origin moisturizes the skin, relieve from sweaty odor and yellow spots on the underwear. As a basis, you can take, for example, apricot or almond oil in an amount of 5 ml. A little tea tree (approximately 7-9 drops), lavender (12 drops) and rosemary (5 drops) add to the selected oil. It is best to choose to store a bottle with a roller.

Anti-inflammatory, softening home deodorant can be made as follows.

  • 50 g dry chopped chamomile;
  • 40 g Calendula flowers;
  • 100 ml cocoa oil;
  • 40 ml of sunflower oil.

Everyone is mixed and placed in a dark place for 20 days, periodically stirring the components. After this time, the resulting fluid is poured, add 30 g of corn starch, 30 g of food soda.

After the ingredients are mixed, you need to add essential oils. For once a sufficiently small amount of means that is distributed on the skin area.

Coconut oil in combination with green tea has a soothing effect, eliminates inflammation and struggles with increased sweating. Cooking takes little time. Soda in the amount of 40 g mixed with corn starch (80 g), pour green tea (4-5 drops) and essential oils (3 drops). The resulting mixture is transfused into the vial and stored in a cool place.

How to make a deodorant home that reduces sweat selection? With increased sweating, the next recipe made on alcohol helps. It is necessary to prepare alcohol (5 ml), 145 ml of hydrolate, 5 ml of aloe juice, as much as the lemon juice extract on glycerin. At the end, it is recommended to add about 20 drops of beloved essential oil. The resulting mixture is transferred to a container with a pulverizer and leave for two days.

Terms of Use

To achieve a maximum effect from handmade deodorants, you need to follow some rules:

  • you need to apply any remedy for flushed, dry skin;
  • after the distribution of the body by body you need to give some time so that it is absorbed, and only then wear clothes;
  • components can cause an allergic reaction, so if redness appeared, irritation, then it is necessary to stop using a deodorant. You can try the composition based on other components.

Making deodorants with their own hands, whose recipes need to be used carefully may have some contraindications. For example, an allergic reaction in people with intolerance to nuts can occur on the shea oil. Rosemary and mint are contraindicated to people with elevated arterial pressure. All essential oils need to use pregnant and lactating women with caution.