Strongly raised hands what to do. Theory of free radicals. Cosmetology methods of skin rejuvenation

Hands - human business card. It is difficult to argue with this statement. The first thing that rushes into the eyes when meeting with a person is his face and hands. And if cosmetologists have already learned today to quite successfully hide the age, working with the skin of the face, hands can often tell us about the age of their owner, and about its social situation, and the level of culture, some character features and habits. In addition, it is often a change in the state of the skin of the hands is the first "signal" of many diseases. And the many non-traditional techniques, for example, acupuncture, use points located on their hands to influence the entire body!

Therefore, it is not surprising that when the organism is rejuvenated, a lot of attention is paid to rejuvenation and hand care. It is no secret that there is quite a lot of rejuvenation techniques, but it is often quite difficult to achieve the desired aesthetic effect when working with hands. In this regard, cosmetologists recommend relateing to the skin of the hands as early as possible. After all, the biological process of aging of the skin begins with 25 years, therefore many prophylactic hand care techniques are being developed.

Causes of skin aging.

But first let's figure it out why skin aging, which contributes to the appearance of a flabby, dry skin. There are several theories of the aging of the human body. All of them talk about progressive with the time of biological imbalance in the body, developing hormonal perestroika, the first signs of which manifest themselves on the "mirror" of the human body - its skin. The reproduction of new cells in the basal layer of the skin is reduced, the exchange of fats and protein composition is disturbed, water deficit occurs. At the same time, microcirculation in the capillaries of the skin deteriorates, the work of melanocytes - special cells producing a special pigment - melanin during the sun. As a result, pigment spots appear on the skin. Due to the deterioration of the cells of the connective tissue - fibroblasts, the synthesis of collagen and elastin is disturbed, which leads to a decrease in density, elasticity and elasticity of the skin. The skin becomes a flabby, coarse, the ability to natural deformation is lost when various influences are possible "residual deformation" of the skin - the appearance of folds and deep wrinkles.

In addition, the aging of the skin contributes to a systematic uncontrollable tan, when the neutral cell molecules in charged particles are converted under the influence of ultraviolet radiation of the Sun - free radicals. These compounds destroy the cell from the inside, contributing to its early death. The deterioration of the state and early aging of the skin contributes to constant dying, temperature drop, incorrect selection of very strong (aggressive) cosmetics, improper overlay cosmetics. Therefore, primarily the prophylactic skin care is already in a relatively young age.

Preventive skin care.

So, upon the occurrence of cold, cosmetologists are recommended to wear gloves at a temperature of + 7-8 degrees. And in the summer, try not to overdo it with the sun in the sun. The optimal time for the tan is 2-3 hours in the morning and 2-3 hours after lunch, when the intensity of solar radiation is not so high.

With dry skin, it is recommended to use special creams that need to be applied after each contact with water before going out. In addition, it is not recommended to wash the dishes and wash without gloves. It is necessary to regularly make masks, grinding and oil baths for hand.

To prevent the appearance of pigment stains, it is recommended to use special hand creams with so-called sunscreen filters. To eliminate already emerging pigment spots, bleaching serums and masks use, and also use skin grinding methods that we will talk about just below. To secure and maintain the effect, it is necessary to use whitening creams.

The reddened hand leather happens when the microcirculation is violated, which contributes to systematic or overheating of the skin, smoking, vascular diseases, etc. To improve blood circulation, you can use massage of hands, recommended raising your hands up, use nutritious creams. If the problem does not disappear, it is necessary to consult a doctor who will recommend drugs that improve blood circulation.

In addition, it is recommended to periodically make tonic baths from the infusion of nettle leaves, infusion or decoction of sage and other medicinal herbs. In the salons as part of various integrated programs, warm paraffin baths are often offered, which soften the skin of the hands and cuticle, rejuvenate the skin.

Along with the use of various masks and creams, massage of hand brushes is very useful. This massage cosmetologists are usually carried out before manicure, using various masks and creams, since, improving blood supply and enhancement of metabolic processes in tissues, it thus improves the overall skin condition, stimulates the growth of the nails, makes them stronger and aesthetic. Massage should be carried out by massaging fingers and brushes in the course of blood and lymphatic vessels, as well as rotating and warm up interfalane joints of the fingers. In this case, you can use different oils, for example, almond oil. As you know, there are many receptors in your hands that are associated with the internal human body bodies. Thus, with heart problems, it is recommended to massage a little finger, and the thumb massage stimulates the activity of the brain, and also acts tonic on the entire body. Massage of the index finger contributes to good work of the stomach, medium-intestines, and the nameless - liver. At the same time, the condition of the skin, including the skin of the hands, depends on the state of the internal organs. That is why cosmetologists include hand massage into many cosmetic procedures.

In the cabin: the simplest procedures for skin rejuvenation.

As a means that can be used both for the prevention of aging of the skin, and with the signs of the flabby, turning skin, a variety of masks and cream are used to smooth wrinkles. Often, these funds are used not only on their own, but also as a preparation for more serious procedures, as well as to consolidate and support the effect after bleaching, skin grinding and other procedures.

Thus, an effective means of rejuvenating the skin of the face and arms, the elimination of wrinkles and acne, increase the tone of the skin is the oil extract of wheat germ. His healing properties are based on a unique set of valuable vitamins and amino acids contained in wheat germ. The extract contains vitamins: B1, B2, B3, B6, B15, E, P, B-carotene, ergosterol, pantothenic and folic acid, as well as a significant amount of micro and macroelements. This extract stimulates blood circulation, has a positive effect with dry skin syndrome, improves cellular and tissue breathing, potentiating the absorption of oxygen.

An example may also be an oil extract, which has an antiseptic effect, relieves inflammation and dry skin, activates blood supply processes, strengthening the walls of the capillaries, improves skin regeneration. It has the ability to neutralize toxic substances.

Under the action of dyagil extract, the elasticity and elasticity of the skin is restored, the skin is smoothed.

In cases where it is necessary to hide pigment stains, there is a whole arsenal of professional bleaching agents. It is necessary to approach the choice of these funds with caution, as some of them can be very toxic.

Hyroquinone has the strongest bleaching properties. It is the most toxic. It is due to its toxicity of the hydroquinone inhibits the vital activity of cells, and especially the vital activity of melanocytes that produce melanin. As a result, a decrease in the production of pigment, the skin brightens. But this tool must be used only under the control of a specialist, since, due to its toxicity, the development of a plurality of side effects is possible, among which the rare skin disease - overonosis, accompanied by a skin-dottening.

A softer effect has arbutin - glycosylated hydroquinone. This remedy is considered non-toxic, but also whitening effect is weaker, which is to block thyroxinase - enzyme contributing to the production of melanin in the skin. As a result, melanin production decreases, the skin brightens. A similar mechanism of action has a mixing acid that contributes to also leather exfoliation. This is weakly toxic acid, but its use is limited by the fact that it often causes allergic reactions.

As bleaching agents, a whole line of acids (antic acids) are also used, which have the exfoliating effect, and therefore are used in chemical peeling.

Whitening series There are many lines of professional cosmetics: Yon-Ka, Danne, Academie, Lacrima, Institute Esthederm, Decleor and others. Each brand uses its composition to combat pigmentation.

So, in Yon-ka it is glycolic, dairy, wine, lemon and salicylic acids. In Danne - the same acids plus soybean oil and wheat germs oil. The LACRIMA bleaching line contains a complex of fruit acids and squeezed acid. ACADEMIE uses AHA-acid (alpha phantroxy acid), as well as lemon and cucumber extracts. Decleor offers to fight pigment stains using vitamin C, a complex of essential oils of neroli, lemon, parsley and whitening plant complex, which includes the extracts of the cortex of the Japanese white liner and grapefruit. InStitut EstHederm serum contains a complex "Hypopigmentation", which consists of a silk root extract and grapefruit derivative, as well as the extracts of tolnica leaves, white birch and licorice. Russian manufacturers also offer a whole series of bleaching. For example, the company "TECHON" offers a series of cosmetics "Your Lightness".

But before you start exposure to the skin in the cabin, you should find out the reasons for the appearance of pigment spots. As you know, pigmentation may appear as a consequence of many factors. Most often, it appears from lovers to sunbathe a lot, but can be caused by a number of diseases - from diseases of internal organs and hormonal disorders to the development of skin tumor - melanoma. In these cases, the use of means for bleaching the skin is unacceptable! To reduce or remove pigment stains, you need to remove the reason for their occurrence.

How to be in cases where the procedures described above do not have the desired effect? To do this, in cosmetology there is a whole arsenal of more expensive, but also more efficient techniques.

Skin grinding.

One of the most common methods of rejuvenation used in cosmetic salons is the grinding of the skin or peeling. With this method, it is possible to get a good aesthetic effect in both a dyeing, dry skin with wrinkles and to hide pigmented spots.

Most often for surface and deep grinding, glycole peelings and skin treatment with retinoids are used, during which layers of dead cells are removed from the skin surface, and the growth of new cells is stimulated, which leads to the restoration of the skin. The skin becomes more elastic and stretched, the skin color is aligned, small defects, wrinkles disappear. With the help of these drugs, skin preparation for laser peeling occurs.

After carrying out surface peeling, skin changes are scarce. Since only the horny layer of the epidermis is rejected, with this manipulation, crusts are not formed, the skin remains dry. Immediately after the procedure, there may be a small (redness of the skin), and in the following days there is a moderate peeling of the skin.

With deep peeling, not only the epidermis is damaged, but also the papillas of the dermis. Therefore, after the procedure, multiple point hemorrhages on the skin are noted, the expiration of the interstitial fluid. During healing, scrap is formed, which independently passes within two weeks. Up to two months can be leather redness.

The most notable results are usually observed with light skin, somewhat worse - with dark. Chemical peeling is effective not only for aging skin, but also in pigment spots arising after pregnancy, reception of contraceptives, the effects of ultraviolet. According to the recommendations of cosmetologists, the optimal time for performing any peeling is the autumn - spring period, when solar activity is minimal. When skin damaged and with inflammatory processes on the skin peeling contraindicated.

Laser skin grinding is the most modern method of peeling, which uses high-precision equipment - carbondioxide or erbium laser. This method allows bloodless and almost painlessly "evaporate" the surface layer of the skin with wrinkles, pigment stains, scars. At the same time, due to the equipment, it becomes possible to most accurately dose the load and choose points of exposure, as well as provide small traumaticity and a short healing period.

In addition, with laser grinding, in addition to exposure to the surface layer of the skin, there is a reduction in collagen fibers of deep layers, which causes an additional effect of true skin suspenders, as a result of which not only small surface, but also deeper wrinkles are smoothed.

This procedure does not require hospitalization, so after its completion you can immediately go home. But within four or five days after the procedure, the skin must be protected from the Sun with a special ointment or film. And for about two weeks, it is saved - the skin looks like a pink, as if the "burnt" in the sun. Very soon, the skin takes its usual look, and for consolidating the effect, cosmetologists prescribe special ointments and creams. Scars and other traces on the skin after laser exposure remains. The method of laser grinding of the skin is contraindicated in exacerbation of skin diseases,

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Another method of skin grinding is a microdermabrasion, in which under the conditions of vacuum, the skin is processed with absolutely sterile microscopic particles - aluminum oxide crystals. This method is also carried out using the equipment, which allows you to control the impact and makes grinding the most gentle as possible. The good rehabilitation period and the rapid growth of the skin are good indicators of this method. With microdermabrasion, pigmentation is hidden, wrinkles, stretch marks and scars are removed, good results are obtained with fading, problem fat skin.

After the procedure, no erythema is not, and therefore you can immediately go to work or visit. Usually, after skin grinding, cationodermy (electrophoresis) of various nutrient cosmetic compositions is carried out. And then applied a mask for tightening the pores of the skin. In conclusion, the day cream is superimposed. This method is contraindicated in cooperose, dermatosis in the active stage, as well as with acne.

Other methods of skin rejuvenation.

Among the relatively new methods of rejuvenation of the skin of the hands should be mentioned mesotherapy. In this case, homeopathic and allopathic agents are used, which in small doses are introduced under the skin using surface tips. After the introduction of drugs is improved in the skin, smoothing the wrinkles occurs, the tone and the overall condition of the skin improves.

Oxipunction (so-called oxygen injection) is rather effective for skin rejuvenation, when various mesotherapeutic cocktails are introduced under pressure from oxygen without using needles. To carry out this procedure, an apparatus of oxygen under high (2 bar) pressure is used. An example of such a device is Oxy Megastation.

At the same time, specially designed drugs are applied to the problem area of \u200b\u200bthe skin, then with the help of nozzles under the pressure of oxygen, it is introduced up to the basal layer of epidermis. In addition to the action of administered drugs on the skin, oxygen itself has a great influence, as a good oxygenation of tissues is ensured. As a result, exchange processes are increasing, cells are multiplied faster, the skin smoothes, rejuvenates. When conducting the technique, there are no side effects for conventional mesotherapy (scars, bruises, and skin peeling). Completes the procedure oxygen mask, possibly with the addition of aromaasel. Through this method, both the rejuvenating and whitening course of treatment can be carried out. In addition, the Oxy Megastation apparatus can also be used to carry out vacuum massage enriched with microdermabrasion oxygen, aromatherapy.

For many years, aesthetic medicine has been involved in rejuvenating the human body and eliminate many of its defects. If earlier, speaking of rejuvenation, it was understood first of all, working with a person, currently medicine can eliminate age-related changes on each square centimeter of the skin. And therefore, if earlier it was exactly the hands were considered the part of the body, which always issues the true age of a person, today we can fight even with aging of the skin of the hands. In this article on the site, find out why the skin of the hands can age, and what methods modern cosmetology offers to slow down this process.

How to slow the aging of the skin of the hands: cosmetology methods

Most modern women pays a lot of attention to the health and beauty of their own person, but many of them forget about the state of the skin of their hands. Very wonder, because the hands, like the face, it is almost always an open and affordable one's part of the body, and their condition can tell a lot about a person.

The aging of the skin of the hands occurs in parallel with the processes of aging of other parts of the body, and the earlier the woman will pay attention to this problem, the more effective the cosmetology methods will help slow down this process.

In order to prevent early aging of hands, it is necessary to deal with the causes of this process.

Hand aging:

  • the main reasons for aging the skin of the hands;
  • how to evaluate the severity of signs of aging of the skin of the hands;
  • cosmetic methods for rejuvenation of the skin of the hands.

The main causes of aging skin of the hands

The answer to the question "Why does the body age?" It is quite simple: because the nature decided so, and this process is genetically determined. However, signs of aging at different parts of the body appear at different times, they also differ depending on the degree of severity. The aging of the skin of the hands begins early enough, and the age-related changes in this area are often expressed. This is influenced by many factors, first of all, that hands are as much as possible to the negative impact of environmental factors, such as ultraviolet, temperature and weather, mechanical damage, and so on. In addition, the fatty tissue in the field of hands is very thin, and all the signs of aging early begin to manifest themselves in this area.

How to evaluate the severity of signs of aging

In order to objectively assess the severity of age-related changes, as well as properly select the methods of prevention and treatment of aging of the skin of the arms, in cosmetology, the classification is used to the degree of these changes:

  • 0 Degree - subcutaneous-fat transshipment of hands is preserved in full;
  • 1 degree - there is a slight decrease in fatty tissue, surface veins on hand practically imperceptible;
  • 2 degree - the lack of subcutaneous fatty fiber moderate, veins and the tendons of the tar of the brushes are slightly expressed;
  • 3 degree - there is a pronounced shortage of adipose tissue on the hands and moderate severity of veins and tendons;
  • 4 Degree - the shortage of subcutaneous fatty fiber. Significant, veins and tendons in the hands are well contacted.

Cosmetology methods of skin rejuvenation

There are several main cosmetology methods for rejuvenating the skin of the hands and slowing the aging processes:

  • peelings, with the help of which pigment spots, keratosis and signs of photoregation of the skin of the hands are eliminated;
  • biorevitalization and mesotherapy helps to increase the elasticity and elasticity of the skin;
  • lipophiling makes it possible to fill the volume of lost tissues in the hands;
  • hardware methods such as laser peeling, fractional rejuvenation, plasma and radio wave therapy also effectively eliminate signs of aging of the skin of the hands;
  • intravascular laser coagulation and the introduction of sclerosing tools helps reduce protruding veins on their hands.

The aging of the skin of the arms is a process that modern medicine cannot stop completely, but timely appeal to the specialist will help slow down this process and keep the hands youth for a long time.

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When it comes to age-related facial changes, various rejuvenating funds can come to the aid: creams, serum, masks, injection. But with the hands everything is much more complicated and seeking salvation. It has only been in creams and massages.

Despite the fact that all these processes are laid genetically and the process of the destruction of collagen and elastin is natural, it can occur much earlier than the planned by nature. It is ultraviolet radiation, malnutrition, bad habits (in particular smoking), stress and bad ecology.

From here heats a simple conclusion: the condition of human's hands is greater extent depends on him itself. If it is not able to influence the environment, it is certain possible to change it for a certain time (for example, it will go on vacation) if it is impossible to reduce the level of UV radiation, then you can reduce the dose of ultraviolet (avoid long staying in the sun). And the proper nutrition and bad habits are the personal matter of everyone.

3. Handing skin

The physiological processes of the body slow down and affect the appearance of the skin: it loses elasticity, elasticity, becomes dry and rough. But sometimes such symptoms are diagnosed in young people with a shortage vitamin A..

It is the deficiency of this element that causes excessive drying of the hands, accompanied by the oroging, the formation of scales and redundant lunch.

Prevent this process easy enoughActually, and restore the victims victim from a lack of vitamin - to use a sufficient amount of vitamin A. For this, your diet must be replenished with vegetables and fruits, eggs, milk and fatty fish. It is also worth using hand skin care products with retinol, which will help improve the texture and will contribute to the seal of collagen fibers, which will help return the skin elasticity and elasticity.

4. Swimp veins on hand brushes

Large exercise, naturally, cannot but affect the condition of the skin of the hands. And the first result becomes swollen veins, which says, as a rule, the beginning of the varicose process. Blood stagnation in extended veins may not be much harm, but certainly spoils the aesthetic picture.

To admire smooth skin of the hands as long as possible, it is necessary to take care of preventive measures as early as possible. All the same vegetables and fruits, contrast shower and certain physical exercises can help (lifting hands up). But it is also important to protect yourself from long-term heavy physical work. - The main reason for the bloody veins.

If the problem arose, it can be solved using masking tonal creams or (more radical method) surgical intervention.

5. Extended pores

Extended Pores are another sign of skin aging, which is laid genetically, but often appears ahead of time. If it is almost impossible to stop this process, then visually reduce the problem - quite real.

The fact is that the size of the pores is more determined by the accumulation of dead cells around it. Therefore, if you do not forget about important hygienic procedures, in particular, peiling, then you can avoid premature pore expansion. Also preserve their size helps the constant use of sunscreens.

6. Changing the color and structure of nails

As a rule, the main problem of nails, which leads to a change in their color and form, is considered a fungal infection. No one, unfortunately, is not insured against it, as they say, all ages are submissive. But it all depends on the severity of the disease: the launcher and more seriously damage to the nail plate, the more unpleasant the consequences in the future and the faster the aging processes occur. Therefore, it is very important to take care of the disease at the first symptoms of its occurrence.

Hands are not so good as the skin of the face, but it falls under the influence of even more negative factors, therefore it requires no less, but even more attention and care. From timely hygiene and assistance in a relatively young age, its condition in mature years depends.

Humanity has long been looking for a recipe for eternal youth and is trying to create a beauty elixir. Thanks to the technical progress, the successes of science and centuries-old experience of medical practice were defeated by many fatal diseases, and the average life expectancy of people is consistently increasing. However, the process of aging remains relevant and continues to be interested in both scientists and practitioners. The first signs of aging are observed on the face, even when the whole body is in good physical form. Often, chronological (fixed by passport data) and biological (determined by the state and functional characteristics relative to the average norm) are not coincided.

Activation or suppression of the activities of certain genes underlies the development of one or another pathology and the aging mechanism as a whole. Relying on these conclusions, general regulatory therapy was proposed, designed to prevent genetic disorders affecting the development of age-related diseases.

Stochastic (probabilistic) theories

Stochastic or probabilistic theories explain aging as a result of mutational changes occurring on the DNA level. Random mutations accumulate in chromosomes and are repeatedly reproduced by cell division.

Theory of free radicals.

Scientists D. Kharman and N. Emanuel almost at the same time (respectively, in 1956 and in 1958) put forward the theory by the name of the theory of free radicals. With the help of this theory, they explain both the principle of the aging mechanism and the emergence of many age diseases: cardiovascular pathology, cataracts, decrease in immunity, violations of brain activity, cancer and others. "The culprits" of the pathological changes in the body of pathological changes D. Kharman and N ..Emanuel is called free radicals - oxygen molecules involved in many biochemical processes in cells.

Free radicals are unstable particles with the missing electron, therefore, in search of their missing particle, they enter the reaction with healthy molecules, taking their electron and turn them into free radicals. Due to the chain reaction of the formation of free radicals in the body, cell damage and a violation of its biochemical balance occurs. The formation of free radicals can cause harmful exogenous factors: ultraviolet radiation, contaminated air, nicotine, etc.

The first blow free radicals are applied on the skin, provoking the appearance of wrinkles, rash, signs of inflammation, and in addition, the development of more than 60 different diseases and aging.

In the skin, collagen is stronger from free radicals - a protein that gives the skin elasticity and elasticity. Free radicals cause biochemical changes - the formation of cross-links that prevent the free movement of molecules of collagen fibers relative to each other. Collagen molecules soldered into bundles, lose their elasticity and acquire rigidity, which is manifested by signs of aging of the skin.

The reasons for the launching mechanism of the harmful effects of free radicals in the skin are different, but the insidious itself is the impact on the skin of the ultraviolet. The sun rays stimulate the formation of free radicals and the production of protein-enzymes that destroy fats to form arachidonic acid. Arachidonic acid causes the formation of molecules that contribute to inflammation and aging of the skin. And free radicals, in turn, are activated inside the cells of special molecules - the so-called copying factors.

Copy factors are neutral molecules, but if they are exposed to activation from free radicals, they begin to migrate to the cell core. In the kernel, embedded in DNA, copy factors cause synthesis of toxic substances. The NFK-B copy factor causes inflammatory processes in the cell and accelerates its aging. The AR-1 copy factor leads to the destruction of collagen, the formation of microdefects and wrinkles in the skin.

Free radicals can damage DNA and cell RNA, lipids, fats. Inside the cells there is a protective mechanism from the aggression of free radicals - these are superoxiddismutase enzymes, etc. Antioxidant (neutralizing free radicals) Action has substances used with food: vitamins (A, E, C), vegetables, fruits, green tea, coffee, etc. True, the surplus of antioxidants is able to cause the opposite reaction in the body - the strengthening of oxidative intracellular processes.

Theory of disaster errors.

In 1954, American physicist M. Szilllard put forward a hypothesis about the mutation nature of aging or "aging by mistake". Studying the effect of ionizing radiation on various types of living organisms, he concluded that radiation reduces the life expectancy of animals and people. It leads to the development of mutations in DNA and causes signs of aging: the diseases, gray and so on. Scylad came to the conclusion that the cause of aging of biological species is mutations, but could not explain the mechanism of aging of living organisms that have not been subjected to radiation radiation.

Following the Scylarad, the researcher L. Orgel considered mutations in living cells not only as the result of the effects of external aggressors (ultraviolet and ionizing radiation, free radicals, toxic effects of viruses and other mutagenic agents), but also as a spontaneous process. That is, errors in the cell's genetic apparatus can be caused by both external and internal causes. They entail a violation of cell functions and the whole organism, lead to their aging and death.

Theory of Apoptosis(cell suicide).

The theory of cell apoptosis (from Greek. "List Falls), nominated by Academician V.P. Skulachev, considers cell death as an inevitable programmed process. To preserve the integrity of the body, each cell, having lost its viability, must die and give way to a new place. Infection with a virus or mutation, causing diseases and ozakoches, becomes a signal to "suicide" cells in order not to endanger the whole organism.

In contrast to the violent death of cells as a result of burns, injuries, hypoxia, poisoning, etc. In apoptosis, the affected cells independently disintegrate on structural fragments and are used by other cells as a building material.

The process of self-destruction of mitochondria (organoid, providing breathing cells) V.P. Skulachev called Mitoptosis. It occurs in the event that a large number of free radicals accumulates in mitochondria. The disintegration products of the dead mitochondria can poison the cell and lead to its death (apoptosis). The process of aging by V.P. Skulachev occurs when the number of dead cells exceeds the number of newly formed, and the deceased cells are replaced by a connective tissue.

According to Academician V.P. Skulacheva, the exit consists in preventing the destruction of cells with free radicals. That is, he considers old age as a healing disease, if you cancel the programmed aging of the body.

V.P. Skulachev believes that the most detrimental effects on cells and mithodaries have active forms of oxygen, in particular hydrogen peroxide. As a medication from aging, the academician developed and suggested the SKQ drug, whose clinical trials have not yet been completed.

Prevention of aging skin


For the prevention of premature aging of the skin caused by increased insolation, funds for protection against ultraviolet irradiation are used. The action of one of these funds is directed to the capture of ultraviolet, under the action of which their chemical transformation occurs. As a result, part of the radiation energy is spent on the chemical reaction and does not reach the dermal cells. Such means may have contraindications, because It is possible to penetrate them into the body with blood flow through the skin and side allergic reactions. A good alternative to similar sunscreen substances serve photoprotectors, which include thin-fat mineral pigments (titanium dioxide or zinc oxide), do not penetrate the skin deep, and ultraviolet rays reflecting from its surface. Sunscreens includes water, fats, vitamin E, softening and moisturizing components. It is useful to use post-airing facilities for cooling, nutrition and skin moisturizing.


Good moisturity is the indispensable condition for the prevention of premature aging of the skin. The impact of any climatic and atmospheric factors on the skin negatively affects its moisture, especially under the conditions of the urban environment, where air contains many aggressive chemical components. With low air humidity, the body loses water, with elevated - the sweating and the production of skin saline increases. Even with high humidity, if an increased air temperature is observed, the skin needs to be protected from dried under the influence of the Sun, in moisturizing and thorough regular cleansing. Low temperature and low air humidity drain the skin, depriving her moisture. With low humidity and high temperature, the skin also actively loses moisture. The drying of the skin is possible from a strong wind with an increased or on the contrary, reduced temperature. Under the influence of wind, the skin is not only thinned, it becomes scaly, begins to peel. Adverse atmospheric impacts should be opposed to additional measures to moisten and protect the skin: the use of high-quality day cream and long-term stay in the fresh air in a favorable environmental zone.

Healthy lifestyle

Begin care of the skin and the prevention of her premature aging should be, first of all, with the organization of rational labor and recreation, preferring a healthy lifestyle. The body, devoid of full and sufficient sleep, is doomed to develop adverse effects, the first of which is a tired skin condition. The formation of new cells occurs during sleep, so the skin naturally restores its structure at a time when we sleep.

Regular sports work the skin, increase its elasticity. Under the influence of increased loads, an additional flow of blood to the skin occurs, which has a good stimulating effect. Sports and exercise well helped to cope with stress - the worst enemy of healthy skin.

Long stress causes a convulsive reduction of facial muscles, long-term stretching of elastic fibers and their overwork. In stress, the skin lacks oxygen and nutrition, because Under the influence of increased adrenaline, there is a violation of capillary blood circulation. Another hormone of stress - cortisone - violates the process of skin regeneration and collagen formation. Reasonable attitude to the events of life, standing in stress - an effective way to protect against premature aging of the skin.

Healthy young leather and smoking are incompatible concepts. If you want to resist the aging of the skin, you will have to leave the harmful habit of smoking to avoid the appearance of wrinkles around the mouth and eyes. Smokers require additional reception of vitamins A, E, C, provitamin A (beta-keratin) to prevent the formation of a large number of small wrinkles.

An even more significant damage to the health and condition of the skin is applied alcohol. Under its influence, capillaries are expanding, which become noticeable, changing the appearance of the skin. Acceptance of alcohol adversely affects the work of the liver, which is inevitably reflected in the skin condition. The same adverse effect on the liver, and hence both the skin, has an excessive use of strong tea and coffee.

Skin aging can be caused by the use of certain types of drugs, so one should not be engaged in self-medication and uncontrolled drug use.

Finally, a balanced, rich in vitamins and microelements nutrition and sufficient fluid consumption (up to 2 liters per day) contribute to maintaining a normal life balance in cells and tissues, prevents premature aging of the skin.

Faster than the other open parts of the body. And if the neck is possible

hug an elegant scarf, then the hands do not hide. So you need to stop aging hands. We allocated four main features that prematurely boost hands, and found ways to suspend age-related changes.

Thin wrinkled arms

Sometimes hands begin to resemble a skeleton brush, covered. This is all the absence of collagen. For the formation of collagen and thickening of the skin, a whole complex of substances is responsible, among which retinoids, alpha hydroxy acids and peptides. You do not need to urgently run to the store and seek a special hand cream. There are means of care of mature skin. Use it for hands.

Speakers in the hands of the hands bother decorations

If you have chubby handles - this is a plus game to you. So, under the skin enough fat, and the veins are almost not visible. Additional means: jewelry and noticeable distraction from veins. We perceive women's hands younger than they are, if we see on them rings, bracelets and professional manicure. Just do not grow too long nails, the maximum length of the free edge is 3-4 millimeters. Short nails visually soften the appearance of the hands and allow them to look not old and well-groomed.

on hands

Ultraviolet damages melanocytes - cells responsible for skin pigmentation, and brown dots and spots appear in the hands. This is characteristic, for example, for professional drivers. The left part of the body (left side of the face, neck and left hand), which has always turned out to be in the sun or just at the open window, usually more wrinkled and covered with brown spots.

To get rid of freckles, use bleaching lotions with 2% hydroquinone. Hyroquinone penetrates melanocytes, forcing them to produce melanin, pigment that prevents skin discoloration. To appear a noticeable result, you need to apply a lotion once or twice a day for several months. To speed up the process, choose a means in which, in addition to hydroquinone, contains retinol and alpha hydroxy acids - they help the hydroquinone to penetrate the skin faster.

In order not to form new specks, put all open areas of the body with sunscreen with SPF not lower than 15. Do it even in the fall and winter.

Dry skin hands

With age ceases as actively as in the youth, to hold moisture. Now she needs help.

Each time after washing the hands, lubricate your hands with cream. Do not allow the skin to dry yourself, always roll in a towel: a liquid from the surface of the skin, evaporated, takes part of the moisture, which should have absorbed.

As part of a moisturizing hand cream should contain hyaluronic acid and glycerin (or). Once a week arrange Hand Hands: before bedtime, apply a thick layer of fat cream or ordinary cream oil And wear cotton gloves. In the morning you will not recognize your skin - it will become soft, tender and elastic.