Wedding in Denmark. Marriage in Denmark as a great opportunity to legitimize a multinational family. Features of registration in the Danish kingdom: briefly about the main

Recently, marriages concluded by our compatriots in Denmark have become especially popular. There are reasons for this. The main one is a minimum of bureaucratic nagging by Danish registry offices regarding the list of documents required for registration.

But getting married is only half the battle. What to do next? How can a foreign spouse stay in Germany without leaving their country of residence? How to get the cherished passport insert - Aufenthaltserlaubnis?

"Marry is not an attack ..."

A fairly common situation: a German citizen from among the immigrants meets a foreign girl. On the phone, they agree to get married and establish their place of residence in Germany. But the question arises: where is the best place to formalize the marriage. There are options. For example, in the homeland of the bride or in Germany itself (after the bride receives a marriage visa). But then there is a serious problem with family reunification. Since August 28 of this year, this problem has become practically insoluble for many foreigners. For it was on this day that legislative changes came into force, which affected the following groups of foreigners:

- intending to come to Germany for marriage and stay in it to live with their spouse,

- intending to move to Germany to reunite with their spouse.

In all these cases, a foreign bride must prove her ability to speak German at least at an elementary level before arriving in Germany. Namely, it is necessary that the foreign woman be able to understand and use familiar, elementary expressions and construct simple sentences (for example, be able to ask for directions or talk to a seller in a store). A foreign woman should be able to introduce herself and introduce others, should be able to ask questions on personal topics and answer them. For example, where she lives and whom she knows. In addition, she must be able to write a little in German, for example, her name, address, nationality, etc. when filling out administrative forms. Therefore, future spouses often opt for Denmark.

Indeed, it is possible to get married in Denmark in almost three days - it is that simple. You can choose any city you want: Padborg, Haderslev, Nikobing, Tinglev, Copenhagen and even Odens, where the world famous storyteller Hans Christian Andersen was born in 1805. Officials of the Danish registry offices do not require a large number of documents. For example, instead of the notorious certificate of marital capacity (Ehefähigkeitsbescheinigung oder Ledigkeitsbescheinigung), they would be quite satisfied with a certificate of registration (Aufenthaltsbescheinigung), which would contain information about marital status.

If the bride or groom were divorced, then the corresponding certificate, before being sent to Denmark, must be certified with a special seal in the city of Abenraa. It lasts fast enough and is inexpensive.
In addition, you need to provide a birth certificate and passport, where the visa is glued, as well as fill out a form and pay the fee in Danish kronor. No apostilles and notarization! It is not necessary to bring an interpreter with you, as you can speak German.

Of course, each registry office in each city has its own procedures and lists of documents, but the differences between them are insignificant. Some demand that the bride and groom stay in the city for at least 3 days before the wedding, while others do not succeed in a short time, at the request of the bride and groom, to appoint a “term”.

Witnesses are definitely needed, but if the future spouses did not bring friends with them, then it does not matter - the registry office employees can provide them with one of their acquaintances. All this is nothing compared to the conditions of the German registry offices.

If the bride and groom want to choose, for example, the city of Padborg, then there are the following rules: marriages are made on Mondays and Thursdays. Three days before the wedding, you need to submit documents to the registry office and settle in the city itself (this is a prerequisite and a receipt for payment of housing will serve as proof). The list of documents is approximately the same.

For many, living in Denmark may be expensive or simply not included in their plans, in which case there are other cities where it is not necessary to do this.

In some registry offices there is a good tradition of presenting souvenirs to newlyweds in memory of their city.
So, the choice was made in favor of Denmark! The documents have been collected. Bride in Germany. Newlyweds often do not think at all about what kind of visa the bride will get to Germany: if only to get there, we’ll figure it out! - reads their motto. All types of Schengen visas are used: A, B, C ... Difficulties arise later ...

"The wedding marches have died down ..."

Is Danish marriage recognized in Germany? The newlyweds should have no doubts about this:
a marriage certificate issued in Denmark is recognized in Germany without any exception.
Figuratively speaking, a marriage concluded in Denmark has the same legal force as a German marriage (i.e., as if it were concluded in Germany). By the way, officials do not have any special questions about this.

Questions begin when it becomes clear that a foreigner entered Germany on the wrong visa. And a meeting with an official of the department for foreigners cannot be avoided. After all, after registering a marriage and receiving the appropriate certificate, the newlyweds think that the most difficult is over. All that remained was for the foreign wife to apply for a residence permit and receive the Aufenthaltserlaubnis insert in her passport.

To this end, the spouses go to Ausländeramt, where they are greeted by an unfriendly official who, instead of congratulations and flowers that are most appropriate for such an occasion, with an inevitable smile (they say, “I know you ...”) presents the foreign woman with unpleasant news. That she must leave Germany, and that the issue of obtaining a residence permit must begin to be resolved through the German embassy in the country of permanent residence. Often such terms end in fainting.

Now let us ask ourselves a question: to what extent is the position of officials justified? Indeed, immigration law §5 Abs. 2 Satz 1 AufenthG requires a foreigner applying for a residence permit to fulfill two prerequisites:

A) that he entered Germany with an appropriate visa (mit dem „erforderlichen Visum“),

B) that at the time of filing an application for entry, he gives truthful testimony regarding the purpose of his visit to Germany.

In this regard, another question arises: is the entry of a foreigner into Germany with a Schengen visa and a marriage concluded in Denmark sufficient grounds for obtaining a residence permit here in Germany? Formally, it must be admitted that one must enter not with a Schengen visa, but with a national German visa.
It is given for a long stay in Germany, it is much more difficult to obtain it. But only this visa is a guarantee of a problem-free solution to the issue of a residence permit. Therefore, officials "cling" to this norm and demand that a petition be submitted (of course, with the departure from Germany) to the embassy.

Are there any exceptions to this rule? Of course! It is enough to read the specified paragraph of the law to the end. So, further the law says that a foreigner who is in Germany can apply for a residence permit if he is in Germany legally, the prerequisites for issuing a residence permit are met, and also if in his particular case special circumstances are found that speak in favor of the applicant.

This clause gives the applicant (or better, the lawyer representing his interests) a wide field for action. What if, for example, a foreign woman is already pregnant? What to do if the German spouse becomes depressed from the upcoming separation from his wife, his mental state of health is alarming (which is confirmed by a doctor's note)? And what if the children of a German citizen from their first marriage have already become so attached to their stepmother that they cannot bear the upcoming separation, and the process of their adoption has already begun?

All the examples given, in our opinion, should be decided in favor of the immediate issuance of a residence permit. After all, as we have noticed, each case should be considered individually. And in most cases, "leads" favorable to a foreigner can be found. The only thing that can be advised is to contact a lawyer in advance, even before the visit to Ausländeramt.

And one more thing: do not sign any documents without first consulting a lawyer! Often, the applicant is asked to sign an agreement on voluntary departure and on the refusal to appeal a possible refusal in court. The document is in German, the content is completely incomprehensible. But if it is signed, then later it will be almost impossible to help the foreigner. Even the court will not consider the appeal, as it will be declared inadmissible (unzulässig).
I just want to exclaim: “Newlyweds! Be careful! Don't make irreparable mistakes! Contact a lawyer ahead of time! "

Modern, simple, fast.

Why did marriage in Denmark become so popular? Lovers who want to create their own family face many bureaucratic barriers, especially if it is a marriage with a foreigner. This takes time and effort and the registration of marriage is greatly delayed. If you want to marry a German citizen or a citizen of an EU country and move to this country for permanent residence, then the fastest and most reliable way is to register your marriage in Denmark. This is the most affordable and legal way. Denmark has created laws that are convenient for marriage. The required documents for marriage in Denmark are minimal. And the timing of the marriage is quite acceptable.

Accommodation in this country is not the cheapest. Therefore, a wedding in Denmark is usually not held, but only a wedding. Often couples want to sign and leave as soon as possible. But each registry office in Denmark has its own conditions for documents, terms, the number of days of stay in the commune and each registry office has its own days of painting. Not always marriage in 1 day is the most profitable option, as any marriage agency might assert. Our agency works with more than 30 registry offices, which cover 22 communes in Denmark. We calculate the most profitable option depending on the client's wishes. For example, getting married in Copenhagen may be beneficial for couples living far from Denmark, but this option is not suitable if your desire is a quick marriage in Denmark.

Additional Information.

Marriages entered into in Denmark are officially recognized in all EU countries. Citizens of any country in the world, including Russia and the CIS countries, can register a marriage in Denmark.

At your request, we can provide you with a qualified lawyer who will help you with obtaining a residence permit without leaving Germany. Our partner lawyers promise a discount to our clients.

We have posted frequently asked questions in the department.

Rush order?+49 176 4579 6296

Services for organizing the registration of marriage in Denmark.

Since 2019, the registry office fee is 220 Euro. The registry office fee is not included in our package of services and is paid additionally.

Standard package:389, - Euro (*)

  • detailed consultation on marriage issues
  • preparation and verification of a package of documents
  • submission of documents to the Danish registry office
  • reservation of the date of registration in the registry office of Denmark
  • confirmation of the date within 1-2 days
  • providing instructions on further actions and the route to the place of registration

All inclusive package: 539, - Euro (*)

  • standard + package services
  • hotel with one night and breakfast

All inclusive package + transfer:998, - Euro (*)

it is necessary to ask about possible dates

  • standard + package services
  • priority processing of documents
  • delivery from Hamburg to Denmark and back
  • 2 witnesses

Luxus package: 1399, - Euro (*)

  • standard + package services
  • priority processing of documents
  • individual delivery from Hamburg to Denmark and back
  • one night at the hotel with breakfast
  • travel by car to sightseeing
  • escort by our employee during the ceremony
  • russian translator during registration
  • 2 witnesses
(*) The package does not include the registry office fee in the amount of 220 Euro. Rush orders will incur additional charges. An urgent order is if the period between the provision of all the necessary documents and the desired date of registration is: - more than 30 days - 0 Euro - within 30 days - 80 Euro - within 20 days - 160 Euro - within 10 days - 240 Euro All prices include VAT 19%.

Required documents for registration of marriage in Denmark.

Without a birth certificate?
Without a certificate of marital status?

Consultation by phone +49 176 4579 6296

We work with copies of your documents by email!

  • passport or international passport for EU citizens or international passport with a valid Schengen visa or residence permit for non-EU citizens
  • certificate of marital status (if there is no reason why it is impossible to get it), not older than 4 months, with Apostille and translation
  • if you are divorced or a widower / widow, thendivorce or death certificate of former spouse with Apostille and translationinto German, English, or Danish

Despite the apparent simplicity, we recommend that you use the services of marriage agencies!

In recent years, marriage in Denmark has become very popular. In particular, citizens of the Federal Republic of Germany wishing to marry citizens of other countries travel to Denmark to legalize their marital relations. In this case, “marriage in Denmark” is used as a tool in the framework of spousal reunification. Also, citizens of other countries living in Germany often decide to get married in Denmark.

The main reason for this decision is the ease and speed of this procedure. After all, everyone knows that the process of getting married in the registry offices in Germany can last for several months, or even years. In addition, some citizens believe that by getting married in Denmark, it will be possible to circumvent the requirements of German family reunification law.

The tool “Marriage in Denmark” is usually used in two cases: In one case, a marriage is concluded between people already residing in the EU. In another case, only one of the spouses is an EU citizen, while the other is a non-EU citizen and permanently resides outside the European Union.

Consider these two cases:

Marriage in Denmark as a tool for family reunification

Today there are many companies offering services for organizing marriage in Denmark. They promise a quick and inexpensive marriage with the opportunity to subsequently stay with a European husband with the opportunity to acquire a permanent residence permit (PRP). However, few know that this kind of action can have dire consequences for both spouses and firms that offer such services.

"There is only one step from the registry office to the prosecutor's office." This is not a joke, but reality. There were cases that instead of obtaining a residence permit, spouses received deportation, a ban on entry to the Eurozone and a criminal record. And firms, in turn, were held accountable as instigators and accomplices in illegal migration. The same fate can await a lawyer who deliberately or due to ignorance of the law prompted clients to take such a step.

Using the legislation of the Federal Republic of Germany as an example, we will figure out why this is possible:

The most standard case is when one of the spouses is a citizen of the Federal Republic of Germany, and the other is a citizen of the CIS. They set the day of marriage in the registry office of Denmark and go there. As a rule, a foreign spouse travels to Denmark on the basis of a tourist visa. After marriage, they go to Germany and apply for a temporary residence permit (residence permit) for the reunification of spouses. In the best case, the Foreigners Office will refuse to grant a residence permit to a foreign spouse. In the worst case, a criminal case will be opened.

A criminal case may be initiated for providing false information about the purpose of the trip as part of obtaining a tourist visa. This is because a tourist visa can only be used for tourist purposes. For any other purpose, a corresponding national visa is required. Consequently, providing incorrect information about the purpose of the trip may lead to criminal liability. Further, a criminal case can be initiated due to entry into the country without an appropriate residence permit or visa.

Due to the provision of incorrect information, the Office for Foreigners may refuse to issue a residence permit to a foreign spouse and threaten with deportation from the country. At this point, it should be noted that a residence permit / residence permit for spousal reunification is issued only in two cases:

  • if the conditions for the provision of a matrimonial residence permit arose after entering Germany. For example, a foreigner came to Germany as a student. After a while, he met a German citizen here and married her. In this case, the conditions for issuing a residence permit arose after entry
  • if the spouse entered Germany on the basis of a spousal visa with legal order on the reunification of spouses.

The conclusion is obvious: as a tool for family reunification, “marriage in Denmark” is not only unsuitable, but also dangerous.

Marriage in Denmark, for people living in the EU

In this case, a marriage is concluded between persons living in Europe, regardless of their citizenship. For example, non-citizens of the Federal Republic of Germany who live in the Federal Republic of Germany go to Denmark and get married there. In principle, this is possible. However, there are many pitfalls here too.

First, this marriage must be contracted in accordance with the formal requirements of Danish law.

Secondly, the marriage must comply with the laws of the countries of which the spouses are citizens. Therefore, the conclusion of marriage without appropriate consultation in the departments of these countries is highly discouraged.

Thirdly, the marriage must be recognized and valid in Germany. For example, Germany may refuse to recognize a marriage if one of the spouses was married / married before marriage in Denmark. In this case, recognition will require the provision of the original court decision on the dissolution of the first marriage with an official translation. Until the moment of its recognition by the authorities of the Federal Republic of Germany, the first marriage will be considered valid, which automatically leads to double marriage. The recognition is carried out by the Supreme Court of the place of residence. Therefore, it is advisable to involve lawyers to draw up and submit a petition.

This article is for guidance only and does not replace individual legal advice. The use of this material in personal matters without prior legal advice from a lawyer may cause you irreparable damage. The author does not guarantee the correctness, completeness, timeliness or quality of the information provided. The author is not responsible for any damage incurred when using this article. This does not apply if the damage was caused intentionally or by gross negligence.

Marrying a foreign citizen is always a troublesome, bureaucratic process that can deprive the whole event of its characteristic romance. The ideal way out in this situation is to register a marriage in Denmark, which is less demanding on newlyweds. Mixed couples, students, just seekers of romantic places come here. Today, the Danish kingdom has become a European Las Vegas for the married couple.

Features of marriage in Danish

The first reason that outweighs the balance in favor of this country is the minimum of documents that need to be provided in order for your marriage to be registered. Any Danish commune (administrative unit in the Kingdom) can assume the responsibility to do this.

Moreover, many communes even provide their witnesses for this ceremony. The whole process will cost you 500 kroons - this is a fee that will need to be paid to the authority registering you.

From the point of view of legality, a marriage entered into in this country is considered valid, and there should not be any claims from the authorities in your homeland. But it should be remembered that only your spouse will not need to take any additional action if, say, he is a German citizen.

But if you are a citizen of Russia, then you need to put an apostille on the marriage certificate issued to you. Only on the basis of this will your marriage in Russia be recognized as legal, and you will be able to put the coveted stamp of marriage in your passport.

A marriage with a German citizen in Denmark does not provide for an instant change of surname. This can be done after the marriage in the country of residence of one of the spouses. But if you do not want to overshadow your cloudless marriage with paperwork, then everyone can remain with their last name.

Getting ready for the wedding

Preparation should begin with the search for a commune. You can find their addresses on the Internet, send a request by mail or contact by phone. Check if they register marriages between a Russian citizen and a German citizen. The answer is likely to be yes, but let you hear it yourself. A government official should give you a list of documents that are needed to complete the procedure.

Danish law states that newlyweds must live in the country for at least 3 days before getting married.

This is explained rather by economic reasons. After all, during this time you will be able to spend some amount of money, and given that you still have a wedding, then, most likely, the amount may turn out to be quite decent. For those in a hurry, there are special agencies that will help organize everything within one day.

Upon arrival in Denmark, you must register with the local administration. The procedure will take about 10 minutes, no more. After that, you can safely go to registration.


The list of documents that you will need to conclude a marriage in Denmark with a German citizen is formed depending on the country of citizenship of each of the parties.

For a German spouse

  1. The passport.
  2. Birth certificate.
  3. A certificate indicating his marital status and registration.
  4. For widowers and divorced people - a document confirming this fact.

For a Russian spouse

On the part of the bride you will need:

  1. Passport with a visa to the Schengen area. The validity of the travel ID card must not expire earlier than six months from the date of marriage.
  2. Birth certificate.
  3. Certificate confirming your marital status. Its validity period is 4 months.
  4. Certificate issued at the place of residence. You can get it at the ZhEK.
  5. For divorced and widows - a document in which this fact is recorded.

Please note that all papers must be translated into English, German or Danish. This can only be done by a company that has permission to do so. The documents must indicate who translated, when translated and his contact details. All translations must be notarized.

The procedure for submitting documents provides for the initial sending of scanned copies of all necessary papers. A few days before the wedding, you will need to provide the originals.

Reunion with spouse

Getting married in Denmark is not the last step in the whole procedure. After enjoying the romantic ceremony, you will have to return home to apply for a reunion with your significant other. To do this, you will need a copy of your husband's passport and a certificate from his place of residence. They must be enclosed in a package of documents.

A mandatory procedure is an interview at the Consulate, which is carried out to identify the fictitiousness of your marriage and test your knowledge of the German language. Be prepared for absolutely any question, as the staff will try to find out if you really have a sincere relationship or if you only met at a wedding.

The process of waiting for a decision can take a long time: as a rule, it takes from three to six months. This time can be spent on sending things to Germany, since Russian laws in this matter are very strict, and sending things will also take time.

Impressions of Denmark: Video

From 820 € per couple including taxes
and 220 € fee

A marriage in Denmark is:

A wedding in the Danish Kingdom, where narrow cobbled streets wind comfortably between fairytale houses and South Scandinavian landscapes full of fresh air open outside their medieval walls, this is not only an exotic holiday for romantics in love from all over Europe. Today it is, rather, a conscious choice of quite practical modern people, often citizens of different countries, for whom it is important that the bureaucracy that inevitably accompanies marriage and marriage remains, if not completely outside the brackets, then fleeting and not burdensome.

Why Denmark?

A wedding in Denmark is a common ceremony of legal marriage among Europeans creating a multinational family. Convenience and speed make it popular. In the Danish Kingdom, among the countries of Europe, including Switzerland and Great Britain, there is the simplest set of documents, the shortest waiting time for the day of registration, the most friendly legislation in relation to foreigners and same-sex couples who decide to marry on the territory of this hospitable state.

For example, German lawyers recommend a simplified marriage procedure in Denmark to their clients in cases where Germans and Russians enter mixed marriages. For grooms and brides coming to Europe from Russia, Ukraine, the CIS countries and other parts of the world, including Asia and the American continent, a Danish wedding is sometimes the only way to get married within 4-6 weeks. Approximately so much will pass from the day of application to the day of marriage. And without the desperate bureaucracy that both Germany and Russia are famous for. In addition, all documents at the initial stage are submitted in copies via e-mail or fax. That saves money and time, eliminating unnecessary trips when you have to pick up certificates at home and take them further to the Danish municipality (commune) long before the wedding day.

Express wedding in 24 hours

A blitz wedding in Denmark for a quick marriage with grooms and brides from distant countries is convenient not only for Danes and their neighbors, the Germans, but also for citizens of the EU states among themselves. Having reached Denmark, which is almost a few hours away by car from anywhere in Europe, you need to spend the night in the Kingdom in order to get married the next morning and return home in the evening.

Often 24 hours are enough for the whole process with crossing borders, with the way back and forth, for which a wedding in Denmark is called an "express wedding". However, in this case, you cannot do without an assistant and preliminary preparation. Find a suitable commune on the spot, send the certificates there according to the list, wait for them to be checked by Danish officials and confirm the desired wedding day, settle possible bureaucratic problems, book a hotel and much more, without which the blitz wedding will not become a holiday, or even not take place on time - these everyday problems are settled by our agency "Elena and Leif Bossen"

Choosing same-sex couples

Denmark is one of the most tolerant countries in the world. Everyone is welcome here! EU citizens and non-citizens, a wide variety of people from all over the world. find full understanding and support. We remember with love how we attended the wedding of two wonderful girls from Brazil, who spent the night in our hotel before the wedding. It should be noted that they hoped to get married quickly, and everything worked out for them (in the end, in less than 24 hours).

Legitimacy of Danish marriage

For foreigners, the legitimacy of a marriage concluded in Denmark is confirmed by the long-term demand for service and legal practice. The main thing is to comply with the conditions of the marriage legislation of the country where the new family will live in the future. These conditions in some nuances may differ from state to state. However, the family codes of all EU countries are roughly similar and, of course, recognize the Danish marriage certificate.

If a married couple has a need, the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs legalizes the marriage certificate with additional guarantees, certifying the document and its translation into the desired language with a special international apostille. This is quite enough for the recognition of marriage in other European countries and beyond.

On the basis of such a document, it is possible, if desired, to additionally issue a German marriage certificate in Germany. Therefore, we immediately answer the question that clients who come from Germany often ask us: "Will a marriage concluded in Denmark be legitimate, will it be recognized in Germany?" Yes of course!

Required documents

In Denmark, each commune has its own rules, its own list of certificates, although it is also true that they differ little from each other. The main one will be the same:

  • Passport, copy of the passport;
  • certificate of marital status (i.e., the absence of a marriage registration act or divorce),
  • certificate of place of residence or registration at home (in Russian-speaking countries this is often an extract from the house book),
  • application for registration of marriage.

Additionally, Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians and Kazakhs need a Schengen visa (or a valid residence permit in one of the EU countries). For German citizens - ID card.

Certificates of residence and marital status can be called in each country in its own way, as well as issued by different government agencies, which we talk about in personal communication. After all, these rules in Norway, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Great Britain, Thailand, the USA and in other countries where our clients come from, differ in form, but not in meaning.

Certificates must be translated into three languages: Danish, German, English. Apostille on almost every document is required. Some of them have their own time limits. Differences in the documents of citizens of a particular country and in the rules of the commune you have chosen for marriage - we will clarify with a personal consultation.

Why is our agency better than others?

We, Elena and Life, are Russian and Danish, and are a family business. The multinationality of our family helps to understand the problems of foreigners who decide to register a marriage, and even in a foreign country. From our own experience and the experience of friends, we know that brides and grooms have to deal not only with unfamiliar orders, but at the same time collect information in their homeland, where the bureaucracy has its own laws. Sometimes they seem to contradict Danish, although they are not, and we are helping to clear up the misunderstandings. We try to make the process of exchanging information with municipal officials and collecting documents as simple and convenient as possible for our clients.

We speak Danish, Russian, German and English. Therefore, we have no problems communicating with our clients who speak different languages. At your request, we will take on the role of an interpreter during the wedding ceremony in the Danish Town Hall.

Our agency is located in a beautiful old town, 50 km from the border with Germany. Those arriving here by car will not have to travel across Denmark. Not far from us, in the city of Billund, there is an airport where you can arrange a meeting and transfer to another Danish city.

You choose the commune for the ceremony with our help: the most suitable for your terms and desires, closer to the border and less busy on the wedding day. We have proven contacts with municipal services in different cities, which speeds up the whole process, making it comfortable and flexible for clients.

Additionally, our service may include: booking a hotel for you and your guests, in addition to the solemn ceremony in the town hall - ordering a festive dinner in a cafe or restaurant, photography services, weekend and other wedding trifles, without the preliminary arrangement of which the holiday can turn into a bustle.

How much does it cost?

Our agency Elena & Life Bossen offers the "Best Choice" package for 820 Euros. A state fee of 220 euros is already included in the.

Basic services included in the basic package: personal consultations by phone; detailed information about documents; selection and reservation of the commune and time for registration; negotiations with local officials; reception, transmission and verification of your documents; escorting the couple to the town hall; filming the ceremony with your camera; if necessary - provision of witnesses and hotel reservations.

By the way, we have our own small hotel for 4 guests. The cost of staying in it is paid separately, however, it is lower than in other local hotels.

After the wedding ceremony, 2 wedding certificates will be issued, translated into 5 languages.

For a more detailed description of the services, see the sections of the site.

Where to begin?

We are ready to help right now:

Call by phone: +45 50297969 (Elena, speaks Russian and Danish) or +45 28744410 (Life, speaks Danish, German and English).

Elena and Life will be happy to help! We will advise, help you arrange documents, organize the wedding ceremony in the best way!