What are the benefits of sunburn and what are the dangers of sunburn. How to sunbathe correctly, how much is it safe to take sun exposure. This leads to hives. It destroys immunity

We have known since childhood that the sun, air and water are our faithful friends, and that sunburn is health. However, numerous studies conducted by scientists in recent years allow you to correctly understand these statements and not harm yourself. It turns out that excessive sunburn increases the risk of cancer. In 1996, the European campaign "Europe against cancer" was carried out, one of the main slogans of which was: "I love the sun, but I protect my skin."

Currently, doctors count more than 25 diseases caused directly by the sun or intensified under its rays. The sun is also the cause of premature skin aging.

Nevertheless, millions of people in all countries "roast" in the sun all day in summer, believing that tanning improves their appearance. Indeed, a tanned body seems more attractive, although before Coco Chanel introduced tanning into fashion, it was not at all so attractive, for it testified to low birth and hard work in the open air. By the way, according to experts, tanning will soon go out of fashion due to the fact that it is hazardous to health.

Let's make a reservation that tanning tanning strife. A light, moderate tan is not harmful, but useful, because enzymes and hormones are produced in the skin that increase the body's immunity and resistance. But it is so accepted that we sunbathe until the body becomes like a firebrand.

Let's take a look at some of the tanning myths.

According to the newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda", not so long ago British doctors Sam Schuster and Jonathan Rees announced that there is practically no difference in the occurrence of oncological tumors on the body of sunbathers and non-sunbathers. That is, the myth of "solar skin cancer" is an invention of leading cosmetic companies that need to market their products... But is it?

Valery Starinsky, a professor at the Moscow Cancer Research Institute, provides compelling statistics for Russia:
- 1st place overall - lung cancer;
- on the 2nd - stomach cancer;
- on the 3rd - skin cancer.

However, in the south, in the sunny Stavropol Territory, Krasnodar Territory and Rostov Region, a malignant skin tumor is in second place, and in some places in first. It was also noted that in the cold North, skin cancer occurs 5 times less often. There is probably no need to comment on this data.

Another common misconception is that sunscreen protects against skin cancer.

In reality, creams can only soften the effects of the sun. The head of the laboratory for the examination of cosmetics at the center of cosmetological correction of the Central Clinical Hospital (Central Clinical Hospital) Lyudmila Gurochkina believes that melanoma (skin cancer) cosmetics (including sunburn creams) will not save... In her opinion, creams really protect, but only against burns, which are practically not associated with skin cancer.

Similar statements were made in February 1998 by American doctors who analyzed the results of several major studies. It was a blow to American dermatologists who recommended sunscreens to prevent skin cancer in their clients.

However, as noted by other scientists, the studies carried out are not yet the ultimate truth and there are serious arguments against the conclusions to which they led. On the other hand, sunburn can lead not only to melanoma, but also to basal cell and squamous cell carcinoma, for the prevention of which sunscreens are still suitable. They are even more effective in preventing burns.

It is often said that sunscreens do not affect tanning intensity. Manufacturers themselves sometimes write on the packaging of sunscreens that they do not affect the intensity of tanning. However, such information must be treated critically, since if the product does not interfere with tanning, then it does not protect the skin, because the degree of bronzing of the skin depends on the amount of sun rays that fall on it.

The opinion is also not true that it is enough to smear with a special cream once, in order to then fry in the sun all day. In fact, the cream must be applied after each bath, since the water and then the towel completely destroy the protective film.

Let's note one more misconception associated with the use of protective creams. It is believed that they should only be used on the beach. This is not entirely true. The sun doesn't care where you are - on the beach or somewhere else. Therefore, if on a summer day you spend a lot of time outdoors, do not use special creams, it is better to wear light clothes and hats.

While staying on the beach, you can often hear from the lips of sunbathers: "First it will turn red, then it will turn black ..." (in other words, first there is a sunburn, and then - a deep tan). But experts call such judgments a dangerous delusion. Not only are sunburns dangerous, but already sunburned skin cells die off prematurely and the skin begins to flake off. And it turns out that it is more effective to sunbathe slowly and gradually.

Some people think that you can sunbathe until your skin turns red and only then hide in the shade. Like, the skin itself signals when to stop sunbathing. In fact, even though a sunburn is a kind of alarm, it goes off five hours after the "break-in". By this time, skin cells have long been badly damaged. And therefore you need to hide in the shade even before the skin turns red.

There is an opinion that if you spend more time in the water, then sunburn is not dangerous. In fact, this is not at all the case. Studies have shown that even at a depth of half a meter, the bather is overtaken by up to 60% of the sun's rays. In addition, wet skin allows them to pass through better than dry skin.

So maybe it's better not to sunbathe at all? Of course not. You can sunbathe, and it will only be beneficial if you follow a number of rules. Sunburn should be avoided between 11 and 15 o'clock, during this period it is better to be in the shade, since the intensity of ultraviolet radiation at noon is 10 times more than three hours earlier and three hours later.

People with fair hair, red hair, fair skin, blue and gray eyes, as well as children, need to be especially careful - their skin is the most sensitive.

For such people, we can recommend lacy sun, that is, through the foliage, which gives a wonderful tan, and of course, DO NOT use creams that not only do not protect the skin from the harmful effects of sunlight, but can also lead to dermatological reactions. The opinion that yogurt or cologne can be used to protect the skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays does not correspond to reality.

These remedies are good for treating sunburn, but not for preventing sunburn. In order to protect the skin, special creams are needed. It is interesting that our ancestors also used similar creams. For example, Catherine II used a cream made according to the following recipe: pour lemon juice into whipped cream and dilute everything with grape vodka. According to historians, Catherine had no skin problems, which is what we wish you too.

But the prevailing opinion that if you eat more carrots, you can get a tan faster, is not true. Carrots have no effect on skin color (which, of course, does not mean that they are useless: rich in beta-carotene, they are a great antioxidant and slow down the aging process).

Those who follow the recommendations of the "doctors", applying a product with an SPF factor of 15-25-50 to themselves or their child, every time they play in the garden or on the beach, will definitely get rickets. Sunscreen causes vitamin D deficiency synthesized in the body by the sun. With a lack of vitamin, bones are the first to suffer. They soften. Pains in joints and bones appear. The pain is especially acute at night. In addition, a lack of vitamin D is associated with multiple sclerosis.

And, finally, a few more myths related to the sun's impact on humans.

The sun is thought to cause rashes in allergy sufferers. However, in this case, the sun has nothing to do with it. Small pimples or spots that appear in early summer on the arms, chest and shoulders are actually a skin condition.

With acne: do not flatter yourself with the miraculous sun - it is not true that it dries out acne (in fact, the follicles are damaged, and the process is exacerbated). Use protective equipment to protect your skin.

It is believed that the darker the sunglasses, the better they are. However, this is quite the opposite. It is much more important that they do not trap ultraviolet light. Sunglasses can be even more harmful, as more ultraviolet rays enter the retina through the dilated pupils. The best thing DO NOT buy glasses or consult an expert in an eyewear store.

Some people believe that it is possible to stay under the sun's rays for a long time, while others assume that these rays have a very negative effect on the human body. In order to make a choice whether to go to the beach for a portion of the sun or not, one should understand the beneficial and harmful properties of the rays.

The benefits of sunburn for the body

The sun's rays are two types of radiation - infrared and ultraviolet. The second type of radiation is an excellent bactericidal agent, since it destroys a variety of viruses, fungi and bacteria, those that can have a negative effect on the human body.

Also, the benefit of tanning is to activate the metabolic processes of the skin. Thanks to the sun's rays, the healing of the skin is accelerated. There are known cases of getting rid of people with the help of sunbathing from pathologies such as psoriasis.

Since the body is saturated with a number of vitamins under the influence of direct sunlight, the strength of its resistance to the occurrence of various diseases increases, and mental activity increases. Vitamin D increases the strength of bones and teeth. The reserves of this useful substance will help the body prevent the development of pathologies such as rickets and osteoporosis. The benefit also lies in lowering blood cholesterol, reducing its density.

Solar fasting for a long time negatively affects human health and well-being. Signs of a lack of tanning are obvious:

· Muscle weakness;

· Constant feeling of drowsiness;

· Lowered level of immunity;

· The emergence of a state of depression.

In order to avoid such consequences, there are various tanning salons.

The harm of sunburn to the body

Most often, too much time, during which a person is exposed to the sun's rays, leads to negative consequences due to ignorance of the possible dangers of sunburn or a desire to quickly get beautiful tanned skin.

The consequences of the following actions can be both small and very serious, dangerous to human health and life.

1. The most serious consequence can be a pathology such as skin cancer or melanoma. The accelerated development of this type of tumor contributes to the rapid appearance of metastases after the onset of the disease. Death is a common case of melanoma.

2. Often there is such a detrimental effect for the human skin - photoaging. Provided that this effect was earned by a person, the skin loses its elasticity. In addition, the number of cells of the stratum corneum begins to increase, due to which the skin becomes very rough.

3. No less detrimental effect can be exerted by too long exposure to the sun's best and on the eyes. Cataracts and conjunctivitis may develop. The most serious consequence can be a malignant tumor of the cornea.

4. Lowered immunity appears in most cases, which increases the chance of cancerous tumors.

5. With repeated prolonged sunbathing, the undesirable effect accumulates, which can contribute to such harm to tanning as the development of the above pathologies.

There are also certain signs, in the presence of which, a person should not sunbathe.

1. The presence of any tumors.

2. Decreased level of functioning of the immune system.

3. It is most dangerous to sunbathe for a long time for people with blue eyes and light hair.

4. The presence of chronic pathologies, since sunburn can contribute to their aggravation during the unwanted summer period of vacations and vacations.

5. The presence among close relatives of those who had a cancerous tumor - melanoma.

6. Diseases of the skin are also a contraindication to a long stay in the sun.

The following guidelines and tips should be followed to ensure that tanning does not harm your body.

1. According to the standards of the WHO (World Health Organization) under the rays of the star, you can stay no more than 10 minutes at the beginning of the season and about 2/3 hours at its height.

2. You should not sunbathe, provided that the person has any contraindications.

3. It is not required to abuse sunbathing.

4. It is important not to forget about the availability of a variety of sunscreen cosmetic products that can save you from burning and sunburn.

5. After the beach, take a shower and take care of the skin with the help of specialized moisturizing creams.

6. It is important not to fall asleep on the beach, as this can cause serious health problems, in which only a qualified medical professional can provide assistance.

7. Provided that there is a desire to get an even and beautiful tan all over the body, you should do it very carefully. The safe hours for getting this tan is the following time of day: from 8 to 11 in the morning, from 4 to 9 in the afternoon. You should not lie on the beach during the aggressive sun - during lunch. Aggressive sun from 11 to 4 pm most often contributes to poor health and the appearance of unwanted pathologies.

It should always be remembered that tanning is useful only if it is obtained correctly, and can also lead to harmful consequences in case of violation of the rules for the use of sunbathing.

Be more attentive and careful about the state of your body. At the first signs of feeling unwell after coming from the street after a long walk or from the beach on a hot, clear day, you should consult a medical specialist. He will help with his advice, and also increase the chance of a fairly quick recovery if any ailments, such as sunstroke, are detected.

The number of tanning fans in Russia is growing every year. However, doctors never tire of repeating that the sun's rays are the cause of many serious diseases. What are the benefits and harms of tanning?

In the 80s of the XIX century in America and Europe, a tanned body was considered beautiful and desirable, which many aspired to. This gave scientists a lot of reasons and materials for research. They found that skin changes, called age-related, for the most part do not depend on the number of years a person has lived, but on the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation, which is responsible for the appearance of sunburn.

This is how the theory of photoaging arose - premature aging of the skin under the influence of UV radiation. It is confirmed by the data that the skin of the inhabitants of southern countries is aging faster than those who are not spoiled by the sun. In addition, open areas of the body that are not protected by clothing are more likely to undergo various changes.

Photoaging mechanism

Penetrating into the skin, UV rays meet with a natural UV filter - melanin, which blocks more than 90% of UV radiation. Thus, tanning is nothing more than a reaction of the skin to the traumatic effect of solar radiation. Now many people know that prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation contributes to the development of melanoma, skin cancer, accelerates aging and the appearance of wrinkles.

Types of UV radiation

Types of sun rays
Ultraviolet radiation is divided into three components: rays A, B and C (UVA-, UVB-, UVC-rays, respectively). When sunlight passes through the earth's atmosphere, the most dangerous UVC rays and about 90% of the midrange UVB rays are absorbed by ozone, oxygen and carbon dioxide. Therefore, the radiation reaching humans contains more ultraviolet UVA and a small amount of UVB.

Why are UVB rays dangerous?
UVB rays promote the formation of melanin, lead to photoaging of the skin, and stimulate the development of most types of skin cancers, but they are blocked by the protective substances contained in sunscreens.

Why are UVA rays dangerous?
UVA rays are less active in stimulating the development of many types of skin cancer than UVB, but they contribute to the formation of melanoma - the most dangerous type of skin cancer. In addition, this radiation is not blocked by many solar filters, so clothing is the main protection against it.

Why is ultraviolet dangerous for humans:

  • it reduces the production of collagen - a protein of the body's connective tissue, due to the lack of which the skin loses its elasticity and wrinkles appear on it;
  • it provokes coarsening and thickening of the stratum corneum, as a result of which it becomes dry, dull and rough;
  • it provokes vascular changes, a violation of skin pigmentation, as well as the development of neoplasms.

About the benefits of the sun

A place under the sun
Despite the danger of ultraviolet radiation to the body, it can be beneficial in small doses. To do this, it is enough just a few times a week to expose your face or hands to sunlight for 10-15 minutes.

Healing ultraviolet light:

  • under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, vitamin D is synthesized in the body, which regulates calcium metabolism and serves as a building material for bone tissue;
  • sunlight activates the immune system, increases the body's resistance to viruses and infections;
  • the sun has a beneficial effect on the human nervous system, increasing the production of endorphins (the hormone of joy) and thereby improving mood;
  • in small doses, ultraviolet light prevents the appearance of diseases of the cardiovascular system, musculoskeletal system (osteochondrosis, arthritis) and respiratory organs (bronchitis, rhinitis), dermatological diseases (psoriasis, neurodermatitis, eczema, etc.), cerebral circulation insufficiency.

How to sunbathe

You need to start sunbathing little by little, in the morning and evening hours, spending 10 to 15 minutes in the sun with breaks. Both dark-skinned and pale-skinned people should be sure to use sunscreen that is appropriate for their skin type and with a suitable protection factor. They should be applied to the skin 20-30 minutes before going outside.
Owners of particularly sun-sensitive skin should be in the shade as often as possible and use products with the highest SPF (Sun Protection Factor). Eyes and lips also need protection from the sun, so use sunscreen around the eyes, lip balm with SPF, and wear sunglasses when going outside.

Peels are considered an effective remedy for
symptoms of photoaging of the skin. They have exfoliating
action, and also restore skin tone and beauty.

Elena Kobozeva, dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist:“Ultraviolet light is a major contributor to skin aging. With excessive sun exposure, it provokes the so-called fine wrinkled type of aging. The skin becomes like a wrinkled baked apple, covered with a network of fine wrinkles. In addition, ultraviolet radiation provokes the formation of age spots. This becomes especially noticeable at the age of over 35. Therefore, in the summer, it is necessary to constantly protect the skin with sunscreens with a high protection factor. "

Expert: Elena Kobozeva, dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist
Katerina Kapustina

The material used photographs owned by shutterstock.com

With the onset of summer, we all think about where to sunbathe, because we want to get an even and beautiful skin color. Some take this issue seriously, so they first visit a doctor's consultation, and then carefully choose the means. Others do not particularly think about the consequences and spend a lot of time on the beach or in the solarium, believing that there will be no harm. This is because there is an unambiguous answer to the question "Is tanning good or bad?" does not exist.

Let's try to figure it out ... What is a tan and what is it for? Tan- This is a darkening of the skin that occurs as a result of the formation of melanin. Melanin Is a substance that is produced by skin cells in response to ultraviolet radiation. The main purpose of melanin is to protect the skin from further exposure to sunlight. Do not forget that tanning is radiation. Ultraviolet rays penetrate our skin, and as a protective reaction, melanin begins to be produced - an enzyme that gives our skin a brown tint and protects the skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation. And if you exceed the dose of ultraviolet rays, then you can greatly harm your skin.

In the solar spectrum, ultraviolet rays (UV rays) and infrared rays (IR rays) are emitted. The luminary owes its warmth to infrared rays. Their action is superficial, however, from overheating in the sun, the walls of blood vessels are destroyed and a red mesh appears under the skin. In addition, these rays exacerbate the harmful effects of UV rays. UV rays make up only 5% of all radiation, but it is they that affect the skin. The spectrum of solar radiation of ultraviolet rays consists of rays A, B, C. UV-A rays, being the hardest, penetrate deepest into the dermis. UV-B rays make up the mid-wavelength part of the ultraviolet spectrum. UV-C rays are the most energetic and most dangerous, but fortunately almost all are trapped by the Earth's ozone layer. Previously, it was believed that the main cause of sunburn and skin aging is UV type A, but recent studies have shown that type B rays penetrate deeper into the skin and destroy the collagen layer "responsible" for maintaining the elasticity and smoothness of the skin. Rays of type C do not reach the Earth's surface at all - they are kept by the ozone layer in the atmosphere. True, the ozone layer is getting thinner and thinner every year, and countries such as Australia, faced with the problem of the "ozone hole", are experiencing an unprecedented increase in the number of cancers. In a word, tanning is very, very harmful. But there is another side to the coin. According to the World Health Organization, the number of suicides in countries located close to the Arctic Circle - Iceland, the Scandinavian countries - increases sharply in the cold season. This is due to the fact that the lack of sunlight leads to severe depression, a person begins to see the world around him, so to speak, "in black." To prevent the ominous specter of depression from obscuring the light in front of the eyes of the inhabitants of northern countries, doctors recommend that they spend as much time as possible in the daylight, since under the influence of those same ominous ultraviolet rays, the human body produces endorphins - chemicals that cause a feeling of pleasure. Lack of endorphins also leads to severe depression.

So more about the benefits and dangers of tanning ...

The benefits of sun tanning

Sunburn is necessary for a person, its effect on our body is enormous.

  1. Everyone needs 15 minutes of daily UV exposure to build up enough vitamin D(necessary for many processes in the body: normalizing phosphorus-calcium metabolism, strengthening muscles, imparting strength to bone tissue, and much more).
  2. The sun increases the production of some sex hormones. Sunlight actively produces "Hormone of joy" - serotonin, responsible for a good mood, as a result, on a clear sunny day, a person's sad mood disappears without a trace.
  3. Tan help to strengthen the immune system... Under the influence of ultraviolet rays, the content of antibodies in the blood significantly increases, which increases the body's resistance to infectious and viral diseases.
  4. Tan increases resistance to many harmful substances, including lead, mercury, cadmium, benzene, carbon tetrachloride and carbon disulfide. Ultraviolet rays help fight colds.
  5. Ultraviolet rays successfully used in the treatment of various skin diseases such as eczema, psoriasis, acne. Sunburn is good for people with oily skin prone to acne.
  6. Generally tanning helps the rapid healing of wounds and postoperative scars.
  7. Tan increases a man's sex drive... Vitamin D, which is produced by ultraviolet rays, raises the level of the male hormone testosterone in the body.
  8. Sunburn increases mental and physical performance and helps fight depression.
  9. Sunburn activates many processes occurring in the body: respiration, metabolism, blood circulation and the activity of the endocrine system.

Each person has their own protection from the sun's rays, called the "natural level of protection." This is the time during which you can stay in the sun without using sunscreen, without risking a burn. The duration of such sun exposure depends on the type of skin and ranges from 5 to 40 minutes. During this period, the skin is protected from the sun's rays through its natural defenses. Under the influence of sunlight, human pigment cells begin to intensively produce a special protective substance - melanin, which gives the skin a dark tint. Melanin cells absorb heat rays and neutralize the effects of ultraviolet radiation. Under the rays of the sun, melanin from the deep layers of the skin rises and is evenly distributed over the entire surface. The body gets a beautiful tan and at the same time a kind of protective shell - from burns and sunstroke. During a lifetime, dark skin can protect the body for about 450,000 hours, and light skin is three times less. When the limit is reached, a person will be left unarmed in front of a solar attack, which can seriously harm health. If you resort to protection too often, a "sun callus" forms on the body, which prevents the penetration of sunlight into the deep layers of the skin. Each time the top layer of the skin thickens by 0.3-0.5 mm, over the years, regular tanning makes it "tanned" and coarser. This pathological process accelerates the physiological aging of the skin. It dehydrates early, becomes dry, deep wrinkles, age spots and the so-called solar keratoses, related to precancerous diseases, appear on it. The sun ages the skin and photoaging is associated with exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

So, the harm of sunburn

Excessive UV exposure and lack of necessary precautions can cause irreparable harm to the body.

  1. Excess sun leads to weaken the immune system, since all its forces are aimed at protecting the body from dangerous rays.
  2. Tanning itself is not harmful, but it tends to go through the stage sunburn and burns are undoubtedly very harmful. To date, the connection between sunburn and cancer has been proven. Childhood sunburn increases the risk of developing melanoma, one of the most malignant tumors... Adult burns increase the risk of skin cancer. In addition, sunburn tends to accumulate - all sunburns remain in the DNA of the cells.
  3. Ultraviolet light is one of the main factors of aging. According to recent reports, UV rays are able to penetrate the genetic apparatus of skin cells, damage it and activate free radicals, which are responsible for skin aging. For many people who have been exposed to excessive exposure to sunlight for years, the skin ages quickly and becomes wrinkled. Hyperpigmentation may appear, as well as benign formations - seborrheic warts, keratomas.
  4. Prolonged and active exposure to ultraviolet rays can lead to photodermatitis. Photodermatitis is, unlike sunburn, an abnormal reaction of the skin to the sun's rays. It manifests itself in the form of blisters, redness, itching and flaking of the skin after contact with the sun. The main place of occurrence of allergic reactions is the face, less often the body, very rarely the arms and legs. This is popularly referred to as "sun allergy".
  5. Malignant formations on the skin- the most dangerous consequence of excessive exposure to the sun. Melanoma is an extremely malignant cancer. If treatment is not started in a timely manner, it quickly metastasizes to the lymph nodes and internal organs.
  6. Pregnancy itself is not a contraindication for sun tanning. Ultraviolet radiation has no effect on tissues under the skin's surface, including the developing fetus. However, often due to hormonal changes in the woman's body, there is an increase in the photo of the sensitivity of the skin, which can cause hyperpigmentation, which manifests itself in uneven skin tone, as well as in the appearance of white, unburned areas.
  7. Excessive exposure to sunlight is also known to reduce fertility in women, and in men it can cause short-term infertility(for several days).

We are all so looking forward to summer, because in winter we lacked the sun so much. An even, beautiful tan is possible only with the right approach to sunbathing. It is impossible to get a tan in 3 days, but you can burn out, harming your body. To get a good tan and keep the tan for a long time, you need to spend at least two weeks at sea (for light-skinned people - about a month).

How to sunbathe correctly? ...

When sunbathing, you must observe the following rules.

1. Take sunbathing in the morning before 10 o'clock, and in the evening after 18. It is necessary to avoid sun exposure between 11 and 16 o'clock in the afternoon, as at this time the sun's rays are very active and pose a serious health hazard. Local and natural time.

2. You need to sunbathe gradually, increasing your exposure to the sun by 10-20 minutes every day. On the first day, the duration of sunbathing should not exceed 10 minutes. On the second day - 20 minutes, on the third - 30 minutes, etc. However, remember that the duration sun tanning should not exceed 2 hours a day. Try to change the position of your body every 5-10 minutes, substituting under the sun alternately, then your back, then your stomach, then your sides.

3. You need to sunbathe while lying with your feet towards the sun.

4. Do not sunbathe on an empty stomach or immediately after eating.

5. When under the sun, be sure to wear a hat and sunglasses.

6. It is not recommended to cleanse the body with soap, lotion, cologne or eau de toilette before sunbathing. The soap degreases the skin and destroys its protective coating. Eau de toilette or lotions make your skin more sensitive to UV rays.

7. The sun's rays reduce the content of vitamin C in the body, so it is necessary to replenish its supply with fruits and vegetables, which contain it.

8. In the sun, the body quickly loses moisture, so you need to drink water regularly and a lot. Ideally, on beach days, you should drink 2 to 3 liters of water, but cold drinks are not recommended.

9. When sunbathing, pay close attention to moles. These are the most vulnerable places for the development of cancer. Moles should not be exposed to prolonged exposure to the sun. Especially large formations are recommended to be glued.

10. It is not recommended to sunbathe topless. The skin of the breast is very sensitive, the action of ultraviolet rays increases the risk of developing mastopathy and other diseases of the mammary gland, pregnant women should not sunbathe topless categorically. Do not expose your breasts to direct sunlight, they may cause wrinkles and age spots around the nipples.

12. The closer you are to the water, the faster you tan. This is due to the property of water to reflect the sun's rays, as a result of which their effect is enhanced. And remember that in the water we also sunbathe, and even more than on the sand. After all, water is one large lens that attracts ultraviolet light to us. You can also burn out if you do not wipe yourself off with a towel immediately after leaving the water, but dry in the sun, since water droplets on the skin act like small lenses. Therefore, in the first days of being on the beach, it is better to refrain from sunbathing near the water's edge, as well as from drying out naturally.

13. Be sure to use special creams before and after sunburn. Never use petroleum jelly and glycerin to protect your skin from the sun. This could cause burns.

14. Under the hot sun, alcohol intake is contraindicated.

Dermatologists say that children under 3 years old are categorically contraindicated in direct sunlight. The skin of children is endowed with a small number of cells that synthesize melanin, which is why their protective tanning layer is rather weak. In addition, the stratum corneum of the epidermis of children is much thinner than that of adults. As a result, the sun's rays easily penetrate into the very depths of the skin, provoking the development of burns. The child's body is harder to tolerate burns. In addition, childhood burns increase the risk of skin cancer. Even after 3 years of age, children should be smeared with special sunscreens, which contain no dyes, no alcohol, no additives, but only neutral physical filters. The protection factor of these funds should be at least 25. Children's skin should be smeared with such funds every 120 minutes.

In the summer, everyone strives to make the most of their vacation time and get a boost of health and vigor on the beach for the rest of the year. At the same time, many have heard about both the benefits and dangers of sunburn. We decided to figure out what is true and what is myth.

1. The darker the tan, the more vitamin D

Getting on the skin, ultraviolet rays start work on the production of vitamin D. This is the only "non-standard" vitamin that not only comes to us with this or that product, but is also produced by the body itself under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. To get your daily intake of vitamin D, it is enough to stay in the sun for only 10-15 minutes. At the same time, the skin covered with a bronze tan becomes almost impenetrable, and the vitamin necessary for the strengthening and growth of bones is not produced in it. That is why people who try to be tanned all year round face the problem of fragility of bones earlier.

2. Brunettes can tan longer than blondes

People with fair skin types are indeed much more prone to sunburn and, consequently, melanoma than dark-skinned people. Three phototypes stand out among Europeans; in the classification, not only skin color, but also eyes are important.

So, the first type is light sensitive skin with freckles, light blue or green eyes, light or red hair. It is almost impossible for such people to sunbathe, but they can easily get sunburned. The safe time that people of this type can spend in the sun without a protective cream is no more than 7 minutes. The second type is fair skin, little or no freckles, light eyes, light blond or brown hair. The tan lays down badly, at first the skin acquires a red tint, it burns quite easily. You can stay in the sun without a protective cream for no longer than 15 minutes.

The third type is dark skin, brown eyes, dark hair. The skin tans easily, and sunburn is rare for it. Without protection, you can sunbathe for up to 20 minutes.

3. Tanning accelerates aging

Aging in general is a complex process that sunburn is unlikely to have any impact. However, under the influence of solar irradiation, processes similar to aging occur in the skin. In medicine, the special term "photoaging" has even appeared. Scientists estimate that one intense tanning season will age the skin by 6 months. And if for the last 10 years you have spent your summer vacation on the beach, then the first wrinkles may appear five years earlier than the time programmed by genes. The first sign of photoaging is age spots on the face and neck, which grow and darken over time. Dermatologists recommend taking vitamin E capsules 1-2 days before visiting the beach or every 4 hours during sun exposure. It will help maintain the elasticity and youthfulness of the skin.

4. Sunburn leads to cancer and other diseases

Doctors have strong evidence that excessive exposure to sunlight can actually cause skin cancer. However, if you use sunscreen and don't sunburn to blisters, there is no need to worry about this.

Sunburn is also often cited as the cause of mastopathy (breast disease). This myth is probably due to the fact that if mastopathy is already there, but is asymptomatic, it can manifest itself after heavy sunbathing. Intense tanning can sometimes lead to hormonal imbalances and exacerbate the symptoms of the disease. Contrary to popular belief, the sun's rays do not directly affect breast tissue. The only danger is sunburn of the nipples and areolas (areola), which can lead to cracks in the nipple and even inflammatory changes in the mammary gland.

5. Some foods will help enhance your tan.

A beautiful, even tan can indeed be obtained with some products. For example, carrots and apricots are rich in beta-carotene. Before going to the beach, it is recommended to drink a glass of freshly squeezed juice so that your tan will become smoother and faster. The tomatoes will help enhance the sunburn effect. They contain lycopene, a substance that stimulates the production of melanin. On the beach, they can be absorbed in any quantity. Foods that can help smooth your tan also include peaches, grapes, beets, cantaloupe, watermelon, tomatoes, spinach, sorrel, pumpkin, asparagus, broccoli, green vegetables, currants, citrus fruits, kiwi fruits, bell peppers, wholemeal bread, and oatmeal. ... These products contain vitamins A, C, E, PP and folic acid, the lack of which can cause a "spotty" sunburn.

6. A number of medications can ruin your tan.

Those who combine sunbathing with antibiotics, hormonal contraceptives, tranquilizers, allergy or high blood pressure medications are also at risk of sunburn. Another option is also possible - photodermatitis or "allergy to the sun": skin peeling off in layers. With diabetes mellitus, hypertension, mastopathy, gynecological diseases, thyroid disorders, chronic liver and adrenal diseases, it is better to sunbathe under the shade of an umbrella. So you get the minimum dose of ultraviolet radiation necessary to raise immunity and avoid harmful radiation.

7. It's safe to sunbathe on a cloudy day.

There are two types of ultraviolet radiation in sunlight: UV-A, the level of which is practically independent of the weather, and UV-B, which is necessary for the formation of vitamin D, its level does decrease during cloudy weather. UVA rays penetrate deeply into the skin, causing premature aging, wrinkles and allergic reactions. UVB rays only reach the top layer of the skin, but they cause sunburn and cancer. At the same time, clouds transmit up to 80% of ultraviolet radiation, so you can get burned even in cloudy weather. It is also worth remembering that beach umbrellas, like shade from palm trees, do not provide sufficient protection and do not protect against diffuse ultraviolet radiation: sand reflects up to 20% of the sun's rays. Regardless of the weather, for prolonged outdoor exposure, it is recommended to use a sunscreen with an SPF of at least 15.

8. Already tanned skin cannot be burned

Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, the pigment melanin is produced in the skin, the intensity of tanning depends on its concentration. Base tanning is just the skin's reaction to ultraviolet light. Of course, melanin serves as a kind of barrier to dangerous UVA rays, but additional skin protection is still needed.

9. You don't need sunscreen if you swim a lot

There is an opinion that water can provide protection from the sun, so those who bathe a lot should not use additional products. In fact, ultraviolet rays can penetrate to a depth of about one meter. Therefore, swimmers in the sea should apply sunscreen before entering the water, as well as after leaving it.

10. You need to prepare for the beach in the solarium

The possibility of sunburn in already tanned skin is only slightly less, such skin acquires a protection factor of no more than 5SPF, so the resulting tan is not a good protection for prolonged exposure to natural ultraviolet light. A sunburn is a sign of UV damage to the skin. Each time a person sunbathes, he receives a new dose of this damage. They accumulate over time and contribute to accelerated skin aging and an increased risk of skin cancer.

11. A cream with a higher SPF protects the skin better

Using high SPF sunscreens gives you a false sense of security. In fact, the difference between the numbers indicating the protection factor is not so great. For example, a product with SPF 15 protects against penetration of 93% of UVB rays, while products with SPF 50-60 provide about 98% protection. Many sunscreens do not contain ingredients that provide comprehensive protection against both UVB and UVA rays, which are the most penetrating and reach the middle layers of the dermis. Experts advise you to apply sunscreen every 2 hours, regardless of your SPF.

12. Waterproof products do not need to be updated frequently

Waterproof sunscreens can only provide protection while swimming. However, even such preparations cannot withstand prolonged bathing, so you will have to apply them over and over again. You should also renew the protection if you dry yourself with a towel. The funds must indicate the duration of their action - 40-80 minutes. According to dermatologists, no product is actually completely waterproof.