Conspiracies from a bad evil person. Effective amulets and conspiracies from evil people in the environment and at work. Rite of passage against secret enemies

Today, I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, will tell you how conspiracies from problems at work will help, how to climb the career ladder with magic? How to stay at work if they are laid off? And how, finally, can you find a good job if you are faced with a problem of finding a job? In the practices of white magic, there are very good strong spells and rituals that give a real lasting result.

Conspiracies to be respected at work - how to get contact with the church egregor

To successfully do white rituals from bad people at work, you need a connection with the church egregor. How do I get it? Yes, just like connecting with demons or a cemetery - a relentless practice. In principle, it is possible to combine Christian and dark egregors, but you need to do this consciously and carefully so as not to suffer from your witchcraft practices.

So, demonic energies and the energy of Christian Forces do not coincide in principle, they conflict strongly, and a magician who turns out to be can seriously suffer. So much so that then you will have to recover for a long time, to clean up your own bitter porridge. But white magic and witchcraft rituals with the dead can be combined well, but you need to know and feel the subtleties of work - where to go, and where not to go, beware. Well, and of course, you shouldn't combine spindle magic practices with white rituals through Christian Forces; very dangerous experiments.

What difficulties we face at work! I think to start the practical part of the article with an independent conspiracy that will allow you to get rid of a person at work - close your mouth to an envious person and a gossip, or even get rid of it in the literal sense by firing him.

Conspiracies for respect and love of people - help if there is a conflict with a colleague at work

Here is an example of a strong charm conspiracy from enemies at work:

“In the morning I will wake up at dawn, I will cross myself three times at the icon, I will bow down to Mother Earth. I leave the house - there is lightness around, true beauty comes from me. People are not higher than me, I am not lower than people. I will rise above everyone else. Let old old men, young men, young girls, gloomy widows and widows appreciate me. Everyone would love and respect me, accept me with honor and joy, stand up with honor, give my word everywhere and in everything. As people wait for the spring red, as they cherish all their goods, they would wait and protect me, they would cherish me, they would be with me. They looked at me, looked, they did not take their eyes off me (name), everyone would love and respect. I come to you, people, with Christ's Easter, and you to me, people, to the last, with affection. My head, ore in my veins. Not oak, but iron, flint and fire. Amen".

It's a good strong conspiracy, a strong defense against enemies at work. He closes his mouth to gossipers, envious people will be silent and bypass you, slanderers will be careful not to erect vain against your superiors. Those who practice black magic can also read it. With certain changes in the text home conspiracy from envious people at work, of course.

Here's another proven conspiracy from detractors at work. You also need to read it at dawn, on the growing moon:

“I, the servant of God (name), will get up from the bed, crossing myself, go to the path, praying. I will look in all four directions - east, west, south and north; on one side, east, stands the house of God, a white church. Just as everyone looks at the house of God, zarryatsya, so let everyone, big and small, boys and girls, old people and old women, all living on earth and singing praise to God, even at me, the servant of God (name), would look at me and shave , and I would be loved by everyone, from now on I will finish everything to everyone. Amen".

And if you have such a situation in your work collective that you may even be outside the door, read the conspiracy so as not to be laid off at work.

Conspiracy to abolish dismissals from work - to open roads and get rid of failures

To do on the waning moon. For men on men's magical days, for women on women's days. For a witchcraft ritual from problems at work, you will need:

  • own photo
  • homemade fresh egg
  • 4 church candles
  • 4 new needles
  • dark natural fabric
  • shred of black cloth

Cover the table with a dark cloth. Put a photo in front of you, on top - an egg (the egg must be fertilized, from a hen who knew a rooster). Fold your palms in a house over the egg and read the prayer "Our Father" three times. Then carefully pierce the shell, and insert the needles into the egg from four sides, so that they stick out, forming a cross. Return the egg to its original place. String the candles on the needles sticking out of the egg, and light. This completes the preparation for the conspiracy so that they do not get fired at work.

With candles burning, read the text of the conspiracy from troubles at work 12 times:

“Earthly passions, human slander, failures, charity and bad luck from myself (name) I take off, I send the earth into the damp. The earth cleanses me of cheese, relieves me of troubles. Amen".

Wait until the candles burn out. Wrap the egg, needles and candle stubs in a piece of black cloth and bury in a deserted place. In this interpretation, the magic rite from ill-wishers at work is done through the Christian Forces. But, you can work not through the church egregor, but through the Dark Forces, as well as through the Slavic gods, for example, with an appeal to Veles. When working with the Dark Spirits, the church candles are used in the rite, in addition, at the end of the strong conspiracy from bad people at work ransom is necessary. Working with Veles, they take ordinary wax candles. As for the ransom, everything here is in accordance with the standard rules of work through pagan deities - glorification, the bringing of demands.

You can conjure not only in the warm season, but also in winter. For a witchcraft ritual, winter should not be. To bury a bundle with all its contents, spill hot water over the area first. The ground is quickly thawing, and it will be possible to complete the ceremony so that they will not be fired at work.

CAUTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts luck and wealth. The MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally well suited for people of any religion

A conspiracy to be respected at work - to climb the career ladder

Before the ceremony, if they find fault at work, call on the Forces for help, which you usually turn to. And then, after the call, do the rite, read the conspiracy so that colleagues at work love... Their summoned Powers will then need to be thanked. If the saints were called, thank them. If the angels ("angelic powers are on your grave and threatening the dead ..."), then thanks to them. If the power of the cross (“invincible and incomprehensible, the divine power of the honest and life-giving cross, do not leave us sinners”), if you call the power of God for help, then thank God. You need to read the prayer of thanks yourself.

You can give your career a positive momentum by trying on the power of a witchcraft ritual for good luck in life.

To make your own conspiracy for a promotion at work, prepare the ingredients:

  • white linen
  • 3 candles in candlesticks
  • a bowl of spring water
  • 3 small containers that close tightly

Cover the table with white cloth, place candles in a semicircle, and a bowl of water in the center. Light the candles clockwise. Read a home conspiracy from envious people at work and for career success 4 times, 1 time in 4 cardinal directions, starting from the east side:

“As the ladder of the ladder to the holy heaven stands firmly, so I firmly stand on the service ladder. Just as at the very top of the ladder there is a tsar-sovereign, princes and boyars bow to him, respect and respect, they consider me as the first person, so they respect and respect me, a servant of God (name), and raise the stairs up. And I, the servant of God (name), will easily and quickly climb the stairs to the very top. As princes and boyars bow to the king, so my leaders bow to me. As the Tsar-Sovereign is respected by everyone, his orders, so my rulers hear my word, they carry out my secret word, they raise me to the very top of the stairs. In my business there are no rivals to me. In my word there is no equal to me. There is no one on the stairs in front of me. I will close everyone in my business, I will easily climb the stairs to the very top. I'll lock my case with a golden key. I will put the golden key at the top of the stairs at the Tsar-Sovereign's feet, no one can get the key, in my business I stand firmly. Amen. Amen. Amen".

When the candles burn out, thank the Powers for their help. Divide the water on which you read the witchcraft plot for a promotion at work into 3 parts.
  • Use one part for washing - morning and evening.
  • Bring the second part of the water to work, and there, spray your workplace with a cross.
  • And use a third of the water to influence the boss, for example, spray the door of his office.

An independent ceremony is very effective. Try it,. And the next ceremony that I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, want to offer you is an effective protective conspiracy against bad people at work, against slander, lies, envy and gossip, and from other inspectors.

A strong conspiracy from inspectors at work - to get rid of government people

To use magic to fight off frequent checks and leave aside, you need to take a ball of pure sheep's wool, and do a magic ritual if they find fault when checking at work. But, this rite is not done with the help of white magic. Black is sorcery, strong protection. For a strong ritual when checking at work, you need to:

  • skein of thread
  • 3 dimes
  • a handful of burial ground

To make yourself a protective conspiracy from enemies at work, take a skein of sheep's wool, and as dusk comes, go to the cemetery. There, find the grave of your namesake, throw pennies on the grave, go to the cross and say:

“I’m going along the way, I’ll lead it, I’ll confuse it, but I’ll take the government people away from me, but I’ll bring the dead to you. Let them know with you, let them throw a word with you. Amen".

Then tie the end of the thread to the cross and start wrapping the cross from right to left with the thread. Yes, while you are doing the cemetery ritual yourself, read conspiracy from enemies at work:

“Disperse on the move, lie down on the cross with a word, then the bureaucratic people will be noticed, but they will cling to the dead, they will be measured out of me, but they will not rush into my eyes, then they will not come at me in court, but I will do everything, they will overpower the ghoul if the thread twists, Yes, it will stick to the cross. Amen".

When the entire skein of threads is wound on the cross, fasten everything with a knot, and say this at the same time:

“The dead man will master it, but the bureaucrats will throw it back, then it is fastened with a knot, a word done. Amen".

Take a handful of grave land, throw it on a road cross, and read a strong conspiracy when checking at work:

“By the way it will be indicated, but the government people will be ordered, they will be thrown back from me, and they will spread to the dead. Amen".

Work according to the standard rules of cemetery witchcraft.

However, not only inspectors, but also competitors are a threat to a career, and if you work in a team where the atmosphere is not entirely healthy, then you know how enemies can. And it happens that the boss is a tyrant, from whom there are also many problems. Here's another strong conspiracy to keep from enemies at work, which can come in handy when the boss is angry and nagging.

  • the icon of "All Saints"
  • 4 candles in candlesticks
  • black prayer cloth
  • bowl of water
  • a handful of salt
  • nail
  • On the waning moon, read the conspiracy if they find fault at work.

    Cover the table with a white cloth, display the icons in a semicircle. Place a candle in a candlestick in front of each icon, and a candle of your boss in the center of the table. Place a bowl of water on the table and sprinkle salt next to it. Stick a nail into the pile of salt. After these preparations, spread the black prayer cloth on the floor. Stand on him and call for help from the Holy Trinity, Michael the Archangel, Saint Cyril, Bishop of Turov. Now light the candles. Keep your left hand on the bowl of water. Put your right hand on a handful of salt.

    Read 4 times the words of a conspiracy to protect against an evil boss at work:

    “Blue fire burns, flame rages, blue water floods red fire, hatred and evil are extinguished. Evil is extinguished in the heart of God's servant (name), my boss. As the nail hissed, reddened, hummed, and cooled in the blue water, so in the heart of my boss, God's servant (name), hatred fades away, evil does not burn, the boss cools down in his heart. As salt melts easily in blue water, so the chief's nagging towards me, God's servant (name) melts. The salt will melt, the nagging falls off the tongue, the evil in the hearts of the servant of God (name) melts, it does not crumble. Evil does not gnaw at his heart; it will subside after the moon. As from the full moon, the round side of the Moon fades away, the month fades away in the sky, so it fades away, the malice from the heart of God's servant (name) will fade away. Amen. Amen. Amen".

    Pour salt into the bowl crosswise. Heat a nail over a fire, toss it into a bowl, and read the plot from detractors at work 4 more times. When the candles burn out, say a prayer of thanks to the called Powers. Hide the nail under the threshold to the office of the evil boss. And pour the water at the threshold of the building where you work.

    SPELLS from enemies, from evil people, envious people

    Conspiracy from enemies

    Oh my God. You are my stone mountain, my iron chamber. The glory of Jesus Christ is wonderful. I will gird myself with this glory, I will protect myself with this amulet. In a word, I will barricade myself from enemies with deeds. Whoever thinks evil of the servant of God (name), Dashingly thinks, To the dashing, evil-minded salt in the eyes, Grinding on the tongue, Iron nail in the heel. My words are sworn. Amen.

    Conspiracy from enemies

    Be, my words, ox strong and molding. Stronger than a stone, stronger than a damask steel, stronger than a sharp tenderness. The castle is in the company, the key is in the ocean-sea. In the name of the Father. and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Lord have mercy. Lord have mercy. Blessed is my guardian angel on the eighth of March. Mother Mary prayed on the throne. Jesus Christ appeared to her. Mother Mary said that in a dream she saw that Jesus Christ was crucified, holy blood was shed, hands and feet were nailed, a crown of thorns was put on his head. First thing, second thing. I, the third, answered Jesus Christ to Mother Mary. Whoever reads the Sunday prayer, the Lord saves him from fire, from flame, from water, from a stream, from a fierce beast, from every evil person. From the prison castle. Amen. As you, Father David, are meek and humble, and merciful and compassionate, you cannot think of any evil or grief. So you on me, the slave (name), the authorities and all the judges would be meek and meek, you would not think hard, you would not do evil. Always thinking and guessing. As for the king's father, the tsar's lackey did not think dashingly, did no evil, always rejoices and rejoices. So, about me, slave (name), all the bosses and all the judges would be happy, the enemies would not notice. I'll lock the lock, I'll lock the lock. I will drop the key in the blue sea. At the bottom is a barai-stone, I will not give it to anyone. There is a stone, it will not float, it will not move from place to place. So no one could change my words. Amen. Amen. Amen.

    Conspiracy from a dashing man

    I walk across the clear field, seven spirits with half-spirits are running towards me, all black, all evil, all unsociable. You go, spirits with half-spirits, to dashing people, keep them on a leash, so that I will be safe and sound from them on the way and on the road, in the house and the forest, in strangers and relatives, on the ground and on the water, at dinner and at a feast , in a wedding and in trouble. My conspiracy is long, my words are strong. Whoever will overturn my word will be different in everything, for sure, I will lose weight, unkindly, as contrary to what is said.

    Conspiracy from trouble

    In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. I am standing at the cross. The cross is an ecclesiastical beauty. Praise the cross to the martyrs, and help the suffering. I will come closer to the cross, I will bow down to him. Protect and defend from enemies and foes, from their tongues, their batogs, from their fire and sword, from letting go. Lord, send a blessing, so that I stand unshakable and indestructible, like the Holy Cross. Amen.

    Salvation conspiracy

    I will go, blessing, from the hut with doors to the entrance, from the entrance to the courtyard, from the courtyard to the gate, under the red sun, under the open field, the holy church of God stands in the open field, and the royal doors themselves dissolve, the servant of God (name) himself speaks from sorcerers, from witches, from witches, from witches, whoever thinks of trouble at me, that, count, there is a forest in the forest, there is sand in the sea, and stars in the sky, forever and ever. Amen. Amen. Amen. (read to the sun).

    If enemies are up in arms against you, at work or at home, then distribute forty alms, giving, say to yourself:

    I cross the threshold, crawl out like a viper, shut up all enemies. I do not go, but I ride like a black ox, so that all my enemies have a stake in their tongues. Amen!

    Spit three times over your left shoulder.
    Conspiracy from pursuing enemies

    If enemies are up in arms against you, at work or at home, then distribute forty alms, giving, say to yourself

    I tame the heart of a lion, a snake and a dog, A lion does not growl, a snake does not sting, a dog does not bark. Amen.

    Conspiracy from merciless enemies.

    To do this, face east, clench your fists, cross your arms over your chest and read this conspiracy:

    Lair, lair,

    I live there, wolf.

    I will go out into the light of God,

    I will find those who disturb me.

    I'll drink all their blood

    I will slaughter, bite, mark all the sheep.

    I will not give the descent to the enemies of anyone.

    My paw is shaggy, clawed, zaborist.

    You, my enemy, be silent, lower your eyes.

    I will erase, I doubt

    I will undermine any enemy for myself.

    Key, lock, tongue.

    Amen. Amen. Amen.

    "Tie up, Lord, a sorcerer and a witch, a witch and a witch, and an insistence on the servant of God (name), so that there is no evil from the black and blue, from the red girl, from the white-haired, and the black-haired, from the fair-haired, from the red-haired, from the bearded, and one-eyed, and odd-eyed, and stubborn. Amen
    Conspiracy from attack
    read the plot to read 3 times and take it with you on the road.
    I'm walking, I won't look back,
    I will go, (name), I will not stumble.
    Holy ground under my foot.
    The sky of God is above your head.
    Christ walked through the distant heavens.
    Leaned on the first sky.
    I was baptized on four sides.
    To baptize, Lord, my bodies and words.
    Carry, Lord, my bodies and words to the sky
    From the barbarian, the villainous man.
    Let him fall ahead of time.
    So that he doesn't attack me.
    Let him suffer.
    So that I don't suffer.
    The robber will become a pillar.
    From me, (name), will lag behind.
    Will not lift the whip, the knife will not throw.
    The ax will not take against me.
    Three miles away from me, (name), will move away.
    A hundred times it will stand up as a pillar,
    Falls a hundred times.
    And to me, (name), with evil will never approach.
    In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
    Now and ever and forever and ever.

    Conspiracy from enemies on a scarf

    They read on a handkerchief and take it with them when leaving the house:

    "The shield is my guarantee, Christ is my protection. I go, and everywhere I have a path and a bright road. Amen."

    The scarf acts as a talisman until the first wash.

    Conspiracy from enemies to candle wax

    Whisper on wax and sculpt it on a pectoral cross.

    "Be signified, servant of God (name), with the life-giving cross at the right hand and one, in front, behind. The cross is on me, the servant of God (name), the cross is in front of me, the cross is behind me. May the whole host of enemies run from my cross. The power of the cross will flash like lightning. , will scorch and blind enemies.Christ and all the power of heaven is near me: Michael, Gabriel, Uriel Raphael, archangels and angels.The Lord's powers and terrible, seraphim, holy guardian angels, devoted to me to preserve my soul and body from holy baptism.
    The angels of God pray for me the Savior Christ, so that He would save me from enemies, so that he would bless this amulet.
    In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

    Conspiracy from enemies

    In the church, before the morning service, you buy a candle, light it in front of the icon of John and say in a whisper:

    "Father John, you conquered the enemy regiments, conquer the heart of my enemy (name). Amen."

    Cross and bow 9 times.

    Conspiracy from strong, pursuing enemies

    "Be, my words, ox strong and molding.
    Stronger than a stone, stronger than a damask steel, stronger than a sharp knife.
    The castle is in the company, the key is in the ocean-sea.
    In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
    Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy.
    Blessed is my guardian angel on the eighth of March.
    Mother Mary prayed on the throne. Came to her
    Jesus Christ. Mother Mary said that in a dream
    saw as if Jesus Christ was crucified, saint
    blood was shed, hands and feet were nailed,
    They put a wreath of thorns on their heads.
    First thing, second thing. I, the third, answered
    Jesus Christ to Mother Mary. Who is Sunday
    he will read the prayer, the Lord saves him from the fire,
    from the flame, from the water, from the stream, from the fierce beast,
    from every evil person.
    From the prison castle. Amen.
    How are you, Father David, meek and lowly,
    and merciful and compassionate, no dashing
    you do not think of evil and grief.
    So it would be on me, slave (name), bosses and all judges
    would be meek and meek, they did not think dashing, evil
    would not do. Always thinking and guessing.
    How the tsar's lackey did not think dashingly at the king's father,
    He did not do evil, always rejoices and rejoices.
    So it would be about me, slave (name), all the bosses and everything
    the judges were happy, the enemies would not notice.
    I'll lock the lock, I'll lock the lock.
    I will drop the key in the blue sea. At the bottom is a barai-stone,
    I will not give it to anyone. There is a stone, it will not float,
    will not move from place to place.
    So no one could change my words.
    Amen. Amen. Amen".

    Conspiracy from the pursuers

    Perform the ceremony for three days in a row (without affecting Sundays). Look at the fire, read 3 times at night, the next morning read the second time (three times), looking at the water. In the evening of this day, read three times, looking at the ground:

    "Mother of God, Father of God, son of God, take the locks, golden keys,
    close my villains eyes, ears, mouth, tongue, lips, hands, feet.
    Throw the key to the bottom of the sea.
    Whoever gets it will ruin my life.
    No one will get my keys, no one will ruin my life.
    Nicholas the Wonderworker, the Pleasant of God will not allow.
    Amen. Amen. Amen."

    Conspiracy from enemies, from evil people

    Three days in a row they weed the garden from weeds. The torn grass is laid with crosses. When the grass is dry, they burn it and say during the smoke:

    "I burn the weed, exterminate the enemies. As there is no weed, there is no enemy. Amen."

    The same words can be said when weeding a vegetable garden. But, most likely, dry the grass and burn it.

    From gossips

    You also tear weeds in the garden and say to the grass:

    "As this grass begins to dry, so every language will stop talking about me, gossiping about me. The grass will dry up, and the enemy will leave me alone. Amen."

    After the grass is dry, toss it to the gossips. They will forget about you - they will overcome their problems.

    "The Lord walked from the seven heavens, the Lord carried 77 locks from 77 languages. Close, Lord, to all people, enemies, judges, eyes, mouths, mouth, so that the servant (s) of God (her) (her) (her name) (his name) will not have trouble, throw the key into the ocean-sea. Whoever can get it, he can condemn me. Amen. "

    To confuse the enemy with his deeds

    They use this conspiracy when it is necessary to put a barrier from the conjurers, when it is necessary to get rid of those who weave intrigues or plan evil against you. This conspiracy can be used from a rival who conjures on you and her husband. Cook jelly from black berries. When the syrup with berries boils, pour into it, starch and say:

    "I will remember your work with jelly, quickly, quickly and boldly. As Yegoriy fought, won, so I will crush the enemy (name), I will destroy his work. Kissel, jelly, boil all day. Get up, boil, fix my work tightly. first, the enemy is behind me. My Lord is everywhere, everywhere with me. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. "

    If the enemy is unknown

    This conspiracy can always be used before reading another conspiracy from an enemy whose name you do not know. First you read this conspiracy, and then another - the previous one, for example. Light a candle and read the plot once, looking at the candle flame. Leave the candle to burn out.

    "Lord, Almighty God, protect my shelter and threshold, my mortal body, my labor and my work from enemies visible and invisible, everyone I know, whose names I list, and those whom I do not know by name, but from whom I suffer innocently. Protect me, Lord. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. "

    There are very few saints in the world. All are mostly ordinary people, with their own merits and demerits. Nevertheless, there are often those who do not like someone else's life, who want to make it much worse. Why so, we will not find out. Let's take it for granted. But it is advisable to know how to protect yourself from bad people. At first glance, simple methods used for preventive purposes can save you from many unpleasant minutes, illnesses and worries. Let's figure out how you can protect yourself.

    Does it make sense to put up barriers to evil?

    Before figuring out how to protect yourself from bad people, you need to understand what exactly is happening, against what force it is necessary to create cordons. You will say that everyone knows this - they usually protect themselves from hatred, envy and black eyes? Quite right. Only to understand how to protect yourself from ill-wishers and it is advisable to imagine how they attack, what happens during this.

    Let's start with the fact that all of humanity is in one energy field. Remember, at school they talked about There all the molecules are connected. One receives an impulse, and immediately "shares" it with the rest. So we are on this beautiful planet, only here everything is much more complicated. Any thought or feeling, word or movement has an impact on almost everyone. And on those who are near - the most powerful. And it's good if this "action" is positive. And if it has a negative sign, then everyone around it "gets". The negative energy spread around the world by one person leads to the fact that others have big and small troubles. And the blame for everything is a negative energy message. So we will defend ourselves from him.


    One of the main methods of neutralizing bad energy is all kinds of amulets. When wondering how to protect yourself from bad people, be sure to think about them. You, of course, have seen them many times on store shelves or in the homes of acquaintances. Take the so-called Turkish eye, for example.

    It is a rounded piece of blue glass with a blue spot that resembles an eye. It is customary to hang or wear it so that it can be clearly seen. Such an amulet is simply irreplaceable for those who decide how to protect their home from bad people. Place it in a room where strangers enter, for example, opposite the front door. Naturally, he will not expel the villains; he will not interfere with entering the house. But on the other hand, he will remove the negative energy from them on himself. For girls, such "eyes" are embedded in jewelry. It turns out, just a decoration, but in fact - a talisman.

    For believers

    Those with the Lord in their souls rarely figure out how to protect themselves from bad people. They know for sure that the Almighty is always with them. He protects from a bad person and a wrong step. For believers, the best protection is the cross that was with them at the time of baptism. The symbol of faith strengthens the soul, does not allow evil to penetrate into it and infect it with its decay. And if they do not feel very well, feel an alien influence, then they seek protection in prayer. A few holy words put thoughts in order, return faith in goodness and justice. They also know the icon that protects against bad people. This method can also be advised for those who do not comply. Buy an icon of your Guardian Angel and refer to it more often. You can also go to church and pray to the Mother of God. And if you are prone to frequent evil eyes, then buy a small icon and carry it with you.

    Church candles

    They are the strongest amulet. You should know that their small lights help even those who are completely desperate, have lost faith in human kindness. You just need to light them at home every night. Just sit and gaze into the flames. Think about the good, remember the happy moments of life. Such a simple ceremony brings harmony back to the soul. Believers say that the Angel is behind the back, a feeling of confidence and security appears. And this is the most important wall from negative energy. When you feel your Angel, an invisible "spacesuit" appears around you, from which arrows of evil bounce off.

    Simple amulets

    Do not forget that the awareness of your own comfort, coziness, security depends on the things that surround you. Some ladies intuitively know how to protect themselves from envious people, people who want bad things. They decorate themselves like a Christmas tree! This is one of the ways to "create bastions" against evil. Choose bright clothes, but not sacrifice taste. If you do not know exactly how to choose the toilet items, then feel free to include red accessories in your arsenal. A scarf or wrist bracelet, handbag or shoes will help ward off evil eyes. Their attention switches to the subject, the blow does not reach you. It is also recommended to use red thread. It should be tied on the wrist by a loving person. This amulet is good in that in the event of a strong attack, it deteriorates (breaks), thereby notifying the owner of the negative impact. Then you just need to do the next one.


    There is another well-known way to protect yourself from negativity. This is an ordinary pin. It is used all the time. You need to attach a small pin to the back of your garment. They came up with another way for the kids. Bright beads, ponytails and so on are attached to the pin. It turns out an amulet, small in size, but very effective. It captures the flow of negativity and takes it to the ground. And in the case of a strong "attack", just like a thread, it falls into disrepair, breaks (sometimes lost). Such beautiful pins can now be bought in souvenir shops. Despite the fact that they are small and "ordinary", they protect effectively. It is customary for them to protect children, but no one bothers to use this amulet for adults as well.


    Some people prefer to make such a talisman for themselves, which will definitely not be lost or forgotten. It could be a special tattoo. For example, the same "Turkish eye" is applied to different parts of the body. Only with this talisman you need to be careful. The fact is that it is necessary to carefully choose the place where to apply it, because it is for life. Although now it is possible to make a temporary tattoo with henna. If you decide on just such a talisman, then think over the plot well. Any picture has a double meaning. For example, the symbol of faith - the cross - will protect against negativity, but push towards a deeper spiritual quest. Can you handle it? And, of course, the first option is recommended to be done using henna, so that you can get rid of it if something does not suit you.

    Conspiracy to defend against bad people

    Words can also serve as a talisman. For example, if it seems that "evil eyes" are looking at you, then say: "Not to me!" And in the case when you feel that you have already "caught" the negative, perform the ritual with salt. They warm it up in a cast-iron frying pan, saying the following words: “Against a fierce enemy, against a cruel offender, against an envious and sworn enemy, I heat up salt, I defend myself. Pour off, hot salt, to the enemy in great pain. Deprive it of sleep, fill it with tears, close your black eye. You don't see me and don't notice, you leave me alone! As you raise your eyes, you will freeze yourself! Amen!"

    Effective conspiracies from anger can be used for any person who harms you, spoils your life, slander. They help even when this enmity is perennial and unpleasant. At work, in the family, company of friends there is often someone who harbors a grudge against you. Very often this is the result of envy.

    Such energetic messages in your direction will have a very negative impact on you. From evil people and their bad words, simple village magic will help. You will not harm a person with your conspiracy, just do not allow him to spread gossip about you, speak badly, spoil your reputation. You can help yourself on your own... Try conspiracies from anger to humble even the most vicious ill-wisher.


    Evil tongues can ruin your life. Where does it come from? You have offended someone, maybe you noticed unknowingly. Someone just disliked you at first sight. And there are people who envy your successes, beauty, personal life. This is the scariest category. You can get damage from such evil tongues, which will ruin your whole life.

    If you do not believe in corruption, then you are greatly mistaken. A person can do without a ritual in order to send damage or even a curse. To do this, you just need to experience very strong negative emotions, constantly wish for evil, be angry with you. Conspiracies from malice are sometimes very beneficial to well-being. To receive such damage means a lot to lose:

    • health deteriorates;
    • problems begin in the female part in women, potency in men worsens;
    • money is lost, values \u200b\u200bare lost;
    • you can lose your job, lose respect.

    All of these are very detrimental to your well-being. Who knows, suddenly you are spoiled. There is no other solution from evil tongues. It is best to avoid when you already have damage. What the enemy will not wish you, some even of death... Very rarely appears from envy and anger fatal damage, but this is also possible, especially if a person has powers.


    Outright hatred hurts you, but gossip can be dangerous. They give rise to unprecedented stories about you, your personal life, work, hobbies. And you will not notice how you will become a laughing stock in the eyes of colleagues and important people because of one or two gossips. It is better to suppress such stories right away.

    It is because of one innocent gossip that someone's envy can grow. And then - the famous story of corruption. There are a lot of such situations at work. It is best to use a light conspiracy to stop the gossip of evil people. He will not harm a person, but he will help you immediately. After the first application, you will see the result. There are no more topics for talking about you, and if someone from the outside starts talking, then the conversation will stop immediately. These conspiracies give good results against gossips.... They belong to the village and gypsy magic... Proven over the years.


    They are all pretty simple. The longer you practice magic, the better and faster it will turn out. Your energy will be enough to stop envious people and ill-wishers. All these conspiracies from anger can be done at home. Some of them will need photographs or personal items. They carry the strongest owner's energy and with them the result comes faster. Be sure to try this ritual if you feel the first signs of anger from a colleague, friend, or even a relative. The worst problems come from the family where there is no mutual understanding and confidential communication between people.

    A very strong conspiracy from an ill-wisher:

    Makes on Thursday or Saturday. The night should be clear, the moon is in the sky. Best done on the full moon. You need a photo of your ill-wisher... Today, photographs of people are easy to find on the Internet, and you can print them on your home printer. For a conspiracy from anger, you need 3 red candles. Each of them needs sewing needle cut out the name of the enemy.

    Put the candles on the windowsill, and the photo must be glued to the window glass with tape.

    Stand so that the photo obscures the moon in the sky.

    Read three times:

    “Be, my words, ox strong and molding. Stronger than a stone, stronger than a damask steel, stronger than a sharp tenderness. The castle is in the company, the key is in the ocean-sea. In the name of the Father. and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Lord have mercy. Lord have mercy. Blessed is my guardian angel on the eighth of March. Mother Mary prayed on the throne. Jesus Christ appeared to her. Mother Mary said that in a dream she saw that Jesus Christ was crucified, holy blood was shed, hands and feet were nailed, a crown of thorns was put on his head. First thing, second. I, the third, answered Jesus Christ to Mother Mary. Whoever reads the Sunday prayer, the Lord saves him from fire, from flame, from water, from a stream, from a fierce beast, from every evil person. From the prison castle. Amen. As you, Father David, are meek and humble, and merciful and compassionate, you cannot think of any evil or grief. So you on me, the slave (name), the authorities and all the judges would be meek and meek, you would not think hard, you would not do evil. Always thinking and guessing. As for the king's father, the tsar's lackey did not think dashingly, did no evil, always rejoices and rejoices. So, about me, slave (name), all the bosses and all the judges would be happy, the enemies would not notice. I'll lock the lock, I'll lock the lock. I will drop the key in the blue sea. At the bottom is a barai-stone, I will not give it to anyone. There is a stone, it will not float, it will not move from place to place. So no one could change my words. Amen. Amen. Amen."

    Let the candles burn out, anda photopick up in the morning, cut into three pieces. Bury each of them in the ground in different places.

    So his anger is no longer afraid of you, and the earth will take everything away, cleanse it. The person will forget why he was angry with you, look at the problem with different eyes.

    Conspiracy from hidden enemies:

    If you only suspect that you have an enemy, but do not know his name, then do this ritual. He will help to detect the enemy and deplete his strength. Done at night on the growing moon.

    Draw a person on a piece of paper. You need to circle the contour with your blood from the index finger. Say:

    “I will pray to the Most Holy Theotokos, I will submit to the Lord God. On this day, at this hour, early in the morning and late at night. Like the sun rises every morning, but like the moon sets every morning. So my enemy will go from right to left, but from me, the servant of God (name), will go away forever and ever. From this day until the end of time. In the name of the Lord God, the King of Heaven. Amen. Amen. Amen".

    Burn the paper with the drawing, and collect the ashes.

    Ashes need to be dispelled at the intersection in all 4 directions.

    When you finish, leave immediately, do not look back. even if someone calls you with a familiar goal, just walk by.

    Speak to the enemy at work:

    Is your enemy at work? Is this one of your colleagues or even your boss? Then this old conspiracy will suit you. In the workplace, light church candle, whisper to her:

    “May my servant go to God's servant (name), let my servant torment him, beat and bake him. Where my enemy (name) does not go, where he does not wander, everywhere mine will drive him, he will break his bones, and take his life. You will not think about me, the servant of God (name), you will not plot evil, you will not harm and interfere with me. You will not see me in dreams, you will not be able to keep me in your thoughts, forget about me, the servant of God (name), forget and not remember. You walk on your side, keep away from me on the other path. Just as a blind man does not see and will not offend anyone, so you, the servant of God (name), will not see me, and you will not be able to do evil. Don't look in my direction, don't look at me. I lock my words with a steel key, but I throw the key into a deep ravine. As the beasts cannot see through the steel key, so my words cannot be canceled by anyone. May it come true that said. Amen".

    Cross on 4 sides and extinguish the candle with your fingers. Let no one see this, you can do it after work or in the morning before.

    Helps to close the mouth of gossips, to speak evil tongues.

    Protection from enemies on a new shirt:

    This is a good defensive spell. You need to buy from the market new shirt.

    It may not be expensive, but you need to buy it without bargaining.

    Spell the text on it:

    “The dark will always be dashing topsy-turvy, it will not go to me, but go into the dark forest, bounce off my threshold. I, the servant of God (name), will go through the meadow, I will not meet a wild beast there, I will not meet an evil person, thinking badly, plotting. I will not accept an enemy, his evil will not approach me, it will not harm me. I close the house with the key, but I remove the key. Nobody can find the key, evil cannot pass against me. Amen".

    Wear this shirt wherever your enemy is. Anything he says bad about you or wishes, will bounce off the shirt like a good shield. it village protective spell, which has been used by enemies for a hundred years. A person can resist damage if he has such a charmed shirt. Every 5 years, you need to reread the conspiracy of protection.

    Conspiracy-prayer from enemies:

    Short prayers will help you if you find yourself in a bad situation. Conspiracies from anger work quickly, help cool the ardor of the enemy, gag him if it has already come to an open conflict. Say to yourself three times:

    “The Lord came from the seven heavens, the Lord carried 77 castles from 77 languages. Close, Lord, to all people, enemies, judges, eyes, mouths, mouth, so that there is no misfortune for God's servant (her) (your name), throw the key into the ocean-sea. Whoever can get it will be able to condemn me. Amen."

    Help will come quickly.

    A quick whisper from an evil tongue:

    Another quick whisper to keep in mind. He helps with a difficult situation when a quarrel begins. Say:

    “Lord, Almighty God, protect my shelter and threshold, my mortal body, my labor and my work from enemies visible and invisible, everyone I know, whose names I list, and those whom I don’t know by name, but from whom I suffer innocently. Protect me, Lord. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

    Your ill-wisher will abandon the idea of \u200b\u200bharming you, you will each disperse in his own direction.


    These conspiracies are quite costly in terms of energy. You need to put protection around youwhich cannot be pierced by its negative energy. It is not necessary to do such rituals often or for several people at once. This will noticeably reduce their strength and effect. Better find out who is the center of the wicked gossip and slander on you. After all, it all started with someone. Here on him and direct the conspiracy.

    If you feel bad, sick, then it is better to postpone conspiracies. You are already weakened, and you also spend your own energy for conspiracies... Wait until your recovery, otherwise the conspiracy will take even more health.

    If you have diagnosed yourself spoilage, then take it off, and in parallel, close your mouth to evil tongues. Even if you just speak someone else's malice, damage will not go away from you. It still needs to be removed, the sooner the better.

    Don't jump to conclusions. Perhaps the person is completely without negativity towards you. Therefore, do not resort to strong spellsthat can harm him. For you to ruin the life of an innocent, Universe will definitely require an answer from you.

    What else can help you:

    Icon will help you George the Victorious... Put her at home, she will drive enemies out of the house. If this is someone close to you, then he will stop appearing at you, saying that he feels bad in the apartment. So you can identify the enemy.

    The Orthodox icon helps a lot from evil people.

    You can carry it with you in your bag or put it at work.

    This will save you from dangers, damage, gossip.

      A year ago I met a man who is very attentive, good-natured, he helps me a lot - I can't complain, but the problem is how I met him, I started problem after problem, immediately after a month, my wisdom tooth got inflamed (before that I did not know any problems with teeth), two months later I lost a well-paid job and this year I lost two more jobs, I already have no strength. I think it's all about his neighbor, whom he once helped. My relationship with her did not work out. Here I read on the portal effective ways to protect myself, I hope it will help.

      I will not say that the conspiracy solved all my problems. No, the boss did not magically stop digging for any reason. Rather, he was simply not up to me. It has become rare to go in, there are fewer conflicts. A sort of silent armed neutrality. But at least our constant disputes and disagreements have stopped taking away a huge lot of my working time.

      Made a conspiracy from an evil boss. This creature did not allow me to work, only drank blood and overestimated the requirements, putting my efforts and efforts on a par with the plinth. The conspiracy helped. Sympathy has appeared, maybe just a coincidence, but I think it was the conspiracy that helped. Even colleagues began to whisper behind their backs, and is he not in cahoots with the Devil?) But no, I just sip coffee, laugh and now enjoy my work, which is what I wish for you)

      I have one rival at work, a sheer bitch. She sleeps with her boss and believes that everything is allowed to her, so she orders, teases all the other colleagues .. I am very tired of this and since I have experience in conspiracies, I decided to teach her a lesson. First she protected everyone from her with this conspiracy and then she used this one. And rightly so!