How to sew a toy hare using a pattern. How to sew a tilde hare with your own hands. To make such a soft toy you will need

The tilde hare is an excellent soulful toy that you can make with your own hands. These wedding and other crafts can be made from any fabric in any style. The tilde bunny will be a wonderful home decoration, so why not make it right now?

The tilde hare is an excellent soulful toy that you can make with your own hands

Master Class:

  1. Take the fabric. All the details of the work are drawn on it: the body, ears, head and legs. Then a pattern is made.
  2. Additional fabric is being prepared from which the hare's clothing will be made. It is desirable that she be elegant and beautiful.
  3. The cut pattern is placed on the fabric. Next you need to stitch it. We sew strictly according to the pattern.
  4. Leaving half a centimeter for allowance, we cut out the parts. All parts of the rabbit's body must be stitched. It is important to slightly stretch the fabric while sewing, so the seam will be more neat. But you don’t need to stretch the fabric too much, otherwise the product may burst after stitching.
  5. Then all the workpieces are laid out on a flat surface. Textile blanks should become a model for future work.
  6. The bottom of the body should be slightly bent. You can fasten it and then iron it.
  7. After this, the body can be filled with holofiber. Other parts are filled with the same material. Important: the rabbit’s paws are not completely filled with holofiber, as this will lead to them sticking out in different directions.
  8. The ends of the bent copper wire are inserted into the ends of the legs. Next, safety pins are used. After this, the legs can be sewn to the body.

At the last stage, you need to sew clothes for the bunny, and then dress him up in it.

Gallery: tilde hare (25 photos)

Rabbit tilde: mk (video)

DIY standing bunny tilde. Step-by-step instruction

The standing tilde bunny is made in the same way as a standard bunny, but you need to work on its legs.

When making hares, the work should include the following steps:

  1. The first step is to make a pattern.
  2. After this, it is placed on the fabric. You need to make a line. The finished parts should be laid out on a flat surface. The future toy is modeled.
  3. In order for the tilde hares to stand in full size, you need to use wire. It bends in an arc, and both of its edges are threaded into the legs.
  4. After this, the legs should be secured with pins. Don't skimp on pins!
  5. A thread matching the tone of the product is taken and stitching is done. It’s okay if you can’t make an even seam, it will still be almost invisible.
  6. The legs bend inward. A few more stitches are made. Thanks to such manipulations, the toy stands on its feet.

The standing tilde bunny is made in the same way as a standard bunny, but you need to work on its legs

Soft tilde hare with long ears: pattern and description

A bunny with long ears turns out incredibly beautiful and attractive.

Scheme of work:

  1. The materials necessary for the work are selected.
  2. The rabbit's ears are long, so the pattern for them should also be long. Let them be the same size as the torso and legs.
  3. Once the fabric is cut according to the pattern, you can begin stitching. The seam should be smooth and neat. When sewing fabric, it is important to slightly tighten it. However, if you pull the fabric too hard, it may eventually burst.
  4. The first part to be filled with holofiber should be the bunny's body. Its bottom is slightly bent and secured with a pin, then it should be smoothed a little. Only after this can you begin filling the body with holofiber.
  5. The rest of the parts, including the ears, are filled in similarly with this material.
  6. Before you start sewing the parts together, they need to be secured with pins.

A bunny with long ears turns out incredibly beautiful and attractive

Tip: You should always use additional fabric to sew clothes for tilde toys. Beginners are not always able to make straight seams, and putting clothes on the toy will hide all the mistakes and shortcomings of the work.

Tilda doll, dress template pattern: master class

A Tilda doll can be a wonderful gift for a friend or mother. How is it done?

  1. The pattern for the doll is drawn on newspaper, paper or wallpaper. The optimal size of such a pupa is 30 cm.
  2. After this, the working fabric is prepared. It is recommended to use either white or pink fabric. It must be ironed and clean.
  3. The pattern is placed on the fabric and traced with a pen. Next, the fabric is cut along the formed contour. However, it is better to leave about half a centimeter of fabric from the outline, as this will help the fabric not fray after stitching.
  4. After cutting, you can proceed to sewing. This is done using a standard spacer seam.
  5. The blanks are turned inside out before filling with holofiber. Alternatively, you can use regular cotton wool. It is worth helping to push the material with a pencil.
  6. After this, all parts must be sewn.
  7. At the last stage, the doll should be dressed. Clothes can be made by hand, for example, it can be a white sundress.
  8. You can use pink knitting yarn as hair.

A Tilda doll can be a wonderful gift for a friend or mother

Tip: If you use white fabric when sewing a tilde doll, you can soak it in coffee so that it darkens slightly. This will not only provide a richer color, but will also give the product a pleasant coffee aroma.

Big hare tilde

Scheme of work:

  1. To create a large tilde bunny you will need a lot of fabric, at least 1.5 meters.
  2. A mock-up of future blanks is drawn on paper or another paper surface.
  3. Then the cut out design is applied to the fabric. The pattern is made taking into account leaving 1 cm at the edges for the seams.
  4. Next, the fabric is stitched using a sewing machine.
  5. When all the products are sewn, you need to model the layout of the future toy, laying out the blanks on a flat surface.
  6. Then each blank is filled with cotton wool or other material. To push the material deep into the part, you should use a pencil or a long match.
  7. It is recommended to use additional fabric to sew clothes for the toy.

At the last stage, the large bunny is decorated, for example, you can sew a bow on it or tie ribbons around its clothes.

We sew a toy in the evening: tilde bunny (video)

The appearance of a bunny is very popular among needlewomen. These include soft toys and knitted animals made of wool, sculpted from clay. Pretty Toys workshop offers you a large collection of rabbit patterns of all colors and sizes. This long-eared cutie will accompany your baby everywhere: at the table, while playing or walking. From an early age, children (especially young princesses) have a need to protect and care for someone. If your little one doesn’t yet have an adorable bunny, then try making one yourself.

If you decide to sew a hare, start by choosing a pattern. Then you should decide on the fabric (for the body and clothes). If you choose a tilde-hare pattern, then the following materials are perfect: linen, cotton or fleece - depending on what the future toy should be. A hare created with your own hands using a pattern will delight you and those around you. It can be placed in a chair or on a sofa, or placed on a chest of drawers.

A rabbit toy will complement the plush collection

If you have enough long-eared, handsome hares in your house, pay attention to the rabbit patterns. Their furry counterparts will be a great addition to your collection. For manufacturing, you can use artificial fur or other fabric, filling - holofiber, synthetic padding and synthetic padding. Shades can be different: natural or brightly colorful. Currently, tilde rabbit patterns are very popular. These toys are very cute and each of them has its own character. Some are thoughtful, others are romantic, others are serious, and others are cheerful. And we propose to sew a cute dreamy rabbit with your own hands.

It won't take you long to make a rabbit. However, the result will certainly please you. You will find in your hands a toy that you cannot buy in a store, a toy that contains a piece of your warmth. Join the Pretty Toys craftswomen - send us photos of finished toys and patterns!

Option No. 1 (sitting hare) - well, a real man in pants).

Operating time 4 hours. We will need two types of fabric, I chose gray linen for the body, and red checkered linen for the clothes.
Transferring the pattern to fabric

We cut out the parts of the hare, do not forget to leave allowances for the seams, about 0.5 cm. Then, after sewing the parts together, we will cut them shorter, leaving about 0.3 cm. If the fabric is fraying, you can treat the edges with a solution of PVA glue + water in a ratio of 1:1. PVA glue is transparent and no traces will be visible, and water is added to make the edges less hard.

We sew the parts together, you can turn them inside out. Straighten the seams as you turn them inside out.

Let's iron it and start filling, tear off small pieces from the filler and push them into the part, you need to do this quite tightly.

Ready-to-assemble spare parts for the future hare.

We wrap and baste the fabric along the edge of the hare's body.

We place the legs, making sure that both legs are the same length. We baste the legs and machine stitch the bottom of the body along with the legs. Now we have a hare that can sit)

With chalk we mark the place where we will sew on the arms or what do hares have, paws? Sew with a hidden seam.

Well, it turns out to be such an independent hare, already with arms and legs.
We sew up the hole with a hidden seam, which we needed to turn out the ears.

Sew on the ears

Now we have a hare not only with arms, legs, but also ears.
Using a needle, mark the location of the future eyes and nose. Embroider the nose. Using the opposite end of the brush, paint the eyes with acrylic paint + a little makeup. We bought the cheapest blush especially for such purposes, shade it a little and apply it with a brush.

From bright fabric we cut out 2 parts for the hat and 4 parts for the trouser legs. Cut out, leaving seam allowances.

We sew two pant legs as shown in the picture.

We have sewn the side seams of the future pants, now all that remains is to sew the middle of the trouser legs.

This is how the pants turned out. Now the cap
Two parts sewn together

Now we screw one half of the cap inside.

Now, it’s almost a Napoleonic cocked hat)

Cut out the chest for the pants and the strap

We sewed it together and ended up with one strap and the chest of the pants, approximately 5x5 cm.

In order to sew the straps on the back, we put the pants on the hare and sew on it.

We make the straps crosswise and sew them on. And we dress up the bunny. She tied several straws around her neck.

the hare is ready! I don't know about you, but I definitely like it :)

You can also dress up our little bunny in this apron:

option No. 2 (standing bunny) - and here comes my friend - little Lucy))):

All we need: fabric for the body - linen (preferably with 5% elastane), for the dress - cambric, for the ears - cotton, for the beret - fleece and yarn for the pompom, cotton lace, brads (decoration for the belt), floss threads for the nose, acrylic textile paints for the eyes, glue (special for fabric), threads, needles, pins, scissors and filler. and, of course, a good mood!
So... we cut out, sew together the parts and get one body, two arms, two legs and one ears :) iron it, carefully turn it inside out.

With a sushi stick (the most convenient way), we stuff the legs and arms tightly and very carefully so that they are without tubercles, but at the same time do not come apart at the seams! Then we pin it with a pin and put it aside.
filled both legs, and in order to make sure that they are the same length, we put them side by side and compare. the same? Are they stable? then let's move on :)
Let's start stuffing the body. The most dangerous moment is the neck. we must try to make sure that it is without creases. and when the body is completely filled with synthetic padding, the edge must be folded and stitched manually as shown in the last one. photo, leaving room for legs.

after which we try on the legs and, making sure that we have fixed them evenly, sew them on with a hidden seam.

These are the straight legs we got, but, unfortunately, our bunny won’t be able to sit... she’s a standing bunny :)
We're done with the legs, let's move on to the arms - we do everything by analogy.

eyelet - one side is beige, the other is turquoise. leave a hole for turning.

we start from the tip. and turn it inside out in much the same way as taking socks off your feet :))
turned it inside out, ironed it, and admired it. If you like it, then we sew further.

dress - room for imagination! I do it roughly as shown in the pictures. I folded the fabric into a floral pattern, carefully sewed on the lace and the lining strip. My bunnies' dresses don't come off. but we can try it sometime.

top - measured the girth of the bunny's chest and cut off a piece of fabric; you don't have to stitch it at the back, but glue it with textile glue.

We assemble the skirt with a needle, secure it with pins, and sew it on.
It doesn’t always turn out beautifully, so we make a belt.

We sew a small piece of fabric on both sides, leaving room for a small pin with an elastic band to be inserted. threaded it, stitched it. A brad was attached in the center for beauty.

we take a large piece of tape and trace it around, we get a beret pattern :) we do everything as shown in the pictures. not difficult!

we know how to make a pompom from school :) we sew it to the beret, for strength with a button. We attach it to the head either with a hidden seam or with textile glue.

Well, and, in fact, the final chord is makeup:) we outline the future nose, mouth and eyes. we embroider the nose using satin stitch, paint the eyes with black acrylic paint, and blush the cheeks with our own blush :)

and this little one turned out:) height 36 cm, name is Lucy).

option No. 3 - bunny in slippers:

says the author Tatyana Lebedeva

Pattern on A3 sheet

We connect two fabrics and cut out the feet together with slippers

I cut out the sole from felt and sew the legs to the foot

I stuff my leg through the left side hole. I stuff it very tightly

To attach the legs I use a button fastening. I secure the thread. I wrap it around my leg several times and tie it in a knot.

Dress - I sew the side seams. I glue the neck. I put it on the doll (I have to put it on over the head with effort)
and glue it to the body. I also coat the braid with glue and glue it to the neck

Jacket. Using one pattern I cut out the jacket and lining

I sew the hood and side seams

I sew the hood to the neck. I do the same with the lining.

I connect the jacket and lining with the front side

I'm attaching the jacket and lining. I turn it inside out. I use a hidden seam to connect the jacket to the lining along the bottom edge.

Scarf. I combine two fabrics into a “sleeve”, turn them inside out and tie them around the bunny’s neck

I cut out the sleeve according to the hand pattern, only 1-1.5 cm more

Pants. I sew it and put it on the hare. The pants fit very tightly, so I didn’t bother sewing them to the body. At the bottom of the trousers I make an opposite fold and sew on a button

I sew the arms together with the sleeves in the same way as the legs.

I cut out strips of fabric (like boots), glue them, and coat them with glue again.

I glue it to my boots. I sew flowers onto the fasteners on the shoe.

I sew a badge on the dress

Beret. I sew and turn inside out

I made the ears single, since they won’t be visible under the beret. I sew the beret with a hidden seam and decorate it

I make a toy bunny and sew it onto Tatoshka’s arms.

OK it's all over Now. The bunny is ready!

It is important for every child to have a cute and cute bunny in his toy collection.

After all, for almost every child, a bunny is associated with kindness. Seeing such a toy, your heart is filled with love for this tiny creature.

Today you can find various bunnies in stores - Mi, Teddy, and others.

Make such a toy for your baby or babies are easy. The main thing is to prepare all the necessary materials, tools and a bunny pattern.

In contact with

Sew bunny Mi

For this type of toy, you can use any plain or not too colorful fabric.

As a filler you can take synthetic padding, padding polyester, synthetic wool.

In addition to the main material, we will also need such devices as:

  • buttons, they will be used to secure the arms and legs of the toy;
  • sewing supplies;
  • tailor's scissors.

Before you start working, you need to find a toy pattern. This is not difficult to do, it is presented below, print it out and cut out every detail.

Download the pattern to your computer, print and cut out

You should get the following details:

  • half head - 2 pcs.;
  • on the neck - 1 pc.;
  • ear - 4 pcs.;
  • shoulder - 2 pcs.;
  • hand - 4 pcs.;
  • tail - 1 pc.;
  • leg - 4 pcs.

The finished bunny pattern must be cut out of paper. We place each of the parts on the fabric and carefully trace them, then cut them out. Do not forget to leave 3 - 5 mm on each edge for finishing the seams.

Now we fold each of them in pairs and stitch them. The parts must be folded with the front side facing inward..

The main thing is to leave a small distance through which we will turn the parts right side out and also fill them with filler.

As soon as all the components of the Mi bunny (pattern above in the article) are completely ready, they need to be filled with the filler you choose. For this action, it is best to use a pencil or any plastic stick.

The parts must be stuffed carefully from the far ends.

The main thing is that the filler does not crumple in one place, but is evenly distributed throughout the entire part, including in the corners themselves.

As you remember, we left room so that we could It’s easy to stuff the bunny parts and turn them out.

Now the places through which the stuffing was carried out must be sewn up with a secret seam.

The bunny's arms and legs are attached to the body with a button. Thus, it is easy to sit the bunny in a certain position. We combine all the parts into a single toy. That's it, the do-it-yourself bunny is completely ready.

Hare Tilda

To sew a hare, transfer the pattern to the base fabric (see below). We cut out all the details, not forgetting about the extra space of half a centimeter for processing the seams.

Some types of fabric fray heavily, in order to prevent this, It is recommended to treat the edges with a special solution.

To do this, you need to mix simple PVA glue and clean cold water in a one to one ratio. Moreover, traces of the composition will not be visible, and the fabric will become harder.

To make your own Tilda bunny we will need:

  • body fabric - linen;
  • choose the fabric for clothing yourself based on your taste preferences;
  • sewing supplies;
  • simple pencil;
  • scissors;
  • printed pattern of a soft toy;
  • padding polyester

Manufacturing stages:

  1. Finished parts need to be sewn with a machine seam, trimming a little excess fabric by 2 millimeters. Remember to leave some room for turning and stuffing parts.
  2. Using a pencil, carefully turn it inside out and straighten the seams with your own hands. We iron it and fill it with filler, doing it tightly so that there are no voids left. That's all, the components of the hare are ready.
  3. Fold the remaining fabric over the body of the toy a little and sew it with your own hands using a basting stitch. Then we carefully insert the legs and sew them together with the body, removing the excess threads. The main thing is that the hare's limbs are the same.
  4. The paws must be sewn on by hand, and the seam must be hidden. We sew the ears in the same way, and only then attach them to the head of the soft hare.
  5. The soft toy is almost ready, just a little remains - sew the nose, make the eyes and mouth. For a more expressive look, it is recommended to make the animal's cheeks rosy. Let's use a simple blush and a large brush.
  6. Now you need clothes for the finished soft bunny. If your toy is large, then we measure it and make a pattern for pants and a blouse. If it’s small, then in this case you can use the Internet and download the finished pattern.

    Bunny pants

  7. We cut out all the parts from a suitable material, not forgetting to leave additional space for processing the seams. First of all, we sew the pants. It would be better if it was a jumpsuit. Only then we sew the blouse, and, if possible, you can make a beautiful hat.

    The finished Tilda bunny will certainly delight any child

  8. You can decorate the bunny’s clothes with various decorative elements. These can be buttons, beads, rhinestones and so on. That's all, the toy is completely ready.

For many people, the hare symbol is identified with something sweet, innocent, soft, beautiful, kind, bright and pure. You can see the hare pattern in our article - we have collected a photo and video selection that will be useful to you!

Nowadays, toys in the form of a hare from soft to hard are very common.

Every person will be pleased to receive a handmade bunny as a gift. It is this toy that can serve as a symbol of beauty and a friendly attitude towards a person, which is why the appearance of bunnies is very popular in our time.

They can even be knitted, or they can be hard, molded from clay.

In this article, you can find a description of patterns for hares of completely different sizes and styles. We hope that you will like all the options for hare patterns.

Toy bunnies delight the eye with their variety: with long ears, large and small, fluffy and lint-free.

The bunny and his image will be very relevant in anticipation of the Easter season. It is believed that the hare is a lunar beast.

Even such a beautiful animal as a bunny has its own ambiguous reputation. On the one hand, it is a fast, dexterous, very vigilant and prolific animal, but, on the other hand, it must be cunning, cowardly and deceitful.

Let's focus on the good stuff and make beautiful, kind bunnies using the patterns from this article.

So let's get started.

At the moment, Teddy technique toy patterns are gaining popularity. Therefore, let’s not be old-fashioned and pay attention to this fashionable trend among needlewomen.

The next master class on making a bunny will be using Teddy's technique. You will learn how to sew a hare with your own hands using patterns.

Features of Teddy toys are a thoughtful and sad look.

We study available patterns for creating a hare using the Teddy technique

In order to learn how to sew a hare with your own hands using patterns, you will need:
  • paper
  • pencil
  • textile
  • threads
  • padding polyester
  • two buttons

Draw hare patterns on paper with a pencil.

First, you will need to decide on the size of your future animal. Therefore, think carefully before you start making a pattern.

  1. Two parts for the body are made. It is enough to cut out one detail on paper, which will later be transferred to the fabric. Next, draw the paws of your future bunny, which will be the legs, draw the handle, heel, and palm. Long ears of your future bunny.
  2. Transfer patterns to fabric.
  3. Cut out the resulting silhouettes of the future Teddy bunny.
  4. Sew each piece together, placing them right sides up. Leave a small hole in the body in order to fill it with padding polyester. Also, leave it in the legs, head, arms.
  5. Turn your future bunny right side out.
  6. Stuff future products with padding polyester.
  7. Sew the resulting parts together.
  8. Sew on the eyes - buttons, and use threads to make the nose and mouth of the future bunny.
  9. Finish the product by decorating with the necessary accessories.

Your Teddy bunny is ready. You can give such a nice toy even to a child, he will be very happy.

Such a bunny can be a decoration for your home and will serve as decor in any interior. It will be a wonderful gift for any adult and child. You can make your own craft, both large and small.

In the video lesson you can find all the necessary information.

Video on the topic of the article