New Years holiday coloring book for children. New year coloring book for children. Snowman coloring book for children

Preparing for the holidays takes a lot of time and effort not only for adults, but also for children. Therefore, in order not to waste all energy at all on chores, albeit pleasant ones, psychologists recommend distraction by exciting activities. As a hobby, you can choose: creating crafts, drawing with a pencil, coloring anti-stress pictures or New Year's coloring pages 2019 for children and adults. The last point is especially interesting, because as an image for work, you can choose fairy-tale characters, winter landscapes and themed items associated with a magical holiday. A Christmas tree, fir twigs, bells, Christmas decorations, fireworks, sweet gingerbread and gifts, Santa Claus with a Snow Maiden and their helpers, cartoon animals, real animals, winter landscapes, are just a part of what you can see in the photo in the article below, download to a computer and print using a printer.

What is a coloring book?

Despite the fact that New Year's coloring pages 2019 for children and adults are different, they are united by two criteria: a sketch presented in the form of outlines of characters or objects on a white background, as well as the coloring process itself. That is why, when answering the question "what is a coloring", one can say only one thing - "a ready-made sketch on a sheet of paper, which does not need to be drawn on your own, you just need to add colors."

A harmonious color scheme can be achieved with colored pencils, felt-tip pens and even paints. The truth is, it is important to remember about the combination of shades, smooth transitions and highlights.

An example of correct coloring can be seen in the photo example below. It will help you understand the interestingness of a hobby, and the ability to convey your emotions on a regular sketch.

Coloring pages for New Year 2019 of the Yellow Earth Pig (Boar) for the little ones

For preschool children, only light pictures with the image of their favorite characters are suitable. That is why only topics that are interesting for kids are offered below. Heroes of Disney cartoons and Soviet cinema, culprits of the holiday (Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, snowman and snowmen, Christmas tree), sweet gifts, pets, festive fireworks.

To print one of the coloring pages below for free, you need to save the picture to your computer, and then use the printer.

Coloring pages for schoolchildren for the New Year 2019, photo

For school-age children, you can choose more complex pictures, including small details and more complex faces and muzzles. This will help develop in the child attentiveness and accuracy in drawing intricate coloring pages, and the choice of colors will positively affect imagination and logical thinking.

Coloring page Symbol of the year 2019 - Yellow Earth Pig

According to the eastern horoscope, the Pig will become the patroness of the coming New Year, and not a simple pink color, but Yellow, one might even say Earthy. Therefore, even in coloring it is recommended to use autumn colors that are more fabulous than natural.

Christmas coloring pages for adults

So that adults do not get bored on the eve of 2019, we offer a photo selection

You are in the New Year coloring page. The coloring that you are looking at is described by our visitors as follows "" Here you will find many online coloring pages. You can download New Year coloring pages and print them for free. As you know, creative activities play a huge role in the development of a child. They activate mental activity, form aesthetic taste and instill a love for art. The process of coloring pictures on the theme of the New Year develops fine motor skills, perseverance and accuracy, helps to learn more about the world around, introduces the whole variety of colors and shades. Every day we add new free coloring pages for boys and girls to our website, which you can color online or download and print. A convenient catalog, compiled by categories, will facilitate the search for the desired picture, and a large selection of coloring pages will allow you to find a new interesting topic for coloring every day.

Coloring pages are one of the most favorite childhood activities. Children can spend hours painting animals, any cars, all kinds of flowers, adorable cartoon characters or frames from the same cartoon. But on New Year's Eve, we have something more interesting for children - New Year's coloring pages, which both boys and girls will be happy about: coloring Christmas trees, coloring Santa Claus and his sleigh, coloring Christmas toys and gifts, coloring reindeer and forest animals and many, many more funny and interesting.
In addition to the pleasure of coloring New Year's coloring pages, children also get the opportunity to feel the color, choose the matching ones, compare, which in the future will allow the child to more freely handle the color. Then, the finished masterpiece can be easily hung on the wall or cut out to make a beautiful New Year's card. So that the use of the finished work can be easily found, the main desire is.
You can easily download any of the presented coloring pages or print them directly from the site. It's easy to do - click on one of the icons on the selected coloring - and it's done.

Yes Yes Yes! Tomorrow is New Year's Eve, children are waiting for the holiday and gifts, parents are busy with household chores. How to keep your child busy on New Year's Eve morning? Invite him to paint a giant coloring book. And if there are several children in the house, this is generally a great way to unite them and set them up for a festive mood :)

Download mega-coloring "New Year":

  • Option 1 (for large format printing) -;
  • Option 2 (for printing on a regular printer) -.

How to assemble a coloring poster from separate sheets?

In order not to write instructions for assembling a giant coloring from separate A4 sheets for a long time, I will ask you to go to. It describes in detail how you can match and glue the sheets. Our huge New Year coloring book consists of 18 A4 sheets, which are split into pieces with a slight overlap. Cropping the margins on your printouts is not necessary if your printer can print on a whole sheet without leaving white borders.

We painted the last mega-coloring with felt-tip pens and pencils, but if you use thick album sheets for printing, then you can safely prepare paints!

And I also want to tell you one trick of our New Year's coloring. Please note that the big bag of Santa Claus is completely empty and this is no accident, because children always know what they want as gifts for the New Year. There is just a lot of space in this magic bag for the image of children's desires;)

We hope that our mega coloring book will delight your little ones! And we will be very happy if you tell your friends about it on social networks.