Child benefit. Child benefit Child benefit in Belarus

In Belarus, the cost of living budget will increase from November 1. It will increase by 0.3% - to 214.21 rubles. This is provided for by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor dated October 26, 2018 No. 79.Following the BPM, one-time benefits for the birth of children will also increase.

The photo is for illustrative purposes only. Photo: Dmitry Brushko, TUT.BY

The Ministry of Labor clarifies that the size of the subsistence level budget on average per capita and for the main socio-demographic groups (in prices of September 2018 this year) from November 1 will be:

  • working-age population - 237 Belarusian rubles 21 kopecks;
  • pensioners - 163 Belarusian rubles 93 kopecks;
  • students - 207 Belarusian rubles 30 kopecks;
  • children under three years of age - 139 Belarusian rubles 79 kopecks;
  • children aged three to six years - 191 Belarusian rubles 9 kopecks;
  • children aged six to eighteen years - 233 Belarusian rubles 56 kopecks.

In connection with the change in the BPM, from November 1, minimum labor pensions, social pensions, and additional payments to pensioners aged 75 years and older who receive pensions from labor, employment and social security agencies will also increase. Supplements to pensions and increases in pensions for certain categories of pensioners, benefits for caring for a group I disabled person or for a person who has reached 80 years of age and the amount of state benefits for families raising children will also change.

The new BPM size will be valid until the end of January 2019.

In proportion to the growth of the BPM, the amounts of some child benefits will also change. Thus, a one-time benefit in connection with the birth of the first child will be 2142.1 rubles (now - 2136.7 rubles), and for the birth of the second and subsequent children - 2998.94 rubles (now - 2991.38 rubles).

type of benefit benefit amount amount, rubles
allowance to families for children aged 3 to 18 years during the period of raising a child under 3 years of age (monthly) 50% BPM 107,11

for children, except for a disabled child

50% BPM 107,11

for children over 3 years old from certain categories of families:

for a disabled child

70% BPM 149,95

for caring for a disabled child under 18 years of age (monthly)

with I and II degrees of loss
with III and IV degrees of loss
health before execution
child aged 3 years

with III and IV degrees of loss
health after performance
child aged 3 years

per child under 18 years of age infected with HIV (monthly) 70% BPM 149,95

The one-time benefit for women registered with state healthcare organizations before 12 weeks of pregnancy will increase to 214.21 rubles (currently 213.67 rubles).

Child benefit- a cash payment of an alimentary nature, assigned to non-working mothers (or persons replacing them) during the period of caring for children up to a certain age. In the Republic of Belarus it is paid until the child turns three years old.

If joyful events have occurred in your life, and your family has received the status of “raising children,” then you have every right to count on help from the state. Parents in Belarus are entitled to the following child benefits to raise their offspring:

  1. Benefits for women who register with the antenatal clinic before 12 weeks of pregnancy. Its size is equal to the largest amount in the country as a whole (abbreviated as BPM), valid until the birth of the baby, and its payment is made one-time, as a rule, together with the next benefit.
  2. One-time.

The amount of this benefit is ranked depending on how many heirs are in your family:

  • if you have your first child, the payment amount will be equivalent to ten BPM (its largest amount before the baby’s birthday);
  • if the second baby and subsequent children - you will be paid fourteen BPM
  1. Allowance for child care under 3 years of age.

From 01/01/2013, the principle for calculating this basic monthly benefit has changed dramatically: today, the basis for calculating benefits is employees in the country for the previous quarter. The amount of the benefit, just like the previous one, depends on the order in which your children are born:

  • 35 percent of the average monthly salary is paid every month for raising the first child;
  • for the second and subsequent children - 40 percent of the average monthly salary;
  • for a disabled child - 45 percent of the average monthly salary.
  1. Allowance for children over 3 years of age.

This benefit is provided only to certain groups of families, depending on which its amount is calculated:

  • for a disabled child under 18 years of age - 70 percent of the BPM;
  • for an HIV-infected child under the age of 18 years - 70 percent of the BPM;

State support is also due in the amount of half the BPM in cases where one of the parents is a soldier on compulsory military service, or when the parents are on disability of the first or second group.

  1. Benefit for caring for a disabled child under 18 years of age. It is supposed to be paid every month in the amount of one BPM.
  2. And, finally, a monthly allowance for children aged 3 to 18 years for families during the period of raising a child under the age of 3 years.

The payment of this benefit in Belarus has been included in the list since January 2015 and is an innovation. Its value is half of the largest BPM size on average per capita, approved by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection. At the same time, the number of minor children over three years old does not affect the amount paid.

It is important to remember that you must apply for government assistance no later than six months from the date the right to receive the listed subsidies arises.

The table shows the amounts of child benefits in Belarus in monetary terms from the beginning of 2017 and in the current year 2019:

type of benefit

benefit amount

from 1.02.2018 to 30.04.2018

from 1.05.2018 to 31.07.2018

from 1.08.2018 to 31.10.2018

from 1.11.2018 to 31.01.2019 from 1.02.2019 to 30.04.2019 from 1.05.2019 to 31.07.2019 from 1.08.2019 to 31.10.2019 from 1.11.2019 to 31.01.2020

One-time benefit for the birth of the first child

10 BPM

2142,10 2169 2240,20 2309,10 2318,3

One-time benefit for the birth of the second and subsequent children

14 BPM

2998,94 3036,6 3136,28 3232,74 3245,62

One-time benefit for women registered with healthcare organizations (from July 1, 2017, the word “state” is excluded) until 12 weeks of pregnancy

100% BPM

214,21 216,9 224,02 230,91 231,83

Minimum amount of maternity benefit (for each month of maternity leave)

50% BMP

107,11 108,45 112,01 115,46 115,92

Cash compensation for the birth of twins (for each twin)

200% BPM

428,42 433,8 448,04 461,82 463,66

Child care benefit under 3 years of age (for the first child)

35% of the average salary for the quarter

329,04 362,46 362,46 376,11 376,11

Child care benefit under 3 years of age (for second and subsequent children)

40% of the average salary for the quarter

376,04 414,24 414,24 429,84 429,84

Benefit for caring for a disabled child under 3 years of age

45% of the average salary for the quarter

423,05 466,02 466,02 483,57 483,57

Allowance for caring for a child under 3 years of age living in the territory of radioactive contamination in the zone of subsequent resettlement or with the right to resettlement (for the first child)

150% of the established allowance for child care under 3 years of age (for the first child)

493,56 543,69 543,69 564,16 564,165

Benefits for children under 3 years of age

In Belarus, from August 1, 2019, benefits for children under 3 years of age will increase. The increase in payments will be from 13.65 to 17.55 rubles, depending on the type of benefit. Thus, the benefit for the first child will be 376.11 rubles, for the second and subsequent children - 429.84 rubles.

For a disabled child under 3 years of age, payments will increase to 483.57 rubles per month.

The last time benefits for children under three years of age was increased was on February 1 of this year. Then payments increased by an amount from 33.42 to 42.97 rubles.

The growth of the benefit depends on how the average salary in the country changed over the previous quarter. If it falls or does not change, then the amount of the benefit remains at the same level, and if it grows, then the benefits are raised as well.

The average salary in the first quarter was 1,011 rubles, and in the second - 1,074.6 rubles.

Birth benefits

From November 1, 2019, benefits for the birth of children will increase in Belarus, which depend on the size of the subsistence level budget.

The size of the lump sum benefit is proportional to the growth of the BPM

  • in connection with the birth of the first child: 2,318.3 rubles,
  • and at the birth of the second and subsequent children - 3,245.62 rubles;
  • a one-time benefit for women registered with state healthcare organizations before 12 weeks of pregnancy will increase to 231.83 rubles

Amounts of benefits for some families raising children

type of benefit benefit amount amount, rubles
allowance to families for children aged 3 to 18 years during the period of raising a child under 3 years of age (monthly) 50% BPM
for children over 3 years old from certain categories of families: for children, except for a disabled child 50% BPM
for children over 3 years old from certain categories of families: for a disabled child 70% BPM

for caring for a disabled child under 18 years of age (monthly)

with I and II degrees of loss

with III and IV degrees of loss
health before execution
child aged 3 years

with III and IV degrees of loss
health after performance
child aged 3 years

100% BPM

120% BPM

per child under 18 years of age infected with HIV (monthly) 70% BPM

Family support

The government will review the current state support for families with children, previously Prime Minister Sergei Rumas. The head of government said that in the near future, the government's efforts will be concentrated on additional support for families with children - child benefits, housing, pension guarantees for mothers with many children, and increasing the availability of reproductive technologies, primarily IVF.

The authorities may also review the payment of benefits to families raising a disabled child. “The issue of continuing the payment of benefits for other children over 3 years of age after a disabled child reaches 18 years of age will be worked out as part of a comprehensive adjustment of the legislation on state benefits,” the Ministry of Labor reports.

Let us recall that in March of this year it was reported that changes had been prepared for families raising children. Among them are to raise child benefits, solve the problem of insurance coverage for mothers of four children, and allow the use of family capital after the child reaches 3 years of age.

Benefits may also be increased for some families with children. Now families with several children, one of whom is under 3 years old, are paid a monthly allowance that is half the subsistence level budget. And the size of these payments does not depend on the number of children.

Now they want to pay this benefit depending on the number of children. It is proposed to differentiate this benefit: three children - 50% of the BPM, four - 75%. Families with 5 children, one of whom is under 3 years old, are offered to increase the benefit amount to 125% of the BPM.

Another proposed change is to include in the total length of service, which is important for calculating pensions, maternity leave for mothers raising 4 children.

Today, the maximum length of periods of child care included in the length of service is 9 years. Regardless of the number of children. For those who have three children, maternity leave is included in their full length of service, and additional benefits are provided for mothers of five or more children.

There are several payments made before and after the birth of a child in neighboring Belarus. The state takes good care of families who decide to have a child. Many parents are planning to make large joint purchases for this important period in their lives.

The expectant mother receives her first money when she goes on so-called maternity leave at 30 weeks of pregnancy. This payment is entirely dependent on the woman's salary and wages. Because planned sick leave usually lasts 126 days, then the total amount can be calculated by multiplying the average daily earnings for 6 months by these 126 days.

Only those women who prudently registered with the antenatal clinic at their place of residence before 12 weeks of pregnancy can count on the next large amount.

After the birth of the baby, the mother will receive 100% of the BPM (living wage budget). In August 2016, this amount is 175 rubles. 50 kopecks (1,755,0000) or $88.

The largest benefit associated with the birth of a child is a one-time benefit.

It currently amounts to 1,755 rubles (17,550,000) or $878 for the first child and 2,457 rubles (24,570,000) or $1,229 for the second and subsequent children.

After birth and until the child turns three years old, the mother is paid a monthly benefit in the amount of 35% of the average monthly salary (today it is 252.39 (2,523,900) Belarusian rubles) or $126 for the first-born and 40% of the average monthly salary (288.44 (2 884,400) Belarusian rubles) or $144 for the second, third and subsequent children.

How much do they pay for the birth of a child in 2017?

What will the benefit for the birth of a child be in 2017? It should be recalled that wages at the beginning of 2017 were increased to 780 rubles. Accordingly, financial assistance for the maintenance of a child under three years of age has also changed in size for the better.

Here are the amounts of these social payments:

  • At the birth of their first child, future parents can count on 262 rubles;
  • At the birth of the second and all subsequent ones, the amount will be about 300 rubles;
  • At the birth of a child with health problems (who have the status of a disabled person), 336 rubles will be paid.

If a family is counting on a one-time payment, then in 2017 it will be:

  • At the birth of the first child – 1800 rubles;
  • At the birth of the second and all subsequent ones - 2500 rubles.

It should be recalled that only those women who managed to register with the antenatal clinic before the twelfth week of pregnancy can apply for a one-time payment. If this happens later, you will not be able to receive this payment.

The assistance that is received monthly to families with disabled children and other categories of citizens provided for by law will amount to 126 rubles in 2017.

Monthly assistance to parents of disabled children provides financial assistance until the child reaches adulthood and amounts to 180 rubles per month.

If there are several children in a family and there is a child under three years old, then parents can qualify for monthly payments in the amount of 90 rubles.

Substantial financial assistance from the state encourages Belarusian citizens to have children and maintain their family happiness.


In the Republic of Belarus, as in most developed countries of the world, special benefits are paid to non-working mothers raising children. The law also provides for the possibility of paying such benefits to persons who replace the child’s mother - for example, a widowed spouse-father or guardian.

There are several types of child benefits in Belarus. It is paid both as a one-time payment and until the child reaches 3 years of age. The amount of benefits is clearly tied to the subsistence level budget (LSB), the average salary in the country and is regularly indexed.

Types of child benefits in the Republic of Belarus

At the moment there are 3 main types of child benefits:

  1. Benefit for women who registered for pregnancy before the 12th week of pregnancy. Its size is equal to the maximum BPM value. Payment of this benefit is usually made after the birth.
  2. One-time benefit in connection with the birth of a child. Its value is determined by the number of children born in the family. If this is the first-born, then the state pays the parents (or parent, if the family is single-parent) 10 subsistence minimum budgets. If this is the second and subsequent child, then the payments are already 14 BPM.
  3. Child benefit for child care. This is what they most often mean when they talk about child benefits in Belarus. Paid until the child turns 3 years old. For the first child in a family, the benefit is 35% of the average monthly salary in the country. For the second and subsequent ones - already 40%. Cases with disabled children are separately covered - the state pays their parents 45% of the average salary.

Child benefit in 2018, as of July is equal to:

  • for child care up to 3 years old - from 312 to 401 rubles;
  • one-time in connection with the birth of a child - from 2065 to 2892 rubles;
  • women registered for pregnancy before 12 months - 206 rubles.

Other types of child benefits existing in Belarus

The law provides for payments of other types of benefits in addition to the above. Let's name the main ones:

  • benefits for disabled children and HIV-infected children. This benefit is paid until children reach 18 years of age. In both cases, its size is 70% of the BPM;
  • allowance for caring for a disabled child. Its size is 1 BPM, payments are made to parents or persons replacing them;
  • benefits for children aged 3 to 18 years, if the family has one or more other children under 3 years of age. This is a relatively new benefit, existing since 2015. Its size is half of the maximum BPM per capita in Belarus.

Summary table of changes in child benefits in Belarus since 2016

Type of benefit Benefit amount from 1.08.2018 to 31.10.2018 from 1.05.2018 to 31.07.2018 from 1.02.2018 to 30.04.2018 from 1.11.2017 to 31.01.2018 from 1.08.2017 to 31.10.2017 from 1.05.2017 to 31.07.2017 from 1.02.2017 to 30.04.2017 from 1.11.2016 to 31.01.2017 from 1.08.2016 to 31.10.2016 from 07/01/2016* to 07/31/2016 from 05/01/2016 to 06/30/2016 from 01.03.2016 to 30.04.2016 from 02/01/2016 to 02/29/2016
One-time benefit for the birth of the first child 10 BPM 2136,7 2065,80 1993,20 1978,10 1975,70 1838,20 1801 1 755 1 755 1 699,4 16 994 300 16 400 000 15 913 100
One-time benefit for the birth of the second and subsequent children 14 BPM 2991,38 2892,12 2790,48 2769,34 2765,98 2573,48 2521,1 2 457 2 457 2379,16 23 792 020 22 960 000 22 278 340
One-time benefit for women registered with healthcare organizations (from July 1, 2017, the word “state” is excluded) until 12 weeks of pregnancy 100% BPM 213,67 206,58 199,32 197,81 197,57 183,82 180,1 175,5 175,5 169,94 1 699 430 1 640 000 1 591 310
Minimum amount of maternity benefit (for each month of maternity leave) 50% BMP 118,49 103,29 99,66 98,91 98,79 91,91 90,05 87,75 87,75 84,97 849 715 820 000 795 655
Cash compensation for the birth of twins (for each twin) 200% BPM 473,96 413,16 398,64 395,62 395,14 367,64 360,2 351 351 339,88 3 398 860 3 280 000 3 182 620
Child care benefit under 3 years of age (for the first child) 35% of the average salary for the quarter 329,04 312,03 312,03 278,88 278,88 261,38 261,38 260,26 252,39 237,09 2 370 900 2 450 468 2 450 500
Child care benefit under 3 years of age (for second and subsequent children) 40% of the average salary for the quarter 376,04 356,60 356,60 318,72 318,72 298,72 298,72 297,44 288,44 270,96 2 709 600 2 800 534 2 800 500
Benefit for caring for a disabled child under 3 years of age 45% of the average salary for the quarter 423,05 401,18 401,18 358,56 358,56 336,06 336,06 334,62 324,50 304,48 3 044 800 2 450 467 3 150 600
Allowance for caring for a child under 3 years of age living in the territory of radioactive contamination in the zone of subsequent resettlement or with the right to resettlement (for the first child) 150% of the established allowance for child care under 3 years of age (for the first child) 493.56 468,045 468,045 418,32 418,32 392,07 392,07 390,39 378,59 355,64 3 556 350 3 675 701 3 675 750
Allowance for caring for a child under 3 years of age living in the territory of radioactive contamination in the zone of subsequent resettlement or with the right to resettlement (for the second and subsequent children) 150% of the established allowance for child care under 3 years of age (for the second and subsequent children) 564,06 534,9 534,9 478,08 478,08 448,08 448,08 446,16 432,66 406,44 4 064 400 4 200 801 4 200 750
Family allowance for children aged 3 to 18 years during the period of raising a child under 3 years of age (monthly) 50% BPM 106,84 103,29 99,66 98,91 98,79 91,91 90,05 87,75 87,75 84,97 849 715 820 000 795 655
Monthly allowance for a disabled child over 3 years old 70% BPM 149,57 144,61 139,52 138,47 138,30 128,67 126,07 122,85 122,85 118,96 1 189 601 1 148 000 1 113 917
Monthly allowance for caring for a disabled child under 18 years of age 100% BPM 213,67 206,58 199,32 197,81 197,57 183,82 180,1 175,5 175,5 169,94 1 699 430 1 640 000 1 591 310
Monthly benefit for a child under 18 years of age infected with HIV 70% BPM 149,57 144,61 139,52 138,47 138,30 128,67 126,07 122,85 122,85 118,96 1 189 601 1 148 000 1 113 917

Of course, the amount of Belarusian child benefits cannot be called very high. However, they are indexed several times a year, and the state regularly fulfills its duties and never delays payments. Currently, the amount of child benefits in Belarus is absolutely adequate to the current economic situation and is an important part of the family budget for many residents of the country.