The banquet part will take place at the address. What are Save the Date cards? Traditional, formal wedding invitation text style

Compiling a guest list, along with a budget and choosing a concept, should be at the top of your pre-wedding to-do list. Once you have decided on the total number of guests, style, venue and resolved all financial issues, proceed to the details.

After all, without knowing the total budget, you run the risk of spending much more on invitations than you can afford, and without a rough idea of ​​​​the concept of the wedding, you will not be able to choose the right design.

2. Get the timing right

Inviting guests to the wedding should be about 8-10 weeks in advance, which means it should be in advance (about 3 months before the celebration) - so that you have time to think through the details, agree on the layout and print the invitations.

3. Don't Forget the Save the Date Cards

Save the Date are advance invitations that guests receive immediately after the couple has decided on a wedding date. If you start preparing for the wedding in advance (10-12 months in advance), notify the guests in advance so that those who live in other countries, travel a lot or often go on business trips, can plan their employment.

Such cards are also relevant for weddings that take place in the summer - vacation time. Remember that Save the Date is just an information card, it should only include the couple's names and wedding date. Location, exact time, dress code are indicated only on invitations.

4. Specify who is invited

The invitation should clearly define the composition of the invitees: is it possible to come with a child, take a companion / companion with you. If you do not provide this information, you run the risk of seeing uninvited guests at your holiday. The best way to avoid this is to print personalized invitations that indicate exactly who you are inviting. At the same time, etiquette allows printing one invitation for a couple or a family with a child.

5. Invitation text

It can be strict and concise or more informal - in any case, the invitation should contain the following information:

  1. Names of the newlyweds
  2. wedding date
  3. Place and time of the ceremony
  4. Place and time of the banquet/buffet
  5. Date by which the newlyweds would like to receive a response

6. Additional information

All additional information about the wedding is best placed on a separate sheet. It includes:

  1. Contact information (phone numbers of newlyweds, wedding site).
  2. Dress code wishes
  3. Information about whether you can bring children with you
  4. Detailed directions to the venue of the celebration (especially important for non-resident guests).

7. List of gifts

Choosing a gift for a wedding is a rather difficult task for a guest. Should I indicate the desired gifts in the invitation or not? Each couple decides this question individually. Someone is more practical and does not want to receive three identical bread machines, someone considers the transfer of gifts tactless.

In this case, we advise you to simply orient the guests with the general phrases “something for a housewarming party”, “in a piggy bank for a honeymoon”, but not limit it financially so as not to put them in an uncomfortable position. This information should be placed on an additional sheet of the invitation.

8. Specify the exact start time of the celebration

Inviting guests in advance so that they are sure not to be late for the ceremony, and making them wait is at least ugly. If the beginning of the celebration is planned at 15:00, then indicate this time in the invitation. And if you're worried that someone will be late, schedule a welcome buffet half an hour before the ceremony, so the guests will have time to gather, and if someone is late, he will not miss the most important thing!

9. Show you care

An invitation is also a sign of attention to the guest. Template invitations printed in the same way look indifferent, so take the time to handwrite the names of the guests or highlight them by inserting spellings that are familiar only to the two of you.

10. Check your spelling

Preferably twice. And separately - the spelling of the names and surnames of the guests. It will be a shame if there is a typo in the invitations, the design of which you have thought through so long and painstakingly. In addition, it also additional costs for reprinting.

11. Financial issue

Keep in mind that the invitation becomes more expensive depending on the materials, technical process, individual design. For example, invitations made by hand by a professional calligrapher or artist will always be more expensive than those printed in a print shop.

But don’t worry if you don’t have large sums in your budget for printing: you can find invitation designs on the Internet or create your own. And if you have a small number of guests, you can even make your own invitations. Let them turn out to be imperfect, but they will definitely be!

12. Decoration should match the style of the wedding

The invitation sets the tone for the whole holiday - taking it in hand, the guest should immediately understand what awaits him: a pompous celebration or a friendly party in nature. If you are planning a romantic wedding, immersed in pink peonies, watercolor printing in light shades is more suitable for it, rather than a laconic and strict design. For a rustic wedding, you can use kraft paper, and for a luxurious wedding in a fine restaurant, the invitations should also be luxurious: for example, made in letterpress printing.

13. Write from the heart!

You are inviting people to a holiday, not to a formal event, so try to avoid chancellita, official wording, too strict text. Do not “create an invitation text”, but simply invite each person to the wedding, contact him specifically.

You can choose more classic and concise wording, or write a personal text for each guest (unless, of course, the wedding is small) with memories and emotions. The text of the invitation can even be written in verse, and good jokes can't hurt! The main thing is not to look for ready-made templates on the Internet, you don’t want your wedding to look like hundreds of others, do you?

14. Pay attention to materials

The key to a beautiful invitation is a stylish design and high-quality paper. Its choice depends on the printing method (digital, letterpress, silkscreen, embossed or hand-painted). At the same time, paper can be either plain, thick, or craft, soft, velvet or embossed. In addition, you can decorate invitations with silk ribbons, fresh flowers or wax seals. Or even make invitations from glass, foil, cut wood or fabric.

15. Be bold!

Despite the fact that the structure of the invitations, regardless of the concept of the wedding, is always about the same, you can always show your creativity and create something more original and original. In addition to the classic watercolor stains, you can decorate the invitation with drawings or your photo. After all, the invitation doesn't have to be in text form at all: you can record a video invitation and send it to guests on social media.

16. Don't Overdo Your Design

Be careful with a lot of decoration and don't go for originality: the most important thing in an invitation is the text. If it becomes unreadable due to drawings, watercolors or bright patterns, invitations lose their main function.

This also applies to fashion calligraphy: some fonts look very nice, but they are quite difficult to read, so save them for other details, such as bride and groom cards, which will decorate the shoot.

17. Pay attention to details

The same theme, made on different paper and in different fonts, will look completely different. Therefore, pay attention to materials and key design details. For example, before ordering printed invitations, check the weight and texture of the paper. Small print on textured paper will be difficult to read, and some shades will look different on matte and glossy paper.

18. Changes

Be sure to check with the designer in advance whether it will be possible to make changes to the layout, in what time frame, whether a fee will be charged for this and in what amount. Even if you have already checked the spelling several times, you just might not like the final result for colors or design details. This is especially true for unique designs, such as paintings on fabric or wooden invitations, when you cannot predict for sure what the final result will be.

19. More personality!

Your wedding will certainly be attended by guests of different ages and degrees of intimacy: relatives, girlfriends, work colleagues. Therefore, the text of the invitations may differ slightly. For parents, something sincere, touching is suitable, for friends - in a playful way, for colleagues - a concise, more formal style. As a rule, it is customary to refer to “you” in invitations, but for your close friends, it will be more natural and familiar to refer to “you”.

20. Monitor responses

After the invitations are printed, signed and arranged in envelopes, it's time to hand them to the guests. You can do this in person or send invitations by mail - it is important that guests receive invitations well in advance. And so that you do not get confused about who has already given their answer, and who should still be called, use the table from ours.

Text No. 1


We invite you "___" ___________ 2014 at ____ hours to open a new chapter of our history with us at the celebration of our marriage in _______________________ at: _________________________________

The registration ceremony will take place at _________ in the Wedding Palace at the address: ____________________________

Share with us our joy on this unforgettable day, and we will gladly give you a piece of our happiness.

your names

Text No. 2

Expensive _________________________________________!

It is with great pleasure that we invite you to the marriage registration ceremony, which will take place on ______________ 2014 at ______ hours at the address: ________________________________

We look forward to sharing this happy day with you!

Sincerely, your names

Text number 3.


Let me invite you to the Most Important Celebration of our whole life. We want to unite our destinies and our hearts on "__" __________ 2014 and we would be very pleased if you witnessed this event and shared this joy with us. The celebration dedicated to our marriage will be held at the Palace of Celebrations at the address: _________________________ at __ hours __ minutes. The banquet will take place at _____ in the restaurant "_____________________" at __________________________

your names

Text number 4.


Save this invitation as a keepsake of this important event for us, and we will keep your kind words and wishes in our hearts.

We are waiting for you on "___" ___________ 20___ for the registration of marriage and the celebration dedicated to this event.

Registration will take place at the Wedding Palace at: ___________________________

at __ hours __ minutes. The wedding celebration will be held in _________ in the restaurant "__________"

by the address: ___________________

We will be happy to see you!

your names

Text number 5.

Expensive ____________________________.!

We are pleased to inform you that "" _________ 2014 at ___ hours ___ minutes a solemn celebration dedicated to our marriage will take place. We sincerely wish and ask you to spend this unforgettable day in our lives with us.

The wedding will take place at: ________________________________

your names

Text No. 6.



We have the honor to announce that we have chosen the first day of our life together and we will be very glad to see you at the festive celebration on the occasion of our marriage, which will take place on "__" ________ 2014 at ___ o'clock in the restaurant "_________" at the address: _________________

your names

Text No. 7.

Expensive ______________________!

You opened this delicate transparent envelope, and we invite you to open a new stage of our life with us - just as tender and transparent. We will be happy if you share our joy on this unforgettable day - "__" ___________ 2014.

We are waiting for you at: ____________________ Wedding Palace ____, at ___ hours ___ minutes.

your names

Text No. 8.

"___" ______________ 2014

It can pass like an ordinary day and you won't remember anything special... Or it can become one of the most pleasant days not only for us, but also for you! We look forward to seeing you at our happy holiday - our WEDDING!

The registration ceremony will take place at ___ hours ___ minutes at the Wedding Palace at the address: ___________. The celebration dedicated to this event will be held at the ______________ Restaurant at the address: ______________________________ Please confirm your presence in advance. We also invite you to the celebrations on the occasion of our Silver wedding - "___" _____________ 2039 and the Golden wedding - "___" _____________ 2064

P.S. The format of the evening involves the presence of guests in evening dresses.

your names

Text No. 9.

The celebration will take place in the restaurant "___________________" at _____________________________. Gathering of guests at ___ hours ___ minutes

Now we dream together about everything in the world. About eternal youth, boundless happiness and a house on the coast. We believe that these dreams will come true. Love makes us happy and does not let the soul grow old.

your names

Text No. 10.


The Theater of Consciously Lost Freedom invites you to the performance:

"Then they lived happily ever after"

Characters: Your names

Act I "For the Soul"

Marriage "___" _____ 2014 at ___ hours

Wedding Palace No. 3

Act II "For the body"

Reception at "___" hours - restaurant "_____________"

Act III "After the wedding night"

Without public participation

Text #11

The Theater of Consciously Lost Freedom is pleased to invite you to the performance "And then they lived happily ever after ..." Characters: Groom and Bride Picture First "Merry" Bride's ransom at 10 o'clock at: ____________________ Picture Second "Soulful" Marriage at 2 pm address: _________________ Intermission Walk around Moscow Picture the third "Appetizing" Banquet at 18 at the address: ________________________ Picture Four "Tempting" Without the participation of the public;)

Text #12

The Honorable...

We, as it should be in Russia, thought 7 times and, relying on Eastern wisdom, decided to be together for the next 1001 months in sorrows and joys. We have one love for two, but there are two weddings on the same day. We invite you on this day - "___" ________ 2014 - to a bright and cheerful Russian wedding, as well as to the wise and mysterious world of the Eastern wedding of 1001 nights. For our health, eat pancakes and drink a cup at the Russian wedding ceremony in the morning at ___ hours and taste real oriental pilaf in the evening ___ hours ___ minutes. Only the magical power of Love can turn what is different and distant into near and similar.

your names

Text #13

Dear, dear, beautiful, wonderful, radiant, and of course, the most important person for us on the planet (third from the sun)!!!

Yes, it's you!!!

You are holding in your hands not just a piece of cardboard, or some kind of postcard, but a real, beyond doubt (exchange and return) invitation to a celebration on the occasion of our marriage, which will take place _______________ in the Palace of Happiness No. ___, at __________________, and subsequent eating wedding cake at the restaurant ___________, at the address: ______________.

Don't forget to take your good mood with you!

Text #14



Your life path

We both start

For family wedding

And friends are invited!

We are asking you very much

Come to visit us

Celebrate Together

The beginning of the way!

Together we decided forever

Connect your destiny

And we cordially invite you

To share our joy!

your names

Text #15


Deciding once and for all

Connect your paths

We invite you to the evening

To share our joy

Say a parting word

Exclaim "Bitter" (and more than once!).

We will be infinitely glad

See you at our wedding!

your names

Text #16

We decided to unite our hearts and destinies and intend to live happily ever after! We would be pleased to have you among our guests. The official part will take place at ___________ at ____ hours. Well, unofficial - a little later, at ____ hours ____ minutes in a restaurant __________. Please be present, have fun from the heart and rejoice for us

your names

Text #16

Dear and beloved mom and dad!

This magical day, this unique and unforgettable holiday is already very close ... The holiday of True Love - Our Wedding! The path to the birthday of our family was easy and joyful, and this is your merit. You taught us a lot, and we will always try to remember that there is nothing more important than Love, Understanding and Respect for Each Other! You are the main guests at this celebration! Without you, this day would not exist! We thank you and know that you will be with us on "___" ______ 2014.

your names

Dear … and …!
You opened this delicate transparent envelope, and we invite you to open a new stage of our life with us - just as tender and transparent. We will be happy if you share our joy on this unforgettable day - June 19th.
We are waiting for you at the Leninsky registry office at 12:30.
Evgeny and Evgeniya

Dear … and …!
Let me invite you to the Most Important Celebration of our whole life. We want to unite our destinies and our hearts on September 5, and we would be very pleased if you witnessed this event and shared our joy with us. The celebration will be held at the Pushkin restaurant at 16:30. Evgeny and Evgeny

My beloved grandparents, on December 20, a solemn and significant event will take place in our lives - our wedding day. Among those who should come to this important celebration for us, unique and unforgettable, and share our joy with us, we would like to see you. The celebration will take place in the Leninsky registry office at the address: Lenin Ave., 124. We are waiting for you by 10.00.
Evgeny and Evgeniya

August 2, 2009
It can pass like an ordinary day and you won't remember anything special... Or it can become one of the most pleasant days not only for us, but also for you! We look forward to seeing you at our happy holiday - our WEDDING!
The registration ceremony will take place at 2.40 pm at the Leninsky registry office, 124 Lenina Ave. Lenina, d.21. Please confirm your presence in advance.
We also invite you to the celebrations on the occasion of our Silver wedding - August 2, 2034 and Golden wedding - August 2, 2059
P.S. The format of the evening involves the presence of guests in evening dresses.
Evgeny and Evgeniya

Dear … and …!
Soon, or rather on August 8, 2009, what everyone has been waiting for will happen - think, we decided to get married!
We decided to unite our hearts and destinies and intend to live happily ever after!
We would be pleased to have you among our guests. The official part will be held at ___________ at 12-00. Well, unofficial - a little later, at 18-00 in the restaurant __________. Please be present, have fun from the heart and rejoice for us!!!

Dear and beloved mom and dad!
This magical day, this unique and unforgettable holiday is already very close ... The holiday of True Love - Our Wedding!
The path to the birthday of our family was easy and joyful, and this is your merit. You taught us a lot, and we will always try to remember that there is nothing more important than Love, Understanding and Respect for Each Other!
You are the main guests at this celebration! Without you, this day would not exist!
We thank you and know that you will be with us __ ______ ___ years. Evgeny and Evgeniya

In this article, we will pay special attention to such an important point as the text of the wedding invitation.

The text of the wedding invitation can be discreet and respectfully formal. This style is suitable for older people and guests of honor. The text of the invitation can be sincere and warm - for parents and closest people. And, when compiling the text of a wedding invitation for friends, young people can safely afford to exercise wit and come up with something cool.

You can use one or more wedding invitation text templates. But it is imperative that when compiling such a text, several important rules should be taken into account.

Text design rules for wedding invitations
- when issuing an invitation for a couple, the name of the woman should be written first in the appeal, then the name of the man, regardless of which of them is closer or dearer to you;

The words "you", "you", "you", "your", etc. it should be capitalized only if it is a polite appeal to one person, and when referring to several people, “you”, “you”, “you”, “your”, etc. should be written in lower case;

The invitation must indicate the date, time, name and exact address of the place where the celebration will take place;

If the newlyweds wish to see the guest both at the official and at the banquet part of the holiday, then the invitation should contain full information about the start time and venue of each part;

If the guest is invited only to the registry office or only to a banquet, then the place and time of the start of only this celebration should be indicated;

If you plan to hold a themed wedding and a certain dress code is chosen for the event, you should definitely indicate this in the invitation.

Well, now we offer you to consider several wedding invitation templates in various styles and for various categories of guests. These wedding invitation designs will help you decide on the content of your invitations, and if you're also interested in wedding invitation designs, check out.


Sample No. 1 - The text of the official wedding invitation

We invite you to the ceremony of our marriage, which will take place on August 1, 2017 at 14:00 at the registry office of the Kominternovsky district, located at the address: Voronezh, st. Karpinsky, d. 2.
The wedding celebration will take place in the cafe "Orchid", located at the address: Voronezh, st. Dimitrova, d. 48. Beginning - at 17 o'clock.
We will be sincerely glad to see you!
Svetlana and Igor

Sample #2 - Beautiful Wedding Invitation Text for Honored Guests
Dear Olga Leonidovna and Mikhail Ivanovich!
Let me invite you to our wonderful holiday - the birthday of a new family!
The solemn marriage ceremony will take place on August 1, 2017 at 14:00 at the registry office of the Kominternovsky district, located at the address: Voronezh, st. Karpinsky, d. 2.

We will be very pleased if you share with us the brightest and most joyful emotions of our happy day!
Svetlana and Igor

Sample #3 - Heartfelt Wedding Invitation Text for Family and Friends
Dear aunt Ira and uncle Sasha!
We hasten to inform you that you are on the list of the most dear and close people to us, whom we would definitely like to see at our wedding!
We look forward to seeing you on August 1, 2017 at 2 pm at the registry office of the Kominternovsky district, located at the address: Voronezh, st. Karpinsky, d. 2.
The wedding celebration will begin at 17:00 and will be held in the cafe "Orchid", located at the address: Voronezh, st. Dimitrova, 48.
Please be with us on our happiest day!
Yours Svetlana and Igor

Sample #4 - Beautiful wedding invitation text for family and friends
Dear aunt Ira and uncle Sasha!
We decided to bind ourselves with strong bonds of a happy marriage, and on this occasion a grandiose celebration is being prepared, where the closest and dearest people will be present!
Please put aside all your affairs and worries and come to share with us all the joy of such an important day for us, when we will unite our hearts and destinies forever!
Our wedding date: August 1, 2017
Start of the wedding ceremony: 14:00
Venue: Registry Office of the Kominternovsky District (Voronezh, Karpinsky St., 2).
Start of the wedding celebration: 17 hours.
Venue: cafe "Orchid" (Voronezh, Dimitrova st., 48).
We are waiting for you!
Yours Svetlana and Igor

Sample #5 - Beautiful wedding invitation text for friends
Dear Lena and Stas!
We hasten to inform you that on August 1, 2017 you will be able to see the most beautiful bride and the most elegant groom, who will become the happiest family before your eyes!
We will take an oath of allegiance to each other on August 1, 2017 at 2 p.m. at the registry office of the Kominternovsky district, located at the address: Voronezh, st. Karpinsky, d. 2.
And then we will all celebrate this significant event together in the Orchid cafe, located at the address: Voronezh, st. Dimitrova, d. 48. Beginning - at 17 o'clock.
Svetlana and Igor

Sample No. 6 - Text of a wedding invitation for friends
Dear Lena and Stas!
You are unconditionally invited to our wedding and no reason will be considered valid for refusing or justifying non-attendance!
Remember the date, time and place!
We are waiting for you on August 1, 2017 at 17 o'clock in the cafe "Orchid" (Voronezh, Dimitrova st., 48.).
Stock up on a good mood and comfortable shoes!
Yours Svetlana and Igor

Sample No. 7 - Text of a wedding invitation for friends
Dear Lena and Stas!
We have firmly decided to formalize our relationship!
The stars told us the best day and hour for this - August 1, 2017 at 14:00.

The banquet part of the event will begin at 17:00 in the cafe "Orchid" at the address: Voronezh, st. Dimitrova, 48.

Sample No. 8 - Text of a wedding invitation for friends
Dear Lena and Stas!
We, respecting the traditions of our ancestors, wish to celebrate the Day of the Creation of our family with a cheerful noisy feast, with games, songs and dances until you drop. And we can't do without your help!
The wedding commotion will begin at 17:00 in the cafe "Orchid" at the address: Voronezh, st. Dimitrova, 48.
Svetlana and Igor

Sample #9 - Cool wedding invitation text for best friend
Hooray! August 1, 2017 we are getting married!
And if you don’t want to spoil our first family holiday with your non-attendance, don’t even think about working that day, going on a business trip or getting sick!
Come to our wedding at 17 o'clock in the cafe "Orchid" (Voronezh, Dimitrova st., 48).
And don't be late, otherwise you won't be able to hold the gift!
Svetlana and Igor

Sample #10 - Cool wedding invitation text for best friend
Brother, I gave up! Remember this day - August 1, 2017!
It will be possible to dance at the wake of my bachelor life in the Orchid cafe. Tell the taxi driver the address: st. Dimitrova, 48. Everything will start at 17.00!
Don't be late or you won't find me sober!
Igor, future husband of Svetlana

Sample #11 - Cool wedding invitation text for best friends
Yes! We are broken! There will be a pretentious dress, a three-piece suit, a doll on the hood of a limousine ...
We invite you to gloat, giggle and have fun!
Crazy show "Farewell to freedom!" will be held on August 1, 2017 at 17:00 in the cafe "Orchid" at the address: Voronezh, st. Dimitrova, d. 48..
In the registry office of the Kominternovsky district, located at the address: Voronezh, st. Karpinsky, d. 2., better not come, otherwise, as always, spoil all the pathos of the event, which will begin at 2 pm!
Svetlana and Igor

Sample #12 - Cool wedding invitation text for best friends
What everyone has been waiting for so long has happened - we are getting married!
On August 1, 2017 at 14:00, the long-awaited stamps will finally appear in our passports on the pages of marital status!
The registry office, which will host the solemn ceremony of our marriage, is located at the address: Voronezh, st. Karpinskogo, d. 2..
The banquet part of the event will begin at 17:00 in the cafe "Orchid" at the address: Voronezh, st. Dimitrova, d. 48..
Do not come sad! Don't leave sober!
Happy bride and groom - Svetlana and Igor

An invitation letter is a way to invite the addressee to attend a certain event, to be present at any event. An invitation can be expressed orally, but in business relations it is the written form that is common, which has a number of advantages. In the article we offer several sample letters of invitation to participate in an event, conference, exhibition. There is also an example of a written invitation to an interview with an employer and an invitation to cooperate.

In business relations, an invitation letter is an important element in building a trusting and respectful relationship between the two parties. A written offer to take part, visit, watch is a sign of special attention, in addition, it allows the addressee not to forget about an important event awaiting him.

Why do you need invitation letter:

  • confirms that the addressee is indeed invited, avoids errors;
  • reminds of the time and place of the meeting, the event to which the recipient is invited.

Why written invitation better than oral

  • allows you to notify a certain person about any important event, event;
  • reminds the addressee of plans, will not let you forget an important event;
  • acts as an additional sign of attention and respect - the sender took the time to inform the addressee in writing of the invitation information;
  • it is possible to send even to those persons with whom it is not possible to talk on the phone or in person.

How to send invitation:

  • transfer personally from hand to hand - bring to the addressee and hand it over, this method allows not only to invite the addressee in writing, but also orally to an event - a meeting, interview, meeting, exhibition, conference, reception or other event;
  • send by Russian post, if the event is especially important, then you can send it by a valuable letter with a description of the attachment, however, the sending must be done in advance, taking into account the delivery time of the letter to the invitee;
  • send by e-mail - a very simple and convenient way, if the addressee's e-mail is known, this method is often used by recruiters when sending a letter with an invitation to come to a job interview.

How to write an invitation letter competently - design samples

In order for this document to perform its function correctly, it is necessary to provide a sufficient amount of information in it. The information should be of such volume that the addressee does not have any questions regarding the planned event, place and time of its holding.

In order for the address to make sure that the invitation was sent to him, you need to specify the details of the recipient. Usually this information is placed in the upper right corner of the letterhead in the dative case. If this is an organization, then write its name and location, full name and position of the head. If this is an individual, then his full name and address of residence.

Next, indicate from whom the letter was sent. It is important to indicate not only the name of the organization or the full name of the originator and sender, but also contact information, which allows you to ask the author of the invitation letter if you have questions about the planned event.

The text of the letter begins with an appeal. The polite form is used. If this is a specific person, then be sure to indicate his full name or first name, patronymic. For example, “Dear Olga Vladimirovna!” or “Dear Alexander!”. The appeal depends on the type of event, the degree of acquaintance of the originator and recipient. If these persons are not in close acquaintance, it is enough to confine ourselves to the neutral “respected”.

How to invite to an event

  • the date of the event - a meeting, conference, interview, exhibition, meeting, official reception, indicate not only the date, but also the exact time;
  • venue - the information in the letter should be sufficient so that the invitee has no questions about where to go. It is important to indicate not only the address (street, house), but also additional information - where to go, where is the entrance, which floor, which office, hall. It is also possible to attach a traffic plan to the letter. If necessary, also indicate the type of transport that can be used to get to the venue of the event. That is, the information should be as complete as possible so that the person invited to participate in the event does not wander through the corridors in search of a venue for the event, does not waste time, is not late. Inaccurate information regarding this requisite is disrespect for the invitee, he will have to clarify exactly how to get there, what to ride;
  • type of event, its name - it is also important to indicate in the letter of invitation what type of event the invitee expects, if it has a name, then it is written in exact accordance;
  • the word “invite” directly, it also specifies what exactly the invitee should do at the specified event - participate, watch, observe, for example, you can invite to speak at a conference with a report, or you can invite other speakers to watch speeches at the conference;

Examples of an invitation letter:

“Dear Anna Dmitrievna!

We invite you to take part in the celebration of National Unity Day on November 4, 2018 at the Golden Alley restaurant at Novosibirsk, st. Dekabristov d.34, entrance from the end of the building.

“Dear Daniel Mikhailovich!

We invite you to visit the All-Russian conference “Changes in accounting and tax legislation in 2018”, which will be held on November 22, 2017 in the small conference hall of the Palace of Culture Zheleznodorozhnik, Yekaterinburg, at the address: Yekaterinburg, st. Zheleznodorozhnaya d.23 (main entrance, 2nd floor).”

  • the content of the event - if this is a conference, you can attach to the letter a list of speakers, who will participate in it, and topics of speeches; if this is a celebration of an event, then a short program of the event.” This information will allow the recipient to assess the degree of interest in the planned event and prepare for it correctly;
  • please let us know about your plans to attend the event. If you want to know the exact desire of the addressee to attend the event, then you need to clarify at the end of the letter of invitation whether the person will come on the specified day at the place of invitation. You must indicate how you want to send your answer - by e-mail, postal letter, telephone call or otherwise.

The letter is signed by the addressee indicating the date of compilation. If necessary, the drawn up document can be packed in a beautiful envelope and transferred to the destination.

It is important to make sure that the text contains contact information for feedback.

Sample exhibition invitation letter

How to invite for an interview

Candidates for a vacant position are usually invited for an interview either by phone or by letter of invitation to e-mail.