Children's crafts on the theme of father's day. Accessory for dad as a gift. Original gift set "Grow greens"

Hello dear blog readers!

The topic of our conversation today is how to make a gift for dad with your own hands. There are a lot of reasons to give dad a present - this is Birthday, New Year, and February 23rd. And, of course, you can give a gift just like that, for no reason. After all, dad is a very close and dear person! Let's make him happy together using interesting, but at the same time, easy-to-follow ideas!

It's great when a child has an idea to make a gift to dad with his own hand. All that remains for mom in this case is to support the baby in this endeavor, and help with the manufacture of crafts. If the baby is not thinking about gifts yet, gently nudge him and make something interesting together. Believe me, you will love it!

But what if no ideas come to mind, neither to you, nor to the child? Calm, only calm! We have selected several original gift options for you. Just follow the instructions with your baby, and very soon your husband and head of the family will become the happiest man in the world! But what, isn't it happiness to receive such wonderful gifts?

Perhaps you think that dads don't like receiving gifts. In this case, you are greatly mistaken! Men, of course, are not naturally as emotional as women. But all the same, they love to receive gifts from the child. And they will certainly be proud of such crafts. After all, the best gift is attention!

Dads will be able to appreciate not only the quality of the crafts made, but also children's efforts and the time spent. Therefore, even if the gift does not come out as beautiful as in the store, dad will be much more happy with it.

So what kind of gift can you make?

Master class: postcard machine for dad

Most dads love cars. Therefore, we suggest you make a paper postcard in the shape of a typewriter.

For the manufacture of simple crafts, you can use colored paper, photographs of family members, PVA glue.

First you need to cut out the outline of the car, windows and numbers from paper. Separately from the photos we cut out the faces of dad, child or children and mom.

The next step is to "assemble" our typewriter.

We glue the photographs into the window.

You can make a voluminous postcard by gluing wheels made of paper or plasticine to it.

You can also stick the postcard on paper, adding the necessary elements - the sun, grass or road, traffic light.

Even a toddler can sign a postcard on his own. The easiest option is to sign the date of the holiday. An older child will already be able to write a wish or poems to his father.

Postcard applique for dad

You can cut out an airplane or helicopter, clouds and birds from colored paper. We glue all this on a blue cardboard base. Additionally, you can add something to the postcard with pencils or paints. And write a wish for dad on a separate cloud. Mom will help to do this for very young children.

Sweet gift for dad

Dad probably loves good food. Why not bake him a cake? Even a little girl can help her mother with the preparation of dough and cream. By the way, boys are often not averse to tinkering in the kitchen too.

So, dear sons and daughters! If you want to make a delicious present for your dad, pick up a simple recipe, and go! Ask your mother to buy the necessary products, help in cutting them. And for very little ones, mom will instruct them to do simple operations - pour flour, pour water or milk. And everyone will be happy! After all, the main thing is participation!

If dad has a birthday, you can insert candles into the finished cake. Then you can arrange a real surprise for him - turn off the light, light the candles on the cake, bring it into the room and congratulate the birthday boy loudly! Believe me, he will be no less delighted than you.

Postcard with a boat on the template

A postcard with a boat cut out according to a special template looks very nice. Look at the photo - everything is explained in detail there.

You can also give the card a three-dimensional look, for example, by making a convex sail.

Gift - box with tools

It's a good idea to make postcards with your child in the form of plumbing tools, folded in a special box. With the help of the mother, the baby will also cope with such a craft. In advance, mom should prepare tool templates, prepare a box for them. Then the child paints them with felt-tip pens, colored pencils or paints.

On the back of each instrument it will be great to write to dad his positive qualities - "strong dad", "good dad", "brave dad", etc.

Accessory for dad as a gift

Of course, girls are more familiar with needlework, but even a boy can make a small accessory for his dad. You can weave a bracelet for him from multi-colored threads or from wooden beads. Such a decoration will always remind him how much he is loved at home.

Everyone loves a birthday, including dad. Although you are getting a year older, you still look forward to this day, invite guests, old friends, listen to congratulations and consider gifts.

The most desirable are always gifts from relatives, and even more so from children. And what gift can a child give to dad on his birthday, when there may simply not be money for a purchase? Well, of course, a craft that he can make with his own hands.

It seems that not everyone is able to make such a gift. First, I want to come up with something that my dad never had. Secondly, it is necessary to find the appropriate materials, and thirdly, to do it. Sometimes you just can't do without the help of adults. But if you ask your dad for help, you won't get a gift, because this is a surprise that unexpectedly "falls" on your head. What to do?

And you don't need to do anything special. Just carefully study everything that is written next, follow the instructions exactly and do not forget to look at the photo. So, go ahead, we make gifts for dad for his birthday!

Hand in hand postcard

You are friends with your dad and you always want to tell him that this friendship means a lot to you. Sometimes it is impossible to say in words, but it is very simple to express your feelings by presenting such a postcard. Dad will know right away that he is your best friend.

To make a postcard, we need:

  • one sheet of thick paper;
  • two sheets of colored paper (colors should be contrasting);
  • glue;
  • scissors.

Let's start making a postcard.

  1. Fold a piece of heavyweight paper in half.
  2. Stick colored paper, such as green, on the outside of the sheet.
  3. Take a different colored colored paper, such as white, and cut out a rectangle with sides smaller than the green sheet of paper.
  4. Draw the outline of a large hand and a small handle inside it.
  5. Carefully cut out the outline of the large hand along the inner edge with scissors, and the outline of the small hand along the outside.
  6. Stick a white sheet of paper over a green one.
  7. Now we need to arrange the inside of the postcard. We unfold the postcard and glue any interesting pictures inside.
  8. On separate pieces of paper in a box, write a congratulation and a funny poem about your birthday or friendship. You can also write lyrics to a song.

Now the card is ready.

Postcard "Shirt with tie"

Let's give Dad a trendy shirt and tie.

In order to make such a postcard, we need:

  • two sheets of colored paper;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • two small buttons;
  • yardstick.

We begin to "sew" the shirt.

  1. We put a sheet of paper with the colored side on the table surface. We connect the short sides in the middle of the sheet. We turn the paper over with the colored side facing us.
  2. Divide the sheet in half and make an incision in the middle of the shirt with scissors.
  3. We fold back the corners of the shirt.
  4. Now we make a tie to the shirt, as in the photo.
  5. We glue the tie to the shirt.
  6. We glue buttons or sequins to the corners of the collar.

The shirt is ready!

Another option for a shirt with a tie

The shirt can be made in this way:

  1. Take a piece of paper.
  2. Draw a line with a pencil parallel to the top edge of the sheet.
  3. Divide the line into three equal parts and mark these places with dots.
  4. Cut the sheet along the line to the dots.
  5. Fold the strips of paper outward.
  6. Glue the tie and buttons.

And one more shirt is ready.

Well, now you have two shirts for your dad, but no pants. Let's make jeans.

Jeans "Joy" for dad

In order for these jeans to always bring dad only good luck and make him happy every day, let's call them “Joy” pants.

For jeans we need:

  • two cardboard cylinders from rolls of toilet paper;
  • thick paper (you can take velvet) or batting fabric;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • paints.

We begin to "sew" jeans.

This is how the jeans should look from the front:

  1. Glue two cardboard cylinders together.
  2. From thick velvet paper or batting, make the cuffs at the bottom.
  3. Cut out two pockets and a placket.
  4. Stick them onto the cylinders.
  5. Make a pattern for the legs.
  6. Glue the pattern to the cylinders.
  7. Cut out the back pockets.
  8. Stick the back legs onto the cylinders, and on them the pockets.
  9. Make a belt and belt loops out of a strip of paper. First glue the belt, and on top of it - the belt loops (transverse strips that serve to pull the belt).
  10. Issue a label (sticker with the brand name "Pants Joy").
  11. Make stitches by pressing on paper or batting. The lines can simply be drawn with a felt-tip pen.
  12. Dry the jeans for 5 days at room temperature.
  13. Start dyeing if you have jeans made of batting or white paper.
  14. Dry the pants again until the paint is completely dry.
  15. You can put some kind of souvenir for your dad inside the cylinders: delicious candy, pencils, felt-tip pens.

The Joy jeans are ready!

So quickly and imperceptibly you "dressed" your beloved dad, and even made a postcard for him. Dad will be very happy, believe me

Is it possible to make crafts for dad so that he likes them, and he is proud of his children? Even the harshest man will "melt" when he receives a little thing made by the child himself. Dad does not need expensive gifts from his son or daughter - he will highly appreciate a sincere expression of love. He will keep the children's handicraft for a long time as a valuable souvenir.

Features of crafts

You can give your dad a gift for February 23, New Year, but the most important thing is not to forget about his birthday. On this day, he is especially pleased to be convinced that he is "the best dad" in the child's opinion. A child at any age can make a gift craft. Mom can help the kids, and the craft itself should be very simple. Matured children are able to surprise their father by making a present on their own. You can engage in such "creativity" at home, in kindergarten or at school, in a labor lesson.

What is important in such crafts? The main work must be done by the child himself, and the adult can unobtrusively suggest an idea and help if difficulties arise. It is advisable, when thinking over the project, to take into account the father's passions and hobbies, especially the specifics of his profession or hobby. It's a real luck if the craft is of practical value.

An important role is played by the congratulatory inscription, which must be present on a homemade gift. It can be very simple - "To Beloved Dad", or it can include warm wishes. A pope's birthday present usually clearly indicates such an event, and the “round” number is prominent.

Crafts for kids

Small children are not capable of complex work, and therefore glueing, cutting, modeling, drawing become the main operations in their work. However, even simple crafts can be memorable and important to dad. The following directions can be distinguished:

  1. Drawings. Children's naive "pictures" especially win the hearts of parents. The most characteristic themes are a portrait of the Pope, a self-portrait, “Me and Pope”, “Our Family”, “Our Home”. In his drawing, the child must reflect his own vision of the plot, and artistic skill does not matter. You can draw with colored pencils, felt-tip pens, crayons, gouache, watercolors.
  2. Postcard. It can be hand-drawn or as an applique. The photo shows a postcard for a daddy-motorist
  3. Craft from stones. Children love to collect colorful pebbles on the banks of water bodies. They can be used to make an original gift for dad. On a sheet of thick cardboard, you can glue pebbles so that they form an inscription. For example, "I love dad" or just put the desired number on the anniversary. The composition "Traces" looks original
  4. Frame. It is made from 2 sheets of cardboard, joined together along the edge from 3 sides. A window is cut out on the front sheet for the photo, which is inserted from above. A decorative frame is drawn along the edges of the front sheet with a window. You can glue colored paper, scraps of fabric, buttons, beads, glitters, small toys, etc.

If the gift is intended for dad by February 23, then you should use a military theme in your work.

Plasticine modeling is especially attractive for kids. A child can mold the most unexpected things from this pliable material, and there is no need to limit his imagination.

Gifts from daughter

Girls, even young ones, are distinguished by their abilities for delicate work that requires perseverance. With age, they develop abilities for embroidery, sewing, knitting, and culinary arts.

Dad for his birthday from his daughter can receive such homemade gifts:

  1. Favourite dish. It should be prepared with her mother, but at the same time the girl should be directly involved, giving a real sense of involvement in the process. If a birthday cake is being prepared, then its decoration must be entrusted to the daughter herself. When making cookies, you must leave the mold made by the child.
  2. Girls are subject to such creativity as weaving from paper tubes. It takes a lot of time and care, but what you can't do for Daddy's sake. The photo shows what can be woven out of paper.
  3. Origami. This technique makes it possible to show imagination. The photo illustrates the ideas of some paper crafts.
  4. Case for mobile phone or glasses. It can be made from leftovers and scraps of artificial or natural leather. The case is made of 2 halves, which are connected with glue or stitched. A small applique on the front side looks beautiful. The soft case can be made of thick fabric.
  5. Blanket made of rags. Grown-up daughters can make a useful gift for dad - a warm blanket made of scraps of fabric.
  6. Crafts from salt dough. To adolescents, plasticine seems already too childish material, and it can be successfully replaced with salt dough. It is pliable, like plasticine, but after baking it hardens and retains its shape for a long time. Cooking recipe: take flour and salt (1 glass each), water (half a glass), vegetable oil (1 teaspoon). Gouache is added to the mass, allowing you to paint the material in the desired color. After giving the desired shape, the craft is baked in the oven. A variety of figurines can be made from this material. The photo shows an option - a frame for a photo or a small picture.

Many girls from an early age master the initial knitting skills. For dad, a knitted gift will be very useful. The simplest crafts are a mug stand and a glasses case. More complex options are a scarf, socks, a vest.

Sons crafts

Do-it-yourself gifts for dad from his son have their own characteristics.

The masculine principle is clearly manifested in them, and therefore, even in the drawings, themes related to technology, sports, and outdoor activities prevail. The following directions and ideas can be distinguished:

  1. Paintings in the technique of burning. They are performed on plywood, board, saw cut.
  2. Crafts from wood and plywood. Boxes for storing tools and accessories are especially popular; frames for photographs and paintings; souvenirs from the cuts of the trunk. Many boys are skilled at sawing with a jigsaw. They will help you make very beautiful plywood crafts.
  3. Equipment layouts. A small yacht, boat, airplane or car will be the perfect birthday present for dad. Admiration will be added by an inscription on the side of the layout with congratulations and wishes.
  4. Aquarium memory. If the father is keen on fishing and took his son with him, then usually there are photographs that resemble such events. You can create an original composition. An aquarium is set up from a can with a capacity of 1-2 liters. Sand, small pebbles and shells are poured into the bottom. Algae from grass or green threads are fixed. Plastic fish are placed in the jar, and those species that fell on the hook while fishing. They must be weighted so that they do not float to the surface, but also do not fall to the bottom. A wooden wall is installed at the back, on which a commemorative photograph is fixed.
  5. Hanger. Personal hanger will undoubtedly please the father, especially distinguished by its originality. The easiest way to make a wooden hanger.

Of course, girls can do any of the above crafts, but boys are more inclined to work with wood and metal. From early childhood, they try to pick up a hacksaw and a hammer. Sons, as a rule, understand more the wisdom of the father's profession.

Crafts of children of different ages

There are various gift options that can be given by children regardless of age and gender. The following ideas can be distinguished.


This is the most popular homemade gift option. In them, attractiveness can be provided by a special design or the original text of the congratulation. It is even better when both directions are combined. The following intentions should be noted:

  1. Postcard "Shirt » . It is formed from thick paper and is an imitation of a neatly folded men's shirt with a tie. You can use different colors and styles. A congratulatory text can be placed on a tie.
  2. Postcard with stand. It is made on a rigid cardboard base. A folding stand is attached at the back, allowing you to place the postcard vertically.
  3. Volumetric postcard. To make it, a sheet of thick paper is folded in half. Inside, at the fold, an additional insert is fixed (figures, drawing). When the card is opened, it remains upright. So you can, for example, set up a figure of dad, cut out of a photograph, and put it next to a posh car.


In their manufacture, you can use a variety of materials - plastic, polystyrene, a metal part, a toy. It is important to securely fasten the key ring. It is better to shape the keychain taking into account the profession or hobby of the father. For a fisherman, a "goldfish" is quite suitable, and for a military man - a small tank.

Decorative cup or mug

An original and beautiful idea - a mug with a scent. It is made from coffee beans, which provides this aroma. The craft is done in the following order. The old mug is covered with cotton balls, which are fixed with a harsh thread. Then they are impregnated with PVA glue and painted brown to provide a general background. On top of this layer, natural coffee beans are glued.


The most important part that should immediately conquer the birthday boy is the cover. It should be done using the scrapbooking technique. For him, you need to choose the photographs that the father values \u200b\u200bmost.

A suitcase from the past

It is easy to manufacture, but this project requires a special thematic study. Outwardly, it may look like a small plywood box or a cardboard box. Above it must be covered with applications telling about the different stages of the father's life. Inside the "suitcase" you should place various little things that remind you of its memorable events. There may be old gramophone records, tape and video tapes, newspaper clippings, badges, symbols of your favorite team, etc.


The medal "Best Dad" looks simple, but original. It is enough to fix a gilded disc with the corresponding inscription on the colored ribbon.

It is impossible to list all the original ideas. The child himself seeks to find a plot for his craft. If, nevertheless, he has doubts, then his mother should carefully push him to the right choice.

Special techniques

Decoupage is one of the most common ways to make a beautiful gift decoration. Its essence lies in sticking napkins, paper, cloth scraps, pictures, etc. on the surface of an object, followed by applying a special varnish. Gluing is done in layers, which ensures the volume of the decorative coating.

This technique allows you to turn any impersonal object into a real work of art. Even an ordinary bottle can be turned into a vessel with an ancient drink. You can pour ordinary wine into it, which on the table will look like a very old drink. Sports cups can be made from ordinary glasses.

Do not believe that men do not like gifts. Real joy will be given to dad by a craft made by a son or daughter with his own hands. It doesn't matter what it is made of and the degree of its complexity. It is important that the gift is made with heart, and the child takes pleasure in congratulating his father on his birthday or any other holiday.

If you think that dads do not like to receive, then you are greatly mistaken. They may not show their emotions too often, but they do enjoy gifts. And most of all, dads love to receive gifts from their children. Believe me, they will be infinitely happy to accept congratulations from their son or daughter. You can, of course, negotiate with your mom and give your dad something bought in the store. And he will certainly be happy with such a gift. But if you want to really please your dad, then make him a gift with your own hands. Dads know how to appreciate time and your efforts, even if the gift turns out to be not as beautiful as the things in stores, it will delight your dad much more. After all, he will know that this gift was made by his child, and he will be proud of him. Let's try make a gift to dad with your own hands.

So how can you please dad? There are many simple gifts you can make.

Do-it-yourself card for dad that any child can make

And now a little more complicated gift for dad ...

Yes, not everyone can draw beautifully, but do not be shy. To make such a gift, you do not need anything special: paper, colored pencils (felt-tip pens or paints and brushes). All these items are in every home where the child lives.

Do-it-yourself card for dad

If you want to please your dad, then draw something important for him. If you know that dad wants to buy a car, then draw the car and dad standing next to him. Such a drawing will remind him of this dream.

You can do it by drawing, for example, the whole family on vacation. Don't forget to draw palms and sun. Applique will be a good addition to the picture.

You can make a postcard from a regular paper disposable plate

An original drawing - a continuation of the photo - will be a funny gift. To do this, you need a picture of your dad, in which he is smiling or laughing. Cut out dad's head from the photo, glue it on a piece of paper and trust your imagination. You can draw your dad the way you see him. We are sure that such a drawing will make dad laugh and delight.

Do not forget to sign your drawing or postcard, write wishes for your dad on it.

If mom helps, then you can make such a card for dad

DIY accessory for dad

This option is more suitable for girls, but a boy can also cope with it. You can weave daddy using colored threads or assemble it from wooden beads. He will definitely wear it on his arm, and this bracelet will remind him how much you love him.

Another great option that is suitable for young needlewomen is a scarf. It is not so easy to knit a scarf, but such a gift will show how dear your dad is to you, how much you care about his health. If you know how not only to knit, but also to embroider, then you can make a small embroidery on this scarf in the form of the inscription "To beloved dad" or "The best dad in the world."

Cufflinks will be an excellent accessory for dad. This accessory has always emphasized the elegance and sophistication of a man. In many families, cufflinks are passed down from father to son. And if a child presents his own hand-made cufflinks to his dad, he, of course, will be very happy.

DIY cufflink ideas

To make cufflinks you will need:

  • two thin hair ties,
  • scissors,
  • 4 decorative buttons.

Each gum should be cut with scissors. String 2 buttons on each elastic, then tie a knot to prevent the buttons from falling off the elastic. This knot should be 1-1.5 cm from the buttons, cut the tails of the elastic with scissors. Of course, such button cufflinks are not at all like metal ones bought in a store. But in the eyes of your dad, such a gift will look much more valuable than a purchased one.

A delicious do-it-yourself gift for dad

All men love delicious food. So why not give your dad what he loves? There are a lot of options: salads, fruits, desserts, sweets. Try to find out what food your dad loves the most. You can ask your mother to buy the necessary products and help cut them, she will definitely not refuse you. Do not forget to say that you are going to give your dad a present.

DIY cake for dad

If your dad loves fruit, then he will definitely appreciate fruit salad or chocolate covered fruit. You don't need any special skills to make chocolate covered fruits. Put the chocolate in a microwave safe dish and heat it until it is liquid. Dip the peeled fruits in chocolate in turn and put them on a plate, then put them in the refrigerator and let the chocolate cool down properly. And then present this plate to dad.

If your dad has a sweet tooth, then bake him a real cake. Mom can help you with this too. Be sure to garnish the cake with fruit or whipped cream. And if your dad has a birthday, you can even insert candles into the cake. Turn out the lights in the room, bring in a cake with burning candles and loudly congratulate Dad on the holiday. Remind him to make a wish and then blow out the candles. He will be as happy as you are.

IDAD as a gift to dad with his own hands

If your dad loves, then a real IDAD, which you can easily make with your own hands, will be a wonderful gift for him.

To make your own IDAD, you will need:

  • Black cardboard;
  • White cards and a white sheet of paper;
  • Segment knife;
  • Cutting mat;
  • Aerosol adhesive;
  • Markers.

Step 1: Take two pieces of black cardboard and glue a piece of white sheet onto one of them. Then you need to make rounded corners. You can trim the white sheet so that the edges do not stick out from the black cardboard. Use spray glue to attach the white cardboard to the bottom piece of black cardboard and set the resulting layout aside.

Step 2: Find Ipad icon images online and print them on cardboard. After you print these icons, you need to cut them out. Basically, you can draw them yourself.

Step 3: Place the icons on the "screen", namely the top piece of cardboard, and then glue them to the cardboard using aerosol glue. Let dry for a few minutes.

Step 4: Using a cutting mat and a segment knife, carefully cut each icon on the sides and bottom.

As a result, they will look like this:

Step 5: Now you need to glue the upper and lower parts. Spray the glue gently to avoid sticking the icons. If you do not have spray glue, you can use any other glue, for example, a glue stick.

Step 6: After you glue the top and bottom pieces together, draw a small button on the bottom (you can use a silver gel pen), and trim the edges to make the IDAD look like a real one. After that, you can write small "messages" under the icons. For example, “To my beloved dad,” “I love you,” “You are the best,” etc.

If you have extra paper, you can make an IDAD case in the form of an envelope.

You can also sign the envelope or stick ready-made letters on it. A do-it-yourself gift for dad is ready!

DIY gift for dad - video

According to a tradition that has already been established over the years, on February 23, we congratulate not only the military, but also all men, even if their profession is not related to the military craft. We feel on this day of dads, brothers, sons and grandfathers. You should prepare in advance for the holiday, buy or make a gift yourself. You can congratulate your dad on February 23 with a postcard or a souvenir made by yourself.

In the article we will analyze various DIY crafts for dad on February 23rd. Any little thing, done on your own with love, will become an expensive and best gift. Next, we will analyze step by step with photographs various options for paper crafts, improvised material, sweets.

You can congratulate dad on men's holiday with a postcard in the form of a man's shirt with a tie or a military uniform. These are very simple and interesting crafts for February 23, which you can make with your own hands for dad. For those whose dad is not a military man, you can prepare a postcard for him in the form of a simple men's shirt with a tie. It can be made from paper of any color that you like, or you can choose the shade that dad likes. The tie can also be made in any color to choose from.

For work you need to prepare:

  1. Colored paper in two selected shades.
  2. Scissors.
  3. A couple of little buttons, decor to decorate the tie. These can be stickers, stickers or any self-adhesive elements.
  4. Glue.

Getting started:

  1. We make separately the postcard itself in the form of a shirt and a tie.
  2. Decorate the tie with decorative elements to your taste.
  3. We glue buttons on the ends of the collar.
  4. We connect the tie with the base.
  5. We do everything as shown in the diagram.

That's all, a simple yet original postcard is ready. Dad will be very happy to receive such a gift for the holiday.

If dad is a military man, then a card in the form of a uniform will be just right for him. It is done in a similar way. For work, we will prepare:

  1. Colored paper in green, black, yellow and white shades.
  2. Red felt-tip pen or marker.
  3. Scissors, ruler and pencil.
  4. Glue.

We make a postcard like this:

  1. Cut out the base in the form of a rectangle from white paper. On the sides from above, stepping back 5 centimeters from the top, we make cuts on both sides and bend them inward, we get a shirt with a deferred collar.
  2. Cut out a tie from black paper and glue it to the shirt.
  3. Cut out a uniform from green paper in the form of a rectangle. We make it 2 times longer than the white base in the form of a shirt.
  4. We fold the edges inward, forming a uniform.
  5. Cut out shoulder straps from yellow paper, draw stars on them with a red marker, glue them to the uniform.
  6. We put the base in the form of a white shirt in the uniform.

A very interesting and original gift for the military dad is ready.

Now we will consider some more options for DIY crafts for February 23 for dad from paper and other materials.

Crafts from improvised means

If dad served in the army or works in the military, then you can do it yourself by February 23 for dad in the form of an airplane, helicopter or tank. Let's consider all the options in detail with a description.

Airplane made of ice cream sticks

We will prepare all the necessary material:

  1. Eight ice cream sticks.
  2. Plastic drinking straw.
  3. Wooden bead.
  4. Gouache or acrylic paint with a brush.
  5. PVA glue.
  6. Scissors.

Getting started on the airplane:

  1. For the airplane frame, first glue 5 sticks together.
  2. We glue these 5 sticks with their end to another stick - this will be a wing.
  3. Cut off 2 pieces from the tube along the width of the aircraft frame from 5 glued sticks.
  4. We glue the pieces to the edges of the wing and coat the frame with glue. Put another stick on top, finish the formation of the wings.
  5. Break the stick into 2 parts and carefully round off the ends with a nail file or scissors. We glue this half in place of the tail of the plane.
  6. We make the propeller from 2 halves of the stick, rounded at the edges. We glue them crosswise on the front of the aircraft, and on top we attach a bead to the glue.
  7. We paint the airplane as desired and leave to dry.

Sponge tank

We will prepare everything we need for work:

  1. Dish-washing sponges - 2 pieces. Better to take green.
  2. Drinking straw - 1 piece.
  3. Scissors, hot glue, pencil.
  4. A coin, denomination of 2 rubles, for cutting circles.
  5. An asterisk for decoration.

Getting started:

  1. Carefully remove the hard dark layer from one sponge.
  2. On it we circle a coin 6 times and cut out the wheels.
  3. We glue the wheels to the other sponge on the sides.
  4. From the sponge, which was left without a rigid part, we cut out 2 parts: the tank turret and a small tip for the muzzle.
  5. Cut the straw in half. We make holes in the prepared tower and tips and glue a tube to them, as in the photo.
  6. We decorate the tower with an asterisk.
  7. We attach the tower to the base of the tank.

Here we have such a nice tank. It is simple and quick to do. But there is another version of the tank. You will have to tinker with it a little longer, but the result is worth it. We will prepare everything you need:

  1. Boxes: 2 oblong for tank tracks, 1 rectangular large for the base and 1 rectangular or smaller square for the tank turret.
  2. Plastic straw.
  3. Jute rope.
  4. Glue "Titan".
  5. Coffee beans.

Getting started:

  1. Glue the tube to the box for the tank tower.
  2. We wrap all the boxes with jute rope, putting it on glue. To do this, you need to coat individual small areas with glue and then wrap them with rope quite tightly.
  3. We make 6 circles from the rope, gluing it in a spiral. We glue these circles on the tracks.
  4. Decorate the edges of all parts of the tank with coffee beans.
  5. We assemble the tank by gluing all the parts to each other.

This tank will take time, effort and accuracy, but it will be a chic, worthy gift.

Helicopter from a plastic bottle and straws

Here is another option for dad's craft - a helicopter. Let's prepare the following material for work:

  1. Plastic bottle 0.5 l.
  2. Plastic straws.
  3. Plastic table tennis ball.
  4. A safety pin with a small ball at the end.
  5. Scissors.
  6. Stapler.

Getting started:

  1. In the lid of the bottle we make a hole in the diameter of the tube for the drink with scissors.
  2. We cut out 2 parts from the bottle: the upper part for the base and a semicircle, 1 centimeter wide, as in the photo.
  3. We cut the tubes into 2 parts, those that are bent should be a little shorter.
  4. Now we collect the details. First, insert a half of a tube with a bent end into the lid, then connect 2 straight parts with a pin, making a propeller. It remains only to attach the semicircle to the runners with a stapler.
  5. Next, with a stapler we attach the base to the semicircle with runners, insert the propeller on top and insert the ball into the hole of the bottle.

The helicopter is ready, you can give it to dad.

Mug with colored paper tea

If you want to make something original and unusual, not a simple postcard, but a very interesting DIY craft for your dad for February 23, then pay attention to the next master class. This is a cardboard mug with tea for dad. She turns out to be very bright, beautiful, dad will definitely like it. Let's prepare the following material for work:

  1. Colored cardboard and colored paper.
  2. PVA glue or glue stick. Better to take the company Luch. It does not stain, dries quickly and holds firmly.
  3. Ruler, scissors, pen.
  4. Tea bag tag with string.

Getting started:

  1. Cut out the elements from the cardboard: 2 rectangles and a handle in the form of a semicircle. The first colored rectangle should be 15 by 21 cm, and the white one should be 15 by 10 cm.
  2. On the back of the large rectangle, draw 2 fold lines along the edges, retreating from the edge of 3 cm. Carefully bend the rectangle along these lines.
  3. Cut out 2 strips 21 x 2 cm from colored paper and mugs for the decor of the mug.
  4. We glue the decor on the front side of a large rectangle bent at the edges.
  5. Glue the handle onto the small white rectangle. Let's get the base.
  6. We glue the curved edges of the large rectangle with glue and glue to the base with a handle.
  7. It remains to attach a label from tea to a drop of glue inside the mug.

That's all, an interesting craft is ready. Before work, the reverse side of the mug is a small rectangle, you can sign or glue a ready-made congratulatory inscription for dad.

DIY felt frame for dad by February 23

In order to please dad with such a wonderful photo frame, it will take a little time and effort. It looks very stylish, but it is quite simple to do. Before starting work, we will prepare the necessary material:

  1. Thick cardboard for the base.
  2. The cloth. Better to take a khaki.
  3. Felt or rayon napkins.
  4. Needle threads, glue.
  5. Envelope for a disc with a cellophane window.
  6. A little padding polyester.
  7. Templates for details: sun with rays, airplane, clouds.

We make the frame as follows:

  1. First, you need to cut out the base of the frame from the cardboard - a rectangle measuring 17 by 17 cm.The width of each side of the frame is 3 cm.
  2. We glue this blank with a cloth.
  3. Next, glue the envelope from the disk on the back of the frame. Place the photo in the pocket of the envelope.
  4. We cut out, sew and fill with padding polyester the details of the aircraft, clouds, sun (from napkins).
  5. We cut out all the details according to the felt templates, fill them lightly with padding polyester and sew along the edges.
  6. Now we decorate the frame with the prepared details, gluing them into place.

We got a very beautiful craft for February 23 in the form of a do-it-yourself photo frame for dad. Such a present will delight dad for a long time, and remind of happy moments, because you can insert a joint photo from any memorable and fun event into the frame.