I want to know the secrets of female beauty: folk remedies. Yuri Konstantinov's folk recipes for youth and beauty Folk recipes for youth and beauty reviews

Italian women are famous for their beauty, but most importantly, they are known for retaining their youth and beauty for years to come. Remember though these beautiful women: Sophia Loren, Monica Bellucci, Kdaudia Cardinale, Gina Lollobrigida! They all always looked younger than their years.

What is the secret of the long youth of Italian women? Their secret is the gold of the Mediterranean! This is olive oil. The use of this product in food and as a cosmetic product works wonders.

Olive oil is unique the fact that it contains a large amount of squapen (moisturizing component). For cosmetic procedures, use the first cold-pressed oil that retains beneficial nutrients!

Effectively prevents skin aging
Olive oil contains vitamin E, which neutralizes the effects of free radicals, which cause the skin to fade faster and wrinkles appear.

Strengthens and protects the skin
Vitamins A and D contained in the oil are involved in the renewal of the epidermis, reduce the number of dead skin particles, and carotene protects the skin from UV rays.

Olive oil is also unique in that that you can start your skin care routine with olive oil at any age! For young people, it will help to preserve almost pristine youth for many years. And if you already have wrinkles - do not worry! There is perhaps no better anti-wrinkle treatment than olive oil.

Today we will share with you the method of rejuvenation face, which is used by many Italian women. This technique is based on the use of masks with olive oil.

It is recommended to apply a mask 2 times a week. That is, every week we make 2 masks, constantly alternating the listed masks. There should be a break of 2-3 days between masks. In order for the use of masks to become a habit, you can fix the days of the week. For example, make a mask every Monday and Friday, or Saturday and Wednesday. If you also add olive oil to your daily diet, the effect will be even more noticeable!

So, a complex of masks based on olive oil.
Before applying the mask, you need to cleanse your face. The best way to cleanse is also olive oil. Simply apply the oil to a cotton swab and wipe over your face and neck. The oil is great for removing make-up, and just for cleansing the skin of the face.

First week
+ Skin peeling
Mix 2 tablespoons of wheat bran and 2 tablespoons of oil. Mix thoroughly until a paste forms. We apply a mask, do a light peeling massage, with fingertips along the massage lines. Leave the mask on for 15 minutes. Then wash off with warm water.
+ Tone up the skin
Mix thoroughly in a blender 1 tsp. mint (preferably fresh or you can steam dry), 1 tsp. honey and 1 tsp. olive oil.. Apply to clean skin, except for the eye area and décolleté. Leave on for 10 minutes, then rinse with cool water.

Second week
+ Skin whitening, stain removal
Mix together 2 tablespoons oatmeal (grind the flakes in a coffee grinder), 1 tablespoon lemon juice, 1 tablespoon honey, and 2 tablespoons olive oil. Mix everything thoroughly, apply on the skin of the face and décolleté and leave for 20 minutes, rinse with warm water.
+ Calm and hydrate the skin
Grated on a fine grater fresh cucumber (not too big) mix with a mashed ripe banana, add 1-2 tablespoons of olive oil, so that the consistency of thick sour cream is obtained. Apply the paste on your face and neck and leave on for 30 minutes. Wash off with warm water.

Third week
+ Skin cleansing
Mix cosmetic clay (can be replaced with oatmeal) with olive oil, so that the consistency of very thick sour cream is obtained. Apply to face and décolleté, leave for 20 minutes, rinse thoroughly with warm water
+ Lifting mask
Grate a previously peeled small raw potato tuber on a fine grater, mix it with a teaspoon of olive oil previously warmed to 40 degrees. Apply to face and neck. Leave on for 15-20 minutes, rinse with water.

After you have done all 6 masks, start all over again next week.

This course can be maintained continuously throughout the year. Or at least from late autumn to early spring, when our skin needs the most protection.

This is a very economical technique - both in terms of budget and time spent. If you find the strength to follow it, you will look at least 10 years younger.

Beauty is given to a woman by nature, but preserving it is not an easy task, especially when age and the harmful factors of modern life become opponents. To whom to turn for help, if not all to the same nature, because it keeps hundreds of secrets of beauty and health, and most importantly, generously shares them with all of us.

Caring for the beauty and health of a woman is like a mosaic - it consists of many components. Indeed, after 35 years, it is necessary to take care not only of the condition of the skin, but also of the bones, which begin to lose calcium and phosphorus, of the vessels, which gradually “leave” the protection of estrogens and need to prevent atherosclerosis and hypertension, about metabolism, which slows down, which means that there is a risk of “slagging” of the body and excess weight. All these problems have been worrying women for centuries, so traditional medicine has accumulated a lot of knowledge about how to help them cope with new manifestations of age and maintain health and beauty.

HORSETAIL. Horsetail tea has long been used to normalize metabolism and cleanse the body. To prepare it, two tablespoons of the dried and chopped plant should be brewed with a glass of boiling water and drunk 1/4 cup 3-4 times a day.

ECHINACEA. A decoction of echinacea improves appetite, sleep, mood, improves vision, normalizes blood pressure, reduces swelling, headaches and joint pain, "cleanses" the blood. To prepare a decoction, 1 teaspoon of the crushed plant is brewed in a glass of water in a water bath. Drink a decoction of a third cup three times a day. This tea strengthens the immune system, heals and rejuvenates the body.

GINSENG. Actively affects the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, thereby improving skin condition. Ginseng also promotes the restoration of epidermal cells, regulates the amount of water in the skin, protecting it from dehydration, and has a nourishing effect on the skin. In addition, this famous plant is a powerful adaptogen and a general stimulant and rejuvenator. Alcohol tincture. To prepare ginseng tincture, you need to take 50 g of raw or 15 g of dry ginseng root, grind it and pour 500 g of alcohol liquid with a strength of 30 degrees. Insist in a dark place at room temperature for at least two weeks. Take 5-25 drops 2-3 times a day 20 minutes before meals.

POTATO JUICE. Potato tubers contain many mineral salts, organic acids (citric, malic, oxalic), almost all vitamins, essential amino acids, as well as a large amount of potassium, which removes excess fluid from the body and thus helps in the prevention of cellulite. In addition, raw potato juice has a phytoestrogenic and excellent cleansing effect. The best way to squeeze juice from potatoes is with a juicer. You can also use the old method: grate the tubers, and then squeeze the juice through cheesecloth. You need to drink juice immediately after receiving.

SAGE. The name of this plant comes from the Latin "salveo", which means "to heal, to be healthy." Even in ancient Egypt, after wars and epidemics, women were strongly recommended to eat sage leaves to multiply the family, since sage has a great influence on the female hormonal balance. The "estrogenic" effect of sage makes it an excellent remedy for menopausal problems. Sage leaf teamedicinal. 1 tablespoon of crushed raw materials is poured into 400 ml of boiling water and infused for 20-30 minutes. Take 1/4 cup 3-4 times a day.

PIG UTERUS. Belongs to the category of ancient and centuries-old traditional medicine for the treatment of inflammatory gynecological diseases. The upland uterus is used for infertility, bleeding, infantilism, cervical erosion, menstrual irregularities, pregnancy toxicosis and fibromyomas with heavy bleeding. Boro infusionthe howl of the uterus. Two tablespoons of dried chopped herbs are poured with 2 cups of boiling water (do not boil!), The container is covered and left to infuse in a warm place for two hours. The finished tincture is filtered through a cotton or linen napkin and stored in a dark glass container in a cool place for no more than three days.

SESAME. Among all seeds, sesame is the champion in calcium content and, in addition, contains a lot of zinc and phosphorus. This makes it an indispensable tool for strengthening bones and preventing osteoporosis. In addition, sesame seeds contain sesamin, a powerful antioxidant that can lower total cholesterol levels in the blood and prevent the development of many diseases, including cancer. You can use sesame seeds as a fragrant seasoning for soups and salads from fresh vegetables, cook gozinaki from it. Sesame oil, having all the properties of the seed, helps to restore strength and is an excellent cosmetic product that has a softening and moisturizing effect on the skin.


ALOE. Ordinary aloe is a real gift to female beauty. In the evening and in the morning, wipe the cleansed face with a piece of aloe leaf or an ice cube from the frozen juice of this flower - this will make the skin clean and fresh. If you have the first wrinkles, an aloe mask will help. To prepare it, mix 2 tablespoons of juice squeezed from aloe leaves with 1 tablespoon of warmed honey. Apply the resulting mass on the skin of the face and neck and leave for 10 minutes, then rinse with water at room temperature. Aloe is a good remedy for wrinkles, so you can simply apply a gruel from its leaves to the skin for 10-15 minutes or wipe your face with plant juice.

ECHINACEA. Echinacea soothes the skin, relieves irritation, activates collagen production and helps to eliminate fine wrinkles. A decoction of echinacea can be used as a tonic and wipe the face with it 2-3 times a day. With age spots, freckles, warts and wrinkles, the face is smeared overnight with fresh juice of the leaves and flowers of the plant.

CABBAGE. Cabbage decoction contains a unique complex of minerals, vitamins and other active substances and has an exceptional ability to smooth, rejuvenate and tone the skin. To prepare a decoction, cabbage leaves are boiled in 200 ml of water, infused for 30 minutes, cooled and filtered. With a decoction, wipe the skin of the face and neck several times a day.

HONEY. Honey cosmetics - the discovery of the Slavs. Women in Russia smeared them with weather-beaten lips, palms and even the whole body. Very often, honey is also used in folk remedies for wrinkles. Maskfrom honey. Mix 1 tablespoon of honey with cottage cheese and milk, taken in 2 tablespoons. Thoroughly rub all the ingredients until smooth, apply on the face. Wash off with warm water after 15 minutes. This mask fights wrinkles, improves complexion and eliminates age spots.

NETTLE. Nettle leaves are crushed, two tablespoons of the resulting slurry is mixed with 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil. Apply the mass on the face for 15 minutes, then rinse with water at room temperature. Regular use of this mask rejuvenates the skin and relieves it of wrinkles.

BRAN BATH. Skin rejuvenation is helped by such a well-known folk remedy as bran. Take 2 kg of bran, pour 5 liters of water and boil for a few minutes. Strain the resulting liquid and pour it into a bath with prepared warm water, thanks to the decoction of bran, the skin becomes more elastic, softer and retains its natural qualities longer.

FRUIT VINEGAR. According to Italian women, there is nothing better for caring for the neck and décolleté than fruit vinegar - apple, grape or lemon (5%). It significantly improves the elasticity of the skin and gives it a lighter shade. Mix vinegar with water in a ratio of one to one, cool - and the tonic is ready.

In wine therapy, almost all components of the vine are used: whetherstem, berries (stones and pulp), pomace and juice. The most powerful healing propertieswe have grape seeds, which contain polyphenols, as well as the skingrapes are a source of resveratrol. Both of these substances are the strongest antioxidants. sidants that prevent aging, and resveratrol is also a phytoestrogen that contributes to the normalization of female hormonal balance. All this makes viticulture products a valuable means of preserving female youth, and this fact was known in ancient Rome and Greece. So, the beautiful Romans and Greeks consideredbaths with the addition of red wine the best skin care product, I returngiving it freshness and elasticity.

Today, for baths, they use grape seed oil, and juice, and pomace and fromcrushed pulp of berries. An alternative to grape baths are compresses fromthe same ingredients, as well as face masks based on grapes. For example, such.

1. Egg yolk (for oily skin - slightly whipped protein) is rubbed with fresh grape juice and pulp, applied evenly to the face. Wash off the mask after 15-20 minutes with cool water.

2. Half a glass of fresh grape juice is mixed with half a glass of milk, a gauze napkin is moistened in this mixture and applied to the face. Remove after 15 minutes, rinse face with warm water and apply moisturizer.

Grape-based masks improve skin condition, saturate it with vitamins and minerals.trace elements, improve complexion. The fruit acid they contain exfoliatesdead skin particles, leaving it soft and smooth. By the way, as a mask, you can useuse grape oil - it perfectly rejuvenates, moisturizes and tonesskin, reduces wrinkles and stimulates collagen synthesis.

Modern anti-aging cosmetics based on viticulture products includingtea in its composition ingredients such as wine yeast extract, grape oil seeds, extracts from grape berries, as well as grape wine. The use of these components allows you to rejuvenate the skin, stimulate blood microcirculation, helps get rid of cellulite.


Rose hips and mountain ash, taken inequal parts, grind in a coffee grinder.One teaspoon of tea and 1 teaspoonmixture pour a glass of boiling water. drinka glass 2-3 times a day.

One part of rowan fruits is mixed,two parts nettle leaves and three partstea. Two teaspoons of the mixture is breweda glass of boiling water, drink at any timeinstead of regular tea.

Take one part of nettle leavesthree parts of carrot seeds and eight parts of tea. Two teaspoons of the resulting mixturebrewed with a glass of boiling water, drink withoutlimitedny.

One tablespoon of chamomile bayyut 1 cup boiled water, coveredyut and leave for 10 minutes, filter

t, add a teaspoon of honey. Have a drinkthis tea in the morning on an empty stomachslowly, in sips.

Folk herbalists claim that these drinks not only have an exceptionally favorable effect on the complexion, but also have a general rejuvenating effect. action and improve well-being.

They say there are no ugly women, there are lazy women. Isn't it true? Especially when you consider how much the cosmetic industry offers both to maintain the existing attractiveness, and to create one if it is not observed! Here, beauty salons with a full range of rejuvenating and healing procedures, and all kinds of self-care products for your beloved from head to toe, and even dietary supplements, will help you. You will say that all this needs money, but there is a crisis in the yard? But after all, there is always another effective tool in reserve - folk remedies.!

Whether these two ancient beauties were really beauties, scientists are still arguing, but the fact that they had amazingly delicate skin is described by many ancient sources. So, it will be useful for modern seekers of folk recipes to learn the secrets of female beauty that famous ladies possessed. One of these can be called

Aphrodite soap

It is a mixture of ground oatmeal, milk powder and mint drops. Put all this in some kind of container and put it in the bathroom so that you can wash your face with it every morning. Flakes play the role of a light peeling with a lifting effect, milk and oil are perfectly refreshing, .

Do you want to know the secret of female beauty from Cleopatra? Here are three of her most famous recipes.

1. Body scrub Sea salt + cream

Mix a small handful of sea salt (preferably flavored with essential oils) and 50-70 grams of medium-fat cream. Rub it all over your body before showering or bathing. The scrub cleanses the skin and makes it perfectly smooth, silky to the touch.

2. Clay face mask

It is believed that Cleopatra had great confidence in clay as a unique beauty remedy, so she had several masks of this substance in stock for various purposes.

Whitening: white or blue clay, sour cream, honey and lemon juice are mixed in equal proportions, applied to the face (you can also use the body, only the volume will have to be increased), aged for 20 minutes, washed off well with warm water.

Action: cleansing, whitening, toning, tightening and nourishing.

  1. Milk and honey bath

The secrets of female beauty cannot be imagined without water recipes, because taking a bath in itself has a beneficial effect on the skin and well-being. And if it is a bath with milk and honey, which have a healing and rejuvenating effect, then the effect is much more useful!

What you need: half a glass - a glass of any natural honey, a liter of milk (better - donkey, but you can also cow, including dry).

How to do it: fill the bath with warm water (up to 40 degrees), dilute the pre-prepared mixture of honey and milk in it, take a bath for 15 minutes, then wrap yourself in a bathrobe without rinsing and go to sleep. And in the morning you can take a shower! Doing such a bath once a week, you will provide your skin not only with health, but also with perfect smoothness with a slight radiance.

Folk beauty products. From the world by thread

Of course, our folk sources have many of their own unique beauty recipes, but, you see, sometimes it’s so interesting to find out what was left to foreign young ladies from their grandmother in this regard. And here are some secrets of female beauty from different countries:

Italy. To give shine to hair and smoothness of the skin, almond oil is used there. They say (or rather, they write) that Catherine de Medici, famous for her silky skin and the same hair, regularly made masks with almond oil - both for hair and skin. The recipe is simple to impossibility: find the oil and rub it into the skin and hair before water procedures once a week until the need for it disappears.

Another oil, castor oil, is highly respected by Italians for its ability to heal eyelashes. To make the latter thicker and brighter, regular application of oil to the eyelashes before going to bed will help. Within a week, noticeable results will be noticeable.

England. Here are not at all unique, but very useful secrets of female beauty regarding blue and bags under. The British are known for their love of tea drinking, but the English women are in no hurry to throw away the exhausted tea leaves: in bags or regular - they freeze and use in the morning as an ambulance against the above defects. Oh, and by the way, their love of tea can be adopted as a good way to lose weight. Few people know that even ordinary black tea contributes to this process with frequent use. Of course, without any buns and cheesecakes there, and preferably even without sugar (although a couple of spoons will not hurt some). Just tea (black, green, white, herbal) several times a day - and you will not get better at normal weight and lose weight if it is in excess.

South Africa. Decided for yourself “I want to know the beauty secrets regarding skin rejuvenation? Then we invite you to the beauty secrets of the beauties of a hot country where aloe grows. Of course, it also grows on our windowsills, but it was the South African women who came up with the idea of ​​​​using the juice of this plant as a skin-rejuvenating elixir. Everything is simple there: a thick sheet of aloe is cut off, wrapped in thick paper or foil, sent to the refrigerator for a couple of weeks, after which it is cut lengthwise and smeared on the cleansed face with pulp and juice. Wash off with cool water after 15 minutes. Effect: toning, rejuvenation, freshness and healthy skin color.

Recipe number 2: squeeze juice from the same piece of aloe, mix with any cream (night, day, hand, etc.) and smear the desired area. Each time - a new portion of juice to a new portion of the cream, it is not recommended to store.

Poland. The inhabitants of this country also have their own secrets of female beauty. Their main helpers are yeast and milk against blackheads and acne on the skin. For this purpose, they mix warm milk with yeast and apply it to problem areas of the skin, even to the décolleté area. After 15 minutes, the mask is washed off with cool water.

Russia. From our ancestors, let us cite as an example folk remedies for combating skin pigmentation and freckles. The simplest remedies are a decoction of onion peel or cucumber juice. You just need to wipe the skin two or three times a day for one to two months (depending on the degree of pigmentation), either first or second. You can take turns.

Secrets of female beauty. hair care

The topic of hair health is more relevant today than ever. If only because never before have so many harmful factors affected them: the environment is unimportant, the urban atmosphere is dangerous, and the food leaves much to be desired. Plus, the use of paints, straightening and curling devices, in winter - hats, cold, home heating, in summer - the sun, salt water ... Agree, it does not hurt to know some folk remedies to restore hair health! What do they need:

  1. Strength from the roots. Against hair loss, you can use a mask of onion juice (1 tablespoon), egg yolk, honey (1 tablespoon) and vitamin E (three to five drops). Everything is mixed, applied to the scalp and hair, kept under cellophane in a cap for 40 minutes, washed off with warm water and shampoo.
  2. Shine and smoothness hair will provide a mask of gelatin. It is suitable for home hair lamination: gelatin is diluted to a jelly-like state. While still warm - a balm suitable for the type of hair is added to it, everything is mixed and applied to the entire length of the hair. The hair is wrapped in cellophane and a towel and heated with a hair dryer for 15 minutes, after which the mask is kept on the head for another 40 minutes, washed off with warm water.

Nuance: Before applying the mask, wash your hair well with a suitable shampoo.

  1. Fast growth. Do you want to know the secrets of female beauty that promote rapid hair growth? Then this recipe is also for you, especially since the fashion for their length is changing as quickly as our - female - mood: today we want to flaunt with long hair, tomorrow we want to look like a lady with an extravagant haircut, and a week later longing for long hair attacks. hair ... Of course, in a day or two they will not grow, but a few months - a possible result from short to medium length hair. A mask with honey and red ground pepper will help: melt the honey slightly in a water bath (4 tablespoons), add tbsp to it. pepper, stir, apply the mask on cleanly washed hair, wrap your head with cellophane and a towel, hold the mask until you feel a slight burning sensation on the scalp, rinse with warm water. Repeating the procedure twice a week, after a month you will see a noticeable difference in the length of the hair.

Well, for the first time, enough folk recipes for beauty, because there are actually so many of them that it is very difficult to fit into one easily readable article. In addition, it is worth trying at least those that are given above - you may no longer need others.

Yuri Konstantinov

Folk recipes for youth and beauty


The appearance of a person always reflects the state of his health. The beauty of healthy skin, lips, nails, hair has not only hygienic, aesthetic value, but also a great psychological one. The beautiful appearance of a healthy person has a positive effect on his well-being, creates a cheerful mood, while flaws in appearance often entail shyness, isolation of character.

Nature generously supplies its resources completely disinterestedly, and man figured out how to maintain health and beauty with just simple healing herbs, vegetables, and flowers.

Organic acids, amino acids, carbohydrates, fatty and essential oils, enzymes, vitamins and other biologically active substances of plants are more related to the human body in nature than synthetic drugs. In the course of a long evolution, man has adapted to their assimilation; they are more easily included in the process of vital activity of the organism. Some medicinal plants can be grown in their garden plots and even at home.

About 40% of valuable medicinal preparations are obtained only from plants. The medicinal properties of plants are due to the presence of biologically active substances in them, which, when they enter the human body, have various beneficial effects on it.

Facial problem skin care with the help of medicinal plants quickly gives excellent results. Any woman can use herbal beauty recipes by preparing her own or buying the required medicinal herbs at a pharmacy.

For example, the medicinal properties of nettle have been known for a very long time. In traditional medicine recipes, it has been used since the 16th century as a remedy for hair loss.

Although youth inexorably passes, with the help of medicinal plants and careful facial care, you can maintain skin elasticity and freshness for a long time.

Other natural products are often used in cosmetics. For example, honey is a real miracle product, and beauty recipes, in which it is included, in fact, contribute to the return of youth and elasticity to the skin, and excellent health.

The human body needs various vitamins that are found in food and not only in them. Here is a list of essential vitamins:

hair - A, B2, B6, F, H,

eyes - A and B,

teeth - E and D,

nails - A, D and C.

Vitamins A, B, B12, E and F have a beneficial effect on the skin and on the whole body as a whole.

You need to carefully look at yourself, listen to your body and find ways to get closer to natural remedies to improve your appearance and well-being.

Facial care

Facial Skin Types

Facial skin can be normal, dry, oily and combination. Skin condition is an indicator of human health. The skin is a mirror of the body, check if everything is in order with it. Go to a gastroenterologist, an endocrinologist, get tested and, if necessary, start treatment.

normal skin evenly colored, smooth, elastic, clean, without wrinkles and cosmetic imperfections: acne, blackheads, whiteheads, enlarged pores. The skin tolerates conventional care products well. After 30, the skin gradually begins to deviate from the norm, resistance to sharp fluctuations in temperature decreases. Therefore, even normal facial skin requires cosmetic care.

Dry skin always thin, delicate, smooth and matte. She is extremely sensitive to external influences and irritants - cold and hot water, various types of soap. After washing, spots, peeling, a feeling of constriction appear on the face. Dry skin is due to the activity of the sebaceous glands and the intense evaporation of moisture from its surface. Dry skin needs serious care from the age of 30.

Oily skin looks thick, rough and shiny. Sebum, being released in excess, forms plugs in the openings of the sebaceous glands. Acne appears, which periodically become inflamed. The most oily skin occurs at a young age and can remain so up to 35-40 years. Oily skin requires special long-term care, appropriate treatment and adherence to a certain diet.

Combination skin (mixed type) differs in that its individual areas on the face can be attributed to dry skin or to oily. Very rarely, all three previously mentioned types of skin can fit on one face. Forehead, nose, chin are most often oily skin types, and cheeks are normal or dry. And although combination skin in most cases is associated with age-related changes, it also needs care.

Problem skin are the characteristics of each person.

Maintaining good skin condition of any type depends on many factors. First of all, it is the emotional state, the mood of a person. Cheerful and cheerful increases blood circulation, which, in turn, contributes to the activity of the skin. In a state of sadness and melancholy, the activity of the nervous system is inhibited. The skin becomes pale, dry, begins to peel off.

It should be remembered that alcohol and smoking are harmful not only to general health, but also to the skin of the face. For those who like to drink, it is sluggish, with greatly enlarged pores on the nose and cheeks. Smokers have pale, gray skin that is easily irritated and inflamed.

General principles of facial skin care

The skin is the outer shell of the body that protects the body from various adverse physical, chemical and biological stimuli. The skin takes a significant part in the formation of protective antibodies of the body. The skin maintains a constant body temperature. Waste and harmful substances are removed from the body through the skin.

The skin is a mirror that reflects the state of the whole organism. Therefore, taking care of the health of the body is, first of all, taking care of the condition of the skin. We can say that the skin has two faces: one is turned outward, towards the environment, and the other is turned inward, towards the body.

The main signs of beautiful skin

The skin should be thin, delicate and smooth. Skin tissue should be elastic, without visible pores.

The skin should have a pinkish color, be elastic.

The skin should have a good natural color, have the same color.

There should be no spots on the skin (indicating the presence of any disease).

  1. In the morning, for the beauty of the eyes and skin on an empty stomach, drink a glass of the following revitalizing cocktail: carrot juice, beetroot juice, a piece of grated celery, parsley, a slice of lemon.
  2. Meat (for sluggish skin). Only meat, be it beef, pork or poultry, can provide the body with animal protein in the required amount. With a lack of protein, "meat" vitamins and essential fatty acids, there is a loss of tone, turgor knives, it becomes more loose and flabby. Therefore, in order to give vigor to the skin, it is necessary to eat 100-150 g of meat per day, especially after 25 years.
  3. Grapefruit (for radiant skin). This citrus fruit contains a huge amount of vitamin C - the main antioxidant in cosmetology. With a lack of vitamin C in the body, a decrease in the intensity of all processes occurs, lethargy occurs and, as a result, a violation of the blood supply to the skin. Vitamin C also contributes to the formation of collagen - the so-called basis of connective tissue, which maintains the elasticity of the skin and ensures the strength of blood vessels. Grapefruit, which, in addition to vitamin C, contains essential oils, will help you return the blush, will promote better digestion of food and stimulate metabolism. Half a grapefruit before breakfast, a glass of freshly squeezed juice before dinner - and even radiant color will return to the skin.
  4. Olive oil is rich in Omega-3 and Omega-6 essential fatty acids, which are responsible for the skin's ability to self-moisturize and play a major role in restoring the structure of hair and nails. Useful amino acids are also rich in fatty varieties of sea fish. To activate the process of healing the skin, hair and nails, you should consume two tablespoons of olive oil daily, dress salad with it, cook meat and vegetables on it, or eat 200 g of fish per day.
  5. Green tea, one of the most healing remedies for the skin, helps to maintain facial skin tone.
  6. (for flaky skin). Narrowing, flaky skin, with redness and allergic rashes, is very often a sign of vitamin A deficiency. Carrots contain a large amount of carotene and fiber, which help stabilize skin health, even out its structure and color. True, an excess of vitamin A, in turn, can lead to yellowing of the skin, so the best option is to eat at least, but not more than one medium carrot per day. It is best to do this before lunch or dinner, adding a few drops of vegetable oil to the salad for better absorption of vitamins. Interestingly, manufacturers of self-tanning products add an increased amount of carotene to their preparations and thus achieve their main property - to color the skin in a yellowish-brown color, similar to the color of a tan.

Cocktail for beauty and rejuvenation

Hollywood Cocktail. We take 5 lemons, 5 bottles of mineral water, better "Borjomi" or "Essentuki", but you can also use ordinary table mineral water, and you still need 10 tbsp. spoons of honey. All this amount is calculated for 10 days. We take a regular glass, it can be faceted, mix half a lemon and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey, then pour half a bottle of mineral water, and the cocktail is ready! We drink it on an empty stomach. The rest of the lemon and mineral water goes the next day, and so on. Many Hollywood stars use it! Firstly, everything is natural, which means - without harm, it helps a lot with stress, insomnia, plus there is a rejuvenation of the face and body! Pleasant to drink and accessible to everyone!

A cocktail of health, youth, beauty

Cocktail of health, youth, beauty - 0.5 l of cold milk, 2 tbsp. spoons of honey, 2 tbsp. spoons of any fruit or vegetable juice, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of apricot juice or compote, one raw yolk. Drink a cocktail throughout the day

A diet that has a rejuvenating effect.

The main rule of a rejuvenating diet: "Everything is possible, but little by little." This principle must be followed every day, and only 2 days a month it is necessary to strictly follow the rules of the diet. Here is the wellness menu for these 2 days.
Drink a glass of water in the morning right after you wake up.
For breakfast, eat 1 egg and 2 any fruit or a bowl of oatmeal with a spoonful of vegetable oil and fresh berries.
For lunch, cook 200 g of boiled salmon, 100 g of vegetables seasoned with olive oil and lemon juice, fresh berries.
For an afternoon snack, eat a glass of yogurt, a few nuts, a green apple.
For dinner, boil 200 g of chicken breast, cut a salad of tomatoes and cucumbers, season with olive oil. Eat 1-2 fruits.
Before going to bed, you can drink a glass of kefir or another fermented milk drink.
In between, drink green tea with a ring of lemon and a spoonful of honey.

1. Wash your face not with tap water, but with water that has settled overnight.
2. Do not pour out tea leaves until morning. In the morning after washing, rinse your face and eyes with it. Healthy!
3. Don't forget your hands. Soak them for a few minutes in warm water, drained after boiling potatoes. 4. Baths with different herbs, with orange peels, pine needles, with withered rose petals are useful for pep and body.
5. Before going to bed, massage your feet, stretch them. After all, each part of the foot is connected with the internal organs of our body.
6. Do not forget about the bath (to whom it is not contraindicated). Cheerfulness, good mood and beautiful appearance are guaranteed to you. Be healthy and happy.

Prolong the youthfulness of the skin

To improve skin tone, it is enough to follow simple rules. So:
- Brew herbal (or green) tea and drink 3-4 times a day for 1/2 cup;
- In the morning, nourish your skin with a refreshing cocktail: beat with a mixer half a ripe banana, 3/4 cup whey, 1/2 teaspoon honey, royal jelly and flower pollen. Apply the mask on cleansed face and keep for at least 20 minutes;
- once a day, drink a freshly squeezed mixture of grapefruit, orange and lemon juices with the addition of 1 teaspoon. l. linseed oil;
- watch facial expressions: try to wrinkle your forehead less and move your eyebrows to the bridge of your nose; - at night it is useful to do steam baths.
Coniferous bath will rejuvenate the skin
Undoubtedly, it is very pleasant to soak in a warm bath, but you should not do this more than twice a week, otherwise the skin may begin to dry and flake. To avoid stress on the heart, take a bath for no longer than 15 - 20 minutes. It is very useful to add herbal infusions and decoctions, sea salt, honey or milk to the water. Such baths have a strengthening and tonic effect on the body, make the skin smooth and supple. Doctors recommend taking a pine bath 2 hours before bedtime. A glass of pine needles pour 2 liters of boiling water, let the broth brew for 2 hours, strain and drink in water, the temperature of which is 30 - 35 °. A pleasant aromatic bath will relieve fatigue.

A little secret to maintaining health and youth

You need to take 1 tbsp. l. fennel root, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, boil for a couple of minutes, let it brew for 10 minutes and strain. Drink this drink 2 tea cups a day. And you can also make an infusion: crushed fennel fruits (1 tsp is enough) pour a glass of boiling water, let it brew for 2 hours in a sealed container, strain - and you can drink 20 minutes before meals 1/4 cup 3-4 times a day . It is believed that fennel prolongs life, gives vigor, relieves many diseases.

anti aging food

Youth is always associated with beauty and health. That is what we want to keep as long as possible. How to stop time, preserve youth and avoid premature aging?
An anti-aging diet will help you slow down the aging process and increase life expectancy, improve your general condition and prevent heart and brain diseases, metabolic disorders, etc. What foods are included in such a diet?
Products containing fibers
Don't get carried away with refined foods. Replace them with whole grain bread and cereals, fresh vegetables and fruits, herbs. These products help to improve digestion, which is closely related to all processes in our body. With their help, you will get rid of problems that increase with age, reduce weight and cholesterol levels, and restore normal blood sugar levels. In addition, you will saturate your body with vitamins that will help maintain good eyesight, skin elasticity, a good figure, etc.
Do you want to keep youth? Then remember the following recipe. Grate an apple and half a carrot. Mix them with 1 tbsp. l. soaked semolina and 1 tbsp. l. finely chopped walnuts. Dress the salad with sour cream. Bon Appetit.
Healthy fats
If you regularly eat oily fish, dress salads with olive oil, do not refuse walnuts, pumpkin seeds and sesame seeds, then your body is getting enough healthy omega-3 fatty acids. These acids help to increase the lifespan of cells, that is, slow down the aging process of tissues, prevent the development of atherosclerosis, Alzheimer's disease and other ailments that appear in old age.
Food of animal origin
In order not to grow old ahead of time, we need products not only of plant origin. Your body needs protein to halt the loss of muscle strength and increase the rate of growth of healthy cells, and bones and joints need calcium and vitamin D.
If there are no contraindications, do not give up lean meat and liver, poultry and fish, chicken eggs and dairy products. In addition to the properties already mentioned, these products will enrich your diet with minerals.
Please note: water is involved in almost all chemical processes that occur in the body. Therefore, it is not surprising that without a sufficient amount of fluid, negative changes in the body and aging will begin earlier.
Drink pure water, freshly squeezed juices and green tea, recognized as a health elixir with a rejuvenating effect.
But it is better to forget about alcohol, lemonades and strong coffee.

Women's longevity

Of course, no one wants to grow old. But for women, aging is enemy number one.
For the opportunity to push back old age and prolong our lives, each of us would give a lot. Meanwhile, everything is not so difficult, female longevity is easily achievable. The most important thing is to eat right. Here is a list of foods that have the most antioxidants, eat them regularly. These are, for example, pistachios, dark chocolate, tea (black and especially green).
Summer is the perfect time to enrich the body with vitamins,. Therefore, lean on blueberries, blackcurrants, cherries (it also relieves inflammation). And from vegetables, pay attention to red onions, tomatoes, broccoli, spinach. Of course, I regularly eat apples. No wonder the British say that one apple a day will save you from going to the doctors.
For the beauty and elasticity of the skin, be sure to include omega-3 fatty acids in the diet. For example, dress salads with olive oil instead of unhealthy mayonnaise. Eat more oily fish, avocados, walnuts. And do not torture your body, do not keep it on a dry diet. Drink at least 1.5 liters of water daily. This will help remove toxins and toxins, improve digestion. So, you will become more beautiful and younger!

Beauty and health cocktails

The season of fresh fruits and berries is the time to saturate the body with substances that are good for the skin. The most convenient and delicious way to do this is to drink vitamin shakes and smoothies.
Mix 1 cup yogurt, 1/4 avocado, a large handful of spinach leaves, 1 ripe banana in a blender. This cocktail is a source of unsaturated fatty acids and vitamins A and E.
To a glass of yogurt, add a glass of cold green tea, a handful of crushed mint leaves, juice and zest of 2 limes or lemons, 1 tsp. honey and a few ice cubes. Mix well in a blender. The cocktail is rich in beneficial lactic acid bacteria, cleanses the intestines well and supplies the skin with antioxidants.
Mix a green apple, banana, a glass of orange juice, a glass of natural yogurt, 1/2 cup skimmed milk in a blender and add 1 tbsp. l. linseed oil. It is a good source of unsaturated fatty acids and vitamins.
Mix 1 cup of raspberries, 0.5 cups of pomegranate juice, 1 ripe banana and 0.5 cups of kefir. This cocktail helps to cope with inflammatory skin diseases.

Elixir of youth and beauty.

Add 1 tsp to a glass of warm water. honey and lemon juice, as well as 10-15 drops of Eleutherococcus tincture. Helps to improve the tone of the whole body.

Familiar products will give beauty

Some of the products we are used to are sources of not only health, but also beauty. By including them in your daily menu, you will make yourself even more attractive. For example, ordinary carrots, when consumed regularly, not only improve skin and eyesight - they benefit hair. Cottage cheese makes the skin of the lips soft and tender (for this it is enough to eat it at 40 g per day). Fish or fresh peanuts help get rid of acne. Bananas soften and moisturize the skin of the hands. Soy and soy products strengthen hair follicles. And sheep's cheese gives strength and healthy color to the nails.