Games contests for the new year for the company. Celebrating the new year with fun: contests

Have you already started preparing contests for the new year 2019? Yesterday I decided to look for various games and contests for the new year, and found many interesting ones that will help us enter the Year of the Pig with fun and joy.

How to prepare for contests and games: fun and interesting contests for the New Year will help save even traditional New Year's family gatherings in the company with the TV, not to mention a party for a fun company. However, it is best to prepare a little.

  1. Make a plan for games and contests. A group of adults will need to eat and raise their glasses for the new year and dance, so the game program should be carefully woven into the natural flow of the party.
  2. Prepare props. Having decided what you will play at home for the new year, make a list of what you need for this or that competition. It is best to arrange the props and prizes according to themed contests (I use small gift bags for this).
  3. Stock up on prizes. People are very fond of receiving small funny prizes - sweets, chocolates, cute Christmas toys. It is better to take prizes with a margin.
  4. Supporting materials are best done on cards - if you need to stock up on some phrases, scripts and texts, then write or print them in advance on ordinary cards, this is much more convenient than using one large script.
  5. Pick up music, identify your assistants, prepare a place for games.

Collection of contests and games


The simplest New Year's games and all sorts of contests are those where guests do not need to do anything - for example, they can be offered to burst balls, inside which there will be wishes.

It is necessary to prepare in advance a large bunch of balloons (their number should be more than the number of guests, just in case), inside which notes with wishes are embedded. For example, you can give a guest scissors and offer to cut the ball they like, and then read it out loud to all the guests - such a simple but sweet entertainment helps the company to have fun and unite.


New Year's games and contests based on the “question and answer” model always attract a lot of applause. It is not surprising - everyone loves to laugh, but there are no difficulties.

So, the presenter hands out small pieces of paper and pens to the guests, and offers to write down their favorite number (or any other number that comes to mind). If you wish, you can record some sequence and play several rounds. When all the guests have coped with the task, the presenter says that now all those present will be able to learn more about each other - he will ask questions, and the guests will answer them by picking up a piece of paper with the recorded numbers and loudly announcing the answer.

It is best to choose simple questions - how old is this or that guest, how many times a day he eats, how much he weighs, how many times he stayed for the second year, and so on.

"Not a word of truth"

My favorite fun is funny contests for the new year. Of course, for the company of retirees it will be necessary to select something more decent, but in your circle you can always have fun - for example, by playing the game "Not a word of truth."

The presenter will need to prepare a lot of New Year's questions in advance, such as:
  • what tree is traditionally dressed up for a holiday?
  • which film in our country symbolizes the new year?
  • what is customary to launch into the sky on New Year's Eve?
  • who is molded out of snow in winter?
  • who on TV addresses the Russians with a New Year's speech?
  • outgoing year - who is the year according to the Chinese calendar?
It is better to write down more questions, you can ask about New Year's traditions in different countries, or the habits of guests. During the game, the presenter will have to quickly and cheerfully ask his questions, and the guests will have to answer, without speaking a word of the truth.

Anyone who makes mistakes and answers truthfully, based on the results of the game, can read poetry, sing a song or fulfill various desires - you can use desires to play forfeits, for example, the loser needs to shove several slices of tangerine by both cheeks and say something like "I am a hamster and I eat grain, do not touch it - it is mine, and whoever takes it is the end!"... Explosions of laughter are guaranteed - both during the game and during the "punishment" of the losing participant.

"Accurate shooter"

As entertainment for the new year 2019, you can play snipers. The funnest of all is to play this game when the participants are already a little drunk - and coordination becomes more free, and there is less constraint, and it is already a little more difficult to hit the target.

The essence of the game is as follows - the guests are divided into two teams, and in turn each player throws "snowballs" into the bucket. A bucket from the players is set at a distance of five to seven meters, as "snowballs" you can use cotton balls, crumpled paper, or just take a couple of sets of simple Christmas balls made of plastic, which are sold in any supermarket.

I decided to improve this 2019 new year party game for adults and use children's basketball hoops as a "target" - getting into them with a soft ball of cotton is even more difficult than hitting a bucket.

"New Year decoration"

Of course, New Year's contests for adults can be less athletic.

All those present must be divided into teams of 5-6 people (depending on the number of guests at your party). The task for the teams is to build a New Year's ball. For crafting, you can only use toilet items, accessories and decorations that are on the team members. The team that makes the brightest and most beautiful ball wins.

By the way, a little life hack- in every company there are people who do not take an active part in contests and just try to sit out, which is why quite a lot of time is spent on persuasion. So, appoint their jury - you can make them cards with grades in advance, offer them to say a short speech into an impromptu microphone. So they will be simultaneously involved in the general fun, and at the same time they will not have to be persuaded and pulled from the table.

And, of course, the sight of a mother who speaks soulfully into a glass of champagne instead of a microphone about how grateful she is to Mikhalkov and the film academy for the opportunity to see the battle on the ice in her own living room is priceless. :))

"Come, forest deer"

By the way, if you are looking for contests for a corporate party for the new year or for a party that will not take place in a city apartment, then be sure to play Santa with his reindeer. Here you do not need to divide the guests into teams, you just need to invite them to split into pairs.

Each pair has a "deer" and "Santa" (you can give one of the improvised horns, and the other Santa Claus caps - both are sold for mere pennies in the store of fixed prices before the new year).

The "deer" needs to be blindfolded and made a sled - no need to be smart, a simple clothesline or lace that wraps around the belt will do. The reins are given to Santa, who stands behind his "deer". The track is built from the pins, the leader gives a signal and the competition begins. The winners are those participants who came to the finish line earlier than others and did not knock down the pins. Instead of pins, you can use empty bottles, cardboard drink cups or paper cones (we made them in the shape of Christmas trees, it was very cute).

"Collective letter"

When it comes to New Year's games at the table, I always remember how my parents and friends each new year wrote a collective New Year's greetings for everyone present. You can use ready-made text (as in the image), you can make your own - the main thing is that it should not contain adjectives - they should be called by guests.

The presenter invites the guests to congratulate each other and say a big and beautiful toast - and waves a postcard on which he has already written a congratulation. Only now he did not have enough adjectives, and the guests should prompt them. All in disagreement offer adjectives related to winter, new year and holiday, and the host writes them down and then reads out the result - the text turns out to be very funny!

"Turnip: New Year's version"

Love New Year's contests for the whole family - then the turnip is what you need!

So, you need to prepare the participants - you need them according to the number of characters in the fairy tale. Each participant is assigned a role in an impromptu performance. It's simple, the participant needs to remember the key phrase and the movement that he should act out when mentioning himself.
  1. The turnip will clap his knees and then clap his hands with the exclamation "Oba!"
  2. The grandfather rubs his palms and groans "Ta-ak-s!".
  3. The grandmother swings her fist at the grandfather and says, "I would have nailed!"
  4. Dancing granddaughter sings "I'm ready!" in a high voice (when this role is played by men, it turns out just fine).
  5. The bug itches and complains about fleas.
  6. The cat wags its "tail" and manneredly holds out "And I am on my own."
  7. The mouse sadly shrugs its shoulders and says “We’re done!”.
After everyone has tried themselves in a new role, the presenter reads the text of the fairy tale (there are no changes here), and the actors act out their role whenever they hear about themselves. Grandfather planted (rubs his hands and grunts) a turnip (clap-clap, wow!) And further in the text. Believe me, bursts of laughter will be enough, especially when the fairy tale comes to the end, and the host will list all the participants in turn.

"Strictly alphabetical"

In one of the pauses, the presenter takes the floor, and reminds everyone present that the New Year's celebration is just beginning, but the alphabet is already difficult to remember. In this connection, the presenter proposes to fill the glasses and raise them, but strictly in alphabetical order.

Each guest should make a short toast to their own letter of the alphabet. The first one starts with the letter a, the second must start with the letter b, and so on. Toasts should be simple:
  1. ANDan absolute must-have for happiness in the new year!
  2. Blet's go healthy in the new year!
  3. INlet's drink for the old year!
  4. Eif we don't get drunk, we'll have to gorge ourselves!
The task for everyone present is to make toasts to each letter of the alphabet, and then choose a winner - the one who came up with the best toast, which is worth drinking for, becomes it!


If you want to pick up outdoor games for the new year 2019 - play bunny. On New Year's Eve, playing this game at home is best when there are many guests - it is suitable for a group of friends.

Everyone stands in a circle and hold hands, the presenter walks around all the players in a circle and whispers to everyone the names of two animals - a wolf and a bunny, a fox and a bunny, and so on. Then he explains the essence of the game - when the presenter pronounces the name of the animal aloud, the person to whom it was made crouches, and his neighbors on the left and right, on the contrary, pull him up, not allowing him to sit down. You need to play at a good pace so that the participants go into a rage.

The main trick of this action is that absolutely all players have a second animal - a bunny. Therefore, after people have alternately squatted on the names of other animals, the presenter says “Bunny!” And the whole circle sharply tries to sit down (trying to overcome the possible resistance of neighbors, as was the case with other animals).

Naturally, everyone laughs, and a bunch of smalls gathers on the floor!

"News from the new year"

An excellent competition that you can play without leaving the table.

The presenter will need to prepare cards on which unrelated words and concepts will be written - five or six words, no more. Each participant receives a card and must quickly come up with hot news from the New Year's issue, using all the words from the card. What to write on the cards? Any set of words.
  • China, dumplings, roses, Olympics, lilac.
  • Santa Claus, wheel, eraser, north, travel bag.
  • New 2019 year, fan, tights, pan, scabies.
  • Santa Claus, pig, herring, stapler, barrier.
  • Nettle, tinsel, Kirkorov, fishing rod, plane.
  • Football, shovel, snow, Snow Maiden, tangerines.
  • Snowman, beard, tights, bike, school.
  • Winter, zoo, washing, boa constrictor, rug.
How do you come up with news? Set an example for guests by showing that you need to use all the words, and the stranger the news is, the more interesting it is.

Well, for example, from the last example I gave you can build something like this: "In the Moscow zoo, during a winter wash, a rug was found in a boa constrictor." There will be a reason to be surprised, and laugh, and to drink for all the news in the new 2019 to be as positive.

"Jumping into the new year"

In the family circle, as entertainment for the new year, we often arrange jumping in, and 2019 will not be an exception, I am sure - this is already a kind of tradition.

So, how it happens: after having drunk for the outgoing year, the presenter brings felt-tip pens and pencils (the brighter the better) and a large sheet of paper (Whatman A0-A1) and invites everyone present not just to enter the new year, but to jump - so that it is dynamic, energetic and bright!

And so that all desires come true, you need to draw them. On a large sheet of paper, everyone draws their desires - someone has time to draw several miniatures, someone has enough time to sketch what they want. By the time the president speaks, the drawing is usually finished or the final touches remain. After the President's speech, the host invites everyone to join hands, count the chorus chorus, and solemnly jump into the new year and into the realization of their own desires!

By the way, my mother and I usually save the sheet, and next year we check who has what came true - also a topic for a table conversation, by the way.

"The most of the most"

Good New Year's entertainment can happen without a host. A good way to keep your guests busy is to give them quests, but few people just want to compete, right?

Therefore, we do the following - we hang sweets or small gifts on the tree. It is best to opt for curly chocolate or other sweet Christmas tree decorations. We supply each with a note to whom the gift is intended, but we write not names, but some definitions over which guests will have to reflect and get to know each other better (ideally when there are newcomers who need to join an existing company).

What to write on labels:

  1. The owner of the darkest eyes.
  2. The best high jumper.
  3. The biggest bully (here you will have to tell everyone about your hooliganism in childhood).
  4. To the owner of the best tan.
  5. The owner of the highest heels.
  6. The owner of the most dangerous job.
  7. A pair whose clothing buttons add up to 10.
  8. The one who wears more yellow today.
I think you get the main message. The guests will independently begin to find out who was vacationing where, who has a brighter tan, measure the length of heels and discuss the work.

"Song from the Hat"

By the way, almost all New Year's contests at the table involve playing with a hat - they throw some notes into the hat in advance, and then take out and carry out tasks from relatives or colleagues.

In the new year 2019, with our family, we will play a popular variation of this game with songs. You need to sketch notes with winter and New Year's words in the hat, each guest blindly pulls out a note from the hat and sings a song in which this word occurs.

By the way, it will be possible to have fun even if during the feast you forget all the songs - most likely, your family, like my relatives, will have a smart idea to compose a small song on the go to the most popular tune, or somehow remake one from famous New Year songs of the past.

By the way, this game is also suitable for a small company of any age - of course, a student is unlikely to recognize Soviet songs, but the result will be funny, and different age groups will be able to get closer during the game - after all, cool New Year's contests unite!


Naturally, contests for the new year for young people are not complete without flirting - why not help friends get closer?

So, girls are put on robes or shirts, and the guys are given thick winter mittens. The essence of the competition is to quickly button up the girls' shirts so that they do not freeze!

By the way, my friends, who love various New Year contests for teenagers and young people, wanted to make this contest the other way around - freeing the girls from their shirts, however, they had to disqualify the participant - it turns out that even with mittens it is convenient to pull the shirt floor and tear off all the buttons at once. Therefore, it is better to fasten it, it is not easy to do this in mittens.

"Let's draw Santa Claus"

Creative New Year's contests for corporate parties are a great opportunity to have fun.

So, holes for hands are made in a dense sheet of cardboard. We give out brushes to the players, they must stick their hands through the holes and depict Santa Claus. At this moment they do not see what they are drawing.

At work, you can divide the team into male and female teams, and give the task to some to portray the Snow Maidens, and to others - Grandfather Frost. The winner is the team whose result is most similar to the fairytale character.

By the way, if you are looking for contests for a New Year's corporate party, do not forget to find fun music too - I use a cut from Soviet children's cartoons for the 2019 New Year contests, this usually evokes the warmest emotions.

"Handing out the roles"

You can start fun contests for the new year for the family with this kind of entertainment.

Prepare more attributes of fabulous New Year's characters, put notes with roles in empty capsules from kinder (you can simply wrap them in wrapping paper in the manner of sweets) and start playing at the table for the new year with a proposal to find out who still rules the show.

Everyone present should play out their role. It can be snowflakes, bunnies, squirrels, Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, the snow queen, an overseas guest - Santa Claus and his reindeer. Distribute small attributes to all guests that will correspond to their role that night - for example, a crown will fit the snow queen, Santa Claus can knock loudly with an elegant staff, and a company of over-grown bunny boys with white ears will decorate any New Year's photo.

Believe me, New Year's drinking games will acquire a new color as soon as Grandma Zima starts to speak to toast or Mikhailo Potapych, who has specially woken up for competitions for the New Year 2019 and New Year's dances.

"Photo tests"

What are some cool New Year contests without photos?

Make a photo area and collect some props in this corner - guests can take pictures in different ways, and then you can arrange photo tests. So, you will need to determine who is suitable for the role:
  • the most decrepit snowflake;
  • the most sleepy guest;
  • the most cheerful Baba Yaga;
  • the most hungry Santa Claus;
  • the most generous Santa Claus;
  • the kindest Santa Claus;
  • the most beautiful Snow Maiden;
  • the most overeating guest;
  • the happiest guest;
  • the most cunning Baba Yaga;
  • the most evil Kashchei;
  • the most powerful hero;
  • the most capricious princess;
  • the largest snowflake;
  • etc…
By the way, you can hold this competition a little differently - stock up on props, and invite the guests to draw out the role in which they are to be photographed without looking, and the rest of the participants should help with advice and deed to better embody the image. You can laugh in the process, and when you look at the pictures - fortunately, you can do it literally in a few minutes.

"Little things from Santa Claus"

Tell the guests a legend about how Santa Claus walked through the forest with gifts, fell with one foot into a snowdrift and spilled gifts from the bag. The big ones remained in the bag, and the small presents fell out. And you picked them up and now give them to all the guests.

Wrap all kinds of nice little things that you bought in advance in an opaque package, or, or you can wrap gifts in small pieces of fabric, like miniature bags tied with a thick thread or ribbon.

As pleasant little things there can be: calendars, candles, key chains, pens, flashlights, kinders, liquid soap, magnets.

Every time it surprises with what trepidation the guests are waiting for these gifts ... Not only children, but even adults :-)

Well, and finally, be a good magician and predictor, another New Year's entertainment from the site:

Now you know how my holiday will go, and what games will you have for a New Year's corporate party or home party? Share your ideas, because it is better to prepare table games for the New Year and interesting contests in advance, and 2019 is just around the corner!

New Year is just around the corner. An important component of an exciting and fun holiday is contests for the New Year. They unite and force the participants of the event to be active.

Some contests are of a game nature, others for ingenuity, and others for dexterity or ingenuity. Do not forget about the existence of erotic contests that are suitable for uninhibited people.

If you want the New Year's holiday to be remembered for a long time, be sure to include several exciting contests in the New Year's program. The photographs taken in the process will remind this evening and the joyful atmosphere many years later.

The most fun contests for the New Year

I offer 6 fun contests. With their help, you will cheer up the company, raise your spirits to the maximum, make the festive team more active.

  1. "New Year Fishing"... You will need Christmas toys made of cotton wool, a fishing rod with a large hook. Participants of the competition will take turns to hang New Year's toys on the street, and then take them off. The winner is the one who completes the task faster than others.
  2. "Funny Drawings"... On a large piece of cardboard, make two holes for the arms. Players will have to paint the Snow Maiden or Santa Claus with a brush, passing their hands through the holes. They can't see what they are painting. The prize will go to the author of the most successful masterpiece.
  3. "Frosty breath"... Place a large paper cut snowflake on the table in front of each participant. The task of each participant is to blow off the snowflake so that it falls to the floor on the other side of the table. The competition ends when the last snowflake hits the floor. The winner is the player who took the most time to complete the task. It is all because of his frosty breath, because of which the snowflake "froze" to the table surface.
  4. "Dish of the Year". The participants will have to prepare a dish using products from the New Year's table. A New Year's composition of salads or a unique sandwich will do. After that, a man sits down in front of each participant, and all the players are blindfolded. The winner is the "New Year hostess" who feeds the dish to the man the fastest.
  5. "New Year's melody"... Place the bottles in front of the contestants and put a couple of spoons. They should take turns approaching the bottles and singing the melody with spoons. The author of the most New Year's musical composition wins.
  6. "Modern Snow Maiden"... Men participating in the competition dress up women in order to create the image of a modern Snow Maiden. You can use items of clothing, jewelry, Christmas toys, all kinds of cosmetics. The victory will go to the "stylist" who created the most unusual and striking image of the Snow Maiden.

The list doesn't end there. If you have imagination, you can come up with a good competition yourself. The main thing is to make it cheerful and bring smiles on the faces of the participants and spectators.

Video examples

New Year contests for children and adults

A real holiday, in addition to noisy pastime at the table, provides for small dance breaks, massive games and various competitions.

New Year's Eve is aimed at a mixed audience, so choose a New Year's contests so that everyone can participate. After a half-hour feast, offer your guests several musical and active contests. Having thoroughly blurred and danced, they again return to eating New Year's salads.

I offer 5 interesting contests for children and adults. I am sure they will take their rightful place in the New Year's entertainment program.

  1. "Fir-trees". Participants imagine that they are Christmas trees standing in the middle of the forest. The presenter says the trees are high, low or wide. After these words, the participants raise their hands up, squat or spread their arms. The player who made the mistake is eliminated. The most attentive wins.
  2. "Dress up the tree." You will need garlands, tinsel and ribbons. The Christmas trees will be women and girls. They hold the end of the garland in their hand. The males decorate the tree by holding the other end of the garland with their lips. The winner is the couple who will create an elegant and beautiful Christmas tree.
  3. The Mummy. The competition involves the use of toilet paper. The participants are divided into two teams and a mummy is chosen in them. The rest of the participants will have to mummify her. They wrap the “lucky one” in toilet paper. The teams make sure that there are no gaps between the turns. The team that completes the task faster wins.
  4. "Twins" . Couples involved. For example, mother and son, father and daughter. Participants hug each other around the waist with one hand. For two, you get two free hands. After that, the couple will have to cut out the figure. One participant is holding a paper, the second is wielding scissors. The team with the most beautiful figure wins.
  5. "A tomato" . The competition is designed for two participants who stand face to face on opposite sides of the chair. A banknote is placed on the chair. At the end of the countdown, participants must cover the bill with their hand. Whoever succeeded first won. After that, the participants are invited to a blindfold rematch. Instead of money, they put a tomato on the chair. Surprising the participants will amuse the audience.

New Year's games for children

The main holiday of winter is New Year, accompanied by vacations, good mood and a lot of free time. When guests gather in the house, New Year's games for children will come in handy.

Comic tasks, coupled with bright images and a festive mood, will create a positive background for the holiday. Even an uncomplicated collective game will be exciting if played with a friendly company. Children will be especially pleased with the competitions, the victory in which will bring New Year's gifts.

  1. "Tiger's tail"... Participants line up and take the person in front by the shoulders. The first competitor in the line is the tiger's head. The end of the column is the tail. After the signal, the "tail" seeks to catch up with the "head", which is trying to escape. The "torso" must remain in the hitch. After a while, the children change places.
  2. "Merry round dance"... The usual round dance can be significantly complicated. The presenter sets the tone by constantly changing the direction and speed of the movement. After several circles, lead a round dance with a snake, moving between pieces of furniture and guests.
  3. "Travel" . Team play involves the use of blindfolds and pins. Place the pins like a snake in front of the participants of the two teams. Team members join hands and cover the distance blindfolded. All pins must remain upright. The team whose members hit fewer pins wins the game.
  4. "Compliment to the Snow Maiden"... Choose Snow Maiden. Then invite some boys who will compliment her. They have to get out of the bag pieces of paper with inscriptions and on the basis of the words that are written on them, express "warm words." The player with the most compliments wins.
  5. "Magic Words"... Divide the participants into teams and hand over a set of letters that make up a certain word. Each team member gets only one letter. In the story read by the presenter, words from these letters are encountered. When such a word is pronounced, the players with the corresponding letters come forward and rearrange in the desired order. The team that is ahead of the opponents earns a point.
  6. "What changed"... Visual memory will help you win the game. Each participant carefully examines the toys hanging on the branches of the Christmas tree for a certain time. After the children leave the room. Several toys are outweighed or new ones are added. When the children return, they need to voice what has changed.
  7. "Gift in a circle"... Participants stand in a circle face to face. The presenter gives one of the players a gift and turns on the music. After that, the gift moves in a circle. After stopping the music, the gift transfer stops. The player who has the gift left is eliminated. At the end of the game, there will be one participant who will receive this memento.

Video of children's games

Ideas for the New Year

Waiting for a miracle is a tedious task, it is better to create it yourself. What to do? Imagine yourself as a wizard, look around, collect unpretentious objects and create something soulful, shimmering, warm and extraordinary. It will take some free time.

  1. "Christmas balls with fabric applique"... For a Christmas tree to become stylish and original, it is not necessary to purchase expensive toys. You can create an exclusive design using cheap plastic balls without a pattern. Cut out the same motifs from an old scarf or a beautiful piece of fabric, and stick them on the surface of the balls.
  2. "Christmas tree toy from orange"... You will need a few oranges, a beautiful elegant ribbon, a cute string, a couple of cinnamon sticks. Cut the oranges into slices and send to dry in the oven. Tie a string of cinnamon sticks and tie to a slice of orange. Make a loop on top. The final touch is a bow tied to the loop.

Amazing snowflake

It is difficult to imagine a New Year's holiday without a dozen perky snowflakes.

  1. Trim the tips of the toothpick with scissors. Use a paper cutter to make a small cut in the middle of one end of the toothpick. This is the main tool.
  2. Make several blanks out of paper. The width of the strip is in the region of three millimeters. The length is equal to the length of the sheet.
  3. Create a spiral. Carefully insert the edge of the paper strip into the slot on the toothpick and twist it into a spiral. Twist the tool, not the paper. Make sure that the spiral is as flat as possible. Remove the spiral and put it on the table.
  4. Spread the edge of the strip twisted into a spiral with glue and press it against the spiral. Press the end lightly. You will get a droplet with a spiral inside. Make as many of these elements as possible.
  5. The shape of the elements can be changed. During gluing, squeeze the element with your fingers, giving a certain shape. This creates not only circles, but droplets and eyes.
  6. Having prepared the required number of elements, start forming the snowflake. Create a pattern from individual elements, fastening with a drop of glue. You will get an amazingly beautiful snowflake.

Perhaps my ideas for the New Year will seem too simple. If you do everything right, the result will be very beautiful, with minimal investment of time and money.

Ideas for the New Year with your family

On this day, grandfathers, aunts and parents will gather in one house. We need to try to make the festive night varied and fun. Only advance planning and careful preparation will help in this.

  1. Prepare a script. Each family member should be assigned to write a small congratulatory speech. Close people are pleased to hear kind words.
  2. Write humorous toasts on the pieces of paper. During the feast, guests will share their own thoughts and amuse each other.
  3. Arrange a family interview. A good video camera will come in handy. You can record the wishes of family members on video.

And contests for entertaining guests at home

"New Year's cocktail"

Participants of the competition are divided into pairs, one of the participants is blindfolded with a towel or scarf.

The second player from the couple prepares a cocktail in a deep glass from the ingredients on the festive table. You can mix everything in a cocktail, the main thing is not to overdo it, since the second participant will have to consume this cocktail inside ...

The participant, who is blindfolded, tries the "nuclear mixture", his task is to guess the components of the cocktail. The pair in which all or most of the components are guessed wins.

"Dancing on Ice"

This competition is for those who love to dance literally until they drop. Participants are invited to remember the main characters of the film "Titanic" and fully experience the acuteness of the experiences of two lovers who were on the verge of death. The presenter tells a wonderful and tragic romantic story: after a ship wreck, she and he find themselves lost in the ocean on a huge, unsinkable ice floe. Lovers do not harbor any hope of salvation and realize that these are the last moments of their lives. A tragic denouement is inevitable ...

So, after listening to the sad story, the participants are divided into pairs. An "ice block" is laid on the floor - a newspaper is spread out and lyric music is turned on (possibly performed by Celine Dion). The participants begin their last dance. The task of the players is not to leave the newspaper even a step during the dance. Then the "ice floe" begins to melt - the newspaper is folded in half. And the tempo of the music also changes to a more dynamic one. However, the water continues to wash away the ice floe, it melts ... The newspaper is again folded in half. Music becomes even more dynamic. As a result, the couple wins, who, continuing to dance, will be able to stay on a small piece of "ice".

"Winter blizzards"

For this competition, the presenter must prepare several small pieces of cotton wool (according to the number of players) and distribute them to the participants. At the command "Blizzard has begun!" - all players simultaneously throw up their "snowflakes" and begin to blow them from below. The task of the participants is to prevent cotton wool from falling to the ground. The winner is the participant who will keep his "snowflakes" in free flight the longest.

"I know everything about you!"

All those present can take part in this game, and without getting up from the tables. The moderator needs to write a question and an answer on separate sheets of paper. Answer cards are handed out to everyone present. The presenter shuffles the remaining cards with questions and asks one question to each of the players, and they read out the answer they have received.

Possible question options

♦ Do you like going to the theater?

♦ Are you able to fall in love at first sight?

♦ Do you have problems in your personal life?

♦ Do you have a sense of humor?

♦ Do you know how to have fun alone?

♦ Do you often shave your legs?

♦ Have you tried jumping from a balcony with a parachute?

♦ Do you like female legs?

♦ Do you love your soul mate?

♦ Do you wash often?

♦ Do you remember the road well?

♦ Do you often paint your lips?

♦ Do you often kiss women’s hands?

♦ Do you wash your feet before bed?

♦ Do you have an excerpt?

♦ Can you resist a beautiful woman (handsome man)?

♦ Do you smile at passers-by on the streets?

♦ Have you been to public baths?

♦ Do you trust yourself?

♦ Could you arrange a date with two members of the opposite sex at once?

♦ Are you satisfied with your appearance?

♦ Do you enjoy eating?

♦ Do you often frame unfamiliar women (men)?

♦ Do you have a lot of free time?

♦ Do you pay enough attention to your significant other?

♦ Do raids on the refrigerator at night?

♦ Have you been told that you have beautiful eyes?

♦ Have you been told that you are damn attractive?

♦ Are you an amorous person?

♦ Do you often talk to yourself?

♦ Are you good at rest?

♦ Do you often find yourself in extreme situations?

♦ Are you a reliable person?

♦ Do you chase buses?

♦ Do you often reminisce?

♦ Have we met anywhere?

♦ Do you accidentally jump on a trampoline in the morning?

♦ Do you know how to control your emotions?

♦ Are you often "sausage" with a hangover?

♦ Would you like to become a member of the Beer Lovers Party?

♦ Do you want to change your gender?

♦ Are you good at understanding people?

♦ Do you use public transport?

♦ Do you often wash in the bath?

♦ Do you like to daydream at your leisure?

♦ Do you like to sleep outdoors?

♦ Do you go camping?

♦ Do you go fishing with your friends?

♦ Do you have sex with strangers?

♦ Are you adventurous?

Possible answers

♦ Yak got used to it since childhood.

♦ I have big problems with this.

♦ Definitely not here!

♦ Yes, this is my element!

♦ I do it the best.

♦ Only if you agree to keep me company.

♦ Yes. And not only...

♦ Mondays only.

♦ This is how I spend all my free time,

♦ There would only be a desire ...

♦ I have dreamed about it since childhood.

♦ Isn't everyone doing this?

♦ Of course! After all, this is precisely what people differ from animals.

♦ Only in the bathhouse.

♦ Immediately after the first drink.

♦ Yes. But that's not all ...

♦ Who do you take me for ?!

♦ Isn't it nice?

♦ Oh! Great idea!

♦ Let's do it together!

♦ If only I am in one underwear

♦ Yes, when I take off my socks.

♦ Of course! But today I take a break from it.

♦ If we are alone, you will learn much more about me.

♦ I practice this a lot.

♦ Yes! And in this I will be useful to you.

♦ Alas, this is a sad truth ...

♦ Don't you think you got too carried away?

♦ So what. I'm not the only one (one) like that (like that). There are a lot of us!

♦ It happened two or three times.

♦ Yes. And it gives me a lot of pleasure.

♦ Yes. This is one of my talents.

♦ Well, once at a time it is not necessary.

♦ Usually at night.

♦ Especially at the dentist's office.

♦ Yes, and even over the phone.

♦ Well, there are many different ways.

♦ In crowded public transport.

♦ I'm sure you like it too.

♦ I had to a couple of times.

♦ This is my hobby.

♦ I was forced!

♦ Especially on trains.

♦ Are you crazy?

♦ Only in a hammock with a subtree.

♦ My head seems to be all right.

♦ How did you guess?

♦ Speak low. I don't want everyone to know about this.

♦ Why hide it. Yes! But this happens against my will.

♦ Nothing human is alien to me.

"Favorite knees"

The presenter arranges chairs in a circle. Participants sit on them - men and women interspersed. The driver is blindfolded. To the music, he begins to walk in a circle. As soon as the music stops, the driver must kneel down to the participant next to whom he stopped. The one who is "lucky" in this should not give himself away. The rest of the participants ask the driver: "Whose knees?" If the driver guesses to whom he “landed” on his knees, then the “lucky one” becomes the driver. An important condition of the competition: the driver has no right to use his hands when guessing.


Participants are divided into pairs - a man and a woman. The host gives the participants a piece of chocolate. The task of each pair is to unfold the candy hands-free and eat it. The couple who complete the task first wins.

After active dancing, sitting at the table, the guests participate in the next competition. The presenter suggests remembering all the New Year's attributes. The guests take turns calling the tree, Santa Claus, etc. The winner is the one whose definition will be the last.

Cheerful mitten

Guests stand in a large circle near the Christmas tree, merry New Year's music sounds and a mitten with phantoms goes in a circle. The presenter can turn off the music at any time, trying to do it so that each of the guests has a mitten. On whom the music stops, he takes a phantom from a mitten and performs a certain action, for example, dances a hopak or transforms into a president and congratulates his people, or maybe sits on a twine or kisses a neighbor. In general, there can be absolutely any forfeits (it all depends on the company).

New Year's chimes (funny)

When guests gather, some of them are given task tokens at the entrance, you can even sell them for more intrigue. The tokens indicate that at a certain time the invitee must complete some task. It's very funny when, in the middle of a toast, one of the guests suddenly crows or starts dancing a twist on the table.

New Year's villain

For this contest, you need to print several photos (pictures) of a New Year's villain, for example, Baba Yaga or Grinch - the thief of the holiday. With the help of scissors, the presenter should make a kind of mosaic from whole photos (just cut each photo in a chaotic manner). The mosaic of each picture with the New Year's villain is packed in a separate box or bag. Guests are divided into teams of approximately 3 people. Each team receives a box with pieces of the picture, and on the "start" command the guests begin to put the puzzle together. But that is not all. A whole picture (photo) with the New Year's villain will hang on the tree. And, as soon as some team successfully completed the puzzle and saw who the New Year's villain is, its members must find this villain on the tree and save the New Year from him (just rip the picture off the tree). Whoever did it won.

Everybody dance

Everyone is standing around the tree. The presenter turns on merry New Year's music and names a hero for each song. And the participants must dance in the appropriate style, for example, now snowflakes are dancing, and now - hares, and now - seals, and now - shy Snow Maidens, and so on. The most artistic and agile are entitled to prizes.

Burn it with fire

There is a rite in China - to burn money for the New Year, so that there will be prosperity and happiness in the coming year. This competition is best held in the midst of a holiday, when the guests after champagne are full of courage and enthusiasm. Whoever of the guests burns (with the help of a lighter and a bowl) more than the rest (in terms of amount) money, he is recognized as the winner, and at the same time the richest person in the coming year.

Symbol of the year

When everyone is tired of running, jumping and jumping, you can devote time to the competition for imagination and creativity. In 5 minutes, each participant must come up with what to make and actually make the symbol of the year, for example, from the food on the table to make a muzzle or an entire pig (a dog, a rooster, and so on). The symbol of the year can be made from everything that comes to mind (money and coins; Christmas tree decorations or any other interior items). According to the results of voting, all guests will be determined the most beautiful and creative craft, and its author will be awarded a prize.

Santa Claus and Snow Maiden of different nationalities

Guests are divided into pairs and not necessarily only: a guy-girl. Each pair defines their own Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. Each couple in turn takes out their own phantom from the bag, in which a specific nationality is indicated, for example, Chinese, Germans, ancient Russians, Egyptians, Armenians, Georgians, and so on. After all the couples pulled out their forfeits and found out their nationality, each couple in turn goes to the center and congratulates the guests in their respective nationalities. It will be fun and interesting for everyone to accept New Year's greetings from Santa Claus - the Chinese and his Snow Maiden, or from the Old Slavic heroes of the New Year. And the prize, as always, is the most artistic and active.


All guests honestly close their eyes, the host puts on masks for everyone. Only the host knows which masks will get to whom, the guest himself will not see his mask. When the masks are on, the guests open their eyes and look at each other. For some time, guests of the holiday should communicate with each other as it should be to communicate with a “hero” in a specific mask, for example, a lion can be offered meat and called “his majesty” or “king”, Santa Claus can be asked when there will be gifts or how long to fly in a sleigh to our country and so on. Guests who quickly guess which hero they are wearing will receive prizes.

Dolphins in a snowdrift

Participants are divided into two teams with an equal number of people and line up. In front of each team is a chair with a basin or other container full of carved snowflakes. The same number of candies should be hidden among these snowflakes as there are members in the team. At the start command, each of the participants in turn runs up to the bowl, dives there with his head and takes out one candy, then the second, third, and so on until the end. Whose team is the fastest to cope with the task and pass its test, and is the winner.

We carry interest and love for the holiday called New Year through our whole life, we expect gifts, miracles and special fun from it. And what fun is it without New Year's games, contests, fairy tales with dressing up and funny entertainment !? Moreover, everyone wants to move a little and play pranks after the traditionally generous New Year's table for all sorts of goodies and drinks!

It is recommended to include various comic divinations and predictions in the festive entertainment program, but, most importantly, do not forget to choose games and contests suitable for the gathered company, the festive mood of all guests will largely depend on this.

Here are offered new Year's games and contests for a wide variety of tastes: creative, funny, lively and moderately spicy . These are funny games for funny people, some of them will be useful at corporate parties, others - more suitable for home celebrations and a close company of friends. Think about which ones you need, and play like New Year's with fun and pleasure!

1. New Year's game "Santa Claus is coming .."

This entertainment can be held just before the appearance of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden and involve all guests in it, for example, during a dance break. The host invites the guests to stand up so as not to interfere with each other and call Santa Claus in an unusual way: not with a shout, but with an unusual New Year's dance. The meaning of the game is as follows: you need to replace the words of the New Year's verse with sign language.

Santa Claus is coming, coming to us,

Santa Claus is coming to us!

And we know that Santa Claus

He brings us gifts! Hurrah!

All words are replaced by gestures: “walking” - walking in place, “Santa Claus” - we put a hand with spread fingers to the chin (depicting a beard), the combination “to us” - a gesture pointing to oneself. To show the word “we know”, we put our finger to our forehead, the word “we” is a gesture pointing to all the guests, the word “carries” is like a bag over the shoulders, and when the word “gifts” is used, everyone depicts what he dreams about. "Hurrah!" - everyone stomps and claps

For more interest, it is better to change words to gestures gradually: first one word, then two, until the last word disappears, and only gestures remain with a cheerful musical accompaniment.

And when they start clapping (meaning "hurray"), Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden appear, who distribute gifts to the "artists" (if any) or begin their program.

2. New Year's competition "Race for Fortune"

The role of "luck" in this competition will be played by durable unbreakable Christmas tree decorations, for example, large and colorful balls. Also, you will need children's plastic mini-hockey sticks (or Chinese back-scratching hands), one for each player (3-4 people are enough).

At the start, the participants are tied with children's clubs (go back scratches) to the belt, and the finish is marked with chairs for each. Chairs will also play the role of a gate into which players must drive their "ball of luck". This can be done only with clubs, in no case using your hands.

Naturally, the winner is the one who scores a goal faster - "drive the luck" into his own goal. He is awarded the talisman of good luck (Christmas tree decoration), he is declared "lucky of the year" - everyone else, including those sitting in the hall, is invited to urgently touch the one who has just caught his luck, so that he will also be lucky.

3. "Be my tree!"

First, the participants in this competition cut out a Christmas tree toy from colored cardboard. Then, with the help of the received clothespin or paper clip, they should hang the "created miracle" on the Christmas tree, but ... with a blindfold. The most insidious thing about the rules of this game is that the participants, having "deprived" their eyesight, are spun around their axis and then offered to reach the tree. At the same time, the tree for everyone will be the first thing that he will rest against - there he must hang his toy.

Usually, rarely does anyone get to a real tree, so the main prize is given to the one who stumbles upon the most, and even can hang his work on it.

4. Competition at the New Year's holiday "The most resourceful Snow Maiden".

To participate in this competitive game, we form five pairs (boy-girl). Girls are blindfolded, and about ten Christmas tree decorations are hidden in men's clothes. Jewelry can be hidden in pockets, socks, bosom, hung on a tie, attached to a lapel, and so on. The main thing is to try not to use anything beating, stabbing or cutting in this game.

The task of the girls - "Snow Maidens" is to find everything hidden on the body of their partner. Naturally, the girl who discovers the largest number of toys in the allotted period of time wins and receives the title "The most resourceful Snow Maiden".

5. New Year's greetings for the boss.

This is a party competition. The presenter will need to call five to seven people, preferably both men and women. The presenter asks such an innocent question: with which of the animals, birds or flowers (if the boss is a lady), each of you associates your boss.

Then everyone comes out, names their association and depicts it, on command freeze - it becomes a sculpture, the next one comes out - everything repeats - the whole picture is obtained. Depending on the content of this picture, the toastmaster announces that the employees decided not to waste time on trifles and give the boss an instant picture of Repin "We Didn't Expect" or a picture of an unknown author "Morning after a corporate party".

Perhaps it will be funnier if you limit the associations only to the animal world and then imagine it - as a picture of an unknown author "Animals at the Banquet".

Everyone gets a chance to join the art and have fun, and the "native" bosses melt away from the sign of attention shown personally to him.

6. "Mischievous" signs.

At the beginning of the draw, six players are shown six tablets, which depict a green Christmas tree, a bottle of champagne, a roll of toilet paper, a chair, a package of New Year's napkins and a beautiful box with a bow - a gift. Then the players sit with their backs to the hall, and it is announced to them that one of the plates shown is attached to their chairs in random order, they randomly make an assumption which one and, in accordance with their assumption, answer the questions:

  • What do you think happens to you when you are first brought into the house?
  • What do you think guests do when they pick you up?
  • How often does the owner use you?
  • Where are you taken after use?
  • What can replace you, if you really need it?
  • What material do you think they are made of?

There are no losers or winners in this raffle game, but everyone deserves a round of applause.

7. Game moment "Road to New Year"

(Thanks to the author - Adekova T.I.)

The Leader reads the text. The guests line up and walk at the appropriate moment.

Leading... The road to the New Year awaits you,
And he will pass the whole year along it,
Who will only take what is needed.
In the New Year we go in a crowd ...
Did you take everything with you?
If health has been taken,
Take a step forward wider!
Are we in the mood?
We are walking together with you!
We take problems ... Well, alas ...
You must not step forward!
And who dared to take
You will have to surrender back!
We'll grab some money, because they
We must influence our life.
And how many pockets can you count
So many steps and walk!
Who lagged behind? Friends will help you
Have ... one more pocket.

An additional pocket is pinned to the laggards.

Hope must also be taken

It's somehow more fun to walk with her!
Do we take love? By itself!
We cannot live with you without her.
How many grandchildren do you have, children?
According to their number, you take steps as soon as possible.
Who will take friendship with him on the road?
He boldly goes a whole step forward.
And who dared to take the blues?
I'll ask you to walk back!
And happiness will not hurt us.
May it accompany everyone
And it will enter every house ...
Let's move one step forward!
Now turn to each other
And hug tightly!
Celebrate the New Year with you together
And walk along his path
Forward! Despite adversity!
Happy New Year to everyone!

The host hands over a bottle of champagne to the first in line.

Feel free to take a bottle of champagne,
Now treat each other to champagne.
May your road be easy!
And again I wish you all a Happy New Year!

8. "Revived" chairs.

In this game, Santa Claus "drives" himself. He recruits participants, there must be at least ten people, and seats them on chairs. The chairs are arranged in a staggered manner with the seats facing each other. First, put the number of chairs, how many participants are involved in the game. The players sit down, and Santa Claus begins to walk around to a New Year's song, and the one next to whom he knocks on the floor with his staff, gets up from his place and begins to follow Frost, as if tied.

Thus, Santa Claus lifts all participants in the process from their chairs and begins to write out different pretzels around the hall. Everyone who follows him on his heels must clearly follow all his "zigzags". From the outside, it turns out to be a rather interesting sight, because this whole procession, following Grandfather, either crouches, then waves its arms and performs other actions.

However, you need to immediately warn the players that when Santa Claus hits the floor with his staff twice, you need to run headlong to the chairs and take your place. In fact, while all this "caterpillar" led by Grandfather is "walking", one chair is removed, so that upon returning one of the players will not find a place for himself.

After this trick, the game is repeated anew, only the second time two chairs disappear - then the game goes to the last "survivor" (he has a prize).

9. New Year "Crocodile"

Even such a well-known game as "Crocodile" at the New Year's holiday can be presented in a new way. For example, the theme of guessed pantomimes is to make comic plots from life and "workdays" ... Santa Claus and Snow Maiden.

To do this, the presenter prepares a lot of paper cards in advance with the following content about Santa Claus: “Santa Claus fell asleep after the children's matinee in a bag of gifts”, “Santa Claus had enough and woke up in bed with the Snow Woman”, “Children stole from Santa Claus beard "," Santa Claus received a telegram with a request from the Moscow zoo to give him a deer "," Santa Claus ate ice cream "," Santa Claus gave the Snow Maiden underwear. "

About Snegurochka something like this: "Snegurochka will cheat on Santa Claus with the Snowman", "Snegurochka worked at a matinee in a sex shop", "Snegurochka gave birth to Santa Claus twins", "Snegurochka found Santa Claus in bed with the Snow Queen", "Snegurochka was paid 1000 dollars for a striptease "," After the holidays, the Snow Maiden recovered by 6 kg ", etc.

Select tasks for a specific company, of course, they should be different for an adult party and for a family holiday.

The rules can be slightly changed, for example, to divide the participants into two teams, each pulling out a card for himself. Then, in turn, using only facial expressions and gestures, they depict what has been written in the style of pantomime, and the opposing team guesses. Time can be limited, and at the end of the game, it is possible to calculate which team had the most guesses, or you can not do it at all, because the main thing is general fun.

10. "Who is this?"