Interesting nail art at home. Nail art using scotch tape. Junk material in manicure design

Nail design, nail art, has long been elevated to the rank of art. Many women want beautiful designs on their nails to decorate their manicure, but most of them don't know where to start, how to paint. Here we will give some pretty interesting tips with which you can independently create stylish and very beautiful designs on your nails.

Nail design, especially nail art, is fun and exciting. If you decide to design for yourself and decorate your manicure yourself, first of all, you need to purchase tools and materials that may be useful to you.

Painting tools and supplies

1. Nail varnishes, base for varnish, fixer, top coat, varnish thinner, nail polish remover - this is the minimum from which the design begins.

When buying varnishes, pay attention to its structure and smell - it is better to refuse from strongly smelling varnishes. Also pay attention to the expiration date.

2. Acrylic paints - they are absolutely harmless to the health of nails, have a huge palette of colors, easily fall on the nail, acrylic paints dry quickly and, finally, they are relatively cheap.

If you do not need the entire set of paints, then you can buy one or more specific colors, which, you see, is very convenient.

3. Newbies in design will also need to buy several brushes, preferably a set of brushes of different sizes from natural hair.

4. A collection of various decorative elements necessary for design - rhinestones, stones, sequins, beads, foil, mica, feathers, colored threads, nets, confetti, mirror dust, fimo, stickers, fabric decorations, shells, dried flowers, sparkles, bouillons , lace, etc ..

5. Glue is essential for fixing various decorative elements.

Novice creators should definitely study the theoretical component of painting with acrylic paints, and only then proceed to the practical part.

Of course, it will not be difficult for an experienced master to apply the most ornate designs on nails in a matter of minutes. But if desired, such a design is quite within the power of a beginner.

An uncomplicated design is performed with a thin brush and acrylic paints. You can start with simple lines and points of different diameters, in this case the risk of making a mistake is minimal, and the result will certainly please.

To create an exquisite manicure, you will have to try and, above all, be patient.

The procedure for applying drawings on nails

So, are your nails and hands okay? So you can start creating beautiful drawings using acrylic paints.

  1. First, degrease the nails. For this purpose, a special tool is used, moreover, it will prolong the life of the manicure.
  2. Then the nail plate is covered with a transparent base. Professional craftsmen advise using such a tool, otherwise the unprotected plate may deteriorate under the decorative coating.
  3. It can be based on varnish of a very different shade. Apply a layer of varnish and wait for it to dry completely. On an unfinished surface, a drawing made with acrylic will "float".
  4. The time has come for the most crucial and exciting stage - this is the painting itself - drawing a pattern on the nails. If the drawing is done for the first time, then it is better to experiment first on a piece of cardboard. This will allow you to adjust the hand to the brush, determine the pressure and intensity of the selected color. Already several such attempts will allow you to create clear and beautiful lines, and even patterns and simple drawings.

It is better to start by painting the ring finger. For example, you can draw a butterfly with white paint, and then decorate it with smooth lines and neat dots.

The drawing should not be overloaded, but a couple of gentle strokes will be quite appropriate. You can remove excess paint or varnish with a toothpick dipped in nail polish remover. If you don't like something, you can always start over.

The resulting pattern is fixed with a top coat. It will add shine to your manicure. The result will surely please, because the painting will give the nails a romantic design and emphasize the image of the owner!

One of the easiest nail designs is to decorate the edges with colored glitters. Although it is very easy and simple, such a manicure looks bright and impressive.

Drawings on nails - varieties

Classic French manicure can be an endless source of inspiration. For example, you can change traditional colors and make it brighter and more intense.

The usual white line can be decorated with decorative elements and various patterns.

Drawing on nails with cats

Do you prefer a bright colored manicure? You can also decorate it with a pattern and add some golden shades - this adds airiness.

Nail Art - Floral Motifs

Floral motifs are applied with a thin brush, sometimes a needle can be used. Painting such a picture is quite difficult and requires patience and talent.

Drawings on nails - flowers

It is this print that never goes out of style. And to make such a drawing is not so difficult. First of all, it is necessary to paint with varnish 2 times. Depending on which print you choose, apply the patterns with a thin brush and acrylic paints.

But if the spots turned out to be not even, then do not despair, because they do not have to be all the same, this is the advantage of this pattern on the nails.

Watch a video on how to make beautiful nail art:

It is important to have the entire arsenal of necessary tools. When creating a beautiful manicure with a painting, there are several key points to consider.

First of all, it is, of course, a well-groomed appearance of both nails and hands in general. Indeed, even with a luxurious painting, the imperfect shape of the nails, untidy cuticles and dry skin of the hands will erase all the positive impression. At the end of this article, we will provide basic care guidelines.

Custom designs on nails - hieroglyphs

Recently, there has been a great deal of interest in everything related to the East.

This also applies to new trends in manicure. Drawings - hieroglyphs on the nails give a positive charge. Each of them has its own meaning - it can be happiness, health, beauty, etc.

When using these symbols, it is important to choose the right colors that can bring out all their beauty. It is best to paint the symbols in traditional black, and choose red nail polish as the base color, which, when combined with black, will become a beautiful Japanese theme.

Drawings on nails - hieroglyphs

How to decorate nail art with rhinestones and stones

Now it is very fashionable to do manicure with stones and rhinestones. Rhinestones should be chosen based on the length of the nails. Apply two coats of varnish. Outline the drawing with colorless varnish and with tweezers add prepared rhinestones and stones to certain points of your drawing. This design gives the nails a unique look.

You can also create simply amazing designs on short nails, see some options.

The more you draw, the better you will do it, the main thing in this business is not to give up - draw whatever you like and what comes to mind. So you will find only your own unique pattern on the nails.

How to take care of your nails and hands

Don't forget that even the most beautiful nail designs will lose their appeal if your hands and nails are not well-groomed. Here are some basic guidelines for hand care:

  1. The nails should rest from the varnish - after removing the old varnish, do not rush to cover with a new layer, let them "breathe" for several hours.
  2. Nails hate washing dishes and using any chemicals, so always wear rubber gloves when doing housework.
  3. Pamper your nails with baths - dissolve sea salt in hot water, add vegetable oil, 3 drops of iodine and 5 drops of lemon juice, and hold your nails in this mixture for 5-10 minutes.
  4. For shiny and healthy nails, rub a mask of lemon juice, vinegar, grape or cranberry juice from time to time.
  5. Pay attention to your diet - eat more yogurts, cheeses - preferably fresh, nuts and marmalade.

Beautiful, well-groomed hands always give out a sophisticated girl who knows her worth. Thin, flaky nails of varying lengths and shapes can give your appearance a touch of untidiness, untidiness, even if your appearance is otherwise impeccable.

Therefore, never forget about your hands and nails. And having learned how to quickly and beautifully apply drawings on nails, you will always have a unique, inimitable manicure.

Drawings on nails video

Pictures on nails photo

Pictures are clickable

Until recently, the application of original drawings on nails was only possible for experienced craftsmen in the salon. In fact, simple methods are known for application that do not require special knowledge and skills, it is enough to have several devices with sharp tips at hand so that you can display miniature elements, bit patterns, any other beautiful motifs, for example, flowers, graceful rose petals. Let's consider what devices are needed for removing simple drawings on the nails, as well as the techniques for performing elements that are quite accessible for independent manicure procedures at home.

What is needed for drawings at home

To develop simple, but completely original models, you first need to be patient. The work is painstaking, but worth it. Also prepare a nail polish remover, acetone, so that you can quickly remove unsuccessfully drawn drawings. It is advisable to create a calm atmosphere around yourself. It is convenient to do such a manicure while sitting on a chair, spreading the necessary accessories for home nail manicure in front of you on the table:

  • , a tool with a small ball at the end. A bead needle or ballpoint pen will do. Dots, dipping in varnish, it is possible to apply dots in a chaotic order, from which the formation of interesting ornaments, for example, in the style of the classics, using only two colors: black and white. You can look at many different drawings on the Internet and, from a photo, depict an ornament in the form of funny animals, New Year's motives, other compositions: flowers, butterflies, playing with flowers.

  • Sewing needle suitable for applying simple ornaments, pictures on plates, and on short or long ones. The essence of the process is to draw dots, lines by stretching them with varnish of any shades and in any order: round, staggered, snake. As a result, you can get petals, twigs of any configuration or colored creative lines. With a little practice by mixing several shades at once, you can achieve on the nails a variety of interesting motifs of flowers, butterflies, and other funny patterns.
  • Brushes... It is good to use with natural bristles and have on hand a set of brushes of different length and thickness. You need to start with simple lines, drawing. You can use an ordinary simple manicure pencil and first outline the desired drawing with it. Further, having adapted a little, it is not difficult to learn how to make different lines in thickness, also curls, moving on to more complex compositions as you acquire skills.

  • Sponges or wet painting for applying gradient designs to nails, suitable in combination with loose eyeshadow. First, the main varnish of light colors is applied, on top, after the layer has dried, partially - the shadows in any order (splashing, chaotically). Let the drawing dry. Apply the last, fixing layer on top. The technique is applicable in conjunction with a needle, brushes. The spraying technique is not complicated. If you get erosion, other defects, then you can always paint on, but before the base dries well.

  • for the ability to apply geometric patterns using adhesive tape or in the form of strips, applying to the nail plates in a different order on pre-painted nails. The stripes can be painted in other colors as desired. After removing them and drying the varnish, original pictures are obtained. It is enough to prepare the necessary stencils in advance by cutting out interesting shapes of flowers, petals, etc. The main thing is to apply scotch tape or stencils to the prepared plates, previously covered with a base layer.

  • (2-3 different colors are enough for a start). First, white varnish is applied to the nails as a base. Then, covering the skin with tape around the cuticle to be treated, a layer of varnish of a different color is applied: blue, red. With a needle or a plastic stick, you can simply spray the base color on the nail, on top - with a varnish of a different color. You will get multi-colored stains. After they dry, the top of the nail becomes glossy. The result is an excellent effect.

  • Gels (paints) to create gel drawings with almost any tool at hand. Would need . When applying a pattern, each layer will have to dry for up to 1-2 minutes, otherwise the picture will be blurred. First, a base white layer is applied to the nails, then the main color drawing and the final layer of gel. After drying it, the sticky layer just needs to be carefully removed. The process is laborious, but the result is amazing.
  • Lucky, by mixing 2-3 shades. First, the cuticle is processed, then the marigolds are covered with white varnish for a general background (preferably in 2 layers, without affecting the cuticles), so the patterns will look distinct and rich. After drying, you can, for example, put several points vertically with red varnish, then burgundy points on both sides of the nail, in the center or whatever you like (parallel, horizontally). After the layer has dried, a spiral motion can be carried out with a needle. At the end of the work, to smooth the surface, cover the nail with a fixing compound, on top - with glitter, sparkles. The decoration on the nail plates will turn out to be simply gorgeous.
  • Decorative elements... Any pieces of lace, washcloths (the effect of a fishing net is obtained), mesh fabric, sponge, crumpled cellophane for dipping in shiny varnish and applying to plates, adhesive stickers, for example, in the shape of a crescent, adhesive tape for cutting figures and circles, which will be applied to the nails and disguised under varnish.

How to prepare your nails

Preparation consists in leveling, filing the nail plate, removing keratinized particles, as well. Next - applying a transparent base base in an even layer, after drying - various patterns with the tools at hand. Beginners should start with similar options.

A step-by-step guide for beginners

Needle Drawings... No special skills required. All you need is a needle and several contrasting colors of varnish. The technique consists in:

  • covering plates in a base transparent color (scratches may remain from the needle);
  • applying varnish for drawing after the first layer has dried;
  • affixing several points or lines in any order you want;
  • fulfillment a well-thought-out drawing on points or lines using a needle;
  • covering again with a layer of colorless base after the pattern has dried in order to fix the ornament on the nail as best as possible for a long time.

Using dots. Technique for making dots or drawings with acrylic paints. First, the plate is covered with a transparent compound, then the tip of the dots is dipped, dots are formed on the nail. To get points on nails of different diameters, ready-made dots can be bought in a set or use handy tools: a cotton swab, a match, the back of a pencil with an eraser at the end, a nail (needle) stuck into an eraser.

Drawings with brushes. One of the simple drawings is done like this:

  • cooking two brushes - medium and thin, also varnishes: black, white and pink shades;
  • coating plates first with pink varnish;
  • affixing white varnish points in the center;
  • drawing the contours of the bow along the outgoing rays with a thin brush;
  • painting over a bow with a wide brush;
  • registration the contour in the middle of the bow with a thin brush and black varnish to make folds;
  • brush you can draw flowers, but of course, drawing lessons are initially worth going through.

Having processed the nails with a base layer of varnish with a brush with yellow color, petals are drawn, flowers are formed, light brown streaks. Nearby, you can arrange another flower for a variety of designs. Use coral for the veins. So, gradually, having mastered the basics of drawing, you can move on to more complex drawings and patterns, which are presented in the photo in a wide range.

With the help of ordinary tape, clear varnish and two colored types, you can apply simple but original drawings, and here is one of the techniques:

  • coating nails with colored monochromatic varnish;
  • gluing on a plate of a pre-prepared stencil (the pattern can be cut from a wide adhesive tape);
  • dense pressing against the nail after the first base layer has completely dried;
  • deletion scotch tape after the applied pattern has dried;
  • coating a transparent base to hide the resulting irregularities;
  • at the expense of scotch tape you can apply geometric patterns by gluing certain areas with them so that free (open) ones can be treated with a different composition, for example, red. They can also draw lines along the plate, on the sides, and in the center form a flower with apricot varnish. Of course, patience will come in handy. To draw them exactly on each marigold, many small elements at once will require some skill.

Sponge in the form of a porous sponge, suitable for manicure on nails using the ombre technique, or the effect on nails is obtained when using a composition of fuchsia, coral, pale pink, cherry colors. First, the main color is applied to the plates, then:

  • on sponge varnishes of 2-3 colors are distributed in any sequence;
  • dipped sponge in the composition, gently applied to the impregnation plate;
  • from above - a fixing compound for smoothing irregularities after applying the main tone. It is the sponge that will give the plates a glossy shine. After the marigolds are dried, the remnants of the composition around the cuticle are removed with a cotton swab. As a result, the color palette on plates with chaotic transitions from one to another is ready;
  • during the transition on the other nail, the color palette needs to be updated, i.e. paint over all the varnish colors on the sponge each time.

Before performing any of the proposed nail manicure techniques, you first need to practice, draw models on paper. Next, prepare quality materials and tools. For a smooth, even coating, varnishes should be of medium consistency (not liquid and not thick).

Having studied all the techniques, it will not be difficult to choose the best manicure method for yourself to make your nails elegant and well-groomed. It is quite possible to achieve original simple patterns on nails at home and without the help of masters.

Nail design, especially if it was created with your own hands, is a great idea in terms of self-expression and image creation. The easiest decorating method is simple nail art... Making them is not at all difficult, there are many ideas that have already been invented earlier. But there will be even more of them if you connect your own imagination. You should start with the simplest techniques, gradually improve your talent and capabilities.

Simple drawings for new masters

At first, not everything will be as smooth as we would like. It's because:

  • at first - you are worried, afraid that you will not succeed;
  • secondly - you have not yet gained experience and skill - this is a matter of time and diligence;
  • third - you probably do not quite understand what can be used to draw and how exactly this is done.

If you follow the main rules, the self-learning process will be more effective:

  • Before work, you need to remove the cuticle from the nail plate. A simple warm bath will help with this, into which the hand is lowered for 10 minutes. So it will be easier to lag behind the marigold.
  • With a wooden stick (you can use a toothpick) and nail clippers, cut off the coarse dermis (skin) around the nail plate.
  • Next, you need to polish the nail plate. By the way, this should be done not only before applying a manicure, but also for prophylaxis, at least once a month. Instead of polishing, if there is no special file at hand, a simple degreasing with a nail polish remover will suffice.
  • Basically, the marigolds are ready for drawing. But there is one caveat. Before painting, the base should be applied. On it, the drawing lays down more accurately, the drawing process becomes easier. The manicure as a whole will look neater.
  • After applying the foundation, wait about 20 minutes.

Now for sure everything, you can safely start drawing.

What tools and materials should be at hand

Before the procedure for drawing a picture, prepare materials and tools for work, their list and varieties will depend on what you plan to work with, what material you know how to use better, and decide on the theme and color parameters.

Nail polishes

In your work, you will find it useful:

  • clear nail polish;
  • fortified;
  • medical;
  • lacquer fixer;
  • sequins;
  • glitters;
  • decorative powder;
  • several different shades of varnish.


Drawing cannot be imagined without tools, so everything will be listed below, it may come in handy in one case or another:

  • stickers;
  • ready-made stickers;
  • template plates;
  • brushes;
  • needles;
  • toothpicks;
  • ordinary or decorative scotch tape;
  • foil;
  • dots;
  • acrylic paints.

The simplest drawing ideas for novice masters

Having prepared the nails for work, you can apply a drawing on them with any tools, even handy ones - those that every girl has one hundred percent at home.

Needle work

Original and even in some places uncomplicated drawings can be drawn from a needle. How to use it:

  • You do not need to immediately draw on the nail, try to do it on paper. Firstly, you will understand how it works, and secondly, this way you can choose the proportions as close to your nail as possible.
  • Apply the base (transparent base) to the nail plate, wait until it is completely dry. The base is always applied in 1 layer.
  • After the first base coat has dried, you will need to apply another layer - the background one. Choose the color of the nail polish that will accentuate the marigold, for example, white.
  • There is no need to wait for the second layer to dry. You can work on immediately.
  • Somewhere in the middle of the plate, drip on a white background, three small dots of, say, red varnish, forming a triangle or alternately one after the other along the nail.
  • You can draw with a needle, immediately poking it in the middle of the uppermost point, stretching it to the bottom, and so on to everyone, one by one. There will be such an ornament as in the photo.
  • You can drop, for example, the same white varnish into the center of a red drop, then, when stretching, a white stripe on a red background will go behind the needle.
  • You can stretch the varnish from side to side, then an unusual pattern is obtained at all.

The color palette in such simple drawings has no definite boundaries. The author himself decides what and with what to combine.

You don't need to work with all your nails at once. Draw them in order from the very beginning to the victorious finish. Otherwise, you will definitely not succeed.

Paint with a brush

This drawing technology is a little more complicated, but with a great desire, any novice master will cope with this task.

Practice, for a start, no artificial nail plates - this will be a very good workout. If they are not at hand, draw a marigold on paper, approximately the same size and shape as yours

Drawing technology:

  • On prepared nails, first, as always, a base coat of colorless or medicated varnish is applied.
  • Leaves the nail to dry. In this technology, all layers must dry completely as they are applied.
  • After the base is completely dry, apply a background coat. The color in this technique should be chosen so that it contrasts with the future painting. First, in one step, the brush is led from the center towards the cuticle, then the left side of the plate is painted over, then the right. If you notice, then you should get only 3 brush strokes.
  • Further in the work, you will need a very thin brush. Soak it in the varnish, be sure to remove the excess. And, as they used to do at school, start drawing a pattern element or the drawing itself.
  • The final step should be the consolidation procedure. That is, the marigold is completely covered with colorless varnish, along with the pattern.

Here, for clarity, we give a photo of simple drawing ideas.

This technology uses a different number of colors. First, try drawing hearts, simple flowers, lines, and other geometry. If you feel the strength to draw a more complex ornament, feel free to get down to business.

Simple painting on nails with acrylic paints

These paints are respected by professionals, and those who know how to paint with them. Their peculiarity is that, in the process of work, they do not spread, they are easy to apply, dry quite quickly, and hold for a long time. In addition, they are not dangerous for human health. Going on sale:

  • colorless;
  • translucent;
  • covering (overlapping the previous layer);
  • pasty.

Can be diluted with water without problems. Easy to mix with each other. After drying, on top of them, you can safely apply another pattern, without fear of damage to the original layer. The coating is breathable, looks very attractive and bright.

According to the technique of drawing drawings, there are:

  • Oil. It is applied in a pasty and undiluted form. are called so because I resemble oil painting.
  • Pasty. It resembles batter in consistency. The composition is not diluted, it is used in the form in which it was purchased. You can only add pigments to it, if the idea of \u200b\u200bthe drawing requires it. Draw in the form of thick strokes. When the paint dries, it looks like painting with gouache.
  • Watercolor. Water first needs to be mixed with a binder, only then water is added here. The drawing in its pure form is similar to a watercolor ornament. It is characterized by high quality.
  • Sliding. You can mix this composition with a structured nail gel. The difficulty here is that it will be quite difficult for a novice master to predict the final result. But after a few trainings it will be possible to learn this too.
  • Glazing. You need to work with this material carefully. All layers to be applied must be very thin, almost invisible.

You can paint with any type of brushes that you know how to work with. For training, it is enough to purchase 6 basic shades and whitewash in order to correct the errors made in time. To understand them in work, you first need to draw a field in the form of a checkerboard on paper.

For 6 colors, 6 squares of about 2 × 2 cm will be required.On this field, one by one (one by one), apply the purchased paints - paint over the whole square with one pigment, then draw them with horizontal rulers of a different shade, and finally with vertical lines in a different color. You should end up with 36 colors.

Drawing with a brush using acrylic paints

Draw a twig with acrylic paint:

  • For the background, choose a very light color (then choose a dark one for drawing) or vice versa. In our example, it is lilac.
  • Draw curved lines in yellow. Choose the location at your discretion, not necessarily exactly as shown in the photo.
  • On this arc, draw, with curved lines, leaf figures of the same tone.
  • Make the veins inside the leaves brighter for that.
  • Secure the result with a transparent fixing layer.

If this drawing seems too easy for you, try to recreate these simple ideas. In the first photo, the drawing technique is shown in pictures.

Learning to draw with dots

From the simplest drawings to very complex ornaments, professionals paint with dots. The simplest techniques are a combination of dots, commas, rulers and so on of different sizes. The tool needs to be soaked in paint or varnish and start painting with it like a regular brush. In the process of work, the amount of the coloring agent decreases, this can be seen by the ingredient on the nail ornament, which makes the drawing more natural and realistic.

You can draw nails with dots as you like. With it you can draw:

  • flowers or animals;
  • modify the traditional version of the French manicure;
  • it is easy for them to create New Year's motives;
  • to personify the seasons on the nails;
  • very stylish abstraction turns out to be drawn with dots.

Drawings using regular tape

Plain household tape can go a long way in nail art. With it, you can make very different shapes, drawings and even compositions. Geometry is the easiest to do - it is based on lines, and cutting them out with scotch tape is very simple. The cut strips can be applied to the nail plate in any order or sequentially if you want to create a specific shape.

Scotch tape technique:

  • As in all previous cases, the nail is prepared first.
  • The first layer is base.
  • After drying, apply the background one as you like.
  • While the varnish dries, cut a few thin strips of tape (about 1 mm wide, you can also thicker if you want it), the length should be larger than the size of the nail, so that later there will be no difficulties with removing the strips.
  • If the background layer is dry, stick the adhesive tape over your nail the way you want it.

It is very important that it is solidly high. Otherwise, removing the stripes can damage the background layer if it is not dry well.

  • From above, cover the entire surface of the nail with varnish of a different shade or several - this is also your prerogative in choosing.
  • Allow a few seconds for the varnish to dry, but not completely dry.
  • Peel off the pasted strips and see what you get.

You can leave everything as it is, or you can still finalize the drawing with a thin brush or dots. Add sparkles, circles and other elements with a different varnish color as well.

Today there are many types of decorative tape on sale, it can also be used to create drawings. Here there is no need to cut the strips yourself. It can also be used for decoration. Glitter on nails always looks beautiful, and with decorative tape - excellent and unique.

Toothpick drawings

Simple, but unique patterns on the nails can be done with an ordinary toothpick. She is an indispensable attribute of every home, always at hand, can always help in creating a complete image. If you have already learned how to work with a needle, then there will be no problems with drawing drawings with a toothpick. The drawing technique and sequence are similar here, only the drawings are slightly different.

Other Methods for Creating Simple Nail Art

In addition to drawing with your own hands, you can use ready-made drawings - stickers, stencils, stokers, template plates.


Choose a specific color for your base. Paint the nail plates with it.

After completely dry, stick the selected sticker on top. They are glue-based.

There are some that need to be placed in warm water before gluing. After 10 seconds, they take it out, gently grab the figure with tweezers and transfer it to the nail.

Another type of stickers

You don't have to be an artist to create unique nail art at home.

Having mastered the art of nail art, you will learn how to decorate marigolds with simple but beautiful drawings.

The well-groomed and uniqueness of your manicure will be appreciated by everyone around you.

Drawings on nails at home: what is needed for this

To fill your hand, you first need to learn how to make simple drawings. To do this, you need to learn simple techniques and techniques for applying patterns. Uncomplicated pictures will become a base for beginners in the art of nail art.

Self-design of drawings will require certain tools from you.

Nail Art Supplies:

1. Dots or manicure pen Is a rod with a metal ball at the end. With this tool, you can apply dots, lines, commas to your nails, draw all kinds of ornaments.

This manicure accessory can be replaced with a crochet hook, a simple ballpoint pen, a ball-tipped hairpin, an orange stick, or a regular toothpick.

2. Tweezers you will need to create a design with rhinestones and other decorative elements.

3. High quality synthetic bristle brushes... Thin and flat brushes are indispensable for drawing small details that require special precision and meticulousness.

Varnishes of various colors;

Acrylic and gel paints;

Glitter mixes;



5. Cotton buds are needed to eliminate inaccuracies when applying varnish.

6. Transparent base lacquer and fixer.

7. Nail polish remover, cotton pads.

8. Drill for nail piercing.

By using professional tools, you can get cleaner nail designs at home.

Drawings on nails at home: photos and features

Consider original and simple nail designs that even beginners can do without any special skills.

Drawings with stencils

Nail art stencils are available and easy to use. They are blanks that are fixed on the nails to create neat patterns. The first type of stencils is glue-based. The blank is applied to the nail plate. A varnish is applied on top of it. The second type of stencils works on the principle of a stamp. The picture is applied to the nail as a result of the impression.

Drawings with water

Modern women of fashion who are fond of nail art at home have already mastered the design with the help of water. Even a beginner can understand and implement an unusual and interesting technology.

To create original water-based nail art, you will need a glass of cold water. Various shades of varnishes should be carefully added to it, drop by drop. Then you need to mix them with a toothpick and direct them to the very center of the glass. Now lower the nails one by one so that the varnish covers their surface. The lacquer coating will stick in a unique intricate pattern. In order for the skin to remain clean after the procedure, it must first be lubricated with any vegetable oil.

Traditional and colored jacket

Among the drawings on nails at home, French manicure does not lose its relevance. Many women fell in love with him for his romance and versatility. This type of nail design will suit a variety of outfits and will be appropriate for any occasion. Traditional French manicure is created using a pastel shade of varnish and white enamel.

The colored jacket looks very stylish and impressive. An even line of "smile" can be drawn using special stickers.

Lines on the nails

Stripes, lines, zigzags are some of the simplest nail designs at home. Thin straight or wavy lines look very original when done carefully. They can be applied in contrasting colors.

Geometric patterns

Geometric shapes on the nails can be done not only by hand, but also using the appropriate stencils. They are sold in specialty stores or cut from regular tape. Experienced nail art connoisseurs have enough patience and accuracy, so they use dots to draw patterns.

Floral manicure

Floral designs are a fairly popular type of nail art among girls. Modest flowers or whole plant compositions will complement any look. According to professionals, drawing flowers on nails is easy, the main thing is to disassemble the technology of creating a picture step by step.

Leopard Manicure

This original print will add charm and sexual predation to your everyday look. Fashionable animal manicure looks stylish in a variety of colors.

Drawings on nails at home: sequence of actions

Before you start designing your nails, they should be put in order. Even the most fantastic nail art will not bring positive emotions if your cuticle is not processed, and your nails are of different lengths. After a hygienic manicure, we apply a base coat to the nails and start creating real masterpieces.

Leopard spots: step by step instructions

To create this popular and beloved print, you will need the following tools and materials:

Lucky. We choose colors for the base and spots, depending on individual preferences. You can choose classic brown tones or bright contrasting shades. Any colors are suitable for a white base. The obligatory varnish color when creating a leopard print is black.

Thin brush. Dots, a needle or a toothpick would be a great alternative to a brush. All these tools can be used to draw beautiful leopard spots.

1. Apply a transparent base to the fat-free marigolds.

2. Cover the nails with two layers of varnish, selected as the background. Let it dry.

3. Paint spots with a brush or other tool. Dip the tip in varnish and arrange them in any order on the surface of the nails. It should be noted that the spots do not have to be the same size and perfectly round. The uneven edges of the pattern give it a natural look.

4. To make the spots look like leopard, each of them must be circled with black varnish. Do not use straight lines, you need to outline the colored spots with abrupt movements.

5. When the drawing is dry, it is necessary to apply a fixative to the nails.

Nail art "Red poppies"

Experts advise painting poppies with gel paints, since they give a more colorful and elegant result.

1. Apply a base coat to the nails and let dry completely.

2. We cover the nails with varnish of the main color. Incredibly tender juicy poppies look on a white background.

3. When the coating is dry, start drawing. We take a flat brush and dip it with one side in black varnish, with the other side in red.

4. Begin to draw the petals. First you need to draw two petals. Do not try to make them perfectly even, on the contrary, it is advisable to distort their shape a little.

5. Draw two more poppy petals. To lighten them slightly, add a small amount of white paint to the tip of the brush.

6. Draw the heart of the flower. We put dots in the center. They will mimic a stamen.

7. Finally, create the leaves. We shade the gentle green petals with a darker color.

Nail art with rhinestones

Every woman can decorate her manicure with rhinestones. For this type of nail art you will need:

Rhinestones. The shorter the marigolds, the smaller the rhinestones should be. The modern market offers a wide variety of shapes, sizes and colors of shiny stones.

Nail hardener.

Toothpick. With its help, you will "plant" rhinestones on your nails.

There are two ways to fix rhinestones on nails: with varnish and with glue. Let's consider them in more detail.

1. First you need to cover the nails with a base under the varnish and let it dry.

2. Now paint the marigolds with two coats of colored varnish.

3. When the varnish starts to dry, you should start fixing the rhinestones. We take a toothpick and moisten its tip in water. We hook the rhinestone and gently apply it to the nail. Press lightly.

4. If we use glue, then on the place where the rhinestone will be glued, you need to drop a small drop, and then attach a pebble.

5. Now cover the nails with a lacquer fixer.

Professional nail art masters, in order to achieve a neat and beautiful design, recommend using the following tips:

1. To make a perfectly straight line out of rhinestones, you must first outline it. The easiest way to make a "trace" is by attaching a regular thread to the not dried varnish and quickly removing it.

2. Rhinestones will better "stick" to a toothpick or orange stick if you dip the tip in a colorless nail polish.

3. Rhinestones glued to the tip of the nail will hold less than those placed closer to the base of the plate.

4. If you plan to use a large number of rhinestones, then it is better to focus them on one nail. If you want to decorate each nail, then you do not need to take more than three rhinestones.

5. Large nail art at home will look appropriate only on long nails. For short ones, choose small pictures.

6. You need to start drawing with the little finger, so as not to spoil the already formed marigolds.

7. French visually lengthens nails. Light and dark nail polish colors make nails shorter.

8. When drawing, make only shallow movements. This will avoid scratching your nails.

9. Each new layer of varnish must be thoroughly dried. The coating does not dry instantly. Do not blow dry it. This "kills" the gloss of the varnish. If there is absolutely no time, then you can speed up the drying process by lowering the marigolds in cold water.

As you can see, drawings on nails at home can be mastered by every woman. Original and inimitable nail art is not only the attention of others, but also confidence in its attractiveness.

Before we begin to consider the step-by-step application of drawings, patterns on nails, we will pay little attention to what methods of drawing drawings are, what tools should be used and what theme of patterns will be popular in the next season. Drawings on nails, step by step, can be done quickly enough without professional skills. To do this, you can use:

  • Acrylic paints. It is desirable "Policolor" - today these are the best acrylic paints for nails. They are of high quality, ease of use and at the same time affordable. Manufactured exclusively in Italy by Maimeri.

From the tools you will need - a needle, a thin brush, a dots or a toothpick, tweezers.

To decorate the pattern, you can use Swarovski crystals, crystal chips, sparkles, dried flowers. For those who cannot paint at all, the manicure industry offers stencils, sliders, stickers.

What are the most fashionable designs for the 2017 season? The main subjects of the drawings are flowers, insects, animals, emoticons, stripes, lines and geometric shapes, painting of folk craft patterns - Gzhel, Khokhloma.

For beginners, it is important to know that before starting to apply patterns on the nails, first of all, it is necessary to perform a manicure: process the cuticles, give the nails the desired shape, apply a base in the form of a transparent varnish to the nails. And, of course, be patient and perseverant.

Step-by-step execution of patterns with a needle or brush photo

To complete the pattern, use two or more contrasting colors of varnish, acrylic paints. The drawing is created with a needle, toothpick, brush or dots in the form of dots or simple patterns, in the form of strokes, geometric lines, stripes. Step-by-step execution of the pattern:

  • Cover the nails with a colorless varnish to protect it from possible damage when working with a needle.
  • After it dries completely, apply varnish of the desired color, which will serve as the basis of the manicure.
  • Using the tool, make a pattern by gently mixing varnishes together or, conversely, drawing clear lines.
  • When everything is completely dry, apply a protective coat.

It turns out an interesting unpretentious drawing.

Consider a few more patterns of patterns and their step-by-step creation.

Photo of patterned schemes and phased creation

Pattern "Dots" for beginners step-by-step photo execution

The most common dots of different colors and sizes can create a huge variety of simple patterns on the nails. The dot pattern is very simple to perform:

  • Take acrylic paints or gel polish of two or more colors.
  • Using a needle, brush, toothpick, apply points according to the intended pattern.
  • After drying, cover the finished drawing with colorless varnish.

Pattern "Puzzles" for beginners step-by-step execution of a photo

To make a pattern in the form of puzzles you need:

Pattern "Stripes" for beginners step-by-step photo execution

This pattern is very versatile and easy to do. It can even be done in the office. For this:

  • gently brush over the main varnish - thin multi-colored stripes with a brush with a hard bristle.

Stripes can be drawn both vertical and horizontal, which is more to your liking. Thin horizontal stripes are very effective, but they only suit the nails of the correct elongated oval shape.

Pattern "Blots" for beginners step-by-step execution of a photo

Cover the nail with white varnish. This will be the base of the drawing. For the pattern, you need four colors of varnish.

  • Apply spots of the same color in the form of blots on a dried white base with a needle. It is not necessary to observe symmetry in them, the spots should be different.
  • Apply blot spots with a different color, let it dry.
  • Then apply the rest in turn. The specks can overlap.
  • After the drawing has dried, cover the nail with colorless varnish.

Scotch tape pattern for beginners step-by-step photo

Scotch tape is a good helper for all beginners. Nail Art Tape is used as a separator between color coatings. It is a thin adhesive strip of different colors. Ribbon helps you create perfect geometric shapes and a variety of stripe designs. Special adhesive strips for creating a manicure pattern are sold in stores. But it is quite possible to get by with ordinary scotch tape.

The easiest manicure with scotch tape is a manicure with different stripes or color blocks:

  • the first stage - covering the nail with the main color of the varnish;
  • after the varnish has dried, tape should be glued to half of the nail;
  • cover the second part of the nail with varnish of a different color.

Thus, a very simple yet beautiful two-tone manicure can be obtained.

Also, scotch tape can be used as a consumable auxiliary material:

  • apply the base with varnish in one color,
  • stick the strips from the tape,
  • cover on top with a different color.
  • after the coating has dried, the strips are removed.
  • cover the finished drawing with colorless varnish

The result is an unusually stylish striped manicure.

Newspaper pattern for beginners step-by-step photo execution

This stylish and effective drawing is not difficult to complete:

  • put pre-cut pieces of newspaper on the base background,
  • apply rubbing alcohol on a cotton swab and press down on a piece of newspaper,
  • hold it for about 30 seconds, then remove it with tweezers.

The translated text remains on the nail! Do not forget to apply a strengthening layer of varnish on top to consolidate the effect.

Patterns from stickers and stencils for beginners step by step photo

For those who do not know how to draw at all or do not have time, we suggest using special stickers and stencils for nails, of which, fortunately, there are a great many on sale.

How to use stickers?

  • Paint the nails in the main color and let the varnish dry completely;
  • Immerse the sticker in warm water for 20-30 seconds;
  • Place the sticker on the desired area of \u200b\u200bthe nail and remove excess moisture with a napkin.
  • Cover the nail with colorless varnish.

Such a manicure takes an average of 20-30 minutes, and lasts from 3 to 7 days on the nails.

To use a stencil you will need:

  • fix the stencil on the finished base coat of the nail,
  • cover the surface of the nail with varnish of a different color,
  • remove the stencil,
  • cover the resulting drawing with colorless varnish.

Very fast, convenient and beautiful. As you can see, decorating nails with beautiful designs is within the power of beginners.