How and what to clean silver earrings without leaving home. How to clean jewelry


Gold jewelry should be cleaned about once a month. Then they will constantly delight you with their unique brilliance. You can, of course, take rings, earrings, chains and other jewelry to a jewelry store. There is a cleaning service there. But it is quite easy to clean the gold jewelry yourself.
The traditional way is rubbing with a special paste, which is sold in the same jewelry stores. It is inexpensive, about 60-70 rubles. But you can get by with improvised methods. For example, put gold items in a solution of soapy water or a solution of detergent. If desired, add a little mineral water, it loosens dirt well.
Then you should hold the jewelry in this solution for 10-15 minutes, chat a little with them so that the dirt goes away better. The jewelry can then be removed and wiped clean with a soft bristled brush. There are special jewelry brushes, but a custom toothbrush will do. Now you need to dry the gold jewelry by wiping it with a soft flannel cloth.

Gold jewelry with precious and semi-precious stones should be cleaned with extreme care. For example, if the stone is glued, the product must not be immersed in water. Pearls, corals, turquoise and other soft stones should never be cleaned in aggressive products, especially in ammonia. Zircons, citrines, cubic zirconias, on the contrary, can be safely immersed in a solution of ammonia (one part of alcohol to six parts of water): they will shine even brighter.

A universal way of cleaning gold jewelry with stones is alcohol. The product with the stone must be dipped in alcohol, and then wiped with a soft cloth dipped in soapy water. Then you should arrange the jewelry in such a way that the remaining moisture evaporates or drains away, and does not absorb into the base.
Large transparent precious stones can be done like this: light a match, when it literally burns out for a second, extinguish it. Then break off the phosphoric head and wipe the stone with the burnt end of the match.

Helpful advice

To quickly clean a gold piece of jewelry, it must be dipped in sweetened water and wiped off. You can also rub the product with lipstick and wipe it with a cloth until it shines.


  • how to clean gold jewelry

High-quality gold jewelry retains its excellent appearance for a very long time. However, from time to time they still need cleaning. How to put them in order so as not to damage the surface of the metal and preserve the shine of the stones?

You will need

  • - soft suede and flannel rags;
  • - shampoo or dishwashing detergent;
  • - ammonia;
  • - vodka or cologne;
  • - cotton buds.


Small dirt can be removed by soaking ring for several hours in soapy water. Dissolve a little mild shampoo or detergent in warm water, place in a container with a solution ring... After a few hours, remove the jewelry, wipe it with a soft flannel. If you are not satisfied with the result, the procedure can be repeated.

Do not try to brush off dirt with a hard brush or abrasive paste - you could scratch the metal. Mechanical impact is especially harmful for a gilded product - the top coating can be simply wiped off.

Surface under stone you can use cotton wool. Dip a stick with or cologne and wipe the area around the stone from the outside and inside of the ring. Do not in any way try

Gold jewelry can lose its attractiveness as a result of prolonged use. This happens under the influence of various reasons, including: mechanical damage, plaque on products, etc. When deciding what is the best way to clean gold at home, you can give your jewelry for professional cleaning, but in most cases it is enough to perform a number of simple manipulations on your own.

There are well-known methods to remove dirt from the surface of gold jewelry. Such funds are always at hand, and with a minimum investment of time and effort, you can get good results. The most effective are:

  • exposure to gold with a cut of a sufficiently soft material so that dirt can be removed without damaging the surface of the jewelry, but this method is used to remove fresh plaque;
  • salt / soda / sugar solution;
  • toothpaste / powder;
  • a solution that includes ammonia, peroxide and detergent.

If the task is how to clean gold at home from blackness and other contaminants, it is proposed to choose one of the options, but in most cases you need to use related products (toothpick, toothbrush, matches) so that you can get to the dirty areas on the openwork surface of the jewelry ...

Features of cleaning products with stones

Gold with stones must be cleaned more carefully, because the use of certain substances can worsen the external characteristics of a gold product. These include alcohol. If you use it regularly, then such stones as turquoise, malachite, pearls, coral, amber lose their luster over time. Also, you cannot use solutions in which the entire product is immersed under other circumstances. This is due to the fact that excess moisture is bad for the condition of the diamonds. In addition, it is not recommended to use any abrasive substances that could scratch the surface of the stones.

The easiest and most delicate way to clean gold jewelry with stones is to regularly wipe them with a soft cloth.

If you need to decide how to clean the gold yourself at home, it is also recommended to use a professional power tool. It is used in accordance with the rules, guided by the instructions. But most often, such specialized products are applied to a gold product using a brush. It is important that it has soft bristles, otherwise the jewelry can be damaged.

If you need to quickly clean your gold at home, you need to know that a regular cologne will do just fine. It is applied to a toothpick with a small amount of cotton wool at the end or a cotton swab, then gently rub the stones. Eau de cologne promotes the renewal of jewelry: it removes dirt, returns shine. Therefore, when the problem is solved, how to clean the gold to make it shine, use this tool. Also, regular liquid soap works well for cleaning gold jewelry with diamonds.

Note: Gasoline is similar in properties to cologne, which allows it to be used in the absence of an alternative.

Features of caring for white gold products

Standard methods, while effective enough for most types of jewelry, are not all suitable for removing plaque and dirt from rings / earrings made from a precious alloy known as white gold. Its peculiarity lies in the presence of metals such as nickel and copper. From above, such gold is plated with rhodium and requires more gentle care. Then how to clean white gold at home? What can be used for such products:

  • soft rags;
  • soap / shampoo;
  • ammonia.

Solutions based on these components can be used to wipe gold jewelry, but it is forbidden to leave them overnight. When deciding how you can clean gold at home, you must not forget that rings / earrings from this alloy cannot be cleaned using tooth powder / paste or salt / salt solutions. Effective recipes based on ammonia and soap:

  1. When gold is cleaned at home (rhodium-plated alloy), equal shares of ammonia and water are mixed. Next, a couple of drops of shampoo are added to the finished solution. Jewelry should be dipped in the mixture for half an hour, washed and dried.
  2. Liquid soap is diluted with water (200 ml) in an amount that can be obtained by two taps of the dispenser. The products are left in the solution for 20 minutes.

If the problem of how to clean gold at home quickly is being solved, the degree and type of pollution must be taken into account. In some cases, it is enough to use a rag, in others the product is immersed for 20-30 minutes. into the solution. But any of the methods discussed above can quickly remove plaque from gold.

Various methods of cleaning gold

A large number of recipes are offered to choose from, through which it is easy to care for gold jewelry without the risk of losing its attractiveness. But, when deciding what is the best way to clean gold at home, you should always take into account the characteristics of the product (type of metal, presence and type of stones). Basic recipes:

The last of the recipes is versatile. A small amount is applied to a cotton pad, then all surfaces of the gold product are carefully cleaned. The mixture is then removed with alcohol.

Important: Whichever method of cleaning you choose, after that it is recommended to rinse the product under running water and wipe it dry with a soft cloth.

Gold cleaning rules

First of all, you need to select recipes in accordance with the characteristics of the subject. It is quite possible to clean gold with diamonds (emerald, sapphire, topas) at home, as well as jewelry with zirconium and cubic zirconia, using ammonia. These stones will not lose their attractiveness from contact with alcohol solutions. Such rings / earrings / pendants can be cleaned using a brush; other stones of this type tolerate moderate mechanical stress well.

Earrings, pendants and rings with soft stones do not tolerate the effects of vinegar essence, ammonia and abrasive detergents, as well as powders and pastes. This group includes pearls, turquoise, coral, malachite, amber. It is not recommended to expose them to water for a long time.

Surface cleaning of gold does not give good results if the product has openwork elements and inserts. In this case, you should act on such areas with toothpicks with a piece of cotton at one end, with a cotton swab. You should not leave the active substance on the product for a long time, since the composition can dry out and then you will have to deal with cleaning not only plaque, but also toothpaste.

Thus, if you want to remove dirt from jewelry, namely gold earrings, rings, pendants, chains, you must first inspect the product. The type of alloy (for example, white gold), the configuration of the object are taken into account, the presence of stones is noted. Then, on the basis of these features, a gentle, but effective way of removing plaque and dirt is selected. For soft and hard stones, you need to use different compounds. But most gold items can be successfully cleaned using popular means (ammonia, peroxide, tooth powder, soap) without loss of quality.


It's no secret that all jewelry, including gold, gets dirty over time. The plaque that appears negatively affects the appearance of the product, they become dull and inconspicuous.

Why do you need to clean gold?

In addition to the fact that wearing contaminated gold jewelry is ugly, it is also harmful.... After all, dirt, for example, on earrings can cause inflammation of the earlobe, but what to say about piercing earrings. In order for gold jewelry to look truly spectacular and luxurious and bring only pleasant moments, you need to take care of them.

You can, of course, turn to professionals for help. But knowing to how to clean gold at home,you can save money and time.

To begin with, let's define what kind of “dirt” has accumulated on gold.Light dirt in the form of dust can be easily removed with soapy water.

However, very often there is dirt on gold jewelry due to oxidation of metalsthat are included in the alloy of the product. Because gold itself is very soft and easily damaged; in the manufacture of jewelry, an alloy of other metals is used, for example, silver, zinc, copper, nickel. When exposed to oxygen, as well as moisture in the air, copper forms green and black spots on jewelry.

Depending on the type of contamination, a specific cleaning method must be selected however, it is difficult for a non-professional to determine what kind of "dirt" has accumulated on the surface. The fact is that some small areas that are affected by metal oxidation can only be viewed under a magnifying glass. Therefore, if you want to clean your gold at home, step-by-step cleaning is the right solution.

Brushing gold at home - washing

So, the first stage. Ordinary washing.Take hot water (about 50-60 ° C), add a detergent (for example, shampoo, soap, washing powder, liquid dishwashing detergent) to it. Dip gold items into the water. Leave them on for 1-2 hours. When the dirt is limp, brush the items with a soft toothbrush. You can try to clean the products right away, but it is not a fact that you will be able to clean the places near the mounts, grooves, notches, screws, etc. And after the dirt gets wet, it can be easily removed with a soft bristle, while not damaging the product. Then the jewelry must be rinsed with running water and dried.

After such a procedure, you need to carefully inspect the product, how effective the cleaning was. You may need to repeat the soaking procedure again. If after that the product does not begin to shine, proceed to the second stage.

To clean gold at home - dry cleaning

Stage two. Chemical cleaning. In order to remove oxidized elements that are on the surface of gold items, an ammonia solution can be used. Coming into the reaction, ammonia, interacting with silver and copper oxides, leads to the formation of compounds that are readily soluble in water.

  • To carry out chemical cleaning, purchase a sufficiently concentrated aqueous solution of ammonia (at least 25%) at the pharmacy.
  • Pour it into a small container, put the item to be cleaned into it. The time for such processing should not be strictly limited. 2-3 hours will be enough.
  • If the product is heavily soiled, leave it overnight. After such a procedure, the product must be rinsed again under running water and dried.

To clean gold at home - mechanical cleaning

Stage three. Mechanical cleaning.If dry cleaning is ineffective, chemical exposure will be required. Ammonia is unable to dissolve sulfide formations, which form a black coating on the gold surface. In order to do mechanical cleaning, abrasive materials are required. However, conventional means, such as soda, should not be used, i.e. they can scratch the surface and render it permanently shiny. In addition, aggressive agents remove the top layer of gold items, thereby reducing their weight.

There are various special pastes available for cleaning gold jewelry.They are made on the basis of petroleum jelly, soapy water, vegetable oil. Various powders are used as additives: corundum, lead carbonate, tripoli, white magnesia, etc.

Apply a small amount of the paste to a soft clothor a soft bristled brush and gently wipe the dirty surface. Movements should be directed in one direction.

After cleaning is complete, wipe off the residue with a dry soft cloth, and rinse the product itself with vodka or ethyl alcohol. This is necessary in order to remove the fatty components of the paste, which form a thin film on the metal surface, imparting a dull shine. After completing this procedure, rinse the product with water and dry thoroughly.

You can cook the pasta yourself; in consistency, it should be like semolina porridge of medium liquid.

How to clean gold at home? A few more ways

We talked about how to clean gold at home.Above are several ways that you can be convinced of the effectiveness of checking them on personal experience.

Jewelry lovers often face such a problem as cleaning their favorite accessories. Even gold earrings, rings, chains lose their luster from constant wearing, change color, acquire small scratches. This is because they contain an alloy of zinc, copper, nickel, silver and other metals that react with water and air.

Is it possible to clean gold at home

Wealthy people, who have a lot of jewelry in their boxes, often take their favorite earrings or bracelets to a jeweler for cleaning for a while. For those who have one rim of a wedding ring on their finger, this is not so appropriate. So they are interested in how to clean gold at home, what materials are needed for this, what is the result. I must say right away that the effect is different.

Cleaning gold at home is an economical option, but not all items can be cleaned well without special jewelry tools. Jewelry with an openwork pattern, a convex pattern, a concave shape with many irregularities is difficult to bring to an ideal state even with a toothbrush. It is also difficult to care for items with precious and semi-precious stones. Simple rings, bracelets, earrings without numerous irregularities can be easily cleaned by yourself.

How to clean gold at home

This question is of interest to most of those who wish to use the means at hand without buying anything. They are attracted to folk remedies such as soda, dish detergent, toothpaste, lipstick, onions, vinegar. Yes, you can wipe the product with these substances, even some result will be visible (not for long). Chemicals are used much more often. After all, how to clean gold at home, if not with ammonia, borax solution, many ordinary people think. Products with stones require careful wiping with cologne, alcohol, even gasoline.

How to clean gold

Why it can happen that even expensive jewelry can darken (blacken) over time, you figured it out. Now about how to clean gold at home and how to do it without harming the product itself. Many people even decide to use washing powder (not liquid) to tidy up the decoration, but here it is proposed to consider the most common options.


This method is considered to be perhaps the simplest and most frequently used one. To prepare a cleaning mixture, you need pharmaceutical ammonia (a teaspoon), boiled hot water (glass), powder for washing or dish detergent (st. Spoon). All these components are mixed until the last ingredient is completely dissolved. Next, the product is lowered into the container with the prepared liquid, the waiting time is 2 hours. After decoration, rinse under warm water, wipe them with a dry, soft cloth.

Hydrogen peroxide

Many people are interested in how to clean gold with ammonia with the addition of peroxide, because they have heard that the effect is very good. The mixture is very simple to prepare. Yes, it really is that effective: gold will shine like new with this tool. It's all about the reaction that occurs when ammonia combines with peroxide. These funds are able to fight not only with simple dirt (sebum, dust, traces of cosmetics), but even with oxide. Cleaning takes place as follows:

  • a glass of water is poured into an enamel bowl or saucepan;
  • followed by three teaspoons of ammonia;
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide;
  • some regular liquid hand soap;
  • the gold jewelry is left in this container for several hours, then thoroughly washed and wiped off.


Table vinegar (for food additives) can be used to clean gold jewelry. It is mixed with onion juice in equal proportions, applied to a soft cloth and wiped off the product. This method helps to get rid of frivolous pollution, to restore its original appearance. It makes sense to use such cleaning for prophylactic purposes. If iodine stains appear on the jewelry, hyposulfite liquid (sold in a specialized store for amateur photographers) can remove such stains.

How to clean gold jewelry at home

Each gold piece has its own characteristics, this should be taken into account when cleaning. If you use one method on all of your jewelry, some of them can just be ruined. Before you clean white gold (like any) at home, you should be serious about choosing a method. The thing is that different jewelry not only have their own individual composition, but are also made in a certain style. Figure out how to clean your gold chain, and how to clean your earrings and rings without harming their condition.


The peculiarity and main difference of the chain is that it consists of small links connected in a certain way to each other. Between such small parts, dirt is packed very well, but it is difficult to get it. Careless cleaning often leads to the fact that the product on one of the links is torn. To prevent this, you should know how to properly handle the chain during cleaning. It's simple: it is worth lowering it in a solution of ammonia with peroxide (recipe above) for half an hour, then chatting it in the same place, taking it out. Then it remains to rinse under running water and enjoy the result.


Women's rings are distinguished by ornate patterns, the presence of small and large pebbles, and other concave or convex details. Such products are more likely to get dirty. The wedding ring loses its luster over time, but there is nowhere to get dirt. It is brushed with toothpaste using a soft old brush. But this method should not be applied to intricate jewelry. The patterns on the ring will be cleaned, but worn out, they will no longer look so attractive. Therefore, the best method is to leave the gold in soapy water or ammonia solution for a while, then rub gently.


How to clean gold if these are earrings is a pressing question. In small details, not only dust and sebum are clogged, but many cosmetics. The problem is that earrings are made up of small, connected parts and are often decorated with stones. The clasp is wiped with a solution of ammonia, soapy water, even toothpaste. In the part with a stone, cleaning is allowed only with a cotton swab moistened with alcohol or other suitable liquid. This applies only to those products in which precious "details" are glued to the decoration.

How to clean gold jewelry with stones

You should be very careful when cleaning gold with pearls, diamonds and other precious and semi-precious stones. To prevent the glued parts from falling off, do not wet the product with water or solutions. If the stone is well fixed (with golden "paws"), you can not be afraid of such an unpleasant surprise, calmly engage in cleaning. There is one more important point. Each type of pebbles is special, therefore it requires an individual approach. If you have a product with:

  • turquoise, you cannot wet it. Cleaning is carried out with a professional paste or by the jeweler himself.
  • pearls, wash it in soapy water, followed by gentle wiping.
  • swarovski crystals, soaking it is also not recommended. Wipe with a special napkin, velvet, felt.
  • quartz, diamonds, diamonds, topaz (hard stones), you can clean such a decoration with ammonia, a toothbrush and other possible methods. It is still not recommended to use sharp objects.

How to wash gold

It's worth thinking about more than just how to clean your gold at home. It is possible that he needs a simple wash. Only after this procedure can you find out if the product needs stronger means. In order to wash the gold, water is heated (up to 50 degrees), soap, shampoo, detergent (at choice) are poured into it. Gold is completely immersed in liquid for 2 hours. At the end of this time, the products are rinsed, cleaned and wiped with a soft brush. If your jewelry shines again, has its original appearance, more serious cleaning is not needed.


Gold jewelry is the pride of its owner. In order to preserve their attractive appearance, it is necessary to carry out cleaning, since during the process of use the products become coated with a coating and lose their shine.

For many people, the question is how to clean gold at home in order to get a good and durable result. Knowledge of the composition of gold jewelry will help to achieve high results.

Gold in its pure form without the addition of other substances is not used, since this metal is very soft, therefore jewelry in its composition contains a number of substances that contribute to the improvement of physical and chemical indicators.

The appearance of plaque is facilitated by:

When interacting with ambient air or water, including sea water, oxidation occurs. It is necessary to purify gold, since pollution not only spoils the appearance, but also harms health: plaque can cause inflammatory and allergic reactions.

In order for the gold to shine effectively and not to form plaque, it is necessary:

  • do not allow the product to come into contact with alkalis and various acids (housework should be carried out with gloves);
  • avoid exposure to solvents and other aggressive substances (including nail polish removers);
  • protect from the effects of paints and abrasives (remove or work with gloves);
  • do not expose to high temperatures and ultraviolet radiation.

To prevent contamination, the cleaning process should be carried out regularly, even if these recommendations are followed.

The nuances of the cleaning process

Before proceeding with cleaning, there are some important considerations to consider.

  • Many jewelry has a complex shape and places that are difficult to access for self-cleaning, for example, places where stones are inserted, bends, joints.
  • The container for preparing the mixture for cleaning must be selected so that the product can fit in it completely.

If we take into account these nuances, then the work will be faster, and the result will be of higher quality.

Cleaning process: preparation of a solution with ammonia

We clean the gold correctly, using ammonia and ordinary washing powder. Preference should be given to containers made of glass or plastic in order to exclude the possibility of oxidation. To obtain a solution for cleaning with ammonia, you will need:

  • boiled water - 250 ml;
  • ammonia - 4 ml;
  • powder for washing (without coloring additives) - 1 tbsp.

If there is no powder, then you can safely use dishwashing detergent.

The mixture is stirred, the powder should completely dissolve without leaving lumps.

The products are placed in the solution for 2-2.5 hours, after which they must be rinsed with clean running water and wiped dry using a soft towel without lint and volumetric pictures or the same cloth.

If it was not possible to buy ammonia, then you can use other recipes that will effectively cleanse yellow or red gold at home.

1. Use dishwashing detergent as the main component. To do this, you need to take:

  • water - 1 glass;
  • dishwashing liquid (preferably with a softening effect) - 1 tsp.

The container that should be used for the cleaning process should be selected taking into account that the composition will be heated for several minutes. A soft cloth should be put on the bottom, then the decorations that need to be cleaned, and then all the components to create the solution are added to the container. The heating process takes 10 minutes. Then the products should be taken out and rinsed under running water, wiped off with a soft towel. The method is suitable for cleaning jewelry and bijouterie from yellow, as the most popular, and red, which is gaining popularity, gold.

2. Liquid soap and hydrogen peroxide are also used when there is a need to clean gold from contamination and plaque. You will need to mix:

  • water - 250 ml;
  • hydrogen peroxide - 40 ml;
  • liquid soap (it is better to choose a mild one, without unnecessary additives) - 1 tsp;
  • ammonia - 1 tsp

The water needs to be heated, but not boiled - it should be warm, about 37 degrees, then add all the other components and mix. Then put the jewelry that needs cleaning into the container. The holding time is 20 minutes. At the end, gold items should be rinsed with plain water and wiped off using a lint-free cloth.

3. Salt, which is probably found in every home, is also used to carry out work to remove dark deposits from gold. An effective method for those who want to achieve a good and durable result includes the following components in the composition of the solution:

  • water - 160ml;
  • salt - 3 tablespoons

The ingredients should be mixed until the salt is completely dissolved. Jewelry is placed in a solution for 12 hours, then washed under running water.

4. Another easy way to clean gold is by using foil. Products will shine and sparkle. Would need:

  • water -1 glass;
  • soda - 2 tablespoons
  • foil.

Foil should be placed on the bottom of the selected container so that it completely covers the surface. It is required to mix water and soda, pour into a container and put jewelry in the solution. The cleaning process also continues for 12 hours, after which the gold should be rinsed and dried with a soft cloth towel.

Cleaning matte gold requires special attention.

5. The number of jewelry made using this type of metal is increasing every day. Therefore, the question of how to clean gold at home and not damage the surface is especially relevant. Accuracy, slowness and delicacy are important here. Powders, brushes cannot be used.

You can use the following solution - ammonia (25% solution). The product is placed in it for 2 hours, then washed with water and wiped dry with a soft cloth.

Lime mixed with water is also suitable for cleaning matte gold items. Lime (3-4 g) needs to be mixed with water, put a little soda (1 g), mix. The mixture should be infused for 3 days. Then products are placed in it for 4 hours. At the end, the gold is rinsed as usual and wiped off with a soft towel.

Mechanical cleaning of products from yellow and red gold

In some cases, this method is necessary. For example, if none of the proposed methods had an effect and the contamination remained, one cannot do without mechanical action. It is important to take into account that abrasive pastes are not used in this process, especially if the products are with cubic zirconia, since the surface of jewelry and stones is very easily scratched.

  • toothpaste (without additional elements);
  • petrolatum;
  • crushed chalk;
  • laundry soap;
  • water.

All components should be mixed well. The soap should be grated beforehand. The proportions of each substance should be the same. The resulting paste is applied to the product with a soft cloth. Then you need to rinse the gold thing to get rid of the petroleum jelly. At the end, the product is additionally rinsed under water and dried.