How to arrange a sweet children's table. Children's birthday menu. Several recipes for preparing delicious holiday meals for children

How much do children need to be happy? To spend a wonderful holiday, the most anticipated of all, with family and close friends, and even so that it will be remembered for a long time. And caring parents will help with this - for this they need to prepare in advance and carefully plan everything. On the eve of a children's birthday, especially such a round date as 10 years, every mother asks herself a question, so what to cook on the table? And if you decide to celebrate this event at home, then the tips of the Zatusim resource will be useful for you.

It is, of course, easier to assemble a table for the birthday of a child of 10 years old than for young children, for whom the list of food products is limited. But it is still important to choose fresh and high quality ingredients for your meals.

When composing a menu, try not to use extravagant foods and recipes, especially if you are not sure that your child and guests will want to eat it.

It is best to choose food that is familiar to the baby, but prepared in a special way.

By nature, we tend to eat separately, and in children this is especially pronounced. Therefore, the simpler the treats are, the more the guys will like them.

Choose less fatty foods and try not to use frying when cooking, because delicious food can be cooked correctly and be healthy.

If you have invited other children to your birthday, then it will not be superfluous to ask mothers about the presence of allergic reactions or other restrictions on products.

An important aspect is safety. Keeping track of active kids in the heat of the holiday is not easy, so keep your food and table as safe as possible.

Children are very fond of fresh fruits and vegetables - when serving them, make sure that the treats are well washed and, if possible, pitted.

Avoid bone fish dishes, complex sandwiches, spicy foods, and foods that are highly allergenic.

Fish dishes should be discarded, since even after a thorough check, small bones may remain, and if someone chokes, then the holiday may be completely ruined. And not all children like to eat fish.

Children's birthday menu options

Chicken dishes will be an excellent option for a hot dish - most children treat it positively.

Baked legs in batter will definitely please 10-year-olds - they are delicious and convenient to eat with your hands. These treats are easy to prepare and can be decorated in a cool way with paper brushes.

Give preference to simple salads that can be laid out in bowls. Place the filling into sandbags or tartlets.

It is much more interesting for children to treat themselves to such snacks than to sit in front of a plate overflowing with heavy salads.

Make small sandwiches with homemade pork, cheese, or pate. But smoked meats and sausages are best avoided.

An excellent solution for a festive table is various canapes decorated on skewers - such a treat will definitely be eaten.

Avoid the abundance of purchased sweets and candies, many delicious desserts can be prepared at home on your own.

The menu for the birthday of a 10-year-old girl can be diversified with all kinds of fruit and berry jellies, mousses. Milkshakes and chocolate puddings are also great table decorations.

It is better to replace carbonated drinks with natural juices and fruit drinks. The time of bottled cola and forfeits on the tables has already passed, and every mother who cares about the health of her children is able to prepare delicious and healthy drinks.

Cooking meals that kids love

Almost any healthy dish can be transformed into a children's menu for 10-year-old guests. But there are treats that kids especially enjoy. We will include them in our menu.

Snacks, sandwiches and canapes

Small snack sandwiches and canapes will be a great staple of the menu for a child's birthday 10 years old. Make small sandwiches. The ideal size is 5x5 cm, so it is much more convenient to eat them.

Products can be cut into various shapes (stars, circles, fish) using molds and put on skewers. It is advisable that the skewers are not very sharp, which will exclude injuries.

You can string anything on skewers: fruits, vegetables, cheese, cold cuts, bread. Alternate colors - this will make the appetizer look much more interesting.

If the holiday takes place in the open air or in the woods by the fire, prepare to delight children.

Homemade pizza for birthday

For a 10 year anniversary, a girl or boy can make pizza. Children simply adore it, and will prefer many other dishes.

Such an Italian open pie can be both the main treat on the table and a small snack. It all depends on the filling you choose and the method of serving.

You can bake one large pizza or make small portioned treats.

The golden rule of baby food is the simpler the better. Therefore, chicken, cheese, pickled cucumbers, and tomato sauce are perfect ingredients for pizza.

Do not overload it with olives or onions - children often do not eat these foods.

In the summertime, you cannot do without cooling drinks. Homemade lemonade will help out here.

To make lemonade you will need:

  • water;
  • lemon;
  • sugar.

The proportions of the ingredients are arbitrary. Usually, for 1 liter of water, the juice and zest of 1 lemon is enough. But everything will depend on the size and freshness, the acidity of the fruit. Also add sugar to taste. 3 liters of drink takes 1 glass of granulated sugar.

Wash the lemon thoroughly and scald with boiling water. On a grater, remove the zest from the citrus.

Squeeze out all the juice, then strain to remove the seeds.

Boil water and add zest and sugar to it. Continue brewing for another 10 minutes.

Cool the syrup and pour the squeezed lemon juice into it.

The lemonade is ready! Store in a sealed container in the refrigerator.

You will need 1 kilogram of ripe strawberries. You can use wild strawberries or wild strawberries, or other berries according to the season.

To make a delicious smoothie in a high container, mix 2 cups of juice (fruit drink), berries, pieces of melon, banana.

Beat the resulting mixture well with a blender until smooth.
Pour into tall glasses and garnish with fruit. This drink will be a great addition to any appetizer or dessert.

Interesting recipes using berries in the material.

Birthday Cakes 10 Years

What birthday goes without a cake - its appearance almost always becomes the culmination of the holiday.

Of course, mothers always have a choice - to order a birthday cake for a 10-year-old boy in a pastry shop, or to bake it at home on their own.

If you have free time, the second option is preferable, since you will know exactly what ingredients the cake for children is made of.

The safety rules for the components and preparation remain valid for the first anniversary.

In addition, there are recipes for amazingly tasty and easy-to-prepare treats, starting with and ending with desserts, cupcakes, muffins.

Jelly cake without baking

Even if there is no experience in preparing complex baking, making jelly is not difficult. In addition, there is a place for creative experiments and the embodiment of the most incredible ideas.

For cooking you will need:

  • butter;
  • shortbread cookies;
  • cinnamon;
  • fruit;
  • gelatin;
  • chocolate;
  • heavy cream;
  • curd;
  • powdered sugar.

For the base, prepare butter, cookies and cinnamon. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and tamp them in a split cake mold. We send it to the freezer for 15–20 minutes.

For the next jelly layer, you can choose any filler - fruits, berries, chocolate. The most beautiful cake will turn out if you combine several layers.

Prepare the gelatin mixture according to the instructions on the package, add melted chocolate and heavy cream - 200 ml. Stir and send to simmer over low heat, without bringing to a boil.

In a blender, mix 200 g of curd mass with the prepared chocolate mixture and add 50 g of powdered sugar. Put it on the base of the cake and send it to freeze in the cold.

At this time, we are preparing the next layer.

Add berry juice, chopped fruits and berries to the new gelatin mixture. Let it brew a little and fill the first layer with it after it has frozen.

You can combine the number of layers and their content at your discretion. Decorate the cake to your liking - with fresh berries or almond flakes, chocolate chips or marzipan figurines.

A birthday cake for a 10 years old girl can be not only a delicious treat, but also a great activity for your child.

Involve the young birthday girl in the cooking process, giving her the freedom to be creative.

Such joint efforts on the eve of the holiday will definitely appeal to girls and even some boys.

Festive table setting

It is important to remember that children are not adults who are ready to sit for hours at a party at the table.

Most likely, the holiday will not be complete without contests and games, where only in intervals of time the kids will run up to the table and have something to eat and chew on the go. Try to create a comfortable environment for them.

Plastic shatterproof dishes, small portions of food that are convenient to take from the table will help out.

Drinking cups can be written with guests' names, resealable cocktail bottles and smoothies with straws.

Treats can be decorated with animal figurines or cartoon characters. Fruits and vegetables are fun to cut with special kitchen utensils.

Summing up, let's highlight the main points that must be taken into account when drawing up a children's birthday menu:

  1. Think in advance about the dishes for the birthday of the child 10 years old.
  2. Avoid complicated recipes and extravagant ingredients.
  3. It is better to serve familiar products, but prepared in an original way.
  4. Homemade pizza will be a great treat for a children's birthday 10 years old.
  5. Use less commercial sweets - delicious desserts can and should be prepared at home.
  6. Carbonated drinks are easy to replace with fruit drinks, compotes or juices.
  7. Try making a delicious cake that doesn't need to be baked.

Serve the table and dishes beautifully, then your child and guests will definitely be satisfied.

Video: children's holiday menu

What and how to cook for a children's holiday is shown in detail in the video:

Options for decorating and serving a children's festive table.

With the approach of the children's birthday, each mother thinks about the holiday, and tries to make it unforgettable, both for children and for parents. Now everyone is tired of boring feasts when children are left to their own devices. Holidays are organized primarily for kids.

It is worth highlighting a few points that will help organize a holiday. You need to complete and solve the following tasks:

  • Define the theme of the birthday
  • Find the right room
  • Choose room decoration options
  • Set the table and serve it appropriately
  • Purchase or prepare treats
  • Consider entertainment and music

Of the topics, several main ones can be distinguished:

  • Cartoon. These can be characters from cartoons or children's fairy tales.
  • Professions. Perhaps your child dreams of becoming an astronaut or a fisherman. That is why it is worth organizing a party in this style.
  • Heroes. It could be a superhero party. For example, Batman or Spider-Man.
  • Historical events. It can be a knightly theme or a pirate party.
DIY decoration and setting of a children's table for a birthday

DIY decoration and setting of a children's table for a birthday

DIY decoration and setting of a children's table for a birthday

DIY decoration and table setting for a children's birthday

Often, a variety of snacks, canapés and sliced \u200b\u200bsandwiches are placed on the buffet table. The decoration option depends on the theme of the chosen party.


  • Fishing or pirate party. In this case, it is better to cover the table with a net, and put plates decorated with napkins on the table. They can be rolled up in the form of a fish or a boat. The sandwiches themselves can be decorated like pirates or fish. All this can be done with mayonnaise or ketchup. The birthday cake is also served like a ship.
  • Kingdom. This theme is more suitable for girls, so the whole setting is decorated in pink. This is a pink tablecloth, pink napkins and cups decorated with pink ribbons. Dolls in fluffy dresses can stand on the table. The dishes themselves should also be tender. Usually these are airy cupcakes with pink cream and lemonade in brightly colored jugs.
  • Detective agency. There are also several options here. If all the guests are in tailcoats, then the buffet table can be decorated in red and white or black and white colors. A red tablecloth and black napkins folded into hats or tailcoats will do. Quest cards or regular holiday programs can be placed near the plates. It is necessary to make the buffet interesting, so you can give cards with tasks.

Children just love a variety of sweets, so parents often do not bother with the preparation of the main dishes. It could be a nice sweet table.

The options are:

  • In pink. The table is covered with a pink cloth, satin bows are tied to the chairs. There are many peonies or roses on the table. All cupcakes are garnished with pink cream. The cake can be made in the form of a doll. Home-made sweets are covered with white glaze and pink powder.
  • In blue tones. Blue cookies and cakes are placed on the table. Everything is decorated in light colors. In general, the concept is the same as in the version with pink decorations.
  • Chocolate. Everything is chocolate and is distinguished by this range of colors. These can be cakes with condensed milk and custard. A variety of nuts or rolls filled with chocolate or nuts. Everything is very sweet and high in calories.

Now you will not surprise anyone with slices of fruits and vegetables. That is why mothers try to make the serving of such familiar fruits unusual.

Fruit table decoration options:

  • Everything can be decorated in tropical style. Bright and acid colors, wreaths, artificial flowers. Maybe something like a Hawaiian party. Moreover, all cocktails are served in coconuts with a straw. Since it is very expensive, you can make cups from oranges or lemons.
  • Salads and fruit cuts are served in pineapple dishes. Melons are often filled with berries such as grapes and raspberries. It turns out a kind of berry mix.
  • Fruit canapes can be made. Usually, a slice of banana is taken as a base, on which a slice of peach and grapes is laid out. Everything is held together with a toothpick. The table itself can be sprinkled with peony petals.

New Year is one of the most favorite children's holidays. After all, it is at this time that children receive a lot of gifts and unforgettable emotions.

Options for decorating a New Year's table for children:

  • Snow theme. In this case, everything should resemble snow. That is, white cakes, salads. There may be cotton wool snowmen on the table. Hang paper snowflakes or cotton wool garlands above the table itself.
  • Christmas tree theme. In this case, the entire table can be decorated with small Christmas trees. At the same time, salads and main dishes are decorated in the form of a Christmas tree.
  • Fairy tale characters. These can be New Year's hares, Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. Almost the entire table is decorated in this style.

There are a lot of options for decorating a children's table for a birthday. With inexpensive materials, you can make the holiday unforgettable, and the tea party very interesting. Below are the most interesting options for decorating the festive table.
Photos of the best beautiful children's tables for children's birthday, holiday

Photos of the best beautiful children's tables for children's birthday, holiday

It is easy to make a holiday unforgettable, the main thing is a little time, patience and money.

VIDEO: Children's festive table decoration

A child's birthday is the most exciting and long-awaited holiday for both the young hero of the occasion and his parents. I would like this event to remain in the memory for a long time not only for the birthday man, but also for everyone present.

The preparation process can take a tremendous amount of time and effort, since it is necessary to think over not only an entertainment program for the gathered children, but also to make the home atmosphere festive. A beautifully decorated room and proper table setting will help children immerse themselves in a real fairy tale, cheer them up and leave an indelible impression.

If you do everything with love, putting your soul into every detail, parents can also experience incredible pleasure watching the cheerful children. But the most important thing is that the birthday person will remember this holiday for the rest of his life, presented by his loving mom and dad.

Where to begin?

Before you start decorating the table with your own hands for a children's birthday, you need to choose the theme of the festive event. The key to success in organizing a holiday lies in the absolute observance of the entourage.

In recent years, themed holidays for children have become especially popular. This has its own logic, because children come to frolic and play, and the theme set by adults creates an ideal atmosphere for this.

Having come up with an entertaining scenario, choose the most suitable cutlery and decor. This will be the foundation for a successful event. There is no need to put expensive, but very boring for children, sets on the table; it is enough to purchase bright disposable serving items.

The main advantages of using disposable tableware for decorating a table for a children's birthday are cheapness and safety. You will have no reason to worry about a plate or cup breaking and children getting hurt.

Decorating and serving

If you decide to celebrate a children's birthday at home, decorating the table can take a lot of time. However, if you plan everything in advance, there should be no special problems, and the preparation will be quick and fun. Almost any supermarket sells a variety of kits for children's parties. For example, you can easily find disposable napkins, tablecloths, dishes that have the same stylistic performance. The most suitable option would be the set that depicts the heroes of popular cartoons and comics.

In the event that it was decided to celebrate the name day in a cafe or entertainment center, then you need to worry about decorating a sweet table. On a children's birthday, which takes place outside the home, it is better to give up the usual dishes, and please the kids with something unusual, especially since professional chefs will cook everything. First of all, decorate the room with colorful flags and balloons. Then place the sweets on the table. The best idea is to order cupcakes with edible cartoon characters. The cake must be original, correspond to the chosen theme. Pre-cut it into equal parts, and after the birthday boy blows out the candles, put the kids on plates.

Oilcloth or tablecloth?

Colored oilcloth is perfect for decorating a table for a children's birthday. It can be easily cleaned if soda, juice or food falls on the table. The advantages of oilcloth include low cost and a fairly rich assortment, from which it is easy to choose the desired color scheme.

Using a tablecloth, spread your drawing paper over it, leaving the center of the table, which will hold the main dishes, untouched. In the event that something falls or spills, the paper can be quickly changed and the table will be neat again.

Often, at such a table, all sorts of incidents occur. For example, one of the fidgets can pull the edge of a tablecloth or oilcloth, with which everything will fly to the floor. In order to avoid this, fix the oilcloth or tablecloth in advance.


Making a table for a children's birthday, you need to take care of napkins, which you will definitely need. You can get creative and fold them in such a way that you get an interesting figurine, such as a swan. But if there is no time for this, then just lay out the napkins under the plates. The most practical option is multi-colored napkins, but cloth napkins with pretty embroidery can also be used.

Choice of cutlery

As already mentioned, when making a table for a children's birthday, there is no need to expose expensive dishes. Children do not care how much the cutlery will cost, the most important thing is that they fit the chosen theme and preferably have images of cartoon characters. Disposable tableware is much lighter than, for example, porcelain. It is safer because it does not break. And you don't need to wash it after the end of the event.

Use plastic straws for juices or cocktails. As you know, many children love to drink through colored tubes. They are on sale in almost any store. You can decorate them yourself, for example with tinsel or rain. If your child is interested in the process of preparing for their own birthday, make decorations together. Having seen the result of the work done, the birthday person will be proud of himself.

Everyone has their own place

When decorating a table for a children's birthday, it is extremely important to correctly allocate places for each child. In order for the children to understand who is sitting and where, a balloon can be tied to the back of the chair, on which the name of the little guest will be written. The most successful solution is to decorate the chairs in accordance with the decor of the room.

  • Where the girls will sit, paper flowers or huge fluffy bows can be used as decoration.
  • A chair on the back of which is, for example, a musketeer's cloak, indicates that a boy will be sitting here.

Making the decoration of a festive table for a children's birthday, you can collect a large bouquet, but not from fresh flowers, but from "Chupa-Chups". A small audience is guaranteed to be delighted with such a creative and very sweet idea.

Dish decoration

As a rule, many children are very difficult to get to eat. In order for the little guests to have a good appetite, it is necessary to be creative in the preparation of dishes. There are a colossal number of options for creative presentation: from mashed potatoes, you can make a very cute smiley face with cutlet ears and hair from lettuce leaves, a sandwich in the shape of a dress for a doll or a funny animal.

Even pancakes familiar to everyone can be made original. When making the dough, simply add carrot or beetroot juice. Children will be happy to try an orange pancake, even if they have no appetite at all. Vegetable and cold cuts can also be prepared in an original way. It all depends on the desire, imagination and the availability of free time from the parents.

The drinks

Drinks on the children's table must be fresh and healthy. Never buy soda. Freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juice is best. It can be poured into pre-prepared baby juice bottles, after removing the factory labels. Apply themed stickers in their place. You can add a high-quality and harmless dye to the usual fruit drink or orange juice by changing the color of the drink, for example, to blue. This will cause a lot of emotions in children, because they have never seen anything like this.

If your birthday is in winter, soak the edges of the glasses, then dip them briefly in sugar. Thus, the effect of frost will be obtained, which looks very nice and interesting.

Children's table decoration for a boy's birthday

Each boy has his own idol from the world of superheroes. In order for the holiday to really bring the birthday person the maximum pleasure, pay special attention not only to the design of the table, but also to the decor of the room itself. In order to bring joy to both the birthday man and the gathered children, you can invite professional animators who have costumes suitable for such events, as well as enough experience to cheer up all the guests.

If there is no way to hire actors, then full-size stickers, which are sold in many supermarkets, are fine. For example, if a boy loves to watch movies or cartoons about Spider-Man, you can paste his images on the walls, glasses, and stick a huge web on the oilcloth. When choosing disposable tableware, give preference to blue and red tones, in which the Spider-Man costume is decorated. The ordered birthday cake must also correspond to the theme and have, for example, the Spider-Man logo with the name of the hero of the occasion.

Table decoration for a children's birthday for a girl

Making a table for little beauties does not take as much time as it might seem. When choosing colors for disposable tableware, give preference to pink and red tones. You can put vases on the table and pour red, pink or white lollipops into them. Any room can be simply filled with delicate pink tones; balloons, garlands or bows are perfect for this. Take the time to make your own festive table drink using fresh fruits such as grapefruit, red grapes, or oranges. Order a cake in the shape of a fairytale castle or a crown.


When embodying your ideas for decorating a table for a children's birthday, do not forget about the safety of children. First of all, it depends on the furniture that will be selected for the event. Since young guests are coming to the party, the table and chairs should be appropriate for their height. You can ask friends who have babies for special chairs for children. Don't worry about them all being different. For such a situation, elegant covers are ideal, which are not difficult to sew at all. On top of them, you can tie beautiful and lush bows or gentlemen's butterflies.

A children's birthday menu should be carefully thought out. It should turn out to be interesting, original, and varied. It is important to take care not only of the taste, but also of the bright and unusual design of each treat and, of course, its harmlessness to the child.

The first birthday is a responsible event in every sense. But festive treats will not have to be given special attention yet. All meals are mainly prepared for adults.

A children's birthday table at 1 year old can include peeled, cut and beautifully laid out fruits, portioned fruit / berry / vegetable purees, juices, cottage cheese and cookies. It will be possible to pamper the little ones only with a special cake made from children's dairy products.

1 year cake


  • 1 banana;
  • ½ tbsp. baby yogurt;
  • 200 g baby curd;
  • sugar optional;
  • 5 g gelatin;
  • 150-200 g baby biscuits.


  1. Cover the split mold with foil and completely cover the bottom with cookies.
  2. Mix dairy products and sugar. The last ingredient is optional and is optional. If the yogurt and curd are sweet, you can skip the extra sweetener in the recipe.
  3. Dissolve gelatin in 50 ml of cold water and leave for 10 - 12 minutes. Heat the mixture over low heat until the thickener is completely dissolved and pour into the composition from the second step.
  4. Distribute the curd mass over the liver. Most of it will float up.
  5. Remove the base of the dessert in the cold for 3 hours.
  6. After this time, gently turn the cake onto a plate and remove the foil.
  7. Place a cookie cutter around the dessert and tie it with a bright ribbon.

It remains only to decorate the finished delicacy with banana slices.

What to cook for a child's 5th birthday

Keeping a five-year-old birthday boy and his guests at the festive table is not easy. Children at this age prefer to spend most of their time on active fun games. Therefore, in the menu for a children's birthday 5 years old, you need to include such treats that will quickly satisfy your hunger in order to run on about your business.

Pancake canapes


  • 300 g chicken ham;
  • 1 full glass of soft curd cheese
  • olives / olives;
  • 8 pcs. thin ready-made pancakes;
  • fresh herbs.


  1. According to any convenient recipe, you need to bake delicate delicious pancakes. Enough will be 8 pieces.
  2. Put the first pancake on a cutting board, cover it with curd cheese and sprinkle with herbs. Cover with the second and spread thin slices of chicken ham over it.
  3. Repeat layers until you run out of bases and filling.
  4. Cut the resulting "cake" into neat canapé squares.

Decorate each portion with an olive or olive, secure with a skewer.

Snack "Stadium"


  • 3 packs of white bread;
  • 1 pack of cream sausages;
  • a pound of any sausages;
  • a pound of cheese;
  • 2 bunches of lettuce leaves;
  • 2 kg of various vegetables (cherry, bell peppers, cucumbers);
  • olives and olives;
  • salty square crackers.


  1. Place a rectangular shallow salad bowl in the middle of a large round or square dish. Cover it with lettuce leaves, chopped straight with your hands (half of the amount stated in the recipe).
  2. On the resulting "playing" green field, put the "players" of two teams of olives and olives.
  3. Divide the area around the salad bowl into equal parts using square crackers. At your discretion, fill them with chopped sausages, sausages, small pieces of vegetables and cheese.
  4. It remains to frame the resulting structure with slices of white bread. Put a lettuce between them.

In addition to such a spectacular appetizer, you can serve any mild sauces.

Sausage octopuses


  • 12 - 14 miniature sausages;
  • 1 tablespoon egg;
  • 2 dessert spoons of sour cream;
  • 2 dessert spoons of flour;
  • salt;
  • sunflower oil.


  1. Beat the egg until frothy. Add sour cream and salt to it. Repeat whisking the ingredients together.
  2. Pour in the sifted flour. Mix. You should get a homogeneous batter of medium density.
  3. Peel each sausage from the film and cut crosswise on one side. Dip the second part of the sausage into the batter.
  4. Fry the appetizer until tender in boiling oil.

Serve with ketchup.

Banana dessert


  • 2 tbsp. l. peanut butter;
  • 2 large bananas;
  • half a bar of milk chocolate;
  • 2 tbsp. l. chopped assorted nuts.


  1. Peel the bananas and divide each into 4 to 6 pieces (depending on size).
  2. Coat the fruit slices with peanut butter and string on long skewers.
  3. Melt the chocolate in a water bath. Pour the chopped assorted nuts into a separate bowl.
  4. Dip each banana slice first in chocolate, then sprinkle with nut crumbs.

Send the finished dessert in the freezer for half an hour.

Festive menu for 7 - 9 years old

Schoolchildren can sit quietly at the table for some time and try their favorite dishes. In order to keep them longer at lunch and feed them satisfyingly, the children's festive menu should include treats with attractive design on the theme of your favorite cartoons and fairy tales.

Mashed potatoes "Spiders"


  • 500 g raw potatoes;
  • half a glass of low-fat cream;
  • salt;
  • 50 g butter;
  • 1 olive;
  • 2 green onion feathers;
  • 2 canned corn kernels;
  • ketchup.


  1. Boil the potatoes until cooked in salted water. Drain the liquid from it.
  2. Add softened butter and mash the potatoes until puree.
  3. Heat the cream in a saucepan. Add them to puree. Mash the potatoes well again.
  4. Place it on a flat, round dish and flatten with a spoon.
  5. Using ketchup, draw a thin, ornate web on top.
  6. Sit on the side of the "spider". Its body is made of olives, its eyes are made of corn, and its legs are made of green onions.

Serve hot as a side dish on the festive table.

Nuggets "Krabiki"


  • a pound of chicken fillet;
  • 1/3 tbsp. classic soy sauce;
  • 3 eggs;
  • ½ loaf of white bread;
  • 6 dessert spoons of flour;
  • salt, curry;
  • sunflower oil;
  • blueberries and bell peppers for decoration.


  1. Cut the chicken into small portions. Their optimal length is 5 - 6 cm. Marinate the bird in soy sauce.
  2. Freeze white bread in advance, and then rub coarsely.
  3. Beat eggs separately. Season with salt and pour onto a flat plate.
  4. Sprinkle the pickled chicken pieces with flour, then dip in the egg mixture and finally roll in grated bread.
  5. Fry the nuggets in hot oil until tender and brown.
  6. Then lay them out on paper napkins to remove excess fat.

Decorate the finished nuggets in the form of crabs. Add blueberry eyes and bell pepper claws.

"Three Little Pigs" salad


  • 3 boiled quail eggs and 1 chicken;
  • 1 fresh cucumber;
  • 1 apple;
  • 50 - 100 g "Gouda" (cheese);
  • any sour cream sauce;
  • rock salt;
  • 1 chicken breast;
  • cranberries, radishes and dill for decoration.


  1. Boil the chicken breast until cooked and take apart into fibers. Smear with sour cream sauce, add salt and put in the first layer on a plate. Make the base of the salad oval or round.
  2. Grate a large chicken egg and spread over the chicken.
  3. Next, spread out the grated fresh cucumber mixed with salt and sour cream sauce.
  4. Add finely grated apple without peel and core on top of the vegetable.
  5. Cover everything with shredded cheese.

Sprinkle the prepared salad with chopped dill. Place the "piglets" of boiled quail eggs on top. Ears, patches and tails for them are cut from radishes. The eyes are laid out with cranberries.

Spongebob cake without baking


  • a pound of shortbread cookies;
  • 1 egg yolk;
  • 1 full glass of milk
  • 2 dessert spoons of liquid honey;
  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla sugar;
  • 2 dessert spoons of butter;
  • 1 dessert spoon of flour;
  • 200 g of gummy candies;
  • yellow food coloring;
  • on a bar of white and dark chocolate.


  1. Mix honey with vanilla sugar, yolk and a little milk. Add yellow food coloring as directed. For this amount of ingredients, ¼ tsp is enough.
  2. Add flour and mix the mixture. In consistency, it should turn out like thick sour cream.
  3. Dilute the mixture with the remaining milk, put it on fire and bring to a boil. Stir constantly, cook until thick.
  4. Remove the mass from the stoves, add butter to it and beat well with a whisk. Pour grated cookies into the mixture.
  5. Put the mixture on a plate, form a rectangle, and make notches on the sides with the tip of a rolling pin.
  6. Melt both types of chocolate. From white to make eyes, teeth and a shirt of a fairy-tale character. Pour dark chocolate over pants and mouth.

Cut the rest of the details out of colored gummy candies.

Children's birthday table for 10 years

The birthday boy and his guests at the age of 10 can already sit down at the "adult" table. Surely they will enjoy the same treats that their parents try. But in order to please little gourmets, it is worth adding a little originality to the treats chosen for the festive table.

"Balls" with minced chicken


  • 350 g minced chicken;
  • 200 g ready-made puff pastry;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 yolk;
  • salt and pepper;
  • vegetable oil.


  1. Chop the onion very finely, mix with the meat, sprinkle with salt and pepper. Mix the resulting composition well.
  2. Roll medium-sized balls from this mass.
  3. Defrost the dough, roll out thinly and cut into small strips.
  4. Wrap meat balls with them like a ball of thread. It is not necessary to completely hide the minced meat behind the dough.
  5. Grease the blanks with whipped yolk.

Grease a baking sheet with vegetable oil and put "balls" on it. Bake the dish for 35 - 40 minutes at medium temperature.

Chicken appetizer


  • 5 - 6 pre-cooked quail eggs;
  • 4 - 5 dessert spoons of medium fat sour cream;
  • 1/3 cup grated cheese
  • boiled carrots;
  • dill;
  • salt.


  1. Cut the eggs in half figured, so that sharp teeth are obtained on each part. If the protein is not stable on the plate, you should cut off the bottom of it.
  2. Remove the yolks and mash with sour cream. Season with salt, add grated cheese and mix well.
  3. Roll balls from the cheese and egg mass with wet hands.
  4. Cut scallops and beaks for future chickens from boiled carrots and fix them on balls.
  5. Place the resulting "chickens" in the protein halves.

Sprinkle the finished appetizer with chopped dill.

Profiteroles with crab sticks


  • 10 pieces. ready-made choux pastry bases;
  • 1 medium pack of chilled crab sticks
  • 3 boiled eggs;
  • 1 strong fresh cucumber;
  • 1 tbsp. canned corn kernels;
  • 1 processed cheese;
  • 1 tbsp. l. chopped green onions;
  • 1/3 tbsp. classic mayonnaise.


  1. Grate very finely the boiled eggs, cucumber, cream cheese and crab sticks.
  2. Mix the ingredients together and season with mayonnaise.
  3. Add chopped onions and corn kernels.

Put the resulting filling in the cut profiteroles.

Chocolate muss


  • 4 table eggs;
  • 1 orange;
  • 1.5 bars of quality dark chocolate;
  • granulated sugar to taste.


  1. Build a water bath on the stove. Melt the dark chocolate in a smaller container.
  2. Beat the pre-cooled raw egg whites separately in a deep bowl. They should turn into a stable foam.
  3. From a well-washed orange, gently remove the zest with a fine grater. Squeeze the juice out of the fruit itself.
  4. Mix the remaining yolks with sugar and beat in a separate bowl until whitened.
  5. Introduce juice and citrus zest into the resulting mass of yolks, add protein foam and pour in dark chocolate.

Do not forget about bright skewers. With their help, you can fix a vegetable sail, a cheese tree, etc. on sandwiches or tartlets.

You can cut out decorations for children's dishes from vegetables and fruits, paint on ready-made treats with sauces, and also sculpt various fairy-tale characters from melted cheese and other suitable products.

How to set the table for a child's birthday?

You can set the table for a children's birthday according to the standard scheme - put all the treats at once and put plates with cutlery for little guests next to it. But it is much more convenient for babies when goodies are freely available. Then you will be able to run up to them at any time during the game and have a snack.

For example, with this option, you can arrange portioned treats in small plates and put them on a common buffet.

The main thing is to make the portions small "for one bite" and do not forget about the large number of napkins.

Decorating the table is in a thematic style. For example, make it pirate, cowboy, etc. Special sets from the store of accessories for the holiday will help in this. They include plates, glasses, tablecloths and napkins with bright drawings.

Features of making a menu for a child 1 year old, 2-3 years old, 5-6 years old, 10 years old

When inviting children of different ages to your house for a holiday, first of all, you should ask their parents if little guests have allergic reactions to any foods.

Perhaps, the mother categorically forbids some dishes to her child. Such moments must be taken into account when drawing up the menu.

  • For one-year-old crumbs, the best treats will be fruit purees in sealed containers, which are convenient to eat without the help of adults, as well as apples and bananas, cut into large pieces, baby cookies without chocolate and other additives. Both natural juices and plain water in individual bottles should be offered as drinks.
  • For kids aged 2 - 3 years, you can already put vegetable puree as a side dish on the festive table, serve baked poultry meat without seasonings and sauces, original cutlets, nuggets. Homemade yoghurt cakes, fruit and berry platter will be the best dessert.
  • At the age of 5 - 6, in addition to all of the above, children are already willing to eat salads, try various types of meat, any desserts. The main thing is to minimize the amount of hot spices in them, and instead of mayonnaise in snacks, use sour cream or unsweetened thick yogurt.

Ten-year-olds and older guests will surely be boldly trying all the treats served. Therefore, it is enough to clarify their taste preferences in advance or try to cook something universal that will definitely appeal to all young gourmets.

Every loving mommy annually racks her brains about what to cook for children’s birthday. Fidgets, capricious to food, often refuse the usual dense table, therefore, when choosing a menu, you should be based on children's preferences. It is necessary to involve the birthday person in the discussion of dishes, and the connection between generations will be strengthened, and the holiday will be held at the highest level.

Important rules

"Adult" food can lead to heaviness in small stomachs, overeating, which will undoubtedly ruin a child's birthday. What to cook for sensitive tummies? Several rules will help you decide:

  • it is necessary to inquire about the presence of allergic reactions and possible dietary habits from the parents of the guest children;
  • smoked and highly seasoned foods are strictly prohibited, excess fat and chemical additives will lead to heaviness and irritation, so salami and all smoked foods are left without an "invitation" to the holiday;
  • too loaded sauce - mayonnaise - also falls out of the white list, a heavy composition even for adults can be replaced with good sour cream or unsweetened yogurt;
  • spicy garlic and onions should be minimized, as baby tummies can suffer from gas;
  • excessive concern for healthy eating is also not appropriate at a children's (especially boy's) holiday - dishes in multilayer foil are inconvenient to eat, therefore, you need to take risks only with the approval of the birthday person;
  • exotic or untested products should be excluded;
  • soda, favorite by children, is also excommunicated from the children's table - you can replace it with good juices (apple and grape juice is the very thing);
  • desserts are the main guest of the celebration, so the choice of food should be approached with Carlson's scrupulousness;
  • small toys on glasses for juice will look mischievous and attractive - each child will be able to take with him a piece of the celebration.

The main components of the children's table

The festive menu for a children's birthday must consist of an acceptable trio - bright appetizers, a main low-fat dish and a delicious dessert. You can choose canapes, portioned light salads or original sandwiches as a snack-instigator.


Canapes in the form of rolls with ham look colorful. To create them you will need:

  • 500 g lean ham;
  • 300 g low-fat cottage cheese (or hard unsalted cheese);
  • 200 g of high-quality sour cream;
  • a bunch of dill (at the request of the birthday person);
  • olives (or olives, if the kids love them more).

Making canapes

  1. The ham must be thinly cut into leaves. Cottage cheese (cheese) must be mixed with herbs and sour cream (for those who like spice, chopped garlic can be added, but very little).
  2. Each leaf of ham must be filled with curd filling and rolled into a roll. It is necessary to secure the divo-snack with a plastic skewer with a safe tip, olives will be the top of the roll, they should be strung before the sausage itself.
  3. You can serve the rolls on small plates with lettuce and scattered olives.

Canapes with tomatoes

Signor tomato will tell you what to cook for children’s birthday. For example, tomato-based canapes will perfectly dilute a children's table. For a noble snack you will need:

  • 300 g fresh cherry tomatoes;
  • 2-3 pieces of processed (homemade or good commercial) cheese (feta cheese for salty lovers);
  • 150 g fresh basil.

Cherry must be cut in half, and a piece of cheese (feta cheese) should be placed between the halves. Before pricking the "head" of the tomato onto a skewer, it is worth decorating with a leaf of basil. These skewers can be laid on toast with leaves of the same salad.


What else can you cook original dishes for a children's birthday? For example, rainbow canapes. They will decorate the festive table. For cooking you will need:

  • 400 g of small homemade strawberries;
  • 500 g of sweet peeled tangerines;
  • 300 g of a good ripe kiwi;
  • 500 g fresh (canned in slices) pineapple;
  • 300 g of blueberries, grapes and sweet raspberries.


  1. It is necessary to string bright lumps on a well-polished wooden skewer - raspberries, fragrant blueberries and grapes begin a rainbow. The berries should be laid out from the darkest to the lightest.
  2. Next is the turn of kiwi in cubes, pineapple is the central figure, its slices must be the largest and most noticeable, strawberry, as the densest and most charming, will become the closing one.
  3. Serve juicy canapes on a pure white plate in several pieces. The colorfulness of this dish will attract little gourmets in a matter of seconds.

Mini pizza

What can you cook for a birthday for children, your own baby will tell you. If your child loves pizza, you can easily decorate the table with a mini pizza. For cooking you will need:

  • a glass of low-fat but high-quality kefir;
  • a teaspoon (incomplete) of soda and the same amount of fine salt;
  • a tablespoon of fine white sugar;
  • half a glass of filtered vegetable oil from a trusted company;
  • 3-3.5 cups of good flour;
  • 500 g chicken breast;
  • hard unsalted cheese;
  • tomato paste without bitterness (it is better to cook it yourself);
  • greens;
  • pitted olives;
  • broccoli.

Cooking pizza

The first step is to make the dough:

  1. In order for little critics to easily accept the pizza dough (namely, it often spoils the taste), you need to knead it in a great mood and completely surrender to the process.
  2. Kefir at room temperature should be combined with soda, this cocktail should be set aside for 12 minutes so that the soda fully reacts with the kefir particles, then the dough will become captivatingly soft.
  3. After a break, it is necessary to gradually mix sugar, salt into the kefir mass and pour in vegetable oil in a thin stream.
  4. The whole mixture should be carefully mixed, then you can begin to introduce flour. Don't empty it all out at once. It is necessary to treat flour with respect. It is better to introduce in small handfuls, without stopping to stir the mixture. After kneading the dough well (when it no longer sticks, but remains fluffy), you can let it cool in the refrigerator.

The second step is to make the filling:

  1. The filling of pies or pizzas is often a sticking point. Mothers often think about what to cook tasty and healthy for their children’s birthday. A tandem of chicken and broccoli is the perfect solution to the problem.
  2. For the filling of mini pizzas, you need to boil the chicken breast well (then it will get rid of the fat) and cut it into small pieces.
  3. Broccoli and olives should be cut into small pieces. Olives should not be cut into rings, it is more convenient to eat half rings.
  4. The cheese should be grated on a fine grater. Since the pizza is quite small, large pieces may not melt well.

The final stage:

  1. The dough must be rolled out thinly and evenly and, using the space optimally, form areas for pizza cakes on it. Small half-portion bowls or large cups will help in this - it all depends on the appetite of the children.
  2. Then you should lay out the filling and send the pizza to the preheated oven for 15-20 minutes.

Strawberry puree

And what to cook for children’s birthday as a dessert? This issue affects not only the tastes of the kids, but also the weather conditions during the celebration. In hot months, light meals should be preferred. So what can you cook for a children's birthday? Dessert "Strawberry puree with white chocolate" will be an excellent option for summer gatherings. To prepare it, you will need:

  • 2-3 drops of vanilla essence;
  • 300 g of Mascarpone cheese;
  • 240 g of white quality chocolate;
  • 200 g of fresh selected strawberries;
  • 120 ml of natural (preferably homemade) yogurt;
  • lime or lemon juice (1 tablespoon);
  • 6 half tablespoons of powdered sugar.

Dessert preparation

  1. Initially, it is worth melting the most delicate white chocolate. You can heat it in a water bath.
  2. It is necessary to add cheese to liquid chocolate in small portions and stir the mixture thoroughly until smooth (the color should be milk-cream, without gold).
  3. Now it's the turn of yoghurt and aromatic vanilla essence. The resulting mixture must be thoroughly mixed again so that the essence is evenly distributed. The finished chocolate cheese cream should be laid out in portioned bowls. Then it is worth covering them with high-quality food wrap and refrigerating.
  4. Now it's worth tackling a sweet berry. To make the strawberry puree airy and aromatic, you need to combine the strawberries (washed) with powdered sugar and half of lime juice. Next, slowly stir the mixture with a blender or whisk. Pour the rest of the juice into the finished puree and mix well.
  5. The finishing touch of the dessert: the chilled bowls must be removed from the refrigerator and filled with strawberry puree. You can decorate the dessert with small mint leaves.

Broken glass cake

And what else can you cook for your child's birthday? An unimaginably colorful Broken Glass cake would be an excellent option. To prepare it you will need:

  • 600 g fat-free cottage cheese;
  • 0.4 liters of milk (also not very fatty);
  • 6-7 st. tablespoons of white sugar;
  • a teaspoon of vanillin;
  • 4-5 packs (large) of multi-colored jelly;
  • 20-25 g of quality gelatin.

Making dessert

  1. Having figured out what can be prepared for the birthday of children, now we will describe how to create the selected dessert.
  2. The base of the cake will be dissolved gelatin - the powder must be poured into warm milk (250 ml) and left to swell. Each color of purchased jelly should be poured into a separate container (this will simplify the cutting process). After hardening (an hour and a half) on the jelly, it is necessary to create a grid measuring 1.5 x 1.5 cm, so the crystals will be amazingly beautiful.
  3. Cottage cheese, the rest of the milk and sugar should be rubbed in a blender, after which gelatin dissolved in milk should be poured into the mixture (it is worth diluting the gelatin mixture with water).
  4. Colored jelly cut into cubes must be folded into a large cake pan and filled with curd mixture. Put the cake in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. The curd mixture grasps well with the colored one and creates the effect of a whole stained glass cake.


We have described some delicious dishes for a children's birthday for you, recipes are presented with a photo, so you will understand what you should get as a result.