How to celebrate the birthday of unusual and inexpensive: a few fresh ideas. Brass communication is more expensive than treats: board games in Antikafe. Good Good Bowling

atlantida_dream (already 32) and her friends, ex-boyfriend and girls in swimsuits.
Places of action:
- place where you can cook food
- place where you can swim and warm up
- A place where you can drink and look at Moscow from a bird's eye view.

I thought for a long time how to celebrate the birthday this year. My birthdays had different. And with the detached restaurants, and on the seashore, there was a birthday in Sanduna, there was a birthday one on one with her beloved man. But the birthday, when it was, and immediately did not have. And therefore, I decided to arrange a holiday to my friends, organizing a multi-step party for which a whole plan was registered.

On the eve ago, I prepared the instructions for guests. All the event we discussed on Facebook. And this was our initial plan ...

Let's see what happened in the end.

On a birthday, recalling past years, when more than 200 congratulations were received and some of them among the nights and early in the morning, I put all the devices in the house in Avirely to sleep before a long busy day. I wake up alone and stretch sweetly.

I go to the kitchen and first of all brewing coffee. The house shines purity. On the eve, sisters came - and made me a general cleaning with washing windows. I had no time because of the constant travels in May, and in June, returning from Turkey, I immediately got on shutting down hot water in our area, included only on June 5. So that cleaning was waiting for the day before the day of birth. Well, yes, I was distracted ...

While coffee is boiled, first of all, not yet washed and not combed, I am going to a laptop.
"Happy Birthday!" - Congratulations on the part of colleagues, friends, relatives, volunteers, employees of charitable foundations, yoga and tantra partners, from the guys, with which the accelerator in FRIA took place together. Many completely different, but amazing congratulations. Thank you all who congratulated! It was a powerful stream of giving energy for me!

By 9:20 am, on Saturday, 40 people left congratulations on Facebook Ribbon. This is just the beginning ... how is it all good that at night I turned off all the gadgets.

Exactly at 10:00 came the delivery of food and beverages. I often order water, juices, freezing, but I never order fresh vegetables and fruits there.

Coffee is ready! Breakfast and a Scottish film about difficult teenagers who find themselves in tasting whiskey "Share Angels." Birthday is all the best for me. Ratched on a red game. Shiky! The mug was bought in the Scottish castle in Edinburgh. Morning is called: "Feel the Queen!"

But it was fed up and enough, it would be necessary for the time until time to organize the stroking of the dried linen. Moving with the "Share of Angels" on Smart TV. I have no television antenna and cable for the word, and the TV works exclusively as smart, and does not show me usual television.

Everything stroked. I collect things in the water park "Kva-kva". On the eve I gave me a few tickets, and that is why I decided not to walk herself several times, but to use them all for myself and my friends.

I clue everything that scattered. Still cleaning - it is very cool and frees the mass of time, which is never enough. Now, by going to your business and start-up, I realized that time was not enough at all, and therefore minimized everything that I did not like herself. I do not like to clean, but I love cleanliness very much!

Start cooking. Although the birthday and will be held in the water park and in the bar, but if suddenly the guests wanted Aftepati at me at home, then it is better for them to have a snack. Therefore, I have in Arsenal: Stuffed champignons and delicious sandwiches with sprats that my mom made back in Soviet times.

I am preparing a stuffing for stuffing the hats. When the onions and mushrooms are tapped, I will turn off the plate, add sour cream and grated cheese, and let it stand a little late and grab.

And stuffed with champignons for 20 minutes go to the oven.

Alena's younger sister sends me a drawing that my niece painted. The head of course the crown is because of melanie - Queen. About how! Not in vain, I did not in vain a mug in Edinburgh bought. How did you feel!

Meanwhile, I make sandwiches with sprats, garlic and salty cucumbers. Caloric, but very tasty. Lena Miro would turn over the simulator if it saw it. Well, yes, we humble - we are fat. :)

At 13:45 I leave for a taxi in the water park.

Not painted, without hairstyles, but with a complete set of cosmetics, hairdryer and stacked agents. I haven't had this birthday!

We are on the spot! One and girlfriends are already waiting for me inside "Kva-Kwa Park." In general, pleasant memories are connected with this water park. In 2008, the Water Park staff presented a 1500 tickets for children-orphans to the orphans, children from large and low-income families, and we organized several massive hikes for children from the poorest segments of the population on Water slides. Children's delight then there was no limit! And so I will probably always be with warmth to treat this place.

The entrance to the water park is not impressed. You go on the trading center and only the frog reports that on the 2nd floor there is the very indoor water park. By the way, the event in Facebook about my birthday was called: "Dr. Frog-traveler", because I have recently fly away somewhere and arrive.

In the locker room, we leave all things, we move into swimsuits, and on the slides. It was planned that we would be 10 people, but for various reasons only 5 people come out. We go ride a slide.

We mock the jacuzzi.

But since there are no children yet, then our zone is a zone with a swimming pool and a relax area with saunas. :)
At the side of my best friend Yana and her husband splash in the upper right corner in the photo.

They just recently got married, and still enjoy honey relations. Our company, by the way, immediately divided - these two waterfowl.

And I am with friends - relaxing ... In the Spa zone, we visited all the baths: the Sauna of Finnish, Hamam, the Russian wet bath, the Russian dry bath, did not jump only anything in the font (for Nephig). Relax is so relax.

In one of the bath pairs, there is such an automatic thing. Hands are asked not to touch.

Nastya wrapped the towel head, because none of us did not take the caps for the sauna.

To go to the spa zone, you need to pay a little more. But why go to the water park without a sauna, I do not know. For me, this is the most useful thing that is there. I am delighted with a dark wet hamam with multicolored light bulbs in the ceiling. But it is impossible to photograph there, because nothing can be seen.

At 19:20 we are clean, but still with wet hair and without makeup, we leave the main zone of Kwa-kva-kva-kva, and we are experiencing our hair dryers at the exit, there will be beautiful.

The next point of our destination is my home to throw there all towels swimsuits, and I put on a beautiful dress. My girls have arrived at the water park already at the parade.

The guys managed to buy coffee and some sandwiches, got hardened and hung. Hamster in the parking lot.

Yana with Sasha will present me a basket with flowers. Yana knows me for more than 13 years, and accurately guess that I will like it, but what is not.

At home, I quickly change the dress, Jan is a queen, and in 10 minutes we are already going to Mayakovskaya.

7 minutes before the parties start, do not come to Taimaut.

Since the bar is on the 13th floor, and only 1 elevator is traveling there with 4 normal or 5 very thin people, then a long queue is formed from those who want to get inside. We are waiting ...

I chose this place for a cocktail party, because the event was held here the Grand "S brand" S and it was called IOU Friends. The theme of the party "friends who go with us in life." Well, how about without friends? Despite the fact that the party was Very popular, I managed to book a big table for my friends. 15 people of different people with whom I am going through life, sometimes closely calling on the sides. Someone has been with me for many years nearby, and someone I met less than a year ago .

At the entrance, we were given round paper with the inscription FREE DRINK, immediately exchanged for PUNSh - this is such a cocktail based on whiskey.

They tried to make selfie in Oscarsky style, but not everyone was entered ...

Somewhere next to us was the performance of a boy from gum club, but we could not hear anything, because the toasts were drunk. :)

Gradually began to pull the fallen guests, Olya (right) for example, for example, stood for 30 minutes in the queue on the elevator driving up to 21:15. Forced her to drink a penalty.

Tired, knew on the shelf. Made a photo, and putting a hashtag #ioufriends in Instagram, immediately got it printed on the stand nearby. After that, photos of such with hashthegas we made a lot!

Oh, these queues in the toilet ... And why in women's toilets always queue?

Time closer to 23:30 ... There was already a lot of whiskey. Ambassador whiskey grant "s Learning that I have a birthday, I handed me a bottle of whiskey as a gift, and said not to forget to see pictures on their Facebook page.

Birthday is gifts, numerous congratulations, good mood and positive emotions. On this day, a person was born, and every next year of the celebration, a birthday name I would like to surprise our guests with new ideas of the celebration. Some love to organize the festival in a cafe, aquarecap or bowling, someone prefers to a calm reception of their loved ones. Probably you, on the eve of our name, think about how to celebrate the birthday of unusual and inexpensive.

How to unusually celebrate your birthday?

The main criterion in the process of organizing a birthday is financial opportunities Birthday. Consider how unusual and inexpensively can be celebrated your birthday:

  • Winter. If snow fell on the street, you can go to the whole company to sculpt snowmen. After a fun "work," you can reinforce the pie, and tea from the thermos. Start the event follows a photo session with a snowy woman or a game in snowballs.
  • Spring - autumn. And at these pores of the year, there are many options for holding a budget day of birth. Pizza and watching a good comedy, tea drinking and playing in the "monopoly" will help you have fun, both teen and adults.
  • Summer. In the yard heat, so an excellent option will be the birthday of the city. Fresh air, a warm sun, a funny company - in such situations even potatoes baked in ash, and sausages roasted on the grille will become an excellent treat. Diversify the cultural program in advance prepared active games.

How do birthday in Russia celebrate?

For the first time, birthdays began to celebrate in Egypt, about 2500 years before AD. This tradition has come to our country much later, in the 19th century - the solemn techniques took wealthy merchants and nobles.

Only in the last century, the birthdays were finally formed with such as we see them today.

Note 5 main traitswhich at all times characterized the name of the name in our country:

  1. Song "Causta". Traditional song in honor of the perpetrator of the holiday. Nowadays, mostly songs are performed by children.
  2. Guests. The birthday party invites relatives and guests. The traditional celebration occurs at the table.
  3. Jerking behind the ears. Typically, the parents of the birthday man are engaged. Believe - to grow big. After execution of 18 years, the anniversaries just kiss the cheek.
  4. Cake and candles. Candles (in the number of years) are stuck on the cake. The culprit of the celebration with one exhalation exhausted all the candles.
  5. Toast. Alternately, everyone without exception, guests, congratulate the birthday girl and pronounce a toast. At first they make parents, that is, the closest relatives, then the godfather, etc.

How fun to celebrate your birthday?

Until recently, birthdays in Russia were considered an exceptionally family holiday. Invited close relatives and friends, gathered at the festive table. The birthday boy is sitting at the head of the table and during meals takes congratulations.

Now the situation has changed, and you can note my date in one of the places:

  • Aquapark. At any time of the year, your guests can spend great time in the water park. Standard water rides are combined with a visit to the bar or cafĂ© located inside the entertainment complex.
  • Cinema. A banal campaign in a cinema can turn into the most cheerful birthday in the birthday life. As a rule, not only visual halls, but also all sorts of cafes, attractions and other entertainment facilities are concentrated in the same room.
  • Bowling. Sports in combination with an entertainment program, give many impressions even those guests who have never come to the bowling path.

Alternative celebration: Exotic and Extreme

If visiting cinemas, cafes and traditional gatherings at the table are tired, you can spend your birthday in an alternative key:

  • Shopping. First of all, this method is suitable for the female floor. In the afternoon there is a visit to shopping centers, in the evening in the festive disco program, on which girlfriends put on new clothes.
  • Roof party. The birthday celebration on the roof of the house will help get rid of prying eyes and see their city from an unusual angle.
  • Lasertag (Q-zar). After the active part of the program, which will also appeal to guests at age - vacation with blasters in labyrinths, get into the most of your guests as possible.
  • Rink. Do you like skating? Now this opportunity appeared not only in winter, but also in the summer. In the glacial arenaments, you can combine the love of sports with a pleasant pastime.

How to celebrate the birthday of a child?

Birthday for any child is the most long-awaited holiday, which he is with great impatience awaits a whole year. The main task of parents, organize a celebration so so that it remember them for a long time.

We want to notice, the amount spent on the holiday is not at all important. The main thing is an interesting idea:

Culmination of the holiday - a gift. Let him be insignificant and not expensive, but the child and is necessarily beautifully decorated.

Birthdays in other countries

Interesting facts about how people celebrate birthdays in different countries of the world:

  • Vietnam. During the new year, which is called " TET "Each Vietnamese celebrates his birthday. Age is referred to as the number of such events.
  • China. Festive cake in China placing. Included to the dessert attached: forks, spoons, blade and ... paper crown for a birthday room.
  • Japan.Celebrate children's birthdays (up to 10 years), and older people (after 60 years). As such a celebration in adults there is no: no gifts, nor treats.
  • Africa. In the countries of North Africa, the names are spent twice in life: Birth itself and in 52 years, in the southern part of the continent: on a birthday and 21 years.
  • Spain. Similar to our traditions "pull behind the ears", in Spain, the birthday birthday is given.
  • Mexico.Celebration culprit wound her eyes, and he sticks to the toy having fun on the tree " pinyati. "Candy fell out of it, and the birthday girl collects all sweets.

The original ideas discussed in the article will help the birthday name on the eve of their main holiday, organize an unforgettable celebration.

We looked at such a question how to celebrate the birthday of an unusual and inexpensive, not such a difficult occupation, as it turned out. The main thing in this business is good mood, a little positive and fun guests. Everything else, as they say, will be applied.

Video ideas: We celebrate the original birthday

In this video, the organizer of the holidays Roman Savitsky will tell, as interesting as possible and unusual, and most importantly, cheap your birthday in the circle of friends:

Birthday in spring is a big luck in life. Thanks to your parents and fate your personal, the main holiday of the year you can celebrate in the most beautiful time of the year. They say that people who are lucky enough to be born in the spring are characterized by a good temper and. Because in the spring it is impossible to be angry. Today we will offer you the best options, how and where you can celebrate the birthday in the spring.

Spring is created in order for people to be cheered up and began to live on the whole coil. Winter bored many. Because in front of it, we have been tolerating cold autumn for more than a month, and then all these snowfall, ice, sludge, dirt and associated sadness and longing. Because when we are deprived of the opportunity to wear beautiful, light things, somehow disappears a wish to have fun.

And in the spring everything changes. With what pleasure we get out of the closet, a slight jacket, dress and shoes. Just shook. So the spring right is to love.

It is necessary to celebrate so that the conscience is calm and the entire subsequent year with memories of the names you have a smile. For born in the spring, Nature itself has prepared a gift in the form of good weather and a large selection of various options for celebrating.


In the spring, you have enormous opportunities for celebrating the birthday. Good weather allows you to not hold birthday in a stuffy apartment, but choose something more interesting.

Naturally, the most ideal place to celebrate the birthday is nature.

For the winter, we missed herbs, a bone and barbecue. Therefore, if you were born in April or May, then you are simply obliged, at least once in life to celebrate your birthday in nature.

Spring day has a lot of benefits. First, you will finally change the situation, and this is very well reflected on the emotional state of any person. Secondly, clean air perfectly transforms appearance. Thirdly, the active rest, which you lacked for so long, is a great alternative to fitness. Another advantage is the fact that you do not have to spend money on a dress or costume, as you will quite hide comfortable jeans and stylish jumper.


There are several places in nature. It may be a park or place outside the city. Unfortunately, it is not easy to find a beautiful nature in the megalopolis. But it is, however, be prepared for the fact that to relax on a good glade, the shore of the lake will have to drive, no ten kilometers.

You can stop your wildlife (which there are no traces of a person) or choose a small campsite, with specially equipped seats and games. In any case, stay there, where you are comfortable and fun.

For a similar day, it is necessary to thoroughly think over the menu, weather, entertainment program, option with overnight and safety. Because, resting away from civilization, you will not be able to instantly take advantage of the benefits that are so accustomed. In addition, changeable weather may completely spoil the mood to all guests and you. Because push the car in the forest a couple of kilometers is unlikely to like someone.

In the country

Cottage or country house are perhaps ideal for reliability option for birthday. Because in the country, you can perfectly connect holidays in nature and comfort. Still, when there is a roof above your head, you feel much more confident that the holiday will succeed. Only so that your birthday at the cottage did not turn into a banal pastime, remove all modern means of communication and entertainment.

Tell me, no laptops, internet and TV. Have fun, communicating with each other, because we are so rare now doing it. There may be a swimming pool in the country house and if the weather is excellent, then you can swim in it. And for the game in badminton, you need two trees and a piece of grid.

In the mangale, you can prepare not only all adorable meat kebabs, but also vegetables, fish. A plus of such a rest is that all culinary masterpieces will prepare together, and this is quite fun. Be sure to capture a warm blanket, firewood and guitar to the cottage. Remember young years, a pioneer camp and a good mood is guaranteed.

Other ideas

In order to cool their own names, do not necessarily invite many people. It is quite possible to do without a loved one and a couple of best friends. Gather together and go on a little journey. Let it be a neighboring city or a country, it all depends on finance and readiness to risk. Spring travel is especially nice and comfortable.

Born in March cannot fully relax in the spring, so the weather is still quite nasty. But they can do what they could not do for a long winter, for example, ride a rink. Only from the beginning you must actively spend time, and then go to the restaurant to drink for the health of the birthday room. If you do everything on the contrary, the injuries can not be avoided.

Nature itself born in spring makes a gift in the form of sunlight and warm weather. Therefore, you just have to trust your good mood and hold a holiday for all one hundred.

Every year, people face a serious problem - how to celebrate your birthday. This holiday accompanies us from the first day of life, but at first it is organized by parents, and then this responsibility is shifted to our shoulders.

How to spend your only day in a year? Of course, sometimes you just want to sit in a family circle with cakes and candles, without noise and loud feasts. But there are years when the soul asks a real holiday, and it is stupid to refuse it!

Editorial inplanet prepared a list of 15 original ideas for birthday!

1 Costume party

The classic version of the birthday celebration is a costume party. The beauty of this option is that you can choose a lot of ideas that will like any guest. For example, you can make a Hawaiian, pirated or rainbow party. You can use your favorite TV series for the night of the evening, for example, "game of thrones", or make a party.

2 quest

Another fascinating version of the holiday is to have a real quest and guests. You can not bother with training, but simply choose one of the quests that are currently going to your city. Or create something unique and hold a quest right at home or in a restaurant. Then you have to write a script and prepare a real adventure!

3 role-playing game

You can turn your holiday in the theater scene using the role-playing game! The birthday name will have to try a little, but then the evening will only become unforgettable. You need to agree on the list of guests, choose the script and distribute the roles. And better let it be a surprise! For example, you can play a scene from your favorite book or find a ready-made script on the network.

4 Picnic on nature

This day in nature can be held in nature, and the celebration options will depend on the time of year. Those who were born in the summer were lucky more - you can arrange a picnic in the forest, a trip to the river or a lake or a soda to the mountains. Winter birthday women were lucky, but they can rent a house in the forest and widowed skiing. In the evening, sit by the fire or fireplace for a cozy conversation with loved ones.

5 A dream come true

Once a year you can arrange a real holiday and do what could only dream about. For example, jump with a parachute, go to Dolphinarium, visit, arrange a shopping day or ride horses! In general, everyone has their dreams, so the birthday name is better to know what to do on this day to fulfill your dream!

6 Sports Party

Those who love an active lifestyle, you can choose a sports party. The most popular ideas of this birthday - paintball, rope park or clodm. A big and noisy company will be perfectly awakened and will hold this day with health benefits. And in memory of this day, only pleasant memories will remain! The main thing is to warn guests about the parties in advance so that they do in sportswear.

7 Birthday alone

No, no, it's not sad at all, but on the contrary, fun and interesting! If the birthday language is tired of all and everyone, you can relax perfectly and devote my birthday only to myself. You can do everything that the soul wishes - and even at least go on the day to Paris to walk through the vestive streets and enjoy a romantic atmosphere. Or to arrange a day in spa, shopping, beauty salon or go to your favorite view or concert.

8 photo session

An excellent way to combine pleasant with helpful noted birthday with a photo session. Most of the business - will agree with the photographer for the whole day and invite guests. You can prepare a bunch of outfits and arrange a thematic photo session, surveying in nature or in bold images. This day will remain not only in the memoirs, but also in hundreds of fun photos with friends and relatives!

9 Holiday in amusement park

How long have you been in the amusement park? You can fill the gap on your birthday - arrange a real triumph for childhood. Widow will enjoy attractions, carousers and swings can be in any amusement park. Another creative option is a joint campaign to the water park. Then this day will just remember for a long time, because it will be held not only fun, but also with benefit!

10 restaurant

Classic option for celebrating a birthday in a family circle - a hike in a restaurant or cafe. Such a holiday will help to enjoy the society of close people and mental conversation. And if trips to ordinary restaurants are already tired, you can choose such a institution, in which you have not yet. For example, dinner in a restaurant on the roof of a high-rise building - what could be more exciting?

11 Club

True birthday party can be celebrated in a nightclub. This is a great way to collect together all friends and remember carefree years! You can safely complete all night long under the light of stroboscopes and sounds of your favorite music. True, in the morning it is better to sleep longer, otherwise the well-being may not please!

12 Party in the spa

For girls, an excellent option for the birthday celebration will be all day in the spa or beauty salon. You can collect together girlfriends and spend your holiday in a relaxing atmosphere, enjoying the procedures. Spa salons have a special opportunity to rent for a whole day. This birthday will be not only memorable, but also useful for health!

We all love holidays since childhood, especially, birthdays, especially their own. However, unlike the time of distant childhood, in adulthood, except for gifts and treats, another important question is worried about: how to celebrate the birthday of unusual and inexpensive. After all, when you celebrate your appearance to the light of at least 30 years in a row, fantasy, to put it mildly, is retired and yours the holiday turns into another feast With banal toasts and eloquent postcards in the form of indecently large two-digit numbers. Anything, but I would like to spend this bright day somehow unusual, and also not to lower the entire monthly budget for the celebration. We will help you organize an unforgettable celebration, tell you about the most interesting ways to celebrate and select a cool option for you.

Birthday is to celebrate at any age. Regardless of whether you are 2 years old or 92, this holiday carries many surprises and pleasant memories. Practice shows that celebrate your birthday best with friends Or with close people: relatives, dads, mothers and pets. Of course, you can try to celebrate this holiday in proud loneliness, but these are already materials for another article.

What do we know about your birthday? Mark this holiday can be at home, but you can be outside. Everyone knows the standard picture of any day of birth: guests, gifts, cake, congratulations. Plus a couple more contests, a song from a cartoon about Cheburashka, dance and candy. Maximum, balloons. But we will reveal you a few secrets of a steep birthday for any age and season.

Birthday in the summer

In fact, options, how to celebrate the birthday there are many. Special, if you are lucky enough to appear in the summer. Then you can take a funny company of your friends, armed with skewers, grill, bedspreads, tents, ball and go on the city. An optional for nature is suitable for both an adult and a teenager, which is 11 years old (under the supervision of adults, naturally).

For kids, 5 years old can also make a picnic:

  • decorate forest glade with balls, flags, toys;
  • organize moving games;
  • hide treats and offer to small guests to find them;
  • invite animators or reincarnate the heroes from your favorite fairy tales.

In general, the birthday in nature is always fun, useful and, most importantly - fiscal.

Birthday in autumn and winter

Of course, not the best holiday on Earth, but still a very good option to celebrate the birthday for commens. Or for those who, in principle, do not like their holiday.

But if the weather is not a hindrance for you - it would be a mood, then you can celebrate the birthday in nature at least all year round. Autumn - bright time for photo shoots. You can invite a photographer, and you can do with your own good camera.

If you want to originally spend this day, think about the location (park, forest, river bank), pick up the decor and props, think out costumes and images. And the birthday will be held, as they say "with a bang" and dishes do not need to wash. Especially this option please give a girl, with any age, because most women love to be photographed and publish their photos in social networks.

For the winter birthday you can arrange a cozy party at home, with desktop games, homemade sweets and hot drinks. At the pre-New Year's time, it will also be pleasant to arrange a joint view of the Christmas comedy, the decoration of the Christmas tree or visit the master class on the manufacture of New Year's toys. If such a pastime will seem boring invite friends to skating rink, Rollerrr or to theater. You can also pay 1 dancing occupation and take away from the full program. After - a small buffet. Inexpensive, but very memorable holiday is provided to you.

For spring birthmarks

If you celebrate your birthday in the spring, you also have an unlimited field for fantasy. And the budget can be chosen small.

  1. Spring photo session is friends.
  2. A trip to the cottage or to an agrotuaristic tour (for a farm or equestrian-sports base).
  3. Popular modern fun - quest. You can visit a special quest club or think of an exciting plot and together with friends to solve real puzzles and secrets or find treasures (for example, gifts, movie tickets, etc.)
  4. Extreme fun - such as a rope park, paintball or bungee jumping.
  5. Thematic party, such as disco style or in the image of the heroes of the book about Harry Potter.

How to celebrate the birthday of a child in 1 year

The first birthday of the baby is a big celebration for him, and for parents. Of course, a little birthday or birthday girl will remember his first holiday fragments, so it is better to give a tale to the baby. It can be a costume show with animators, and you can reincarnate to the fabulous heroes by the parents. So it will be the soulful and cheaper. We offer you some tips, how to celebrate the first birthday of your crumbs.

How to spend birthday at home fun: adult script

Do you like surprises? Then arrange them and your guests on your own birthday.

The easiest scenario for the girl who decided to celebrate the birthday with girlfriends - to arrange a bachelorette party. You can invite a stripper, or a pajama party to arrange, or in general - beauty Day and Style Appoint. Of course, it is better to do all this at the same time, and so that the neighbors then did not resort to the manicure, but this is your birthday, so you and cards in your hands.