How to ask for forgiveness from a man, woman, wife, husband, beloved, beloved, parents, children, girlfriend, friend? Beautiful words of forgiveness in poetry, prose, SMS, in your own words. How to ask for forgiveness in your own words, in poetry, SMS, prose? Handsome

If you have done something bad, for which you are very ashamed, and you want to apologize to your beloved guy for your actions or words in beautiful prose, then in this section you will find everything you need.

Here are targeted and universal sms forgive me beloved, written in prose for a guy or a man.

In my life there is the most wonderful man in the world, and that's you. I have the best friend in my life, and that's you. And I can always lean on your strong shoulder. How could I offend you ... Forgive me, because in my life there is the most generous, forgiving, kind and sweet man, and this is you, my beloved.

Forgive me! What a pity that time does not stop and does not return us to those moments when something can be corrected. But there will be another time - when it will be possible to act differently, and it depends only on you whether I will have such a chance. Darling, today I ask you only for forgiveness ...

Forgive me ... I was wrong. Sometimes it is so difficult to admit your guilt, it is so difficult to repent, but I realize that everything is my fault. Darling, please forgive me, because I want you and me to be together again, to enjoy life and delight each other.

To my dear husband today - sincere words of remorse and regret about what happened. Dear, kind, strong, good, I ask you about one thing - please forgive me and do not hold evil, let everything be fine and let the insults pass by, so that in our life everything is as before. Love you!

Beloved husband, you are my best friend, reliable helper, and just a wonderful person. I don’t know why you’re so lucky, I don’t know why it happened. But I know one thing - I undeservedly offended you. Please try to forgive me and this will never happen again!

Beloved, dear, dear, the only one! My happiness! Forgive me for being so stupid, for doing bad things and saying the wrong words ... I just want everything to be as before, so that we never quarrel, but understand and love each other! Lets be together!

Darling, forgive me generously for everything in which I am wrong. After all, you know - when you love with all your soul, it is so easy to make a mistake, stumble, succumb to emotions and take the wrong step! Just give me such a chance - to fix everything and give you unforgettable moments, blessed moments of joy and adoration!

Asking for forgiveness is the noblest thing. I sincerely want to say to my beloved - please forgive me for everything I did wrong. My words can be thoughtless, like my actions ... I promise you to always think before you do something!

My dear! You are a real reward for me, I don’t know what I did so good in my life that I was so lucky! I love you madly, respect you and always want to be with you. Let's understand and appreciate each other, let's always be together, and most importantly - forgive me for everything.

I want to ask my beloved husband only one thing - that you forgive me! I'm sorry for all that I did wrong, I'm sorry for every wrong word I say, and I also want us to never be sad or quarrel! Let's put up as soon as possible and never swear again!

Apologies for my dear and dear husband - from the bottom of my heart. Forgive me, my dear, I will never, never hurt you again. I will always try to give you only positive emotions, please and pleasantly surprise. You just, my dear, believe me and show condescension!

Beautiful poems and words will allow you to correctly ask for forgiveness so that a loved one will surely forgive you and will not be angry.

How to properly ask for forgiveness in poetry, prose, SMS, in your own words from a girl and a woman?

Not every person dares to do it in time and ask for forgiveness from the bottom of my heart... However, this act is considered not only courage, but also a sign of a well-mannered wise man able to admit his mistakes.

You can ask for forgiveness, as well as you can apologize in several ways: in your own words, looking in the eyes, in a letter, in a telephone conversation or even by means of SMS. It is important to choose really nice words that can make a good impression of you.

How to ask a woman for forgiveness in prose:

Darling, you can't even imagine how bitter I am aware of all the consequences of my hurtful words. Forgive me if you can. I love you madly and I don't want to disappoint you anymore.

My dear, I am from the bottom of my heart and from all my lover hearts, I want to ask forgiveness for the said fishing and the deeds done. I want to correct in your eyes with good deeds and prove my loyal feelings!

My beloved woman! You are the light for me and the meaning of this life! Forgive me that, in a fit of my feelings, I could not hold back rude words and offended you! I didn't mean to piss you off and hurt you!

In verse and for SMS:

I didn't want to offend you, my love.
After all, you mean so much to me!
Please don't hate me anymore
I can't live a day without you!

I do not know how to ask for forgiveness.
But I want to tell you
I'm sorry about everything I did
I will not offend you anymore!

My beloved, gentle woman,
Sorry for the bad words!
I love you hot and crazy
I can never stop loving!

My love,
My beauty,
Forgive me for
What insulted you!

It's easy to hurt, it's hard to ask for forgiveness
To repent for a series of all the bitter tears.
I found in myself both strength and inspiration,
To seriously repent before you!

I want to apologize for everything
What could I do to you:
For insults, tears and pain.
If you can, be able to forgive me!

How beautiful to ask for forgiveness in poetry, prose, SMS, in your own words from your wife and beloved?

Women are much more sensitive than men and therefore should be very emotionally ask them for forgiveness... It's good if you can "back up" beautiful words with gifts, flowers, sweets. If you do not find the strength and suitable phrases in yourself, use ready-made templates by remaking them in your own way.

In prose:

I'm sorry my love that I could not live up to my promises deeds! I didn’t mean to offend you, but I did it and now I’m very ashamed. If you find the strength, forget all the words I said!

Beloved woman, you are the meaning of my life! Forgive me for a series of insults and stinging words. I want to improve and become the best for you! Excuse me for the things I did in the heat of the moment!

Darling, understand, it hurts me very much to realize that in a fit feelings and emotions I could offend you. Excuse me for being rude and rude. I will try to correct and transform in your eyes!

Poems and SMS:

There is love in my soul for you
That's why I apologize
To see your gaze again and again
I am ready to apologize!

You are a flower in my life
The joy of everyday life.
I'm sorry that I could offend
And I won't be like that anymore!

There are moments in life
When you need to forget pride
Find strength in yourself for compliments
And to ask for forgiveness.

Beloved woman, dear,
I'm sorry I offended you.
You are the most beautiful in the world
And in life you are everything to me!

I want to confess to you
I was wrong, to blame.
And now I apologize
I will be a hundred years in a row!

I will find the strength to ask forgiveness
I can find words and apologize to the spirit.
Such as you: both kind and beautiful,
I can't find and never fall in love!

My beloved beauty
I'm sorry that I could offend you.
Take everything that I don't like so much about me
I didn't want to "give" you anxiety!

Life once gave you to me
I appreciate this gift so much!
So I want you to excuse me, kitten,
And for that I thank you!

Beautiful words for asking a loved one to apologize

How beautiful is it to ask for forgiveness in poetry, prose, SMS, in your own words from your husband and beloved?

Due to the fact that women often cannot contain their feelings and emotions, they can offend their beloved man. That is why you should ask your loved one for forgiveness with beautiful words.

In prose:

Darling, I want to ask you for forgiveness for stupidity and hurtful words that she allowed herself in the last quarrel. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings so much. You mean a lot to me, I love you madly!

Dear husband, I sincerely apologize to you for the fact that could offend you. I want our relationship to regain its former ardor and tenderness. You mean a lot to me and I love you!

My beloved, you are my protection and support. I want to ask you not only an apology, but also promise that I will control my words in the future. Our relationship should not be so rude, because we are a family and I love you very much!

Poems and SMS:

Sorry, I hated you!
At that moment, the world was angry for me.
Forgive me that then I offended.
Know, from this I cry myself!

How to say in words what is in the heart?
I'm so sorry the fights broke us.
Forgive me for everything, you are my sun,
I will return everything that was between us!

Alas, I don’t know if you will forgive me.
But, I want to apologize for the insults.
After all, I adore you with my soul and heart,
Thank you for all the good things!

What to say and how to ask for forgiveness?
My conscience suffocates me for pain, resentment.
I hope I deserve an apology
Our sorrows will leave the life!

How to beautifully ask for fasting

How to properly ask for forgiveness in poetry, prose, SMS, in your own words from a man, a guy?

In prose:

Kitty, I want to ask you for forgiveness from the bottom of my heart. Do not be angry with me and do not be offended. I love you with all my heart and promise not to hurt with words anymore!

My beloved, I regret what I did and what I said... You know, I didn’t mean to offend you with my words. Find the strength and sympathy to forgive me, because I love you very much!

What a pity that we quarreled so seriously! Now, beloved, I realize all the pain of the words spoken and I am unbearably sad. Please accept my apologies and try to forget everything that was so unpleasant.

Poems and SMS:

Darling, you are the best!
You just excuse me
For "hanging the clouds"
Over your sunny sky.

Words cannot convey spiritual repentance.
So few words, so many I want to say.
Sorry for all the broken promises
No, I didn't want to disappoint you.

Anyone can be wrong
Saying a lot of unnecessary words.
Not everyone can apologize
And give your love!

I apologize for the fact
I couldn't stop
I forgot about love
And she didn't dare to apologize.

How best I don't know
I want to change everything quickly.
I beg to forgive me.
Hope you can forgive!

Beautiful apology verses

How to properly ask for forgiveness in poetry, prose, SMS, in your own words from your parents, dad and mom?

Parents are the most important people in every person's life. How often it happens that children offend them in word or deed from an overabundance of feelings or emotions. After any quarrel, children should definitely ask for forgiveness from dad and mom, even if they do not feel guilty.

In prose:

Mom and Dad, forgive me for not controlling in spite your words. I didn't want (wanted) to offend the world's most beloved people. Thank you for your love and upbringing, which gives me the strength and courage to ask for forgiveness.

Beloved mommy, excuse me for what I could (could) hurt you! I don’t know how it happened, because in my soul there is so much love and respect for you! I want to see only your happy eyes, not darkened by pain and sadness!

Dear Dad! I sincerely love and respect you. Forgive me for spoken words in a fit of anger. All of them are just emotions and not my feelings at all. Thank you for doing so much for me and for believing in me!

In verse and for SMS to parents:

I am forgiveness with all my soul
I ask my parents tearfully.
Let the insult pass our evil
And in return will bring kindness.

There's a storm of emotions inside me
He spoke and did!
And if I can change something,
I want you to forgive me!

My parents gave me everything
And my parents taught me how to live.
But now, through resentment and pain
I ask you to forgive me!

How to apologize to your parents?

In verse and for SMS to mom:

I hasten to apologize to my mom.
I'm sorry I was able to offend you.
You were and will be the most important for me,
I can't hate you once!

In the fire of my soul I said unnecessary words,
Offended, trampled and caused tears.
Sorry, I will never be like this again.
You, mom, are more important to me than fresh air!

Everyone can offend mom
After all, mom will endure a lot of pain.
Will you forgive me one day?
Shame and conscience won't let me live!

Smile, mom, you are dearer to me
Hundreds of thousands of people in this world!
From now on I words carefully
I will speak so as not to offend!

Forgive me dear mom.
I was able to hurt you with words.
I love you very much
Let the pain not grow between us!

How to apologize to mom?

In verse and for SMS to dad:

Thanks for the wise lesson,
That you gave me.
I was able to deliver resentment,
My soul cries without tears.

Forgive me, dad, for the quarrels.
Foolishly, I got angry.
Now I have found the strength
And desires to apologize.

Father, you are my mentor and teacher in life,
But in a quarrel, I uttered hurtful words to you.
I'm sorry that my words and thoughts were evil,
I so want you to forgive me!

It can be difficult to say “I'm sorry, I'm to blame”.
How much strength and courage I need to accumulate.
But, forgive me and eat as much as possible,
I want to continue to be in agreement, father, to live with you!

Can't replace paternal care
Neither maternal love, nor grandmother's affection.
In my hearts I offended and now I ask you to forgive me,
After all, your respect for me, like forgiveness, is important!

You will remain silent and will not even answer
A hundred burning and hurtful words.
I'm sorry that I dared once
Betray your paternal love!

How to ask your dad for forgiveness?

How to ask your grandmother for forgiveness?

Grandmother is the favorite of her grandchildren. But, often her kindness is "rewarded" with rudeness and caustic words. That is why you should definitely apologize for insults and ask for forgiveness.

In verse:

Sorry for the rude actions
Sorry for the caustic words!
I love you with all my heart
Now I am bitter from the quarrel!

Grandma is always my protector
You will always endure and forgive everything!
Let the grievances be quickly forgotten
And you will excuse my mistakes!

There is no grandmother sweeter and more necessary than a person,
In her eyes lies the magic of life.
I'm sorry that there is a hole in our relationship
I made an avalanche of unnecessary and offensive words!

Whatever one may say, I love and respect you!
You, grandma, mean so much to me!
I sincerely adore you with my soul.
If you can, just excuse me!

Forgive me, dear grandmother.
The words spoken make me bitter.
After all, you are my favorite
Sorry for the caustic words!

Know that I'm sorry for the insults
And I want to ask for forgiveness.
Your heart warms my soul
My grandmother is my inspiration!

What's the best way to apologize? In a word? Business?
Forgive me for a series of offensive phrases.
I'm sorry I dared to piss you off.
Now I am very ashamed, sorry.

How to apologize beautifully to your grandmother?

How to properly ask for forgiveness in poetry, prose, SMS, in your own words from children, son, daughter?

Everyone should learn to ask for forgiveness in an awkward situation: from friends, relatives, relatives, parents and children. If you can't express your feelings in your own words, try sending them a poem in a message.

In prose:

Dear children! We did not want to offend you in any way, After all, all our life we ​​only do what we care about your well-being and happiness. Forgive us for the unnecessary words and do not be angry. We love you very much!

Beloved son, I want to ask your forgiveness for that at an important moment he could not restrain his emotions and gave free rein to his feelings. I take back all the offensive words and threats. Thank you for your patience and understanding!

Daughter, forgive me for not apologizing on time for the perfect offense. You are the whole world for me and it is insanely hard for me that you are angry with me. Love you with all my heart!

Poems and SMS for my son:

Forgive me son
For insults and words.
I'm lonely without you (lonely)
And my soul is empty!

My beloved son, my sweet one,
I beg you.
Forgive my words and mistakes
I forgive you too.

You, son, do not be angry with mom,
Mom wants only good
And I'm sorry, because the best is the best
You are my son!

I'm sorry and bitter, son,
That we had a fight with you.
Forgive me my angel
Take love from me!

How to apologize to your son?

Poems and SMS for daughter:

My princess, my queen
You are still like a fairy tale to me.
Forgive me for daring to offend
I give you tenderness and affection!

Daughter, you are the best in the world!
Sorry that this happened.
I was not responsible for the words,
May everything be good in life!

Sorry, dear, for the insults.
I didn't want to, God knows.
My soul is now broken
And a heart full of worries.

I ask your forgiveness
I want to repent in case.
Those words don't matter
You are the best for me!

How to apologize to your daughter?

What is the right way to ask your sister for forgiveness?

A sister is a close person, a faithful friend and life partner. Having quarreled with her or offended with words, you should certainly ask for forgiveness and apologize. Choose the words that are most similar to your feelings and say how much you love your loved one.

Beautiful apology verses to my sister:

Sister is a faithful friend
Sorry for the quarrel for no reason.
You are my faithful friend, the best,
My other half!

It hurts me to understand all the bitterness of the quarrel,
It's hard for me to take offense at you.
We don't need empty talk
Forgive me, love, please me!

How rudely I offended you
I penetrated into the soul and managed to inherit there.
But there, in my soul, I saw something ...
Your love! Manage to forgive me!

My sister is a magical person, skillful, kind.
I'm sorry I could not live up to your hopes
And I'm sorry for every wasted word
I want you and me to become friends, as if before!

Sorry my sister
For insults and sorrow!
Our happiness is very subtle
I offended. Very sorry.

How to apologize to your sister?

How to properly ask for forgiveness in poetry, prose, SMS, in your own words from a friend?

In prose:

Dear friend, you are really very dear and important to me! Forgive me for being able to forget about it in one second and allowing myself too much. Do not feel angry with me. I miss you very much!

Buddy! If you knew how bad and it hurts me experience the consequences of our quarrel! I wildly regret the inconvenience caused and bad words spoken out loud!

Beloved friend! Do not be mad at me, do not be offended and forgive As soon as possible. I need your forgiveness like air! I can't live without you!

In verse:

I offended my friend, shameless!
I'm sorry now.
Forget all the insults sooner
Don't close the door for friendship!

I want to apologize sincerely
For insults, ugly words.
I love our friendship, pure
A very loyal and strong friendship!

Find the strength to ask me
I found the strength to repent.
I'm so sad to live without you
And with you life smiles at me!

My friend, my best, my faithful friend,
Be wiser than me.
And forgive those bad words
What has brought down on you!

You mean a lot to me
Not just a friend, mine is support.
I'm sorry I hurt you
I regret endlessly.

How to ask a friend for forgiveness?

How to correctly and beautifully ask for forgiveness in poetry, prose, SMS, in your own words from a friend?

In prose:

My beloved, forgive my feminine weakness and excessive emotionality! I am so ashamed of my soul! I so want to improve our relationship as soon as possible!

Excuse me, friend, for the fact that I was able to so stupid you offend! Remember all the good things that happened to us in life and manage to find the strength to forgive me!

Dear friend, please forgive me for the pain and tears, which I was able to deliver to you! I did not mean to offend you!

In verse:

Beloved, friend, you are my angel!
And how could I offend you ?!
In a moment a stone settled in my soul,
And he makes our insult to hate!

You are not a friend, you are a sister!
I forgive you for forgiveness
For not having noticed goodness,
I only gave you insults!

My beloved friend
Excuse me, please.
I feel bad without a dear friend.
I sincerely love you!

My support, my conscience
You are my joy and sorrow.
I hurt you bitterly
Well, now I'm really sorry!

How beautiful is it to apologize to a friend?

How to write a letter of forgiveness?

An apology letter should contain several important points:

  • Good-natured greeting
  • Sincere apologies for the wrongs caused
  • Personal conclusions about the causes of the conflict situation.
  • Memories of pleasant times together
  • Promises that such situations will not happen again.
  • Good wishes
  • Heartfelt goodbye

A letter of forgiveness should contain several important points:

  • Good-natured greeting
  • Thanks for the apology and courage to write first.
  • Accepting an apology
  • A reciprocal apology (if hurtful words were said, etc.).
  • An invitation to a meeting for a conciliatory conversation.
  • Parting

What is the correct way to respond to forgiveness?

Be sure to accept a letter or message of forgiveness, even if you did not intend to forgive the person. Accepting an apology is a sign of good parenting and manners. After that, you are free to take time to think in order to make the right decision.

Video: "How to ask for forgiveness using a video clip?"

The Institute of Cognitive Neurology (UK) has proven that the human brain is more likely to receive gratitude from those we give gifts. But it is more difficult for us to admit that by our actions or actions we bring suffering to someone. It takes a person more time to realize this. In a romantic relationship, the cost of resentment and loss of trust can be too high, so every girl should know how to ask her boyfriend for forgiveness. This article is devoted to the basic rules of this.

Confession of guilt and feelings of shame

Quarrels are natural. But in a love relationship, there is no winner. In an effort to prove his innocence at any cost, the partner often demonstrates his sense of superiority, destroying the previously built world of tenderness and trust. And then he suffers from pride, believing that the weaker side is the first to come to reconciliation. And instead of asking for forgiveness from a loved one in their own words, girls often move towards the destruction of relationships, without realizing it. Psychologists come to the rescue and give two important advice:

  1. A distinction should be made between self-respect and asking for forgiveness for a specific offense.
  2. Admitting guilt is the lot of a mature person, capable of extracting mistakes from life experience.

Often partners talk about the feeling of shame that arises on the eve of the upcoming conversation after inflicting an offense. It is connected with the fact that in the depths of his soul a person condemns his actions, wants, but cannot turn everything back in order to correct the situation or find other words. Therefore, the first step on the path to asking for forgiveness from a loved one in your own words should be acceptance of what happened.

Don't get stuck in the past. The main thing that the girl has to do is to forgive herself, stop self-flagellation and focus on how to fix the current situation.

Choosing a time and place to apologize

The admission of guilt includes two aspects:

  • understanding that the partner is suffering, feeling offended;
  • the realization that our specific words or actions are the cause of negative emotions.

If a girl values ​​a relationship, an apology is considered ideal if it is made immediately after the incident, as soon as she realizes her responsibility for what happened. The less time has passed, the more likely it is to maintain confidential communication.

Psychologists believe that the permissible period for admission of guilt and subsequent actions is a day. It is possible to restore lost connections if you ask your loved one for forgiveness in your own words within three days. But we must remember that the zone of “exclusion” is growing with each passing hour, and it is quite possible that the old relationship cannot be saved. To a partner, sooner or later, an apology will be important only as a pure formality.

Is a place for an apology important if time has passed since the fight? Only one thing is certain: an apology must be made in person. Only at a distance of distance is it permissible to communicate by phone. The partner should feel sincerity and understand that the girl really understands what hurt the feelings of the man. Therefore, eye-to-eye contact and the concreteness of the phrases spoken are important. This is why the article constantly emphasizes that the apology is made in your own words. An SMS or emoticon will allow in some cases to continue communication, but it will never be the same again.

Example: how to ask forgiveness from a loved one if time is lost

Should you despair if the awareness of guilt came to the girl too late? Can you try to fix the situation? When we talk about the struggle for love, we mean just such moments, and not a showdown with a rival and putting pressure on the partner himself, conspiracies, and so on. But in this situation it is necessary to be ready for any reaction of the partner and to respect his decision.

The first step is to arrange a meeting. No matter how hard it is to decide, the most optimal is a phone call. Refusal to meet is already a result. If the man agrees, you should hurry up using your chance. What should you arm yourself with? Here you need to use your entire arsenal:

  • Sincerity in words and understanding that you understand your partner's feelings and the fact that your words or actions were to blame. Don't jump straight into hugs. Bodily contact can provoke intimacy, but it will not restore trust.
  • Confession of feelings. If a man accepts an apology, but remains cold, it is possible to say to him those words that have never been spoken aloud before: "Forgive me, darling." Anyone's heart will tremble after them if the relationship is still important to him.
  • Reinforcement of words with a present that will be pleasant to a man: favorite sweets, a keychain with his zodiac sign, a gift certificate to make an old dream come true, football tickets.
  • An unexpected act that breaks previous communication stereotypes. For example, come in their favorite dress, robe, or even a bikini. Change your hairstyle drastically. Or lay out words of forgiveness from the stones on the asphalt under the window.

Sometimes a girl has only one chance, so a competent choice of words that create the right message for her partner is important. The advice of the American philosopher G Champen, co-author of the famous book about the five languages ​​of forgiveness, comes to the rescue. Let's present them in the form of five options:

  1. Use the turn at the beginning of the phrase: "I'm sorry that ...". This is the best way to convey regret, which confirms a sincere desire to return to the old relationship.
  2. Admit that you were wrong in this or that situation. In this one feels the willingness to take responsibility for their actions.
  3. Offer your partner a reflection question: "How can you make amends for my guilt (awkwardness)?" This shows a sincere desire to correct the mistake.
  4. Let the man know that you are repentant. You can ask your loved one for forgiveness in your own words with the help of the phrase: "I am ready for anything so that this will never happen again."
  5. Only a strong personality is able to openly address a man with the words: "Forgive me, please, for ...". But this shows the desire to receive the main thing - confirmation of the partner's feelings. And not only. In this phrase, you can hear your own declaration of love.

A few words in conclusion

It is right to dwell on some points that should be avoided. Phrases like: "I'm not right, but you too ..." are inadmissible. They indicate that the girl did not admit her own guilt, does not value relationships, but continues to compete and wants to be a winner more than to maintain trust and love. You should not get off with one word "sorry" or "sorry". In this there is no understanding of what forgiveness is asked for, and everyone can think of the situation for a partner, which will not lead to the necessary rapprochement.

Don't be afraid to confess your feelings. Reconciliation is the best reason to tell a person how dear he is: "Forgive me, darling ..."

You have no idea how I want to rip out this page of our relationship. Rip ... Rip ... Burn ... And never repeat this mistake. (The name is tender), I understood everything, do not leave me at the crossroads of the gray everyday life of loneliness.

Do you remember, we admired the flame of a candle and said that it was a reborn light of that first spark. Please do not extinguish it - my soul will freeze ... Sorry.

More recently, we lit candles and cut a dessert of happiness. Quite recently, arrows pointed us to the door of well-being ... But the steel sting of a small quarrel divides us exactly in half. Sorry ... Come back!

I am falling like a yellow leaf into a wide gorge ... I do not know whether to hope for the wind or not, what it lifts into the heavens, as before ... Beloved, I do not know what to say to you and how to deserve your forgiveness. Sorry.

During these "three" months you gave me a thousand smiles, a ton of kisses and millions of kilojoules of your warmth ... But these grams of tears of our quarrel want to cross it all ... Please forgive and remove the separation from the scales.

During our acquaintance, you gave me a white sweet cream of happiness, as you remember on that cake? But this is not just a sweet dessert, this is life ... Do not take it away from me, forgive me ...

Get rid of the urge to smoke with ...

Meeting you gave me a ticket to the train of happiness. Such a ticket cannot be bought at the railway station or by negotiation with the conductor ... Only love is handed it personally in hand against signature ... Only love! Please don't leave me.

There is hail on the street and in the soul, and streams of tears from the eyes. Oh Lord, this is some kind of vicious circle. Darling come back, change the gray climate of the soul.

(Name), I stand at the crossroads of gray everyday life and get wet under the raindrops of separation. I am very cold and bored .. Please forgive me and take me away from this loneliness.

Dear, take a step towards me. Reach out a hand of forgiveness and understanding. I stumbled over my mistake, and now I lie and cry. I can't get up without you ... Please, excuse me and help me to get up ...

Dear, let's replay the last scene ... Sorry, I just forgot the words, got worried and shaken too much. Please come back.

My soul is covered with a dense layer of snow of separation. And although he is beautiful in his snow-white, he takes away all the warmth that you gave me lately. Darling, I'm wrong. Sorry. Don't let me freeze.

Dear good, I love you madly.

Apology to a guy in prose
Your departure is like the flip of a toggle switch that turns off the sun and shuts off the oxygen ... Honey, you mean a lot to me, please, let's make up.

Remember, we shared the world with you, like a watermelon bursting at the seams with sugar ... And now we are sharing dirty trampled snow ... Please forgive me. Let's get it all back.

Darling, let's tear out the last sheet of our history and forgive each other.

(Name), I ask you, let's paint our relationship in bright colors. Otherwise, these quarrels will paint them black.

When we say snow ... We mean mountains of snow-white embankments and incredible beauty of snowflakes. But the snow begins to melt over time, forming tons of gray-brown mass. And I very much ask you not to let our relationship melt. Sorry.

Snow melts at +1. And on the street (+15). And can our relationship melt due to a small jump in the temperature of our quarrel?

Where are these doors of truce, darling, tell me, I will open any locks and go through any obstacles, if only you would forgive me.

My heart beats on the upset notes of the soul ... And sadness writes poetry to her ... Thank you, my producer, you created an excellent duet ... I am all in tears ...

They say it's very difficult to say I'm sorry ... They are wrong ... It's difficult to answer I'm sorry ... And this is more like the truth ... Or do you disagree?

I want to give up, go crazy, break my SIM card and forget your number forever ... But the gray mass in my head makes me write another SMS with forgiveness for you ... Sorry (name is tender).

Darling, you are the best person in the world for me. I am always comfortable and warm with you, you are my hope and support. I am grateful to fate for meeting you. You are with such love. You treat me with such tenderness. I am so guilty to you for last night, and I apologize to you. It's not your fault, but I just got excited. Forgive me, my beloved and only one. Let this little fight be an instructive lesson for the two of us. I love you, and I promise never to upset you again.

They say to live life, not to cross the field. And this is true. After all, anything happens in the field of life. Sometimes, even simple words can offend a person to the core. Darling, I apologize to you, I didn’t mean to offend you, but what happened was done. I promise it won't happen again. I really appreciate our relationship with you, and I hope you will forgive me. You are the best in the whole world, you are my most important man, kind and gentle. I love you madly, and really want to be with you all my life.

You are my beloved, unique and dear, my most wonderful friend. Only next to you, I feel safe and confident. Sometimes I am wrong, and I ask you for forgiveness for this. I am ready to change my character for you, just to remain your beloved forever. Forgive me, my dear, I am very sorry that I offended you. I value you, I value your love. I so want to make peace as soon as possible, and warm myself in your hot embraces and kisses. I love you very much.

I am so sad without you, because you and I are in a quarrel, and I am to blame for everything. Honey, let's forget all the insults, and leave all the bad in the past. I apologize to you, and let there be no quarrels between us. I am ready to do whatever you want for you, just smile at me again and hold me in your tender embrace. Forget my fault, and let's again give each other only joy and love. I promise to be the best in the world for you, I will surround you with care and affection. I love you madly.

I understand that I offended you, darling, but believe me, I did not do it on purpose. My dear, accept my apologies, and let's make up. After all, we love each other, and to live in separation, we simply cannot stand it. I understand that I am guilty before you, but the offense is so small and fragile, and love is big and strong. Let's never quarrel again, but rather we will hug and kiss, this will be of more benefit. I love you and I beg your pardon, I promise to always be good. Throw away all doubts, let our hearts beat in unison again.

You are my most beautiful and dearest person on earth. I love you very much, but there are times when I do not deservedly offend you, my beloved. I know that a word can be sharper than a knife, which leaves a deep wound in the heart. Forgive me, dear, please, I am often wrong. My character is to blame. I am ready to change for you, just to stay forever with you, my love. I offended you, but I promise that this will never happen again. I love and adore you, my dear.

Excuse me, my good, gentle and most beloved person in the world. I value our love so much, but sometimes I can flare up, say too much. I'm sorry, my dear, I admit my guilt, and I promise that this will never happen again. After all, we simply cannot do without each other. Our love is much stronger than all these troubles. I will surround you with my care and affection, and of course, you will forget our quarrel. After all, disputes never bring consolation. I ask you for forgiveness, and I am without a doubt sure that you will forgive me, beloved.

Darling - you are the best on the whole planet. I am so warm and comfortable with you next to me. But today's quarrel can destroy our love, which we have so carefully created and preserved. Let's forget all the ridiculous grievances and leave this quarrel in the past. I know that I am the only one to blame for everything, and therefore I apologize to you. I love you very tenderly and tenderly, and I will always cherish you. Forgive me, my beloved, I promise that this will never happen again. I want to be only with you and love only you.

My beloved, you are my most attentive and most sensitive. You just have an angelic character compared to mine. I often undeservedly offend you. Forgive me, my dear. You know that all these fights are nonsense. After all, it is not for nothing that they say that the dear ones scold, only amuse themselves. My love will never fade away for you, but on the contrary, every day it flares up more and more. Let this resentment melt like the first snow. Let's forget everything and think only about the good. I love you, my dear.

My beloved, gentle and most affectionate, you cannot imagine how difficult it is for me now without you, how I miss your hot kisses. You are my favorite person and I feel so bad without you. I beg you, do not be angry, but quickly excuse me. I promise I will do everything for you to deserve forgiveness. Come back to me, I beg you, otherwise we will simply lose our love, and I do not want this so much. They say that after a quarrel, love becomes even stronger and stronger, let's check it out, beloved, and we'll start all over again.

My affectionate and nicest, my kindest and sweetest. You are the only man in my life. But it so happened that I said too much to you, and offended you. I know that you are very kind and you will be able to ask me. Forgive me, darling, that I did such a stupid thing to you. I am ready to atone for my guilt, for the sake of our happiness. My dear, beautiful, if you knew how much I miss you. I love you very much, and I don’t want to lose you because of stupidity. Let's take care of each other with you, because this is our happiness, which we created together.

My beloved and dear, do not be offended by me anymore, because this is not even a quarrel, but just some kind of misunderstanding. I understand that I was wrong, but let's learn to make peace, let's learn to yield to each other, and then we will save our love. You know how much I love you and besides you, I don't need anyone. Forgive and forgive again for everything. I'm ready for anything for you, even change my character. For the sake of our love, I am ready to overcome all obstacles. You are my best, most beloved and simply mine.

Living life is not a field to cross. And it is true. In life there is everything and love, and joy, and quarrels, and tears. Sometimes even a word can seriously injure a person. So I did it, I didn't do it on purpose, but I offended you very much, and now I am so ashamed in front of you, my beloved. Forgive me, my best man, I promise that I will never offend you again. You know that I love you very much, my only one, but it happened. Forgive me, I beg, my dear, and do not hold any more evil on me. I love you.

My most important person on earth, I am so guilty before you, and I tearfully apologize. Yes, I was wrong, but I broke off and was not deservedly rude to you, but forgive me, please. Let's forget this quarrel as the worst dream. After all, we love each other, trust each other, and simply cannot live without each other. Let's forget all the insults, because love is the strongest feeling and it conquers everything. Let's only think about the good, I promise to be the best in the world for you. Sorry!

I hate to quarrel with you so much, and therefore I sincerely ask your forgiveness. You are the kindest, most gentle, sensitive and attentive. And I, of course, have a bad temper, but for your sake I am ready to change for the better, just to be with you always. I value you and I am proud of you, my beloved. I know you have a very kind heart, and you will certainly forgive me. For this I am very grateful to you. I love you and want to be always with you together, my beloved, gentle and unique.

not so much want to apologize to you, my beloved. I said a lot of unnecessary things to you in the heat of the moment. I beg you, do not condemn me to loneliness, because you are my best. May all disagreements between us disappear forever, may all doubts be dispelled. Forgive me, my good, my most patient man in the world. I love you so much. Let only bright colors be present in your life, and forget everything, this will not happen again, I promise. Let's live our entire century happily ever after, and most importantly together.

My kind, affectionate and most beautiful person in the world. I'm so proud to have you. You will always support me in difficult times, give good advice or just say gentle words. I want to apologize to you for my rash act. I know I have offended you very much with my mistrust. I am to blame for everything, and I ask you, forgive me, my beloved. Let our quarrel be forgotten forever. Please give me one more step to correct my mistake. I know you are the best with me, and you will definitely forgive me.

My most beautiful person in the world, my support and hope. I am so grateful to you for your love, for your attitude towards me. I am so ashamed of everything I said to you. It was a rash act on my part. Forgive me please, my only one. I promise that this will never happen again, I will keep my emotions to myself. My dear, believe me and forgive me. Let's not let the spark of our quarrel ignite into a huge flame. My beloved, do not be angry with me, please, you know that I did not do all this out of malice.

My dear, beloved, the most beautiful person in the world. Please forgive me that I offended you. I understand only now how wrong I was. This is all my stupid nature. I promise you, my dear, that I will change from this very minute, I will not get excited, I will not be offended by trifles. I do not want and cannot lose you, because I love you more than anyone else in the world. Let's make up, my only one, and forget this quarrel forever. May our love conquer all our troubles. I love you.

My good, my patient and most loyal person in the world. I am so guilty before you. Forgive me, please, do not hold any more evil. I know you are kind and you will understand everything. If I could put everything back, I would never do that. How I regret my actions. My beloved, I do not want to lose you. Really, because of this misunderstanding, we will cross out all that tender and good that was between us. Forgive me and believe me. As they say that love works wonders, let it reconcile you and me, my beloved.

Today you are not in the mood at all, you are not smiling, and as before you are not joking. The whole reason is only in me, and I am aware of this. I hurt you today, brought you undeserved pain. Please forgive me, my beloved and only one. I am so ashamed of my act, but nothing can be returned back. Now all you have to do is earn your forgiveness. Honey, let's forget all the bad things and make peace again. I promise that this will never happen again. Trust me, please, my good one.

There are different situations in life. Sometimes, with a rash act or even just a word, we can inflict a spiritual wound on a loved one. And it's good if you understand your mistake in time. Darling, I was one hundred percent wrong, and I apologize for the fact that everything turned out this way. I promise never to offend you in the future, I will definitely change my character. Just forgive me, my best man on earth. I am madly in love with you, and I want to be only with you .. Forgive me, my sweetheart, and do not hold any more resentment.

Today is my worst day in my life because I quarreled with you, my beloved. I know that everything is to blame for everything - it's all my hot-tempered nature. Forgive me, my only one, I am so ashamed of my words. I need you like the sun for the heavens, like the water for the ocean, like love for the heart. I promise that this will not happen again. I love you, my joy, and so I hope that we will make peace with you, because you are the best, the most beautiful, the smartest and, finally, you are simply my most important person in the world.

I now live on the memories of our former beautiful love. You are a real man who can be trusted, behind whom you can live like a stone wall. But a black cat ran between us, and I was the only one to blame. Forgive me, my beloved, let's forget all the insults forever, let's return everything to square one. After all, we are meant for each other. I love you, my dear, and I apologize for everything I said to you. All this was not out of malice, emotions just played out. Please be with me.

My dear, beloved and the best person in the world. You are the light in the window for me, you are a warm, golden ray of happiness, you are just my guardian angel. I love so much your funny laugh, your bright eyes, your kind heart. You just have an angelic character
And I, using this, offended you. I am so ashamed of my actions, please forgive me. Let's make up, and we'll have everything as before. Honey, I love you very much, and I'm afraid of losing. You are mine, and only mine, and I will never give you to anyone.

My most beloved person, I am very lucky with you. You give me love and happiness, warmth, affection and hope. I feel protected, calm and loved in your arms. This was all before our quarrel. And now I am so sad without you, there is no mood at all, I miss you very much. Darling, I beg you, forgive me for my hot temper. I told you so many stupid things that I myself am very ashamed. Forgive me, and believe that this will never happen again.

It has been exactly a month since you and I have been in a quarrel. The heart is bursting with pain, the soul is utterly empty, the whole world is in gray tones. Darling, I know that you feel as bad as I do. Let's forget all the insults, let's make up, and everything will be fine with us. I admit my guilt completely, and I apologize, because I was the first to start this senseless quarrel. Do not be offended by me, but again give your tender smile, your hot passionate kiss. I love you, and I want to be only with you, my one and only.

Today I had a wonderful dream, as if we are together again, and we are as good as it was before. But, waking up, I realized again this depressing feeling that you are not there, my beloved. I can no longer endure our separation and have come to make up. Forgive me, my most important person on the entire planet. Forgive me and understand that the whole quarrel came out in the heat of the moment. I started this stupid conversation and made these unfounded accusations against you. Forgive me, my dear, and let's again be the most beautiful, loving couple.

It turned out so badly yesterday, I just can't forgive myself for having offended you. And the worst thing is that she did not deserve offense. I apologize to you, and I hope to be forgiven. I know that you have the kindest heart, the most angelic character. I feel so good with you, and even in my thoughts I cannot imagine that because of this stupidity I can lose you. Forgive me, my affectionate and most beloved person in the world. Let our quarrel be like the worst dream. Let's wake up together from this nightmare, and in reality everything will be fine with us, as before.

Forgive my beloved guy: