How to make a Christmas tree toy from cones. New Year's Christmas decorations from cones with their own hands. Scale applique

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The desire to decorate your home for the New Year is common to almost every person. It is doubly interesting not just to purchase ready-made decor, but to make something original on your own. We suggest going to the coniferous forest and preparing more cones for winter creativity. The editors of the site offer to find out what kind of New Year's crafts you can make from cones with your own hands, photos and tips from creative masters, as well as the pleasure of getting to know wonderful creations.

If a person’s whole idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcrafts made from gifts of spruce, larch, pine and cedar comes down to kindergarten hedgehogs, then it makes sense to expand the boundaries of one’s own horizons and be surprised at the beauty and elegance of New Year’s compositions from cones.

There are many ways to use these gifts for the benefit of your apartment. From cones make:

  • candlesticks;
  • fairy lights;
  • wreaths;
  • Christmas decorations;
  • Christmas trees;
  • decorate a chandelier;
  • make a frame for a photo;
  • make animals, birds, flowers;
  • beautiful interesting pendants.

For each type of work, some preparation of the material and the selection of additional decorative elements are required.

Can buds be bleached?

On the Internet, there are photos with the design of rooms where bleached cones are used as decor. Let's make a reservation right away, it is unlikely that it will be possible to repeat the effect so much, and the masters are reluctant to part with such secrets. But we will show you how to achieve a decent whitening of a wood cone.

First, we will collect all the fallen coniferous inflorescences and clean them of resin residues. We lower everything into a container with an alkaline agent - for this purpose, the Krot pipe cleaner is suitable. After 2-3 hours, wash the cones and leave them to dry.

Important! Do not be surprised: with prolonged contact with the liquid, the coniferous inflorescence will develop. With subsequent drying, the petals will open again.

All cones will soon sink and close. We tightly cover the container with a lid and, for reliability and safety, put it on the balcony. It is best to forget about the jar for the whole night. In the morning we will take out all the closed inflorescences and dry them at low temperatures in the oven until they are fully opened. If necessary, repeat the procedure with whiteness.

We paint, we paint, we paint

The second option for changing the natural color is in such a way as staining. Painting is carried out by means of a spray can or by lowering the material into a jar of paint. Well, you can try to paint a kilo of buds with a brush, but not everyone has achieved the Dalai Lama's highest level of patience. Therefore, we return to the description of simple and affordable staining methods.

When using paint in a spray can, the cones are also tied up to dry.

There is a third way to change the natural color: dip the bump in PVA glue and sprinkle with glitter (sequins) of the desired color, fortunately, their choice today is not limited by anything.

The best cone craft for the New Year is a festive wreath

A wreath is a large-scale and especially decorative craft made from fir cones. Such a product will last more than one holiday, as its strength will be beyond praise, and it will look on the door in a truly New Year's way.

Related article:

How to make a New Year's wreath with your own hands: the history and tradition of occurrence, a master class on creating what to make the basis for the product (newspaper, cardboard, pipe insulation), decorating a New Year's wreath with various materials - read in the publication.

Crafts from cones for the new year: decorating the interior

If the craft does not serve aesthetic purposes, then it is of little use: you cannot put it in a prominent place, and it will not give any pleasure when contemplated. Another thing is when creativity and craftsmanship organically fit into the design of the room, gently transforming and complementing it. Let's try to imagine how a room decorated with bumpy beauty will look like?

A coniferous cone turns into a tree without soil and water - magic available to everyone

A decorative decoration in the form of a small Christmas tree is already a tradition in the house where the New Year will be celebrated. To turn a pile of different cones into an incomparable Christmas tree, let's take a thermal gun, decorative elements: beads, pompoms, earrings without pairs that have accumulated for several years, acrylic paint, glitter, LED garland - the decoration can be anything, the main thing is that it all looks harmonious.

The main thing you need is a cone. The cone can be made from thick cardboard, wallpaper remnants, foam rubber.

Related article:

Transformation of the chandelier for the New Year

A great idea could be a decor from New Year's crafts made of cones and branches in the form of a chandelier decoration. To make the lighting in the room truly atmospheric, you will need to prepare the material: lighten the bumps, paint or simply roll in glue and sprinkle with glitter.

Making a photo frame

To create an unusual photo frame, we use a cardboard frame of any shape and a cardboard frame that follows the contours of the frame, hot glue and bumps.

We glue the frame on the cardboard base, not forgetting to leave a place where we will insert the photo. Glue the ribbon as a pendant. Now we will stick different bumps on the cardboard frame.

What is the New Year without candles? Change dull candlesticks for festive ones

For the house, New Year's crafts in the form of candlesticks are also made from cones. Perhaps this is an ideal option for using the gifts of coniferous forests. Since this material is beautifully decorated, there is no problem to make a solemn composition out of it by adding other decorations.

New Year's decor of the back of the chair with cones

In an attempt to bring the spirit of Christmas into the house, it is worth thinking about the little things in the decor. Even the back of a chair will play an important role if you decorate it with a simple but eye-pleasing pendant.

New Year's crafts from cones: what figures can be made to decorate the Christmas tree

Surely, in search of interesting new ideas, many pictures of New Year's crafts from cones were considered. But sometimes the picture does not answer the question “how is it done?”, and whether such a decoration on the Christmas tree will look worthy is also not clear.

Consider Christmas tree decorations that you can make if you are not too lazy and collect more pine or spruce cones. Children love to pour their imagination into New Year's crafts from cones and acorns, why not connect adults to such a pastime?

The Christmas mood will be given by the angels descending on the Christmas tree. It will be great if they are not hung on New Year's Eve, but on Christmas Day. To make an angel, you need to prepare material for the wings and head.

You can try to make several different animals and birds, turning the Christmas tree into a haven for animals.

In addition to the animal kingdom, cone balls and snowflakes will perfectly hang on the Christmas tree.

Other ideas for using cones in New Year's design

They hung the wreath, decorated the Christmas tree, they didn’t even forget about the chairs and frames on the wall. Now let's start decorating the surfaces. It is impossible to remain silent about the fact that natural material is great for creating topiary.

Do not forget that as soon as the snow falls, it will cover all the fruits of coniferous trees, so we are going to collect the gifts of the forest as soon as possible!

Video: funny cone crafts

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Cones are a wonderful gift of nature. They retain a subtle spruce or pine aroma that reminds of the approach of the New Year. From a unique natural material with your own hands, you can make unusual and unique things that can be taken to a kindergarten, school or decorate a house.

DIY cone crafts made with children will decorate any interior and fill the room with a magical mood.

Christmas wreath of pine cones

Traditionally, Christmas wreaths are made from cones, but needlewomen decorate them with satin ribbons, green tinsel, Christmas balls, and snowflakes. The made craft will decorate the door of the house, become a kind of amulet and cheer you up on the eve of the New Year.

materials to make a Christmas wreath:

  • thermal gun;
  • Pine cones;
  • cardboard;
  • tinsel, satin brown ribbon,
  • ready-made base ring or newspapers;
  • Scotch.

Making a wreath:

  1. If there is no finished ring, the base can be made from cardboard and newspaper. At the very beginning, you need to cut out a wreath-shaped blank from cardboard.
  2. Then roll the newspaper into a tube, attach to the cut out circle, connect the opposite ends together and wrap with tape. To make the base look attractive, it must be wrapped with a brown satin ribbon.
  3. Next, glue the cones with a thermal gun and decorate the Christmas wreath as you wish: ribbons, tinsel, snowflakes, Christmas tree decorations.

Christmas tree made of cones

Christmas trees made of pine cones and painted in different colors look unusual.

  1. There is nothing difficult in manufacturing. You need to take beautiful open cones, paint them brown, green or golden from a spray can.
  2. After the paint has dried, you will need to decorate the New Year's beauty with beads, snowflakes, ribbons. In order for the Christmas tree to stand steadily on the table, you need a solid base.
  3. It can be made from an ordinary plastic bottle cap, painted white or decorated with material.

Unusual house for interior decoration

Having shown imagination and making a little effort, you can make a beautiful fairy-tale house.

For its manufacture you will need:

  • small decorative pumpkin
  • plasticine,
  • cones,
  • flowers,
  • beads,
  • glass pieces.

Master Class:

  1. The hardest part of the job is picking an attractive pumpkin. The roof is made of cones. First, they need to be disassembled into plates and glued to the base using a heat gun.
  2. After the plates have dried, the roof of the house is painted brown and varnished. Next, windows, doors, a porch are made from plasticine and improvised materials.

One disadvantage of such a house is its fragility, because a decorative pumpkin can be stored at a low room temperature for a year. But the beauty and originality of the house compensate for its fragility.

Basket of pine cones

The original basket will be appropriate in any interior and will serve as a good gift for friends or relatives.


  • pine cones - about 60 pieces;
  • hot glue;
  • thin and thick wire;
  • elements for decor: ribbons, beads, artificial flowers.

Manufacturing process:

  1. Using a thin wire, connect 10 or 12 cones together. Get the bottom of the basket. It is advisable to choose a brown wire so that it is not so noticeable in the finished product.
  2. To fill the bottom of the basket, you will need to make 1 more ring, slightly smaller in diameter than the first.
  3. Then you need to make the sides of the basket and the handle. For a basket you will need 2 rings of 8-10 cones. If you want to make the basket deeper, you will have to make 1 more ring.
  4. The rings are interconnected with hot-melt adhesive, then a handle of cones is attached.
  5. At the final stage, decorate the basket with prepared materials.

Topiary "Winter motives"

If autumn leaves are preserved in the house, there are twigs, cones and other natural material, you can make an interesting topiary with your own hands.


  • cones and maple leaves;
  • small pot for flowers;
  • tree branches;
  • base ball;
  • glue;
  • beads, balls, ribbons, flowers and feathers.

The process of creating a composition:

If it was not possible to buy a foam ball, you can roll it up from a newspaper. To prevent such a ball from falling apart, it should be tied with threads. Inside the ball you need to make a hole for the trunk of the tree.

The trunk of the topiary is fixed inside the ball with glue. The base ball is decorated with cones painted in silver, ribbons, leaves and beads.

To keep the topiary in a vase, you need to fill it with plaster, and decorate the surface with decorative elements.

New Year's crafts from cones with their own hands on the Christmas tree

Beautiful Christmas decorations made of cones have a long service life and are easy to manufacture. Having shown a little imagination and involving children in the work, you can decorate the Christmas tree with unusual birds, squirrels, hedgehogs and garlands.

Animals on the Christmas tree

Materials and tools:

  • cones;
  • glue;
  • threads;
  • buttons.

Manufacturing process:

  1. The head of the toy is made of pom-poms. To make them, you need to take 2 cardboard circles with a cut out center and wind the threads. Then take scissors and cut the threads.
  2. To prevent the pompom from falling apart, the middle is tied with a thread. Bead eyes, nose and ears should be glued to the head.
  3. The bump needs to be painted brown, sprayed with white. At the very end, attach the legs, tails and wings.

Toy "Bump in the snow"

Before the holiday, you can make a toy for the Christmas tree with your own hands with your child.

Materials for manufacturing:

  • spruce and pine cones;
  • clear nail polish or glitter;
  • tinsel, ribbons, beads, rhinestones;
  • cotton wool and cotton swab;
  • acrylic paints;
  • brushes and a jar of water.

Manufacturing process:

Cover the bump with acrylic paint.
To hang a cone on a Christmas tree, you need to glue a ribbon to it and decorate this place with cotton wool or a bow.
Cones can be painted with glitter varnish, imitating snow.

Christmas crafts from cones for children

Toddlers love to create. When making New Year's crafts from cones, plasticine and natural materials with your own hands, finger motility and creative thinking develop.


For manufacturing, you will need acorns, cones, plasticine, twigs and colored paper. Such a composition is within the power of preschool children.

Buds should be well opened. For a girl, you can take a brown bump, for a boy - black. All parts are attached with plasticine. The eyes and nose are glued with glue. Small folders are made from colored paper and given to the singers.


All kids love to watch cartoons about animals and listen to fairy tales. The fox admires the ability to get “dry” out of any situation, so together with the kids you can make their favorite hero - the fox-sister.


  • spruce cones of different sizes - 3 pcs.;
  • white, black and orange plasticine.


  1. Select cones of suitable size for the body, tail and muzzle and connect them together using plasticine.
  2. Next, you need to mold the muzzle, ears, paws from orange plasticine, and the nose and eyes from black.

Christmas tree gnomes

From cones, synthetic winterizer and acorns, you can make a beautiful Christmas tree toy - a little gnome.

Materials and tools:

  • acorns with hats;
  • multi-colored narrow ribbon;
  • cones;
  • sintepon.

How to make a gnome?

  1. First you need to detach the hat from the acorn and make a small hole in it. We fold the thread in half and stretch it through the resulting hole. On the inside of the hat on the thread you need to make a knot.
  2. Next, you need to fluff the synthetic winterizer, attach it to the acorn and stick it. From the synthetic winterizer should get hair and a beard.
  3. The hat is glued with hot glue or attached to plasticine.

Crafts for the New Year should start with a good mood. The presented New Year's hand-made crafts are within the power of each of us. It only takes a little patience, free time and a great desire to create. Such crafts can be done for kindergarten, for school and just for decorating the house. I hope this master class with photos will give you some ideas.


Decorating the interior is the most exciting part of the holiday preparation, especially if you decide to make home accessories yourself. It is very important that the New Year's decor is associated with winter comfort, fairy tale and magic, and, of course, reminds of the long-awaited holiday.

New Year's compositions from cones will help you simply, quickly and, most importantly, beautifully. Today "Dream House" has prepared for you some ideas for creating such a decor.

Idea 1: Christmas decorations from cones

A cone is a universal natural material that can become the basis for creating almost any toy. It is no secret that children love to do crafts, especially they like to create figurines of various animals. To make New Year's toys from cones, it is enough to choose suitable additional materials and dream up a little. Surely every child has his own collection of plasticine crafts. If we imagine that the cone is the body of an animal, then it will not be difficult to make an original toy, for example, a bunny.

If the house has old small toys that the baby no longer plays with, you can turn them into original Christmas tree decorations. For example, by painting the surface of a cone with gold or silver paint and gluing the head, tail and paws to it, you can get a cute penguin, deer, squirrel or any other animal.

A Christmas tree toy from a cone can be made completely with your own hands. It is enough to paint it with a suitable paint, glue a matching bow and tie a thread to the top, and yours will get an exclusive decoration. Cones, completely covered with sparkles, look very nice.

And if the house has at least a little felt or felt, then it will not be difficult for you to pile, for example, a New Year's gnome. But in order for all parts of the toy to hold tightly to each other, it is best to glue the parts with hot glue.

Crafts from New Year's cones

And to make the main New Year's symbol - Santa Claus, the bump must first be dipped in red paint and allowed to dry well. The most important thing is to create the head of a magical grandfather. If there is no ready-made option, you can sew it from fabric. To do this, you need to pick up a small ball, sheathe it with a beige cloth, glue white cotton wool in the shape of a beard at the bottom, and build a red cap at the top. The eyes of Santa Claus can be drawn, or you can glue small black beads.

Beautiful do-it-yourself cone toys can be made using their scales. First you need to decide on the shape of the product and make a suitable blank, for example, from foam rubber or papier-mâché. Then, carefully removing the scales of the cones, glue them to the surface of the workpiece. Since the New Year is associated with snow, you can decorate the toy with silver sparkles.

Idea 2: Cone Wreaths

Cones are great for creating wreaths, which are decorated in many countries before the holidays.

First of all, for it is necessary to prepare a soft, but at the same time durable workpiece. The material for it can be ordinary foam rubber or paper twisted into a bundle. Having made a round wreath from the selected material, it is advisable to wrap its surface with adhesive tape so that it does not lose its shape. Then the wreath is glued with cones. Since this natural material is beautiful in itself, it is not necessary to color the buds with paint, varnish or sprays. This is purely optional.

Christmas wreath of cones

Such a New Year's cone wreath can be decorated with other natural gifts, for example, dry leaves or branches.

Wreaths of fir cones, decorated with New Year's paraphernalia, for example, Christmas tree decorations, snowflakes, ribbons, flowers, etc. look very nice. Also, before making a wreath, you can paint the cones with bright paint, best of all - with a spray from a can.

In addition to a round wreath, you can create any composition of fir cones on the front door. It all depends on the shape of the workpiece and additional decorations.

Idea 3: Christmas trees from cones

There are not many Christmas trees. Since the cone already resembles a fluffy forest beauty in its shape, the easiest way to make a Christmas tree out of it is to paint the cone with bright silver paint, put it in a small container and decorate with tinsel.

This craft looks great as a decoration. It is convenient to use various candlesticks for a stand under the Christmas tree.

Christmas tree made of cones

A Christmas tree made of cones will surely become the main decoration of the interior. A more complex version of the main festive attribute can be made by pasting a cone-shaped shape with cones. The easiest way to create a form is from loose cardboard, fixing it around the edges with a stapler. Having glued the blank with cones, it can be put in a flower pot or on a convenient stand.

If you have a hollow conical shape, for example, made of wood or plastic, then you can fix a small stand below, and place the whole structure in a flower pot. Then your composition will be similar to the original decorative tree.

Idea 4: Interior decoration with cone crafts

A very beautiful New Year's decor is created using painted cones. For painting, you can use any coloring matter - aerosols, building paints, acrylic, etc. But keep in mind that in a dry and warm room, the cones quickly open, losing their shape. To avoid this, before painting the bump must be dipped in and allowed to dry well.

The finished decoration can be used to create any composition, but the cones also look great in the "solo" version. For example, they can decorate shelves, as well as place bright cones in a vase or basket.

Christmas cone decor

Christmas decorations from cones

You can also beautifully decorate New Year's candlesticks with cones. It is enough to attach the candlesticks themselves, spruce twigs, New Year's toys and cones to the stand, and the original composition is ready.

In addition, cones are an excellent material for creating. You can fasten them together with wire or tape. If desired, the cones can be painted in a bright color or other decorations can be added to the garland.

Christmas toys for the New Year from cones can be quite simple.

The cones are painted with any paints (gold and silver look especially beautiful), then ropes or ribbons are attached to them to hang on the Christmas tree.

It turns out beautiful New Year's toys, made by hand.

Be sure to try making some of these options with your children.

On our site you will find ideas for Christmas tree decorations with photos and descriptions of how to make them.

For the manufacture of toys, one cone is usually taken as the basis.

1. Small soft toys that your child no longer plays with can be turned into wonderful Christmas decorations.

To do this, paint over the cone with paint and attach the head of the toy to it.

By adding wings, paws and tails, you will get Christmas tree decorations made of cones in the form of unique animals that can be hung on your Christmas tree.

2. Using pine cone scales, you can also make an original toy for the New Year.

Create a blank of the desired shape from foam rubber or papier-mâché. Glue carefully removed scales to its surface. Decorate with glitter for a snowy effect.

3. Paint the cone with a suitable paint, glue a bow with bells to match and tie a thread to the top. Cones look very beautiful, covered with sparkles not completely, but only at the tips of the scales.

4. To make the main New Year's symbol - Santa Claus from a cone, you must first dip it in red paint and let it dry well.

The most important thing is to create the head of a magical grandfather. If there is no ready-made option, you can sew it from fabric. To do this, you need to pick up a small ball, sheathe it with a beige cloth, glue felt or white cotton wool in the shape of a beard at the bottom, and build a red cap at the top.

The eyes of Santa Claus can be drawn, or you can glue small black beads.

5. Fold the red ribbon in half and put a red wooden ring on it. Fold the free ends of the ribbon into a bow. Lightly tone the bump with gold spray paint. Try to apply paint evenly.

Use a glue gun to glue the bow to the top of the cone. Straighten the ends of the tape.

Glue beads between the scales of the cone. Attach a glass ball to the end of the cone.

Decorate the top of the cone with small gold cones. To do this, glue them along the wooden ring.

More ideas on how to make a Christmas tree toy from cones, with a photo:

New Year's toys from cones for the Christmas tree will help you create a cozy atmosphere of the upcoming celebration in your house and will never lose their relevance as a festive decor.

Good afternoon - today we will make a beautiful cone to decorate the Christmas tree. I will show you a step-by-step master class, as well as give you ideas for alternative techniques for making an artificial Christmas cone. And I will also show that you can make them from ordinary forest cones (pine or spruce) to decorate a house for the New Year.

So let's get started.

How to make a cone with your own hands.

We will need:

  • Styrofoam blank EGG (sold on online stores, and in craft shops)
  • Large sequins (or cut circles of colored or metallic paper)
  • Packing of studs
  • Rope


The process is very simple. It is necessary to stick sequin mugs in ALTERNATIVE ROWS on a styrofoam egg with the help of studs. Start at the narrow end foam blank.

We put each row lapped on the previous one. So that the lower circles are almost half covered with top. And scales-mugs need to be put offset... that is, the CENTRAL points of the top row should be opposite the EDGES of the bottom circles (like the scales of a fish).

If use gift wrapping paper , then we get the original cone with patterned scales. Or you can use circles cut out of bright postcards.

And pay attention to the photo below - you can cut into OVAL SHAPES ... and you also get a beautiful bump

And you can also use dried watermelon rinds ... if in August you collected and dried all the watermelon peels in the oven and poured them into a jar ... then you have ready-made ornamental material for making cones with your own hands. And no need to suffer and cut out cone scales with scissors.

New Year's cone FROM FELT - how to make.

But such New Year's felt cones are also easy to make with your own hands.

If you look closely at the photo below, you will see that the bump sucks from 20 flat pancake flowers– 10 brown and 10 white.

These flowers are stacked on top of each other.(like a stack of pancakes)... and from what smaller flowers go to the very end of the cone ... then our stack tapers to the bottom, forming an oval cone.

The rows, as you can see, alternate - white - brown - white - brown, etc.

In the middle of the cone, the largest petal flowers ... at the top (near the tail of the cone) are medium-sized flowers - towards the tip of the cone, the size of the flowers is getting smaller and smaller.

It's simple - figured out the size ... cut 20 flat flowers - and strung them on beads on a thread ... alternating sizes so that the bump either expanded or narrowed towards its tip.

And we get a beautiful lush bump ... handmade ... made with our own hands. Is not that great?

A cone FROM FABRIC on a New Year's tree.

But below in the photo we see the idea when the SCALES of the CONES look like squares of a paper napkin (or fabric) folded 4 times.

That is, we outline the size of the future scale (for example, 1 cm by 1 cm) ... and make fabric blanks.

The blanks will be SQUARE FLAP - whose size will be so that when folded in half and again in half, a square of 1x1 cm is obtained. That is, we need flaps of 2x2 cm .... fold them in half and then in half again. - we get a neatly folded "handkerchief" ... These handkerchiefs need to be made a lot, a lot.

And now when we have all the SCALES ready for the future bump. US need to find blank blank to which we will glue these scales ...

The blank can be a FOAM BALL(or FOAM EGG) - it is sold in any craft store or on the Internet - the product is called a “foam ball” (look in Google \ Yandex) - it costs, depending on the size, from $ 0.5 and more ...

The workpiece can be a BALL OR an OVAL MADE FROM FELT. Just take felt for crafts + a bowl of soapy water. We put the felt in soapy water - take it out - and roll a ball in our palms (as if plasticine) the soapy wet felt rolls very well into any shape we need. The stronger we press our palms, the harder and denser the felt blank for our New Year's cone turns out.

The blank can be a BLUE MADE FROM WOOL AND BANDAGES ... We take ordinary cotton wool ... (we buy cotton wool in a pharmacy in one lump) ... we take this lump, give it an oval or round shape - and fix it with a bandage winding (we make something like an oval mummy) ... then we moisten it all with PVA glue ... to make it harder and denser ... dry for one night ... And an excellent blank is ready for sticking fabric scales.

CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS from spruce and pine cones.

Or we can use ordinary forest cones to implement interesting New Year's decor ideas.

From cones can you make a garland(to hang over the fireplace, or on the wall).

We buy threaded hooks ... we drill a hole in the cone - and screw the hook into it. For these hooks we hang cones on a rope. You can also add an LED New Year's garland to the same cone garland - just twist it with a rope.

Or you can put the cones in a beautiful basket ... decorate the center of the basket with a bow ... add a garland there (place it so that the lights mix with the cones) - we get a nice New Year's lamp made of cones.

You can just paint the cones in different colors ... and beautifully arrange them in a vase.

Can be made from a cone Christmas tree decoration... Tie a bright ribbon in the form of a bow ... attach a twine, on which we will hang a cone on a Christmas tree.

Or you can make a composition of two cones - tie them together ... and make an imitation of SNOW - coat the scales with glue and sprinkle with white sprinkles (this can be a sparkling white powder for manicure ... or semolina).

Can buy transparent christmas ball and throw in it the scales from the cones ...

Or make a Christmas CHRISTMAS FROM CONE SCALES ... unhook the scales with pincers from the cone ... make a cone of their thick paper ... and row after row (starting from the bottom) we glue the paper cone with these scales. It turns out a Christmas tree made of cones.

Christmas trees - OWN HANDS from cones.

And since we have touched on the topic of crafts in the form of Christmas trees, here are some more ideas for Christmas trees from pine cones.

You can fit the opened cone into a small pot or glass ... decorate with beads, a ribbon, a star on top.

These cones can be painted with paint .... and the bump itself can be glued to the base of the COTTON DISC ...

You can make a Christmas tree out of cones, too, on the basis of a paper cone ... which is pasted over with cones using a glue gun. In addition to cones, you can stick various other materials on the cone (left photo below)

You can make a CHRISTMAS-PACK... this is when the tiers of our pyramid are stacked on top of each other... A layer of a vase napkin and a ring of cones (we put cotton or paper in the middle of the ring)... again a knitted napkin on top... and again a ring of cones... and so on... Each new the tier should be SMALLER CIRCLE than the bottom one ... so that the herringbone tapers towards its top (right photo below)

NEW YEAR'S WREATHS - we make from pine and spruce cones.

You can also make New Year's wreaths from cones - to decorate the house. How to make the basis for wreaths from adhesive tape and an old newspaper, I will show in detail in a special article.

And here below you see what design you can come up with for a wreath of cones ...

You can arrange cones ALTERNATELY with acorns (left photo below)

You can stick the cones RANDOMLY on the blank for the wreath (right photo below)

You can lay out the cones so (and glue them together) to get the OUTLINES OF THE SNOWFLAKES (left photo below)

Or you can stack the buds in one CIRCULAR direction... like a spiral swirl (right photo below)

Here are ideas for creating a CHRISTMAS CONE to decorate the Christmas tree ... and ideas for FOREST CONE DECOR.

AND YOU CAN ALSO make a DELICIOUS SALAD for the New Year's table - also in the form of a cone. The filling of lettuce mounds can be anything (even peas, even corn). But then, when two lettuce piles are stacked side by side in the form of OVAL HILLS ... they just need to be PUT WITH ALMONDS ... add a couple of sprigs of thyme and your salad in the form of New Year's cones is ready.

Here are some ideas for the new year.

Good luck to you and happy holidays.

Olga Klishevskaya, especially for the site ""
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Happy New Year to the author of this article, Olga Klishevskaya.