Competitions for a bachelorette party: games, ideas and examples. What is interesting to do on a bachelorette party? Interesting entertainment at the Bachelorette party at home

If you have already chosen an idea for a bachelorette party, prepared outfits, found the perfect place for a bachelorette party, then it's time to think about which bachelorette party contests are suitable for your group of girlfriends.

After all, without interesting and fervent competitions, even the most perfectly thought-out bachelorette party can turn into an ordinary friendly gathering.

Recently, I was lucky enough to participate in the preparation of a bachelorette party for our unmarried friend, and we, as true friends, took on all the responsibilities for preparing the event.

I was “luckier” than anyone else: I was entrusted with the honorable mission of organizing competitions and entertainment for a bachelorette party.

The bachelorette party was held at the bride's house, so there were no problems with the props for the competitions at all. Everything was bought in advance and put in bags.

We were 7 girls, and all the competitions went with a bang! Do not forget to keep your camcorder and cameras on, there will be something to shoot!

Competitions for a bachelorette party for a fun company of girlfriends:

The game "To the touch"

With this game, friends check whether the bride is ready to take care of the household. The essence of this task game is that the bride must touch, blindfolded, to distinguish round vegetables and fruits that her friends will put in front of her (tomato, apple, peach, potato, orange, boiled egg, for a laugh, you can put a ball, melon , round candle). The competition is best held after the fifth cocktail

Game "Magic Balls"

Bridesmaids give the bride a bunch of balloons and offer to write their pre-wedding fears on them with a felt-tip pen - which is the most frightening thing in the future family life. For example, jealousy, everyday life, a harmful mother-in-law, etc., and write something pleasant on a few more, for example, the name of a loved one, her dream, etc. Then the bride should burst the “bad” balloons and leave the “good” ones. This will serve as a kind of way to relieve stress before the wedding.

Divination "Next"

At the wedding, there is a tradition according to which the bride throws a bouquet, and the girlfriend who catches it is considered the next contender for marriage. But nothing is clear about the rest of the girlfriends. But this fortune-telling shows in what order all the friends will become married. You will need small candles, according to the number of girlfriends. Everyone lights them up at the same time and watches in what order they burn out. In the same order to girlfriends to be married.

helium balloon

The bridesmaids bring a helium balloon to the bride. The bride writes her maiden name on the balloon and releases it into the sky. Instead of a balloon, the bridesmaids wear a badge with a new surname for the bride. The whole process must be videotaped. The ball can be released from the balcony, or on the street.

Fortune telling on Kinder Surprise

Fortune telling is as follows: all the girls pull out an egg for themselves, open it, and then interpret it according to the content. For example, if an unmarried girl comes across a figurine of a sailor, wait for the sea captain to be the groom. If the figurine is children, there will be news about replenishment soon. Etc.

Culinary duel - the name of the dishes. Who is bigger?

Practice naming (or cooking) as many dishes as you can from a particular food item.

Who knows the bride best

For girlfriends, you can arrange a competition "Who knows the bride best of all." Prepare a dozen questions about the bride, whoever gives the most correct answers wins a prize.

Caring mother

Swaddle a baby doll for speed (as preparation for future kids). For those who are already mothers, it will be interesting to remember, and for those who are not planning yet, to learn.

The game "What men love"

This game is built on the principle of playing “cities”, only all the words will be on the topic “what men love”. It turns out fun.

Game "Brides"

Girlfriends try on a veil, outfits, take pictures with a digital camera and choose who will make the most original bride.

"Divination for children"

This comic fortune-telling will help determine how many children each of the girlfriends will have, and who will be born - sons or daughters. Large red and white beans are added to a bowl of buckwheat, everything is mixed. Each girl is given a saucer. With her eyes closed, the girl picks up a handful of cereal from a bowl and pours it into her saucer. He opens his eyes, and everyone looks at how many beans of what color fell into this handful: red ones mean daughters, white ones - sons.

small bottle

Traditionally, an empty champagne bottle is taken. The girls sit in a circle and take turns spinning the bottle. Don't worry, there won't be any kissing. The contestant who unwound the bottle must frankly answer the question, and the girl will ask him, to whom the neck of the bottle will point. The most incredible stories can be heard.

Farewell to single life

Usually only best friends are present at the bachelorette party, who went through “fire, water and copper pipes” with the bride. On a bachelorette party, you must definitely say goodbye to a single life. You can remember everything that happened to you, good and bad. To do this, each friend should take with her a photo, video, music or something else that somehow resembles some story from your life. Let's say Katya's friend brought a CD with a song to which the bride danced with the best guy in school, etc. This will help to remember the reckless youth and may even be a little sad.

Bride's story

Each girl on a piece of paper should write a funny story in one sentence about the bride. Then all the leaves are given to the bride, and she, after reading the story, must guess who wrote it. For example: “As a child, Yulia was afraid of clowns”, “Once Katya received a prize for the best dance of popuas”. Then, from these stories, you can make a comic autobiography of the bride, decorate it beautifully and sell it to guests or the groom at the wedding.

Question answer

In advance, put questions and answers into different bags, i.e. questions in one bag and answers in another. Everyone is divided into pairs and takes out leaflets (one friend takes out a question, the other - the answer), and read what is written on them. Questions and answers often do not match and it turns out to be a very fun and funny contest.

Sample questions for this competition:


1. Admit it, you secretly fell in love with my fiancé?

2. Do you want to catch the bride's bouquet?

3. Have you bought yourself a wedding dress just in case?

4. Will you dance a striptease at my wedding?

5. Do you like to pick up a trifle, which is usually showered on newlyweds?


1. Yeah, when I get drunk, I’m not capable of that either!

2. If you let me, then of course!

3. No, but when I myself become a bride, then definitely!

4. Still! This is the meaning of my life!

5. Yes, but only so that no one sees. It's a secret!

How does a bride know her friends?

All girlfriends bring their photos from deep childhood in advance. And the bride must guess who is in the photographs. When the girlfriend is guessed, the bride must tell everyone a funny incident from their friendship.


Whoever writes the word CHICKEN on a piece of paper with his foot first wins. A simple but very fun competition.


All invitees write tasks on pieces of paper, then they are folded and put in a bag. Then they go for a walk and, pulling out the “forfeits”, take turns completing the task that comes across.

Task examples:

1. Exchange things with someone from passers-by for a while;

2. Ask the guy for a condom;

3. Ask a passerby to write wishes or advice to young people.

4. Ask the brunette to kiss the hand;

5. Ask for a phone number from 5 guys;

6. Take a picture with 5 young people;

7. Ask for an autograph from a person with a ring;

8. Take a picture with three blondes;

9. Shake hands with several men in ties;

"Guess the melody"

Prepare a musical cut, which consists of intros to songs on a wedding theme. The task of the girls is to guess what kind of song is hidden under such an uncomplicated intro. The continuation of such a contest can be the usual karaoke, the main theme of which will be the upcoming wedding.

Competition for a bachelorette party "Gifts"

The bridesmaids bring any phallic-shaped items as a gift to the bride, ranging from cucumbers and bananas to thermoses, sausages, and bread. All gifts are placed in a box. The bride is blindfolded, after which she randomly pulls out objects and tells or shows how she will use them in her future family life.


You can practice endurance with such a competition: the first one says “oh”, the next one will repeat “oh-oh” and on the rise. The main thing is not to laugh, but believe me, the laughter will be deafening.

Striptease for a loved one

After a few glasses of champagne, you can compete in the ability to perform erotic dances. To organize this competition, you just need to prepare a chair (it will be used as a podium) or an imitation of a pole. Put on the right music and start dancing. Usually this competition, judging by the reviews of many of its participants, is quite fun.

"Former in flight"

On A4 sheets, you need to print photos of ex-boyfriends. Each girl makes an airplane out of her sheet. And then everyone takes turns sending their "ex" to fly! The girl whose plane flew the farthest wins. And you can make boats from the same leaves and send the guys on a long voyage through the puddles!

"Blind love"

Each girl gets a blank sheet of paper. Everyone is blindfolded and must draw their loved one on this sheet. But the task is given no more than sixty seconds! After a minute, everyone unties their eyes and admires their work. The girl who gets the most beautiful or the funniest portrait wins.

"Calm, only calm"

This is perhaps the most female competition! For him, you need to prepare in advance wax strips for depilation and some very serious book, for example, the Russian constitution. The essence of the competition is very simple: while the girlfriends will glue the legs of one girl with stripes, she must read the text of the constitution loudly and expressively. And then the fun begins! When the girls pull off the strips, the contestant must remain calm and continue to confidently and seriously read the text aloud. The winner is the one who manages to show all her willpower and not flinch in her voice. And although the winner may not be determined, everyone will be rewarded with smooth legs and learn the laws of countries

"On a blind date"

Sometimes it seems that doing make-up, styling, manicure every day, girls will be able to put on makeup, even without looking at themselves in the mirror. It's time to check it out, but also to complicate the task a little. The contestants will have to prepare for the proposed date with their eyes closed. It is necessary to prepare in advance more cosmetics and nail polishes. And the girls are given only four minutes to get ready! The winner is the one who is the most accurate in doing makeup, hair and nails without a mirror!

Catching a "taxi driver"

Participants: all invited (except the bride) The purpose of the competition: to persuade a friend of the owner of the car to come for the girls and take them home. The reason (bachelorette party) cannot be disclosed to the interlocutor. The task is complicated by the fact that the office bachelorette party ends, as a rule, quite late. That girl wins, she achieves the result. If there are several of them, the one that manages to “catch a taxi driver” in the shortest possible time. Complicating the task: “catch a taxi driver” for each participant of the bachelorette party separately.

"Phone hooligans"

To cheer up, play phone hooligans. You can call each other's boyfriends and play pranks, and at the same time check for loyalty with the words: “Oh, where does your number come from in my secret notebook? We could meet at the press conference on the occasion of the decade of default? Or not decades? Especially, call those guys who you like for a long time and whom you would not dare to call at another time.

Play them. Say something like this: “Hi, we study at the same institute. Petya / Sasha / Misha gave me your phone number. I heard you recently returned from India (skating / learning French / broken arm), and I'm going there too.

Tell me, please, what vaccinations are needed (where to buy bearings / what dictionary is better / how to care for the cast). Or turn into a mysterious stranger with a languid mysterious voice. Collect compromising evidence in the form of courtesies and offers to continue dating, call back and scandalize with pleasure.

"Posters and Candies"

If you are going for a walk around the city, prepare posters with funny inscriptions, such as “We are having a bachelorette party!”, “Try to dissuade our bride!”, “One of us is getting married - seize the moment!”, meet the guys passing by, distribute passers-by sweets - let them be sweet, because soon it will be - BITTER!

"Guess Your Name"

For this exciting game, at the very beginning of the meeting, inscriptions with names are attached to the back of all girls. For example - "tiger cub", "goat", "hippo", "toaster", "poker", etc. everyone can read these inscriptions on the backs of others, but not on their own. Therefore, the task of each is during the festive evening, asking questions to others, to find out who she is. Questions should be one-word questions that can only be answered with “yes” or “no”. The one who guesses first and will be the winner and receives a prize.

And the final note should be the next contest. The bride must find her past, present and future on the street. For example: if she was a student in the past, then she will have to find such a girl. In the present, she has a fiance, a guy with the same name, she has to find, and in the future she will have to become a happy mother. The bride should find a happy couple with a child!

Every bride dreams not only of a luxurious wedding, but also of a good bachelorette party. And the difference between simple meetings, gatherings of friends and a bachelorette party is in the selection of thematic, fun, contests. Learn how to organize interesting, fun, exciting bachelorette party games.

Games for bachelorette party at home

Already popular, traditional entertainment for the bridesmaids and the bride herself before the wedding are a variety of games for the bachelorette party before the wedding. The task of the girlfriends is to lead the bride into a family, a new life for her, saying goodbye to her maiden name. Not only the hero of the occasion can organize a bachelorette party, but the girlfriends themselves will cope well with this.

If your bachelorette party is held at home, then the girlfriends can decorate the apartment by theming it with helium balloons, wedding towels, designer decorative flowers, prepare drinks and set the table. The main thing is that they themselves will be able to choose games for the bachelorette party.

Games for a bachelorette party in a cafe

A common place to celebrate a bachelorette party is a cafe or restaurant. There is no cooking required, much decorating, which facilitates the preparation itself. You will need to choose games that do not require a lot of space for complex preparation. The atmosphere, music, a variety of alcoholic cocktails will give you a charge of vivacity and mood. To stand out from the rest of the visitors, the bridesmaids can wear the same clothes (see the photo below for an example).

A funny game that will amuse the bridesmaids and the future bride is called "Make a wish come true". To carry it out, you must first come up with tasks by writing them on cards. Examples: "Ask for a phone number from a stranger in this cafe", "Kiss a stranger on the forehead", "Persuade any stranger to kiss his hand or buy ice cream." The girl who pulled out a card with any of these desires from the bag undertakes to fulfill it, and as a reward she receives an encouragement - a prize.

The next game that can be easily played at a bachelorette party in a cafe is called "Who has more supplies." Its essence is as follows: the girls take turns laying out the contents of their purse, and the bride writes down, putting down points for each of these items:

  • Lipstick, powder, mascara - 10
  • Mirror - 5
  • Gum (candy) - 8
  • Plaster - 10

The winner must score more points.

In a cafe or restaurant where there is too much noise, question-answer games are suitable, which can be invented on the go or prepared in advance. Examples: “The mother-in-law unexpectedly returned home, and there was a naked man in the apartment. What are your excuses?”, “Guests came to your house, but, as luck would have it, your salad is oversalted and the meat is overcooked. What's your excuse?"

Selection of games for the theme of the party

Maintaining the wedding theme during the bachelorette party will be the key to the success of the celebration. Using fantasy, you can redo, correct the game for your bachelorette party. For example, make up words, phrases related to the wedding, the bride and groom (newlyweds, dress, guests, bride price).

If your bachelorette party will be held in a specific style, so that the games are appropriate, they should be selected taking into account this theme. For example, for a Hawaiian-style bachelorette party, the Limbo game is suitable - a transition through a tight rope / stick to incendiary music, fortune-telling games are suitable for a coven-style party.

When choosing games, take into account the interests, temperament of the invited friends, if there are modest, quiet girls among them, you should not arrange frank, erotic games, because the main thing is the relaxed atmosphere of a bachelorette party, where everyone should be easy and fun.

Divination at a bachelorette party

You can start your bachelorette party with fortune-telling, which is loved by both married girls and bachelors. There are many easy-to-perform divinations. To create a mysterious atmosphere, turn off the lights, use candles to illuminate.

  1. Fortune telling on nuts. The bridesmaids are divided into two teams. Blue ribbons are knitted on one, pink on the other. The bridesmaids and the bride should stand with their backs to each other. Moving away from her friends for 5 steps, the bride throws the nuts back on the count of three, and the bridesmaids turn and try to catch them. The number of nuts caught by the blue ribbon team indicates the number of sons the newlyweds will have. The opposite team "catches" future daughters. If there are no nuts, take chestnuts.
  2. Fortune telling on Kinder Surprise. For this fortune-telling, you should stock up on a variety of kinders. Each of the girls present chooses a kinder surprise for herself, reveals, interprets the contents. That is, somehow explains the figure that came across. For example, if a girl comes across a figurine of a child, wait for replenishment in the family. It will be nice: a sweet game and a prediction for a bachelorette party for girlfriends.
  3. Prophecy. Take pieces of paper, write various positive prophecies on them. Inflate balloons, put a prophecy in each. Participants choose a balloon at random, burst it, read their prophecy aloud.

Fanta game

Fanta came from the past centuries. This game is perfect for a bachelorette party before the wedding. For her, you will need to take one or more things from each participant, put them in a bag. A participant is selected, he is also the host, who will take out an object (lipstick, thread or hair band), making a wish to the hostess whose phantom is taken out.

Examples of wishes for a bachelorette party:

  • come up with a rhyme, a ditty, a fairy tale about the bride and groom;
  • eat fruit without the help of hands;
  • tell the neighbor on the left about your first impression of him;
  • dance belly dance
  • Sing a song;
  • eat cake.

For more interest, voice your desire before pulling out the phantom. An example of the execution of a task at a bachelorette party, see this video:


In this game you will not need anything but imagination. One of the players comes up with a word, the other must show without words what he thought of. To maintain the wedding theme, words are used, for example, dress, cake, veil. The rest will guess. For fun, divide into two teams. The first team tells the player from the second word, and he must show his team what was hidden and vice versa.

In our time, special sets for this competition are already on sale. An example of such a set, see the photo below.

"Question answer"

This game is familiar to many since childhood, you can’t do without it at a bachelorette party - it is simple and exciting. Take a long, wide sheet of paper. Write the question in one line, fold this edge so that your question is not visible. Pass the sheet to the player sitting next to him, tell him the first word of the question. He must write down the answer, and then his question. The game continues until your sheet ends. The culmination will be the reading of questions and answers at the end.


You will need leaflets, an alarm clock, envelopes, a pen. Take sheets of paper, write various tasks on them, put them in envelopes. Write different times on them, set an alarm for it. During the bachelorette party, the alarm clock rings unexpectedly, those present will take turns taking an envelope with the specified time on the alarm clock and doing the task. It will diversify your gatherings.


This game for a fun bachelorette party requires the choice of host and performer. The host leads the performer out the door, asks the ego to show without words, facial expressions, gestures - a kangaroo. While the player is preparing, the host goes into the room to the other players, says that they will be shown a kangaroo. The task of the remaining players is to call something, but not a kangaroo.

The demonstrating participant will try in every possible way to portray a kangaroo, and be completely at a loss as to how it is possible not to guess such a simple animal. This will cause those present to laugh, have fun, and cheer up the company.

"Know Me Better"

All friends share secrets, but do you know about all of them? This game will help you get to know them better. You will need to prepare anonymous questionnaires in advance with the same questions, for example, what was the name of the first boyfriend, favorite dish, name of the pet. When everyone has completed the questionnaires, read them one by one aloud. It will be interesting to guess who filled out this or that questionnaire.

To complicate the task, come up with unexpected questions. This educational game for your bachelorette party will give you the opportunity to learn new things about your girlfriends. The very moment of guessing will bring you a lot of pleasure.

"Blind Game"

For this game, you will need to prepare: an opaque bag, items that are easy to use. Sit in a circle, pass the package to the music. After the music stops, the participant who was left with the package, along with the one who last passed the package, exits. They are blindfolded, one of them takes one item out of the bag and uses it on another participant.

For example, if it is lipstick, then you need to make up your lips, tights - put them on the participant. Such a game is very funny, since the participants who are standing do not know what kind of object they got.

"How long are your carrots?"

For this game you will need the longest carrot. The first participant clamps a carrot like a stick between his knees, passes it to the player sitting behind. Each time a carrot falls on the floor, a small piece should be cut off from it. The last one to not drop the carrot wins. This game for your bachelorette party will bring you a lot of laughter and positive emotions.


The name of this competition for a bachelorette party for girlfriends speaks for itself. Each participant is given a pen and a piece of paper. Someone alone comes up with the words: home, sea, flight. Answers should be given in the form of a sentence or a phrase, for example, home - vacation and family. All the girls present are given the opportunity to learn a lot of interesting things about themselves and others.

"Guess who?"

In this game for a fun bachelorette party, participants sit in a circle, attach small sticky sheets with a hidden character to each other. That is, the participant sees the sheets of all the players, but does not see his own. The task is to guess which character is written on your sheet. The fictional character can be anyone.

The game process begins with questions, the answers to which can only be “yes” or “no”, without detailed explanations. Players ask one question at a time. The participant who determines his character first becomes the winner.

"Portrait of the future bride"

This game for your bachelorette party will show the artistic abilities of the girlfriends. For the competition, you should take a sheet of paper, give it to the first participant, she draws one part of the face on it, then passes it on to the next. The next draws the second part, and so on in a circle. This competition for a bachelorette party before the wedding can be repeated, for example, the participants next time draw those parts that they have not yet drawn. It will be very interesting to watch the result at the end, to compare the drawings.

With the help of games for an unforgettable bachelorette party, you diversify the holiday and do not let anyone get bored. This day will remain in your memory as a pleasant and dear memory. If you know other exciting contests for a bachelorette party, then leave your comments, they will be useful to other readers.

According to modern tradition, the groom invites his best friends to a bachelor party, and the bride gathers her girlfriends for a bachelorette party. In the old days, the bride did this in order to say goodbye to her freedom and therefore cried a lot, and her girlfriends saw her off with sad songs. Now the bachelorette party is going well. You can organize an evening in the form of a meeting in a cafe, in nature, in a sauna or at home. And if you want something unusual and interesting, then various fun games will be very useful.

It is advisable for friends to take the initiative and organize everything themselves. It is recommended to hold a bachelorette party not on the eve of the wedding celebration, but a few days in advance, because the bride will most likely not have time for it.

By tradition, bridesmaids bring memorable gifts for the bride (the main gifts are waiting for her at the wedding, but for now it can be vases, dishes, housekeeping books or recipe books, tablecloths, towels, embroidered napkins, etc.).

On the table there should be products "with meaning": pineapple - to prevent cellulite, fish - for beautiful hair and nails, chocolate - to produce the hormone of joy.

1st girlfriend:

The girls and I found out

What a girlfriend "lost"!

Leave our circle

Your fiancé is waiting for you!

2nd girlfriend:

You haven't walked yet

Didn't even kiss

Suddenly the hostess at the stove

You are ready right away!

3rd girlfriend:

We're a little jealous.

Before you is the whole road

With hubby to walk on it

And become a beautiful wife!

How did the bachelorette party come about? A bit of history

Friends talk about the origin of the word "bride". It turns out that it means "who knows who", "unknown". It turns out that a man brings into the house a girl unfamiliar to his parents, who is yet to be recognized.

The equally important word "wedding" comes from "matchmaker". The bride was first matched, then married.

The word "marriage" has an interesting history. Those who say that a good deed cannot be called a marriage are wrong. “Marriage” comes from the word “to take”, “to take as a wife”, “to take as a husband”.

But the word “spouses” has the most curious meaning. It originates from the word "supryaga" - a pair of horses harnessed together. It turns out that a husband and wife should be in the same harness and pull one strap together!

During the feast, the girlfriends remember how the love story began.

Comic poem "Ten suitors"

Beauty lived on earth

Just don't take your eyes off

With just one step

It could drive everyone crazy.

So the young woman wanted

Meet eternal love

What revolved around her

Ten different suitors.

The first one was neither this nor that:

Young, green and stupid

There was a second slightly with greetings,

The third smart, but not love,

Everyone whispered about the fourth

That he is a generous oligarch,

In fact, it turned out

The guy is deep in debt.

The fifth was from the nouveau riche,

Fingers in the rings bent sharply,

Called the girl to the Maldives,

Just took and cheated.

There was a sixth handsome groom,

But the illustrious Alphonse,

There was a seventh - a rotten old man,

That cold, then diarrhea!

Was the eighth thin as a stick,

Was the ninth like a ball ...

What a pity for the girl!

Just sit down and cry!

But suddenly the tenth appeared,

Heart trembled in the chest:

Here he is, dear, beloved,

You won't find better in the world!

Go down the aisle girl

Agreed at the same time.

To make it all work out for them

We'll raise a toast to them!

The bridesmaids sing a song to the bride, as in the old days, "saying goodbye" to their friend, who will soon be married.

Song of the Bridesmaids (to the motive of the song "Katyusha").

Apple and pear trees blossomed

flourished Tanechka we have.

Katyusha went ashore,

A Tanyusha got married!

Repeat the last two lines.

I forgot the girlish joys:

Strippers, shopping and cafes

At Tanyusha, poor-unfortunate,

Only the husband is now in my head!

Repeat the last two lines.

Do not rush to turn into a mistress,

Sometimes go out with your friends

We are you Tanyusha, let's not forget

And don't forget us too!

Repeat the last two lines.

wedding omens

Everyone is familiar with common wedding omens. Such as "rain on the wedding day - to a happy life", "something new, something old, something alien, something blue." Friends offer the bride to get acquainted with signs that will tell her about future relationships with her parents and the groom.

■ If parents call newly-made children affectionate names - this is a good strong relationship.

■ The mother-in-law loves to sing, so it's easy to get along with her.

■ If parents speak in toasts about future heirs, then they will always be on the side of the young.

■ Salt, scattered during the meeting of the young with bread and salt - to contention between the daughter-in-law and mother-in-law.

■ If a daughter-in-law accidentally bumps into her mother-in-law, she will get along well with her.

■ If the son-in-law drinks with his mother-in-law, he will find a common language with her.

■ If one of the mothers cries at the wedding, then the young will live happily.

■ Parents have fun at the children's wedding - to mutual understanding.

Games and competitions for a bachelorette party

The game "To the touch"

With this game, friends check whether the bride is ready to take care of the household. The essence of this task game is that the bride must touch, blindfolded, to distinguish round vegetables and fruits that her friends will put in front of her (tomato, apple, peach, potato, orange, boiled egg, you can put a ball for laughter , melon, round candle).

Game "Magic Balls"

Bridesmaids give the bride a bunch of balloons and offer to write their pre-wedding fears on them with a felt-tip pen - which is the most frightening thing in the future family life. For example, jealousy, everyday life, a harmful mother-in-law, etc., and write something pleasant on a few more, for example, the name of a loved one, her dream, etc. Then the bride should burst the “bad” balloons and leave the “good” ones. This will serve as a kind of way to relieve stress before the wedding.

Game "Training"

One of the attributes of the wedding attire is the garter, which the groom will have to remove from the bride's leg at the ceremony. And this game helps to “train” which of the girls will be able to quickly remove the garter from their leg without the help of hands.

Modern divination

At the bachelorette party, it's time to tell fortunes about the fate of the bride and her friends. This is a fun activity, the results of which, of course, should not be taken seriously. But so that no one is upset, all predictions must be good in their own way.

Divination by name

The science of the interpretation of names suggests that by the name of a young man one can judge what kind of husband and family man he will be. Girlfriends take turns calling the names of their young people (those who don’t have one can simply name the name they like) and read out the interpretations. On married girlfriends, you can check the veracity of the interpretation.


Alexander. This person is strong, smart and sensitive, but sometimes emotional and quick-tempered. He must be treated with respect and not contradict (at least openly) his opinion. An admirer and even a slave of female beauty, loves to pamper his woman with outfits.

Alexei. Proper, serious, careful and respectful. Sometimes it is difficult for him to take the initiative in anything, but if he hears sincere praise addressed to him, then he can turn mountains.

Anatoly. Spreads jokes, seems frivolous, loves everything new and extraordinary. It happens to be unbalanced, but a calm and reasonable “half” will help him learn to cope with violent emotions.

Andrey. It needs constant recognition of its own superiority, has a powerful intellect and enviable perseverance. He likes to brag, brag to his friends about his beautiful wife. He falls in love strongly and recklessly, he is ready for a lot for the sake of the happiness of his beloved.

Anton. Sometimes he puts friendship more important than love, because loving for him is quite painful and difficult psychologically. He is ideally suited for his wife, a “girlfriend”, who knows how to understand, support and prompt at the right moment.

Arkady. He easily makes acquaintances, he has a lot of friends, because he is an easy and interesting person in communication. Sometimes chasing fame and not devoid of creative abilities. Well, if his life partner also engages in some kind of creative activity, then she will be able to understand him.

Boris. It is very important for him to have a wife, children, and the older he is, the stronger the attachment to them becomes. He knows how to do a lot with his own hands and learns new things with pleasure, brings everything “into the house”, helps with the housework.

Vadim. By nature, he has a sharp mind and a good memory. He can become successful in business and is able to achieve a lot, especially with the support of his beloved and for the sake of his children. Knows how to break women's hearts without noticing it.

Valentine. A little frivolous and unpredictable, self-willed and even selfish. But, having met a woman who will come to terms with his minor shortcomings, he becomes simply “tame” and is known as a good husband, father, and subsequently an absolutely amazing grandfather.

Valery. Passionate, bold, reckless and even desperate. Keep him away from gambling and beautiful women. And sincerity and the ability to make it clear to him that he is the best will help to keep.

Basil. Joker, cheerful, optimist. And also a hardworking and responsible worker. If he meets a suitable wife, then he will be her devoted husband, but until he finds his only one, he can hit on a lot of women.

Victor. The winner in business and in love, he needs to conquer and lead. A woman who is softer and more pliable will suit him, or one who can seem weak, but at the same time quietly change his decisions in her favor.

Vitaly. Lively, sociable, picky, easy to get along with. But first of all, it is necessary to instill in him a sense of responsibility for the family, otherwise there is a danger that some childish behavior will remain in him for a long time.

Vladimir. He seems very sociable, open and a little frivolous, but at the same time he has a deep and vulnerable nature. He will make a very good career, but does not particularly strive for family life, as he feels quite comfortable in solitude.

Vyacheslav. Responsible, reliable, but relations with the opposite sex do not develop immediately and not easily. He is very worried about quarrels, they unsettle him for a long time.

Gennady. He looks cute, but his character is quite complex and not always predictable. This person requires a certain approach. But he is quite active and enterprising and becomes a caring father, even very attentive to other people's children.

George. Most often, this is a workaholic, can reach great heights, but with the female sex it is shy and timid. Looking for a calm, reasonable, intellectual companion.

Gleb. Strives for perfection in everything: in himself and in the world around him, so he is often restless and dissatisfied with life. But he has a good job, he is also an exemplary family man, and besides, he is monogamous, although he has no shortage of fans.

Gregory. Active, adheres to conservative views, does not believe in what is called fate, predestination. Falls in love rarely, but seriously. It will be a little hectic, but never boring.

Daniel. Thoughtful, balanced. He works a lot and with pleasure, but only if he feels that he is in the right place. He is valued and respected. Danila loves to equip her house, to buy something for the interior.

Dmitriy. Not deprived of talent, responsible and principled. Not capable of betrayal in love, he can be called an ideal husband. In marriage with him, the main thing is to safely survive the period of “grinding” to each other.

Evgeniy. He spoils his children very much, and he does not deprive his wife. Gives good gifts, invests in a joint future. Neat, likes order and knows how to maintain it.

Ivan. He doesn’t get everything easily in life, but Ivan does not take perseverance, and he adequately overcomes any difficulties. Easily finds a common language with everyone. Homely and decent.

Igor. He firmly knows what he wants in life, and step by step he persistently goes to this goal. Passionate and gentle in love, he needs a woman who is not like the others.

Ilya. Creatively gifted, extraordinary. He loves affection and tenderness, but is impetuous and capable of some unpredictable actions. Affectionate perseverance will help direct his energy in the right direction.

Kirill. Very energetic, agile, self-confident. He works a lot, he feels like the head of the family, but he will never be rude or offend his beloved.

Konstantin. This person is always ready to help, even to the detriment of his interests and time. He is diversified, he has many hobbies, but this does not apply to the female sex, here he is very constant.

A lion. Delicate, thoughtful, smart, his character has everything to be a leader. He likes women who are self-sufficient, but do not forget that they also have the duties of a housewife.

Leonid. Charming, funny, likes to joke. Liked by women, especially young ones. Loving, his wife must constantly surprise him. But in everyday life unpretentious.

Maksim. Purposeful, stubborn in the best sense of the word. It's hard to convince him of anything. Knows how to work hard and with pleasure to relax, break away. Looking for a woman close in spirit.

Michael. Efficient, simple, reliable. Looking for tenderness and affection in a woman, relieves stress, enjoying the home environment, a loving family.

Nikita. A little impatient, categorical, but trusting, and forgives the inflicted grievances with difficulty. If you do not provoke him with unnecessary reproaches, everything will be fine.

Nicholas. Surprisingly kind, calm and self-confident, he loves to engage in self-study and self-improvement. Non-conflict, behind it you can be "like a stone wall." Ideally, if the wife also has a good character

Oleg. Usually unhurried, thorough, polite. He does not know how to handle children very well, but they arouse a sincere interest in him, and Oleg is ready to have even a few.

Paul. Clockwork, active, "the soul of the company." He reads a lot and knows a lot, he is passionate about a lot. He immerses himself in work, in love too. In a woman, she values ​​decency and femininity most of all.

Peter. Standing firmly on his feet, independent, early career seeks and succeeds. You have to be extremely honest and frank with him, because he is rather suspicious. Inclined to dramatize the situation.

Novel. Attractive, popular with women, but looking for his ideal for a long time. He loves good company, delicious cuisine, pleasant rest. With that girl who will love the same, will build a strong relationship.

Ruslan. Ruslan has a rather difficult character, and his main drawback is his temper. But he leaves easily, often repents, admits that he is wrong. He strives to create good living conditions for his family, earns money for it.

Sergei. Sometimes he indulges in philosophical discussions that distract him from work and duties. But he is a wonderful husband: polite, affectionate, with skillful hands. Respects and honors mother-in-law and father-in-law.

Stanislav. It is not so easy to please him, because this person does not always know himself how and what should be. A greedy for everything beautiful - women, things. A girl with a spectacular appearance is easy to powder his brains.

Stepan. This man is one of those who are considered a great original. Strives to stand out, looking for non-standard solutions, dresses catchy. Love is given all without a trace, but tends to get carried away.

Fedor. This is a very sensitive nature, although his manners do not always betray this. Over the years, it may manifest a craving for land, farming. Children adore him, Fedor is happy to tinker with them.

Yuri. Always and everywhere seeks to lead, relies only on his own strength, but at the same time he knows how to make others work for him. He believes that the main task of a man is to provide for his wife and children, but in return he can demand obedience from them.

Yaroslav. Romantic, loves unusual sensations, does not tolerate everyday life. An extraordinary personality, and you need to get used to it. Rather, monogamous, but we must try not to seem boring to him one day. Always young at heart.

Fortune telling on a cup

The bride must throw her cup so that it breaks. Girlfriends look at how many fragments turned out: this means how many children the newlywed will have. Shards cannot be stored, must be thrown away. If the cup doesn't break, there will be one child.

Divination on croup

Divination has ancient roots, but earlier rings taken from each of the girls were used for it. Millet is poured into a deep bowl, there should be quite a lot of it. Various small items are hidden in millet: toys from Kinder Surprises, key chains, coins, etc. The vessel is covered with a scarf. Each of the girls, starting with the bride, takes out one item from the millet. What she gets, by that they judge her future life.

Interpretation of items:

■ ticket - travel;

■ key - new apartment;

■ heart - happy love;

■ baby doll - the birth of a child;

■ car - buying a car;

■ coin - wealth;

■ ring - betrothal;

■ shoe - a man under a heel.

Divination "Next"

At the wedding, there is a tradition according to which the bride throws a bouquet, and the girlfriend who catches it is considered the next contender for marriage. But nothing is clear about the rest of the girlfriends. But this fortune-telling shows in what order all the friends will become married. You will need small candles, according to the number of girlfriends. Everyone lights them up at the same time and watches in what order they burn out. In the same order to girlfriends to be married.

Finally, the friends make a toast.

Toast: Each couple has their own idea of ​​family happiness. For some, this is a love boat that floats on the waves of passion. Someone has a barrel of honey with a fly in the ointment for a change. We wish you to create your own recipe for a good marriage and enjoy the result all your life!

A bachelorette party is an integral part of pre-wedding preparations. Every bride wants this evening to be fun and sincere. And in order not to turn a significant ceremony into an ordinary meeting with friends, organize funny contests, themed fun, and your bachelorette party will be remembered by everyone with its unforgettable atmosphere.

Games for bachelorette party at home

Being a bridesmaid is a great opportunity to please a friend who is leaving for a new life by arranging for her a small holiday filled with all sorts of fun. If the bachelorette party takes place at the bride's house, then girlfriends can do the preparation of the apartment for the party. Try hanging bright helium balloons or throwing them up to the ceiling, arranging decorative flowers and laying out wedding towels that will once again remind the bride of the upcoming exciting day. Let's not forget about the treat: set the table with various tasty snacks and prepare colorful cocktails that will further enhance the holiday feeling.

You can also entrust the choice of games for a bachelorette party to your friends. And then you will only have a joyful exclamation to meet another cheerful surprise.

Games for a bachelorette party in a cafe

Going to a bachelorette party in a cafe or restaurant, you greatly facilitate the process of preparing for the celebration. A change of scenery, music and a varied alcohol menu will set you up for a mischievous mood. To noticeably stand out among other visitors, pick up clothes that are similar in style or decorate yourself and the girls with the same accessories.

Games for a bachelorette party in a cafe should not require a lot of space and be difficult to prepare. The first fun, which will be discussed, is called "Now do it!". For her, you will need to write a lot of fun and simple tasks on sheets of paper in advance, for example: “Borrow a salt shaker from the table from five visitors”, “Sing a duet with any stranger in this institution”, “Meet a guy in a cafe and get his phone number” . During the game, each girl in turn draws cards from the general pile and always fulfills it. For each completed task, the participant should expect a small incentive bonus.

The second game is "Show your kindness." To start the game, the girlfriends will have to shake out their bags. Now every little thing has its own value! The bride is responsible for scoring:

  • Lipstick, lip gloss, mascara, powder - 10 points.
  • Adhesive plaster - 10 points.
  • Chewing gum or sweets, marmalades, dragees - 8 points.
  • Mirror or powder with a mirror - 5 points.

The girl with the most points wins.

We must not forget that a cafe or restaurant is a public place, and other vacationers must be respected, so it will not work to make a lot of noise in the hall. The third question-and-answer game does not require any noise or action at all. If you find it difficult to shoot questions at lightning speed, prepare a small list in advance. It is desirable that they be in a humorous form.

Selection of games for the theme of the party

Keep the wedding theme throughout the bachelorette party to keep the holiday spirit going. Any bride will be pleased to know that even after two or three hours her friends have not forgotten what they had gathered for. Adjust the most ordinary game by asking questions or guessing words related to the upcoming wedding. For example, pigeons, registry office, rice, honeymoon.

The selection of games should be taken more seriously if the bachelorette party is not just a wedding, but also thematic. For example, you decide to organize a sabbath and dress up as witches, then arrange fortune-telling. And if you're having a Hawaiian party, then Limbo, in which you have to dance under a stick with a stretched rope, will be an excellent choice.

Remember that the most important thing is to organize a bachelorette party with comfort for all the friends who came to you. If there are closed girls in the company who are not used to noisy parties with defiant games, they may feel embarrassed. Try to pick up fun that will be ideal for the whole company.

Divination at a bachelorette party

You can start your bachelorette party with fortune-telling or wait until it gets dark outside. Remember that in such undertakings, the appropriate atmosphere is very important. Turn off the lights, light candles or a table lamp to add mystery, draw the curtains. Here are some fortune-telling ideas that are perfect for your bachelorette party:

  • Fortune telling on nuts. The bride should take a handful of nuts and, turning away from the rest, throw them behind her back. Girlfriends, divided into a “blue” team and a “pink” team (you can tie ribbons to give more weight to what is happening), are trying to catch nuts. After that, the newlywed considers who collected how much. The number of fruits for the "blue" team - so many sons will be young, for the "pink" - and so many daughters will be. You can also throw acorns or candies.
  • Fortune telling on Kinder Surprise. Buy all kinds of kinders - the more and more varied, the better. Each participant opens her egg and tries to explain the toy that has fallen to her. For example, if you got a figurine of a dog, then perhaps the girl will soon be presented with a puppy. The game is very pleasant: you can treat yourself to delicious chocolate, and it is unlikely that anyone will see a bad omen in Kinder.
  • Prophecy. Come up with good predictions and write them on pieces of paper, place them in inflated balloons and invite your friends to choose one for themselves. The girls will pop them and read out the predictions.

Fanta game

The good old game with a touch of adventurism will enliven your bachelorette party. Girls put their personal item in a common bag. The presenter takes out the items in turn and gives the task to the owner of the phantom taken out. For example, you can guess:

  • Tell me about your most romantic date.
  • Eat an apple or some other fruit with your hands behind your back.
  • Sing a song or recite a poem.
  • Come up with a fairy tale where the main characters are the bride and her groom.


This is a fun, groovy game for a bachelorette party, in which you have to actively move. One girl thinks of a word, the other should show with gestures what exactly was said. Use "wedding" words: ransom, cake, groom. You can come up with them in advance and write on pieces of paper, or, if you have no doubt in your imagination, generate them as the game progresses.

You can even arrange a small competition. Break into teams and take turns asking a player from the enemy group a word that he will have to explain to his teammates.

If you don't want to make up words yourself, you can buy a special set.

"Question answer"

Another old bachelorette party game that you probably played as a child. On a large sheet of paper, write a question at the very top and bend the top, that is, do not let others see what is there. As a result, you should get an accordion. Give the paper to a friend next to you, but do not pronounce your question in full, but say only part of it so that it is extremely difficult to guess what it is about. After that, the girl tries to answer your question in writing, and then writes her own. Pass the sheet around until there is no more space on it. By this time, everyone should be very curious about what came out of the recordings. When you start reading this masterpiece aloud, no one will be able to keep from laughing.


Before starting the game, prepare a pencil, envelopes, sheets of paper and a phone on which you can make many alarms. The essence of the game is to hide different tasks in envelopes, but not to get them all at once, but only when the alarm rings. Just imagine: a bachelorette party is in full swing, suddenly someone's phone rings, and the first girl goes to the envelopes. She takes the one on which the "ringed" time stands, and performs the task from it. It will always come as a surprise!


Kangaroo is more of a prank than a game, but he is very kind and funny. The leader and the main player are selected. At first glance, such fun resembles "Crocodile", as the presenter reports that she will now take the player girl out of the room to say which animal she will show without words. Behind the door, the host thinks of a kangaroo, and then warns, secretly from the main player, the others about it. And he asks not to guess the word for anything. Now it remains only to watch with laughter how the performer desperately tries to show the hidden animal, wondering why her quick-witted girlfriends can’t guess it in any way.

"Know Me Better"

This bachelorette party game will bring your friends closer together. Prepare several identical questionnaires and distribute to the girls. You do not need to sign questionnaires. Make the questions varied: the name of the guy who stole the first kiss, the most favorite "junk" food, the best place to relax. Also add an unexpected or even tricky question to the questionnaire to add spice to the game. Once completed, put the questionnaires together and read the answers aloud, trying to guess who filled it out.

"Blind Game"

Put a few items in a bag or opaque bag that you can use quickly. Sit in a circle with your girlfriends and pass the package while the music plays. Try to do it as quickly as possible. When the music stops, the girlfriend with the package in her hands and the girl who last handed over the package stand in the center of the circle. After a simple draw, the rest of the participants tie something over their eyes, for example, a scarf or a scarf. And the winning girl takes the first item out of the bag and tries to somehow apply it to the loser. She paints her lips if she took out lipstick, or tries to pull a stocking over her if she pulled it out.

This is a really fun bachelorette party game for both the two girls in the center and the happy onlookers.

"How long is your carrot"

Choose the longest carrot. The first participant holds it between her legs, preferably with her knees, and tries to pass it to the other participant from behind. If the attempt is unsuccessful and the carrot falls, a little is cut off from it. Whoever doesn't drop the carrot last wins. Such a funny in its absurdity game for a bachelorette party that will make everyone laugh out loud.


Each girl takes a pen and a sheet of paper. The one that comes up with all the words is selected. In this game, they may or may not be related to the wedding. Associations to the word are given in detail, the minimum is a phrase, the maximum is a sentence. An interesting psychological game will allow you to learn a lot about your girlfriends.

"Guess who"

In this game, the participating girls stick stickers on each other's foreheads with a mysterious character written on them. Asking one question each, to which other girlfriends will answer “yes” or “no”, the player needs to guess who is written on his piece of paper.

"Portrait of the future bride"

Which of the girls draws the best? Take paper, pencil and find out! The first bridesmaid draws some part of the bride on a blank sheet, for example, an element of the face or body, then the second participant draws another element and so on in a circle. It is not necessary to stop at one drawing, it will be very interesting to compare several works. The end result will surely surprise and amuse you.

Games at the bachelorette party will diversify your holiday, turn ordinary friendly gatherings into a fun, mischievous adventure that you will never forget. This day will remain a warm bright memory throughout your life.

No time or desire to independently create a script for a bachelorette party? We will help you solve this problem! In this article, you will find completely ready-to-use scripts that will make your bachelorette party fun. You'll learn what it takes, what fun and games to choose from, how to dress up, and much more. We have collected the most creative ideas for saying goodbye to "freedom".

Modern brides allow themselves to order hosts for a party. The bride can also participate in the preparation and holding of the bachelorette party. But traditionally, the pre-wedding party is organized by the witness, she is also the best friend.

In the opening speech the witness should congratulate her friend: “Today is a joyful and sad day for us - we are “losing” a friend! Soon you will change your status as a bride and become a wife. But before that happens, we invite you to have fun in the way only free girls have fun!

Like any other event, a finished script for a bachelorette party should consist of an introduction, main part and conclusion. The holiday opens with the host's speech.

The girls also solemnly swear that the groom will never know about everything that happened at this party.

Main part creative bachelorette party is a list of funny incidents from the life of the bride, holding competitions, fortune-telling, toasting and preparing scenes that require some acting skills from the bride and her friends.

end the party You can launch Chinese lanterns. If a budget version of the holiday is supposed, then ordinary home-made airplanes will fit, on the wings of which wishes are written. The bride's plane should be the last to fly.

Unusual option- holding a festive lottery. Various souvenirs are used as gifts. These can be scarves or T-shirts with cool inscriptions, for example, “I give my girlfriend as a wife.”

Scenarios of thematic cool bachelorette parties

It will be about a pajama and foam party, as well as a bachelorette party in the Russian folk style.

Pre-wedding pajama party idea

This is the easiest, cheapest and funniest option. Can be like this. Here you can read how to do it. This article contains many other interesting ideas.

Cloth. The most appropriate outfits for the bride and her girlfriends are comfortable pajamas.

Musical accompaniment. Not the most modern music is chosen, it is better if these are compositions that everyone present knows by heart. You can choose music from the 90s or early 2000s.

You will need:

  • camera;
  • combs, elastic bands, hairpins;
  • holiday caps;
  • food, alcohol;
  • chocolate medals for the most active;
  • prizes for participation in competitions.

On the table, you can arrange bright disposable dishes, arrange treats and put alcoholic drinks (wine, liquor, martini).

At the start of a bachelorette party best friend congratulates the bride on the upcoming holiday. Girls make each other beautiful hairstyles and take pictures. Such photos can be safely shown later to friends and relatives.

Contests. The most popular entertainments are pillow fights, twister, pajama parade, pantomime. The winner receives a chocolate medal.

The main rule of a pajama party- go to bed no later than one in the morning and be sure to all together on the floor.

Unusual bachelorette party in Russian folk style

You can spend such a bachelorette party at home. The rooms are decorated with candles. According to tradition, the bride says goodbye to a free life for a long time. It is better if the bachelorette party stretches over several days.

Cloth. Spacious long sundresses and bright ribbons.

Musical accompaniment. Girls sing Russian folk songs they know.

You will need:

  1. Special suits.
  2. Cosmetics (shampoos, masks, scrubs).

You need to go to bed after such a party before 21:00.

The bachelorette party takes place in several stages:

  • Admiring. The bride, together with her friends, goes to a public place: a club, a bar, a cafe. The girls try to “beg” for a compliment for the hero of the occasion, and in gratitude they treat them with delicious food or drinks.
  • Farewell to the old life. The bride gives her friends things that she will not use in family life, tells the story of their appearance and the reason for parting with them. The first to leave are clothes and accessories that are inappropriate for the title of “wife”.
  • Mourning. The bride, along with the guests, says goodbye to her free life. In principle, any plaintive song will do, but you can also use the "plainers" from collections of Russian folk art. The main thing is tears.
  • Bath / sauna visit. This is the direct preparation of the bride for the wedding. Girls make themselves masks, take care of their skin and hair. In this article you can find more interesting ideas on .

Organization of an interesting foam party

Unlike the previous version, this bachelorette party is very modern. It is usually held in a nightclub. The organizer is the best friend, but the employees of the institution help her.

Cloth. Light dresses and comfortable shoes. If the bachelorette party takes place at the resort - feel free to wear swimsuits and slates. Minimum makeup.

Musical accompaniment. Dance rhythm music - Cheri Cheri Lady, Club Bass Bea, It-s Not Right But It-s Okay, etc.

You will need:

  1. Good mood.
  2. Reserve money (for cocktails and food). Each girl should have about 1000-1500 rubles with her.

Main entertainment It's alcohol and dancing. You can order a stripper (as an additional option), which will take about 2000 rubles.

For those who are going to spend a bachelorette party actively and in the city, this video will help:

How to have an original bachelorette party in the style of "Sex and the City"

This is an occasion to be liberated and once again feel like a real woman. The bride and her friends spend the whole day in the city.

Cloth. Beautiful stylish dresses and shoes with high heels.

You will need:

  1. Good mood.
  2. List of places to visit.
  3. Car, if possible.
  4. Reserve money for spa treatments, cafes and shopping. It will take about 3000 rubles, depending on your appetites.

Since morning girls go shopping. The bachelorette party continues at the spa. You can visit an art exhibition.

The bride is allowed flirt with handsome men. The party ends in a beautifully furnished cafe or lounge bar with refreshing drinks and heart-to-heart conversations.

Good guessing for a bachelorette party

Among the most original are the following:

  • fortune cookies- it is necessary that the friends bake the treat themselves and put notes in it;
  • divination by the book for which it is better to take something fun;
  • divination with candles;
  • divination on the ring- the hero of the occasion is predicted how many children she will have in marriage;
  • fortune telling on gifts- the bride, asking questions, finds out what awaits her after the wedding.

You can tell fortunes at a party not only for the bride, but also for her friends.

Funny contests and games

We offer the most interesting options.

Question answer

Here is the game flow:

  1. A sheet of paper is divided in half, and then into several smaller pieces.
  2. Questions are written on one part of the papers, answers to them are written on the second. You get two stacks.
  3. The bride and her friends take turns taking out notes with questions and answers to them.

Who is who

The bride comes up with a nickname for each of her friends. He sticks notes on their foreheads. The girls ask the participants leading questions, and they only answer “yes” or “no”.

swallowed a mix

Friends stand in a circle and start laughing. When the bride drops her handkerchief on the floor, everyone should immediately calm down. The one that couldn't stop loses. The winner receives a prize from the bride.


The girls sit in a circle and pass a lit match to each other. The one in whose hand the fire goes out answers the tricky questions of the bride. If the match went out at the hero of the occasion, she answers.

Life story

You will need a pen and a sheet of paper. Girlfriends take turns writing down the unknown and funniest facts from the biography of the bride. After each entry, the sheet is folded so that the next girl does not see what the previous one wrote. When the sheet has passed in a circle, the witness reads the resulting story.

Do you want to organize a really cool bachelorette party? Watch the following video to inspire original ideas:

Unbridled fun and good mood to you!