Can it be 36.6 basal temperature. Low body temperature in pregnant women: what you need to know? Diseases of the urinary system

Women who monitor their basal body temperature know that it reflects internal processes such as ovulation and pregnancy. What does low temperature indicate throughout the cycle or during ovulation and how does it affect the ability to become pregnant.

How does the temperature change throughout the cycle?

A woman can become pregnant only when she is ready for fertilization. This period is called ovulation. Accordingly, in order to understand whether there is a chance of getting pregnant, you need to calculate the moment of ovulation. It's not hard to do this with help.

The entire monthly cycle of a woman is divided into three main stages, each of which corresponds to a certain temperature:

If you look at the graph of the curve, then in the middle of the cycle a jump in temperature will be clearly visible, which lasts 1-3 days. These are the few days that are favorable for conceiving a child.

When the temperature rises to 37 and above, the chance of getting pregnant is greatly reduced. Since at this moment the egg dies, and pregnancy can only occur in the next cycle.

Attention! A woman can become pregnant at a time when the level of BT in the middle of the cycle has not yet reached 37 degrees.

But it should be understood that basal temperature is a very individual indicator, and for each woman it can differ significantly from the norm. Therefore, during the analysis of the chart, you need to look not so much at the indicators as at their ratio. The temperature difference between the first and second phases should be 0.4-0.5 degrees, that is, during ovulation, BT should be higher than during menstruation .

What does a temperature below 37 mean?

In fact, the hormone progesterone is responsible for increasing the basal temperature. Its high concentration in the blood during ovulation leads to a jump in BBT. Accordingly, if a woman's temperature has not risen to this level, most likely, the problem lies in a disturbed hormonal background.

There are several other explanations for this phenomenon:

  1. Lack of ovulation . Once or twice a year, every woman can experience an anovulatory cycle. That is, the egg does not mature, which means that she cannot become pregnant this month. In this case, the BT schedule will be almost uniform, without jumps, and menstrual flow is very scarce. If this happens constantly, you should definitely consult a doctor.
  2. Implant window . In the event of pregnancy 5-6 after ovulation, BBT decreases as a result of the attachment of the implantation egg to the uterine wall. This decline lasts no longer than 36 hours. If the pregnancy did not take place, the temperature will stay at around 37 and gradually decrease.
  3. In a small number of women the temperature during ovulation, contrary to the norms, may decrease.

Also, you need to understand that in the first phase of the cycle and immediately before the onset of menstruation, the basal temperature does not exceed 37 degrees.

What happens if pregnancy occurs at a low basal temperature?

If for successful conception it is necessary that the temperature be below 37 degrees, then for the further development of the embryo it is extremely necessary that its level be slightly higher. In almost all pregnant women in the first weeks after conception, it is kept at 37.

During ovulation, the basal temperature should be 37.1-37.3, a deviation from the norm by 0.8 degrees up or down is already an alarm. A low temperature indicates an insufficiency of the corpus luteum phase, which is responsible for the production of progesterone.

The corpus luteum is a temporary gland, thanks to which the embryo in the first weeks of pregnancy receives all the necessary substances to maintain life.

Accordingly, even if pregnancy occurs at a low temperature, the fetus will not be able to survive.

Causes of low BBT after ovulation:

  • implantation window.
  • Estrogen and progesterone deficiency.
  • The temperature measurement was taken incorrectly.
  • Alcohol, stress, jet lag.
  • individual norm.

The following signs may indicate a lack of progesterone in the blood:

  • Before menstruation, there is no decrease in BBT.
  • The second phase is too short, less than 10 days.

If the basal temperature has decreased after ovulation, it is necessary, firstly, to eliminate errors in measuring BBT, and then carefully study the graph. If it has deviations from the norm, you must first pass all the tests. If the results are within acceptable limits, then such a basal temperature refers to the individual characteristics of the body.


The method of measuring basal temperature is based on calculating the exact date of ovulation, during which a sharp increase in temperature occurs. However, in order to become pregnant, a woman needs to start not from the temperature itself, but from its dynamics throughout the entire cycle.

In most cases, you can get pregnant at a temperature of 36.2-36.9. But immediately after that, BT should definitely increase.

You need to understand that the basal temperature can be different for each woman, which means that this method of pregnancy planning is considered not very reliable. It is not necessary to judge by it about the onset of ovulation or pregnancy; for reliability, additional ultrasound monitoring should be carried out.

It is definitely not worth making any decisions on your own, based only on the basal temperature chart. Only a doctor can interpret the results of the graph.

The value of basal temperature in the early stages of pregnancy is of great diagnostic value. Measuring this indicator is especially important for those women who have previously faced the problem of miscarriage or miscarriage, or at the moment their pregnancy is at risk.

After the expiration, the basal temperature indicator loses its value.

Normally, the basal temperature during pregnancy should be 37.1-37.3º, sometimes it can rise to 38, but no more. Therefore, the basal temperature during pregnancy 36, 36.6 and up to 36.9 is not an indicator of the norm and should alert the woman.

A decrease in basal temperature during pregnancy may indicate a risk of abortion. If the basal temperature during pregnancy suddenly dropped, then in this case it is necessary to go for a consultation with a doctor, especially if the decrease in basal temperature during pregnancy is accompanied by pain, persistent or bloody discharge.

Reasons for a decrease in basal temperature

The basal temperature in a pregnant woman decreases if the body reduces the production of the hormone progesterone. To establish whether the hormones actually caused the drop in temperature, you need to perform a blood test. When the diagnosis is confirmed, the woman is prescribed appropriate medications containing progesterone.

A decrease in basal temperature is not a clear sign that a woman will have a miscarriage. Low basal temperature during pregnancy only indirectly indicates the possibility of abortion. The onset of a miscarriage is indicated only by bleeding and an increase in basal body temperature.

Pregnancy can also occur at a low basal temperature. If a woman feels well, the fetus develops normally, then you should not worry about low basal temperature values. Perhaps this is just an individual feature of the body.

One of the important indicators of the state of the body is body temperature. After pregnancy, temperature values ​​\u200b\u200bmay rise to 37.2 ºС. This is the norm. If the body temperature reaches 38 ºС and other symptoms are observed (cough, rhinitis, pain in the lower abdomen), a specialist consultation is necessary. Perhaps an increase in temperature indicators signals the development of an inflammatory process in the body and timely seeking medical help will avoid serious consequences.

During the period of bearing a child, the temperature values ​​\u200b\u200bmay decrease slightly. What does, for example, a temperature of 36 in pregnant women mean? Is medical intervention required in this case? Let's figure it out.

You should know that low body temperature can be an individual feature of the body, which a woman reveals only during pregnancy.

Therefore, a temperature of 36.5 during pregnancy may be the norm for a particular woman. There is no reason for concern in this case. However, it is still necessary to consult with your doctor, since a temperature of 36-36.9 during pregnancy can be a manifestation of the disease. Next, consider the most common causes of a decrease in temperature indicators during the period of bearing a child.

Pathologies of the endocrine system

If the temperature is 36.2 during pregnancy, this may indicate a dysfunction of the thyroid gland. One of the diseases of the endocrine system is hypothyroidism. This pathology develops due to iodine deficiency in the body and is accompanied by symptoms such as:

Hypothyroidism requires appropriate treatment, since in the absence of adequate therapy, involuntary termination of pregnancy is possible. Therefore, with a decrease in temperature values, it is necessary to visit your attending physician, who will conduct a thorough examination and, if necessary, give a referral to an endocrinologist.

Decreased immune system function

In order to maintain pregnancy under the influence of progesterone, the activity of the immune system is inhibited. In this regard, the body of a woman is more susceptible to the occurrence of colds and SARS.

As a result of the transferred infectious diseases, accompanied by an increase in temperature indicators, the body of a pregnant woman is depleted, the thermoregulation of the body is disturbed. As a result, a temperature of 36.4 can be observed during pregnancy. In such a situation, it is required to immediately contact a specialist to clarify the diagnosis and carry out the necessary therapeutic measures.

Lack of sex hormones

Low temperature during pregnancy (36.6 and below) may be due to a lack of sex hormones in a woman's body. In such a situation, there is a threat of miscarriage. It is the hormone progesterone that is responsible for the normal course of pregnancy - it prevents uterine contractions, which lead to detachment of the fetal egg. If, in addition to a decrease in temperature values, there are pains in the lower abdomen of a pulling nature, bloody discharge from the vagina, a pregnant woman needs emergency medical care. Treatment in this case is carried out with the use of drugs containing progesterone (Utrozhestan, Duphaston).


In the first trimester of pregnancy, many women suffer from toxicosis. With this violation, appetite decreases, nausea and vomiting often occur. As a result, the body of a pregnant woman may be deficient in essential nutrients. As a result, the general condition of the body worsens, temperature values ​​\u200b\u200bmay decrease. Other symptomatic manifestations of this pathology are:

  • tachycardia;
  • intense sweating;
  • slow blood circulation;
  • headache;
  • respiratory dysfunction.

After regular nutrition is established, body temperature returns to normal. If you cannot cope with the problem on your own, you should contact a specialist who will select the appropriate diet.

Improper nutrition can lead to the development of anemia. This pathology is also characterized by a decrease in temperature values.

In addition, this disease is manifested by increased weakness, tachycardia, dry mouth, deterioration in the condition of nails, hair, and skin. A decrease in hemoglobin interferes with the normal development of the fetus. A child can be born with iron deficiency and other pathologies.

Overwork of the body

A temperature of 36.7 during pregnancy may be the result of frequent emotional stress or lack of sleep. Excessive psychological or physical stress has a negative impact on the work of the whole organism. Overwork, in the absence of compensatory recovery, leads to exhaustion of the body, which can threaten the further course of pregnancy.

A low temperature during pregnancy (36.8 and below) does not always indicate a violation in the body of the expectant mother. If such a phenomenon is detected, you should consult with your doctor. The specialist will conduct a thorough medical examination, the results of which will confirm or deny the presence of pathology.

Timely implementation of adequate therapeutic measures will prevent the development of dangerous complications.

Most women, of course, dream of children. Therefore, pregnancy is long-awaited and desired for them. Many women, just assuming the onset of pregnancy, and not being completely sure of its onset, begin to use all kinds of "indicators" of pregnancy, from home tests to folk ones. Many believe that in order to determine pregnancy and its course, it is necessary to measure basal temperature regularly. And what can a basal temperature of 36.6 mean during pregnancy?

It is absent only during the period of implantation of the fetal egg into the body of the uterus. Then, when the pregnancy develops successfully, the amount of the hormone changes and the temperature drops.

Unfortunately, women obsessed with pregnancy forget that each is individual, and each pregnancy proceeds in its own way. Therefore, the measurement of basal temperature becomes just a mania and any deviation of the thermometer indicator from 37.2 degrees causes panic.

Don't panic when you go down! You just need to contact a competent doctor who will examine the woman, conduct the necessary examination. After all, very often many women do not know about the change in basal temperature at the beginning of pregnancy, do not measure it constantly and do not worry about its decrease. So, most likely, it is worth doing, but at the same time being regularly observed by your gynecologist.

There is nothing more difficult and at the same time easier than psychogenic infertility. Its reason is not at all that a woman cannot become pregnant due to improper functioning of the organs, and that she constantly thinks about a probable pregnancy.

If you think about when pregnancy most often occurs in women, you can observe the following pattern. Sexual intercourse is "productive" when a woman does not think about a potential child at all.

Therefore, in order to become pregnant, you simply need to simply give up thoughts about pregnancy.

As examples, we can consider several cases where women managed to achieve a result:

  • Registration for IVF. Waiting artificial takes 6 months, and the woman's thoughts about a likely child are frozen for this period.
  • Messages from doctors that pregnancy will never occur. As a result, the woman comes to terms with the thought, and stops thinking about the baby.
  • A long but ineffective treatment, during which the doctor suggests taking a short break. He invites the woman to visit some resort and in the process of rest she becomes pregnant.
  • child through artificial insemination. After the appearance of the first baby, few women will think about a new pregnancy.
  • Adoption of a baby. The reaction is similar to the previous option.

Thus, psychogenic infertility is treated, and you can do it without the help of a specialist, despite the difficulties. Take care of yourself and be healthy!

Elevated body temperature is always a cause for concern. When the thermometer mark creeps up, the expectant mother begins to seriously worry about the health of her baby. No less frightening is the temperature, which does not reach the norm. What does this mean? Are temperature fluctuations dangerous during pregnancy?

normal temperature

Maintaining a constant body temperature is a necessary condition for the normal functioning of the human body. A temperature of 36.6 ° C is considered the norm. Minor deviations in any direction are allowed. Body temperature in the range from 35.8 to 36.9 ° C indicates the successful course of all processes in the human body and does not require correction.

It is important to understand that everyone has their own body temperature. If a woman has always had a temperature in the range of 36.5 - 36.7 ° C, then its increase to 36.9 ° C will be a signal of malfunctions in the body. Regular temperature measurement will allow you to track the slightest changes and notice problems in time.

Body temperature is measured in the armpit or rectum. The latter option is more often used at the stage of pregnancy planning. By controlling the basal temperature (in the rectum), you can track hormonal changes in the body, determine ovulation or pregnancy at the earliest possible time. Indicators in the rectum will differ from the parameters in the armpit by 0.5-1 ° C.

Physiological hyperthermia

Pregnancy itself is a reason for a slight increase in body temperature. After the conception of a child, the production of progesterone, a hormone that ensures the normal course of all 40 weeks of gestation, increases. Progesterone prepares the endometrium for implantation, reduces the tone of the uterus, and also affects many parts of the metabolism. At the same time, progesterone is a pyrogen, a substance that raises body temperature. The impact of the main pregnancy hormone provokes an increase in body temperature to 37-37.4 ° C, as well as the occurrence of hot flashes and increased sweating, which is characteristic of all expectant mothers.

Criteria for physiological hyperthermia:

  • Body temperature does not rise above 37.5°C.
  • High body temperature persists only up to 14 weeks.
  • The general condition of the woman does not worsen. No chills, headache, dizziness, severe weakness.
  • An increase in body temperature is not accompanied by catarrhal symptoms (cough, runny nose, nasal congestion), pain in the abdomen, lumbar region, joints or other parts of the body.

Physiological hyperthermia persists until the end of the first trimester. An increase in body temperature after 14 weeks is a reason to see a doctor.

Pathological hyperthermia

During pregnancy, a natural decrease in immunity occurs, which provokes the development of a variety of diseases. The expectant mother is susceptible to viral infections, especially during the cold season and during epidemics of influenza and SARS. Chronic diseases are aggravated, new health problems are emerging. Any pathology can cause an increase in body temperature and other typical symptoms of general intoxication.

Possible causes of hyperthermia:


Influenza and other respiratory infections are one of the most common causes of fever. Symptoms of the disease do not have distinctive features:

  • general weakness, decreased performance;
  • headache;
  • chills;
  • nasal congestion;
  • runny nose (mucous or purulent);
  • sneezing
  • lacrimation;
  • sore throat;
  • sore throat;
  • cough (dry or wet).

Influenza is characterized by a significant increase in body temperature up to 39 ° C and above, the appearance of severe headaches against the background of minimal catarrhal phenomena. Conversely, ARVI is characterized by moderate fever with severe runny nose, sneezing, coughing. Lachrymation is noted in some viral infections, as well as in people prone to allergic reactions.

A viral infection that occurs during pregnancy poses a danger to the fetus:

  1. High body temperature increases the tone of the uterus and significantly increases the risk of miscarriage or premature birth.
  2. The possibility of infection of the fetus is not excluded.

The consequences for the fetus are largely determined by the duration of pregnancy. In the first trimester, an increase in body temperature against the background of a viral infection threatens with spontaneous miscarriage or regression of pregnancy. The danger is the temperature above 38°C. Up to this limit, the body successfully copes with fever without significant consequences for the course of pregnancy and fetal development.

In the second half of pregnancy, the risk of miscarriage decreases, but the development of placental insufficiency is not excluded. Against the background of a viral infection, the functioning of the placenta is disrupted. The delivery of oxygen and nutrients decreases, fetal hypoxia develops, and a delay in its development is noted. This condition can lead to premature birth. In childbirth at full term, the likelihood of having a low birth weight baby increases.

Physiological decrease in immunity during pregnancy increases the risk of complications:

  • otitis media - inflammation of the middle ear;
  • sinusitis - damage to the sinuses of the nose;
  • laryngitis - inflammation of the larynx;
  • bronchitis - damage to the bronchi;
  • pneumonia is an inflammation of the lungs.

SARS during pregnancy is dangerous not only for its complications. The disease creates an additional burden on the body of the expectant mother. Against the background of high body temperature, fainting and a significant deterioration in well-being are possible. Complications develop quite quickly, and it is not always possible to predict their occurrence in time. Treatment of influenza and SARS, accompanied by high body temperature, should take place only under medical supervision.

Diseases of the urinary system

Cystitis and pyelonephritis are common causes of high fever during pregnancy. Inflammation of the bladder usually makes itself felt even in the early stages, while the pathology of the kidneys worsens in the third trimester (with an increase in the load on the organs of the urinary system). Difficulty in the outflow of urine due to uterine pressure, an increase in BCC and blood passing through the kidneys - all this leads to the development of pyelonephritis.

Signs of cystitis:

  • pain over the bosom;
  • pain when urinating;
  • frequent urination;
  • false urge to go to the toilet.

Signs of pyelonephritis:

  • pain in the lumbar region, radiating to the thigh, inguinal region;
  • frequent and painful urination.

All these conditions occur against the background of high body temperature and are accompanied by a significant deterioration in the woman's condition. Urinary tract infections can lead to the following complications:

  • premature termination of pregnancy (spontaneous miscarriage or premature birth);
  • placental insufficiency;
  • fetal growth retardation, chronic hypoxia;
  • polyhydramnios.

The shorter the gestational age, the more serious the consequences for the fetus. Gestational pyelonephritis is also a provoking factor for the development of gestosis, a specific complication of pregnancy. Preeclampsia can cause premature birth and other equally dangerous conditions.

Acute abdomen

This term refers to damage to the abdominal organs with irritation of the peritoneum. The appearance of severe abdominal pain is noted, the localization of which will depend on the primary focus. Pain occurs against the background of high body temperature. Perhaps the appearance of vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, bloating. The tension of the muscles of the abdominal wall is characteristic, which clearly indicates a pathology in this area.

Possible reasons:

  • acute appendicitis;
  • acute cholecystitis;
  • acute pancreatitis;
  • perforated ulcer of the stomach or duodenum;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • trauma;
  • strangulated hernia;
  • torsion of an ovarian cyst;
  • ectopic pregnancy.

Treatment of any of these pathologies is carried out only in a hospital. Emergency surgery is possible at any stage of pregnancy. Delay can cost the life of a woman and her baby.

anxiety symptoms

Situations in which high body temperature is combined with the following symptoms deserve special attention:

  • strong persistent cough;
  • earache;
  • Strong headache;
  • photophobia, intolerance to sharp sounds;
  • skin rash;
  • joint pain;
  • pain in the abdomen (including over the bosom);
  • a sharp decrease in diuresis or a complete absence of urine;
  • incessant vomiting;
  • slowdown in fetal activity.

If any of these symptoms occur, you should immediately consult a doctor or call an ambulance.

Temperature reduction methods

Having found out the cause of the elevated body temperature, the doctor will select the optimal treatment regimen. After the restoration of body functions, the body temperature will also return to normal. Symptomatic treatment is prescribed only when the mark of 38.5 ° C is exceeded. It is not necessary to reduce the temperature to this limit. The body of a woman is able to independently cope with hyperthermia without any serious consequences.

The use of drugs during pregnancy is limited due to possible adverse effects on the fetus. With medication lowering the temperature, you should follow some rules:

  1. During pregnancy, drugs based on paracetamol and ibuprofen (NSAIDs) are allowed to be used. Aspirin is forbidden!
  2. All medicines can be taken only in consultation with the doctor.
  3. It is not recommended to drink NSAIDs in the I and III trimester.
  4. Reception of antipyretic drugs should be no more than 3 days.
  5. Do not exceed the dosage of the drug.
  6. The interval between taking the drug should be at least 4 hours.

With a body temperature not exceeding 39 ° C and relatively good health, you can try non-drug methods of exposure:

  1. Wiping the skin with cool water (alcohol can not be used!). Evaporation of moisture from the wet surface of the body enhances heat transfer and reduces body temperature.
  2. The use of a large amount of liquid (plain water, berry fruit drinks, natural juices, compotes, weak tea) removes toxins and relieves symptoms of intoxication.
  3. Reception of diaphoretic drinks (tea with mint, lemon, raspberry or raspberry jam, milk with honey, etc.).

If the high body temperature does not decrease within three days, it is necessary to consult a doctor.


A decrease in body temperature during pregnancy may be associated with such conditions:

  • endocrine pathology;
  • decrease in the general tone of the body, loss of strength;
  • malnutrition (including strict diets);
  • long stay in the cold;
  • internal bleeding;
  • taking certain medications (including overdose).

A decrease in body temperature to 35.7 ° C and below indicates serious problems in the body. In this condition, you need to see a doctor.

The decrease in basal temperature in pregnant women deserves special attention. Normally, after the conception of a child, the temperature rises and remains within 37 ° C until the end of the first trimester. A decrease in basal temperature earlier than this period may be a sign of one of the following conditions:

  • the threat of spontaneous miscarriage;
  • regressive pregnancy;
  • ectopic pregnancy.

You can clarify the diagnosis after examination by a doctor. A blood test for hCG and transvaginal ultrasound will eliminate a dangerous pathology.