A man loves he will leave the family. How to get a married man out of his family and build a strong relationship with him

Serious relationships with a married man, which become the love of a woman's life, are extremely rare. The struggle for such a relationship is fleeting, as it happens mutually: a truly loving man will not waste time in order to be next to the only and desired woman as soon as possible.

A completely different option arises when, seducing a man into a fleeting affair or an easy, non-binding affair, a woman suddenly begins to think: how to take a married man out of the family?

What is your motivation?

You have to understand that not every family man is ready to "take away" from a cozy family harbor, no matter what he tries to tell you. Only a fuzzy system of values \u200b\u200bcan move a man to this process, which will increase his personal self-esteem. Most men take advantage of the love triangle situation, which is a confirmation of their male exclusivity. They sacrificially "bathe" in family squabbles, tears, pangs of conscience caused by unrealized ambitions, not trying to break such a vicious circle.

For a woman, first of all, motivation should be identified: why does she seek to take away a married man, and not look for a free partner? The answers, according to research by psychologists, are often the result of female selfishness, which has nothing to do with love:

  • to become his beloved, the only one;
  • so that his time completely belongs to her;
  • financial issues and social status of men;
  • female revenge or desire to cruelly “annoy” his “soulmate”;
  • the spirit of competition: the desired victory in an argument, self-affirmation, increased self-esteem, and so on.

Fight for a man

A variety of methods of struggle are used, even not the most ethical ones: imaginary pregnancy, appeals to fortune-tellers and witches, talking with a "bitch" about their divorce ... Any woman before such an act needs to pause and think: what does this behavior have in common with true love ? Do you need such a dubious "trophy" for which "loyalty" and "loyalty" are empty words? After all, you will then have to run after him all your life so that he does not exchange you for another young "miracle".

Even your real pregnancy is not always a guarantee of a divorce from your ex-wife. Children who are brought up in his family cannot be exchanged for your baby's future.

Types of men

Thinking about how to take a married man away, you need to understand: what type does he belong to?

"Challenge Prize". She happily leaves the next hatched "nest" as soon as a suitable opportunity appears. For them, sophisticated "bitch" recommend several provocations: a little lipstick on the collar of a shirt, underwear in the glove compartment, calls at night and any kind of female blackmail. Get ready for the fact that he will bathe in your love for a very short time.

"Defender of the Fatherland" - usually "married for a long time and for a long time." Provocations in this case are meaningless, they rarely make contact, in any case, the adulterer immediately covers up the traces, and at the first attempt to "talk heart to heart" they disappear from the nets set up. Only long-term copying of his life with a higher level of comfort: cutlets, children, a glass, unprecedented sexual pleasures can somehow bring you closer to the desired goal. But his irresistible sense of responsibility will force you to harness into a difficult web of relationships with his children from the previous family, outstanding loans and other "charms" of his previous life.

"Married and very happy." Anything happens in any family. In a moment of weakness, a man may look for an "adventure on the side". An attempt to separate such a family man can only be undertaken by an inexperienced creature, without the instinct of self-preservation and often without brains. Such a man does not understand hints, and he will take your explanations for obsession and licentiousness. Waste of time on a “lucky man” is simply pointless, the only joy is that this male subspecies is very rare and can be recognized the first time, since he usually does not hide his status.

Secrets or "golden keys": how to take a married man away are as follows:

  1. Your dates shouldn't happen too often. They should be like a holiday.
  2. Sexual pleasure is what men usually lack in the family hearth. Your task is to turn love games into the art of super enjoyment.
  3. Linking it to yourself: not repairing your home, but small everyday life, reinstalling systems on a laptop will be your "lifesaver". His help, paradoxically, will tie a man to you.
  4. The less we love someone ... However, do not arrange long "ice ages", otherwise your relationship will turn from easy and unpredictable into nerve-racking.
  5. The way to the heart, as you know, in men lies through the filled organ - the stomach, but not only. Ears are the second "golden key" to the soul and heart of a loved one. Listen to him carefully at all times - this will help him feel smarter, more interesting, more experienced.
  6. Do not allow friendly, friendly relations. Forgiveness is a bad ally.
  7. Do not try to provoke your lover with jealousy and other negative emotions. In any case, while you are thinking how to take a married man away. Don't blackmail him by breaking up if you really don't want to. Be always desirable, positive, seductive for him.
  8. Having figured out the motivation for his betrayal to his ex-wife, do not “bother” with questions, but make him want to choose you for his future life.

Any woman should understand that even if she uses all these principles, adding to them a million spicy tips from friends and acquaintances, it still may not work. Situations, like people, are unpredictable. Find your only one, wait for the "gift of fate", and then the withdrawal of a married man will seem to you an unnecessary burden.

The love triangle, consisting of a man, a wife and a mistress, has long been the talk of the town. Should we blame a woman who fell in love with a captive male? The question, as they say, is an interesting one.

However, the options for the development of events are even more curious: leave everything as it is, abandon the "married man" or take him away from his legal wife. If you are leaning towards the latter method of solving the problem, then you will probably be interested in how to take a married man out of the family and keep him close to you.

So, you are “lucky” to create a relationship with a married man, and now all your thoughts are directed at transferring your status from a “mistress” to a life partner.

However, on the way to family happiness there is an obstacle in the form of a legal wife and a stamp in the passport. Is it possible to destroy someone else's marriage? Women in love confidently answer: "Yes."

However, to begin with, make a firm decision whether to do this at all. If you are still not sure, but are inclined to take someone else's guy out of the family, try to think about the following nuances:

  1. Reciprocity of desire. Only do you strive to beat off your lover or does he himself want to end those relationships and start new ones? Does the man really want to leave the family or is he just deceiving you, saying that everything is awful there? It is no secret that many "married" are satisfied with such a situation when a familiar wife is waiting at home, and a hot mistress in another apartment.
  2. Moral aspect. When it comes to personal happiness, many women are not up to sentimentality and moralization. Mistresses are ready to fight for the man with almost their fists. And yet, before you take away a married man, try to think at least a little about his child. First of all, it is he who will become the main victim of the collapsed family. Can you bear such a burden? In addition, suddenly the legal wife after the divorce will drink (there have been cases), and the man will be forced to take the children to him. Do you agree with this development of the situation?
  3. Seriousness of intentions. Be honest with yourself and decide if you really love your lover or do you just want to take revenge on your wife and prove to everyone that you are better? Frivolity of intentions can backfire with the fact that a new relationship will not satisfy you. After all, having got a man, you can get bored and go in search of a new "victim".
  4. Confidence in a lover. You can beat off a guy, but how to gain confidence that having betrayed one woman, he will not leave you? Did he tell you when you first met that he was married, or was the beginning of the relationship already overshadowed by deception? What if in the future he will meet a younger and prettier girl who also decides to find her family happiness on the ruins of another marriage? In general, it is important to be confident in your lover's feelings.

So, a lot of questions are spinning in the head of the decisive homeless woman, she is overcome with thoughts of how to beat her beloved from her wife. If all the bridges have been burned and the moral aspects have been discarded, let's talk about how to deal with a married man. Psychologist's advice is, in general, standard.

  1. Through the stomach. Of course, it is unlikely that he comes to you to eat delicious borscht. However, this method can be used if the wife offers him constant convenience foods or completely inedible snacks. To pamper your lover, you have to become a real chef.
  2. Lack of scandals. To force a man to be with you more often or to leave the family altogether, provide him with complete peace of mind, do not demand anything, try not to argue with him, do not bother him with unnecessary questions. Such advice is especially effective if an eternally dissatisfied spouse is waiting for him at home, who grumbles at him to nail a shelf, fix a toilet, etc.
  3. Minimum requirements. A woman on the side should be distinguished by the ability to be content with little. The lover needs to make it clear that you do not love him for mink coats, diamond earrings or expensive perfume. Convince him that it is he who is the greatest value to you. Of course, you shouldn't refuse gifts!
  4. Sincere joy. A woman in love will rejoice at every arrival of a lover, every minute spent next to him. Relationships will become stronger if the man realizes that you need him. Perhaps this is what will induce him to leave a family in which the legal spouse only imitates joy.
  5. The word "Yes". A mistress should not have a headache. In other words, a woman does not refuse sex when her lover proposes it, in addition, she often takes the initiative herself. This is necessary so that a man can safely prove his sexuality and realize his male instincts.
  6. Diverse sex. One of the reasons for the relationship on the side is the monotonous family sex life. The chances of repelling a man will increase significantly if the mistress improves the quality of intimate relationships. A woman needs to agree to various experiments in sex, especially those that are dismissed by her legal spouse.
  7. Interest in his affairs. Some mistresses take guys away with the help of a seemingly completely uncomplicated way - a sincere interest in his career and difficulties. If the wife can ignore the social life of the spouse, then the mistress should take this aspect into account. This will put you in a better position.

Psychologist's advice warns about undesirable methods. First of all, throw out of your head such an ambiguous method as lipstick on a shirt, long black hair on panties, or a few drops of perfume on a sweater. It is likely that you will still succeed in recapturing him. Only now he will leave, most likely not to you, the traitor, but in a completely different direction.

If your legal spouse knows about your existence, do not be like her, making scandals for your lover. Be sure to reassure and support him so that he sees in you a confident and non-hysterical woman who understands everything and does not pretend to anything.

However, there is also the opposite opinion, the supporters of which believe that you will not be able to beat off a man using the above methods.

He can just get used to living in two houses and never leave his wife. Therefore, provoke him to jealousy. Show that he can lose you with his hesitation. This should not be outright betrayal, but it is necessary to hint at the fans.

To increase your chances and strengthen your relationship, you can also use a hint in the form of a horoscope for your mistress. Study carefully the features of the zodiac sign of your chosen one and correct your tricks. So, how to conquer someone else's man ...


  1. Surround your lover with maximum care, more tender, emotional than the one he receives at home.
  2. Do not oppose extreme behavior and entertainment. Join some of his antics.
  3. Do not put pressure on the beloved, forcing him to make a choice: "I or she." He himself will decide when to go to you.


  1. Become the ideal to take away Aquarius from your lawful spouse.
  2. Amaze him with your culinary possibilities. He loves to have a delicious dinner.
  3. For Aquarius, the sex side of life is important, so don't give up on experimentation.


  1. Become a real angel for him, unlike a not always happy wife.
  2. Love him sincerely, constantly showing and telling that you will wait and love him always.
  3. Praise and express gratitude to your lover for every little thing.
  1. Do not just accept his many shortcomings, but also love him so imperfect.
  2. Protect from all sorts of routine activities and hassle. Let him only encounter this at home.
  3. To fight off Pisces, be sure to listen to everything he talks about, follow his advice and recommendations.


  1. Cancer is difficult to "steal" from the family, because it is necessary to be careful in relationships and communication. Avoid barbs and sarcastic derision.
  2. Subtly feel every emotion and desire of Cancer, surrendering to him completely, including in sex.
  3. Cancer needs to be pampered with its appearance. Show that you are saving your figure for his sake.


  1. See life the same way. Sharing his opinions and views will only add extra points to you.
  2. Be positive by giving Sagittarius smiles and a positive mood. Always meet him with sincere joy.
  3. To prevent your lover from running back, do not complain about the relationship and the current situation.


  1. There is no need to blame Taurus for being overly attached to his wife or being busy with a career. Workaholism is the hallmark of Taurus.
  2. Constantly caress your lover, avoiding rudeness towards someone else's, but such a dear Taurus.
  3. Do not forget to flirt with him, but remember about the man's jealousy.


  1. Show only sophisticated manners. Only a real queen can fight off a lion.
  2. Show that the relationship can be selfless, so do not ask Leo for constant gifts, let him give it himself.
  3. Say that you dream of a family and children. Just do it discreetly.


  1. You can only charm a Virgo with complete disinterestedness. Let him think that the mistress belongs only to him.
  2. Do not hold a grudge against Virgo. He will simply declare that you can be offended as much as you like.
  3. To recapture Virgo from your wife, you need to make your appearance simply brilliant.


  1. Libra psychology is characterized by constant changes in mood. Be prepared for these kinds of changes.
  2. Refer to him by name, trying to avoid all sorts of "sweethearts".
  3. Dress in such a way that he only dreamed of undressing you, tearing everything off your body.


  1. You cannot criticize and scold Scorpio. However, he likes to sarcastically and offend, apologizing later after his behavior.
  2. Be sure to praise a married Scorpio, showing your admiration for his merits (any, including physiological).
  3. If possible, fulfill all the requests of Scorpio (naturally, within reason).


  1. No need to take offense at Gemini for inattention and lack of focus. Find out his good qualities.
  2. He is an owner, so he requires a lot of time.
  3. Try to fulfill all his desires, especially if he lacks such behavior in the family.

Magic to help

Some mistresses fall in love with their "married couple" so much that they turn to love spell magic. A special conspiracy will help repel a man and tie him to yourself, but it is extremely difficult for a layman to do such a ritual correctly.

Weigh all the risks, think about the moral side, if you are not stopped even by God's punishment (there is such an opinion), then proceed to implement your plans. Before carrying out the conspiracy, determine what kind of relationship binds the lover and his wife. If the connection is strong, then additional cuffs and cooling will be needed. If there are constant quarrels in the marriage, then it will be much easier to beat off the guy.

To implement this conspiracy, you need to prepare the following components in advance:

The conspiracy must be done as follows. Scratch your name and your man's name on the candle with a needle. Then grease it with jasmine oil, put it in a candlestick and say the following words: “Both names and destinies are intertwined. Water, earth, fire united, determined by deed, and were crowned with heaven. We will be together forever. "

Wait for the candle to burn out completely. Collect the remaining droplets of wax and roll your hair or nails in them, place everything in a pot filled with earth. At the end of the ritual, plant a flower in it.

Repeat the magic words each time you water. This conspiracy will intensify as the flower grows. After a while, you will feel that the feelings between you and your lover will only grow stronger.

Conspiracy number 2. Amulet

This conspiracy will help repel the man, tie him to yourself and enhance the sexual energy between you.

To do the ritual correctly, cut two small circles out of plain paper and the third out of foil. Write your and men's names and dates of birth on paper mugs and place a foil mold between them.

Make a hole in the workpiece with a gypsy needle. Thread a woolen red thread into it, and tie a few knots at its end.

In this case, it is necessary to pronounce the following text: "I connect destinies and life, souls and bodies, thoughts and hearts."

To make this conspiracy and tie a lover to you, you need a few "married" hair. Make a fire in your yard or in a fireproof pot in your home.

Take 5 of your hairs and 3 hairs of a man, hold it in the palm of your hand for 5 minutes, while imagining a happy family life. Then throw them into the fire and say imperiously: "Crowned with fire, not debunked by anything!"

Hold your gaze briefly on the fire and mentally thank him for his help.

Then toss some dry grass into it as payment. The conspiracy will be over when the flame goes out completely on its own.

To take a man out of the family, you need a lot of endurance and patience. However, even if you follow all the advice of a psychologist, follow the recommendations described above, this does not mean that personal happiness is guaranteed to you. Perhaps your chosen one is good only as a lover, but not as a husband.

To beat off someone else's man or not, it's up to you to decide, because you can't order your heart!

19 March 2018

Mistress. In society, very unflattering epithets are molded to this word, along with night butterflies. Lovers are despised by women, lovers of fleeting relationships speak of them with disdain, grandmothers spit in their backs on benches. But what if you let a family man into your heart? Do you really have to give up your desires, or endure the ridicule of moralists? Or is there another way out?

It is not easy to be in the status of a mistress. I would like to finally stop hiding, legalize relations and get the right to call Him truly my own. But how can you take a married man out of the family, and is the result worth the effort?

Do I need to continue the relationship with the married

So you want Him, but family becomes a serious obstacle. In this case, first of all, you need to figure out whether you really need Him. Answer the questions below.

  1. Why did you choose Him? What drives you: feelings, the desire to prove something to someone, the fear of loneliness? Or maybe you want to take revenge on his wife? Or to all men in the person of an imaginary lover? If a guy is just a goal for you, then his presence will soon begin to annoy you. You will want to find a new target, or true love.
  2. Are you looking for easy ways? After 30 men are divided into free, hardened bachelors, divorced and married. The former are considered by many girls to be “defective”, otherwise the handsome man would have already been ringed. The latter are used to living for their own pleasure, and it will be difficult to convince the macho. Still others are more careful in choosing a partner, and the possible reasons for divorce are alarming. And the ring on the ring finger is a sign of quality. It means that someone needs Him.
  3. Does your friend want the same? Is his marriage really falling apart? Or did the guy just decide to take a walk on the side? He can talk for hours about the troubles of his marriage, and about the terrible relationship with his wife. And at home to be an exemplary family man, a loving husband, a father of a family. You need to understand that He can lie not only to his wife, but also to you.
  4. Are you ready for the consequences? Parents and friends of a loved one may oppose his departure from the family. In this case, it remains to be hoped that they will come to terms with what happened before your sweetheart succumbs to their admonitions. Otherwise, your personal life will turn into hell, the gap will be inevitable.
  5. Can you receive His children? Having beaten off your husband from your legal wife, you will not take him away from the heirs. He will communicate with his children, take care of them and support them. Your beloved will be pleased if you become not a stepmother for your stepsons, but a good friend.
  6. Does He really love you? Or are you just a hobby for Him, a way to escape from the gray routine, a desire to get away from responsibility and problems? There is a risk that soon He will want to return to his ex-wife, or meet a new passion, younger and more interesting than you. Is it worth taking a married man away if after a while you can repeat the fate of your previous wife?

It doesn't matter what drives you: passion, desire for material security, the possible status of a married woman - decisive action will be needed to achieve the result. By itself, the lover will not leave the family, you will have to try hard. You must show that he is better than his wife, that he will be happier with you. Here's what you need to do for this.

  • Listen carefully to his complaints about his spouse. Even casually dropped dissatisfaction will help you understand in which direction you need to move.
  • Cook delicious. Yes, He does not come to you for borscht and cutlets, but His stomach should not be empty either. Let him know that he will always be well fed with you. This will especially work for someone who does not have a hot dinner at home.
  • Not a scandal. Hide your claims, whims and sharp claws, this is not the time to show them. Give your chosen one emotional calmness. Don't repeat the mistakes of a grumpy wife. Resolve arising disputes calmly, yield to Him in everything.
  • Don't ask for much. Learn to be content with little. Express your sincere delight from every little thing presented, let it be one flower or a chocolate bar. Begging for expensive things is not worth it, commercialism is not the best feature in the eyes of the stronger sex.
  • Be happy. Other ways to take a married man away won't work if he doesn't feel like your hero. Most likely, he ran away from the eternal discontent of his wife. Grunting, reproaches do not contribute to the rapprochement of two people.
  • 100% ready for sex. No “headache”, “I don’t want today”, “let's just sit” and other refusals. The guy was originally looking for sex on the side. If you deprive Him of the foundation of your relationship, then everything will collapse like a house of cards. Don't fake an orgasm, men feel false.
  • Experiment. Monotony in bed will lead to boredom, and to the search for an explosion of emotions in the other partner. If you want a relationship "once and for all", do not forget to pleasantly surprise your chosen one. Beautiful underwear, interesting images, games and toys for adults, new poses will come to the rescue.
  • Take an interest in His life. Hobbies, things at work, relationships with friends - every detail should be important. You need to know what your beloved dreams about, what worries Him, what He strives for. Just don't turn into a vest for a little boy, mommy syndrome has divorced thousands of couples in love.
  • Don't make you jealous. Flirting with other representatives of the stronger sex can backfire - the complete return of the prodigal spouse to the family. The most that can be done is to hint at the presence of fans.

How to take representatives of different zodiac signs away

Astrology and psychology will tell you how to take a married man out of the family. One has only to deal with the characteristics of the representatives of each Constellation.


They do not tolerate routine. Household chores tire them. Do not ask for help in everyday life, agree with the opinion of a friend, follow His advice, and the Pisces guy will choose you. Be sure to show that you value your loved one the way nature created him.


You should be more passionate, gentle, affectionate and sensual than your spouse. An active macho loves extreme and emotionality, tune in to His wave. Take part in all the crazy ideas, whether it's skydiving or shark diving. And do not rush things, Aries does not like pressure from the outside.


A workaholic and a homebody can be lured only if his wife nags him for his excessive love of work and sitting on the couch watching the TV. Let Him be lazy at home, kiss and caress more, and in no case let go of taunts against Taurus.


This zodiac jealous person is the owner in everything, especially in relationships. Belong to him completely, do not ignore, do not avoid meetings. Remember that the desire of Gemini is a law that must be followed with a happy smile on your face.


He plays the role of a decent family man until the last act. For the play to end in your favor, always be beautiful. Cancer needs to know that you are trying to be attractive to Him. Figure, hair, makeup, clothes - everything is done in order to please a loved one. Proceed with caution, as the slightest mistake can tear you apart forever.

a lion

Here you will have to try hard. If He is married to a Lioness, then it is unlikely that something will work out. After all, you need to surpass your spouse in beauty, elegance, sophistication and intelligence, and these women know how to present themselves. In other cases, focus on the disinterestedness of your intentions, hinting at the seriousness of your views.

Say that you dream of children, of love until old age, to die in one day. But do not be intrusive, otherwise your dreams will evaporate with Leo.


Do not give reasons for jealousy. It is important for a Virgo man to know that a woman belongs entirely to him. Your appearance matters, modesty will not be superfluous either. Show that you agree with any of His decisions, that He is the only authority for you. And do not be offended by strange antics, inattention, or actions that are unacceptable to you. He will not apologize, but will say that this is His nature. Accept the inevitable and show respect.


No diminutive nicknames, Libra does not like this. He is not "the sun", but Ivan, Victor, Peter - better call your lover by name. He will have seven Fridays a week, frequent mood swings. Learn to calmly react to the rapid change of heat and cold, then He will be yours. Also, do not forget to seduce your loved one with your appearance, passion means a lot to Libra.


The king and God, demanding obedience and frequent praise - such is the representative of this zodiacal symbol in love. Admire your partner's good looks and qualities. He does not accept criticism, but he himself loves to be sarcastic. Insults are followed by apologies, take them with dignity and love.


Commonality of views is important to him. Share His interests and hobbies, then you will have a chance of success. This approach will be especially effective if the wife opposes her husband's hobbies and does not take part in them. Do not forget about a sincere smile, and never complain about your relationship. Sagittarius will not improve, and communication between you may stop.


Sweetheart, gentle, kind, loving, sincere, faithful - this is the ideal woman for the January sign. If you are fortunate enough to enter the circle of Capricorn's confidants, do not lose His favor. The slightest deception can become a stumbling block for your dreams.


A deliciously full stomach will become your additional plus in the fight against your legal wife. This is the case when a lover comes to a sweetheart not only for sex. Culinary delights attract a food lover no less than an active tigress in bed. Pay enough attention to both aspects of life and you will be on the right track.

In order not to repeat the fate of His wife

The tips above on how to get a married man out of the family may not work. A crisis in a relationship with a spouse can be temporary, even if the lover swears his coldness towards her. Often ringed guys lie in order to achieve the main thing from a passion: a rest from the family routine.

But they are not going to file for divorce, because everything is going quite well in the family. For the most part, a mistress is a temporary toy, albeit for several years. And even having beaten him off from his wife with the help of all sorts of tricks, you will not become happy. You will live in eternal fear that history will repeat itself with you. After all, the one who managed to betray one will not be a reliable partner to the other. Think, why do you need this?

I'll tell you my story. By the end of the university, I already had my favorite job. There I met a man 10 years older than myself. I immediately drew attention to him. He is on me. Rather jokingly at first. Text messages, chats, conversations in the smoking room (he smoked). He was married, a child. In the family he often had quarrels, at work, too, not everything was as desirable. The jokes quickly turned into treason. It seemed to me that everything would be different with us. I will be a good wife, we work together. For me, everything always worked out and worked, which means that together we will succeed. And I certainly won't be like his wife. In the meantime, whiled away the time as best she could (at work, in her social circle), waiting for SMS or calls from him. I already felt that something was changing in my psychology. It is as if you were hidden in a dark bag and carried with you, and you seem to accept this secret and terribly insulting fate. I made an effort to get him out of the family. It seemed that many were getting divorced, many were leaving, no big deal, they were living on. I remember a friend talking about a relative who took her husband away from the family, and after 10 years with her, he returned to his wife. I thought that this would definitely not happen to me. All the secret becomes apparent. He left his wife, we began to live together. I remember everything. I remember how I cried that I could not see my son. I didn't really understand what kind of hell he was going through. It turned out to be hell for me too. For many years. I tried as best I could, but nothing was sticking. Quarrels, resentments. I didn't know how to get out. No matter how hard I tried, I wasn't good enough. I moved out of the apartment, but the relationship continued. Almost 8 years of life. Self-confidence shattered. All the luck at work was scattered. I began to hurt. The first problems are in the female part. Then the back, then the cancer center. I lost my job. It turned out that with my experience and specialty, it is almost impossible to find something similar. Girls, we are strangers, but this is my story and it is real. Perhaps you have not gone that far. Do not distort your life. It happens quickly and you are not aware of what you are doing to yourself and others. Falling in love is easy, finding flaws in someone else's family is easy. Getting confused in all this is even easier. To disentangle all this is incredibly difficult. I remember the words of my brother, when I told with resentment how bad everything in life was, - “Is it good to take someone else's husband away?” When then the brains fall into place, all this wants to be cut out of memory like a bad dream. My father has an illegitimate son, I remember how horrible it was for my family. But why, having experienced all this on my own skin, did I get into this same ******? She twisted her insides (anyone who has gone through such a relationship knows how painful they are), brought a lot of pain to other people, broke her family. Thank God, we did not have children together - the pain could have been even greater. If you are wondering how to take your husband away, the only answer is NO. If you are a believer, then you understand that this is a terrible sin with all the consequences. If you adhere to other views - from all points of view, this is a swamp and mud and there is no happiness in it and there will not be any. Do not look at supposedly successful examples of other people's couples from broken families. You probably know yourself that after the start of such a relationship, everything in your life got worse. Stay away from it all. There are many books on how to save yourself, how to get out of such a relationship. The psychology of "beloved women" (how many times have I heard - you are not my mistress) is changing very much, it never hurts to look at it from the outside. What seems like love can turn out to be pity, fantasies and their own complexes, coming from childhood. It is bitter to realize, but if everything is in order with your self-esteem and you want real happiness, you will not look for all this in the everyday life of your mistress. The book on Marilyn Monroe syndrome was helpful for me. There is common sense and a sense of self-preservation after all. There are churches, beloved saints (Xenia of Petersburg, Matrona of Moscow). All this knocks out the crap and helps to withstand when you break these ties. There are relatives who will always support. Don't waste your life on dirt. It's not easy for me to go back to those years, but let as few girls as possible go this way.

At first, a non-binding relationship, smoothly turns into a love affair. And already the mistress does not want to put up with a secondary role. She claims to be a wife. She has a thought: "How to take a beloved man away from his legal wife?"

A man in front of a posed rib the question: "When?" Gets additional stress. Intimate life outside the family, constantly requires tension. But a man often does not think that his mistress will want to take first place in his life. Not every man makes a decision - to leave the family. More often he stops his campaigns to the left, even if he loves this woman very much.

Will a woman be able to take a married man away or not? How do some people do it, while others do not? It all depends on the love triangle itself, on the behavior of two women - a wife and a mistress.

Before you take your husband away from his wife, think about how serious your decision is and what feelings do you try to this person? Can you make him happy? Or, having destroyed his family, and leave him yourself? What reasons arise and why do women take other people's husbands away?

Why do women take married men away?

  • not satisfied with the second role;
  • full cash support;
  • revenge on his wife;
  • self-affirmation;
  • dispute that he can divorce him from his wife.

If you want to take him away in order to become the only one, then where is the guarantee that tomorrow he will not cheat on you? Think what kind of life it will be? You will constantly harass yourself: where did he stay, or maybe he is with his ex-wife? If you nevertheless decided that you need it, then we study the following material

Why do you think men cheat on their wives? They are looking for a woman of the opposite character on the side. They are looking outside for what they are deprived of, what their wife does not give them. This is often due to denial of intimacy. The wife refers to fatigue, headache. At first, the husband sympathizes, and then goes to the one who does not have a headache.

Often the husband is not satisfied that a cheerful and flirtatious girl has turned into a boring and grumpy aunt. And having met on the side a woman who resembles his wife in his youth, he will be happy to be carried away by her. And perhaps she will easily take him away from the family.

Sometimes the husband wants his wife to be capricious as before. Pamper her, and she will not understand what he needs.

You can take a man out of the family if you have a different character, the complete opposite. If you can fill the gap that he lacks in the family. There are behaviors with which you can lead a husband away from his wife.

How to behave?

  1. Meetings should be rare, so as not to get bored. It should be a holiday. And frequent holidays quickly turn into everyday life and become a habit.
  2. Sex with you should be aerobatics.
  3. In order for a man to decide to leave the family, he must get used to you, and cannot live without you.
  4. Try to keep the man at a distance until a certain moment. But not too long.
  5. Amaze a man not only with your culinary skills, but also with your ability to listen to him. Praise more often, say how smart and good you are.
  6. A man should not consider your relationship as friendly.
  7. Do not provoke him to jealousy, do not make scandals, do not say that you do not need him. Your task is to be the most beloved and desired, and not vice versa. How to attract the attention of a manread here.
  8. You must know why the man is with you. Why does he not remain faithful to his wife, what is the reason for the betrayal? Not every man will open up to you. Try to stay the way he likes you.

There are many different factors of cheating. But everyone has their own character. One man is more determined and can break up an old family in order to create a new family. Others will walk their whole lives, living with a bored woman for the sake of children or acquired property.

If you failed to take a married man away, don't worry too much. This means that it was not love, but a release of temporary tension. If there are no feelings, there can be no normal family.